#!/bin/bash # # pack/pack # (c) Copyright 2013 - 2016 Allwinner # Allwinner Technology Co., Ltd. <www.allwinnertech.com> # James Deng <csjamesdeng@allwinnertech.com> # Trace Wong <wangyaliang@allwinnertech.com> # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. ############################ Notice ##################################### # a. Some config files priority is as follows: # - xxx_${platform}.{cfg|fex} > xxx.{cfg|fex} # - ${chip}/${board}/*.{cfg|fex} > ${chip}/default/*.{cfg|fex} # - ${chip}/default/*.cfg > common/imagecfg/*.cfg # - ${chip}/default/*.fex > common/partition/*.fex # e.g. sun8iw7p1/configs/perf/image_linux.cfg > sun8iw7p1/configs/default/image_linux.cfg # > common/imagecfg/image_linux.cfg > sun8iw7p1/configs/perf/image.cfg # > sun8iw7p1/configs/default/image.cfg > common/imagecfg/image.cfg # # b. Support Nor storages rule: # - Need to create sys_partition_nor.fex or sys_partition_nor_${platform}.fex # - Add "{filename = "full_img.fex", maintype = "12345678", \ # subtype = "FULLIMG_00000000",}" to image[_${platform}].cfg # # c. Switch uart port # - Need to add your chip configs into ${PACK_TOPDIR}/target/allwinner/generic/debug/card_debug_pin # - Call pack with 'debug' parameters enable_pause=0 function get_char() { SAVEDSTTY=`stty -g` stty -echo stty cbreak dd if=/dev/tty bs=1 count=1 2> /dev/null stty -raw stty echo stty $SAVEDSTTY } function pause() { if [ "x$1" != "x" ] ;then echo $1 fi if [ $enable_pause -eq 1 ] ; then echo "Press any key to continue!" char=`get_char` fi } function pack_error() { echo -e "\033[47;31mERROR: $*\033[0m" } function pack_warn() { echo -e "\033[47;34mWARN: $*\033[0m" } function pack_info() { echo -e "\033[47;30mINFO: $*\033[0m" } source scripts/shflags # define option, format: # 'long option' 'default value' 'help message' 'short option' DEFINE_string 'chip' '' 'chip to build, e.g. sun7i' 'c' DEFINE_string 'platform' '' 'platform to build, e.g. linux, android, camdroid' 'p' DEFINE_string 'board' '' 'board to build, e.g. evb' 'b' DEFINE_string 'kernel' '' 'kernel to build, e.g. linux-3.4, linux-3.10' 'k' DEFINE_string 'debug_mode' 'uart0' 'config debug mode, e.g. uart0, card0' 'd' DEFINE_string 'signture' 'none' 'pack boot signture to do secure boot' 's' DEFINE_string 'secure' 'none' 'pack secure boot with -v arg' 'v' DEFINE_string 'mode' 'normal' 'pack dump firmware' 'm' DEFINE_string 'function' 'android' 'pack private firmware' 'f' DEFINE_string 'topdir' 'none' 'sdk top dir' 't' DEFINE_string 'programmer' '' 'creat programmer img or not' 'w' # parse the command-line FLAGS "$@" || exit $? eval set -- "${FLAGS_ARGV}" PACK_CHIP=${FLAGS_chip} PACK_PLATFORM=${FLAGS_platform} PACK_BOARD=${FLAGS_board} PACK_KERN=${FLAGS_kernel} PACK_DEBUG=${FLAGS_debug_mode} PACK_SIG=${FLAGS_signture} PACK_SECURE=${FLAGS_secure} PACK_MODE=${FLAGS_mode} PACK_FUNC=${FLAGS_function} PACK_PROGRAMMER=${FLAGS_programmer} PACK_TOPDIR=${FLAGS_topdir} MULTI_CONFIG_INDEX=0 SUFFIX="" ROOT_DIR=${PACK_TOPDIR}/out/${PACK_BOARD} OTA_TEST_NAME="ota_test" export PATH=${PACK_TOPDIR}/out/host/bin/:$PATH if [ "x${PACK_CHIP}" = "xsun5i" ]; then PACK_BOARD_PLATFORM=unclear ARCH=arm elif [ "x${PACK_CHIP}" = "xsun8iw5p1" ]; then PACK_BOARD_PLATFORM=astar ARCH=arm elif [ "x${PACK_CHIP}" = "xsun8iw6p1" ]; then PACK_BOARD_PLATFORM=octopus ARCH=arm elif [ "x${PACK_CHIP}" = "xsun8iw7p1" ]; then PACK_BOARD_PLATFORM=dolphin ARCH=arm elif [ "x${PACK_CHIP}" = "xsun8iw8p1" ]; then PACK_BOARD_PLATFORM=${PACK_BOARD%%-*} ARCH=arm elif [ "x${PACK_CHIP}" = "xsun8iw11p1" ]; then PACK_BOARD_PLATFORM=azalea ARCH=arm elif [ "x${PACK_CHIP}" = "xsun8iw10p1" ]; then PACK_BOARD_PLATFORM=cello ARCH=arm elif [ "x${PACK_CHIP}" = "xsun8iw15p1" ]; then PACK_BOARD_PLATFORM=${PACK_BOARD%%-*} ARCH=arm elif [ "x${PACK_CHIP}" = "xsun8iw17p1" ]; then PACK_BOARD_PLATFORM=piano ARCH=arm #elif [ "x${PACK_CHIP}" = "xsun3iw1p1" ]; then # PACK_BOARD_PLATFORM=sitar # ARCH=arm elif [ "x${PACK_CHIP}" = "xsun3iw1p1" ]; then PACK_BOARD_PLATFORM=${PACK_BOARD%%-*} ARCH=arm elif [ "x${PACK_CHIP}" = "xsun50iw1p1" ]; then PACK_BOARD_PLATFORM=tulip ARCH=arm64 elif [ "x${PACK_CHIP}" = "xsun50iw3p1" ]; then PACK_BOARD_PLATFORM=koto ARCH=arm64 else echo "board_platform($PACK_CHIP) not support" fi tools_file_list=( generic/tools/split_xxxx.fex ${PACK_BOARD_PLATFORM}-common/tools/split_xxxx.fex generic/tools/usbtool_test.fex ${PACK_BOARD_PLATFORM}-common/tools/usbtool_test.fex generic/tools/cardscript.fex generic/tools/cardscript_secure.fex ${PACK_BOARD_PLATFORM}-common/tools/cardscript.fex ${PACK_BOARD_PLATFORM}-common/tools/cardscript_secure.fex generic/tools/cardtool.fex ${PACK_BOARD_PLATFORM}-common/tools/cardtool.fex generic/tools/usbtool.fex ${PACK_BOARD_PLATFORM}-common/tools/usbtool.fex generic/tools/aultls32.fex ${PACK_BOARD_PLATFORM}-common/tools/aultls32.fex generic/tools/aultools.fex ${PACK_BOARD_PLATFORM}-common/tools/aultools.fex ) configs_file_list=( generic/toc/toc1.fex generic/toc/toc0.fex generic/toc/boot_package.fex generic/dtb/sunxi.fex generic/configs/*.fex generic/configs/*.cfg ${PACK_BOARD_PLATFORM}-common/configs/*.fex ${PACK_BOARD_PLATFORM}-common/configs/*.cfg ${PACK_BOARD}/configs/*.fex ${PACK_BOARD}/configs/*.cfg ) boot_resource_list=( generic/boot-resource/boot-resource:image/ generic/boot-resource/boot-resource.ini:image/ ${PACK_BOARD_PLATFORM}-common/boot-resource:image/ ${PACK_BOARD_PLATFORM}-common/boot-resource.ini:image/ ${PACK_BOARD}/configs/*.bmp:image/boot-resource/ ) boot_file_list=( ${PACK_BOARD_PLATFORM}-common/bin/boot0_nand_${PACK_CHIP}.bin:image/boot0_nand.fex ${PACK_BOARD_PLATFORM}-common/bin/boot0_sdcard_${PACK_CHIP}.bin:image/boot0_sdcard.fex ${PACK_BOARD_PLATFORM}-common/bin/boot0_spinor_${PACK_CHIP}.bin:image/boot0_spinor.fex ${PACK_BOARD_PLATFORM}-common/bin/fes1_${PACK_CHIP}.bin:image/fes1.fex ${PACK_BOARD_PLATFORM}-common/bin/u-boot-${PACK_CHIP}.bin:image/u-boot.fex ${PACK_BOARD_PLATFORM}-common/bin/bl31.bin:image/monitor.fex ${PACK_BOARD_PLATFORM}-common/bin/scp.bin:image/scp.fex ${PACK_BOARD_PLATFORM}-common/bin/optee_${PACK_CHIP}.bin:image/optee.fex ${PACK_BOARD_PLATFORM}-common/bin/u-boot-spinor-${PACK_CHIP}.bin:image/u-boot-spinor.fex ${PACK_BOARD_PLATFORM}-common/bin/boot0_nand_${PACK_CHIP}-${OTA_TEST_NAME}.bin:image/boot0_nand-${OTA_TEST_NAME}.fex ${PACK_BOARD_PLATFORM}-common/bin/boot0_sdcard_${PACK_CHIP}-${OTA_TEST_NAME}.bin:image/boot0_sdcard-${OTA_TEST_NAME}.fex ${PACK_BOARD_PLATFORM}-common/bin/boot0_spinor_${PACK_CHIP}-${OTA_TEST_NAME}.bin:image/boot0_spinor-${OTA_TEST_NAME}.fex ${PACK_BOARD_PLATFORM}-common/bin/u-boot-${PACK_CHIP}-${OTA_TEST_NAME}.bin:image/u-boot-${OTA_TEST_NAME}.fex ${PACK_BOARD_PLATFORM}-common/bin/u-boot-spinor-${PACK_CHIP}-${OTA_TEST_NAME}.bin:image/u-boot-spinor-${OTA_TEST_NAME}.fex ${PACK_BOARD}/bin/boot0_nand_${PACK_CHIP}.bin:image/boot0_nand.fex ${PACK_BOARD}/bin/boot0_sdcard_${PACK_CHIP}.bin:image/boot0_sdcard.fex ${PACK_BOARD}/bin/boot0_spinor_${PACK_CHIP}.bin:image/boot0_spinor.fex ${PACK_BOARD}/bin/fes1_${PACK_CHIP}.bin:image/fes1.fex ${PACK_BOARD}/bin/u-boot-${PACK_CHIP}.bin:image/u-boot.fex ${PACK_BOARD}/bin/bl31.bin:image/monitor.fex ${PACK_BOARD}/bin/scp.bin:image/scp.fex ${PACK_BOARD}/bin/optee_${PACK_CHIP}.bin:image/optee.fex ${PACK_BOARD}/bin/u-boot-spinor-${PACK_CHIP}.bin:image/u-boot-spinor.fex ${PACK_BOARD}/bin/boot0_nand_${PACK_CHIP}-${OTA_TEST_NAME}.bin:image/boot0_nand-${OTA_TEST_NAME}.fex ${PACK_BOARD}/bin/boot0_sdcard_${PACK_CHIP}-${OTA_TEST_NAME}.bin:image/boot0_sdcard-${OTA_TEST_NAME}.fex ${PACK_BOARD}/bin/boot0_spinor_${PACK_CHIP}-${OTA_TEST_NAME}.bin:image/boot0_spinor-${OTA_TEST_NAME}.fex ${PACK_BOARD}/bin/u-boot-${PACK_CHIP}-${OTA_TEST_NAME}.bin:image/u-boot-${OTA_TEST_NAME}.fex ${PACK_BOARD}/bin/u-boot-spinor-${PACK_CHIP}-${OTA_TEST_NAME}.bin:image/u-boot-spinor-${OTA_TEST_NAME}.fex ) boot_file_secure=( ${PACK_BOARD_PLATFORM}-common/bin/semelis_${PACK_CHIP}.bin:image/semelis.bin ${PACK_BOARD_PLATFORM}-common/bin/optee_${PACK_CHIP}.bin:image/optee.bin ${PACK_BOARD_PLATFORM}-common/bin/sboot_${PACK_CHIP}.bin:image/sboot.bin ${PACK_BOARD_PLATFORM}-common/bin/sboot_${PACK_CHIP}-${OTA_TEST_NAME}.bin:image/sboot-${OTA_TEST_NAME}.bin ${PACK_BOARD}/bin/semelis_${PACK_CHIP}.bin:image/semelis.bin ${PACK_BOARD}/bin/optee_${PACK_CHIP}.bin:image/optee.bin ${PACK_BOARD}/bin/sboot_${PACK_CHIP}.bin:image/sboot.bin ${PACK_BOARD}/bin/sboot_${PACK_CHIP}-${OTA_TEST_NAME}.bin:image/sboot-${OTA_TEST_NAME}.bin ) a64_boot_file_secure=( ${PACK_BOARD_PLATFORM}-common/bin/optee_${PACK_CHIP}.bin:image/optee.fex ${PACK_BOARD_PLATFORM}-common/bin/sboot_${PACK_CHIP}.bin:image/sboot.bin # ${PACK_BOARD_PLATFORM}-common/bin/sboot_${PACK_CHIP}-${OTA_TEST_NAME}.bin:image/sboot-${OTA_TEST_NAME}.bin ) function show_boards() { printf "\nAll avaiable chips, platforms and boards:\n\n" printf "Chip Board\n" for chipdir in $(find chips/ -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d) ; do chip=`basename ${chipdir}` printf "${chip}\n" for boarddir in $(find chips/${chip}/configs/${platform} \ -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d) ; do board=`basename ${boarddir}` printf " ${board}\n" done done printf "\nFor Usage:\n" printf " $(basename $0) -h\n\n" } function uart_switch() { rm -rf ${ROOT_DIR}/image/awk_debug_card0 touch ${ROOT_DIR}/image/awk_debug_card0 TX=`awk '$0~"'$PACK_CHIP'"{print $2}' ${PACK_TOPDIR}/target/allwinner/generic/debug/card_debug_pin` RX=`awk '$0~"'$PACK_CHIP'"{print $3}' ${PACK_TOPDIR}/target/allwinner/generic/debug/card_debug_pin` PORT=`awk '$0~"'$PACK_CHIP'"{print $4}' ${PACK_TOPDIR}/target/allwinner/generic/debug/card_debug_pin` MS=`awk '$0~"'$PACK_CHIP'"{print $5}' ${PACK_TOPDIR}/target/allwinner/generic/debug/card_debug_pin` CK=`awk '$0~"'$PACK_CHIP'"{print $6}' ${PACK_TOPDIR}/target/allwinner/generic/debug/card_debug_pin` DO=`awk '$0~"'$PACK_CHIP'"{print $7}' ${PACK_TOPDIR}/target/allwinner/generic/debug/card_debug_pin` DI=`awk '$0~"'$PACK_CHIP'"{print $8}' ${PACK_TOPDIR}/target/allwinner/generic/debug/card_debug_pin` BOOT_UART_ST=`awk '$0~"'$PACK_CHIP'"{print $2}' ${PACK_TOPDIR}/target/allwinner/generic/debug/card_debug_string` BOOT_PORT_ST=`awk '$0~"'$PACK_CHIP'"{print $3}' ${PACK_TOPDIR}/target/allwinner/generic/debug/card_debug_string` BOOT_TX_ST=`awk '$0~"'$PACK_CHIP'"{print $4}' ${PACK_TOPDIR}/target/allwinner/generic/debug/card_debug_string` BOOT_RX_ST=`awk '$0~"'$PACK_CHIP'"{print $5}' ${PACK_TOPDIR}/target/allwinner/generic/debug/card_debug_string` UART0_ST=`awk '$0~"'$PACK_CHIP'"{print $6}' ${PACK_TOPDIR}/target/allwinner/generic/debug/card_debug_string` UART0_USED_ST=`awk '$0~"'$PACK_CHIP'"{print $7}' ${PACK_TOPDIR}/target/allwinner/generic/debug/card_debug_string` UART0_PORT_ST=`awk '$0~"'$PACK_CHIP'"{print $8}' ${PACK_TOPDIR}/target/allwinner/generic/debug/card_debug_string` UART0_TX_ST=`awk '$0~"'$PACK_CHIP'"{print $9}' ${PACK_TOPDIR}/target/allwinner/generic/debug/card_debug_string` UART0_RX_ST=`awk '$0~"'$PACK_CHIP'"{print $10}' ${PACK_TOPDIR}/target/allwinner/generic/debug/card_debug_string` UART1_ST=`awk '$0~"'$PACK_CHIP'"{print $11}' ${PACK_TOPDIR}/target/allwinner/generic/debug/card_debug_string` JTAG_ST=`awk '$0~"'$PACK_CHIP'"{print $12}' ${PACK_TOPDIR}/target/allwinner/generic/debug/card_debug_string` MS_ST=`awk '$0~"'$PACK_CHIP'"{print $13}' ${PACK_TOPDIR}/target/allwinner/generic/debug/card_debug_string` CK_ST=`awk '$0~"'$PACK_CHIP'"{print $14}' ${PACK_TOPDIR}/target/allwinner/generic/debug/card_debug_string` DO_ST=`awk '$0~"'$PACK_CHIP'"{print $15}' ${PACK_TOPDIR}/target/allwinner/generic/debug/card_debug_string` DI_ST=`awk '$0~"'$PACK_CHIP'"{print $16}' ${PACK_TOPDIR}/target/allwinner/generic/debug/card_debug_string` MMC0_ST=`awk '$0~"'$PACK_CHIP'"{print $17}' ${PACK_TOPDIR}/target/allwinner/generic/debug/card_debug_string` MMC0_USED_ST=`awk '$0~"'$PACK_CHIP'"{print $18}' ${PACK_TOPDIR}/target/allwinner/generic/debug/card_debug_string` echo '$0!