1278 lines
58 KiB
Executable File
1278 lines
58 KiB
Executable File
#include <linux/power/axp_depend.h>
#if defined CONFIG_ARCH_SUN8IW1P1
scene_extended_standby_t extended_standby[8] = {
.pwr_dm_en = 0xf3, //mean gpu, cpu is powered off.
.osc_en = 0xf,
.init_pll_dis = (~(0x12)), //mean pll2 is on. pll5 is shundowned by dram driver.
.exit_pll_en = 0x21, //mean enable pll1 and pll6
.pll_change = 0x0,
.bus_change = 0x0,
.name = "talking_standby",
.pwr_dm_en = 0xf3, //mean gpu, cpu is powered off.
.osc_en = 0xf , //mean all osc is powered on.
.init_pll_dis = (~(0x30)), //mean pll6 is on.pll5 is shundowned by dram driver.
.exit_pll_en = 0x1, //mean enable pll1 and pll6
.pll_change = 0x20,
.pll_factor[5] = {0x18,0x1,0x1,0},
.bus_change = 0x4,
.bus_factor[2] = {0x8,0,0x3,0,0},
.scene_type = SCENE_USB_STANDBY,
.name = "usb_standby",
.scene_type = SCENE_MP3_STANDBY,
.name = "mp3_standby",
.scene_type = SCENE_BOOT_FAST,
.name = "boot_fast",
.pwr_dm_en = 0xa1, //mean avcc, dram, cpus is on.
.osc_en = 0x4, // mean losc is on.
.init_pll_dis = (~(0x10)), //mean pll5 is shundowned by dram driver.
.exit_pll_en = 0x0,
.pll_change = 0x0,
.bus_change = 0x0,
.scene_type = SCENE_SUPER_STANDBY,
.name = "super_standby",
.pwr_dm_en = 0xfff, //mean all power domain is on.
.osc_en = 0xf, // mean Hosc&Losc&ldo&ldo1 is on.
.init_pll_dis = (~(0x10)), //mean pll5 is shundowned by dram driver.
.exit_pll_en = (~(0x10)),
.pll_change = 0x1,
.pll_factor[0] = {0x10,0,0,0},
.bus_change = 0x5, //ahb1&apb2 is changed.
.bus_factor[0] = {0x2,0,0,0,0}, //apb2 src is Hosc.
.bus_factor[2] = {0x2,0,0,0,0}, //ahb1 src is Hosc.
.name = "normal_standby",
.pwr_dm_en = 0xb3, //mean avcc, dram, sys, io, cpus is on.
.osc_en = 0x4, // mean losc is on.
.init_pll_dis = (~(0x10)), //mean pll5 is shundowned by dram driver.
.exit_pll_en = 0x0,
.pll_change = 0x0,
.bus_change = 0x4, //ahb1 is changed.
.bus_factor[2] = {0x0,0,0,0,0}, //src is losc.
.scene_type = SCENE_GPIO_STANDBY,
.name = "gpio_standby",
.scene_type = SCENE_MISC_STANDBY,
.name = "misc_standby",
#elif defined CONFIG_ARCH_SUN8IW3P1
scene_extended_standby_t extended_standby[8] = {
.pwr_dm_en = 0xf7, //mean cpu is powered off.
.osc_en = 0xf,
.init_pll_dis = (~(0x12)), //mean pll2 is on. pll5 is shundowned by dram driver.
.exit_pll_en = 0x21, //mean enable pll1 and pll6
.pll_change = 0x0,
.bus_change = 0x0,
.name = "talking_standby",
.pwr_dm_en = 0xf7, //mean cpu is powered off.
.osc_en = 0xf , //mean all osc is powered on.
.init_pll_dis = (~(0x30)), //mean pll6 is on.pll5 is shundowned by dram driver.
.exit_pll_en = 0x1, //mean enable pll1 and pll6
.pll_change = 0x20,
.pll_factor[5] = {0x1,0x2,0,0}, //pll6 is 24M
.bus_change = 0x14,
.bus_factor[2] = {0,0,0,0,0}, //switch AHB1 src to IOSC
.bus_factor[4] = {0,0,0,0,0}, //switch cpu/axi src to IOSC
.scene_type = SCENE_USB_STANDBY,
.name = "usb_standby",
.scene_type = SCENE_MP3_STANDBY,
.name = "mp3_standby",
.scene_type = SCENE_BOOT_FAST,
.name = "boot_fast",
.pwr_dm_en = 0xa1, //mean avcc, dram, cpus is on.
.osc_en = 0x4, // mean losc is on.
.init_pll_dis = (~(0x10)), //mean pll5 is shundowned by dram driver.
.exit_pll_en = 0x0,
.pll_change = 0x0,
.bus_change = 0x0,
.scene_type = SCENE_SUPER_STANDBY,
.name = "super_standby",
.pwr_dm_en = 0xfff, //mean all power domain is on.
.osc_en = 0xf, // mean Hosc&Losc&ldo&ldo1 is on.
.init_pll_dis = (~(0x10)), //mean pll5 is shundowned by dram driver.
.exit_pll_en = (~(0x10)),
.pll_change = 0x1,
.pll_factor[0] = {0x10,0,0,0},
.bus_change = 0x5, //ahb1&apb2 is changed.
.bus_factor[0] = {0x2,0,0,0,0}, //apb2 src is Hosc.
.bus_factor[2] = {0x2,0,0,0,0}, //ahb1 src is Hosc.
.name = "normal_standby",
.pwr_dm_en = 0xb3, //mean avcc, dram, sys, io, cpus is on.
.osc_en = 0x4, // mean losc is on.
.init_pll_dis = (~(0x10)), //mean pll5 is shundowned by dram driver.
.exit_pll_en = 0x0,
.pll_change = 0x0,
.bus_change = 0x4, //ahb1 is changed.
.bus_factor[2] = {0x0,0,0,0,0}, //src is losc.
.scene_type = SCENE_GPIO_STANDBY,
.name = "gpio_standby",
.scene_type = SCENE_MISC_STANDBY,
.name = "misc_standby",
#elif defined CONFIG_ARCH_SUN8IW5P1 // FIXME: need double check.
scene_extended_standby_t extended_standby[8] = {
.pwr_dm_en = 0xf7, //mean cpu is powered off.
.osc_en = 0xf,
.init_pll_dis = (~(0x12)), //mean pll2 is on. pll5 is shundowned by dram driver.
.exit_pll_en = 0x21, //mean enable pll1 and pll6
.pll_change = 0x0,
.bus_change = 0x0,
.name = "talking_standby",
.pwr_dm_en = 0xf7, //mean cpu is powered off.
.osc_en = 0xf , //mean all osc is powered on.
.init_pll_dis = (~(0x30)), //mean pll6 is on.pll5 is shundowned by dram driver.
.exit_pll_en = 0x1, //mean enable pll1 and pll6
.pll_change = 0x20,
.pll_factor[5] = {0x1,0x2,0,0}, //pll6 is 24M
.bus_change = 0x14,
//.bus_factor[2] = {0x2,0x2,0x3,0,0}, //ahb1 src is 1M.
//.bus_factor[4] = {0x2,0x0,0x0,0,0}, //axi src is 24M.
.bus_factor[2] = {0,0,0,0,0}, //switch AHB1 src to IOSC
.bus_factor[4] = {0,0,0,0,0}, //switch cpu/axi src to IOSC
.scene_type = SCENE_USB_STANDBY,
.name = "usb_standby",
.scene_type = SCENE_MP3_STANDBY,
.name = "mp3_standby",
.scene_type = SCENE_BOOT_FAST,
.name = "boot_fast",
.pwr_dm_en = 0xa1, //mean avcc, dram, cpus is on.
