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Executable File

* arch/arm/mach-sun6i/include/mach/ccmu_regs.h
* Copyright 2012 (c) Allwinner.
* kevin.z.m (
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#ifndef __MEM_CCMU_SUN8IW1P1_H__
#define __MEM_CCMU_SUN8IW1P1_H__
typedef union{
__u32 dwval;
__u32 FactorM:2; //bit0, PLL1 Factor M
__u32 reserved0:2; //bit2, reserved
__u32 FactorK:2; //bit4, PLL1 factor K
__u32 reserved1:2; //bit6, reserved
__u32 FactorN:5; //bit8, PLL1 Factor N
__u32 reserved2:11; //bit13, reserved
__u32 SigmaEn:1; //bit24, sigma delta enbale
__u32 reserved3:3; //bit25, reserved
__u32 Lock:1; //bit28, pll is stable flag, 1-pll has stabled
__u32 reserved4:2; //bit29, reserved
__u32 PLLEn:1; //bit31, 0-disable, 1-enable, (24Mhz*N*K)/(M*P)
} bits;
} __ccmu_pll1_reg0000_t;
typedef struct __CCMU_PLL2_REG0008
__u32 FactorM:5; //bit0, PLL2 prev division M
__u32 reserved0:3; //bit5, reserved
__u32 FactorN:7; //bit8, PLL2 factor N
__u32 reserved1:1; //bit15, reserved
__u32 FactorP:4; //bit16, PLL2 post division
__u32 reserved2:4; //bit20, reserved
__u32 SdmEn:1; //bit24, pll sdm enable, factorN only low 4 bits valid when enable
__u32 reserved3:3; //bit25, reserved
__u32 Lock:1; //bit28, pll stable flag
__u32 reserved4:2; //bit29, reserved
__u32 PLLEn:1; //bit31, PLL2 enable
} __ccmu_pll2_reg0008_t;
typedef struct __CCMU_MEDIA_PLL
__u32 FactorM:4; //bit0, PLL3 FactorM
__u32 reserved0:4; //bit4, reserved
__u32 FactorN:7; //bit8, PLL factor N
__u32 reserved1:5; //bit15, reserved
__u32 SdmEn:1; //bit20, sdm enable
__u32 reserved2:3; //bit21, reserved
__u32 ModeSel:1; //bit24, PLL mode select
__u32 FracMod:1; //bit25, PLL out is 0:270Mhz, 1:297Mhz
__u32 reserved3:2; //bit26, reserved
__u32 Lock:1; //bit27, lock flag
__u32 reserved4:1; //bit29, reserved
__u32 CtlMode:1; //bit30, control mode, 0-controled by cpu, 1-control by DE
__u32 PLLEn:1; //bit31, PLL3 enable
} __ccmu_media_pll_t;
typedef struct __CCMU_PLL5_REG0020
__u32 FactorM:2; //bit0, PLL5 factor M
__u32 reserved0:2; //bit2, reserved
__u32 FactorK:2; //bit4, PLL5 factor K
__u32 reserved1:2; //bit6, reserved
__u32 FactorN:5; //bit8, PLL5 factor N
__u32 reserved2:7; //bit13, reserved
__u32 PLLCfgUpdate:1; //bit20, PLL configuration update
__u32 reserved3:3; //bit21, reserved
__u32 SigmaDeltaEn:1; //bit24, sdram sigma delta enable
__u32 reserved4:3; //bit25, reserved
__u32 Lock:1; //bit28, lock flag
__u32 reserved5:2; //bit29, reserved
__u32 PLLEn:1; //bit31, PLL5 Enable
} __ccmu_pll5_reg0020_t;
typedef struct __CCMU_PLL6_REG0028
__u32 FactorM:2; //bit0, PLL6 factor M
__u32 reserved0:2; //bit2, reserved
__u32 FactorK:2; //bit4, PLL6 factor K
__u32 reserved1:2; //bit6, reserved
__u32 FactorN:5; //bit8, PLL6 factor N
__u32 reserved2:3; //bit13, reserved
__u32 Pll24MPdiv:2; //bit16, PLL 24M output clock post divider
__u32 Pll24MOutEn:1; //bit18, PLL 24M output enable
__u32 reserved3:5; //bit19, reserved
__u32 PllClkOutEn:1; //bit24, pll clock output enable
__u32 PLLBypass:1; //bit25, PLL6 output bypass enable
__u32 reserved4:2; //bit26, reserved
__u32 Lock:1; //bit28, lock flag
__u32 reserved5:2; //bit29, reserved
__u32 PLLEn:1; //bit31, PLL6 enable
} __ccmu_pll6_reg0028_t;
typedef struct __CCMU_MIPI_PLL_REG0040
__u32 FactorM:4; //bit0, PLL FactorM
__u32 FactorK:2; //bit4, PLL FactorM
__u32 reserved0:2; //bit6, reserved
__u32 FactorN:4; //bit8, PLL factor N
__u32 reserved1:4; //bit12, reserved
__u32 VfbSel:1; //bit16, 0-mipi mode(n,k,m valid), 1-hdmi mode(sint_frac, sdiv2
// s6p25_7p5, pll_feedback_div valid)
__u32 FeedBackDiv:1; //bit17, pll feedback division, 0:x5, 1:x7
__u32 reserved2:2; //bit18, reserved
__u32 SdmEn:1; //bit20, sdm enable
__u32 PllSrc:1; //bit21, PLL source, 0:video pll0, 1:video pll1
__u32 Ldo2En:1; //bit22, LDO2 enable
__u32 Ldo1En:1; //bit23, LDO1 enable
__u32 reserved3:1; //bit24, reserved
__u32 Sel625Or750:1; //bit25, select pll out is input*6.25 or 7.50
__u32 SDiv2:1; //bit26, PLL output seclect, 0:pll output, 1:pll output x2
__u32 FracMode:1; //bit27, PLL output mode, 0:integer mode, 1:fraction mode
__u32 Lock:1; //bit28, lock flag
__u32 reserved4:2; //bit29, reserved
__u32 PLLEn:1; //bit31, PLL enable
} __ccmu_mipi_pll_reg0040_t;
#define AC327_CLKSRC_LOSC (0)
#define AC327_CLKSRC_HOSC (1)
#define AC327_CLKSRC_PLL1 (2)
