/* * ESPRSSIF MIT License * * Copyright (c) 2015 * * Permission is hereby granted for use on ESPRESSIF SYSTEMS ESP8266 only, in which case, * it is free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated * documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished * to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or * substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR * COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER * IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * */ #ifndef __ESPCONN_H__ #define __ESPCONN_H__ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif typedef sint8 err_t; typedef void *espconn_handle; /** \defgroup Espconn_APIs Network Espconn APIs * @brief Network espconn APIs * */ /** @addtogroup Espconn_APIs * @{ */ /** * @brief Connect callback. * * Callback which will be called if successful listening (ESP8266 as TCP server) * or connection (ESP8266 as TCP client) callback, register by espconn_regist_connectcb. * * @attention The pointer "void *arg" may be different in different callbacks, please don't * use this pointer directly to distinguish one from another in multiple connections, * use remote_ip and remote_port in espconn instead. * * @param void *arg : pointer corresponding structure espconn. * * @return null */ typedef void (* espconn_connect_callback)(void *arg); /** * @brief Reconnect callback. * * Enter this callback when error occurred, TCP connection broke. This callback is * registered by espconn_regist_reconcb. * * @attention The pointer "void *arg" may be different in different callbacks, please don't * use this pointer directly to distinguish one from another in multiple connections, * use remote_ip and remote_port in espconn instead. * * @param void *arg : pointer corresponding structure espconn. * @param sint8 err : error code * - ESCONN_TIMEOUT - Timeout * - ESPCONN_ABRT - TCP connection aborted * - ESPCONN_RST - TCP connection abort * - ESPCONN_CLSD - TCP connection closed * - ESPCONN_CONN - TCP connection * - ESPCONN_HANDSHAKE - TCP SSL handshake fail * - ESPCONN_PROTO_MSG - SSL application invalid * * @return null */ typedef void (* espconn_reconnect_callback)(void *arg, sint8 err); /* Definitions for error constants. */ #define ESPCONN_OK 0 /**< No error, everything OK. */ #define ESPCONN_MEM -1 /**< Out of memory. */ #define ESPCONN_TIMEOUT -3 /**< Timeout. */ #define ESPCONN_RTE -4 /**< Routing problem. */ #define ESPCONN_INPROGRESS -5 /**< Operation in progress. */ #define ESPCONN_MAXNUM -7 /**< Total number exceeds the maximum limitation. */ #define ESPCONN_ABRT -8 /**< Connection aborted. */ #define ESPCONN_RST -9 /**< Connection reset. */ #define ESPCONN_CLSD -10 /**< Connection closed. */ #define ESPCONN_CONN -11 /**< Not connected. */ #define ESPCONN_ARG -12 /**< Illegal argument. */ #define ESPCONN_IF -14 /**< UDP send error. */ #define ESPCONN_ISCONN -15 /**< Already connected. */ /** Protocol family and type of the espconn */ enum espconn_type { ESPCONN_INVALID = 0, /**< invalid type */ ESPCONN_TCP = 0x10, /**< TCP */ ESPCONN_UDP = 0x20, /**< UDP */ }; /** Current state of the espconn. */ enum espconn_state { ESPCONN_NONE, /**< idle state, no connection */ ESPCONN_WAIT, /**< ESP8266 is as TCP client, and waiting for connection */ ESPCONN_LISTEN, /**< ESP8266 is as TCP server, and waiting for connection */ ESPCONN_CONNECT, /**< connected */ ESPCONN_WRITE, /**< sending data */ ESPCONN_READ, /**< receiving data */ ESPCONN_CLOSE /**< connection closed */ }; typedef struct _esp_tcp { int remote_port; /**< remote port of TCP connection */ int local_port; /**< ESP8266's local port of TCP connection */ uint8 local_ip[4]; /**< local IP of ESP8266 */ uint8 remote_ip[4]; /**< remote IP of TCP connection */ espconn_connect_callback connect_callback; /**< connected callback */ espconn_reconnect_callback reconnect_callback; /**< as error handler, the TCP connection broke unexpectedly */ espconn_connect_callback