~";" && $0~"'$BOOT_TX_ST'"{if(C)$0="'$BOOT_TX_ST' = '$TX'"} \' >> ${ROOT_DIR}/image/awk_debug_card0 echo '$0!~";" && $0~"'$BOOT_RX_ST'"{if(C)$0="'$BOOT_RX_ST' = '$RX'"} \' >> ${ROOT_DIR}/image/awk_debug_card0 echo '$0!~";" && $0~"'$BOOT_PORT_ST'"{if(C)$0="'$BOOT_PORT_ST' = '$PORT'"} \' >> ${ROOT_DIR}/image/awk_debug_card0 if [ "`grep "auto_print_used" "${ROOT_DIR}/image//sys_config${SUFFIX}.fex" | grep "1"`" ]; then echo '$0!~";" && $0~"'$MMC0_USED_ST'"{if(A)$0="'$MMC0_USED_ST' = 1";A=0} \' >> ${ROOT_DIR}/image/awk_debug_card0 else echo '$0!~";" && $0~"'$MMC0_USED_ST'"{if(A)$0="'$MMC0_USED_ST' = 0";A=0} \' >> ${ROOT_DIR}/image/awk_debug_card0 fi echo '$0!~";" && $0~"\\['$MMC0_ST'\\]"{A=1} \' >> ${ROOT_DIR}/image/awk_debug_card0 echo '$0!~";" && $0~"'$UART0_TX_ST'"{if(B)$0="'$UART0_TX_ST' = '$TX'"} \' >> ${ROOT_DIR}/image/awk_debug_card0 echo '$0!~";" && $0~"'$UART0_RX_ST'"{if(B)$0="'$UART0_RX_ST' = '$RX'"} \' >> ${ROOT_DIR}/image/awk_debug_card0 echo '$0!~";" && $0~"\\['$UART0_ST'\\]"{B=1} \' >> ${ROOT_DIR}/image/awk_debug_card0 echo '$0!~";" && $0~"'$UART0_USED_ST'"{if(B)$0="'$UART0_USED_ST' = 1"} \' >> ${ROOT_DIR}/image/awk_debug_card0 echo '/^'$UART0_PORT_ST'/{next} \' >> ${ROOT_DIR}/image/awk_debug_card0 echo '$0!~";" && $0~"\\['$UART1_ST'\\]"{B=0} \' >> ${ROOT_DIR}/image/awk_debug_card0 echo '$0!~";" && $0~"\\['$BOOT_UART_ST'\\]"{C=1} \' >> ${ROOT_DIR}/image/awk_debug_card0 echo '$0!~";" && $0~"\\['$JTAG_ST'\\]"{C=0} \' >> ${ROOT_DIR}/image/awk_debug_card0 echo '$0!~";" && $0~"'$MS_ST'"{$0="'$MS_ST' = '$MS'"} \' >> ${ROOT_DIR}/image/awk_debug_card0 echo '$0!~";" && $0~"'$CK_ST'"{$0="'$CK_ST' = '$CK'"} \' >> ${ROOT_DIR}/image/awk_debug_card0 echo '$0!~";" && $0~"'$DO_ST'"{$0="'$DO_ST' = '$DO'"} \' >> ${ROOT_DIR}/image/awk_debug_card0 echo '$0!~";" && $0~"'$DI_ST'"{$0="'$DI_ST' = '$DI'"} \' >> ${ROOT_DIR}/image/awk_debug_card0 echo '1' >> ${ROOT_DIR}/image/awk_debug_card0 if [ "`grep "auto_print_used" "${ROOT_DIR}/image/sys_config${SUFFIX}.fex" | grep "1"`" ]; then sed -i -e '/^uart0_rx/a\pinctrl-1=' ${ROOT_DIR}/image/sys_config${SUFFIX}.fex sed -i -e '/^uart0_rx/a\pinctrl-0=' ${ROOT_DIR}/image/sys_config${SUFFIX}.fex fi awk -f ${ROOT_DIR}/image/awk_debug_card0 ${ROOT_DIR}/image/sys_config${SUFFIX}.fex > ${ROOT_DIR}/image/sys_config${SUFFIX}_debug.fex rm -f ${ROOT_DIR}/image/sys_config${SUFFIX}.fex mv ${ROOT_DIR}/image/sys_config${SUFFIX}_debug.fex ${ROOT_DIR}/image/sys_config${SUFFIX}.fex echo "uart -> card0" } function copy_ota_test_file() { printf "ota test bootloader by diff bootlogo\n" mv ${ROOT_DIR}/image/boot-resource/bootlogo_ota_test.bmp ${ROOT_DIR}/image/boot-resource/bootlogo.bmp printf "copying ota test boot file\n" if [ -f ${ROOT_DIR}/image/sys_partition_nor.fex -o \ -f ${ROOT_DIR}/image/sys_partition_nor_${PACK_PLATFORM}.fex ]; then mv ${ROOT_DIR}/image/boot0_spinor-${OTA_TEST_NAME}.fex ${ROOT_DIR}/image/boot0_spinor.fex mv ${ROOT_DIR}/image/u-boot-spinor-${OTA_TEST_NAME}.fex ${ROOT_DIR}/image/u-boot-spinor.fex else mv ${ROOT_DIR}/image/boot0_nand-${OTA_TEST_NAME}.fex ${ROOT_DIR}/image/boot0_nand.fex mv ${ROOT_DIR}/image/boot0_sdcard-${OTA_TEST_NAME}.fex ${ROOT_DIR}/image/boot0_sdcard.fex mv ${ROOT_DIR}/image/u-boot-${OTA_TEST_NAME}.fex ${ROOT_DIR}/image/u-boot.fex fi if [ "x${PACK_SECURE}" = "xsecure" -o "x${PACK_SIG}" = "prev_refurbish"] ; then printf "Copying ota test secure boot file\n" mv ${ROOT_DIR}/image/sboot-${OTA_TEST_NAME}.bin ${ROOT_DIR}/image/sboot.bin fi printf "OTA test env by bootdelay(10) and logolevel(8)\n" sed -i 's/\(logolevel=\).*/\18/' ${ROOT_DIR}/image/env.cfg sed -i 's/\(bootdelay=\).*/\110/' ${ROOT_DIR}/image/env.cfg } function update_mbr_to_sys_config() { #use sys_partition_tmp cp $1 sys_partition_tmp.fex #convert sys_partition.fex to sunxi_mbr.fex #don't care about downloadfile sed -i '/^[ \t]*downloadfile/d' sys_partition_tmp.fex /bin/busybox unix2dos sys_partition_tmp.fex script sys_partition_tmp.fex > /dev/null update_mbr sys_partition_tmp.bin 1 sunxi_mbr_tmp.fex #get size and offset local PART_INDEX local PART_NAME local PART_SIZE local PART_OFFSET echo "" >> ${ROOT_DIR}/image/sys_config${SUFFIX}.fex echo [partitions] >> ${ROOT_DIR}/image/sys_config${SUFFIX}.fex echo "" >> ${ROOT_DIR}/image/sys_config${SUFFIX}.fex # add one partition to sys_config # PART_NAME="vital" # PART_SIZE=`parser_mbr sunxi_mbr_tmp.fex get_size_by_name ${PART_NAME}` # PART_OFFSET=`parser_mbr sunxi_mbr_tmp.fex get_offset_by_name ${PART_NAME}` # #update to sys_config # echo [partitions/vital] >> ${ROOT_DIR}/image/sys_config${SUFFIX}.fex # echo offset = ${PART_OFFSET} >> ${ROOT_DIR}/image/sys_config${SUFFIX}.fex # echo size = ${PART_SIZE} >> ${ROOT_DIR}/image/sys_config${SUFFIX}.fex # add all partitions to sys_config total_num=`parser_mbr sunxi_mbr_tmp.fex get_total_num` let total_num-- for PART_INDEX in $( /usr/bin/seq 0 ${total_num} ) do PART_NAME=`parser_mbr sunxi_mbr_tmp.fex get_name_by_index ${PART_INDEX}` PART_SIZE=`parser_mbr sunxi_mbr_tmp.fex get_size_by_index ${PART_INDEX}` PART_OFFSET=`parser_mbr sunxi_mbr_tmp.fex get_offset_by_index ${PART_INDEX}` echo [partitions/${PART_NAME}] >> ${ROOT_DIR}/image/sys_config${SUFFIX}.fex echo offset = ${PART_OFFSET} >> ${ROOT_DIR}/image/sys_config${SUFFIX}.fex echo size = ${PART_SIZE} >> ${ROOT_DIR}/image/sys_config${SUFFIX}.fex echo "" >> ${ROOT_DIR}/image/sys_config${SUFFIX}.fex done #clean rm -f sys_partition_tmp.fex sys_partition_tmp.bin sunxi_mbr_tmp.fex dlinfo.fex } # pack user resources to a vfat filesystem # To use this, please add a folder "user-resource" in configs to save files, and add a partition to sys_partition.fex/sys_partition_nor.fex like this: # [partition] # name = user-res # size = 1024 # downloadfile = "user-resource.fex" # user_type = 0x8000 function make_user_res() { printf "make user resource for : $1\n" local USER_RES_SYS_PARTITION=$1 local USER_RES_PART_NAME=user-res local USER_RES_FILE=user-resource printf "handle partition ${USER_RES_PART_NAME}\n" local USER_RES_PART_DOWNLOAD_FILE=`awk 'BEGIN {FS="\n"; RS=""} /'${USER_RES_PART_NAME}'/{print $0}' ${USER_RES_SYS_PARTITION} | awk '{if($1 == "downloadfile"){print $3}}' | sed 's/"//g'` local USER_RES_PART_SIZE=`awk 'BEGIN {FS="\n"; RS=""} /'${USER_RES_PART_NAME}'/{print $0}' $1 | awk '$0~"size"{print $3/2}'` local USER_RES_FILE_PATH=${PACK_TOPDIR}/target/allwinner/${PACK_BOARD}/configs/${USER_RES_FILE} if [ x${USER_RES_PART_DOWNLOAD_FILE} != x'' -a x${USER_RES_PART_SIZE} != x'' ];then rm -f ${ROOT_DIR}/image/user-resource.fex mkfs.vfat ${ROOT_DIR}/image/user-resource.fex -C ${USER_RES_PART_SIZE} if [ -d ${USER_RES_FILE_PATH} ];then USER_RES_FILE_SIZE=`du --summarize "${USER_RES_FILE_PATH}" | awk '{print $1}'` printf "file size: ${USER_RES_FILE_SIZE}\n" printf "partition size: ${USER_RES_PART_SIZE}\n" if [ ${USER_RES_PART_SIZE} -le ${USER_RES_FILE_SIZE} ]; then printf "file size is larger than partition size, please check your configuration\n" printf "please enlarge size of ${USER_RES_PART_NAME} in sys_partition or remove some files in $USER_RES_FILE_PATH\n" exit -1 fi mcopy -s -v -i ${ROOT_DIR}/image/${USER_RES_PART_DOWNLOAD_FILE} ${USER_RES_FILE_PATH}/* :: if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then printf "mcopy file fail, exit\n" exit -1 fi else printf "can not find ${USER_RES_FILE_PATH}, ignore it\n" fi else printf "no user resource partitions\n" fi } function make_app_res() { cd ${ROOT_DIR}/image local APP_PART_NAME=app cp $1 sys_partition_tmp_app.fex sed -i '/^[ \t]*downloadfile/d' sys_partition_tmp_app.fex /bin/busybox unix2dos sys_partition_tmp_app.fex script sys_partition_tmp_app.fex > /dev/null update_mbr sys_partition_tmp_app.bin 1 sunxi_mbr_tmp_app.fex local APP_PART_DOWNLOAD_FILE=app.fex local APP_PART_FILE_PATH=${PACK_TOPDIR}/out/${TARGET_BOARD}/compile_dir/target/app local APP_PART_SIZE_IN_SECTOR=`parser_mbr sunxi_mbr_tmp_app.fex get_size_by_name ${APP_PART_NAME}` if [ x${APP_PART_DOWNLOAD_FILE} != x'' -a x${APP_PART_SIZE_IN_SECTOR} != x'' ]; then let APP_PART_SIZE_IN_K=$APP_PART_SIZE_IN_SECTOR/2 echo "APP_PART_DOWNLOAD_FILE = ${ROOT_DIR}/image/${APP_PART_DOWNLOAD_FILE}" rm -f ${ROOT_DIR}/image/${APP_PART_DOWNLOAD_FILE} ${PACK_TOPDIR}/out/host/bin/make_ext4fs -l ${APP_PART_SIZE_IN_K}k -b 1024 -m 0 -j 1024 ${ROOT_DIR}/image/${APP_PART_DOWNLOAD_FILE} ${APP_PART_FILE_PATH} else printf "no app resource partitions\n" fi cd - } function make_boottone_fex() { local BOOTTONE_FILE_PATH=${PACK_TOPDIR}/target/allwinner/${PACK_BOARD}/configs/boottone_res if [ -e $BOOTTONE_FILE_PATH ];then echo "make boottone.fex" ${PACK_TOPDIR}/out/host/bin/make_ext4fs -l 512k -b 1024 -m 0 -J ${ROOT_DIR}/image/boottone.fex $BOOTTONE_FILE_PATH fi } function update_suffix() { if [ $MULTI_CONFIG_INDEX -gt 0 ]; then SUFFIX="-$MULTI_CONFIG_INDEX" else SUFFIX="" fi } function fetch_multiconfig() { MULTI_CONFIG_INDEX=0 update_suffix while [ -e ${ROOT_DIR}/image/sys_config${SUFFIX}.fex ];do echo sys_config${SUFFIX} exist let "MULTI_CONFIG_INDEX=MULTI_CONFIG_INDEX+1" update_suffix done let "MULTI_CONFIG_INDEX=MULTI_CONFIG_INDEX-1" echo "Multiconfig num:"$MULTI_CONFIG_INDEX } ENV_SUFFIX= function do_early_prepare() { # Cleanup rm -rf ${ROOT_DIR}/image mkdir -p ${ROOT_DIR}/image do_prepare fetch_multiconfig } function do_prepare() { if [ -z "${PACK_CHIP}" -o -z "${PACK_PLATFORM}" -o -z "${PACK_BOARD}" ] ; then pack_error "Invalid parameters Chip: ${PACK_CHIP}, \ Platform: ${PACK_PLATFORM}, Board: ${PACK_BOARD}" show_boards exit 1 fi if [ ! -d ${PACK_TOPDIR}/target/allwinner/${PACK_BOARD}/configs ] ; then pack_error "Board's directory \ \"${PACK_TOPDIR}/target/allwinner/${PACK_BOARD}/configs\" is not exist." show_boards exit 1 fi #TODO:diff kernel version support if [ -z "${PACK_KERN}" ] ; then printf "No kernel param, parse it from ${PACK_BOARD_PLATFORM}\n" if [ "x${PACK_BOARD_PLATFORM}" = "xtulip" \ -o "x${PACK_BOARD_PLATFORM}" = "xdolphin" ]; then PACK_KERN="linux-4.4" ENV_SUFFIX=4.4 elif [ "x${PACK_BOARD_PLATFORM}" = "xkoto" -o "x${PACK_BOARD_PLATFORM}" = "xmandolin" -o "x${PACK_BOARD_PLATFORM}" = "xpiano" \ -o "x${PACK_BOARD_PLATFORM}" = "xorgan" -o "x${PACK_BOARD_PLATFORM}" = "xboobam" -o "x${PACK_BOARD_PLATFORM}" = "xflute"\ -o "x${PACK_BOARD_PLATFORM}" = "xbassoon" -o "x${PACK_BOARD_PLATFORM}" = "xbangu" -o "x${PACK_BOARD_PLATFORM}" = "xlute" ]; then PACK_KERN="linux-4.9" ENV_SUFFIX=4.9 elif [ "x${PACK_BOARD_PLATFORM}" = "xazalea" -o "x${PACK_BOARD_PLATFORM}" = "xsitar" -o "x${PACK_BOARD_PLATFORM}" = "xcello" -o "x${PACK_BOARD_PLATFORM}" = "xviolin" ]; then PACK_KERN="linux-3.10" ENV_SUFFIX=3.10 else PACK_KERN="linux-3.4" ENV_SUFFIX=3.4 fi if [ -z "${PACK_KERN}" ] ; then pack_error "Failed to parse kernel param from ${PACK_BOARD_PLATFORM}" exit 1 fi fi printf "copying tools file\n" for file in ${tools_file_list[@]} ; do cp -f ${PACK_TOPDIR}/target/allwinner/$file ${ROOT_DIR}/image/ 2> /dev/null done if [ "x${PACK_KERN}" = "xlinux-3.4" ]; then cp -f generic/tools/cardscript.fex ${ROOT_DIR}/image/ 2> /dev/null fi printf "copying configs file\n" for file in ${configs_file_list[@]} ; do cp -f ${PACK_TOPDIR}/target/allwinner/$file ${ROOT_DIR}/image/ 2> /dev/null done if [ -f ${ROOT_DIR}/image/sys_config_${PACK_KERN}${SUFFIX}.fex ]; then cp ${ROOT_DIR}/image/sys_config_${PACK_KERN}${SUFFIX}.fex ${ROOT_DIR}/image/sys_config${SUFFIX}.fex fi # get storage_type value from sys_config.fex if [ ! -f ${ROOT_DIR}/image/sys_config${SUFFIX}.fex ];then echo "sys_config${SUFFIX}.fex is not exist." exit 1 fi local storage_type storage_type=`sed -e '/^$/d' -e '/^;/d' -e '/^\[/d' -n -e '/^storage_type/p' ${ROOT_DIR}/image/sys_config${SUFFIX}.fex | sed 's/=/ /g' | awk '{ print $2;}'` echo "storage_type value is ${storage_type}" image_instruction="image is for nand/emmc" case ${storage_type} in 3) echo "storage type is nor" if [ -f ${ROOT_DIR}/image/image_nor.cfg ];then echo "image_nor.cfg is exist" mv ${ROOT_DIR}/image/image_nor.cfg ${ROOT_DIR}/image/image.cfg && echo "mv image_nor.cfg image.cfg" image_instruction="image is for nor" fi ;; -1) ;; *) if [ -f ${ROOT_DIR}/image/sys_partition_nor.fex ];then rm ${ROOT_DIR}/image/sys_partition_nor.fex && echo "rm ${ROOT_DIR}/image/sys_partition_nor.fex" fi if [ -f ${ROOT_DIR}/image/image_nor.cfg ];then rm ${ROOT_DIR}/image/image_nor.cfg && echo "rm ${ROOT_DIR}/image/image_nor.cfg" fi ;; esac # amend env copy mv ${ROOT_DIR}/image/env-${ENV_SUFFIX}.cfg ${ROOT_DIR}/image/env.cfg 2> /dev/null # If platform config files exist, we will cover the default files # For example, mv out/image_linux.cfg out/image.cfg cd ${ROOT_DIR} find image/* -type f -a \( -name "*.fex" -o -name "*.cfg" \) -print | \ sed "s#\(.*\)_${PACK_PLATFORM}\(\..*\)#mv -fv & \1\2#e" cd - if [ "x${PACK_MODE}" = "xdump" ] ; then cp -vf ${ROOT_DIR}/image/sys_partition_dump.fex ${ROOT_DIR}/image/sys_partition.fex cp -vf ${ROOT_DIR}/image/usbtool_test.fex ${ROOT_DIR}/image/usbtool.fex elif [ "x${PACK_FUNC}" = "xprvt" ] ; then cp -vf ${ROOT_DIR}/image/sys_partition_private.fex ${ROOT_DIR}/image/sys_partition.fex fi grep "CONFIG_USE_DM_VERITY=y" ${PACK_TOPDIR}/.config > /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then cp -vf ${ROOT_DIR}/image/sys_partition_secure.fex ${ROOT_DIR}/image/sys_partition.fex fi printf "copying boot resource\n" for file in ${boot_resource_list[@]} ; do cp -rf ${PACK_TOPDIR}/target/allwinner/`echo $file | awk -F: '{print $1}'` \ ${ROOT_DIR}/`echo $file | awk -F: '{print $2}'` 2>/dev/null done lzma e ${ROOT_DIR}/image/boot-resource/bootlogo.bmp ${ROOT_DIR}/image/bootlogo.bmp.lzma printf "copying boot file\n" for file in ${boot_file_list[@]} ; do cp -f ${PACK_TOPDIR}/target/allwinner/`echo $file | awk -F: '{print $1}'` \ ${ROOT_DIR}/`echo $file | awk -F: '{print $2}'` 2>/dev/null done if [ "x${PACK_MODE}" = "xcrashdump" ] ; then cp -vf ${ROOT_DIR}/image/sys_partition_dump.fex ${ROOT_DIR}/image/sys_partition.fex cp -vf ${ROOT_DIR}/image/image_crashdump.cfg ${ROOT_DIR}/image/image.cfg cp -vf ${PACK_BOARD_PLATFORM}-common/bin/u-boot-crashdump-${PACK_CHIP}.bin ${ROOT_DIR}/image/u-boot.fex fi if [ "x${ARCH}" != "xarm64" ] ; then if [ "x${PACK_SECURE}" = "xsecure" -o "x${PACK_SIG}" = "xsecure" -o "x${PACK_SIG}" = "xprev_refurbish" ] ; then printf "copying secure boot file\n" for file in ${boot_file_secure[@]} ; do cp -f ${PACK_TOPDIR}/target/allwinner/`echo $file | awk -F: '{print $1}'` \ ${ROOT_DIR}/`echo $file | awk -F: '{print $2}'` done fi else if [ "x${PACK_SECURE}" = "xsecure" -o "x${PACK_SIG}" = "xsecure" -o "x${PACK_SIG}" = "xprev_refurbish" ] ; then printf "copying arm64 secure boot file\n" for file in ${a64_boot_file_secure[@]} ; do cp -f ${PACK_TOPDIR}/target/allwinner/`echo $file | awk -F: '{print $1}'` \ ${ROOT_DIR}/`echo $file | awk -F: '{print $2}'` done fi fi # If platform config use if [ -f ${PACK_TOPDIR}/target/allwinner/${PACK_BOARD_PLATFORM}-common/tools/plat_config.sh ] ; then ${PACK_TOPDIR}/target/allwinner/${PACK_BOARD_PLATFORM}-common/tools/plat_config.sh fi if [ "x${PACK_SECURE}" = "xsecure" -o "x${PACK_SIG}" = "xsecure" ] ; then printf "add burn_secure_mode in target in sys config\n" sed -i -e '/^\[target\]/a\burn_secure_mode=1' ${ROOT_DIR}/image/sys_config${SUFFIX}.fex sed -i -e '/^\[platform\]/a\secure_without_OS=0' ${ROOT_DIR}/image/sys_config${SUFFIX}.fex elif [ "x${PACK_SIG}" = "xprev_refurbish" ] ; then printf "add burn_secure_mode in target in sys config\n" sed -i -e '/^\[target\]/a\burn_secure_mode=1' ${ROOT_DIR}/image/sys_config${SUFFIX}.fex sed -i -e '/^\[platform\]/a\secure_without_OS=1' ${ROOT_DIR}/image/sys_config${SUFFIX}.fex else sed -i '/^burn_secure_mod/d' ${ROOT_DIR}/image/sys_config${SUFFIX}.fex sed -i '/^secure_without_OS/d' ${ROOT_DIR}/image/sys_config${SUFFIX}.fex fi if [ "x${PACK_MODE}" = "xota_test" ] ; then printf "copy ota test file\n" copy_ota_test_file fi if [ "x${PACK_PROGRAMMER}" = "xprogrammer" ]; then printf "add programmer img info target in sys config\n" sed -i -e '/^\[target\]/a\programmer=1' out/sys_config.fex fi # Here, we can switch uart to card or normal if [ "x${PACK_DEBUG}" = "xcard0" -a "x${PACK_MODE}" != "xdump" \ -a "x${PACK_FUNC}" != "xprvt" ] ; then \ uart_switch fi sed -i 's/\\boot-resource/\/boot-resource/g' ${ROOT_DIR}/image/boot-resource.ini sed -i 's/\\\\/\//g' ${ROOT_DIR}/image/image.cfg sed -i 's/^imagename/;imagename/g' ${ROOT_DIR}/image/image.cfg IMG_NAME="${PACK_PLATFORM}_${PACK_BOARD}_${PACK_DEBUG}" if [ "x${PACK_SIG}" != "xnone" ]; then IMG_NAME="${IMG_NAME}_${PACK_SIG}" fi if [ "x${PACK_MODE}" = "xdump" -o "x${PACK_MODE}" = "xota_test" -o "x${PACK_MODE}" = "xcrashdump" ] ; then IMG_NAME="${IMG_NAME}_${PACK_MODE}" fi if [ "x${PACK_FUNC}" = "xprvt" ] ; then IMG_NAME="${IMG_NAME}_${PACK_FUNC}" fi if [ "x${PACK_SECURE}" = "xsecure" ] ; then IMG_NAME="${IMG_NAME}_${PACK_SECURE}" fi if [ "x${PACK_FUNC}" = "xprev_refurbish" ] ; then