.osc_en = 0x4, // mean losc is on.
.init_pll_dis = (~(0x10)), //mean pll5 is shundowned by dram driver.
.exit_pll_en = 0x0,
.pll_change = 0x0,
.bus_change = 0x0,
.scene_type = SCENE_SUPER_STANDBY,
.name = "super_standby",
.pwr_dm_en = 0xfff, //mean all power domain is on.
.osc_en = 0xf, // mean Hosc&Losc&ldo&ldo1 is on.
.init_pll_dis = (~(0x10)), //mean pll5 is shundowned by dram driver.
.exit_pll_en = (~(0x10)),
.pll_change = 0x1,
.pll_factor[0] = {0x10,0,0,0},
.bus_change = 0x5, //ahb1&apb2 is changed.
.bus_factor[0] = {0x2,0,0,0,0}, //apb2 src is Hosc.
.bus_factor[2] = {0x2,0,0,0,0}, //ahb1 src is Hosc.
.name = "normal_standby",
.pwr_dm_en = 0xb3, //mean avcc, dram, sys, io, cpus is on.
.osc_en = 0x4, // mean losc is on.
.init_pll_dis = (~(0x10)), //mean pll5 is shundowned by dram driver.
.exit_pll_en = 0x0,
.pll_change = 0x0,
.bus_change = 0x4,
.bus_factor[2] = {0x0,0,0,0,0}, //src is losc.
.scene_type = SCENE_GPIO_STANDBY,
.name = "gpio_standby",
.scene_type = SCENE_MISC_STANDBY,
.name = "misc_standby",
#elif defined CONFIG_ARCH_SUN8IW6P1 // FIXME: need double check.
scene_extended_standby_t extended_standby[] = {
.name = "talking_standby",
.soc_pwr_dep.id = TALKING_STANDBY_FLAG,
//mean dram, cpus,dram_pll,vcc_pl, vcc_io, vcc_ldoin is on.
//note: vcc_pm is marked on, just for cross-platform reason.
//at a83: with the sys_mask's help, we know we do not need care about vcc_pm state.
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_pwr_dm_state.state = BITMAP(VCC_DRAM_BIT) | BITMAP(VDD_CPUS_BIT) |\
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_pwr_dm_state.volt[0] = 0x0, //mean: donot need care about the voltage.
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.osc_en = 0x0, // mean all osc is off.
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.init_pll_dis = BITMAP(PM_PLL_DRAM), //mean pll5 is shutdowned & open by dram driver.
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.exit_pll_en = 0x0,
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.pll_change = 0x0,
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.bus_change = 0x0,
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_dram_state.selfresh_flag = 0x1,
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.hold_flag = 0x1,
//for pf port: set the io to disable state.;
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.io_state[0] = {(unsigned int *)0x01c208b4, 0x00f0f0ff, 0x00707077},
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.io_state[1] = {(unsigned int *)0x01c208b4, 0x000f0f00, 0x00070700},
#if 0
//for pb port
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.io_state[0] = {(unsigned int *)0x01c20824, 0x0000ffff, 0x00007777},
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.io_state[1] = {(unsigned int *)0x01c20828, 0x00000ff0, 0x00000770},
.scene_type = SCENE_USB_STANDBY,
.name = "usb_standby",
.soc_pwr_dep.id = USB_STANDBY_FLAG,
//mean dram, cpus,dram_pll,vcc_pl, vcc_ldoin, vdd_sys is on.
//note: vcc_pm is marked on, just for cross-platform reason.
//at a83: with the sys_mask's help, we know we do not need care about vcc_pm state.
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_pwr_dm_state.state = BITMAP(VCC_DRAM_BIT) | BITMAP(VDD_CPUS_BIT) |\
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_pwr_dm_state.volt[0] = 0x0, //mean: donot need care about the voltage.
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.osc_en = BITMAP(OSC_LOSC_BIT) | BITMAP(OSC_HOSC_BIT) | BITMAP(OSC_LDO1_BIT) | BITMAP(OSC_LDO0_BIT), // mean all osc is off. +losc, +hosc
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.init_pll_dis = BITMAP(PM_PLL_DRAM) | BITMAP(PM_PLL_PERIPH), //mean pll5 is shutdowned & open by dram driver.
//hsic pll can be disabled, cpus can change cci400 clk from hsic_pll.
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.exit_pll_en = 0x0,
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.pll_change = BITMAP(PM_PLL_PERIPH),
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.pll_factor[PM_PLL_PERIPH] = { ////PLL_PERIPH freq = 24*12/2/2= 72M
.factor1 = 12, //N=12
.factor2 = 1, //Div1 = 1 + 1 = 2
.factor3 = 1, //Div2 = 1 + 1 = 2
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.bus_change = BITMAP(BUS_AHB1) | BITMAP(BUS_AHB2),
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.bus_factor[BUS_AHB1] = {
.src = CLK_SRC_LOSC, //need make sure losc is on.
.pre_div = 0,
.div_ratio = 0,
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.bus_factor[BUS_AHB2] = {
.src = CLK_SRC_AHB1, //need make sure AHB1 is on.
.pre_div = 0,
.div_ratio = 0,
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_dram_state.selfresh_flag = 0x1,
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.hold_flag = 0x0,
//for pf port: set the io to disable state.;
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.io_state[0] = {(unsigned int *)0x01c208b4, 0x00f0f0ff, 0x00707077},
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.io_state[1] = {(unsigned int *)0x01c208b4, 0x000f0f00, 0x00070700},
.scene_type = SCENE_MP3_STANDBY,
.name = "mp3_standby",
.soc_pwr_dep.id = MP3_STANDBY_FLAG,
.scene_type = SCENE_BOOT_FAST,
.name = "boot_fast",
.soc_pwr_dep.id = BOOT_FAST_STANDBY_FLAG,
.scene_type = SCENE_SUPER_STANDBY,
.name = "super_standby",
.soc_pwr_dep.id = SUPER_STANDBY_FLAG,
//mean dram, cpus,dram_pll,vcc_pl, vcc_io, vcc_ldoin is on.
//note: vcc_pm is marked on, just for cross-platform reason.
//at a83: with the sys_mask's help, we know we do not need care about vcc_pm state.
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_pwr_dm_state.state = BITMAP(VCC_DRAM_BIT) | BITMAP(VDD_CPUS_BIT) |\
//mean care about cpua, dram, sys, cpus, dram_pll, vdd_adc, vcc_pl, vcc_io, vcc_cpvdd, vcc_ldoin, vcc_pll
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_pwr_dm_state.volt[0] = 0x0, //mean: donot need care about the voltage.
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.osc_en = 0x0, // mean all osc is off.
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.init_pll_dis = BITMAP(PM_PLL_DRAM), //mean pll5 is shutdowned & open by dram driver.
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.exit_pll_en = 0x0,
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.pll_change = 0x0,
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.bus_change = 0x0,
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_dram_state.selfresh_flag = 0x1,
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.hold_flag = 0x1,
//for pf port: set the io to disable state.;
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.io_state[0] = {(unsigned int *)0x01c208b4, 0x00f0f0ff, 0x00707077},
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.io_state[1] = {(unsigned int *)0x01c208b4, 0x000f0f00, 0x00070700},
.name = "gpio_hold_standby",
.soc_pwr_dep.id = GPIO_HOLD_STANDBY_FLAG,
//mean dram, cpus,dram_pll,vcc_pl, vcc_io, vcc_ldoin is on.