typedef union{
__u32 dwval;
__u32 AXIClkDiv:3; //bit0, AXI clock divide ratio, 000-1, 001-2, 010-3, 011/1xx-4
__u32 reserved0:5; //bit3, reserved
__u32 AtbApbClkDiv:2; //bit8, ATB/APB clock div, 00-1, 01-2, 1x-4, need care? maybe, just for tips.
__u32 reserved1:6; //bit10, reserved
__u32 CpuClkSrc:2; //bit16, CPU1/2/3/4 clock source select, 00-internal LOSC, 01-HOSC, 10/11-PLL1
__u32 reserved2:14; //bit18, reserved
} bits;
#define AHB1_CLKSRC_LOSC (0)
#define AHB1_CLKSRC_HOSC (1)
#define AHB1_CLKSRC_AXI (2)
#define AHB1_CLKSRC_PLL6 (3)
typedef struct __CCMU_AHB1_RATIO_REG0054
__u32 reserved0:4; //bit0, reserved
__u32 Ahb1Div:2; //bit4, ahb1 clock divide ratio,1/2/4/8
__u32 Ahb1PreDiv:2; //bit6, ahb1 clock pre-divide ratio 1/2/3/4
__u32 Apb1Div:2; //bit8, apb1 clock divide ratio 2/2/4/8, source is ahb1
__u32 reserved1:2; //bit10, reserved
__u32 Ahb1ClkSrc:2; //bit12, ahb1 clock source select, 00-LOSC, 01-OSC24M, 10-AXI, 11-PLL6/ahb1_pre_div
__u32 reserved2:18; //bit26, reserved
} __ccmu_ahb1_ratio_reg0054_t;
#define APB2_CLKSRC_LOSC (0)
#define APB2_CLKSRC_HOSC (1)
#define APB2_CLKSRC_PLL6 (2)
typedef union{
__u32 dwval;
__u32 DivM:5; //bit0, clock divide ratio m
__u32 reserved:11; //bit5, reserved
__u32 DivN:2; //bit16, clock pre-divide ratio 1/2/4/8
__u32 reserved1:6; //bit18, reserved
__u32 ClkSrc:2; //bit24, clock source select, 00-LOSC, 01-OSC24M, 10/11-PLL6
__u32 reserved2:6; //bit26, reserved
} bits;
} __ccmu_apb2_ratio_reg0058_t;
typedef struct __CCMU_AXI_GATE_REG005c
__u32 Sdram:1; //bit0, gating AXI clock for SDRAM, 0-mask, 1-pass
__u32 reserved0:31; //bit1, reserved
} __ccmu_axi_gate_reg005c_t;
typedef struct __CCMU_AHB1_GATE0_REG0060
__u32 MipiCsi:1; //bit0, gating AHB clock for mipi csi, 0-mask, 1-pass
__u32 MipiDsi:1; //bit1, gating AHB clock for mipi dsi, 0-mask, 1-pass
__u32 reserved0:3; //bit2, reserved
__u32 Ss:1; //bit5, gating AHB clock for SS, 0-mask, 1-pass
__u32 Dma:1; //bit6, gating AHB clock for DMA, 0-mask, 1-pass
__u32 reserved1:1; //bit7, reserved
__u32 Sd0:1; //bit8, gating AHB clock for SD/MMC0, 0-mask, 1-pass
__u32 Sd1:1; //bit9, gating AHB clock for SD/MMC1, 0-mask, 1-pass
__u32 Sd2:1; //bit10, gating AHB clock for SD/MMC2, 0-mask, 1-pass
__u32 Sd3:1; //bit11, gating AHB clock for SD/MMC3, 0-mask, 1-pass
__u32 Nand1:1; //bit12, gating AHB clock for NAND1, 0-mask, 1-pass
__u32 Nand0:1; //bit13, gating AHB clock for NAND0, 0-mask, 1-pass
__u32 Dram:1; //bit14, gating AHB clock for SDRAM, 0-mask, 1-pass
__u32 reserved2:2; //bit15, reserved
__u32 Gmac:1; //bit17, gating AHB clock for GMAC, 0-mask, 1-pass
__u32 Ts:1; //bit18, gating AHB clock for TS, 0-mask, 1-pass
__u32 HsTmr:1; //bit19, gating AHB clock for High speed timer 0-mask, 1-pass
__u32 Spi0:1; //bit20, gating AHB clock for SPI0, 0-mask, 1-pass
__u32 Spi1:1; //bit21, gating AHB clock for SPI1, 0-mask, 1-pass
__u32 Spi2:1; //bit22, gating AHB clock for SPI2, 0-mask, 1-pass
__u32 Spi3:1; //bit23, gating AHB clock for SPI3, 0-mask, 1-pass
__u32 Otg:1; //bit24, gating AHB clock for USB-OTG, 0-mask, 1-pass
__u32 reserved3:1; //bit25, reserved
__u32 Ehci0:1; //bit26, gating AHB clock for EHCI0, 0-mask, 1-pass
__u32 Ehci1:1; //bit27, gating AHB clock for EHCI1, 0-mask, 1-pass
__u32 reserved4:1; //bit28, reserved
__u32 Ohci0:1; //bit29, gating AHB clock for OHCI0, 0-mask, 1-pass
__u32 Ohci1:1; //bit30, gating AHB clock for OHCI1, 0-mask, 1-pass
__u32 Ohci2:1; //bit31, gating AHB clock for OHCI2, 0-mask, 1-pass
} __ccmu_ahb1_gate0_reg0060_t;