disconnect_callback; /**< disconnected callback */ espconn_connect_callback write_finish_fn; /**< data send by espconn_send has wrote into buffer waiting for sending, or has sent successfully */ } esp_tcp; typedef struct _esp_udp { int remote_port; /**< remote port of UDP transmission */ int local_port; /**< ESP8266's local port for UDP transmission */ uint8 local_ip[4]; /**< local IP of ESP8266 */ uint8 remote_ip[4]; /**< remote IP of UDP transmission */ } esp_udp; typedef struct _remot_info { enum espconn_state state; /**< state of espconn */ int remote_port; /**< remote port */ uint8 remote_ip[4]; /**< remote IP address */ } remot_info; /** A callback prototype to inform about events for a espconn */ typedef void (* espconn_recv_callback)(void *arg, char *pdata, unsigned short len); typedef void (* espconn_sent_callback)(void *arg); /** A espconn descriptor */ struct espconn { enum espconn_type type; /**< type of the espconn (TCP or UDP) */ enum espconn_state state; /**< current state of the espconn */ union { esp_tcp *tcp; esp_udp *udp; } proto; espconn_recv_callback recv_callback; /**< data received callback */ espconn_sent_callback sent_callback; /**< data sent callback */ uint8 link_cnt; /**< link count */ void *reserve; /**< reserved for user data */ }; enum espconn_option { ESPCONN_START = 0x00, /**< no option, start enum. */ ESPCONN_REUSEADDR = 0x01, /**< free memory after TCP disconnection happen, need not wait 2 minutes. */ ESPCONN_NODELAY = 0x02, /**< disable nagle algorithm during TCP data transmission, quicken the data transmission. */ ESPCONN_COPY = 0x04, /**< enable espconn_regist_write_finish, enter write_finish_callback means that the data espconn_send sending was written into 2920 bytes write-buffer waiting for sending or already sent. */ ESPCONN_KEEPALIVE = 0x08, /**< enable TCP keep alive. */ ESPCONN_END /**< no option, end enum. */ }; enum espconn_level { ESPCONN_KEEPIDLE, /**< TCP keep-alive interval, unit : second. */ ESPCONN_KEEPINTVL, /**< packet interval during TCP keep-alive, unit : second. */ ESPCONN_KEEPCNT /**< maximum packet retry count of TCP keep-alive. */ }; enum { ESPCONN_IDLE = 0, ESPCONN_CLIENT, ESPCONN_SERVER, ESPCONN_BOTH, ESPCONN_MAX }; /** * @brief espconn initialization. * * @attention Please call this API in user_init, if you need to use espconn functions. * * @param null * * @return null */ void espconn_init(void); /** * @brief Connect to a TCP server (ESP8266 acting as TCP client). * * @attention If espconn_connect fail, returns non-0 value, there is no connection, so it * won't enter any espconn callback. * * @param struct espconn *espconn : the network connection structure, the espconn to * listen to the connection * * @return 0 : succeed * @return Non-0 : error code * - ESPCONN_RTE - Routing Problem * - ESPCONN_MEM - Out of memory * - ESPCONN_ISCONN - Already connected * - ESPCONN_ARG - illegal argument, can't find the corresponding TCP connection * according to structure espconn */ sint8 espconn_connect(struct espconn *espconn); /** * @brief Disconnect a TCP connection. * * @attention Don't call this API in any espconn callback. If needed, please use system * task to trigger espconn_disconnect. * * @param struct espconn *espconn : the network connection structure * * @return 0 : succeed * @return Non-0 : error code * - ESPCONN_ARG - illegal argument, can't find the corresponding TCP connection * according to structure espconn */ sint8 espconn_disconnect(struct espconn *espconn); /** * @brief Delete a transmission. * * @attention Corresponding creation API : * - TCP: espconn_accept, * - UDP: espconn_create * * @param struct espconn *espconn : the network connection structure * * @return 0 : succeed * @return Non-0 : error code * - ESPCONN_ARG - illegal argument, can't find the corresponding network according * to structure espconn * - ESPCONN_INPROGRESS - the connection is still in progress, please call espconn_disconnect * to disconnect before