#include #include #include "demuxComponent.h" #include "awMessageQueue.h" #include "CdxParser.h" //* parser library in "LIBRARY/DEMUX/PARSER/include/" #include "CdxStream.h" //* parser library in "LIBRARY/DEMUX/STREAM/include/" #include "player.h" //* player library in "LIBRARY/PLAYER/" #include "cache.h" #include "log.h" #include "demoConfig.h" //* demux status, same with the awplayer. static const int DEMUX_STATUS_IDLE = 0; //* the very beginning status. static const int DEMUX_STATUS_INITIALIZED = 1<<0; //* after data source set. static const int DEMUX_STATUS_PREPARING = 1<<1; //* when preparing. static const int DEMUX_STATUS_PREPARED = 1<<2; //* after parser is opened and media info get. static const int DEMUX_STATUS_STARTED = 1<<3; //* parsing and sending data. static const int DEMUX_STATUS_PAUSED = 1<<4; //* sending job paused. static const int DEMUX_STATUS_STOPPED = 1<<5; //* parser closed. static const int DEMUX_STATUS_COMPLETE = 1<<6; //* all data parsed. //* command id, same with the awplayer. static const int DEMUX_COMMAND_SET_SOURCE = 0x101; static const int DEMUX_COMMAND_PREPARE = 0x104; static const int DEMUX_COMMAND_START = 0x105; static const int DEMUX_COMMAND_PAUSE = 0x106; static const int DEMUX_COMMAND_STOP = 0x107; static const int DEMUX_COMMAND_QUIT = 0x109; static const int DEMUX_COMMAND_SEEK = 0x10a; static const int DEMUX_COMMAND_CLEAR = 0x10b; static const int DEMUX_COMMAND_CANCEL_PREPARE = 0x10c; static const int DEMUX_COMMAND_CANCEL_SEEK = 0x10d; static const int DEMUX_COMMAND_READ = 0x10e; //* cache start play size and max buffer size. static const int CACHE_START_PLAY_SIZE = 128*1024; static const int CACHE_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE = 20*1024*1024; static void* DemuxThread(void* arg); static void* CacheThread(void* arg); #if CONFIG_OS == OPTION_OS_ANDROID static int setDataSourceFields(CdxDataSourceT* source, char* uri, KeyedVector* pHeader); #else static int setDataSourceFields(CdxDataSourceT* source, char* uri, map* pHeader); #endif static void clearDataSourceFields(CdxDataSourceT* source); static int setMediaInfo(MediaInfo* pMediaInfo, CdxMediaInfoT* pInfoFromParser); static void clearMediaInfo(MediaInfo* pMediaInfo); static int PlayerBufferOverflow(Player* p); static int PlayerBufferUnderflow(Player* p); typedef struct DemuxCompContext_t { int eStatus; int bLiveStream; //* live streaming from network. int bFileStream; //* local media file. int bVodStream; //* vod stream from network. //* data source. int nSourceType; //* url or fd or IStreamSource. CdxDataSourceT source; MediaInfo mediaInfo; pthread_t threadId; AwMessageQueue* mq; CdxParserT* pParser; CdxStreamT* pStream; Player* pPlayer; DemuxCallback callback; void* pUserData; int nCacheStatReportIntervalMs; pthread_mutex_t mutex; sem_t semSetDataSource; sem_t semStart; sem_t semStop; sem_t semQuit; sem_t semClear; sem_t semCancelPrepare; sem_t semCancelSeek; int nSetDataSourceReply; int nStartReply; int nStopReply; pthread_t cacheThreadId; AwMessageQueue* mqCache; sem_t semCache; int nCacheReply; StreamCache* pCache; int bBufferring; int bEOS; int bIOError; int bCancelPrepare; int bCancelSeek; int bSeeking; int bStopping; }DemuxCompContext; DemuxComp* DemuxCompCreate(void) { DemuxCompContext* d; d = (DemuxCompContext*)malloc(sizeof(DemuxCompContext)); if(d == NULL) { loge("malloc memory fail."); return NULL; } memset(d, 0, sizeof(DemuxCompContext)); d->nCacheStatReportIntervalMs = 1000; pthread_mutex_init(&d->mutex, NULL); sem_init(&d->semSetDataSource, 0, 0); sem_init(&d->semStart, 0, 0); sem_init(&d->semStop, 0, 0); sem_init(&d->semQuit, 0, 0); sem_init(&d->semClear, 0, 0); sem_init(&d->semCancelPrepare, 0, 0); sem_init(&d->semCancelSeek, 0, 0); sem_init(&d->semCache, 0, 0); d->mq = AwMessageQueueCreate(64); if(d->mq == NULL) { loge("AwMessageQueueCreate() return fail."); pthread_mutex_destroy(&d->mutex); sem_destroy(&d->semSetDataSource); sem_destroy(&d->semStart); sem_destroy(&d->semStop); sem_destroy(&d->semQuit); sem_destroy(&d->semClear); sem_destroy(&d->semCancelPrepare); sem_destroy(&d->semCancelSeek); sem_destroy(&d->semCache); free(d); return NULL; } d->mqCache = AwMessageQueueCreate(64); if(d->mqCache == NULL) { loge("AwMessageQueueCreate() return fail."); AwMessageQueueDestroy(d->mq); pthread_mutex_destroy(&d->mutex); sem_destroy(&d->semSetDataSource); sem_destroy(&d->semStart); sem_destroy(&d->semStop); sem_destroy(&d->semQuit); sem_destroy(&d->semClear); sem_destroy(&d->semCancelPrepare); sem_destroy(&d->semCancelSeek); sem_destroy(&d->semCache); free(d); return NULL; } if(pthread_create(&d->threadId, NULL, DemuxThread, (void*)d) != 0) { loge("can not create thread for demux component."); AwMessageQueueDestroy(d->mq); AwMessageQueueDestroy(d->mqCache); pthread_mutex_destroy(&d->mutex); sem_destroy(&d->semSetDataSource); sem_destroy(&d->semStart); sem_destroy(&d->semStop); sem_destroy(&d->semQuit); sem_destroy(&d->semClear); sem_destroy(&d->semCancelPrepare); sem_destroy(&d->semCancelSeek); free(d); return NULL; } d->pCache = StreamCacheCreate(); StreamCacheSetSize(d->pCache, CACHE_START_PLAY_SIZE, CACHE_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE); return (DemuxComp*)d; } void DemuxCompDestroy(DemuxComp* d) { void* status; AwMessage msg; DemuxCompContext* demux; demux = (DemuxCompContext*)d; //* send a quit message. demux->bStopping = 1; setMessage(&msg, DEMUX_COMMAND_QUIT, (uintptr_t)&demux->semQuit); AwMessageQueuePostMessage(demux->mq, &msg); SemTimedWait(&demux->semQuit, -1); pthread_join(demux->threadId, &status); StreamCacheDestroy(demux->pCache); if(demux->mq != NULL) AwMessageQueueDestroy(demux->mq); if(demux->mqCache != NULL) AwMessageQueueDestroy(demux->mqCache); pthread_mutex_destroy(&demux->mutex); sem_destroy(&demux->semSetDataSource); sem_destroy(&demux->semStart); sem_destroy(&demux->semStop); sem_destroy(&demux->semQuit); sem_destroy(&demux->semClear); sem_destroy(&demux->semCancelPrepare); sem_destroy(&demux->semCancelSeek); sem_destroy(&demux->semCache); free(demux); return; } void DemuxCompClear(DemuxComp* d) //* clear the data source, like just created. { AwMessage msg; DemuxCompContext* demux; demux = (DemuxCompContext*)d; //* send clear message. demux->bStopping = 1; setMessage(&msg, DEMUX_COMMAND_CLEAR, (uintptr_t)&demux->semClear); AwMessageQueuePostMessage(demux->mq, &msg); SemTimedWait(&demux->semClear, -1); return; } #if CONFIG_OS == OPTION_OS_ANDROID int DemuxCompSetUrlSource(DemuxComp* d, const char* pUrl, const KeyedVector* pHeaders) #else