typedef struct __CCMU_AHB1_GATE1_REG0064
__u32 Ve:1; //bit0, gating AHB clock for VE, 0-mask, 1-pass
__u32 reserved0:3; //bit1, reserved
__u32 Lcd0:1; //bit4, gating AHB clock for LCD0, 0-mask, 1-pass
__u32 Lcd1:1; //bit5, gating AHB clock for LCD1, 0-mask, 1-pass
__u32 reserved1:2; //bit6, reserved
__u32 Csi0:1; //bit8, gating AHB clock for CSI0, 0-mask, 1-pass
__u32 Csi1:1; //bit9, gating AHB clock for CSI1, 0-mask, 1-pass
__u32 reserved2:1; //bit10, reserved
__u32 Hdmi:1; //bit11, gating AHB clock for HDMI, 0-mask, 1-pass
__u32 Be0:1; //bit12, gating AHB clock for DE-BE0, 0-mask, 1-pass
__u32 Be1:1; //bit13, gating AHB clock for DE-BE1, 0-mask, 1-pass
__u32 Fe0:1; //bit14, gating AHB clock for DE-FE0, 0-mask, 1-pass
__u32 Fe1:1; //bit15, gating AHB clock for DE-FE1, 0-mask, 1-pass
__u32 reserved3:2; //bit16, reserved
__u32 Mp:1; //bit18, gating AHB clock for MP, 0-mask, 1-pass
__u32 reserved4:1; //bit19, reserved
__u32 Gpu:1; //bit20, gating AHB clock for GPU, 0-mask, 1-pass
__u32 MsgBox:1; //bit21, gating AHB clock for MSG-BOX, 0-mask, 1-pass
__u32 SpinLock:1; //bit22, gating AHB clock for SPIN-LOCK, 0-mask, 1-pass
__u32 Deu0:1; //bit23, gating AHB clock for DEU0, 0-mask, 1-pass
__u32 Deu1:1; //bit24, gating AHB clock for DEU1, 0-mask, 1-pass
__u32 Drc0:1; //bit25, gating AHB clock for DRC0, 0-mask, 1-pass
__u32 Drc1:1; //bit26, gating AHB clock for DRC1, 0-mask, 1-pass
__u32 MtcAcc:1; //bit27, gating AHB clock for MTC-ACC, 0-mask, 1-pass
__u32 reserved5:4; //bit28, reserved
} __ccmu_ahb1_gate1_reg0064_t;
typedef struct __CCMU_APB1_GATE_REG0068
__u32 Adda:1; //bit0, gating APB clock for audio codec, 0-mask, 1-pass
__u32 Spdif:1; //bit1, gating APB clock for SPDIF, 0-mask, 1-pass
__u32 reserved0:2; //bit2, reserved
__u32 Dmic:1; //bit4, gating APB clock for digital mic
__u32 Pio:1; //bit5, gating APB clock for PIO, 0-mask, 1-pass
__u32 reserved1:6; //bit6, reserved
__u32 I2s0:1; //bit12, gating APB clock for I2s-0, 0-mask, 1-pass
__u32 I2s1:1; //bit13, gating APB clock for I2s-1, 0-mask, 1-pass
__u32 reserved2:18; //bit14, reserved
} __ccmu_apb1_gate_reg0068_t;
typedef struct __CCMU_APB2_GATE_REG006C
__u32 Twi0:1; //bit0, gating APB clock for TWI0, 0-mask, 1-pass
__u32 Twi1:1; //bit1, gating APB clock for TWI1, 0-mask, 1-pass
__u32 Twi2:1; //bit2, gating APB clock for TWI2, 0-mask, 1-pass
__u32 Twi3:1; //bit3, gating APB clock for TWI3, 0-mask, 1-pass
__u32 reserved0:12; //bit4, reserved
__u32 Uart0:1; //bit16, gating APB clock for UART0, 0-mask, 1-pass
__u32 Uart1:1; //bit17, gating APB clock for UART1, 0-mask, 1-pass
__u32 Uart2:1; //bit18, gating APB clock for UART2, 0-mask, 1-pass
__u32 Uart3:1; //bit19, gating APB clock for UART3, 0-mask, 1-pass
__u32 Uart4:1; //bit20, gating APB clock for UART4, 0-mask, 1-pass
__u32 Uart5:1; //bit21, gating APB clock for UART5, 0-mask, 1-pass
__u32 reserved1:10; //bit22, reserved
} __ccmu_apb2_gate_reg006c_t;
