
698 lines
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* OS Abstraction Layer Extension - the APIs defined by the "extension" API
* are only supported by a subset of all operating systems.
* Copyright (C) 1999-2017, Broadcom Corporation
* Unless you and Broadcom execute a separate written software license
* agreement governing use of this software, this software is licensed to you
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 (the "GPL"),
* available at, with the
* following added to such license:
* As a special exception, the copyright holders of this software give you
* permission to link this software with independent modules, and to copy and
* distribute the resulting executable under terms of your choice, provided that
* you also meet, for each linked independent module, the terms and conditions of
* the license of that module. An independent module is a module which is not
* derived from this software. The special exception does not apply to any
* modifications of the software.
* Notwithstanding the above, under no circumstances may you combine this
* software in any way with any other Broadcom software provided under a license
* other than the GPL, without Broadcom's express prior written consent.
* <<Broadcom-WL-IPTag/Open:>>
* $Id: osl_ext.h 611959 2016-01-12 15:23:56Z $
#ifndef _osl_ext_h_
#define _osl_ext_h_
/* ---- Include Files ---------------------------------------------------- */
#if defined(TARGETOS_symbian)
#include <e32def.h>
#include <symbian_osl_ext.h>
#elif defined(THREADX)
#include <threadx_osl_ext.h>
/* Include base operating system abstraction. */
#include <osl.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* ---- Constants and Types ---------------------------------------------- */
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Generic OS types.
typedef enum osl_ext_status_t
} osl_ext_status_t;
#define OSL_EXT_STATUS_DECL(status) osl_ext_status_t status;
#define OSL_EXT_TIME_FOREVER ((osl_ext_time_ms_t)(-1))
typedef unsigned int osl_ext_time_ms_t;
typedef unsigned int osl_ext_event_bits_t;
typedef unsigned int osl_ext_interrupt_state_t;
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Timers.
typedef enum
/* One-shot timer. */
/* Periodic timer. */
} osl_ext_timer_mode_t;
/* User registered callback and parameter to invoke when timer expires. */
typedef void* osl_ext_timer_arg_t;
typedef void (*osl_ext_timer_callback)(osl_ext_timer_arg_t arg);
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Tasks.
/* Task entry argument. */
typedef void* osl_ext_task_arg_t;
/* Task entry function. */
typedef void (*osl_ext_task_entry)(osl_ext_task_arg_t arg);
/* Abstract task priority levels. */
typedef enum
/* This must be last. */
} osl_ext_task_priority_t;
/* ---- Variable Externs ------------------------------------------------- */
/* ---- Function Prototypes ---------------------------------------------- */
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
** Semaphore
* Function: osl_ext_sem_create
* Purpose: Creates a counting semaphore object, which can subsequently be
* used for thread notification.
* Parameters: name (in) Name to assign to the semaphore (must be unique).
* init_cnt (in) Initial count that the semaphore should have.
* sem (out) Newly created semaphore.
* Returns: OSL_EXT_SUCCESS if the semaphore was created successfully, or an
* error code if the semaphore could not be created.
osl_ext_status_t osl_ext_sem_create(char *name, int init_cnt, osl_ext_sem_t *sem);
* Function: osl_ext_sem_delete
* Purpose: Destroys a previously created semaphore object.
* Parameters: sem (mod) Semaphore object to destroy.
* Returns: OSL_EXT_SUCCESS if the semaphore was deleted successfully, or an
* error code if the semaphore could not be created.
osl_ext_status_t osl_ext_sem_delete(osl_ext_sem_t *sem);
* Function: osl_ext_sem_give
* Purpose: Increments the count associated with the semaphore. This will
* cause one thread blocked on a take to wake up.
* Parameters: sem (mod) Semaphore object to give.