delete it. */ sint8 espconn_delete(struct espconn *espconn); /** * @brief Creates a TCP server (i.e. accepts connections). * * @param struct espconn *espconn : the network connection structure * * @return 0 : succeed * @return Non-0 : error code * - ESPCONN_MEM - Out of memory * - ESPCONN_ISCONN - Already connected * - ESPCONN_ARG - illegal argument, can't find the corresponding TCP connection * according to structure espconn */ sint8 espconn_accept(struct espconn *espconn); /** * @brief Create UDP transmission. * * @attention Parameter remote_ip and remote_port need to be set, do not set to be 0. * * @param struct espconn *espconn : the UDP control block structure * * @return 0 : succeed * @return Non-0 : error code * - ESPCONN_MEM - Out of memory * - ESPCONN_ISCONN - Already connected * - ESPCONN_ARG - illegal argument, can't find the corresponding UDP transmission * according to structure espconn */ sint8 espconn_create(struct espconn *espconn); /** * @brief Get maximum number of how many TCP connections are allowed. * * @param null * * @return Maximum number of how many TCP connections are allowed. */ uint8 espconn_tcp_get_max_con(void); /** * @brief Set the maximum number of how many TCP connection is allowed. * * @param uint8 num : Maximum number of how many TCP connection is allowed. * * @return 0 : succeed * @return Non-0 : error code * - ESPCONN_ARG - illegal argument, can't find the corresponding TCP connection * according to structure espconn */ sint8 espconn_tcp_set_max_con(uint8 num); /** * @brief Get the maximum number of TCP clients which are allowed to connect to ESP8266 TCP server. * * @param struct espconn *espconn : the TCP server structure * * @return 0 : succeed * @return Non-0 : error code * - ESPCONN_ARG - illegal argument, can't find the corresponding TCP connection according * to structure espconn */ sint8 espconn_tcp_get_max_con_allow(struct espconn *espconn); /** * @brief Set the maximum number of TCP clients allowed to connect to ESP8266 TCP server. * * @param struct espconn *espconn : the TCP server structure * @param uint8 num : Maximum number of TCP clients which are allowed * * @return 0 : succeed * @return Non-0 : error code * - ESPCONN_ARG - illegal argument, can't find the corresponding TCP connection according * to structure espconn */ sint8 espconn_tcp_set_max_con_allow(struct espconn *espconn, uint8 num); /** * @brief Register timeout interval of ESP8266 TCP server. * * @attention 1. If timeout is set to 0, timeout will be disable and ESP8266 TCP server will * not disconnect TCP clients has stopped communication. This usage of timeout=0, * is deprecated. * @attention 2. This timeout interval is not very precise, only as reference. * * @param struct espconn *espconn : the TCP connection structure * @param uint32 interval : timeout interval, unit: second, maximum: 7200 seconds * @param uint8 type_flag : 0, set for all connections; 1, set for a specific connection * - If the type_flag set to be 0, please call this API after espconn_accept, before listened * a TCP connection. * - If the type_flag set to be 1, the first parameter *espconn is the specific connection. * * @return 0 : succeed * @return Non-0 : error code * - ESPCONN_ARG - illegal argument, can't find the corresponding TCP connection according * to structure espconn */ sint8 espconn_regist_time(struct espconn *espconn, uint32 interval, uint8 type_flag); /** * @brief Get the information about a TCP connection or UDP transmission. * * @param struct espconn *espconn : the network connection structure * @param remot_info **pcon_info : connect to client info * @param uint8 typeflags : 0, regular server; 1, ssl server * * @return 0 : succeed * @return Non-0 : error code * - ESPCONN_ARG - illegal argument, can't find the corresponding transmission according to * structure espconn */ sint8 espconn_get_connection_info(struct espconn *pespconn, remot_info **pcon_info, uint8 typeflags); /** * @brief Register