/* normal module clock */
typedef struct __CCMU_MODULE0_CLK
__u32 DivM:4; //bit0, clock divide ratio, divided by (m+1), 1~16 ex.
__u32 reserved0:4; //bit4, reserved
__u32 OutClkCtrl:3; //bit8, output clock phase control, 0~7
__u32 reserved1:5; //bit11, reserved
__u32 DivN:2; //bit16, clock pre-divide ratio, predivided by 2^n , 1/2/4/8 ex.
__u32 reserved2:2; //bit18, reserved
__u32 SampClkCtrl:3; //bit20, sample clock phase control, 0~7
__u32 reserved3:1; //bit23, reserved
__u32 ClkSrc:3; //bit24, clock source select, defined with different modules
__u32 reserved4:4; //bit26, reserved
__u32 ClkGate:1; //bit31, Gating special clock, 0-CLOCK OFF, 1-CLOCK ON
} __ccmu_module0_clk_t;
/* normal module clock */
typedef struct __CCMU_MODULE1_CLK
__u32 reserved0:16; //bit0, reserved
__u32 ClkSrc:2; //bit16, clock source select, 00:PLL2X8, 01:PLL2X8/2, 10:PLLX8/4, 11:PLL2X1
__u32 reserved1:13; //bit18, reserved
__u32 ClkGate:1; //bit31, Gating special clock, 0-CLOCK OFF, 1-CLOCK ON
} __ccmu_module1_clk_t;
/* normal module clock */
typedef struct __CCMU_MODULE_CLK
__u32 reserved0:31; //bit0, reserved
__u32 ClkGate:1; //bit31, Gating special clock, 0-CLOCK OFF, 1-CLOCK ON
} __ccmu_module_clk_t;
typedef struct __CCMU_USB_CLK_REG00CC
__u32 UsbPhy0Rst:1; //bit0, USB PHY0 reset control, 0-reset valid, 1-reset invalid
__u32 UsbPhy1Rst:1; //bit1, USB PHY1 reset control, 0-reset valid, 1-reset invalid
__u32 UsbPhy2Rst:1; //bit2, USB PHY2 reset control, 0-reset valid, 1-reset invalid
__u32 reserved0:5; //bit3, reserved
__u32 Phy0Gate:1; //bit8, gating special clock for USBPHY0, 0-CLOCK OFF, 1-CLOCK ON
__u32 Phy1Gate:1; //bit9, gating special clock for USBPHY1, 0-CLOCK OFF, 1-CLOCK ON
__u32 Phy2Gate:1; //bit10, gating special clock for USBPHY2, 0-CLOCK OFF, 1-CLOCK ON
__u32 reserved1:5; //bit11, reserved
__u32 Ohci0Gate:1; //bit16, gating special clock for OHCI0, 0-CLOCK OFF, 1-CLOCK ON
__u32 Ohci1Gate:1; //bit17, gating special clock for OHCI1, 0-CLOCK OFF, 1-CLOCK ON
__u32 Ohci2Gate:1; //bit18, gating special clock for OHCI2, 0-CLOCK OFF, 1-CLOCK ON
__u32 reserved2:13; //bit19, reserved
} __ccmu_usb_clk_reg00cc_t;
typedef struct __CCMU_GMAC_CLK_REG00D0
__u32 Gtcs:2; //bit0, gmac transmit clock source, 00-transmit clk src for M2, 01-external transmit clk src for GM2 and RGM2,
// 10-internal transmit clk src for GM2 and RGM2, 11-reserved
__u32 Gpit:1; //bit2, gmac phy interface type, 0-GM2/M2, 1-RGM2
__u32 Gtxie:1; //bit3, enable gmac transmit clock invertor, 0-disable, 1-enable
__u32 Grxie:1; //bit4, enable gmac recieve clock invertor, 0-disable, 1-enable
__u32 Grxdc:3; //bit5, config gmac recieve clock delay chain
__u32 reserved0:24; //bit8, reserved
} __ccmu_gmac_clk_reg00d0_t;
typedef struct __CCMU_DRAM_CFG_REG00F4
__u32 Div1M:4; //bit0, sdr clock divider of configuration 1
__u32 ClkSrc1:1; //bit4, sdr clock source of configuration 1, 0:PLL5, 1:PLL6
__u32 reserved0:3; //bit5, reserved
__u32 Div0M:4; //bit8, sdr clock divider of configuration 0
__u32 ClkSrc0:1; //bit12, sdr clock source of configuration 0, 0:PLL5, 1:PLL6
__u32 reserved1:3; //bit13, reserved
__u32 SdrClkUpd:1; //bit16, sdr clock configuration 0 update, 0:invalid, 1:valid
__u32 reserved2:14; //bit14, reserved
__u32 CtrlerRst:1; //bit31, sdram controller reset 0:assert, 1:de-assert
} __ccmu_dram_cfg_reg00f4_t;
typedef struct __CCMU_DRAM_GATE_REG0100
__u32 Ve:1; //bit0, Gating dram clock for VE, 0-mask, 1-pass
__u32 CsiIsp:1; //bit1, Gating dram clock for CSI0, CSI1, MIPI_CSI0, ISP, 0-mask, 1-pass
__u32 reserved0:1; //bit2, reserved
__u32 Ts:1; //bit3, Gating dram clock for TS, 0-mask, 1-pass
__u32 reserved1:12; //bit4, reserved
__u32 Drc0:1; //bit16, Gating dram clock for DRC0, 0-mask, 1-pass
__u32 Drc1:1; //bit17, Gating dram clock for DRC1, 0-mask, 1-pass
__u32 Deu0:1; //bit18, Gating dram clock for DEU0, 0-mask, 1-pass
__u32 Deu1:1; //bit19, Gating dram clock for DEU1, 0-mask, 1-pass
__u32 reserved2:4; //bit20, reserved
__u32 Fe0:1; //bit24, Gating dram clock for DE_FE0, 0-mask, 1-pass
__u32 Fe1:1; //bit25, Gating dram clock for DE_FE1, 0-mask, 1-pass
__u32 Be0:1; //bit26, Gating dram clock for DE_BE0, 0-mask, 1-pass
__u32 Be1:1; //bit27, Gating dram clock for DE_BE1, 0-mask, 1-pass
__u32 Mp:1; //bit28, Gating dram clock for MP, 0-mask, 1-pass
__u32 reserved3:3; //bit29, reserved
} __ccmu_dram_gate_reg0100_t;