int DemuxCompSetUrlSource(DemuxComp* d, const char* pUrl, const map* pHeaders) #endif { AwMessage msg; DemuxCompContext* demux; demux = (DemuxCompContext*)d; //* send a set data source message. setMessage(&msg, DEMUX_COMMAND_SET_SOURCE, //* message id. (uintptr_t)&demux->semSetDataSource, //* params[0] = &semSetDataSource. (uintptr_t)&demux->nSetDataSourceReply, //* params[1] = &nSetDataSourceReply. SOURCE_TYPE_URL, //* params[2] = SOURCE_TYPE_URL. (uintptr_t)pUrl, //* params[3] = pUrl. (uintptr_t)pHeaders); //* params[4] = KeyedVector* pHeaders; AwMessageQueuePostMessage(demux->mq, &msg); SemTimedWait(&demux->semSetDataSource, -1); return demux->nSetDataSourceReply; } int DemuxCompSetFdSource(DemuxComp* d, int fd, int64_t nOffset, int64_t nLength) { AwMessage msg; DemuxCompContext* demux; demux = (DemuxCompContext*)d; //* send a set data source message. setMessage(&msg, DEMUX_COMMAND_SET_SOURCE, //* message id. (uintptr_t)&demux->semSetDataSource, //* params[0] = &semSetDataSource. (uintptr_t)&demux->nSetDataSourceReply, //* params[1] = &nSetDataSourceReply. SOURCE_TYPE_FD, //* params[2] = SOURCE_TYPE_FD. fd, //* params[3] = fd. (uintptr_t)(nOffset>>32), //* params[4] = high 32 bits of offset. (uintptr_t)(nOffset & 0xffffffff), //* params[5] = low 32 bits of offset. (uintptr_t)(nLength>>32), //* params[6] = high 32 bits of length. (uintptr_t)(nLength & 0xffffffff)); //* params[7] = low 32 bits of length. AwMessageQueuePostMessage(demux->mq, &msg); SemTimedWait(&demux->semSetDataSource, -1); return demux->nSetDataSourceReply; } int DemuxCompSetPlayer(DemuxComp* d, Player* player) { DemuxCompContext* demux; demux = (DemuxCompContext*)d; demux->pPlayer = player; return 0; } int DemuxCompSetCallback(DemuxComp* d, DemuxCallback callback, void* pUserData) { DemuxCompContext* demux; demux = (DemuxCompContext*)d; demux->callback = callback; demux->pUserData = pUserData; return 0; } int DemuxCompPrepareAsync(DemuxComp* d) { AwMessage msg; DemuxCompContext* demux; demux = (DemuxCompContext*)d; demux->bCancelPrepare = 0; //* clear this flag, you can set this flag to make the parser quit preparing. demux->eStatus = DEMUX_STATUS_PREPARING; //* send a prepare message. setMessage(&msg, DEMUX_COMMAND_PREPARE); AwMessageQueuePostMessage(demux->mq, &msg); return 0; } int DemuxCompCancelPrepare(DemuxComp* d) //* should call back DEMUX_PREPARE_FINISH message. { AwMessage msg; DemuxCompContext* demux; demux = (DemuxCompContext*)d; demux->bCancelPrepare = 1; //* set this flag to make the parser quit preparing. //* send a prepare. setMessage(&msg, DEMUX_COMMAND_CANCEL_PREPARE, //* message id. (uintptr_t)&demux->semCancelPrepare, //* params[0] = &semCancelPrepare. 0); //* no reply. AwMessageQueuePostMessage(demux->mq, &msg); SemTimedWait(&demux->semCancelPrepare, -1); return 0; } MediaInfo* DemuxCompGetMediaInfo(DemuxComp* d) { DemuxCompContext* demux; MediaInfo* mi; MediaInfo* myMediaInfo; int i; VideoStreamInfo* pVideoStreamInfo; AudioStreamInfo* pAudioStreamInfo; SubtitleStreamInfo* pSubtitleStreamInfo; int nCodecSpecificDataLen; char* pCodecSpecificData; demux = (DemuxCompContext*)d; myMediaInfo = &demux->mediaInfo; mi = (MediaInfo*)malloc(sizeof(MediaInfo)); if(mi == NULL) { loge("can not alloc memory for media info."); return NULL; } memset(mi, 0, sizeof(MediaInfo)); mi->nFileSize = myMediaInfo->nFileSize; mi->nDurationMs = myMediaInfo->nDurationMs; mi->eContainerType = myMediaInfo->eContainerType; mi->bSeekable = myMediaInfo->bSeekable; logv("video stream num = %d, video stream info = %p", myMediaInfo->nVideoStreamNum, myMediaInfo->pVideoStreamInfo); if(myMediaInfo->nVideoStreamNum > 0) { pVideoStreamInfo = (VideoStreamInfo*)malloc(sizeof(VideoStreamInfo)*myMediaInfo->nVideoStreamNum); if(pVideoStreamInfo == NULL) { loge("can not alloc memory for media info."); clearMediaInfo(mi); return NULL; } memset(pVideoStreamInfo, 0, sizeof(VideoStreamInfo)*myMediaInfo->nVideoStreamNum); mi->pVideoStreamInfo = pVideoStreamInfo; for(i=0; inVideoStreamNum; i++) { pVideoStreamInfo = &mi->pVideoStreamInfo[i]; memcpy(pVideoStreamInfo, &myMediaInfo->pVideoStreamInfo[i], sizeof(VideoStreamInfo)); pCodecSpecificData = pVideoStreamInfo->pCodecSpecificData; nCodecSpecificDataLen = pVideoStreamInfo->nCodecSpecificDataLen; pVideoStreamInfo->pCodecSpecificData = NULL; pVideoStreamInfo->nCodecSpecificDataLen = 0; if(pCodecSpecificData != NULL && nCodecSpecificDataLen > 0) { pVideoStreamInfo->pCodecSpecificData = (char*)malloc(nCodecSpecificDataLen); if(pVideoStreamInfo->pCodecSpecificData == NULL) { loge("can not alloc memory for media info."); clearMediaInfo(mi); return NULL; } memcpy(pVideoStreamInfo->pCodecSpecificData, pCodecSpecificData, nCodecSpecificDataLen); pVideoStreamInfo->nCodecSpecificDataLen = nCodecSpecificDataLen; } } mi->nVideoStreamNum = myMediaInfo->nVideoStreamNum; } logv("video stream num = %d, video stream info = %p", mi->nVideoStreamNum, mi->pVideoStreamInfo); if(myMediaInfo->nAudioStreamNum > 0) { pAudioStreamInfo = (AudioStreamInfo*)malloc(sizeof(AudioStreamInfo)*myMediaInfo->nAudioStreamNum); if(pAudioStreamInfo == NULL) { loge("can not alloc memory for media info."); clearMediaInfo(mi); return NULL; } memset(pAudioStreamInfo, 0, sizeof(AudioStreamInfo)*myMediaInfo->nAudioStreamNum); mi->pAudioStreamInfo = pAudioStreamInfo; for(i=0; inAudioStreamNum; i++) { pAudioStreamInfo = &mi->pAudioStreamInfo[i]; memcpy(pAudioStreamInfo, &myMediaInfo->pAudioStreamInfo[i], sizeof(AudioStreamInfo)); pCodecSpecificData = pAudioStreamInfo->pCodecSpecificData; nCodecSpecificDataLen = pAudioStreamInfo->nCodecSpecificDataLen; pAudioStreamInfo->pCodecSpecificData = NULL; pAudioStreamInfo->nCodecSpecificDataLen = 0; if(pCodecSpecificData != NULL && nCodecSpecificDataLen > 0) { pAudioStreamInfo->pCodecSpecificData = (char*)malloc(nCodecSpecificDataLen); if(pAudioStreamInfo->pCodecSpecificData == NULL) { loge("can not alloc memory for media info."); clearMediaInfo(mi); return NULL; } memcpy(pAudioStreamInfo->pCodecSpecificData, pCodecSpecificData, nCodecSpecificDataLen); pAudioStreamInfo->nCodecSpecificDataLen = nCodecSpecificDataLen; } } mi->nAudioStreamNum = myMediaInfo->nAudioStreamNum; } if(myMediaInfo->nSubtitleStreamNum > 0) { pSubtitleStreamInfo = (SubtitleStreamInfo*)malloc(sizeof(SubtitleStreamInfo)*myMediaInfo->nSubtitleStreamNum); if(pSubtitleStreamInfo == NULL) { loge("can not alloc memory for media info."); clearMediaInfo(mi); return NULL; } memset(pSubtitleStreamInfo, 0, sizeof(SubtitleStreamInfo)*myMediaInfo->nSubtitleStreamNum); mi->pSubtitleStreamInfo = pSubtitleStreamInfo; for(i=0; inSubtitleStreamNum; i++) { pSubtitleStreamInfo = &mi->pSubtitleStreamInfo[i]; memcpy(pSubtitleStreamInfo, &myMediaInfo->pSubtitleStreamInfo[i], sizeof(SubtitleStreamInfo)); //* parser only process imbedded subtitle stream in media file. pSubtitleStreamInfo->pUrl = NULL; pSubtitleStreamInfo->fd = -1; pSubtitleStreamInfo->fdSub = -1; } mi->nSubtitleStreamNum = myMediaInfo->nSubtitleStreamNum; } return mi; } int DemuxCompStart(DemuxComp* d) { AwMessage msg; DemuxCompContext* demux; demux = (DemuxCompContext*)d; if(demux->eStatus == DEMUX_STATUS_STARTED || demux->eStatus == DEMUX_STATUS_COMPLETE) { logv("demux component already in started or complete status."); return 0; } if(pthread_equal(pthread_self(), demux->threadId)) { //* called from demux callback to awplayer. if(demux->bSeeking) { demux->eStatus = DEMUX_STATUS_STARTED; } return 0; } //* send a start message. setMessage(&msg, DEMUX_COMMAND_START, //* message id. (uintptr_t)&demux->semStart, //* params[0] = &SemStart. (uintptr_t)&demux->nStartReply); //* params[1] = &nStartReply. AwMessageQueuePostMessage(demux->mq, &msg); SemTimedWait(&demux->semStart, -1); return demux->nStartReply; } int DemuxCompStop(DemuxComp* d) //* close the data source, must call prepare again to restart. { AwMessage msg; DemuxCompContext* demux; demux = (DemuxCompContext*)d; demux->bStopping = 1; if(demux->pParser != NULL) CdxParserForceStop(demux->pParser); //* quit from reading or seeking. //* send a start message. setMessage(&msg, DEMUX_COMMAND_STOP, //* message id. (uintptr_t)&demux->semStop, //* params[0] = &mSemStart. (uintptr_t)&demux->nStopReply); //* params[1] = &mStartReply. AwMessageQueuePostMessage(demux->mq, &msg); SemTimedWait(&demux->semStop, -1); return demux->nStopReply; } int DemuxCompPause(DemuxComp* d) //* no pause status in demux component, return OK immediately. { DemuxCompContext* demux; demux = (DemuxCompContext*)d; if(demux->eStatus != DEMUX_STATUS_STARTED) { logw("invalid pause operation, demux component not in started status."); return -1; } //* currently the demux component has no pause status, it will keep sending data until stopped. return 0; } int DemuxCompGetStatus(DemuxComp* d) { DemuxCompContext* demux; demux = (DemuxCompContext*)d; return demux->eStatus; } int DemuxCompSeekTo(DemuxComp* d, int mSec) { AwMessage msg; DemuxCompContext* demux; demux = (DemuxCompContext*)d; demux->bCancelSeek = 0; demux->bSeeking = 1; if(demux->pParser != NULL && demux->eStatus == DEMUX_STATUS_STARTED) CdxParserForceStop(demux->pParser); //* quit from reading. //* send a start message. setMessage(&msg, DEMUX_COMMAND_SEEK, 0, 0, mSec); AwMessageQueuePostMessage(demux->mq, &msg); return 0; } int DemuxCompCancelSeek(DemuxComp* d) //* should not call back DEMUX_SEEK_FINISH message. { AwMessage msg; DemuxCompContext* demux; demux = (DemuxCompContext*)d; demux->bCancelSeek = 1; if(demux->pParser != NULL) CdxParserForceStop(demux->pParser); //* send a prepare. setMessage(&msg, DEMUX_COMMAND_CANCEL_SEEK, (uintptr_t)&demux->semCancelSeek); //* no reply. AwMessageQueuePostMessage(demux->mq, &msg); SemTimedWait(&demux->semCancelSeek, -1); return 0; } int DemuxCompSetCacheStatReportInterval(DemuxComp* d, int ms) { DemuxCompContext* demux; demux = (DemuxCompContext*)d; demux->nCacheStatReportIntervalMs = ms; return 0; } int DemuxCompSetCacheSize(DemuxComp* d, int nStartPlaySize, int nMaxBufferSize) { DemuxCompContext* demux; demux = (DemuxCompContext*)d; StreamCacheSetSize(demux->pCache, nStartPlaySize, nMaxBufferSize); return 0; } static void* DemuxThread(void* arg) { AwMessage msg; AwMessage newMsg; int ret; sem_t* pReplySem; int* pReplyValue; DemuxCompContext* demux; demux = (DemuxCompContext*)arg; while(1) { if(AwMessageQueueGetMessage(demux->mq, &msg) < 0) { loge("get message fail."); continue; } process_message: pReplySem = (sem_t*)msg.params[0]; pReplyValue = (int*)msg.params[1]; if(msg.messageId == DEMUX_COMMAND_SET_SOURCE) { logv("process message DEMUX_COMMAND_SET_SOURCE."); demux->nSourceType = (int)msg.params[2]; if(demux->nSourceType == SOURCE_TYPE_URL) { //* data source of url path. char* uri; #if CONFIG_OS == OPTION_OS_ANDROID KeyedVector* pHeaders; #else map* pHeaders; #endif uri = (char*)msg.params[3]; #if CONFIG_OS == OPTION_OS_ANDROID pHeaders = (KeyedVector*)msg.params[4]; #else pHeaders = (map*)msg.params[4]; #endif if(setDataSourceFields(&demux->source, uri, pHeaders) == 0) { demux->eStatus = DEMUX_STATUS_INITIALIZED; if(pReplyValue != NULL) *pReplyValue = 0; } else { demux->eStatus = DEMUX_STATUS_IDLE; if(pReplyValue != NULL) *pReplyValue = -1; } if(pReplySem != NULL) sem_post(pReplySem); continue; } else if(demux->nSourceType == SOURCE_TYPE_FD) { //* data source is a file descriptor. int fd; int64_t nOffset; int64_t nLength; char str[128]; clearDataSourceFields(&demux->source); fd = msg.params[3]; nOffset = msg.params[4]; nOffset<<=32; nOffset |= msg.params[5]; nLength = msg.params[6]; nLength<<=32; nLength |= msg.params[7]; sprintf(str, "fd://%d?offset=%lld&length=%lld", fd, nOffset, nLength); demux->source.uri = strdup(str); if(demux->source.uri != NULL) { demux->eStatus = DEMUX_STATUS_INITIALIZED; if(pReplyValue != NULL) *pReplyValue = 0; } else { loge("can not dump string to represent fd source."); demux->eStatus = DEMUX_STATUS_IDLE; if(pReplyValue != NULL) *pReplyValue = -1; } if(pReplySem != NULL) sem_post(pReplySem); continue; } else { //* data source of IStringSource interface. //* not supported in linux demo. exit(1); } } //* end DEMUX_COMMAND_SET_SOURCE. else if(msg.messageId == DEMUX_COMMAND_PREPARE) { int flags; logv("process message DEMUX_COMMAND_PREPARE."); if(demux->pParser != NULL) { //* should not run here, pParser should be NULL under INITIALIZED or STOPPED status. logw("demux->pParser != NULL when DEMUX_COMMAND_PREPARE message received."); CdxParserClose(demux->pParser); demux->pParser = NULL; } flags = 0; #if DEMO_CONFIG_DISABLE_SUBTITLE flags |= DISABLE_SUBTITLE; #endif #if DEMO_CONFIG_DISABLE_AUDIO flags |= DISABLE_AUDIO; #endif #if DEMO_CONFIG_DISABLE_VIDEO flags |= DISABLE_VIDEO; #endif #if DEMO_CONFIG_DISALBE_MULTI_AUDIO flags |= MUTIL_AUDIO; #endif ret = CdxParserPrepare(&demux->source, flags, &demux->mutex, &demux->bCancelPrepare, &demux->pParser, &demux->pStream, NULL, NULL); if(ret == 0) { CdxMediaInfoT parserMediaInfo; memset(&parserMediaInfo, 0, sizeof(CdxMediaInfoT)); CdxParserGetMediaInfo(demux->pParser, &parserMediaInfo); setMediaInfo(&demux->mediaInfo, &parserMediaInfo); demux->mediaInfo.eContainerType = (enum ECONTAINER)demux->pParser->type; demux->bEOS = 0; demux->bIOError = 0; if(demux->nSourceType == SOURCE_TYPE_URL) { if(strncasecmp(demux->source.uri, "file://", 7) == 0) demux->bFileStream = 1; else if(demux->mediaInfo.nDurationMs == 0) //* also demux->mediaInfo.nFileSize == 0. demux->bLiveStream = 1; else demux->bVodStream = 1; } else if(demux->nSourceType == SOURCE_TYPE_FD) demux->bFileStream = 1; else demux->bLiveStream = 1; //* treat IStreamSource(miracast) as a live stream. if(demux->bFileStream == 0) //* start the cache trhead for netstream. { if(pthread_create(&demux->cacheThreadId, NULL, CacheThread, (void*)demux) == 0) { //* send a fetch message to start the cache loop. setMessage(&newMsg, DEMUX_COMMAND_START); AwMessageQueuePostMessage(demux->mqCache, &newMsg); } else demux->cacheThreadId = 0; } demux->eStatus = DEMUX_STATUS_PREPARED; demux->callback(demux->pUserData, DEMUX_NOTIFY_PREPARED, 0); } else { demux->eStatus = DEMUX_STATUS_INITIALIZED; if(demux->bCancelPrepare) demux->callback(demux->pUserData, DEMUX_NOTIFY_PREPARED, (void*)DEMUX_ERROR_USER_CANCEL); else demux->callback(demux->pUserData, DEMUX_NOTIFY_PREPARED, (void*)DEMUX_ERROR_IO); } continue; } //* end DEMUX_COMMAND_PREPARE. else if(msg.messageId == DEMUX_COMMAND_START) { logv("process message DEMUX_COMMAND_START."); if(demux->eStatus != DEMUX_STATUS_PREPARED) { loge("demux not in prepared or paused status when DEMUX_COMMAND_START message received."); if(pReplyValue != NULL) *pReplyValue = -1; if(pReplySem != NULL) sem_post(pReplySem); continue; } demux->eStatus = DEMUX_STATUS_STARTED; //* send a read message to start the read loop. setMessage(&newMsg, DEMUX_COMMAND_READ); AwMessageQueuePostMessage(demux->mq, &newMsg); if(pReplyValue != NULL) *pReplyValue = 0; if(pReplySem != NULL) sem_post(pReplySem); continue; } //* end DEMUX_COMMAND_START else if(msg.messageId == DEMUX_COMMAND_STOP) { logv("process message DEMUX_COMMAND_STOP."); //* stop the cache thread. if(demux->cacheThreadId != 0) { void* status; setMessage(&newMsg, DEMUX_COMMAND_QUIT, (uintptr_t)&demux->semCache); AwMessageQueuePostMessage(demux->mqCache, &newMsg); SemTimedWait(&demux->semCache, -1); pthread_join(demux->cacheThreadId, &status); demux->cacheThreadId = 0; } if(demux->pParser != NULL) { CdxParserClose(demux->pParser); demux->pParser = NULL; } demux->eStatus = DEMUX_STATUS_STOPPED; demux->bStopping = 0; if(pReplyValue != NULL) *pReplyValue = 0; if(pReplySem != NULL) sem_post(pReplySem); continue; } //* end DEMUX_COMMAND_STOP. else if(msg.messageId == DEMUX_COMMAND_QUIT || msg.messageId == DEMUX_COMMAND_CLEAR) { logv("process message DEMUX_COMMAND_QUIT or DEMUX_COMMAND_CLEAR."); //* stop the cache thread if it is not stopped yet. if(demux->cacheThreadId != 0) { void* status; setMessage(&newMsg, DEMUX_COMMAND_QUIT, (uintptr_t)&demux->semCache); AwMessageQueuePostMessage(demux->mqCache, &newMsg); SemTimedWait(&demux->semCache, -1); pthread_join(demux->cacheThreadId, &status); demux->cacheThreadId = 0; } if(demux->pParser != NULL) { CdxParserClose(demux->pParser); demux->pParser = NULL; } clearDataSourceFields(&demux->source); demux->eStatus = DEMUX_STATUS_IDLE; demux->bStopping = 0; if(pReplyValue != NULL) *pReplyValue = 0; if(pReplySem != NULL) sem_post(pReplySem); if(msg.messageId == DEMUX_COMMAND_QUIT) break; //* quit the thread. continue; } //* end DEMUX_COMMAND_QUIT or DEMUX_COMMAND_CLEAR. else if(msg.messageId == DEMUX_COMMAND_SEEK) { int mSeekTimeMs; int params[2]; logv("process message DEMUX_COMMAND_SEEK."); mSeekTimeMs = msg.params[2]; if(demux->pParser != NULL) { //* flush the cache. if(demux->cacheThreadId != 0) { setMessage(&newMsg, DEMUX_COMMAND_PAUSE, (uintptr_t)&demux->semCache); AwMessageQueuePostMessage(demux->mqCache, &newMsg); SemTimedWait(&demux->semCache, -1); setMessage(&newMsg, DEMUX_COMMAND_SEEK, (uintptr_t)&demux->semCache); AwMessageQueuePostMessage(demux->mqCache, &newMsg); SemTimedWait(&demux->semCache, -1); } if(demux->bCancelSeek == 0 && demux->bStopping == 0) { ret = CdxParserClrForceStop(demux->pParser); if(ret < 0) { logw("CdxParserClrForceStop fail, ret(%d)", ret); } } ret = CdxParserSeekTo(demux->pParser, ((int64_t)mSeekTimeMs) * 1000); if(ret == 0) { params[0] = 0; params[1] = mSeekTimeMs; demux->callback(demux->pUserData, DEMUX_NOTIFY_SEEK_FINISH, (void*)params); demux->bSeeking = 0; demux->bEOS = 0; demux->bIOError = 0; //* send a flush message to the cache thread. if(demux->cacheThreadId != 0) { setMessage(&newMsg, DEMUX_COMMAND_START, (uintptr_t)&demux->semCache); AwMessageQueuePostMessage(demux->mqCache, &newMsg); SemTimedWait(&demux->semCache, -1); } if(demux->eStatus == DEMUX_STATUS_COMPLETE) { demux->eStatus = DEMUX_STATUS_STARTED; } if(demux->eStatus == DEMUX_STATUS_STARTED) { setMessage(&newMsg, DEMUX_COMMAND_READ); //* send read message to start reading loop. AwMessageQueuePostMessage(demux->mq, &newMsg); } if(pReplyValue != NULL) *pReplyValue = 0; if(pReplySem != NULL) sem_post(pReplySem); continue; } else { loge("CdxParserSeekTo() return fail"); demux->eStatus = DEMUX_STATUS_COMPLETE; //* set to complete status to stop reading. demux->bSeeking = 0; if(demux->bCancelSeek == 1 || demux->bStopping == 1) params[0] = DEMUX_ERROR_USER_CANCEL; else params[0] = DEMUX_ERROR_IO; params[1] = mSeekTimeMs; demux->callback(demux->pUserData, DEMUX_NOTIFY_SEEK_FINISH, (void*)params); if(pReplyValue != NULL) *pReplyValue = -1; if(pReplySem != NULL) sem_post(pReplySem); continue; } } else { params[0] = DEMUX_ERROR_UNKNOWN; params[1] = mSeekTimeMs; demux->bSeeking = 0; demux->callback(demux->pUserData, DEMUX_NOTIFY_SEEK_FINISH, (void*)params); if(pReplyValue != NULL) *pReplyValue = -1; if(pReplySem != NULL) sem_post(pReplySem); continue; } } else if(msg.messageId == DEMUX_COMMAND_CANCEL_PREPARE) { logv("process message DEMUX_COMMAND_CANCEL_PREPARE."); demux->bCancelPrepare = 0; if(pReplyValue != NULL) *pReplyValue = 0; if(pReplySem != NULL) sem_post(pReplySem); continue; } else if(msg.messageId == DEMUX_COMMAND_CANCEL_SEEK) { logv("process message DEMUX_COMMAND_CANCEL_SEEK."); demux->bCancelSeek = 0; if(pReplyValue != NULL) *pReplyValue = 0; if(pReplySem != NULL) sem_post(pReplySem); continue; } else if(msg.messageId == DEMUX_COMMAND_READ) { logv("process message DEMUX_COMMAND_READ."); if(demux->eStatus != DEMUX_STATUS_STARTED) { logw("demux component not in started status, ignore read message."); continue; } if(demux->cacheThreadId != 0) { //************************************************************** //* read data from cache. //************************************************************** if(demux->bBufferring) { //* the player is paused and caching stream data. logv("buffering, wait..."); //* wait some time for caching. ret = AwMessageQueueTryGetMessage(demux->mq, &msg, 100); //* wait for 100ms if no message come. if(ret == 0) //* new message come, quit loop to process. goto process_message; //* check whether data in cache is enough for play. if(StreamCacheDataEnough(demux->pCache) || demux->bEOS || demux->bIOError) { logv("detect data enough, notify BUFFER_END."); demux->bBufferring = 0; demux->callback(demux->pUserData, DEMUX_NOTIFY_BUFFER_END, NULL); } //* post a read message to continue the reading job. setMessage(&newMsg, DEMUX_COMMAND_READ); AwMessageQueuePostMessage(demux->mq, &newMsg); continue; } else { //* check whether cache underflow. if(StreamCacheUnderflow(demux->pCache)) { logv("detect cache data underflow."); //* cache underflow, if not eos, we need to notify pausing, //* otherwise we need to notify complete. if(demux->bEOS) { //* end of stream, notify complete. logv("detect eos, notify EOS."); demux->callback(demux->pUserData, DEMUX_NOTIFY_EOS, 0); demux->eStatus = DEMUX_STATUS_COMPLETE; continue; } else if(demux->bIOError) { logv("detect io error, notify IOERROR."); //* end of stream, notify complete. demux->callback(demux->pUserData, DEMUX_NOTIFY_IOERROR, 0); continue; } else { //* no data in cache, check whether player hold enough data, //* if not, we need to notify pausing to wait for caching //* more data for player. if(PlayerBufferUnderflow(demux->pPlayer)) { logv("detect player data underflow, notify BUFFER_START."); demux->bBufferring = 1; demux->callback(demux->pUserData, DEMUX_NOTIFY_BUFFER_START, NULL); } else { //* wait some time for caching. ret = AwMessageQueueTryGetMessage(demux->mq, &msg, 50); //* wait for 50ms if no message come. if(ret == 0) //* new message come, quit loop to process. goto process_message; } //* post a read message to continue the reading job. setMessage(&newMsg, DEMUX_COMMAND_READ); AwMessageQueuePostMessage(demux->mq, &newMsg); continue; } } else { //* there is some data in cache for player. //* if data in player is not too much, send it to player, //* otherwise, just keep it in the cache. if(PlayerBufferOverflow(demux->pPlayer)) { logv("detect player data overflow."); //* too much data in player, wait some time. ret = AwMessageQueueTryGetMessage(demux->mq, &msg, 200); //* wait for 200ms if no message come. if(ret == 0) //* new message come, quit loop to process. goto process_message; //* post a read message to continue the reading job. setMessage(&newMsg, DEMUX_COMMAND_READ); AwMessageQueuePostMessage(demux->mq, &newMsg); continue; } else { //************************************* //* send data from cache to player. //************************************* CacheNode* node; enum EMEDIATYPE ePlayerMediaType; MediaStreamDataInfo streamDataInfo; int nStreamIndex; void* pBuf0; void* pBuf1; int nBufSize0; int nBufSize1; //******************************** //* 1. get one frame from cache. //******************************** node = StreamCacheNextFrame(demux->pCache); if(node == NULL) { loge("Cache not underflow but cannot get stream frame, shouldn't run here."); abort(); } //******************************** //* 2. request buffer from player. //******************************** if(node->eMediaType == CDX_MEDIA_VIDEO) { ePlayerMediaType = MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO; nStreamIndex = (node->nFlags&MINOR_STREAM)==0 ? 0 : 1; } else if(node->eMediaType == CDX_MEDIA_AUDIO) { ePlayerMediaType = MEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO; nStreamIndex = node->nStreamIndex; } else if(node->eMediaType == CDX_MEDIA_SUBTITLE) { ePlayerMediaType = MEDIA_TYPE_SUBTITLE; nStreamIndex = node->nStreamIndex; } else { loge("media type from parser not valid, should not run here, abort()."); abort(); } if(ePlayerMediaType == MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO || ePlayerMediaType == MEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO) { while(1) { ret = PlayerRequestStreamBuffer(demux->pPlayer, node->nLength, &pBuf0, &nBufSize0, &pBuf1, &nBufSize1, ePlayerMediaType, nStreamIndex); if(ret<0 || (nBufSize0+nBufSize1)nLength) { logi("waiting for stream buffer."); //* no buffer, try to wait sometime. ret = AwMessageQueueTryGetMessage(demux->mq, &msg, 200); //* wait for 200ms if no message come. if(ret == 0) //* new message come, quit loop to process. goto process_message; } else break; //* get buffer ok. } } else { //* request buffer from text decoder. //* TODO. loge("do not support subtitle yet, abort()."); abort(); } //********************************************** //* 3. copy data to player's buffer and submit. //********************************************** if(node->nLength > nBufSize0) { memcpy(pBuf0, node->pData, nBufSize0); memcpy(pBuf1, node->pData + nBufSize0, node->nLength-nBufSize0); } else memcpy(pBuf0, node->pData, node->nLength); streamDataInfo.pData = (char*)pBuf0; streamDataInfo.nLength = node->nLength; streamDataInfo.nPts = node->nPts; streamDataInfo.nPcr = -1; streamDataInfo.bIsFirstPart = 1; streamDataInfo.bIsLastPart = 1; PlayerSubmitStreamData(demux->pPlayer, &streamDataInfo, ePlayerMediaType, nStreamIndex); StreamCacheFlushOneFrame(demux->pCache); //* post a read message to continue the reading job. setMessage(&newMsg, DEMUX_COMMAND_READ); AwMessageQueuePostMessage(demux->mq, &newMsg); continue; } //* end if(PlayerBufferOverflow(...)){}else {} } //* end if(StreamCacheUnderflow(...)){}else {} } //* end if(demux->bBufferring){}else {} } else { //************************************************************** //* read data directly from parser. //************************************************************** CdxPacketT packet; enum EMEDIATYPE ePlayerMediaType; MediaStreamDataInfo streamDataInfo; int nStreamIndex; //* if data in player is not too much, send it to player, //* otherwise don't read. if(PlayerBufferOverflow(demux->pPlayer)) { //* too much data in player, wait some time. ret = AwMessageQueueTryGetMessage(demux->mq, &msg, 200); //* wait for 200ms if no message come. if(ret == 0) //* new message come, quit loop to process. goto process_message; //* post a read message to continue the reading job. setMessage(&newMsg, DEMUX_COMMAND_READ); AwMessageQueuePostMessage(demux->mq, &newMsg); continue; } //* 1. get data type. if(CdxParserPrefetch(demux->pParser, &packet) != 0) { if(demux->bStopping == 0 && demux->bSeeking == 0) { int err = CdxParserGetStatus(demux->pParser); if(err == PSR_IO_ERR) { demux->bIOError = 1; demux->callback(demux->pUserData, DEMUX_NOTIFY_IOERROR, 0); } else { demux->bEOS = 1; demux->callback(demux->pUserData, DEMUX_NOTIFY_EOS, 0); demux->eStatus = DEMUX_STATUS_COMPLETE; } } continue; } //* 2. request buffer from player. if(packet.type == CDX_MEDIA_VIDEO) { ePlayerMediaType = MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO; nStreamIndex = (packet.flags&MINOR_STREAM)==0 ? 