data sent callback which will be called back when data are successfully sent. * * @param struct espconn *espconn : the network connection structure * @param espconn_sent_callback sent_cb : registered callback function which will be called if * the data is successfully sent * * @return 0 : succeed * @return Non-0 : error code * - ESPCONN_ARG - illegal argument, can't find the corresponding transmission according * to structure espconn */ sint8 espconn_regist_sentcb(struct espconn *espconn, espconn_sent_callback sent_cb); /** * @brief Register a callback which will be called when all sending TCP data is completely * write into write-buffer or sent. * * Need to call espconn_set_opt to enable write-buffer first. * * @attention 1. write-buffer is used to keep TCP data that waiting to be sent, queue number * of the write-buffer is 8 which means that it can keep 8 packets at most. * The size of write-buffer is 2920 bytes. * @attention 2. Users can enable it by using espconn_set_opt. * @attention 3. Users can call espconn_send to send the next packet in write_finish_callback * instead of using espconn_sent_callback. * * @param struct espconn *espconn : the network connection structure * @param espconn_connect_callback write_finish_fn : registered callback function which will * be called if the data is completely write * into write buffer or sent. * * @return 0 : succeed * @return Non-0 : error code * - ESPCONN_ARG - illegal argument, can't find the corresponding TCP connection according * to structure espconn */ sint8 espconn_regist_write_finish(struct espconn *espconn, espconn_connect_callback write_finish_fn); /** * @brief Send data through network. * * @attention 1. Please call espconn_send after espconn_sent_callback of the pre-packet. * @attention 2. If it is a UDP transmission, it is suggested to set espconn->proto.udp->remote_ip * and remote_port before every calling of espconn_send. * * @param struct espconn *espconn : the network connection structure * @param uint8 *psent : pointer of data * @param uint16 length : data length * * @return 0 : succeed * @return Non-0 : error code * - ESPCONN_MEM - Out of memory * - ESPCONN_ARG - illegal argument, can't find the corresponding network transmission * according to structure espconn * - ESPCONN_MAXNUM - buffer of sending data is full * - ESPCONN_IF - send UDP data fail */ sint8 espconn_send(struct espconn *espconn, uint8 *psent, uint16 length); /** * @brief Send data through network. * * This API is deprecated, please use espconn_send instead. * * @attention 1. Please call espconn_sent after espconn_sent_callback of the pre-packet. * @attention 2. If it is a UDP transmission, it is suggested to set espconn->proto.udp->remote_ip * and remote_port before every calling of espconn_sent. * * @param struct espconn *espconn : the network connection structure * @param uint8 *psent : pointer of data * @param uint16 length : data length * * @return 0 : succeed * @return Non-0 : error code * - ESPCONN_MEM - Out of memory * - ESPCONN_ARG - illegal argument, can't find the corresponding network transmission * according to structure espconn * - ESPCONN_MAXNUM - buffer of sending data is full * - ESPCONN_IF - send UDP data fail */ sint8 espconn_sent(struct espconn *espconn, uint8 *psent, uint16 length); /** * @brief Send UDP data. * * @param struct espconn *espconn : the UDP structure * @param uint8 *psent : pointer of data * @param uint16 length : data length * * @return 0 : succeed * @return Non-0 : error code * - ESPCONN_MEM - Out of memory * - ESPCONN_MAXNUM - buffer of sending data is full * - ESPCONN_IF - send UDP data fail */ sint16 espconn_sendto(struct espconn *espconn, uint8 *psent, uint16 length); /** * @brief Register connection function which will be called back under successful TCP connection. * * @param struct espconn *espconn : the TCP connection structure * @param espconn_connect_callback connect_cb : registered callback function * * @return 0 : succeed * @return Non-0 : error code * - ESPCONN_ARG - illegal argument, can't find the corresponding TCP connection according * to structure espconn */ sint8 espconn_regist_connectcb(struct espconn *espconn, espconn_connect_callback connect_cb); /** * @brief register data receive function which will be called back when data are received. * * @param struct espconn *espconn : the network transmission structure * @param espconn_recv_callback recv_cb : registered callback function * * @return 0 : succeed * @return Non-0 : error code * - ESPCONN_ARG - illegal argument, can't find the corresponding TCP connection according * to structure espconn */ sint8 espconn_regist_recvcb(struct espconn *espconn, espconn_recv_callback recv_cb); /** * @brief Register reconnect callback. * * @attention espconn_reconnect_callback is more like a network-broken error handler; it handles * errors that occurs in any phase of the connection. * For instance, if espconn_send fails, espconn_reconnect_callback will be called * because the network is broken. * * @param struct espconn *espconn : the TCP connection structure * @param espconn_reconnect_callback recon_cb : registered callback function * * @return 0 : succeed * @return Non-0 : error code * - ESPCONN_ARG - illegal argument, can't find the corresponding TCP connection according * to structure espconn */ sint8 espconn_regist_reconcb(struct espconn *espconn, espconn_reconnect_callback recon_cb); /** * @brief Register disconnection function which will be called back under successful TCP * disconnection. * * @param struct espconn *espconn : the TCP connection structure * @param espconn_connect_callback discon_cb : registered callback function * * @return 0 : succeed * @return Non-0 : error code * - ESPCONN_ARG - illegal argument, can't find the corresponding TCP connection according * to structure espconn */ sint8 espconn_regist_disconcb(struct espconn *espconn, espconn_connect_callback discon_cb); /** * @brief Get an available port for network. * * @param null * * @return Port number. */ uint32 espconn_port(void); /** * @brief Set option of TCP connection. * * @attention In general, we need not call this API. If call espconn_set_opt, please call * it in espconn_connect_callback. * * @param struct espconn *espconn : the TCP connection structure * @param uint8 opt : option of TCP connection, refer to enum espconn_option * - bit 0: 1: free memory after TCP disconnection happen need not wait 2 minutes; * - bit 1: 1: disable nagle algorithm during TCP data transmission, quiken the data transmission. * - bit 2: 1: enable espconn_regist_write_finish, enter write finish callback means * the data espconn_send sending was written into 2920 bytes write-buffer * waiting for sending or already sent. * - bit 3: 1: enable TCP keep alive * * @return 0 : succeed * @return Non-0 : error code * - ESPCONN_ARG - illegal argument, can't find the corresponding TCP connection according * to structure espconn */ sint8 espconn_set_opt(struct espconn *espconn, uint8 opt); /** * @brief Clear option of TCP connection. * * @param struct espconn *espconn : the TCP connection structure * @param uint8 opt : enum espconn_option * * @return 0 : succeed * @return Non-0 : error code * - ESPCONN_ARG - illegal argument, can't find the corresponding TCP connection according * to structure espconn */ sint8 espconn_clear_opt(struct espconn *espconn, uint8 opt); /** * @brief Set configuration of TCP keep alive. * * @attention In general, we need not call this API. If needed, please call it in * espconn_connect_callback and call espconn_set_opt to enable keep alive first. * * @param struct espconn *espconn : the TCP connection structure * @param uint8 level : To do TCP keep-alive detection every ESPCONN_KEEPIDLE. If there * is no response, retry ESPCONN_KEEPCNT times every ESPCONN_KEEPINTVL. * If still no response, considers it as TCP connection broke, goes * into espconn_reconnect_callback. Notice, keep alive interval