/* display module clock */
typedef struct __CCMU_DISP_CLK
__u32 DivM:4; //bit0, clock divide ratio, divied by (m+1), 1~16 ex.
__u32 reserved0:20; //bit4, reserved
__u32 ClkSrc:3; //bit24, clock source select, 000-PLL3, 001-PLL7
// 010-PLL6X2, 011-PLL8, 100-PLL9, 101-PLL10 110/111-reserved
__u32 reserved1:4; //bit27, reserved
__u32 ClkGate:1; //bit31, gating special clock, 0-clock off, 1-clock on
} __ccmu_disp_clk_t;
/* csi module clock source */
typedef struct __CCMU_CSI_CLK
__u32 MClkDiv:4; //bit0, master clock divide ratio, divided by (m+1), 1~16, ex.
__u32 reserved0:4; //bit4, reserved
__u32 MClkSrc:3; //bit8, clock source select, 000-PLL3(1x), 001-PLL7(1x), 010-OSC24M, 010/011/100/111-reserved, 101-PLL3(2x), 110:PLL7(2x)
__u32 reserved1:4; //bit11, reserved
__u32 MClkGate:1; //bit15, gating master clock
__u32 SClkDiv:4; //bit16, csi clock dirvide ratio, 1~16
__u32 reserved2:4; //bit20, reserved
__u32 SClkSrc:3; //bit24, special clock source select, 000:PLL3(1x), 001:PLL7(1x), 010:PLL3(2x)
// 011:PLL7(2x), 100:mipi pll, 101~111:reserved
__u32 reserved3:4; //bit27, reserved
__u32 SClkGate:1; //bit31, Gating special clock, 0-clock off, 1-clock on
} __ccmu_csi_clk_t;
typedef struct __CCMU_VE_CLK_REG013C
__u32 reserved0:16; //bit0, reserved
__u32 ClkDiv:3; //bit16, Clock pre-divide ratio, divided by (n+1), 1~8 ex.
__u32 reserved1:12; //bit19, reserved
__u32 ClkGate:1; //bit31, gating special clock for VE, 0-mask, 1-pass
typedef struct __CCMU_HDMI_CLK_REG0150
__u32 ClkDiv:4; //bit0, clock divide ratio, divided by (m+1), 1~16 ex.
__u32 reserved0:20; //bit4, reserved
__u32 ClkSrc:2; //bit24, clock source select, 00-PLL3(1x), 01-PLL7(1x), 10-PLL3(2x), 11-PLL7(2x)
__u32 reserved1:4; //bit26, reserved
__u32 DDCGate:1; //bit30, Gating ddc clock, 0-clock off, 1-clock on
__u32 ClkGate:1; //bit31, Gating special clock, 0-clock off, 1-clock on
} __ccmu_hdmi_clk_reg0150_t;
typedef struct __CCMU_MIPI_CLK
__u32 PClkDiv:4; //bit0, clock divide ratio, divided by (m+1), 1~16 ex.
__u32 reserved0:4; //bit4, reserved
__u32 PClkSrc:2; //bit8, clock source select, 00-PLL3(1x), 01-PLL7(1x), 10-PLL3(2x), 11-PLL7(2x)
__u32 reserved1:5; //bit10, reserved
__u32 PClkGate:1; //bit15, gating phy clock
__u32 SClkDiv:4; //bit16, Special clock divide ratio
__u32 reserved2:4; //bit20, reserved
__u32 SClkSrc:3; //bit24, special clock source select, 00-PLL3(1x), 01-PLL7(1x), 10-PLL3(2x), 11-PLL7(2x)
__u32 reserved3:4; //bit27, reserved
__u32 SClkGate:1; //bit31, Gating special clock, 0-clock off, 1-clock on
} __ccmu_mipi_clk_t;
typedef struct __CCMU_PLLLOCK_REG0200
__u32 LockTime:16; //bit0, PLL lock time, based on us
__u32 reserved:16; //bit16, reserved
} __ccmu_plllock_reg0200_t;
typedef struct __CCMU_MOD_RST_REG02C0
__u32 reserved0:1; //bit0, reserved
__u32 MipiDsi:1; //bit1, mipi dsi reset, 0:assert, 1:de-assert
__u32 reserved1:3; //bit2, reserved
__u32 Ss:1; //bit5, ss reset, 0:assert, 1:de-assert
__u32 Dma:1; //bit6, dma reset, 0:assert, 1:de-assert
__u32 reserved2:1; //bit7, reserved
__u32 Sd0:1; //bit8, sd/mmc0 reset, 0:assert, 1:de-assert
__u32 Sd1:1; //bit9, sd/mmc1 reset, 0:assert, 1:de-assert
__u32 Sd2:1; //bit10, sd/mmc2 reset, 0:assert, 1:de-assert
__u32 Sd3:1; //bit11, sd/mmc3 reset, 0:assert, 1:de-assert
__u32 Nand1:1; //bit12, nand1 reset, 0:assert, 1:de-assert
__u32 Nand0:1; //bit13, nand0 reset, 0:assert, 1:de-assert
__u32 Sdram:1; //bit14, sdram AHB reset, 0:assert, 1:de-assert
__u32 reserved3:2; //bit15, reserved
__u32 Gmac:1; //bit17, Gmac reset, 0:assert, 1:de-assert
__u32 Ts:1; //bit18, ts reset, 0:assert, 1:de-assert
__u32 