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* @file qise.h
* @brief iFLY Speech Evaluation Header File
* This file contains the quick application programming interface (API) declarations
* of evaluation. Developer can include this file in your project to build applications.
* For more information, please read the developer guide.
* Use of this software is subject to certain restrictions and limitations set
* forth in a license agreement entered into between iFLYTEK, Co,LTD.
* and the licensee of this software. Please refer to the license
* agreement for license use rights and restrictions.
* Copyright (C) 1999 - 2012 by ANHUI USTC iFLYTEK, Co,LTD.
* All rights reserved.
* @author Speech Dept. iFLYTEK.
* @version 1.0
* @date 2012/4/16
* @see
* <b>History:</b><br>
* <table>
* <tr> <th>Version <th>Date <th>Author <th>Notes</tr>
* <tr> <td>1.0 <td>2012/4/16 <td>MSP40 <td>Create this file</tr>
* </table>
#ifndef __MSP_ISE_H__
#define __MSP_ISE_H__
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif /* C++ */
#include "msp_types.h"
* @fn QISEInit
* @brief Initialize API
* Load API module with specified configurations.
* @return int MSPAPI - Return 0 in success, otherwise return error code.
* @param const char* configs - [in] Configurations to initialize.
* @see
/*int MSPAPI QISEInit(const char* configs);
typedef int (MSPAPI *Proc_QISEInit)(const char* configs);
int MSPAPI QISEInitW(const wchar_t* configs);
typedef int (MSPAPI *Proc_QISEInitW)(const wchar_t* configs);
* @fn QISESessionBegin
* @brief Begin a Evaluation Session
* Create a evaluation session to evaluate audio data
* @return const char* MSPAPI - Return the new session id in success, otherwise return NULL.
* @param const char* params - [in] Parameters to create session.
* @param const char* userModelId - [in] user model id.
* @param int *errorCode - [out] Return 0 in success, otherwise return error code.
* @see
const char* MSPAPI QISESessionBegin(const char* params, const char* userModelId, int* errorCode);
typedef const char* (MSPAPI *Proc_QISESessionBegin)(const char* params, const char* userModelID, int *errorCode);
const wchar_t* MSPAPI QISESessionBeginW(const wchar_t* params, const wchar_t* userModelID, int *errorCode);
typedef const wchar_t* (MSPAPI *Proc_QISESessionBeginW)(const wchar_t* params, const wchar_t* userModelID, int *errorCode);
* @fn QISETextPut
* @brief Put Text
* Writing text string to evaluator.
* @return int MSPAPI - Return 0 in success, otherwise return error code.
* @param const char* sessionID - [in] The session id returned by QISESessionBegin.
* @param const char* textString - [in] Text buffer.
* @param unsigned int textLen - [in] Text length in bytes.
* @param const char* params - [in] Parameters describing the text.
* @see
int MSPAPI QISETextPut(const char* sessionID, const char* textString, unsigned int textLen, const char* params);
typedef int (MSPAPI *Proc_QISETextPut)(const char* sessionID, const char* textString, unsigned int textLen, const char* params);
int MSPAPI QISETextPutW(const wchar_t* sessionID, const wchar_t* textString, unsigned int textLen, const wchar_t* params);
typedef int (MSPAPI *Proc_QISETextPutW)(const wchar_t* sessionID, const wchar_t* textString, unsigned int textLen, const wchar_t* params);
* @fn QISEAudioWrite
* @brief Write Audio
* Writing binary audio data to evaluator.
* @return int MSPAPI - Return 0 in success, otherwise return error code.
* @param const char* sessionID - [in] The session id returned by QISESessionBegin.
* @param const void* waveData - [in] Audio data to write.
* @param unsigned int waveLen - [in] Audio length in bytes.
* @param int audioStatus - [in] Audio status.
* @param int *epStatus - [out] EP or vad status.
* @param int *evlStatus - [out] Status of evaluation result, 0: success, 1: no match, 2: incomplete, 5:speech complete.
* @see
int MSPAPI QISEAudioWrite(const char* sessionID, const void* waveData, unsigned int waveLen, int audioStatus, int *epStatus, int *Status);
typedef int (MSPAPI *Proc_QISEAudioWrite)(const char* sessionID, const void* waveData, unsigned int waveLen, int audioStatus, int *epStatus, int *recogStatus);
int MSPAPI QISEAudioWriteW(const wchar_t* sessionID, const void* waveData, unsigned int waveLen, int audioStatus, int *epStatus, int *evlStatus);
typedef int (MSPAPI *Proc_QISEAudioWriteW)(const wchar_t* sessionID, const void* waveData, unsigned int waveLen, int audioStatus, int *epStatus, int *evlStatus);
* @fn QISEGetResult
* @brief Get Evaluation Result
* Get evaluation result.