//note: vcc_pm is marked on, just for cross-platform reason.
//at a83: with the sys_mask's help, we know we do not need care about vcc_pm state.
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_pwr_dm_state.state = BITMAP(VCC_DRAM_BIT) | BITMAP(VDD_CPUS_BIT) |\
//mean care about cpua, dram, sys, cpus, dram_pll, vdd_adc, vcc_pl, vcc_io, vcc_cpvdd, vcc_ldoin, vcc_pll
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_pwr_dm_state.volt[0] = 0x0, //mean: donot need care about the voltage.
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.osc_en = 0x0, // mean all osc is off.
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.init_pll_dis = BITMAP(PM_PLL_DRAM), //mean pll5 is shutdowned & open by dram driver.
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.exit_pll_en = 0x0,
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.pll_change = 0x0,
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.bus_change = 0x0,
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_dram_state.selfresh_flag = 0x1,
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.hold_flag = 0x1,
//for pf port: set the io to disable state.;
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.io_state[0] = {(unsigned int *)0x01c208b4, 0x00f0f0ff, 0x00707077},
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.io_state[1] = {(unsigned int *)0x01c208b4, 0x000f0f00, 0x00070700},
#if 0
.name = "normal_standby",
.pwr_dm_en = 0xfff, //mean all power domain is on.
.osc_en = 0xf, // mean Hosc&Losc&ldo&ldo1 is on.
.init_pll_dis = (~(0x10)), //mean pll5 is shundowned by dram driver.
.exit_pll_en = (~(0x10)),
.pll_change = 0x1,
.pll_factor[0] = {0x10,0,0,0},
.bus_change = 0x5, //ahb1&apb2 is changed.
.bus_factor[0] = {0x2,0,0,0,0}, //apb2 src is Hosc.
.bus_factor[2] = {0x2,0,0,0,0}, //ahb1 src is Hosc.
.scene_type = SCENE_GPIO_STANDBY,
.name = "gpio_standby",
.soc_pwr_dep.id = GPIO_STANDBY_FLAG,
//mean dram, cpus,dram_pll,vcc_pl, vcc_io, vcc_ldoin is on. +vdd_sys
//note: vcc_pm is marked on, just for cross-platform reason.
//at a83: with the sys_mask's help, we know we do not need care about vcc_pm state.
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_pwr_dm_state.state = BITMAP(VCC_DRAM_BIT) | BITMAP(VDD_CPUS_BIT) |\
//mean care about cpua, dram, sys, cpus, dram_pll, vdd_adc, vcc_pl, vcc_io, vcc_cpvdd, vcc_ldoin, vcc_pll
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_pwr_dm_state.volt[0] = 0x0, //mean: donot need care about the voltage.
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.osc_en = BITMAP(OSC_LOSC_BIT), // mean all osc is off. +losc
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.init_pll_dis = BITMAP(PM_PLL_DRAM), //mean pll5 is shutdowned & open by dram driver.
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.exit_pll_en = 0x0,
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.pll_change = 0x0,
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.bus_change = BITMAP(BUS_AHB1),
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.bus_factor[BUS_AHB1] = {
.src = CLK_SRC_LOSC, //need make sure losc is on.
.pre_div = 0,
.div_ratio = 0,
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_dram_state.selfresh_flag = 0x1,
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.hold_flag = 0x0,
//for pf port: set the io to disable state.;
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.io_state[0] = {(unsigned int *)0x01c208b4, 0x00f0f0ff, 0x00707077},
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.io_state[1] = {(unsigned int *)0x01c208b4, 0x000f0f00, 0x00070700},
#if 0
//for pb port
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.io_state[0] = {(unsigned int *)0x01c20824, 0x0000ffff, 0x00007777},
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.io_state[1] = {(unsigned int *)0x01c20828, 0x00000ff0, 0x00000770},
.scene_type = SCENE_MISC_STANDBY,
.name = "misc_standby",
.soc_pwr_dep.id = MISC_STANDBY_FLAG,
//mean dram, cpus,dram_pll,vcc_pl, vcc_io, vcc_ldoin is on.
//note: vcc_pm is marked on, just for cross-platform reason.
//at a83: with the sys_mask's help, we know we do not need care about vcc_pm state.
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_pwr_dm_state.state = BITMAP(VCC_DRAM_BIT) | BITMAP(VDD_CPUS_BIT) |\
0x0644, //-vcc_io; -dram, ldoin/ adc/ cpvdd
//mean care about cpua, dram, sys, cpus, dram_pll, vdd_adc, vcc_pl, vcc_io, vcc_cpvdd, vcc_ldoin, vcc_pll
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_pwr_dm_state.volt[0] = 0x0, //mean: donot need care about the voltage.
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.osc_en = 0x0, // mean all osc is off.
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.init_pll_dis = (~(0x20)), //mean pll5 is shutdowned & open by dram driver.
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.exit_pll_en = 0x0,
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.pll_change = 0x0,
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.bus_change = 0x0,
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_dram_state.selfresh_flag = 0x1,
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.hold_flag = 0x1,
//for pf port: set the io to disable state.;
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.io_state[0] = {(unsigned int *)0x01c208b4, 0x00f0f0ff, 0x00707077},
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.io_state[1] = {(unsigned int *)0x01c208b4, 0x000f0f00, 0x00070700},
.scene_type = SCENE_MISC1_STANDBY,
.name = "misc1_standby",
.soc_pwr_dep.id = MISC1_STANDBY_FLAG,
//mean dram, cpus,dram_pll,vcc_pl, vcc_io, vcc_ldoin is on.
//note: vcc_pm is marked on, just for cross-platform reason.
//at a83: with the sys_mask's help, we know we do not need care about vcc_pm state.
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_pwr_dm_state.state = BITMAP(VCC_DRAM_BIT) | BITMAP(VDD_CPUS_BIT) |\
//mean care about cpua, dram, sys, cpus, dram_pll, vdd_adc, vcc_pl, vcc_io, vcc_cpvdd, vcc_ldoin, vcc_pll
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_pwr_dm_state.volt[0] = 0x0, //mean: donot need care about the voltage.
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.osc_en = 0x0, // mean all osc is off.
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.init_pll_dis = (~(0x20)), //mean pll5 is shutdowned & open by dram driver.
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.exit_pll_en = 0x0,
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.pll_change = 0x0,
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.bus_change = 0x0,
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_dram_state.selfresh_flag = 0x1,
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.hold_flag = 0x1, //hold gpio
//for pf port: set the io to disable state.;
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.io_state[0] = {(unsigned int *)0x01c208b4, 0x00f0f0ff, 0x00707077},
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.io_state[1] = {(unsigned int *)0x01c208b4, 0x000f0f00, 0x00070700},
//for parse sysconfig config. //
//default config according dram enter selfresh.
//when not enable enter selfresh, need open vdd_sys.
.name = "dynamic_standby",
.soc_pwr_dep.id = DYNAMIC_STANDBY_FLAG,
//mean dram, cpus,dram_pll,vcc_pl, vcc_io, vcc_ldoin is on.
//note: vcc_pm is marked on, just for cross-platform reason.
//at a83: with the sys_mask's help, we know we do not need care about vcc_pm state.