HsTmr:1; //bit19, hstimer reset, 0:assert, 1:de-assert
__u32 Spi0:1; //bit20, spi0 reset, 0:assert, 1:de-assert
__u32 Spi1:1; //bit21, spi1 reset, 0:assert, 1:de-assert
__u32 Spi2:1; //bit22, spi2 reset, 0:assert, 1:de-assert
__u32 Spi3:1; //bit23, spi3 reset, 0:assert, 1:de-assert
__u32 Otg:1; //bit24, usb otg reset, 0:assert, 1:de-assert
__u32 reserved4:1; //bit25, reserved
__u32 Ehci0:1; //bit26, usb EHCI0 reset, 0:assert, 1:de-assert
__u32 Ehci1:1; //bit27, usb EHCI1 reset, 0:assert, 1:de-assert
__u32 reserved5:1; //bit28, reserved
__u32 Ohci0:1; //bit29, usb OHCI0 reset, 0:assert, 1:de-assert
__u32 Ohci1:1; //bit30, usb OHCI1 reset, 0:assert, 1:de-assert
__u32 Ohci2:1; //bit31, usb OHCI2 reset, 0:assert, 1:de-assert
} __ccmu_mod_rst_reg02c0_t;
typedef struct __CCMU_MOD_RST_REG02C4
__u32 Ve:1; //bit0, ve reset, 0:assert, 1:de-assert
__u32 reserved0:3; //bit1, reserved
__u32 Lcd0:1; //bit4, lcd0 reset, 0:assert, 1:de-assert
__u32 Lcd1:1; //bit5, lcd1 reset, 0:assert, 1:de-assert
__u32 reserved1:2; //bit6, reserved
__u32 Csi0:1; //bit8, lcd0 reset, 0:assert, 1:de-assert
__u32 Csi1:1; //bit9, lcd1 reset, 0:assert, 1:de-assert
__u32 reserved2:1; //bit10, reserved
__u32 Hdmi:1; //bit11, hdmi reset, 0:assert, 1:de-assert
__u32 Be0:1; //bit12, be0 reset, 0:assert, 1:de-assert
__u32 Be1:1; //bit13, be1 reset, 0:assert, 1:de-assert
__u32 Fe0:1; //bit14, fe0 reset, 0:assert, 1:de-assert
__u32 Fe1:1; //bit15, fe1 reset, 0:assert, 1:de-assert
__u32 reserved3:2; //bit16, reserved
__u32 Mp:1; //bit18, mp reset, 0:assert, 1:de-assert
__u32 reserved4:1; //bit19, reserved
__u32 Gpu:1; //bit20, gpu reset, 0:assert, 1:de-assert
__u32 MsgBox:1; //bit21, msg-box reset, 0:assert, 1:de-assert
__u32 SpinLock:1; //bit22, spin-lock reset, 0:assert, 1:de-assert
__u32 Deu0:1; //bit23, deu0 reset, 0:assert, 1:de-assert
__u32 Deu1:1; //bit24, deu1 reset, 0:assert, 1:de-assert
__u32 Drc0:1; //bit25, drc0 reset, 0:assert, 1:de-assert
__u32 Drc1:1; //bit26, drc1 reset, 0:assert, 1:de-assert
__u32 MtcAcc:1; //bit27, mtc-acc reset, 0:assert, 1:de-assert
__u32 reserved5:4; //bit28, reserved
} __ccmu_mod_rst_reg02c4_t;
typedef struct __CCMU_MOD_RST_REG02C8
__u32 Lvds:1; //bit0, lvds reset, 0:assert, 1:de-assert
__u32 reserved:31; //bit1, reserved
} __ccmu_mod_rst_reg02c8_t;
typedef struct __CCMU_MOD_RST_REG02D0
__u32 Adda:1; //bit0, audio codec reset, 0:assert, 1:de-assert
__u32 Spdif:1; //bit1, spdif reset, 0:assert, 1:de-assert
__u32 reserved0:3; //bit2, reserved
__u32 Pio:1; //bit5, pio reset, 0:assert, 1:de-assert
__u32 reserved1:6; //bit6, reserved
__u32 I2s0:1; //bit12, i2s-0 reset, 0:assert, 1:de-assert
__u32 I2s1:1; //bit13, i2s-1 reset, 0:assert, 1:de-assert
__u32 reserved2:18; //bit14, reserved
} __ccmu_mod_rst_reg02d0_t;
typedef struct __CCMU_MOD_RST_REG02D8
__u32 Twi0:1; //bit0, twi0 reset, 0:assert, 1:de-assert
__u32 Twi1:1; //bit1, twi1 reset, 0:assert, 1:de-assert
__u32 Twi2:1; //bit2, twi2 reset, 0:assert, 1:de-assert
__u32 Twi3:1; //bit3, twi3 reset, 0:assert, 1:de-assert
__u32 reserved0:12; //bit4, reserved
__u32 Uart0:1; //bit16, uart0 reset, 0:assert, 1:de-assert
__u32 Uart1:1; //bit17, uart1 reset, 0:assert, 1:de-assert
__u32 Uart2:1; //bit18, uart2 reset, 0:assert, 1:de-assert
__u32 Uart3:1; //bit19, uart3 reset, 0:assert, 1:de-assert
__u32 Uart4:1; //bit20, uart4 reset, 0:assert, 1:de-assert
__u32 Uart5:1; //bit21, uart5 reset, 0:assert, 1:de-assert
__u32 reserved1:10; //bit22, reserved
} __ccmu_mod_rst_reg02d8_t;
typedef struct __CCMU_CLK_OUT
__u32 reserved0:8; //bit0, reserved
__u32 DivM:5; //bit8, clock output divide factor m
__u32 reserved1:7; //bit13, reserved
__u32 DivN:2; //bit20, clock output divide factor n
__u32 reserved2:2; //bit22, reserved
__u32 ClkSrc:4; //bit24, clock out source select
__u32 reserved3:3; //bit28, reserved
__u32 ClkEn:1; //bit31, clock out enable
} __ccmu_clk_out_t;
typedef struct __CCMU_REG_LIST
volatile __ccmu_pll1_reg0000_t Pll1Ctl; //0x0000, PLL1 control
volatile __u32 reserved0; //0x0004, reserved
volatile __ccmu_pll2_reg0008_t Pll2Ctl; //0x0008, PLL2 control
volatile __u32 reserved1; //0x000c, reserved
volatile __ccmu_media_pll_t Pll3Ctl; //0x0010, PLL3 control
volatile __u32 reserved2; //0x0014, reserved
volatile __ccmu_media_pll_t Pll4Ctl; //0x0018, PLL4 control
volatile __u32 reserved3; //0x001c, reserved
volatile __ccmu_pll5_reg0020_t Pll5Ctl; //0x0020, PLL5 control
volatile __u32 reserved4; //0x0024, reserved
volatile __ccmu_pll6_reg0028_t Pll6Ctl; //0x0028, PLL6 control
volatile __u32 reserved5; //0x002c, reserved
volatile __ccmu_media_pll_t Pll7Ctl; //0x0030, PLL7 control
volatile __u32 reserved6; //0x0034, reserved
volatile __ccmu_media_pll_t Pll8Ctl; //0x0038, PLL8 control
volatile __u32 reserved7; //0x003c, reserved
volatile __ccmu_mipi_pll_reg0040_t MipiPllCtl; //0x0040, MIPI PLL control
volatile __ccmu_media_pll_t Pll9Ctl; //0x0044, PLL9 control
volatile __ccmu_media_pll_t Pll10Ctl; //0x0048, PLL10 control
volatile __u32 reserved8; //0x004c, reserved
volatile __ccmu_sysclk_ratio_reg0050_t SysClkDiv; //0x0050, system clock divide ratio
volatile __ccmu_ahb1_ratio_reg0054_t Ahb1Div; //0x0054, ahb1/apb1 clock divide ratio
volatile __ccmu_apb2_ratio_reg0058_t Apb2Div; //0x0058, apb2 clock divide ratio
volatile __ccmu_axi_gate_reg005c_t AxiGate; //0x005c, axi clock gating
volatile __ccmu_ahb1_gate0_reg0060_t AhbGate0; //0x0060, ahb clock gate 0
volatile __ccmu_ahb1_gate1_reg0064_t AhbGate1; //0x0064, ahb clock gate 1
volatile __ccmu_apb1_gate_reg0068_t Apb1Gate; //0x0068, apb1 clock gate
volatile __ccmu_apb2_gate_reg006c_t Apb2Gate; //0x006c, apb2 clock gate
volatile __u32 reserved9[4]; //0x0070, reserved
volatile __ccmu_module0_clk_t Nand0; //0x0080, nand controller 0 clock
volatile __ccmu_module0_clk_t Nand1; //0x0084, nand controller 1 clock
volatile __ccmu_module0_clk_t Sd0; //0x0088, sd/mmc controller 0 clock
volatile __ccmu_module0_clk_t Sd1; //0x008c, sd/mmc controller 1 clock
volatile __ccmu_module0_clk_t Sd2; //0x0090, sd/mmc controller 2 clock
volatile __ccmu_module0_clk_t Sd3; //0x0094, sd/mmc controller 3 clock
volatile __ccmu_module0_clk_t Ts; //0x0098, TS controller clock
volatile __ccmu_module0_clk_t Ss; //0x009c, SS controller clock
volatile __ccmu_module0_clk_t Spi0; //0x00a0, spi controller 0 clock
volatile __ccmu_module0_clk_t Spi1; //0x00a4, spi controller 1 clock
volatile __ccmu_module0_clk_t Spi2; //0x00a8, spi controller 2 clock
volatile __ccmu_module0_clk_t Spi3; //0x00ac, spi controller 3 clock
volatile __ccmu_module1_clk_t I2s0; //0x00b0, I2s-0 clock
volatile __ccmu_module1_clk_t I2s1; //0x00b4, I2s-1 clock
volatile __u32 reserved10[2]; //0x00b8, reserved
volatile __ccmu_module1_clk_t Spdif; //0x00c0, SPDIF clock
volatile __u32 reserved11[2]; //0x00c4, reserved
volatile __ccmu_usb_clk_reg00cc_t Usb; //0x00cc, usb clock
volatile __ccmu_gmac_clk_reg00d0_t Gmac; //0x00d0, gmac clock
volatile __u32 reserved12[7]; //0x00d4, reserved
volatile __ccmu_module0_clk_t Mdfs; //0x00f0, mdfs clock
volatile __ccmu_dram_cfg_reg00f4_t DramCfg; //0x00f4, dram configuration clock
volatile __u32 reserved13[2]; //0x00f8, reserved
volatile __ccmu_dram_gate_reg0100_t DramGate; //0x0100, dram module clock
volatile __ccmu_disp_clk_t Be0; //0x0104, BE0 module clock
volatile __ccmu_disp_clk_t Be1; //0x0108, BE1 module clock
volatile __ccmu_disp_clk_t Fe0; //0x010c, FE0 module clock
volatile __ccmu_disp_clk_t Fe1; //0x0110, FE1 module clock
volatile __ccmu_disp_clk_t Mp; //0x0114, MP module clock
volatile __ccmu_disp_clk_t Lcd0Ch0; //0x0118, LCD0 CH0 module clock
volatile __ccmu_disp_clk_t Lcd1Ch0; //0x011c, LCD1 CH0 module clock
volatile __u32 reserved14[3]; //0x0120, reserved
volatile __ccmu_disp_clk_t Lcd0Ch1; //0x012c, LCD0 CH1 module clock
volatile __ccmu_disp_clk_t Lcd1Ch1; //0x0130, LCD1 CH1 module clock
volatile __ccmu_csi_clk_t Csi0; //0x0134, csi0 module clock
volatile __ccmu_csi_clk_t Csi1; //0x0138, csi1 module clock
volatile __ccmu_ve_clk_reg013c_t Ve; //0x013c, ve module clock
volatile __ccmu_module1_clk_t Adda; //0x0140, adda module clock
volatile __ccmu_module_clk_t Avs; //0x0144, avs module clock
volatile __ccmu_module1_clk_t Dmic; //0x0148, digtal mic module clock
volatile __u32 reserved15; //0x014c, reserved
volatile __ccmu_hdmi_clk_reg0150_t Hdmi; //0x0150, hdmi module clock
volatile __ccmu_module1_clk_t Ps; //0x0154, ps module clock
volatile __ccmu_module0_clk_t MtcAcc; //0x0158, MTC ACC clock
volatile __ccmu_module0_clk_t MBus0; //0x015C, MBUS controller 0 clock
volatile __ccmu_module0_clk_t MBus1; //0x0160, MBUS controller 1 clock
volatile __u32 reserved16; //0x0164, reserved
volatile __ccmu_mipi_clk_t MipiDsi; //0x0168, MIPI DSI clock
volatile __ccmu_mipi_clk_t MipiCsi; //0x016C, MIPI CSI clock
volatile __u32 reserved17[4]; //0x0170, reserved
volatile __ccmu_module0_clk_t IepDrc0; //0x0180, IEP DRC0 clock
volatile __ccmu_module0_clk_t IepDrc1; //0x0184, IEP DRC1 clock
volatile __ccmu_module0_clk_t IepDeu0; //0x0188, IEP DEU0 clock
volatile __ccmu_module0_clk_t IepDeu1; //0x018c, IEP DEU1 clock
volatile __u32 reserved18[4]; //0x0190, reserved
volatile __ccmu_module0_clk_t GpuCore; //0x01A0, GPU Core clock
volatile __ccmu_module0_clk_t GpuMem; //0x01A4, GPU Memory clock
volatile __ccmu_module0_clk_t GpuHyd; //0x01A8, GPU hyd clock
volatile __u32 reserved19[21]; //0x01AC, reserved
volatile __ccmu_plllock_reg0200_t PllLock; //0x0200, pll lock time
volatile __u32 Pll1Lock; //0x0204, pll1 lock time
volatile __u32 reserved201[6]; //0x0208-0x21c, reserved
volatile __u32 PllxBias[11]; //0x220-0x248, pllx bias reg
volatile __u32 reserved202; //0x24c, reserved
volatile __u32 Pll1Tun; //0x250, pll1 tun reg
volatile __u32 reserved203[3]; //0x254-0x25c, reserved
volatile __u32 Pll5Tun; //0x260, pll5 tun reg
volatile __u32 reserved204[3]; //0x264-0x26c, reserved
volatile __u32 MipiPllTun; //0x270, mipi pll tun reg
volatile __u32 reserved205[3]; //0x274-0x27c, reserved
volatile __u32 reserved206[16]; //0x0280-0x2bc, reserved
volatile __ccmu_mod_rst_reg02c0_t AhbReset0; //0x02c0, AHB1 module reset register 0
volatile __ccmu_mod_rst_reg02c4_t AhbReset1; //0x02c4, AHB1 module reset register 1
volatile __ccmu_mod_rst_reg02c8_t AhbReset2; //0x02c8, AHB1 module reset register 2
volatile __u32 reserved21; //0x02cc, reserved
volatile __ccmu_mod_rst_reg02d0_t Apb1Reset; //0x02d0, APB1 module reset register
volatile __u32 reserved22; //0x02d4, reserved
volatile __ccmu_mod_rst_reg02d8_t Apb2Reset; //0x02d8, APB2 module reset register
volatile __u32 reserved23[9]; //0x02dc, reserved
volatile __ccmu_clk_out_t ClkOutA; //0x0300, pll lock time
volatile __ccmu_clk_out_t ClkOutB; //0x0304, pll lock time
volatile __ccmu_clk_out_t ClkOutC; //0x0308, pll lock time
} __ccmu_reg_list_t;
#endif // #ifndef __MEM_CCMU_SUN8IW1P1_H__