IMG_NAME="${IMG_NAME}_${PACK_FUNC}" fi IMG_PROGRAMMER_NAME="${IMG_NAME}_programmer.img" if [ "x${PACK_SECURE}" != "xnone" -o "x${PACK_SIG}" != "xnone" ]; then MAIN_VERION=`awk '$0~"MAIN_VERSION"{printf"%d", $3}' ${PACK_TOPDIR}/target/allwinner/generic/version/version_base.mk` SUB_VERION=`awk '$0~"SUB_VERSION"{printf"%d", $3}' ${PACK_TOPDIR}/target/allwinner/generic/version/version_base.mk` IMG_NAME="${IMG_NAME}_v${MAIN_VERION}-${SUB_VERION}.img" else IMG_NAME="${IMG_NAME}.img" fi echo "imagename = $IMG_NAME" >> ${ROOT_DIR}/image/image.cfg echo "" >> ${ROOT_DIR}/image/image.cfg # boot time optimization: # 1.remove uboot uart log; # 2.do not check kernel image crc. # 3.remove kernel uart log. # 4.set rootfstype. grep "CONFIG_BOOT_TIME_OPTIMIZATION=y" ${PACK_TOPDIR}/.config > /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then #sed -i "/debug_mode/d" ${ROOT_DIR}/image/sys_config${SUFFIX}.fex && sed -i '/^\[platform\]$/a\debug_mode\ \ =\ 0' ${ROOT_DIR}/image/sys_config${SUFFIX}.fex #sed -i "/^verify=/d" ${ROOT_DIR}/image/env.cfg && sed -i '/^init=/a\verify=no' ${ROOT_DIR}/image/env.cfg #sed -i "/^loglevel=/d" ${ROOT_DIR}/image/env.cfg && sed -i '/^init=/a\loglevel=0' ${ROOT_DIR}/image/env.cfg grep "CONFIG_TARGET_ROOTFS_SQUASHFS=y" ${PACK_TOPDIR}/.config > /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then rootfstype=squashfs fi grep "CONFIG_TARGET_ROOTFS_EXT4FS=y" ${PACK_TOPDIR}/.config > /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then rootfstype=ext4 fi if [ "x${rootfstype}" != "x" ]; then sed -i "s/setargs_.*=.*/& rootfstype=${rootfstype}/" ${ROOT_DIR}/image/env.cfg fi fi # for busybox init, default use /pseudo_init as init process. grep "CONFIG_SYSTEM_INIT_BUSYBOX=y" ${PACK_TOPDIR}/.config > /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then sed -i "/^init=/d" ${ROOT_DIR}/image/env.cfg && sed -i '/^mmc_root=/a\init=\/pseudo_init' ${ROOT_DIR}/image/env.cfg fi make_boottone_fex if [ -e ${ROOT_DIR}/image/sys_partition_nor.fex ];then make_user_res ${ROOT_DIR}/image/sys_partition_nor.fex make_app_res ${ROOT_DIR}/image/sys_partition_nor.fex update_mbr_to_sys_config ${ROOT_DIR}/image/sys_partition_nor.fex else make_user_res ${ROOT_DIR}/image/sys_partition.fex make_app_res ${ROOT_DIR}/image/sys_partition.fex update_mbr_to_sys_config ${ROOT_DIR}/image/sys_partition.fex fi } function do_ini_to_dts() { if [ "x${PACK_KERN}" == "xlinux-3.4" ]; then return fi if [ "x${PACK_KERN}" == "xlinux-4.4" -a "x${ARCH}" == "xarm64" ]; then local DTC_DEP_FILE=${PACK_TOPDIR}/lichee/$PACK_KERN/arch/$ARCH/boot/dts/sunxi/.${PACK_CHIP}-${PACK_BOARD}${SUFFIX}.dtb.d.dtc.tmp local DTC_SRC_PATH=${PACK_TOPDIR}/lichee/$PACK_KERN/arch/$ARCH/boot/dts/sunxi/ local DTC_SRC_FILE=${PACK_TOPDIR}/lichee/$PACK_KERN/arch/$ARCH/boot/dts/sunxi/.${PACK_CHIP}-${PACK_BOARD}${SUFFIX}.dtb.dts.tmp elif [ "x${PACK_KERN}" == "xlinux-4.9" -a "x${ARCH}" == "xarm64" ]; then local DTC_DEP_FILE=${PACK_TOPDIR}/lichee/$PACK_KERN/arch/$ARCH/boot/dts/sunxi/.${PACK_CHIP}-${PACK_BOARD}${SUFFIX}.dtb.d.dtc.tmp local DTC_SRC_PATH=${PACK_TOPDIR}/lichee/$PACK_KERN/arch/$ARCH/boot/dts/sunxi/ local DTC_SRC_FILE=${PACK_TOPDIR}/lichee/$PACK_KERN/arch/$ARCH/boot/dts/sunxi/.${PACK_CHIP}-${PACK_BOARD}${SUFFIX}.dtb.dts.tmp else local DTC_DEP_FILE=${PACK_TOPDIR}/lichee/$PACK_KERN/arch/$ARCH/boot/dts/.${PACK_CHIP}-${PACK_BOARD}${SUFFIX}.dtb.d.dtc.tmp local DTC_SRC_PATH=${PACK_TOPDIR}/lichee/$PACK_KERN/arch/$ARCH/boot/dts/ local DTC_SRC_FILE=${PACK_TOPDIR}/lichee/$PACK_KERN/arch/$ARCH/boot/dts/.${PACK_CHIP}-${PACK_BOARD}${SUFFIX}.dtb.dts.tmp fi local DTC_COMPILER=${PACK_TOPDIR}/lichee/$PACK_KERN/scripts/dtc/dtc local DTC_INI_FILE_BASE=${ROOT_DIR}/image/sys_config${SUFFIX}.fex local DTC_INI_FILE=${ROOT_DIR}/image/sys_config${SUFFIX}_fix.fex local DTC_FLAGS="" cp $DTC_INI_FILE_BASE $DTC_INI_FILE sed -i "s/\(\[dram\)_para\(\]\)/\1\2/g" $DTC_INI_FILE sed -i "s/\(\[nand[0-9]\)_para\(\]\)/\1\2/g" $DTC_INI_FILE if [ ! -f $DTC_COMPILER ]; then pack_error "Script_to_dts: Can not find dtc compiler.\n" exit 1 fi if [ ! -f $DTC_DEP_FILE ]; then printf "Script_to_dts: Can not find [%s-%s.dts]. Will use common dts file instead.\n" ${PACK_CHIP} ${PACK_BOARD} if [ "x${PACK_BOARD_PLATFORM}" = "xsitar" ] ; then DTC_DEP_FILE=${PACK_TOPDIR}/lichee/$PACK_KERN/arch/$ARCH/boot/dts/.${PACK_CHIP}-r6-soc${SUFFIX}.dtb.d.dtc.tmp DTC_SRC_FILE=${PACK_TOPDIR}/lichee/$PACK_KERN/arch/$ARCH/boot/dts/.${PACK_CHIP}-r6-soc${SUFFIX}.dtb.dts.tmp elif [ "x${PACK_BOARD_PLATFORM}" = "xviolin" ] ; then DTC_DEP_FILE=${PACK_TOPDIR}/lichee/$PACK_KERN/arch/$ARCH/boot/dts/.${PACK_CHIP}-violin-F1C200s${SUFFIX}.dtb.d.dtc.tmp DTC_SRC_FILE=${PACK_TOPDIR}/lichee/$PACK_KERN/arch/$ARCH/boot/dts/.${PACK_CHIP}-violin-F1C200s${SUFFIX}.dtb.dts.tmp else if [ "x${PACK_KERN}" == "xlinux-4.4" -a "x${ARCH}" == "xarm64" ]; then DTC_DEP_FILE=${PACK_TOPDIR}/lichee/$PACK_KERN/arch/$ARCH/boot/dts/sunxi/.${PACK_CHIP}-soc${SUFFIX}.dtb.d.dtc.tmp DTC_SRC_FILE=${PACK_TOPDIR}/lichee/$PACK_KERN/arch/$ARCH/boot/dts/sunxi/.${PACK_CHIP}-soc${SUFFIX}.dtb.dts.tmp elif [ "x${PACK_KERN}" == "xlinux-4.9" -a "x${ARCH}" == "xarm64" ]; then DTC_DEP_FILE=${PACK_TOPDIR}/lichee/$PACK_KERN/arch/$ARCH/boot/dts/sunxi/.${PACK_CHIP}-soc${SUFFIX}.dtb.d.dtc.tmp DTC_SRC_FILE=${PACK_TOPDIR}/lichee/$PACK_KERN/arch/$ARCH/boot/dts/sunxi/.${PACK_CHIP}-soc${SUFFIX}.dtb.dts.tmp else DTC_DEP_FILE=${PACK_TOPDIR}/lichee/$PACK_KERN/arch/$ARCH/boot/dts/.${PACK_CHIP}-soc${SUFFIX}.dtb.d.dtc.tmp DTC_SRC_FILE=${PACK_TOPDIR}/lichee/$PACK_KERN/arch/$ARCH/boot/dts/.${PACK_CHIP}-soc${SUFFIX}.dtb.dts.tmp fi fi #Disbale noisy checks if [ "x${PACK_KERN}" == "xlinux-4.9" ]; then DTC_FLAGS="-W no-unit_address_vs_reg" fi fi $DTC_COMPILER ${DTC_FLAGS} -O dtb -o ${ROOT_DIR}/image/sunxi${SUFFIX}.dtb \ -b 0 \ -i $DTC_SRC_PATH \ -F $DTC_INI_FILE \ -d $DTC_DEP_FILE $DTC_SRC_FILE if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then pack_error "Conver script to dts failed" exit 1 fi printf "Conver script to dts ok.\n" # It'is used for debug dtb $DTC_COMPILER ${DTC_FLAGS} -I dtb -O dts -o ${ROOT_DIR}/image/.sunxi${SUFFIX}.dts ${ROOT_DIR}/image/sunxi${SUFFIX}.dtb return } function do_common() { cd ${ROOT_DIR}/image if [ ! -f board_config.fex ]; then echo "[empty]" > board_config.fex fi busybox unix2dos sys_config${SUFFIX}.fex busybox unix2dos board_config.fex script sys_config${SUFFIX}.fex > /dev/null cp -f sys_config${SUFFIX}.bin config${SUFFIX}.fex script board_config.fex > /dev/null cp -f board_config.bin board.fex busybox unix2dos sys_partition.fex script sys_partition.fex > /dev/null # Those files for SpiNor. We will try to find sys_partition_nor.fex if [ -f sys_partition_nor.fex ]; then if [ -f "sunxi${SUFFIX}.dtb" ]; then cp sunxi${SUFFIX}.dtb sunxi${SUFFIX}.fex fi if [ -f "scp.fex" ]; then echo "update scp" update_scp scp.fex sunxi${SUFFIX}.fex >/dev/null fi # Here, will create sys_partition_nor.bin busybox unix2dos sys_partition_nor.fex script sys_partition_nor.fex > /dev/null update_boot0 boot0_spinor.fex sys_config${SUFFIX}.bin SDMMC_CARD > /dev/null if [ "x${PACK_KERN}" = "xlinux-3.4" ] ; then update_uboot -merge u-boot-spinor.fex sys_config${SUFFIX}.bin > /dev/null else update_uboot -no_merge u-boot-spinor.fex sys_config${SUFFIX}.bin > /dev/null fi if [ -f boot_package_nor.cfg -a x${SUFFIX} == x'' ]; then echo "pack boot package" busybox unix2dos boot_package.cfg dragonsecboot -pack boot_package_nor.cfg cp boot_package.fex boot_package_nor.fex fi # Ugly, but I don't have a better way to change it. # We just set env's downloadfile name to env_nor.cfg in sys_partition_nor.fex # And if env_nor.cfg is not exist, we should copy one. if [ ! -f env_nor.cfg ]; then cp -f env.cfg env_nor.cfg >/dev/null 2<&1 fi # Fixup boot mode for SPINor, just can bootm sed -i '/^boot_normal/s#\<boota\>#bootm#g' env_nor.cfg u_boot_env_gen env_nor.cfg env_nor.fex >/dev/null fi if [ -f "sunxi${SUFFIX}.dtb" ]; then cp sunxi${SUFFIX}.dtb sunxi${SUFFIX}.fex update_dtb sunxi${SUFFIX}.fex 4096 fi if [ -f "scp.fex" ]; then echo "update scp" update_scp scp.fex sunxi${SUFFIX}.fex >/dev/null fi # Those files for Nand or Card update_boot0 boot0_nand.fex sys_config${SUFFIX}.bin NAND > /dev/null update_boot0 boot0_sdcard.fex sys_config${SUFFIX}.bin SDMMC_CARD > /dev/null if [ "x${PACK_KERN}" = "xlinux-3.4" ] ; then update_uboot -merge u-boot.fex sys_config${SUFFIX}.bin > /dev/null else update_uboot -no_merge u-boot.fex sys_config${SUFFIX}.bin > /dev/null fi update_fes1 fes1.fex sys_config${SUFFIX}.bin > /dev/null fsbuild boot-resource.ini split_xxxx.fex > /dev/null if [ -f boot_package.cfg -a x${SUFFIX} == x'' ]; then echo "pack boot package" busybox unix2dos boot_package.cfg dragonsecboot -pack boot_package.cfg if [ $? -ne 0 ] then pack_error "dragon pack run error" exit 1 fi update_toc1 boot_package.fex sys_config${SUFFIX}.bin if [ $? -ne 0 ] then pack_error "update toc1 run error" exit 1 fi fi if [ "x${PACK_FUNC}" = "xprvt" ] ; then u_boot_env_gen env_burn.cfg env.fex > /dev/null else u_boot_env_gen env.cfg env.fex > /dev/null fi if [ -f "arisc" ]; then ln -s arisc arisc.fex fi } function img_to_programmer() { local out_img=$1 local in_img=$2 if [ "x${PACK_SIG}" = "xprev_refurbish" -o "x${PACK_SIG}" = "xsecure" ]; then programmer_img toc0.fex toc1.fex ${out_img} > /dev/null else programmer_img boot0_sdcard.fex boot_package.fex ${out_img} > /dev/null fi #create_img toc0.fex toc1.fex programmer_img sys_partition.bin sunxi_mbr.fex ${out_img} ${in_img} > /dev/null } function do_finish() { # Yeah, it should contain all files into full_img.fex for spinor # Because, as usually, spinor image size is very small. # If fail to create full_img.fex, we should fake it empty. # WTF, it is so ugly!!! It must be sunxi_mbr.fex & sys_partition.bin, # not sunxi_mbr_xxx.fex & sys_partition_xxx.bin. In order to advoid this # loathsome thing, we need to backup & copy files. Check whether # sys_partition_nor.bin is exist, and create sunxi_mbr.fex for Nor. if [ -f sys_partition_nor.bin ]; then update_mbr sys_partition_nor.bin 1 sunxi_mbr_nor.fex if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then pack_error "update_mbr failed" exit 1 fi #only uboot2011&linux-3.4 bsp used full img if [ "x${PACK_KERN}" = "xlinux-3.4" ] ; then BOOT1_FILE=u-boot-spinor.fex LOGIC_START=496 #496+16=512K merge_full_img --out full_img.fex \ --boot0 boot0_spinor.fex \ --boot1 ${BOOT1_FILE} \ --mbr sunxi_mbr_nor.fex \ --logic_start ${LOGIC_START} \ --partition sys_partition_nor.bin if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then pack_error "merge_full_img failed" exit 1 fi rm -f sys_partition_for_dragon.fex else #the img for Phoenixsuit/Livesuit do not need full_img #but we need to make one for flash programmer BOOT1_FILE=boot_package_nor.fex LOGIC_START=496 #496+16=512K merge_full_img --out full_img.fex \ --boot0 boot0_spinor.fex \ --boot1 ${BOOT1_FILE} \ --mbr sunxi_mbr_nor.fex \ --logic_start ${LOGIC_START} \ --partition sys_partition_nor.bin if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then pack_error "merge_full_img failed" exit 1 fi cp sys_partition_nor.fex sys_partition_for_dragon.fex fi cp sys_partition_nor.fex sys_partition.fex else if [ "x${PACK_KERN}" = "xlinux-3.4" -a ! -f full_img.fex ] ; then echo "full_img.fex is empty" > full_img.fex fi update_mbr sys_partition.bin 4 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then pack_error "update_mbr failed" exit 1 fi cp sys_partition.fex sys_partition_for_dragon.fex fi if [ -f sys_partition_for_dragon.fex ]; then do_dragon image.cfg sys_partition_for_dragon.fex else do_dragon image.cfg fi if [ "x${PACK_PROGRAMMER}" = "xprogrammer" ]; then echo "waiting to ceate programmer img..." img_to_programmer ${IMG_PROGRAMMER_NAME} ../${IMG_NAME} if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then if [ -e ${IMG_PROGRAMMER_NAME} ]; then mv ${IMG_PROGRAMMER_NAME} ../${IMG_PROGRAMMER_NAME} echo '----------programmer image is at----------' echo -e '\033[0;31;1m' echo ${ROOT_DIR}/${IMG_PROGRAMMER_NAME} echo -e '\033[0m' fi fi fi cd .. printf "pack finish\n" } function do_dragon() { dragon $@ if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then if [ -e ${IMG_NAME} ]; then mv ${IMG_NAME} ../${IMG_NAME} echo "----------${image_instruction}----------" echo '----------image is at----------' echo -e '\033[0;31;1m' echo ${ROOT_DIR}/${IMG_NAME} echo -e '\033[0m' fi fi # you can add scripts/.hooks/post-dragon to do something after dragon # for example, you can copy img to another dir, add post-dragon like this: # # echo "==========post-dragon========" # cp ${ROOT_DIR}/${IMG_NAME} ~/myimgs/ # echo "==========post-dragon done========" # [ -e ${PACK_TOPDIR}/scripts/.hooks/post-dragon ] && source ${PACK_TOPDIR}/scripts/.hooks/post-dragon } function do_signature() { # merge flag: '1' - merge atf/scp/uboot/optee in one package, '0' - do not merge. local merge_flag=0 printf "prepare for signature by openssl\n" if [ "x${PACK_SIG}" = "xprev_refurbish" ] ; then if [ "x${ARCH}" = "xarm64" ] ; then cp -v ${PACK_TOPDIR}/target/allwinner/generic/sign_config/dragon_toc_a64_no_secureos.cfg dragon_toc.cfg else cp -v ${PACK_TOPDIR}/target/allwinner/generic/sign_config/dragon_toc_no_secureos.cfg dragon_toc.cfg fi else if [ "x${ARCH}" = "xarm64" ] ; then if [ -f ${PACK_TOPDIR}/target/allwinner/${PACK_BOARD_PLATFORM}-common/sign_config/dragon_toc_a64_package.cfg ] ; then cp -v ${PACK_TOPDIR}/target/allwinner/${PACK_BOARD_PLATFORM}-common/sign_config/dragon_toc_a64_package.cfg dragon_toc.cfg merge_flag=1 elif [ -f ${PACK_TOPDIR}/target/allwinner/${PACK_BOARD_PLATFORM}-common/sign_config/dragon_toc_a64.cfg ] ; then cp -v ${PACK_TOPDIR}/target/allwinner/${PACK_BOARD_PLATFORM}-common/sign_config/dragon_toc_a64.cfg dragon_toc.cfg else cp -v ${PACK_TOPDIR}/target/allwinner/generic/sign_config/dragon_toc_a64.cfg dragon_toc.cfg fi else if [ -f ${PACK_TOPDIR}/target/allwinner/${PACK_BOARD_PLATFORM}-common/sign_config/dragon_toc.cfg ] ; then cp -v ${PACK_TOPDIR}/target/allwinner/${PACK_BOARD_PLATFORM}-common/sign_config/dragon_toc.cfg dragon_toc.cfg else cp -v ${PACK_TOPDIR}/target/allwinner/generic/sign_config/dragon_toc.cfg dragon_toc.cfg fi fi fi if [ $? -ne 0 ] then pack_error "dragon toc config file is not exist" exit 1 fi rm -f cardscript.fex mv cardscript_secure.fex cardscript.fex if [ $? -ne 0 ] then pack_error "dragon cardscript_secure.fex file is not exist" exit 1 fi if [ x${SUFFIX} == x'' ]; then dragonsecboot -toc0 dragon_toc.cfg ${ROOT_DIR}/keys > /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ] then pack_error "dragon toc0 run error" exit 1 fi fi update_toc0 toc0.fex sys_config${SUFFIX}.bin if [ $? -ne 0 ] then pack_error "update toc0 run error" exit 1 fi if [ x${SUFFIX} == x'' ]; then if [ ${merge_flag} == 1 ]; then printf "dragon boot package\n" dragonsecboot -pack dragon_toc.cfg if [ $? -ne 0 ] then pack_error "dragon boot_package run error" exit 1 fi fi dragonsecboot -toc1 dragon_toc.cfg ${ROOT_DIR}/keys \ ${PACK_TOPDIR}/target/allwinner/generic/sign_config/cnf_base.cnf \ ${PACK_TOPDIR}/target/allwinner/generic/version/version_base.mk if [ $? -ne 0 ] then pack_error "dragon toc1 run error" exit 1 fi sigbootimg --image boot.fex --cert toc1/cert/boot.der --output boot_sig.fex if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then pack_error "Pack cert to image error" exit 1 else mv -f boot_sig.fex boot.fex fi fi update_toc1 toc1.fex sys_config${SUFFIX}.bin if [ $? -ne 0 ] then pack_error "update toc1 run error" exit 1 fi echo "secure signature ok!" } function do_pack_tina() { printf "packing for tina linux\n" rm -rf vmlinux.fex rm -rf boot.fex rm -rf rootfs.fex rm -rf kernel.fex rm -rf rootfs_squashfs.fex rm -rf usr.fex rm -rf recovery.fex #ln -s ${ROOT_DIR}/vmlinux.tar.bz2 vmlinux.fex if [ -f ${ROOT_DIR}/boot_initramfs.img ]; then ln -s ${ROOT_DIR}/boot_initramfs.img boot.fex else ln -s ${ROOT_DIR}/boot.img boot.fex fi ln -s ${ROOT_DIR}/rootfs.img rootfs.fex if [ -f ${ROOT_DIR}/usr.img ]; then ln -s ${ROOT_DIR}/usr.img usr.fex fi if [ -f ${ROOT_DIR}/boot_initramfs_recovery.img ]; then ln -s ${ROOT_DIR}/boot_initramfs_recovery.img recovery.fex else touch recovery.fex echo "recovery part not used!" > recovery.fex fi # Those files is ready for SPINor. #ln -s ${ROOT_DIR}/uImage kernel.fex #ln -s ${ROOT_DIR}/rootfs.squashfs rootfs_squashfs.fex # add for dm-verity block grep "CONFIG_USE_DM_VERITY=y" ${PACK_TOPDIR}/.config > /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then ${PACK_TOPDIR}/scripts/dm-verity-block.sh ${ROOT_DIR}/rootfs.img ${ROOT_DIR}/verity/verity_block if [ -f ${ROOT_DIR}/verity/verity_block ]; then ln -s ${ROOT_DIR}/verity/verity_block verity_block.fex fi fi if [ "x${PACK_SIG}" = "xsecure" ] ; then echo "secure" do_signature elif [ "x${PACK_SIG}" = "xprev_refurbish" ] ; then echo "prev_refurbish" do_signature else echo "normal" fi } [ -e ${PACK_TOPDIR}/scripts/.hooks/pre-pack ] && source ${PACK_TOPDIR}/scripts/.hooks/pre-pack do_early_prepare while [ $MULTI_CONFIG_INDEX -ge 0 ]; do update_suffix do_prepare do_ini_to_dts do_common let "MULTI_CONFIG_INDEX=MULTI_CONFIG_INDEX-1" done do_pack_${PACK_PLATFORM} do_finish [ -e ${PACK_TOPDIR}/scripts/.hooks/post-pack ] && source ${PACK_TOPDIR}/scripts/.hooks/post-pack