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_pwr_dm_state.state = BITMAP(VCC_DRAM_BIT) | BITMAP(VDD_CPUS_BIT) |\
//mean care about cpua, dram, sys, cpus, dram_pll, vdd_adc, vcc_pl, vcc_io, vcc_cpvdd, vcc_ldoin, vcc_pll
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_pwr_dm_state.volt[0] = 0x0, //mean: donot need care about the voltage.
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.osc_en = 0x0, // mean all osc is off.
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.init_pll_dis = (BITMAP(PM_PLL_DRAM)), //mean pll5 is shutdowned & open by dram driver.
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.exit_pll_en = 0x0,
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.pll_change = 0x0,
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.bus_change = 0x0,
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_dram_state.selfresh_flag = 0x1, //enter selfresh, for compatible reason.
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.hold_flag = 0x1,
//for pf port: set the io to disable state.;
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.io_state[0] = {(unsigned int *)0x01c208b4, 0x00f0f0ff, 0x00707077},
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.io_state[1] = {(unsigned int *)0x01c208b4, 0x000f0f00, 0x00070700},
#elif defined CONFIG_ARCH_SUN8IW9P1 // FIXME: need double check.
scene_extended_standby_t extended_standby[] = {
.name = "talking_standby",
.soc_pwr_dep.id = TALKING_STANDBY_FLAG,
//mean dram, cpus,dram_pll,vcc_pl, vcc_io, vcc_ldoin is on.
//note: vcc_pm is marked on, just for cross-platform reason.
//at a83: with the sys_mask's help, we know we do not need care about vcc_pm state.
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_pwr_dm_state.state = BITMAP(VCC_DRAM_BIT) | BITMAP(VDD_CPUS_BIT) |\
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_pwr_dm_state.volt[0] = 0x0, //mean: donot need care about the voltage.
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.osc_en = 0x0, // mean all osc is off.
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.init_pll_dis = BITMAP(PM_PLL_DRAM), //mean pll5 is shutdowned & open by dram driver.
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.exit_pll_en = 0x0,
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.pll_change = 0x0,
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.bus_change = 0x0,
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_dram_state.selfresh_flag = 0x1,
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.hold_flag = 0x1,
//for pf port: set the io to disable state.;
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.io_state[0] = {(unsigned int *)0x01c208b4, 0x00f0f0ff, 0x00707077},
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.io_state[1] = {(unsigned int *)0x01c208b4, 0x000f0f00, 0x00070700},
#if 0
//for pb port
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.io_state[0] = {(unsigned int *)0x01c20824, 0x0000ffff, 0x00007777},
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.io_state[1] = {(unsigned int *)0x01c20828, 0x00000ff0, 0x00000770},
.scene_type = SCENE_USB_STANDBY,
.name = "usb_standby",
.soc_pwr_dep.id = USB_STANDBY_FLAG,
//mean dram, cpus,dram_pll,vcc_pl, vcc_ldoin, vdd_sys is on.
//note: vcc_pm is marked on, just for cross-platform reason.
//at a83: with the sys_mask's help, we know we do not need care about vcc_pm state.
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_pwr_dm_state.state = BITMAP(VCC_DRAM_BIT) | BITMAP(VDD_CPUS_BIT) |\
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_pwr_dm_state.volt[0] = 0x0, //mean: donot need care about the voltage.
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.osc_en = BITMAP(OSC_LOSC_BIT) | BITMAP(OSC_HOSC_BIT) | BITMAP(OSC_LDO1_BIT) | BITMAP(OSC_LDO0_BIT), // mean all osc is off. +losc, +hosc
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.init_pll_dis = BITMAP(PM_PLL_DRAM) | BITMAP(PM_PLL_PERIPH), //mean pll5 is shutdowned & open by dram driver.
//hsic pll can be disabled, cpus can change cci400 clk from hsic_pll.
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.exit_pll_en = 0x0,
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.pll_change = BITMAP(PM_PLL_PERIPH),
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.pll_factor[PM_PLL_PERIPH] = { ////PLL_PERIPH freq = 24*12/2/2= 72M
.factor1 = 12, //N=12
.factor2 = 1, //Div1 = 1 + 1 = 2
.factor3 = 1, //Div2 = 1 + 1 = 2
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.bus_change = BITMAP(BUS_AHB1) | BITMAP(BUS_AHB2),
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.bus_factor[BUS_AHB1] = {
.src = CLK_SRC_LOSC, //need make sure losc is on.
.pre_div = 0,
.div_ratio = 0,
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.bus_factor[BUS_AHB2] = {
.src = CLK_SRC_AHB1, //need make sure AHB1 is on.
.pre_div = 0,
.div_ratio = 0,
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_dram_state.selfresh_flag = 0x1,
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.hold_flag = 0x0,
//for pf port: set the io to disable state.;
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.io_state[0] = {(unsigned int *)0x01c208b4, 0x00f0f0ff, 0x00707077},
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.io_state[1] = {(unsigned int *)0x01c208b4, 0x000f0f00, 0x00070700},
.scene_type = SCENE_MP3_STANDBY,
.name = "mp3_standby",
.soc_pwr_dep.id = MP3_STANDBY_FLAG,
.scene_type = SCENE_BOOT_FAST,
.name = "boot_fast",
.soc_pwr_dep.id = BOOT_FAST_STANDBY_FLAG,
.scene_type = SCENE_SUPER_STANDBY,
.name = "super_standby",
.soc_pwr_dep.id = SUPER_STANDBY_FLAG,
//mean dram, cpus,dram_pll,vcc_pl, vcc_io, vcc_ldoin is on.
//note: vcc_pm is marked on, just for cross-platform reason.
//at a83: with the sys_mask's help, we know we do not need care about vcc_pm state.
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_pwr_dm_state.state = BITMAP(VCC_DRAM_BIT) | BITMAP(VDD_CPUS_BIT) |\
//mean care about cpua, dram, sys, cpus, dram_pll, vdd_adc, vcc_pl, vcc_io, vcc_cpvdd, vcc_ldoin, vcc_pll
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_pwr_dm_state.volt[0] = 0x0, //mean: donot need care about the voltage.
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.osc_en = 0x0, // mean all osc is off.
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.init_pll_dis = BITMAP(PM_PLL_DRAM), //mean pll5 is shutdowned & open by dram driver.
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.exit_pll_en = 0x0,
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.pll_change = 0x0,
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.bus_change = 0x0,
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_dram_state.selfresh_flag = 0x1,
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.hold_flag = 0x1,
//for pf port: set the io to disable state.;
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.io_state[0] = {(unsigned int *)0x01c208b4, 0x00f0f0ff, 0x00707077},
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.io_state[1] = {(unsigned int *)0x01c208b4, 0x000f0f00, 0x00070700},
.name = "gpio_hold_standby",
.soc_pwr_dep.id = GPIO_HOLD_STANDBY_FLAG,
//mean dram, cpus,dram_pll,vcc_pl, vcc_io, vcc_ldoin is on.
//note: vcc_pm is marked on, just for cross-platform reason.
//at a83: with the sys_mask's help, we know we do not need care about vcc_pm state.
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_pwr_dm_state.state = BITMAP(VCC_DRAM_BIT) | BITMAP(VDD_CPUS_BIT) |\
//mean care about cpua, dram, sys, cpus, dram_pll, vdd_adc, vcc_pl, vcc_io, vcc_cpvdd, vcc_ldoin, vcc_pll
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_pwr_dm_state.volt[0] = 0x0, //mean: donot need care about the voltage.
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.osc_en = 0x0, // mean all osc is off.