is not * precise, only for reference, it depends on priority. * @param void* optarg : value of parameter * * @return 0 : succeed * @return Non-0 : error code * - ESPCONN_ARG - illegal argument, can't find the corresponding TCP connection according * to structure espconn */ sint8 espconn_set_keepalive(struct espconn *espconn, uint8 level, void *optarg); /** * @brief Get configuration of TCP keep alive. * * @param struct espconn *espconn : the TCP connection structure * @param uint8 level : enum espconn_level * @param void* optarg : value of parameter * * @return 0 : succeed * @return Non-0 : error code * - ESPCONN_ARG - illegal argument, can't find the corresponding TCP connection according * to structure espconn */ sint8 espconn_get_keepalive(struct espconn *espconn, uint8 level, void *optarg); /** * @brief Callback which is invoked when a hostname is found. * * @param const char *name : hostname * @param ip_addr_t *ipaddr : IP address of the hostname, or to be NULL if the name could * not be found (or on any other error). * @param void *callback_arg : callback argument. * * @return null */ typedef void (*dns_found_callback)(const char *name, ip_addr_t *ipaddr, void *callback_arg); /** * @brief DNS function. * * Parse a hostname (string) to an IP address. * * @param struct espconn *pespconn : espconn to parse a hostname. * @param const char *hostname : the hostname. * @param ip_addr_t *addr : IP address. * @param dns_found_callback found : callback of DNS * * @return err_t : * - ESPCONN_OK - succeed * - ESPCONN_INPROGRESS - error code : already connected * - ESPCONN_ARG - error code : illegal argument, can't find network transmission * according to structure espconn */ err_t espconn_gethostbyname(struct espconn *pespconn, const char *hostname, ip_addr_t *addr, dns_found_callback found); /** * @brief Join a multicast group. * * @attention This API can only be called after the ESP8266 station connects to a router. * * @param ip_addr_t *host_ip : IP of UDP host * @param ip_addr_t *multicast_ip : IP of multicast group * * @return 0 : succeed * @return Non-0 : error code * - ESPCONN_MEM - Out of memory */ sint8 espconn_igmp_join(ip_addr_t *host_ip, ip_addr_t *multicast_ip); /** * @brief Leave a multicast group. * * @attention This API can only be called after the ESP8266 station connects to a router. * * @param ip_addr_t *host_ip : IP of UDP host * @param ip_addr_t *multicast_ip : IP of multicast group * * @return 0 : succeed * @return Non-0 : error code * - ESPCONN_MEM - Out of memory */ sint8 espconn_igmp_leave(ip_addr_t *host_ip, ip_addr_t *multicast_ip); /** * @brief Puts in a request to block the TCP receive function. * * @attention The function does not act immediately; we recommend calling it while * reserving 5*1460 bytes of memory. This API can be called more than once. * * @param struct espconn *espconn : corresponding TCP connection structure * * @return 0 : succeed * @return Non-0 : error code * - ESPCONN_ARG - illegal argument, can't find the corresponding TCP connection * according to structure espconn. */ sint8 espconn_recv_hold(struct espconn *pespconn); /** * @brief Unblock TCP receiving data (i.e. undo espconn_recv_hold). * * @attention This API takes effect immediately. * * @param struct espconn *espconn : corresponding TCP connection structure * * @return 0 : succeed * @return Non-0 : error code * - ESPCONN_ARG - illegal argument, can't find the corresponding TCP connection * according to structure espconn. */ sint8 espconn_recv_unhold(struct espconn *pespconn); /** * @brief Set default DNS server. Two DNS server is allowed to be set. * * @attention Only if ESP8266 DHCP client is disabled (wifi_station_dhcpc_stop), * this API can be used. * * @param char numdns : DNS server ID, 0 or 1 * @param ip_addr_t *dnsserver : DNS server IP * * @return null */ void espconn_dns_setserver(char numdns, ip_addr_t *dnsserver); /** * @} */ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif