function hmm() { cat <<EOF Invoke ". build/" from your shell to add the following functions to your environment: - lunch: lunch <product_name>-<build_variant> - tapas: tapas [<App1> <App2> ...] [arm|x86|mips|armv5|arm64|x86_64|mips64] [eng|userdebug|user] - croot: Changes directory to the top of the tree. - m: Makes from the top of the tree. - mm: Builds all of the modules in the current directory, but not their dependencies. - mmm: Builds all of the modules in the supplied directories, but not their dependencies. To limit the modules being built use the syntax: mmm dir/:target1,target2. - mma: Builds all of the modules in the current directory, and their dependencies. - mmma: Builds all of the modules in the supplied directories, and their dependencies. - cgrep: Greps on all local C/C++ files. - ggrep: Greps on all local Gradle files. - jgrep: Greps on all local Java files. - resgrep: Greps on all local res/*.xml files. - sgrep: Greps on all local source files. - godir: Go to the directory containing a file. Look at the source to view more functions. The complete list is: EOF T=$(gettop) local A A="" for i in `cat $T/build/ | sed -n "/^[ \t]*function /s/function \([a-z_]*\).*/\1/p" | sort | uniq`; do A="$A $i" done echo $A } PLATFORM_CHOICES=(nuclear astar octopus tulip koto azalea sitar cello banjo violin mandolin) # check to see if the supplied product is one we can build function check_platform() { for v in ${PLATFORM_CHOICES[@]} do if [ "$v" = "$1" ] then return 0 fi done return 1 } # Get the value of a build variable as an absolute path. function get_abs_build_var() { T=$(gettop) if [ ! "$T" ]; then echo "Couldn't locate the top of the tree. Try setting TOP." >&2 return fi (\cd $T; CALLED_FROM_SETUP=true BUILD_SYSTEM=build \ command make --no-print-directory -f build/ dumpvar-abs-$1) } # Get the exact value of a build variable. function get_build_var() { T=$(gettop) if [ ! "$T" ]; then echo "Couldn't locate the top of the tree. Try setting TOP." >&2 return fi (\cd $T; CALLED_FROM_SETUP=true BUILD_SYSTEM=build \ command make --no-print-directory -f build/ dumpvar-$1) } function check_product() { T=$(gettop) if [ ! "$T" ]; then echo "Couldn't locate the top of the tree. Try setting TOP." >&2 return fi TARGET_PRODUCT=$1 \ TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT= \ TARGET_BUILD_TYPE= \ TARGET_BUILD_APPS= \ get_build_var TARGET_DEVICE > /dev/null } VARIANT_CHOICES=(tina dragonboard) # check to see if the supplied variant is valid function check_variant() { for v in ${VARIANT_CHOICES[@]} do if [ "$v" = "$1" ] then return 0 fi done return 1 } function printconfig() { T=$(gettop) if [ ! "$T" ]; then echo "Couldn't locate the top of the tree. Try setting TOP." >&2 return fi get_build_var report_config } function set_stuff_for_environment() { set_sequence_number export TINA_BUILD_TOP=$(gettop) # With this environment variable new GCC can apply colors to warnings/errors export GCC_COLORS='error=01;31:warning=01;35:note=01;36:caret=01;32:locus=01:quote=01' } function set_sequence_number() { export BUILD_ENV_SEQUENCE_NUMBER=10 } # Clear this variable. It will be built up again when the # files are included at the end of this file. unset LUNCH_MENU_CHOICES function add_lunch_combo() { local new_combo=$1 local c for c in ${LUNCH_MENU_CHOICES[@]} ; do if [ "$new_combo" = "$c" ] ; then return fi done