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* Broadcom USB remote download definitions
* Copyright (C) 1999-2016, Broadcom Corporation
* Unless you and Broadcom execute a separate written software license
* agreement governing use of this software, this software is licensed to you
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 (the "GPL"),
* available at, with the
* following added to such license:
* As a special exception, the copyright holders of this software give you
* permission to link this software with independent modules, and to copy and
* distribute the resulting executable under terms of your choice, provided that
* you also meet, for each linked independent module, the terms and conditions of
* the license of that module. An independent module is a module which is not
* derived from this software. The special exception does not apply to any
* modifications of the software.
* Notwithstanding the above, under no circumstances may you combine this
* software in any way with any other Broadcom software provided under a license
* other than the GPL, without Broadcom's express prior written consent.
* <<Broadcom-WL-IPTag/Open:>>
* $Id: usbrdl.h 597933 2015-11-06 18:52:06Z $
#ifndef _USB_RDL_H
#define _USB_RDL_H
/* Control messages: bRequest values */
#define DL_GETSTATE 0 /* returns the rdl_state_t struct */
#define DL_CHECK_CRC 1 /* currently unused */
#define DL_GO 2 /* execute downloaded image */
#define DL_START 3 /* initialize dl state */
#define DL_REBOOT 4 /* reboot the device in 2 seconds */
#define DL_GETVER 5 /* returns the bootrom_id_t struct */
#define DL_GO_PROTECTED 6 /* execute the downloaded code and set reset event
* to occur in 2 seconds. It is the responsibility
* of the downloaded code to clear this event
#define DL_EXEC 7 /* jump to a supplied address */
#define DL_RESETCFG 8 /* To support single enum on dongle
* - Not used by bootloader
#define DL_DEFER_RESP_OK 9 /* Potentially defer the response to setup
* if resp unavailable
#define DL_CHGSPD 0x0A
#define DL_HWCMD_MASK 0xfc /* Mask for hardware read commands: */
#define DL_RDHW 0x10 /* Read a hardware address (Ctl-in) */
#define DL_RDHW32 0x10 /* Read a 32 bit word */
#define DL_RDHW16 0x11 /* Read 16 bits */
#define DL_RDHW8 0x12 /* Read an 8 bit byte */
#define DL_WRHW 0x14 /* Write a hardware address (Ctl-out) */
#define DL_WRHW_BLK 0x13 /* Block write to hardware access */
#define DL_CMD_WRHW 2
/* states */
#define DL_WAITING 0 /* waiting to rx first pkt that includes the hdr info */
#define DL_READY 1 /* hdr was good, waiting for more of the compressed image */
#define DL_BAD_HDR 2 /* hdr was corrupted */
#define DL_BAD_CRC 3 /* compressed image was corrupted */
#define DL_RUNNABLE 4 /* download was successful, waiting for go cmd */
#define DL_START_FAIL 5 /* failed to initialize correctly */
#define DL_NVRAM_TOOBIG 6 /* host specified nvram data exceeds DL_NVRAM value */
#define DL_IMAGE_TOOBIG 7 /* download image too big (exceeds DATA_START for rdl) */
#define TIMEOUT 5000 /* Timeout for usb commands */
struct bcm_device_id {
char *name;
uint32 vend;
uint32 prod;
typedef struct {
uint32 state;
uint32 bytes;
} rdl_state_t;
typedef struct {
uint32 chip; /* Chip id */
uint32 chiprev; /* Chip rev */
uint32 ramsize; /* Size of RAM */
uint32 remapbase; /* Current remap base address */
uint32 boardtype; /* Type of board */
uint32 boardrev; /* Board revision */
} bootrom_id_t;
/* struct for backplane & jtag accesses */
typedef struct {
uint32 cmd; /* tag to identify the cmd */
uint32 addr; /* backplane address for write */
uint32 len; /* length of data: 1, 2, 4 bytes */
uint32 data; /* data to write */
} hwacc_t;
/* struct for querying nvram params from bootloader */
typedef struct {
uint32 cmd; /* tag to identify the cmd */
char var[QUERY_STRING_MAX]; /* param name */
} nvparam_t;
typedef void (*exec_fn_t)(void *sih);
#define USB_CTRL_EP_TIMEOUT 500 /* Timeout used in USB control_msg transactions. */
#define USB_BULK_EP_TIMEOUT 500 /* Timeout used in USB bulk transactions. */
#define RDL_CHUNK_MAX (64 * 1024) /* max size of each dl transfer */
#define RDL_CHUNK 1500 /* size of each dl transfer */
/* bootloader makes special use of trx header "offsets" array */
#define TRX_OFFSETS_DLFWLEN_IDX 0 /* Size of the fw; used in uncompressed case */
#define TRX_OFFSETS_JUMPTO_IDX 1 /* RAM address for jumpto after download */
#define TRX_OFFSETS_NVM_LEN_IDX 2 /* Length of appended NVRAM data */
#ifdef BCMTRXV2
#define TRX_OFFSETS_DSG_LEN_IDX 3 /* Length of digital signature for the first image */
#define TRX_OFFSETS_CFG_LEN_IDX 4 /* Length of config region, which is not digitally signed */
#endif /* BCMTRXV2 */
#define TRX_OFFSETS_DLBASE_IDX 0 /* RAM start address for download */
#endif /* _USB_RDL_H */