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.init_pll_dis = BITMAP(PM_PLL_DRAM), //mean pll5 is shutdowned & open by dram driver.
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.exit_pll_en = 0x0,
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.pll_change = 0x0,
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.bus_change = 0x0,
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_dram_state.selfresh_flag = 0x1,
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.hold_flag = 0x1,
//for pf port: set the io to disable state.;
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.io_state[0] = {(unsigned int *)0x01c208b4, 0x00f0f0ff, 0x00707077},
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.io_state[1] = {(unsigned int *)0x01c208b4, 0x000f0f00, 0x00070700},
#if 0
.name = "normal_standby",
.pwr_dm_en = 0xfff, //mean all power domain is on.
.osc_en = 0xf, // mean Hosc&Losc&ldo&ldo1 is on.
.init_pll_dis = (~(0x10)), //mean pll5 is shundowned by dram driver.
.exit_pll_en = (~(0x10)),
.pll_change = 0x1,
.pll_factor[0] = {0x10,0,0,0},
.bus_change = 0x5, //ahb1&apb2 is changed.
.bus_factor[0] = {0x2,0,0,0,0}, //apb2 src is Hosc.
.bus_factor[2] = {0x2,0,0,0,0}, //ahb1 src is Hosc.
.scene_type = SCENE_GPIO_STANDBY,
.name = "gpio_standby",
.soc_pwr_dep.id = GPIO_STANDBY_FLAG,
//mean dram, cpus,dram_pll,vcc_pl, vcc_io, vcc_ldoin is on. +vdd_sys
//note: vcc_pm is marked on, just for cross-platform reason.
//at a83: with the sys_mask's help, we know we do not need care about vcc_pm state.
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_pwr_dm_state.state = BITMAP(VCC_DRAM_BIT) | BITMAP(VDD_CPUS_BIT) |\
//mean care about cpua, dram, sys, cpus, dram_pll, vdd_adc, vcc_pl, vcc_io, vcc_cpvdd, vcc_ldoin, vcc_pll
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_pwr_dm_state.volt[0] = 0x0, //mean: donot need care about the voltage.
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.osc_en = BITMAP(OSC_LOSC_BIT), // mean all osc is off. +losc
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.init_pll_dis = BITMAP(PM_PLL_DRAM), //mean pll5 is shutdowned & open by dram driver.
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.exit_pll_en = 0x0,
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.pll_change = 0x0,
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.bus_change = BITMAP(BUS_AHB1),
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.bus_factor[BUS_AHB1] = {
.src = CLK_SRC_LOSC, //need make sure losc is on.
.pre_div = 0,
.div_ratio = 0,
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_dram_state.selfresh_flag = 0x1,
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.hold_flag = 0x0,
//for pf port: set the io to disable state.;
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.io_state[0] = {(unsigned int *)0x01c208b4, 0x00f0f0ff, 0x00707077},
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.io_state[1] = {(unsigned int *)0x01c208b4, 0x000f0f00, 0x00070700},
#if 0
//for pb port
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.io_state[0] = {(unsigned int *)0x01c20824, 0x0000ffff, 0x00007777},
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.io_state[1] = {(unsigned int *)0x01c20828, 0x00000ff0, 0x00000770},
.scene_type = SCENE_MISC_STANDBY,
.name = "misc_standby",
.soc_pwr_dep.id = MISC_STANDBY_FLAG,
//mean dram, cpus,dram_pll,vcc_pl, vcc_io, vcc_ldoin is on.
//note: vcc_pm is marked on, just for cross-platform reason.
//at a83: with the sys_mask's help, we know we do not need care about vcc_pm state.
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_pwr_dm_state.state = BITMAP(VCC_DRAM_BIT) | BITMAP(VDD_CPUS_BIT) |\
0x0644, //-vcc_io; -dram, ldoin/ adc/ cpvdd
//mean care about cpua, dram, sys, cpus, dram_pll, vdd_adc, vcc_pl, vcc_io, vcc_cpvdd, vcc_ldoin, vcc_pll
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_pwr_dm_state.volt[0] = 0x0, //mean: donot need care about the voltage.
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.osc_en = 0x0, // mean all osc is off.
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.init_pll_dis = (~(0x20)), //mean pll5 is shutdowned & open by dram driver.
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.exit_pll_en = 0x0,
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.pll_change = 0x0,
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.bus_change = 0x0,
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_dram_state.selfresh_flag = 0x1,
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.hold_flag = 0x1,
//for pf port: set the io to disable state.;
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.io_state[0] = {(unsigned int *)0x01c208b4, 0x00f0f0ff, 0x00707077},
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.io_state[1] = {(unsigned int *)0x01c208b4, 0x000f0f00, 0x00070700},
.scene_type = SCENE_MISC1_STANDBY,
.name = "misc1_standby",
.soc_pwr_dep.id = MISC1_STANDBY_FLAG,
//mean dram, cpus,dram_pll,vcc_pl, vcc_io, vcc_ldoin is on.
//note: vcc_pm is marked on, just for cross-platform reason.
//at a83: with the sys_mask's help, we know we do not need care about vcc_pm state.
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_pwr_dm_state.state = BITMAP(VCC_DRAM_BIT) | BITMAP(VDD_CPUS_BIT) |\
//mean care about cpua, dram, sys, cpus, dram_pll, vdd_adc, vcc_pl, vcc_io, vcc_cpvdd, vcc_ldoin, vcc_pll
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_pwr_dm_state.volt[0] = 0x0, //mean: donot need care about the voltage.
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.osc_en = 0x0, // mean all osc is off.
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.init_pll_dis = (~(0x20)), //mean pll5 is shutdowned & open by dram driver.
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.exit_pll_en = 0x0,
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.pll_change = 0x0,
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.bus_change = 0x0,
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_dram_state.selfresh_flag = 0x1,
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.hold_flag = 0x1, //hold gpio
//for pf port: set the io to disable state.;
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.io_state[0] = {(unsigned int *)0x01c208b4, 0x00f0f0ff, 0x00707077},
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.io_state[1] = {(unsigned int *)0x01c208b4, 0x000f0f00, 0x00070700},
//for parse sysconfig config. //
//default config according dram enter selfresh.
//when not enable enter selfresh, need open vdd_sys.
.name = "dynamic_standby",
.soc_pwr_dep.id = DYNAMIC_STANDBY_FLAG,
//mean dram, cpus,dram_pll,vcc_pl, vcc_io, vcc_ldoin is on.
//note: vcc_pm is marked on, just for cross-platform reason.
//at a83: with the sys_mask's help, we know we do not need care about vcc_pm state.
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_pwr_dm_state.state = BITMAP(VCC_DRAM_BIT) | BITMAP(VDD_CPUS_BIT) |\
//mean care about cpua, dram, sys, cpus, dram_pll, vdd_adc, vcc_pl, vcc_io, vcc_cpvdd, vcc_ldoin, vcc_pll
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_pwr_dm_state.volt[0] = 0x0, //mean: donot need care about the voltage.
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.osc_en = 0x0, // mean all osc is off.
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.init_pll_dis = (BITMAP(PM_PLL_DRAM)), //mean pll5 is shutdowned & open by dram driver.
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.exit_pll_en = 0x0,
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.pll_change = 0x0,
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.bus_change = 0x0,
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_dram_state.selfresh_flag = 0x1, //enter selfresh, for compatible reason.
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.hold_flag = 0x1,
//for pf port: set the io to disable state.;
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.io_state[0] = {(unsigned int *)0x01c208b4, 0x00f0f0ff, 0x00707077},
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.io_state[1] = {(unsigned int *)0x01c208b4, 0x000f0f00, 0x00070700},
#elif defined CONFIG_ARCH_SUN8IW8P1 // FIXME: need double check.
scene_extended_standby_t extended_standby[] = {
.name = "talking_standby",
.soc_pwr_dep.id = TALKING_STANDBY_FLAG,
//mean dram, cpus,dram_pll,vcc_pl, vcc_io, vcc_ldoin is on.
//note: vcc_pm is marked on, just for cross-platform reason.
//at a83: with the sys_mask's help, we know we do not need care about vcc_pm state.
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_pwr_dm_state.state = BITMAP(VCC_DRAM_BIT) | BITMAP(VDD_CPUS_BIT) |\
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_pwr_dm_state.volt[0] = 0x0, //mean: donot need care about the voltage.
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.osc_en = 0x0, // mean all osc is off.
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.init_pll_dis = BITMAP(PM_PLL_DRAM), //mean pll5 is shutdowned & open by dram driver.
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.exit_pll_en = 0x0,
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.pll_change = 0x0,
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.bus_change = 0x0,
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_dram_state.selfresh_flag = 0x1,
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.hold_flag = 0x1,
//for pf port: set the io to disable state.;
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.io_state[0] = {(unsigned int)0x01c208b4, 0x00f0f0ff, 0x00707077},
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.io_state[1] = {(unsigned int)0x01c208b4, 0x000f0f00, 0x00070700},
#if 0
//for pb port
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.io_state[0] = {(unsigned int *)0x01c20824, 0x0000ffff, 0x00007777},
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.io_state[1] = {(unsigned int *)0x01c20828, 0x00000ff0, 0x00000770},
.scene_type = SCENE_USB_STANDBY,
.name = "usb_standby",
.soc_pwr_dep.id = USB_STANDBY_FLAG,
//mean dram, cpus,dram_pll,vcc_pl, vcc_ldoin, vdd_sys is on.
//note: vcc_pm is marked on, just for cross-platform reason.
//at a83: with the sys_mask's help, we know we do not need care about vcc_pm state.
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_pwr_dm_state.state = BITMAP(VCC_DRAM_BIT) | BITMAP(VDD_CPUS_BIT) |\
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_pwr_dm_state.volt[0] = 0x0, //mean: donot need care about the voltage.
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.osc_en = BITMAP(OSC_LOSC_BIT) | BITMAP(OSC_HOSC_BIT), // mean all osc is off. +losc, +hosc
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.init_pll_dis = BITMAP(PM_PLL_DRAM), //mean pll5 is shutdowned & open by dram driver.
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.exit_pll_en = 0x0,
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.pll_change = BITMAP(PM_PLL_PERIPH),
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.pll_factor[PM_PLL_PERIPH] = { //PLL_PERIPH freq = 24*12/2/2= 72M
.factor1 = 12, //N=12
.factor2 = 1, //Div1 = 1 + 1 = 2
.factor3 = 1, //Div2 = 1 + 1 = 2
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.bus_change = BITMAP(BUS_AHB1) | BITMAP(BUS_AHB2),
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.bus_factor[BUS_AHB1] = {
.src = CLK_SRC_LOSC, //need make sure losc is on.
.pre_div = 0,
.div_ratio = 0,
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.bus_factor[BUS_AHB2] = {
.src = CLK_SRC_AHB1, //need make sure AHB1 is on.
.pre_div = 0,
.div_ratio = 0,
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_dram_state.selfresh_flag = 0x1,
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.hold_flag = 0x0,
//for pf port: set the io to disable state.;
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.io_state[0] = {(unsigned int)0x01c208b4, 0x00f0f0ff, 0x00707077},
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.io_state[1] = {(unsigned int)0x01c208b4, 0x000f0f00, 0x00070700},
.scene_type = SCENE_MP3_STANDBY,
.name = "mp3_standby",
.soc_pwr_dep.id = MP3_STANDBY_FLAG,
.scene_type = SCENE_BOOT_FAST,
.name = "boot_fast",
.soc_pwr_dep.id = BOOT_FAST_STANDBY_FLAG,
.scene_type = SCENE_SUPER_STANDBY,
.name = "super_standby",
.soc_pwr_dep.id = SUPER_STANDBY_FLAG,
//mean dram, cpus,dram_pll,vcc_pl, vcc_io, vcc_ldoin is on.
//note: vcc_pm is marked on, just for cross-platform reason.
//at a83: with the sys_mask's help, we know we do not need care about vcc_pm state.
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_pwr_dm_state.state = BITMAP(VCC_DRAM_BIT) | BITMAP(VDD_CPUS_BIT) |\
//mean care about cpua, dram, sys, cpus, dram_pll, vdd_adc, vcc_pl, vcc_io, vcc_cpvdd, vcc_ldoin, vcc_pll
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_pwr_dm_state.volt[0] = 0x0, //mean: donot need care about the voltage.
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.osc_en = 0x0, // mean all osc is off.
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.init_pll_dis = BITMAP(PM_PLL_DRAM), //mean pll5 is shutdowned & open by dram driver.
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.exit_pll_en = 0x0,
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.pll_change = 0x0,
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.bus_change = 0x0,
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_dram_state.selfresh_flag = 0x1,
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.hold_flag = 0x1,
//for pf port: set the io to disable state.;
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.io_state[0] = {(unsigned int)0x01c208b4, 0x00f0f0ff, 0x00707077},
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.io_state[1] = {(unsigned int)0x01c208b4, 0x000f0f00, 0x00070700},
.name = "gpio_hold_standby",
.soc_pwr_dep.id = GPIO_HOLD_STANDBY_FLAG,
//mean dram, cpus,dram_pll,vcc_pl, vcc_io, vcc_ldoin is on.
//note: vcc_pm is marked on, just for cross-platform reason.
//at a83: with the sys_mask's help, we know we do not need care about vcc_pm state.
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_pwr_dm_state.state = BITMAP(VCC_DRAM_BIT) | BITMAP(VDD_CPUS_BIT) |\
//mean care about cpua, dram, sys, cpus, dram_pll, vdd_adc, vcc_pl, vcc_io, vcc_cpvdd, vcc_ldoin, vcc_pll
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_pwr_dm_state.volt[0] = 0x0, //mean: donot need care about the voltage.
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.osc_en = 0x0, // mean all osc is off.
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.init_pll_dis = BITMAP(PM_PLL_DRAM), //mean pll5 is shutdowned & open by dram driver.
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.exit_pll_en = 0x0,
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.pll_change = 0x0,
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.bus_change = 0x0,
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_dram_state.selfresh_flag = 0x1,
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.hold_flag = 0x1,
//for pf port: set the io to disable state.;
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.io_state[0] = {(unsigned int)0x01c208b4, 0x00f0f0ff, 0x00707077},
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.io_state[1] = {(unsigned int)0x01c208b4, 0x000f0f00, 0x00070700},
.name = "normal_standby",
.soc_pwr_dep.id = NORMAL_STANDBY_FLAG,
//mean dram, cpus,dram_pll,vcc_pl, vcc_io, vcc_ldoin is on.
//note: vcc_pm is marked on, just for cross-platform reason.
//at a83: with the sys_mask's help, we know we do not need care about vcc_pm state.
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_pwr_dm_state.state = BITMAP(VCC_DRAM_BIT) | BITMAP(VDD_CPUS_BIT) |\
//mean care about cpua, dram, sys, cpus, dram_pll, vdd_adc, vcc_pl, vcc_io, vcc_cpvdd, vcc_ldoin, vcc_pll
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_pwr_dm_state.volt[0] = 0x0, //mean: donot need care about the voltage.
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.osc_en = 0x0, // mean all osc is off.
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.init_pll_dis = BITMAP(PM_PLL_DRAM), //mean pll5 is shutdowned & open by dram driver.
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.exit_pll_en = 0x0,
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.pll_change = 0x0,
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.bus_change = 0x0,
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_dram_state.selfresh_flag = 0x1,
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.hold_flag = 0x1,
//for pf port: set the io to disable state.;
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.io_state[0] = {(unsigned int)0x01c208b4, 0x00f0f0ff, 0x00707077},
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.io_state[1] = {(unsigned int)0x01c208b4, 0x000f0f00, 0x00070700},
.scene_type = SCENE_GPIO_STANDBY,
.name = "gpio_standby",
.soc_pwr_dep.id = GPIO_STANDBY_FLAG,
//mean dram, cpus,dram_pll,vcc_pl, vcc_io, vcc_ldoin is on. +vdd_sys
//note: vcc_pm is marked on, just for cross-platform reason.
//at a83: with the sys_mask's help, we know we do not need care about vcc_pm state.
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_pwr_dm_state.state = BITMAP(VCC_DRAM_BIT) | BITMAP(VDD_CPUS_BIT) |\
//mean care about cpua, dram, sys, cpus, dram_pll, vdd_adc, vcc_pl, vcc_io, vcc_cpvdd, vcc_ldoin, vcc_pll
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_pwr_dm_state.volt[0] = 0x0, //mean: donot need care about the voltage.
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.osc_en = BITMAP(OSC_LOSC_BIT), // mean all osc is off. +losc
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.init_pll_dis = BITMAP(PM_PLL_DRAM), //mean pll5 is shutdowned & open by dram driver.
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.exit_pll_en = 0x0,
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.pll_change = 0x0,
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.bus_change = BITMAP(BUS_AHB1),
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.bus_factor[BUS_AHB1] = {
.src = CLK_SRC_LOSC, //need make sure losc is on.
.pre_div = 0,
.div_ratio = 0,
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_dram_state.selfresh_flag = 0x1,
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.hold_flag = 0x0,
//for pf port: set the io to disable state.;
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.io_state[0] = {(unsigned int)0x01c208b4, 0x00f0f0ff, 0x00707077},
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.io_state[1] = {(unsigned int)0x01c208b4, 0x000f0f00, 0x00070700},
#if 0
//for pb port
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.io_state[0] = {(unsigned int *)0x01c20824, 0x0000ffff, 0x00007777},
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.io_state[1] = {(unsigned int *)0x01c20828, 0x00000ff0, 0x00000770},
.scene_type = SCENE_MISC_STANDBY,
.name = "misc_standby",
.soc_pwr_dep.id = MISC_STANDBY_FLAG,
//mean dram, cpus,dram_pll,vcc_pl, vcc_io, vcc_ldoin is on.
//note: vcc_pm is marked on, just for cross-platform reason.
//at a83: with the sys_mask's help, we know we do not need care about vcc_pm state.
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_pwr_dm_state.state = BITMAP(VCC_DRAM_BIT) | BITMAP(VDD_CPUS_BIT) |\
0x0644, //-vcc_io; -dram, ldoin/ adc/ cpvdd
//mean care about cpua, dram, sys, cpus, dram_pll, vdd_adc, vcc_pl, vcc_io, vcc_cpvdd, vcc_ldoin, vcc_pll
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_pwr_dm_state.volt[0] = 0x0, //mean: donot need care about the voltage.
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.osc_en = 0x0, // mean all osc is off.
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.init_pll_dis = (~(0x20)), //mean pll5 is shutdowned & open by dram driver.
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.exit_pll_en = 0x0,
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.pll_change = 0x0,
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.bus_change = 0x0,
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_dram_state.selfresh_flag = 0x1,
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.hold_flag = 0x1,
//for pf port: set the io to disable state.;
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.io_state[0] = {(unsigned int)0x01c208b4, 0x00f0f0ff, 0x00707077},
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.io_state[1] = {(unsigned int)0x01c208b4, 0x000f0f00, 0x00070700},
.scene_type = SCENE_MISC1_STANDBY,
.name = "misc1_standby",
.soc_pwr_dep.id = MISC1_STANDBY_FLAG,
//mean dram, cpus,dram_pll,vcc_pl, vcc_io, vcc_ldoin is on.
//note: vcc_pm is marked on, just for cross-platform reason.
//at a83: with the sys_mask's help, we know we do not need care about vcc_pm state.
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_pwr_dm_state.state = BITMAP(VCC_DRAM_BIT) | BITMAP(VDD_CPUS_BIT) |\
//mean care about cpua, dram, sys, cpus, dram_pll, vdd_adc, vcc_pl, vcc_io, vcc_cpvdd, vcc_ldoin, vcc_pll
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_pwr_dm_state.volt[0] = 0x0, //mean: donot need care about the voltage.
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.osc_en = 0x0, // mean all osc is off.
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.init_pll_dis = (~(0x20)), //mean pll5 is shutdowned & open by dram driver.
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.exit_pll_en = 0x0,
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.pll_change = 0x0,
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.bus_change = 0x0,
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_dram_state.selfresh_flag = 0x1,
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.hold_flag = 0x1, //hold gpio
//for pf port: set the io to disable state.;
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.io_state[0] = {(unsigned int)0x01c208b4, 0x00f0f0ff, 0x00707077},
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.io_state[1] = {(unsigned int)0x01c208b4, 0x000f0f00, 0x00070700},
//for parse sysconfig config. //
//default config according dram enter selfresh.
//when not enable enter selfresh, need open vdd_sys.
.name = "dynamic_standby",
.soc_pwr_dep.id = DYNAMIC_STANDBY_FLAG,
//mean dram, cpus,dram_pll,vcc_pl, vcc_io, vcc_ldoin is on.
//note: vcc_pm is marked on, just for cross-platform reason.
//at a83: with the sys_mask's help, we know we do not need care about vcc_pm state.
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_pwr_dm_state.state = BITMAP(VCC_DRAM_BIT) | BITMAP(VDD_CPUS_BIT) |\
//mean care about cpua, dram, sys, cpus, dram_pll, vdd_adc, vcc_pl, vcc_io, vcc_cpvdd, vcc_ldoin, vcc_pll
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_pwr_dm_state.volt[0] = 0x0, //mean: donot need care about the voltage.
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.osc_en = 0x0, // mean all osc is off.
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.init_pll_dis = (BITMAP(PM_PLL_DRAM)), //mean pll5 is shutdowned & open by dram driver.
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.exit_pll_en = 0x0,
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.pll_change = 0x0,
.soc_pwr_dep.cpux_clk_state.bus_change = 0x0,
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_dram_state.selfresh_flag = 0x1, //enter selfresh, for compatible reason.
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.hold_flag = 0x1,
//for pf port: set the io to disable state.;
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.io_state[0] = {(unsigned int)0x01c208b4, 0x00f0f0ff, 0x00707077},
.soc_pwr_dep.soc_io_state.io_state[1] = {(unsigned int)0x01c208b4, 0x000f0f00, 0x00070700},
#elif defined CONFIG_ARCH_SUN8IW7P1
/* pwr_dm_en: bit0:pwr_sys, bit1:pwr_io, bit2:pwr_cpu
* bus_change: bit0:axi, bit1:ahb1/apb1, bit2:ahb2
* osc_en: bit0:HOSC
scene_extended_standby_t extended_standby[8] = {
.pwr_dm_en = 0xfb, /* pwr_cpu is closed */
.osc_en = 0xf, /* mean Hosc is on */
.init_pll_dis = 0x1fff, /* disable all plls */
.exit_pll_en = 0x1fff,
.pll_change = 0, /* all pll are closed */
.bus_change = 0x3,
.bus_factor[0] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, /* switch cpu/axi src to IOSC */
.bus_factor[1] = {0, 0, 1, 0, 0}, /* switch ahb1/apb1 src to IOSC */
.name = "talking_standby",
.pwr_dm_en = 0xfb, /* pwr_cpu is closed */
.osc_en = 0xf, /* mean Hosc is on */
.init_pll_dis = 0x1fff, /* disable all plls */
.exit_pll_en = 0x1fff,
.pll_change = 0, /* all pll are closed */
.bus_change = 0x3,
.bus_factor[0] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, /* switch cpu/axi src to IOSC */
.bus_factor[1] = {0, 0, 1, 0, 0}, /* switch ahb1/apb1 src to IOSC */
.scene_type = SCENE_USB_STANDBY,
.name = "usb_standby",
.scene_type = SCENE_MP3_STANDBY,
.name = "mp3_standby",
.scene_type = SCENE_BOOT_FAST,
.name = "boot_fast",
.pwr_dm_en = 0xfb, /* pwr_cpu is closed */
.osc_en = 0x0, /* mean Hosc is off */
.init_pll_dis = 0x1fff, /* disable all plls */
.exit_pll_en = 0x1fff,
.pll_change = 0, /* all pll are closed */
.bus_change = 0x3,
.bus_factor[0] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, /* switch cpu/axi src to IOSC */
.bus_factor[1] = {0, 0, 1, 0, 0}, /* switch ahb1/apb1 src to IOSC */
.scene_type = SCENE_SUPER_STANDBY,
.name = "super_standby",
.pwr_dm_en = 0xfb, /* pwr_cpu is closed */
.osc_en = 0xf, /* mean Hosc is on */
.init_pll_dis = 0x1fff, /* disable all plls */
.exit_pll_en = 0x1fff,
.pll_change = 0, /* all pll are closed */
.bus_change = 0x3,
.bus_factor[0] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, /* switch cpu/axi src to IOSC */
.bus_factor[1] = {0, 0, 1, 0, 0}, /* switch ahb1/apb1 src to IOSC */
.name = "normal_standby",
.pwr_dm_en = 0xfb, /* pwr_cpu is closed */
.osc_en = 0xf, /* mean Hosc is on */
.init_pll_dis = 0x1fff, /* disable all plls */
.exit_pll_en = 0x1fff,
.pll_change = 0, /* all pll are closed */
.bus_change = 0x3,
.bus_factor[0] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, /* switch cpu/axi src to IOSC */
.bus_factor[1] = {0, 0, 1, 0, 0}, /* switch ahb1/apb1 src to IOSC */
.scene_type = SCENE_GPIO_STANDBY,
.name = "gpio_standby",
.scene_type = SCENE_MISC_STANDBY,
.name = "misc_standby",
#elif defined (CONFIG_ARCH_SUN9IW1) //FIXME. the config need double check.
scene_extended_standby_t extended_standby[8] = {
.pwr_dm_en = 0x0ff7, /* only cpul is power off */
.osc_en = 0xf, /* 24M & pll_ldo are reversed open */
.init_pll_dis = 0x1f0e, /* pll_c0/ve/video0/1 can not be closed */
.exit_pll_en = 0x0, /* all plls are reversed */
.pll_change = 0x0,
.bus_change = 0x0,
.name = "talking_standby",
.pwr_dm_en = 0x0a7, /* only dc5ldo & dcdc1/4/5 & s-bldo2 power on */
.osc_en = 0x9, /* 24M & pll_ldo are reversed open */
.init_pll_dis = 0x1fdf, /* all plls ard closed */
.exit_pll_en = 0x0d1, /* open pll_c0/VE/vedio0/1 for system resume stable */
.bus_change = 0x07fc0, /* adjust all BUSES to lowest freq for power save */
.bus_factor[6] = {1<<0, 0, 4, 0, 0}, /* GTBUS set to 24M/4=6M for AHB0 use for USB HOST */
.bus_factor[7] = {1<<7, 0, 8, 0, 0}, /* AHB0 need adjust to GTBUS/8=750K for USB HOST */
.bus_factor[8] = {1<<5, 0, 8, 0, 0}, /* AHB1 adjust to pll_per0(0MHz) for power save */
.bus_factor[9] = {1<<5, 0, 8, 0, 0}, /* AHB2 adjust to pll_per0(0MHz) for power save */
.bus_factor[10] = {1<<0, 0, 8, 0, 0}, /* APB0 adjust to 24M/8=3M for power save */
.bus_factor[11] = {1<<5, 0, 8, 0,32}, /* APB1 adjust to pll_per0(0MHz) for power save */
.bus_factor[12] = {1<<5, 0, 4, 0, 0}, /* CCI adjust to pll_per0(0MHz) for power save */
.bus_factor[13] = {1<<5, 0, 0, 0, 8}, /* ATS adjust to pll_per0(0MHz) for power save */
.bus_factor[14] = {1<<5, 0, 0, 0, 8}, /* TRACE adjust to pll_per0(0MHz) for power save */
.scene_type = SCENE_USB_STANDBY,
.name = "usb_standby",
.scene_type = SCENE_MP3_STANDBY,
.name = "mp3_standby",
.scene_type = SCENE_BOOT_FAST,
.name = "boot_fast",
.pwr_dm_en = 0x0084, /* reserve dcdc5 & dc5ldo power */
.osc_en = 0, /* 24M & pll_ldo close, so all plls will can't used */
.init_pll_dis = 0, /* all plls should be closed, but no need disabled */
.exit_pll_en = 0x0, /* all plls is default, for BROM need default envir */
.pll_change = 0x0,
.bus_change = 0x0,
.scene_type = SCENE_SUPER_STANDBY,
.name = "super_standby",
.pwr_dm_en = 0x0fff, /* mean all power domains are reversed power on */
.osc_en = 0xf, /* 24M & pll_ldo are reversed open */
.init_pll_dis = 0x1f0e, /* pll_c0/ve/video0/1 can not be closed */
.exit_pll_en = 0,
.pll_change = 0,
.pll_factor[0] = {0x10,0,0,0},
.bus_change = 0,
.bus_factor[0] = {0x2,0,0,0,0},
.bus_factor[2] = {0x2,0,0,0,0},
.name = "normal_standby",
.pwr_dm_en = 0x0fab, /* mean avcc, dram, sys, io, cpus is on */
.osc_en = 0xf, /* 24M & pll_ldo are reversed open */
.init_pll_dis = 0x1f0e, /* pll_c0/ve/video0/1 can not be closed */
.exit_pll_en = 0x0,
.pll_change = 0x0,
.bus_change = 0x0,
.bus_factor[2] = {0x0,0,0,0,0},
.scene_type = SCENE_GPIO_STANDBY,
.name = "gpio_standby",
.scene_type = SCENE_MISC_STANDBY,
.name = "misc_standby",
int extended_standby_cnt = sizeof(extended_standby)/sizeof(extended_standby[0]);