LUNCH_MENU_CHOICES=(${LUNCH_MENU_CHOICES[@]} $new_combo) } # add the default one here function print_lunch_menu() { local uname=$(uname) echo echo "You're building on" $uname echo echo "Lunch menu... pick a combo:" local i=1 local choice for choice in ${LUNCH_MENU_CHOICES[@]} do echo " $i. $choice" i=$(($i+1)) done echo } function lunch() { local answer if [ "$1" ] ; then answer=$1 else print_lunch_menu echo -n "Which would you like?" read answer fi local selection= if [ -z "$answer" ] then selection=astar_parrot-tina elif (echo -n $answer | grep -q -e "^[0-9][0-9]*$") then if [ $answer -le ${#LUNCH_MENU_CHOICES[@]} ] then selection=${LUNCH_MENU_CHOICES[$(($answer-1))]} fi elif (echo -n $answer | grep -q -e "^[^\-][^\-]*-[^\-][^\-]*$") then selection=$answer fi if [ -z "$selection" ] then echo echo "Invalid lunch combo: $answer" return 1 fi local platform=$(echo -n $selection | sed -e "s/_.*$//") check_platform $platform if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo echo "** Don't have a platform spec for: '$platform'" echo "** Must be one of ${PLATFORM_CHOICES[@]}" echo "** Do you have the right repo manifest?" platform= fi local product=$(echo -n $selection | sed -e "s/-.*$//") check_product $product if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo echo "** Don't have a product spec for: '$product'" echo "** Do you have the right repo manifest?" product= fi local variant=$(echo -n $selection | sed -e "s/^[^\-]*-//") check_variant $variant if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo echo "** Invalid variant: '$variant'" echo "** Must be one of ${VARIANT_CHOICES[@]}" variant= fi if [ -z "$product" -o -z "$variant" -o -z "$platform" ] then echo return 1 fi export TARGET_PRODUCT=$product export TARGET_PLATFORM=$platform export TARGET_BOARD=$(get_build_var TARGET_DEVICE) export TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT=$variant export TARGET_BUILD_TYPE=release rm -rf tmp echo set_stuff_for_environment printconfig } function get_chip() { local chip= if [ "x$TARGET_PLATFORM" = "xsitar" -o "x$TARGET_PLATFORM" = "xviolin" ]; then chip=sun3iw1p1 elif [ "x$TARGET_PLATFORM" = "xnuclear" ]; then chip=sun5i elif [ "x$TARGET_PLATFORM" = "xastar" ]; then chip=sun8iw5p1 elif [ "x$TARGET_PLATFORM" = "xoctopus" ]; then chip=sun8iw6p1 elif [ "x$TARGET_PLATFORM" = "xbanjo" ]; then chip=sun8iw8p1 elif [ "x$TARGET_PLATFORM" = "xcello" ]; then chip=sun8iw10p1 elif [ "x$TARGET_PLATFORM" = "xazalea" ]; then chip=sun8iw11p1 elif [ "x$TARGET_PLATFORM" = "xmandolin" ]; then chip=sun8iw15p1 elif [ "x$TARGET_PLATFORM" = "xtulip" ]; then chip=sun50iw1p1 elif [ "x$TARGET_PLATFORM" = "xkoto" ]; then chip=sun50iw3p1 fi echo $chip } # Build brandy(uboot,boot0,fes) if you want. function build_boot() { local T=$(gettop) local chip= local cmd=$1 local o_option=$2 echo $TARGET_PRODUCT $TARGET_PLATFORM $TARGET_BOARD if [ -z "$TARGET_BOARD" -o -z "$TARGET_PLATFORM" ]; then echo "Please use lunch to select a target board before build boot." return 1 fi chip=$(get_chip) if [ "x$chip" = "x" ]; then echo "platform($TARGET_PLATFORM) not support" return 1 fi cd $T/lichee/brandy/ if [ x"$o_option" != "x" ]; then ./ -p $chip -o $o_option else ./ -p $chip fi if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "$cmd stop for build error in brandy, Please check!" cd - 1>/dev/null return 1 fi cd - 1>/dev/null echo "$cmd