* @return int MSPAPI - Return 0 in success, otherwise return error code.
* @param const char* sessionID - [in] The session id returned by QISESessionBegin.
* @param int* rsltLen - [out] Length of result returned.
* @param int* rsltStatus - [out] Status of evaluation result returned.
* @param int* errorCode - [out] Return 0 in success, otherwise return error code.
* @see
const char * MSPAPI QISEGetResult(const char* sessionID, unsigned int* rsltLen, int* rsltStatus, int *errorCode);
typedef const char * (MSPAPI *Proc_QISEGetResult)(const char* sessionID, unsigned int* rsltLen, int* rsltStatus, int *errorCode);
const wchar_t* MSPAPI QISEGetResultW(const wchar_t* sessionID, int* rsltLen, unsigned int* rsltStatus, int *errorCode);
typedef const wchar_t* (MSPAPI *Proc_QISEGetResultW)(const wchar_t* sessionID, unsigned int* rsltLen, int* rsltStatus, int *errorCode);
* @fn QISEResultInfo
* @brief Get Result Info
* Get info of evaluation result.
* @return const char * - The session id returned by QISESessionBegin.
* @param const char* sessionID - [in] session id returned by QISESessionBegin.
* @see
const char* MSPAPI QISEResultInfo(const char* sessionID, int *errorCode);
typedef const char* (MSPAPI *Proc_QISEResultInfo)(const char* sessionID, int *errorCode);
const wchar_t* MSPAPI QISEResultInfoW(const wchar_t* sessionID, int *errorCode);
typedef const wchar_t* (MSPAPI *Proc_QISEResultInfoW)(const wchar_t* sessionID, int *errorCode);
* @fn QISESessionEnd
* @brief End a ISR Session
* End a evaluation session, release all resource.
* @return int MSPAPI - Return 0 in success, otherwise return error code.
* @param const char* sessionID - [in] The session id returned by QISESessionBegin.
* @param const char* hints - [in] Reason to end current session.
* @see
int MSPAPI QISESessionEnd(const char* sessionID, const char* hints);
typedef int (MSPAPI *Proc_QISESessionEnd)(const char* sessionID, const char* hints);
int MSPAPI QISESessionEndW(const wchar_t* sessionID, const wchar_t* hints);
typedef int (MSPAPI *Proc_QISESessionEndW)(const wchar_t* sessionID, const wchar_t* hints);
* @fn QISEGetParam
* @brief get params related with msc
* the params could be local or server param, we only support netflow params "upflow" & "downflow" now
* @return int MSPAPI - Return 0 in success, otherwise return error code.
* @param const char* sessionID - [in] session id of related param, set NULL to got global param
* @param const char* paramName - [in] param name,could pass more than one param splited by ',' ';' or '\n'.
* @param const char* paramValue - [in] param value buffer, malloced by user.
* @param int *valueLen - [in, out] in: length of value buffer, out: length of value string.
* @see
int MSPAPI QISEGetParam(const char* sessionID, const char* paramName, char* paramValue, unsigned int* valueLen);
typedef int (MSPAPI *Proc_QISEGetParam)(const char* sessionID, const char* paramName, char* paramValue, unsigned int* valueLen);
int MSPAPI QISEGetParamW(const wchar_t* sessionID, const wchar_t* paramName, wchar_t* paramValue, unsigned int* valueLen);
typedef int (MSPAPI *Proc_QISEGetParamW)(const wchar_t* sessionID, const wchar_t* paramName, wchar_t* paramValue, unsigned int* valueLen);
// typedef void ( MSPAPI *recog_result_ntf_handler)( const char *sessionID, const char *result, int resultLen, int resultStatus, void *userData );
// typedef void ( MSPAPI *status_ntf_handler)( const char *sessionID, int type, int status, const void *param1, const void *param2, void *userData);
// typedef void ( MSPAPI *error_ntf_handler)(const char *sessionID, int errorCode, const char *detail, void *userData);
// int MSPAPI QISRRegisterNotify(const char *sessionID, recog_result_ntf_handler rsltCb, status_ntf_handler statusCb, error_ntf_handler errCb, void *userData);
#ifdef __cplusplus
} /* extern "C" */
#endif /* C++ */
#endif /* __MSP_ISE_H__ */