* Returns: OSL_EXT_SUCCESS if the semaphore was given successfully, or an
* error code if the semaphore could not be created.
osl_ext_status_t osl_ext_sem_give(osl_ext_sem_t *sem);
* Function: osl_ext_sem_take
* Purpose: Decrements the count associated with the semaphore. If the count
* is less than zero, then the calling task will become blocked until
* another thread does a give on the semaphore. This function will only
* block the calling thread for timeout_msec milliseconds, before
* returning with OSL_EXT_TIMEOUT.
* Parameters: sem (mod) Semaphore object to take.
* timeout_msec (in) Number of milliseconds to wait for the
* semaphore to enter a state where it can be
* taken.
* Returns: OSL_EXT_SUCCESS if the semaphore was taken successfully, or an
* error code if the semaphore could not be created.
osl_ext_status_t osl_ext_sem_take(osl_ext_sem_t *sem, osl_ext_time_ms_t timeout_msec);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
** Mutex
* Function: osl_ext_mutex_create
* Purpose: Creates a mutex object, which can subsequently be used to control
* mutually exclusion of resources.
* Parameters: name (in) Name to assign to the mutex (must be unique).
* mutex (out) Mutex object to initialize.
* Returns: OSL_EXT_SUCCESS if the mutex was created successfully, or an
* error code if the mutex could not be created.
osl_ext_status_t osl_ext_mutex_create(char *name, osl_ext_mutex_t *mutex);
* Function: osl_ext_mutex_delete
* Purpose: Destroys a previously created mutex object.
* Parameters: mutex (mod) Mutex object to destroy.
* Returns: OSL_EXT_SUCCESS if the mutex was deleted successfully, or an
* error code if the mutex could not be created.
osl_ext_status_t osl_ext_mutex_delete(osl_ext_mutex_t *mutex);
* Function: osl_ext_mutex_acquire
* Purpose: Acquires the indicated mutual exclusion object. If the object is
* currently acquired by another task, then this function will wait
* for timeout_msec milli-seconds before returning with OSL_EXT_TIMEOUT.
* Parameters: mutex (mod) Mutex object to acquire.
* timeout_msec (in) Number of milliseconds to wait for the mutex.
* Returns: OSL_EXT_SUCCESS if the mutex was acquired successfully, or an
* error code if the mutex could not be created.
osl_ext_status_t osl_ext_mutex_acquire(osl_ext_mutex_t *mutex, osl_ext_time_ms_t timeout_msec);
* Function: osl_ext_mutex_release
* Purpose: Releases the indicated mutual exclusion object. This makes it
* available for another task to acquire.
* Parameters: mutex (mod) Mutex object to release.
* Returns: OSL_EXT_SUCCESS if the mutex was released successfully, or an
* error code if the mutex could not be created.
osl_ext_status_t osl_ext_mutex_release(osl_ext_mutex_t *mutex);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
** Timers
* Function: osl_ext_timer_create
* Purpose: Creates a timer object.
* Parameters: name (in) Name of timer.
* timeout_msec (in) Invoke callback after this number of milliseconds.
* mode (in) One-shot or periodic timer.
* func (in) Callback function to invoke on timer expiry.
* arg (in) Argument to callback function.
* timer (out) Timer object to create.
* Note: The function callback occurs in interrupt context. The application is
* required to provide context switch for the callback if required.
* Returns: OSL_EXT_SUCCESS if the timer was created successfully, or an
* error code if the timer could not be created.
osl_ext_timer_create(char *name, osl_ext_time_ms_t timeout_msec, osl_ext_timer_mode_t mode,
osl_ext_timer_callback func, osl_ext_timer_arg_t arg, osl_ext_timer_t *timer);
* Function: osl_ext_timer_delete
* Purpose: Destroys a previously created timer object.
* Parameters: timer (mod) Timer object to destroy.
* Returns: OSL_EXT_SUCCESS if the timer was created successfully, or an
* error code if the timer could not be created.
osl_ext_status_t osl_ext_timer_delete(osl_ext_timer_t *timer);
* Function: osl_ext_timer_start
* Purpose: Start a previously created timer object.