success!" return 0 } # Build uboot, uboot for nor, boot0 function mboot() { build_boot "mboot" "" } # Build uboot, uboot for nor function muboot() { build_boot "muboot" "uboot" } # Build uboot for nor function muboot_nor() { build_boot "muboot_nor" "uboot_nor" } # Build boot0 function mboot0() { build_boot "mboot0" "boot0" } # Tab completion for lunch. function _lunch() { local cur prev opts COMPREPLY=() cur="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}" prev="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD-1]}" COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${LUNCH_MENU_CHOICES[*]}" -- ${cur}) ) return 0 } complete -F _lunch lunch function gettop { local TOPFILE=build/ if [ -n "$TOP" -a -f "$TOP/$TOPFILE" ] ; then # The following circumlocution ensures we remove symlinks from TOP. (cd $TOP; PWD= /bin/pwd) else if [ -f $TOPFILE ] ; then # The following circumlocution (repeated below as well) ensures # that we record the true directory name and not one that is # faked up with symlink names. PWD= /bin/pwd else local HERE=$PWD T= while [ \( ! \( -f $TOPFILE \) \) -a \( $PWD != "/" \) ]; do \cd .. T=`PWD= /bin/pwd -P` done \cd $HERE if [ -f "$T/$TOPFILE" ]; then echo $T fi fi fi } function mm() { local T=$(gettop) $T/scripts/ $T $* } function mlibc() { local T=$(gettop) $T/scripts/ $T $* } # function make_ota_image(){ # local T=$(gettop) # printf "build ota package\n" # [ -e $T/package/utils/otabuilder/Makefile ] && # make -j # make package/utils/otabuilder/clean -j # make package/utils/otabuilder/install -j # print_red bin/sunxi/ota_md5.tar.gz # printf "build ota package end\n" # } function make_img_md5(){ #$1: target image md5sum $1 | awk '{print $1}' > $1.md5 } function print_red(){ echo -e '\033[0;31;1m' echo $1 echo -e '\033[0m' } function ota_general_keys() { local target_dir=$1 local key_name=OTA_Key.pem [ $# -lt 1 ] && echo "usage:ota_general_keys key_dir" && return 1 rm -f "$target_dir"/*.pem #this is for test, finally we should manage ota key with other keys #general key openssl genrsa -out "$target_dir"/OTA_Key.pem -f4 2048 #get public key openssl rsa -in "$target_dir"/OTA_Key.pem -pubout -out "$target_dir"/OTA_Key_pub.pem ls -ll "$target_dir" echo "done! please keep the key safe!" } function ota_sign_files() { local target_dir=$1 local key_dir=$2 local key_name=OTA_Key.pem [ ! -n $3 ] && key_name=$3 [ $# -lt 2 ] && echo "usage:ota_sign_files files_dir key_dir [key_name]" && return 1 target_list="boot.img rootfs.img recovery.img boot_package.img boot0_nand.img boot0_sdcard.img" rm -f "$patch_dir"/*.signature for i in $target_list; do [ ! -f "$target_dir"/"$i" ] && print_red "$target_dir/$i is not exist!" echo "do signature for $target_dir/$i" openssl dgst -sha256 -out "$target_dir"/"$i.signature" -sign "$key_dir"/"$key_name" "$target_dir"/"$i" done ls -ll "$target_dir" } function ota_general_patchs() { local old_file_dir=$1 local new_file_dir=$2 local patch_dir=$3 target_list="boot.img rootfs.img recovery.img boot_package.img boot0_nand.img boot0_sdcard.img" [ $# -lt 3 ] && echo "usage:ota_general_patchs old_file_dir new_file_dir patch_dir" && return 1 rm -f "$patch_dir"/*.patch "$patch_dir"/*.md5 "$patch_dir"/*.signature for i in $target_list; do [ ! -f "$old_file_dir"/"$i" ] && print_red "$old_file_dir/$i is not exist!" [ ! -f "$new_file_dir"/"$i" ] && print_red "$new_file_dir/$i is not exist!" echo "generaling patch for $i" bsdiff "$old_file_dir"/"$i" "$new_file_dir"/"$i" "$patch_dir"/"$i.patch" cp "$new_file_dir"/"$i.md5" "$patch_dir"/"$i.md5" cp "$new_file_dir"/"$i.signature" "$patch_dir"/"$i.signature" done ls -ll "$patch_dir" } function ota_save_files() { [ $# -lt 1 ] && echo "usage:ota_save_files file_dir" && return 1 local target_dir=$1 echo target_dir:"$target_dir" [ ! -d "$target_dir" ] && echo target_dir:"$target_dir" not exit!! && return 1 local T=$(gettop) local BIN_DIR=$T/out/${TARGET_BOARD} local boot_img="$(readlink -f "$BIN_DIR"/image/boot.fex)" local rootfs_img="$(readlink -f "$BIN_DIR"/image/rootfs.fex)" local recovery_img="$(readlink -f "$BIN_DIR"/image/recovery.fex)" #uboot and boot0 local boot_package_img="$(readlink -f "$BIN_DIR"/image/boot_package.fex)" local boot0_nand_img="$(readlink -f "$BIN_DIR"/image/boot0_nand.fex)" local boot0_sdcard_img="$(readlink -f "$BIN_DIR"/image/boot0_sdcard.fex)" rm -f "$target_dir"/*.img "$target_dir"/*.md5 "$target_dir"/*.signature [ -f "$boot_img" ] && cp "$boot_img" "$target_dir"/boot.img && make_img_md5 "$target_dir"/boot.img [ -f "$rootfs_img" ] && cp "$rootfs_img" "$target_dir"/rootfs.img && make_img_md5 "$target_dir"/rootfs.img [ -f "$recovery_img" ] && cp "$recovery_img" "$target_dir"/recovery.img && make_img_md5 "$target_dir"/recovery.img [ -f "$boot_package_img" ] && cp "$boot_package_img" "$target_dir"/boot_package.img && make_img_md5 "$target_dir"/boot_package.img [ -f "$boot0_nand_img" ] && cp "$boot0_nand_img" "$target_dir"/boot0_nand.img && make_img_md5 "$target_dir"/boot0_nand.img [ -f "$boot0_sdcard_img" ] && cp "$boot0_sdcard_img" "$target_dir"/boot0_sdcard.img && make_img_md5 "$target_dir"/boot0_sdcard.img ls -l "$target_dir" } function make_recovery() { local T=$(gettop) local make_recovery_fail=0 print_red "build recovery img" mv "$T/.config" "$T/.config.bk" mv "$T/target/allwinner/${TARGET_BOARD}/defconfig" "$T/target/allwinner/${TARGET_BOARD}/defconfig.bk" cp "$T/target/allwinner/${TARGET_BOARD}/defconfig_recovery" .config cp .config "$T/target/allwinner/${TARGET_BOARD}/defconfig" make V=s "$@" if [ $? -ne 0 ] then print_red "make recovery fail!" make_recovery_fail=1 fi mv "$T/.config.bk" "$T/.config" mv "$T/target/allwinner/${TARGET_BOARD}/defconfig.bk" "$T/target/allwinner/${TARGET_BOARD}/defconfig" if [ $make_recovery_fail -ne 0 ];then print_red "build recovery fail!" else print_red "build recovery finish!" fi } function make_ramfs() { local T=$(gettop) local make_ramfs_fail=0 print_red "build ramfs img" mv "$T/.config" "$T/.config.bk" mv "$T/target/allwinner/${TARGET_BOARD}/defconfig" "$T/target/allwinner/${TARGET_BOARD}/defconfig.bk" cp "$T/target/allwinner/${TARGET_BOARD}/defconfig_ramfs" .config cp .config "$T/target/allwinner/${TARGET_BOARD}/defconfig" make V=s "$@" if [ $? -ne 0 ] then print_red "make ramfs fail!" make_ramfs_fail=1 fi mv "$T/.config.bk" "$T/.config" mv "$T/target/allwinner/${TARGET_BOARD}/defconfig.bk" "$T/target/allwinner/${TARGET_BOARD}/defconfig" if [ $make_ramfs_fail -ne 0 ];then print_red "build ramfs fail!" else print_red "build ramfs finish!" print_red "cp $T/out/${TARGET_BOARD}/compile_dir/target/rootfs to $T/out/${TARGET_BOARD}/compile_dir/target/rootfs_ramfs" rm -rf "$T/out/${TARGET_BOARD}/compile_dir/target/rootfs_ramfs" cp -fpr "$T/out/${TARGET_BOARD}/compile_dir/target/rootfs" "$T/out/${TARGET_BOARD}/compile_dir/target/rootfs_ramfs" du -sh "$T/out/${TARGET_BOARD}/compile_dir/target/rootfs_ramfs" fi cd "$T/out/${TARGET_BOARD}/compile_dir/target/" ramfs_cpio=rootfs_ramfs.cpio.none #ramfs_cpio=rootfs_ramfs.cpio.gz #ramfs_cpio=rootfs_ramfs.cpio.xz rm -f ${ramfs_cpio} ln -s rootfs_ramfs skel ../../../../scripts/ c ${ramfs_cpio} mv ${ramfs_cpio} "$T/target/allwinner/${TARGET_BOARD}/" cd "$T" du -sh "$T/target/allwinner/${TARGET_BOARD}/${ramfs_cpio}" } function make_ota_image(){ local T=$(gettop) local chip=sunxi local need_usr=0 local make_ota_fail=0 [ x$CHIP = x"sun5i" ] && chip=sun5i local BIN_DIR=$T/out/${TARGET_BOARD} local OTA_DIR=$BIN_DIR/ota mkdir -p $OTA_DIR print_red "build ota package" grep "CONFIG_SUNXI_SMALL_STORAGE_OTA=y" $T/.config && need_usr=1 #target image target_list="$BIN_DIR/boot.img $BIN_DIR/rootfs.img $BIN_DIR/usr.img" if [ $need_usr -eq 0 ];then target_list="$BIN_DIR/boot.img $BIN_DIR/rootfs.img" fi [ -n $1 ] && [ x$1 = x"--force" ] && rm -rf $target_list for i in $target_list; do if [ ! -f $i ]; then img=${i##*/} print_red "$i is not exsit! rebuild the image." make -j16 if [ $? -ne 0 ] then print_red "make $img file! make_ota_image fail!" make_ota_fail=1 fi break fi done rm -rf $OTA_DIR/target_sys mkdir -p $OTA_DIR/target_sys cp $BIN_DIR/boot.img $OTA_DIR/target_sys/ make_img_md5 $OTA_DIR/target_sys/boot.img cp $BIN_DIR/rootfs.img $OTA_DIR/target_sys/ make_img_md5 $OTA_DIR/target_sys/rootfs.img if [ $need_usr -eq 1 ];then rm -rf $OTA_DIR/usr_sys mkdir -p $OTA_DIR/usr_sys cp $BIN_DIR/usr.img $OTA_DIR/usr_sys/ make_img_md5 $OTA_DIR/usr_sys/usr.img fi #upgrade image mv $T/.config $OTA_DIR/.config.old grep -v -e CONFIG_TARGET_ROOTFS_INITRAMFS $T/target/allwinner/${TARGET_BOARD}/defconfig_ota > .config echo 'CONFIG_TARGET_ROOTFS_INITRAMFS=y' >> .config echo 'CONFIG_TARGET_AW_OTA_INITRAMFS=y' >> .config echo 'CONFIG_TARGET_INITRAMFS_COMPRESSION_XZ=y' >> .config cp .config $T/target/allwinner/${TARGET_BOARD}/defconfig #refresh_ota_env make V=s -j16 if [ $? -ne 0 ] then print_red "make_ota_image fail!" make_ota_fail=1 fi cp $OTA_DIR/.config.old $T/.config cp $OTA_DIR/.config.old $T/target/allwinner/${TARGET_BOARD}/defconfig rm -rf $OTA_DIR/ramdisk_sys mkdir -p $OTA_DIR/ramdisk_sys cp $BIN_DIR/boot_initramfs.img $OTA_DIR/ramdisk_sys/ make_img_md5 $OTA_DIR/ramdisk_sys/boot_initramfs.img if [ $need_usr -eq 1 ];then cd $OTA_DIR && \ tar -zcvf target_sys.tar.gz target_sys && \ tar -zcvf ramdisk_sys.tar.gz ramdisk_sys && \ tar -zcvf usr_sys.tar.gz usr_sys && \ cd $T else cd $OTA_DIR && \ tar -zcvf target_sys.tar.gz target_sys && \ tar -zcvf ramdisk_sys.tar.gz ramdisk_sys && \ cd $T fi #refresh_ota_env if [ $make_ota_fail -ne 0 ];then print_red "build ota packag fail!" else print_red "build ota packag finish!" fi } usage() { printf "Usage: pack [-cCHIP] [-pPLATFORM] [-bBOARD] [-d] [-s] [-h] -c CHIP (default: $chip) -p PLATFORM (default: $platform) -b BOARD (default: $board) -d pack firmware with debug info output to card0 -s pack firmware with signature -m pack dump firmware -h print this help message " } function pack() { local T=$(gettop) local chip=sun5i local platform=$(get_build_var TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT) local board_platform=$(get_build_var TARGET_BOARD_PLATFORM) local board=$(get_build_var TARGET_BOARD) local debug=uart0 local sigmode=none local securemode=none local mode=normal unset OPTIND while getopts "dsvmh" arg do case $arg in d) debug=card0 ;; s) sigmode=secure ;; v) securemode=secure ;; m) mode=dump ;; h) usage return 0 ;; ?) return 1 ;; esac done chip=$(get_chip) if [ "x$chip" = "x" ]; then echo "platform($TARGET_PLATFORM) not support" return fi $T/scripts/ -c $chip -p $platform -b $board \ -d $debug -s $sigmode -m $mode -v $securemode -t $T } function createkeys() { local T=$(gettop) local board=$(get_build_var TARGET_BOARD) $T/scripts/createkeys -b $board -t $T } function minstall() { make $1install $* echo "make package" } function mclean() { make $1clean $2 echo "make clean" } function croot() { T=$(gettop) if [ "$T" ]; then \cd $(gettop) else echo "Couldn't locate the top of the tree. Try setting TOP." fi } function cboot() { T=$(gettop) U=u-boot-2014.07 if [ "$TARGET_PLATFORM" = "astar" -o "$TARGET_PLATFORM" = "banjo" -o "$TARGET_PLATFORM" = "nuclear" -o "$TARGET_PLATFORM" = "octopus" ]; then U=u-boot-2011.09 fi if [ "$T" ]; then \cd $(gettop)/lichee/brandy/$U/ else echo "Couldn't locate the top of the tree. Try setting TOP." fi } function cboot0() { T=$(gettop) U=uboot_2014_sunxi_spl if [ "$TARGET_PLATFORM" = "astar" -o "$TARGET_PLATFORM" = "banjo" -o "$TARGET_PLATFORM" = "nuclear" -o "$TARGET_PLATFORM" = "octopus" ]; then U=uboot_2011_sunxi_spl fi if [ "$T" ]; then \cd $(gettop)/lichee/bootloader/$U/ else echo "Couldn't locate the top of the tree. Try setting TOP." fi } function cdts() { T=$(gettop) K=linux-3.10 A=arm S= if [ "$TARGET_PLATFORM" = "azalea" -o "$TARGET_PLATFORM" = "sitar" -o "$TARGET_PLATFORM" = "cello" -o "$TARGET_PLATFORM" = "violin" ]; then K=linux-3.10 A=arm fi if [ "$TARGET_PLATFORM" = "mandolin" ]; then K=linux-4.9 A=arm fi if [ "$TARGET_PLATFORM" = "tulip" ];then K=linux-4.4 A=arm64 S=sunxi fi if [ "${TARGET_PLATFORM}" = "koto" ];then K=linux-4.9 A=arm64 S=sunxi fi if [ "$T" ]; then \cd $(gettop)/lichee/$K/arch/$A/boot/dts/$S else echo "Couldn't locate the top of the tree. Try setting TOP." fi } function ckernel() { T=$(gettop) K=linux-3.10 if [ "$TARGET_PLATFORM" = "astar" -o "$TARGET_PLATFORM" = "octopus" -o "$TARGET_PLATFORM" = "banjo" -o "$TARGET_PLATFORM" = "nuclear" ]; then K=linux-3.4 fi if [ "$TARGET_PLATFORM" = "tulip" ];then K=linux-4.4 fi if [ "${TARGET_PLATFORM}" = "koto" -o "${TARGET_PLATFORM}" = "mandolin" ];then K=linux-4.9 fi if [ "$T" ]; then \cd $(gettop)/lichee/$K/ else echo "Couldn't locate the top of the tree. Try setting TOP." fi } function cgeneric() { T=$(gettop) if [ "$T" ]; then \cd $(gettop)/target/allwinner/generic else echo "Couldn't locate the top of the tree. Try setting TOP." fi } function cdevice() { T=$(gettop) if [ "$T" ]; then \cd $(gettop)/target/allwinner/${TARGET_BOARD} else echo "Couldn't locate the top of the tree. Try setting TOP." fi } function cconfigs() { T=$(gettop) if [ "$T" ]; then \cd $(gettop)/target/allwinner/${TARGET_BOARD}/configs else echo "Couldn't locate the top of the tree. Try setting TOP." fi } function ctoolchain() { T=$(gettop) A=arm C=musl if [ -z "$T" ]; then echo "Couldn't locate the top of the tree. Try setting TOP." fi C=`grep CONFIG_LIBC= $T/target/allwinner/${TARGET_BOARD}/defconfig |cut -d "=" -f 2 | sed 's/"//g'` if [ "$TARGET_PLATFORM" = "sitar" -o "$TARGET_PLATFORM" = "violin" ]; then A=arm C=arm9-$C fi if [ "$TARGET_PLATFORM" = "astar" -o "$TARGET_PLATFORM" = "azalea" -o "$TARGET_PLATFORM" = "octopus" \ -o "$TARGET_PLATFORM" = "banjo" -o "$TARGET_PLATFORM" = "cello" -o "$TARGET_PLATFORM" = "mandolin" ]; then A=arm fi if [ "$TARGET_PLATFORM" = "tulip" -o "${TARGET_PLATFORM}" = "koto" ];then A=aarch64 fi cd $(gettop)/prebuilt/gcc/linux-x86/$A/toolchain-sunxi-$C/toolchain } function add-rootfs-demo() { T=$(gettop) if [ "$T" ]; then cp -rf $(gettop)/package/add-rootfs-demo/* $(gettop)/out/${TARGET_BOARD}/compile_dir/target/rootfs rm $(gettop)/out/${TARGET_BOARD}/compile_dir/target/rootfs/README $(gettop)/out/host/bin/mksquashfs4 $(gettop)/out/${TARGET_BOARD}/compile_dir/target/rootfs \ $(gettop)/out/${TARGET_BOARD}/root.squashfs -noappend -root-owned -comp xz -b 256k \ -p '/dev d 755 0 0' -p '/dev/console c 600 0 0 5 1' -processors 1 rm $(gettop)/out/${TARGET_BOARD}/rootfs.img dd if=$(gettop)/out/${TARGET_BOARD}/root.squashfs of=$(gettop)/out/${TARGET_BOARD}/rootfs.img bs=128k conv=sync else echo "Couldn't locate the top of the tree. Try setting TOP." fi } function crootfs() { T=$(gettop) if [ "$T" ]; then cd $(gettop)/out/${TARGET_BOARD}/compile_dir/target/rootfs else echo "Couldn't locate the top of the tree. Try setting TOP." fi } function mkrootfs_squashfs4() { kernelfs_formate=`grep CONFIG_SQUASHFS=y $(gettop)/lichee/*/.config | cut -d ":" -f 2` echo -e "\033[31m$kernelfs_formate\033[0m" if [ -z $kernelfs_formate ];then echo -e "\033[31m run -make kernel_menuconfig- choice "squashfs" first!\033[0m" else compression=`grep ^CONFIG_KERNEL.*y$ $(gettop)/.config | awk 'NR==1{print}' | sed -r 's/.*_(.*)=.*/\1/' | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'` if [ -n "$compression" ];then $(gettop)/out/host/bin/mksquashfs4 $(gettop)/out/${TARGET_BOARD}/compile_dir/target/rootfs $(gettop)/out/${TARGET_BOARD}/root.squashfs \ -noappend -root-owned -comp $compression -b 256k -p '/dev d 755 0 0' -p '/dev/console c 600 0 0 5 1' -processors 1 else $(gettop)/out/host/bin/mksquashfs4 $(gettop)/out/${TARGET_BOARD}/compile_dir/target/rootfs $(gettop)/out/${TARGET_BOARD}/root.squashfs \ -noappend -root-owned -comp xz -b 256k -p '/dev d 755 0 0' -p '/dev/console c 600 0 0 5 1' -processors 1 fi rm $(gettop)/out/${TARGET_BOARD}/rootfs.img dd if=$(gettop)/out/${TARGET_BOARD}/root.squashfs of=$(gettop)/out/${TARGET_BOARD}/rootfs.img bs=128k conv=sync fi } function mkrootfs_ext4() { kernelfs_formate=`grep CONFIG_EXT4_FS=y $(gettop)/lichee/*/.config | cut -d ":" -f 2` echo -e "\033[31m $kernelfs_formate\033[0m" if [ -z $kernelfs_formate ];then echo -e "\033[31m run -make kernel_menuconfig- choice "ext4fs" first!\033[0m" else $(gettop)/out/host/bin/make_ext4fs -l 50331648 -b 4096 -i 6000 -m 0 -J $(gettop)/out/${TARGET_BOARD}/compile_dir/target/linux-azalea-m2ultra/root.ext4 $(gettop)/out/${TARGET_BOARD}/compile_dir/target/rootfs rm $(gettop)/out/${TARGET_BOARD}/rootfs.img dd if=$(gettop)/out/${TARGET_BOARD}/compile_dir/target/linux-azalea-m2ultra/root.ext4 of=$(gettop)/out/${TARGET_BOARD}/rootfs.img bs=128k conv=sync fi } function mkrootfs_jffs2() { kernelfs_formate=`grep CONFIG_JFFS2_FS=y $(gettop)/lichee/*/.config | cut -d ":" -f 2` echo -e "\033[31m$kernelfs_formate\033[0m" if [ -z $kernelfs_formate ];then echo -e "\033[31m run -make kernel_menuconfig- choice "jffs2fs" first!\033[0m" else $(gettop)/out/host/bin/mkfs.jffs2 --little-endian --squash-uids -v -X rtime -x zlib -x lzma -D $(gettop)/build/device_table.txt \ -e 128KiB -o $(gettop)/out/${TARGET_BOARD}/root.jffs2-128k -d $(gettop)/out/${TARGET_BOARD}/compile_dir/target/rootfs \ -v 2>&1 1>/dev/null | awk '/^.+$/' rm $(gettop)/out/${TARGET_BOARD}/rootfs.img dd if=$(gettop)/out/${TARGET_BOARD}/root.jffs2-128k of=$(gettop)/out/${TARGET_BOARD}/rootfs.img bs=128k conv=sync fi } function recomp_rootfs() { T=$(gettop) if [ "$T" ]; then file_formate=`grep ^CONFIG_TARGET_ROOTFS.*y $(gettop)/.config | cut -d "_" -f 4 | grep "=" | sed -r 's/(.*)=.*/\1/'` echo -e "\033[31m $file_formate\033[0m" if [ -z $file_formate ];then echo -e "\033[31m run -make menuconfig- choice fs_formate of target images!\033[0m" else [ x$file_formate = x"SQUASHFS" ] && mkrootfs_squashfs4 [ x$file_formate = x"EXT4FS" ] && mkrootfs_ext4 [ x$file_formate = x"JFFS2" ] && mkrootfs_jffs2 fi else echo "Couldn't locate the top of the tree. Try setting TOP." fi } function cout() { T=$(gettop) if [ "$T" ]; then \cd $(gettop)/out/${TARGET_BOARD} else echo "Couldn't locate the top of the tree. Try setting TOP." fi } function cgrep() { find . -name .repo -prune -o -name .git -prune -o -name out -prune -o -type f \( -name '*.c' -o -name '*.cc' -o -name '*.cpp' -o -name '*.h' \) -print0 | xargs -0 grep --color -n "$@" } function godir () { if [[ -z "$1" ]]; then echo "Usage: godir <regex>" return fi T=$(gettop) if [[ ! -f $T/filelist ]]; then echo -n "Creating index..." (\cd $T; find . -wholename ./out -prune -o -wholename ./.repo -prune -o -type f > filelist) echo " Done" echo "" fi local lines lines=($(\grep "$1" $T/filelist | sed -e 's/\/[^/]*$//' | sort | uniq)) if [[ ${#lines[@]} = 0 ]]; then echo "Not found" return fi local pathname local choice if [[ ${#lines[@]} > 1 ]]; then while [[ -z "$pathname" ]]; do local index=1 local line for line in ${lines[@]}; do printf "%6s %s\n" "[$index]" $line index=$(($index + 1)) done echo echo -n "Select one: " unset choice read choice if [[ $choice -gt ${#lines[@]} || $choice -lt 1 ]]; then echo "Invalid choice" continue fi pathname=${lines[$(($choice-1))]} done else pathname=${lines[0]} fi \cd $T/$pathname } # Print colored exit condition function pez { "$@" local retval=$? if [ $retval -ne 0 ] then echo -e "\e[0;31mFAILURE\e[00m" else echo -e "\e[0;32mSUCCESS\e[00m" fi return $retval } function get_make_command() { echo command make V=s } function make() { local start_time=$(date +"%s") $(get_make_command) "$@" local ret=$? local end_time=$(date +"%s") local tdiff=$(($end_time-$start_time)) local hours=$(($tdiff / 3600 )) local mins=$((($tdiff % 3600) / 60)) local secs=$(($tdiff % 60)) echo if [ $ret -eq 0 ] ; then echo -n -e "#### make completed successfully " else echo -n -e "#### make failed to build some targets " fi if [ $hours -gt 0 ] ; then printf "(%02g:%02g:%02g (hh:mm:ss))" $hours $mins $secs elif [ $mins -gt 0 ] ; then printf "(%02g:%02g (mm:ss))" $mins $secs elif [ $secs -gt 0 ] ; then printf "(%s seconds)" $secs fi echo -e " ####" echo return $ret } if [ "x$SHELL" != "x/bin/bash" ]; then case `ps -o command -p $$` in *bash*) ;; *) echo "WARNING: Only bash is supported, use of other shell would lead to erroneous results" ;; esac fi # Execute the contents of any files we can find. for f in `test -d target && find -L target -maxdepth 4 -name '' | sort 2> /dev/null` do echo "including $f" . $f done unset f