0 : 1; } else if(packet.type == CDX_MEDIA_AUDIO) { ePlayerMediaType = MEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO; nStreamIndex = packet.streamIndex; } else if(packet.type == CDX_MEDIA_SUBTITLE) { ePlayerMediaType = MEDIA_TYPE_SUBTITLE; nStreamIndex = packet.streamIndex; } else { loge("media type from parser not valid, should not run here, abort()."); abort(); } if(ePlayerMediaType == MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO || ePlayerMediaType == MEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO || ePlayerMediaType == MEDIA_TYPE_SUBTITLE) { while(1) { if((!DEMO_CONFIG_DISABLE_VIDEO && ePlayerMediaType == MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO) || (!DEMO_CONFIG_DISABLE_AUDIO && ePlayerMediaType == MEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO) || (!DEMO_CONFIG_DISABLE_SUBTITLE && ePlayerMediaType == MEDIA_TYPE_SUBTITLE)) { ret = PlayerRequestStreamBuffer(demux->pPlayer, packet.length, &packet.buf, &packet.buflen, &packet.ringBuf, &packet.ringBufLen, ePlayerMediaType, nStreamIndex); } else { //* allocate a buffer to read uncare media data and skip it. packet.buf = malloc(packet.length); if(packet.buf != NULL) { packet.buflen = packet.length; packet.ringBuf = NULL; packet.ringBufLen = 0; ret = 0; } else { packet.buflen = 0; packet.ringBuf = NULL; packet.ringBufLen = 0; ret = -1; } } if(ret<0 || (packet.buflen+packet.ringBufLen)mq, &msg, 200); //* wait for 200ms if no message come. if(ret == 0) //* new message come, quit loop to process. goto process_message; } else break; //* get buffer ok. } } else { //* request buffer from text decoder. //* TODO. loge("do not support subtitle yet, abort()."); abort(); } //* 3. read data to buffer and submit. ret = CdxParserRead(demux->pParser, &packet); if(ret == 0) { if((!DEMO_CONFIG_DISABLE_VIDEO && ePlayerMediaType == MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO) || (!DEMO_CONFIG_DISABLE_AUDIO && ePlayerMediaType == MEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO) || (!DEMO_CONFIG_DISABLE_SUBTITLE && ePlayerMediaType == MEDIA_TYPE_SUBTITLE)) { streamDataInfo.pData = (char*)packet.buf; streamDataInfo.nLength = packet.length; streamDataInfo.nPts = packet.pts; streamDataInfo.nPcr = -1; streamDataInfo.bIsFirstPart = 1; streamDataInfo.bIsLastPart = 1; PlayerSubmitStreamData(demux->pPlayer, &streamDataInfo, ePlayerMediaType, nStreamIndex); } else { //* skip the media data. free(packet.buf); } //* post a read message to continue the reading job after message processed. setMessage(&newMsg, DEMUX_COMMAND_READ); AwMessageQueuePostMessage(demux->mq, &newMsg); } else { logw("read data from parser return fail."); if(demux->bStopping == 0 && demux->bSeeking == 0) { int err = CdxParserGetStatus(demux->pParser); if(err == PSR_IO_ERR) { demux->bIOError = 1; demux->callback(demux->pUserData, DEMUX_NOTIFY_IOERROR, 0); } else { demux->bEOS = 1; demux->callback(demux->pUserData, DEMUX_NOTIFY_EOS, 0); demux->eStatus = DEMUX_STATUS_COMPLETE; } } } continue; } } else { logw("unknow message with id %d, ignore.", msg.messageId); } } return NULL; } static void* CacheThread(void* arg) { AwMessage msg; int ret; sem_t* pReplySem; int* pReplyValue; DemuxCompContext* demux; int eCacheStatus; demux = (DemuxCompContext*)arg; eCacheStatus = DEMUX_STATUS_STOPPED; while(1) { if(AwMessageQueueGetMessage(demux->mqCache, &msg) < 0) { loge("get message fail."); continue; } cache_process_message: pReplySem = (sem_t*)msg.params[0]; pReplyValue = (int*)msg.params[1]; if(msg.messageId == DEMUX_COMMAND_START) { logv("cache thread process message DEMUX_COMMAND_START."); eCacheStatus = DEMUX_STATUS_STARTED; setMessage(&msg, DEMUX_COMMAND_READ); AwMessageQueuePostMessage(demux->mqCache, &msg); if(pReplyValue != NULL) *pReplyValue = 0; if(pReplySem != NULL) sem_post(pReplySem); continue; } //* end DEMUX_COMMAND_START else if(msg.messageId == DEMUX_COMMAND_PAUSE || msg.messageId == DEMUX_COMMAND_STOP) { logv("cache thread process message DEMUX_COMMAND_PAUSE or DEMUX_COMMAND_STOP."); eCacheStatus = DEMUX_STATUS_STOPPED; if(pReplyValue != NULL) *pReplyValue = 0; if(pReplySem != NULL) sem_post(pReplySem); continue; } //* end DEMUX_COMMAND_STOP. else if(msg.messageId == DEMUX_COMMAND_QUIT) { logv("cache thread process message DEMUX_COMMAND_QUIT."); StreamCacheFlushAll(demux->pCache); if(pReplyValue != NULL) *pReplyValue = 0; if(pReplySem != NULL) sem_post(pReplySem); break; //* quit the thread. } //* end DEMUX_COMMAND_QUIT. else if(msg.messageId == DEMUX_COMMAND_SEEK) { logv("cache thread process message DEMUX_COMMAND_SEEK."); StreamCacheFlushAll(demux->pCache); if(pReplyValue != NULL) *pReplyValue = 0; if(pReplySem != NULL) sem_post(pReplySem); continue; } else if(msg.messageId == DEMUX_COMMAND_READ) { if(eCacheStatus != DEMUX_STATUS_STARTED) continue; logi("cache thread process message DEMUX_COMMAND_READ."); if(StreamCacheOverflow(demux->pCache)) { //* wait some time for cache buffer. ret = AwMessageQueueTryGetMessage(demux->mqCache, &msg, 200); //* wait for 200ms if no message come. if(ret == 0) //* new message come, quit loop to process. goto cache_process_message; //* post a read message to continue the reading job after message processed. setMessage(&msg, DEMUX_COMMAND_READ); AwMessageQueuePostMessage(demux->mqCache, &msg); } else { //************************************************************** //* read data directly from parser. //************************************************************** CdxPacketT packet; CacheNode node; //* 1. get data type. if(CdxParserPrefetch(demux->pParser, &packet) != 0) { logw("prefetch fail."); if(demux->bStopping == 0 && demux->bSeeking == 0) { int err = CdxParserGetStatus(demux->pParser); if(err == PSR_IO_ERR) demux->bIOError = 1; else demux->bEOS = 1; } continue; } //* 2. request cache buffer. while(1) { node.pData = (unsigned char*)malloc(packet.length); if(node.pData == NULL) { logw("allocate memory for cache node fail, waiting for memory."); //* no free memory, try to wait sometime. ret = AwMessageQueueTryGetMessage(demux->mqCache, &msg, 200); //* wait for 200ms if no message come. if(ret == 0) //* new message come, quit loop to process. goto cache_process_message; } else { packet.buf = node.pData; packet.buflen = packet.length; packet.ringBuf = NULL; packet.ringBufLen = 0; break; } } //* 3. read data to buffer and submit. ret = CdxParserRead(demux->pParser, &packet); if(ret == 0) { node.pNext = NULL; node.nLength = packet.length; node.eMediaType = packet.type; node.nStreamIndex = packet.streamIndex; node.nFlags = packet.flags; node.nPts = packet.pts; node.nPcr = -1; node.bIsFirstPart = 1; node.bIsLastPart = 1; StreamCacheAddOneFrame(demux->pCache, &node); //* post a read message to continue the reading job after message processed. setMessage(&msg, DEMUX_COMMAND_READ); AwMessageQueuePostMessage(demux->mqCache, &msg); } else { logw("read data from parser return fail."); if(node.pData != NULL) free(node.pData); if(demux->bStopping == 0 && demux->bSeeking == 0) { int err = CdxParserGetStatus(demux->pParser); if(err == PSR_IO_ERR) demux->bIOError = 1; else demux->bEOS = 1; } } continue; } //* end if(StreamCacheOverflow(demux->pCache)) {} else {} } //* end DEMUX_COMMAND_READ. } //* end while(1). return NULL; } static void clearDataSourceFields(CdxDataSourceT* source) { CdxHttpHeaderFieldsT* pHttpHeaders; int i; int nHeaderSize; if(source->uri != NULL) { free(source->uri); source->uri = NULL; } if(source->extraDataType == EXTRA_DATA_HTTP_HEADER && source->extraData != NULL) { pHttpHeaders = (CdxHttpHeaderFieldsT*)source->extraData; nHeaderSize = pHttpHeaders->num; for(i=0; ipHttpHeader[i].key != NULL) free((void*)pHttpHeaders->pHttpHeader[i].key); if(pHttpHeaders->pHttpHeader[i].val != NULL) free((void*)pHttpHeaders->pHttpHeader[i].val); } free(pHttpHeaders->pHttpHeader); free(pHttpHeaders); source->extraData = NULL; source->extraDataType = EXTRA_DATA_UNKNOWN; } return; } #if CONFIG_OS == OPTION_OS_ANDROID static int setDataSourceFields(CdxDataSourceT* source, char* uri, KeyedVector* pHeaders) #else static int setDataSourceFields(CdxDataSourceT* source, char* uri, map* pHeaders) #endif { CdxHttpHeaderFieldsT* pHttpHeaders; int i; int nHeaderSize; clearDataSourceFields(source); if(uri != NULL) { //* check whether ths uri has a scheme. if(strstr(uri, "://") != NULL) { source->uri = strdup(uri); if(source->uri == NULL) { loge("can not dump string of uri."); return -1; } } else { source->uri = (char*)malloc(strlen(uri)+8); if(source->uri == NULL) { loge("can not dump string of uri."); return -1; } sprintf(source->uri, "file://%s", uri); } if(pHeaders != NULL && (!strncasecmp("http://", uri, 7) || !strncasecmp("https://", uri, 8))) { #if CONFIG_OS == OPTION_OS_ANDROID String8 key; String8 value; char* str; i = pHeaders->indexOfKey(String8("x-hide-urls-from-log")); if(i >= 0) pHeaders->removeItemsAt(i); #else string key; string value; char* str; map::iterator it; it = pHeaders->find(string("x-hide-urls-from-log")); if(it != pHeaders->end()) pHeaders->erase(it); #endif nHeaderSize = pHeaders->size(); if(nHeaderSize > 0) { pHttpHeaders = (CdxHttpHeaderFieldsT*)malloc(sizeof(CdxHttpHeaderFieldsT)); if(pHttpHeaders == NULL) { loge("can not malloc memory for http header."); clearDataSourceFields(source); return -1; } memset(pHttpHeaders, 0, sizeof(CdxHttpHeaderFieldsT)); pHttpHeaders->num = nHeaderSize; pHttpHeaders->pHttpHeader = (CdxHttpHeaderFieldT*)malloc(sizeof(CdxHttpHeaderFieldT)*nHeaderSize); if(pHttpHeaders->pHttpHeader == NULL) { loge("can not malloc memory for http header."); free(pHttpHeaders); clearDataSourceFields(source); return -1; } source->extraData = (void*)pHttpHeaders; source->extraDataType = EXTRA_DATA_HTTP_HEADER; #if CONFIG_OS == OPTION_OS_ANDROID for(i=0; ibegin(); it!=pHeaders->end(); ++it) #endif { #if CONFIG_OS == OPTION_OS_ANDROID key = pHeaders->keyAt(i); value = pHeaders->valueAt(i); str = (char*)key.string(); #else key = it->first; value = it->second; str = (char*)key.c_str(); #endif if(str != NULL) { pHttpHeaders->pHttpHeader[i].key = (const char*)strdup(str); if(pHttpHeaders->pHttpHeader[i].key == NULL) { loge("can not dump string of http header."); clearDataSourceFields(source); return -1; } } else pHttpHeaders->pHttpHeader[i].key = NULL; #if CONFIG_OS == OPTION_OS_ANDROID str = (char*)value.string(); #else str = (char*)value.c_str(); #endif if(str != NULL) { pHttpHeaders->pHttpHeader[i].val = (const char*)strdup(str); if(pHttpHeaders->pHttpHeader[i].val == NULL) { loge("can not dump string of http header."); clearDataSourceFields(source); return -1; } } else pHttpHeaders->pHttpHeader[i].val = NULL; #if CONFIG_OS != OPTION_OS_ANDROID i++; #endif } } } } return 0; } static int setMediaInfo(MediaInfo* pMediaInfo, CdxMediaInfoT* pInfoFromParser) { int i; int nStreamCount; VideoStreamInfo* pVideoStreamInfo; AudioStreamInfo* pAudioStreamInfo; SubtitleStreamInfo* pSubtitleStreamInfo; int nCodecSpecificDataLen; char* pCodecSpecificData; clearMediaInfo(pMediaInfo); pMediaInfo->nDurationMs = pInfoFromParser->program[0].duration; pMediaInfo->nFileSize = pInfoFromParser->fileSize; pMediaInfo->bSeekable = pInfoFromParser->bSeekable; //* TODO, parser should give this flag. nStreamCount = pInfoFromParser->program[0].videoNum; logv("video stream count = %d", nStreamCount); if(nStreamCount > 0) { pVideoStreamInfo = (VideoStreamInfo*)malloc(sizeof(VideoStreamInfo)*nStreamCount); if(pVideoStreamInfo == NULL) { loge("can not alloc memory for media info."); return -1; } memset(pVideoStreamInfo, 0, sizeof(VideoStreamInfo)*nStreamCount); pMediaInfo->pVideoStreamInfo = pVideoStreamInfo; for(i=0; ipVideoStreamInfo[i]; memcpy(pVideoStreamInfo, &pInfoFromParser->program[0].video[i], sizeof(VideoStreamInfo)); pCodecSpecificData = pVideoStreamInfo->pCodecSpecificData; nCodecSpecificDataLen = pVideoStreamInfo->nCodecSpecificDataLen; pVideoStreamInfo->pCodecSpecificData = NULL; pVideoStreamInfo->nCodecSpecificDataLen = 0; if(pCodecSpecificData != NULL && nCodecSpecificDataLen > 0) { pVideoStreamInfo->pCodecSpecificData = (char*)malloc(nCodecSpecificDataLen); if(pVideoStreamInfo->pCodecSpecificData == NULL) { loge("can not alloc memory for media info."); clearMediaInfo(pMediaInfo); return -1; } memcpy(pVideoStreamInfo->pCodecSpecificData, pCodecSpecificData, nCodecSpecificDataLen); pVideoStreamInfo->nCodecSpecificDataLen = nCodecSpecificDataLen; } logv("the %dth video stream info.", i); logv(" codec: %d.", pVideoStreamInfo->eCodecFormat); logv(" width: %d.", pVideoStreamInfo->nWidth); logv(" height: %d.", pVideoStreamInfo->nHeight); logv(" frame rate: %d.", pVideoStreamInfo->nFrameRate); logv(" aspect ratio: %d.", pVideoStreamInfo->nAspectRatio); logv(" is 3D: %s.", pVideoStreamInfo->bIs3DStream ? "true" : "false"); logv(" codec specific data size: %d.", pVideoStreamInfo->nCodecSpecificDataLen); } pMediaInfo->nVideoStreamNum = nStreamCount; } //* copy audio stream info. nStreamCount = pInfoFromParser->program[0].audioNum; if(nStreamCount > 0) { pAudioStreamInfo = (AudioStreamInfo*)malloc(sizeof(AudioStreamInfo)*nStreamCount); if(pAudioStreamInfo == NULL) { clearMediaInfo(pMediaInfo); loge("can not alloc memory for media info."); return -1; } memset(pAudioStreamInfo, 0, sizeof(AudioStreamInfo)*nStreamCount); pMediaInfo->pAudioStreamInfo = pAudioStreamInfo; for(i=0; ipAudioStreamInfo[i]; memcpy(pAudioStreamInfo, &pInfoFromParser->program[0].audio[i], sizeof(AudioStreamInfo)); pCodecSpecificData = pAudioStreamInfo->pCodecSpecificData; nCodecSpecificDataLen = pAudioStreamInfo->nCodecSpecificDataLen; pAudioStreamInfo->pCodecSpecificData = NULL; pAudioStreamInfo->nCodecSpecificDataLen = 0; if(pCodecSpecificData != NULL && nCodecSpecificDataLen > 0) { pAudioStreamInfo->pCodecSpecificData = (char*)malloc(nCodecSpecificDataLen); if(pAudioStreamInfo->pCodecSpecificData == NULL) { loge("can not alloc memory for media info."); clearMediaInfo(pMediaInfo); return -1; } memcpy(pAudioStreamInfo->pCodecSpecificData, pCodecSpecificData, nCodecSpecificDataLen); pAudioStreamInfo->nCodecSpecificDataLen = nCodecSpecificDataLen; } } pMediaInfo->nAudioStreamNum = nStreamCount; } //* copy subtitle stream info. nStreamCount = pInfoFromParser->program[0].subtitleNum; if(nStreamCount > 0) { pSubtitleStreamInfo = (SubtitleStreamInfo*)malloc(sizeof(SubtitleStreamInfo)*nStreamCount); if(pSubtitleStreamInfo == NULL) { clearMediaInfo(pMediaInfo); loge("can not alloc memory for media info."); return -1; } memset(pSubtitleStreamInfo, 0, sizeof(SubtitleStreamInfo)*nStreamCount); pMediaInfo->pSubtitleStreamInfo = pSubtitleStreamInfo; for(i=0; ipSubtitleStreamInfo[i]; memcpy(pSubtitleStreamInfo, &pInfoFromParser->program[0].subtitle[i], sizeof(SubtitleStreamInfo)); pSubtitleStreamInfo->bExternal = 0; pSubtitleStreamInfo->pUrl = NULL; pSubtitleStreamInfo->fd = -1; pSubtitleStreamInfo->fdSub = -1; } pMediaInfo->nSubtitleStreamNum = nStreamCount; } return 0; } static void clearMediaInfo(MediaInfo* pMediaInfo) { int i; VideoStreamInfo* pVideoStreamInfo; AudioStreamInfo* pAudioStreamInfo; if(pMediaInfo->nVideoStreamNum > 0) { for(i=0; inVideoStreamNum; i++) { pVideoStreamInfo = &pMediaInfo->pVideoStreamInfo[i]; if(pVideoStreamInfo->pCodecSpecificData != NULL && pVideoStreamInfo->nCodecSpecificDataLen > 0) { free(pVideoStreamInfo->pCodecSpecificData); pVideoStreamInfo->pCodecSpecificData = NULL; pVideoStreamInfo->nCodecSpecificDataLen = 0; } } free(pMediaInfo->pVideoStreamInfo); pMediaInfo->pVideoStreamInfo = NULL; pMediaInfo->nVideoStreamNum = 0; } if(pMediaInfo->nAudioStreamNum > 0) { for(i=0; inAudioStreamNum; i++) { pAudioStreamInfo = &pMediaInfo->pAudioStreamInfo[i]; if(pAudioStreamInfo->pCodecSpecificData != NULL && pAudioStreamInfo->nCodecSpecificDataLen > 0) { free(pAudioStreamInfo->pCodecSpecificData); pAudioStreamInfo->pCodecSpecificData = NULL; pAudioStreamInfo->nCodecSpecificDataLen = 0; } } free(pMediaInfo->pAudioStreamInfo); pMediaInfo->pAudioStreamInfo = NULL; pMediaInfo->nAudioStreamNum = 0; } if(pMediaInfo->nSubtitleStreamNum > 0) { free(pMediaInfo->pSubtitleStreamInfo); pMediaInfo->pSubtitleStreamInfo = NULL; pMediaInfo->nSubtitleStreamNum = 0; } pMediaInfo->nFileSize = 0; pMediaInfo->nDurationMs = 0; pMediaInfo->eContainerType = CONTAINER_TYPE_UNKNOWN; pMediaInfo->bSeekable = 0; return; } static int PlayerBufferOverflow(Player* p) { int bVideoOverflow; int bAudioOverflow; #if !DEMO_CONFIG_DISABLE_VIDEO int nPictureNum; int nFrameDuration; int64_t nVideoCacheTime; #endif int nPcmDataSize; int nSampleRate; int nChannelCount; int nBitsPerSample; int nStreamDataSize; int nBitrate; int64_t nAudioCacheTime; bVideoOverflow = 1; bAudioOverflow = 1; #if !DEMO_CONFIG_DISABLE_VIDEO if(PlayerHasVideo(p)) { nPictureNum = PlayerGetValidPictureNum(p); nFrameDuration = PlayerGetVideoFrameDuration(p); nStreamDataSize = PlayerGetVideoStreamDataSize(p); nBitrate = PlayerGetVideoBitrate(p); nVideoCacheTime = nPictureNum*nFrameDuration; if(nBitrate > 0) nVideoCacheTime += ((int64_t)nStreamDataSize)*8*1000*1000/nBitrate; if(nVideoCacheTime <= 2000000) //* cache more than 2 seconds of data. bVideoOverflow = 0; logi("picNum = %d, frameDuration = %d, dataSize = %d, bitrate = %d, bVideoOverflow = %d", nPictureNum, nFrameDuration, nStreamDataSize, nBitrate, bVideoOverflow); } #endif if(PlayerHasAudio(p)) { nPcmDataSize = PlayerGetAudioPcmDataSize(p); nStreamDataSize = PlayerGetAudioStreamDataSize(p); nBitrate = PlayerGetAudioBitrate(p); PlayerGetAudioParam(p, &nSampleRate, &nChannelCount, &nBitsPerSample); nAudioCacheTime = 0; if(nSampleRate != 0 && nChannelCount != 0 && nBitsPerSample != 0) { nAudioCacheTime += ((int64_t)nPcmDataSize)*8*1000*1000/(nSampleRate*nChannelCount*nBitsPerSample); } if(nBitrate > 0) nAudioCacheTime += ((int64_t)nStreamDataSize)*8*1000*1000/nBitrate; if(nAudioCacheTime <= 2000000) //* cache more than 2 seconds of data. bAudioOverflow = 0; logi("nPcmDataSize = %d, nStreamDataSize = %d, nBitrate = %d, nAudioCacheTime = %lld, bAudioOverflow = %d", nPcmDataSize, nStreamDataSize, nBitrate, nAudioCacheTime, bAudioOverflow); } return bVideoOverflow && bAudioOverflow; } static int PlayerBufferUnderflow(Player* p) { int bVideoUnderflow; int bAudioUnderFlow; bVideoUnderflow = 0; bAudioUnderFlow = 0; #if !DEMO_CONFIG_DISABLE_VIDEO if(PlayerHasVideo(p)) { int nPictureNum; int nStreamFrameNum; nPictureNum = PlayerGetValidPictureNum(p); nStreamFrameNum = PlayerGetVideoStreamFrameNum(p); if(nPictureNum == 0 && nStreamFrameNum == 0) bVideoUnderflow = 1; logi("nPictureNum = %d, nStreamFrameNum = %d, bVideoUnderflow = %d", nPictureNum, nStreamFrameNum, bVideoUnderflow); } #endif if(PlayerHasAudio(p)) { int nStreamDataSize; int nPcmDataSize; int nCacheTime; nStreamDataSize = PlayerGetAudioStreamDataSize(p); nPcmDataSize = PlayerGetAudioPcmDataSize(p); nCacheTime = 0; if(nCacheTime == 0 && nPcmDataSize == 0 && nStreamDataSize == 0) bAudioUnderFlow = 1; logi("nStreamDataSize = %d, nPcmDataSize = %d, nCacheTime = %d, bAudioUnderFlow = %d", nStreamDataSize, nPcmDataSize, nCacheTime, bAudioUnderFlow); } return bVideoUnderflow | bAudioUnderFlow; }