* Parameters: timer (in) Timer object.
* timeout_msec (in) Invoke callback after this number of milliseconds.
* mode (in) One-shot or periodic timer.
* Returns: OSL_EXT_SUCCESS if the timer was created successfully, or an
* error code if the timer could not be created.
osl_ext_timer_start(osl_ext_timer_t *timer,
osl_ext_time_ms_t timeout_msec, osl_ext_timer_mode_t mode);
* Function: osl_ext_timer_stop
* Purpose: Stop a previously created timer object.
* Parameters: timer (in) Timer object.
* Returns: OSL_EXT_SUCCESS if the timer was created successfully, or an
* error code if the timer could not be created.
osl_ext_timer_stop(osl_ext_timer_t *timer);
* Function: osl_ext_time_get
* Purpose: Returns incrementing time counter.
* Parameters: None.
* Returns: Returns incrementing time counter in msec.
osl_ext_time_ms_t osl_ext_time_get(void);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
** Tasks
* Function: osl_ext_task_create
* Purpose: Create a task.
* Parameters: name (in) Pointer to task string descriptor.
* stack (in) Pointer to stack. NULL to allocate.
* stack_size (in) Stack size - in bytes.
* priority (in) Abstract task priority.
* func (in) A pointer to the task entry point function.
* arg (in) Value passed into task entry point function.
* task (out) Task to create.
* Returns: OSL_EXT_SUCCESS if the task was created successfully, or an
* error code if the task could not be created.
#define osl_ext_task_create(name, stack, stack_size, priority, func, arg, task) \
osl_ext_task_create_ex((name), (stack), (stack_size), (priority), 0, (func), \
(arg), (task))
osl_ext_status_t osl_ext_task_create_ex(char* name,
void *stack, unsigned int stack_size, osl_ext_task_priority_t priority,
osl_ext_time_ms_t timslice_msec, osl_ext_task_entry func, osl_ext_task_arg_t arg,
osl_ext_task_t *task);
* Function: osl_ext_task_delete
* Purpose: Destroy a task.
* Parameters: task (mod) Task to destroy.
* Returns: OSL_EXT_SUCCESS if the task was created successfully, or an
* error code if the task could not be created.
osl_ext_status_t osl_ext_task_delete(osl_ext_task_t *task);
* Function: osl_ext_task_is_running
* Purpose: Returns current running task.
* Parameters: None.
* Returns: osl_ext_task_t of current running task.
osl_ext_task_t *osl_ext_task_current(void);
* Function: osl_ext_task_yield
* Purpose: Yield the CPU to other tasks of the same priority that are
* ready-to-run.
* Parameters: None.
* Returns: OSL_EXT_SUCCESS if successful, else error code.
osl_ext_status_t osl_ext_task_yield(void);
* Function: osl_ext_task_enable_stack_check
* Purpose: Enable task stack checking.
* Parameters: None.
* Returns: OSL_EXT_SUCCESS if successful, else error code.
osl_ext_status_t osl_ext_task_enable_stack_check(void);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
** Queue
* Function: osl_ext_queue_create
* Purpose: Create a queue.
* Parameters: name (in) Name to assign to the queue (must be unique).
* buffer (in) Queue buffer. NULL to allocate.
* size (in) Size of the queue.
* queue (out) Newly created queue.
* Returns: OSL_EXT_SUCCESS if the queue was created successfully, or an
* error code if the queue could not be created.
osl_ext_status_t osl_ext_queue_create(char *name,
void *queue_buffer, unsigned int queue_size,
osl_ext_queue_t *queue);
* Function: osl_ext_queue_delete
* Purpose: Destroys a previously created queue object.
* Parameters: queue (mod) Queue object to destroy.
* Returns: OSL_EXT_SUCCESS if the queue was deleted successfully, or an
* error code if the queue could not be deleteed.
osl_ext_status_t osl_ext_queue_delete(osl_ext_queue_t *queue);
* Function: osl_ext_queue_send
* Purpose: Send/add data to the queue. This function will not block the
* calling thread if the queue is full.
* Parameters: queue (mod) Queue object.
* data (in) Data pointer to be queued.
* Returns: OSL_EXT_SUCCESS if the data was queued successfully, or an
* error code if the data could not be queued.
osl_ext_status_t osl_ext_queue_send(osl_ext_queue_t *queue, void *data);
* Function: osl_ext_queue_send_synchronous
* Purpose: Send/add data to the queue. This function will block the
* calling thread until the data is dequeued.
* Parameters: queue (mod) Queue object.
* data (in) Data pointer to be queued.
* Returns: OSL_EXT_SUCCESS if the data was queued successfully, or an
* error code if the data could not be queued.
osl_ext_status_t osl_ext_queue_send_synchronous(osl_ext_queue_t *queue, void *data);
* Function: osl_ext_queue_receive
* Purpose: Receive/remove data from the queue. This function will only
* block the calling thread for timeout_msec milliseconds, before
* returning with OSL_EXT_TIMEOUT.
* Parameters: queue (mod) Queue object.
* timeout_msec (in) Number of milliseconds to wait for the
* data from the queue.
* data (out) Data pointer received/removed from the queue.
* Returns: OSL_EXT_SUCCESS if the data was dequeued successfully, or an
* error code if the data could not be dequeued.
osl_ext_status_t osl_ext_queue_receive(osl_ext_queue_t *queue,
osl_ext_time_ms_t timeout_msec, void **data);
* Function: osl_ext_queue_count
* Purpose: Returns the number of items in the queue.
* Parameters: queue (mod) Queue object.
* count (out) Data pointer received/removed from the queue.
* Returns: OSL_EXT_SUCCESS if the count was returned successfully, or an
* error code if the count is invalid.
osl_ext_status_t osl_ext_queue_count(osl_ext_queue_t *queue, int *count);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
** Event
* Function: osl_ext_event_create
* Purpose: Creates a event object, which can subsequently be used to
* notify and trigger tasks.
* Parameters: name (in) Name to assign to the event (must be unique).
* event (out) Event object to initialize.
* Returns: OSL_EXT_SUCCESS if the event was created successfully, or an
* error code if the event could not be created.
osl_ext_status_t osl_ext_event_create(char *name, osl_ext_event_t *event);
* Function: osl_ext_event_delete
* Purpose: Destroys a previously created event object.
* Parameters: event (mod) Event object to destroy.
* Returns: OSL_EXT_SUCCESS if the event was created successfully, or an
* error code if the event could not be created.
osl_ext_status_t osl_ext_event_delete(osl_ext_event_t *event);
* Function: osl_ext_event_get
* Purpose: Get event from specified event object.
* Parameters: event (mod) Event object to get.
* requested (in) Requested event to get.
* timeout_msec (in) Number of milliseconds to wait for the event.
* event_bits (out) Event bits retrieved.
* Returns: OSL_EXT_SUCCESS if the event was created successfully, or an
* error code if the event could not be created.
osl_ext_status_t osl_ext_event_get(osl_ext_event_t *event,
osl_ext_event_bits_t requested, osl_ext_time_ms_t timeout_msec,
osl_ext_event_bits_t *event_bits);
* Function: osl_ext_event_set
* Purpose: Set event of specified event object.
* Parameters: event (mod) Event object to set.
* event_bits (in) Event bits to set.
* Returns: OSL_EXT_SUCCESS if the event was created successfully, or an
* error code if the event could not be created.
osl_ext_status_t osl_ext_event_set(osl_ext_event_t *event,
osl_ext_event_bits_t event_bits);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
** Interrupt
* Function: osl_ext_interrupt_disable
* Purpose: Disable CPU interrupt.
* Parameters: None.
* Returns: The interrupt state before disable for restoring interrupt.
osl_ext_interrupt_state_t osl_ext_interrupt_disable(void);
* Function: osl_ext_interrupt_restore
* Purpose: Restore CPU interrupt state.
* Parameters: state (in) Interrupt state to restore returned from
* osl_ext_interrupt_disable().
* Returns: None.
void osl_ext_interrupt_restore(osl_ext_interrupt_state_t state);
/* ---- Constants and Types ---------------------------------------------- */
/* Semaphore. */
#define osl_ext_sem_t
#define OSL_EXT_SEM_DECL(sem)
/* Mutex. */
#define osl_ext_mutex_t
#define OSL_EXT_MUTEX_DECL(mutex)
/* Timer. */
#define osl_ext_timer_t
#define OSL_EXT_TIMER_DECL(timer)
/* Task. */
#define osl_ext_task_t void
#define OSL_EXT_TASK_DECL(task)
/* Queue. */
#define osl_ext_queue_t
#define OSL_EXT_QUEUE_DECL(queue)
/* Event. */
#define osl_ext_event_t
#define OSL_EXT_EVENT_DECL(event)
/* ---- Variable Externs ------------------------------------------------- */
/* ---- Function Prototypes ---------------------------------------------- */
#define osl_ext_sem_create(name, init_cnt, sem) (OSL_EXT_SUCCESS)
#define osl_ext_sem_delete(sem) (OSL_EXT_SUCCESS)
#define osl_ext_sem_give(sem) (OSL_EXT_SUCCESS)
#define osl_ext_sem_take(sem, timeout_msec) (OSL_EXT_SUCCESS)
#define osl_ext_mutex_create(name, mutex) (OSL_EXT_SUCCESS)
#define osl_ext_mutex_delete(mutex) (OSL_EXT_SUCCESS)
#define osl_ext_mutex_acquire(mutex, timeout_msec) (OSL_EXT_SUCCESS)
#define osl_ext_mutex_release(mutex) (OSL_EXT_SUCCESS)
#define osl_ext_timer_create(name, timeout_msec, mode, func, arg, timer) \
#define osl_ext_timer_delete(timer) (OSL_EXT_SUCCESS)
#define osl_ext_timer_start(timer, timeout_msec, mode) (OSL_EXT_SUCCESS)
#define osl_ext_timer_stop(timer) (OSL_EXT_SUCCESS)
#define osl_ext_time_get() (0)
#define osl_ext_task_create(name, stack, stack_size, priority, func, arg, task) \
#define osl_ext_task_delete(task) (OSL_EXT_SUCCESS)
#define osl_ext_task_current() (NULL)
#define osl_ext_task_yield() (OSL_EXT_SUCCESS)
#define osl_ext_task_enable_stack_check() (OSL_EXT_SUCCESS)
#define osl_ext_queue_create(name, queue_buffer, queue_size, queue) \
#define osl_ext_queue_delete(queue) (OSL_EXT_SUCCESS)
#define osl_ext_queue_send(queue, data) (OSL_EXT_SUCCESS)
#define osl_ext_queue_send_synchronous(queue, data) (OSL_EXT_SUCCESS)
#define osl_ext_queue_receive(queue, timeout_msec, data) \
#define osl_ext_queue_count(queue, count) (OSL_EXT_SUCCESS)
#define osl_ext_event_create(name, event) (OSL_EXT_SUCCESS)
#define osl_ext_event_delete(event) (OSL_EXT_SUCCESS)
#define osl_ext_event_get(event, requested, timeout_msec, event_bits) \
#define osl_ext_event_set(event, event_bits) (OSL_EXT_SUCCESS)
#define osl_ext_interrupt_disable(void)
#define osl_ext_interrupt_restore(state)
#endif /* OSL_EXT_DISABLED */
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* _osl_ext_h_ */