/* * Copyright (c) 2008-2016 Allwinner Technology Co. Ltd. * All rights reserved. * * File : sbm.c * Description :This is the stream buffer module. The SBM provides * methods for managing the stream data before decode. * History : * Author : xyliu * Date : 2016/04/13 * Comment : * * */ #include #include #include #include "sbm.h" //#include "secureMemoryAdapter.h" #include "log.h" #define SBM_FRAME_FIFO_SIZE (2048) //* store 2048 frames of bitstream data at maximum. typedef struct StreamBufferManagerStream { SbmInterface sbmInterface; pthread_mutex_t mutex; char* pStreamBuffer; char* pStreamBufferEnd; int nStreamBufferSize; char* pWriteAddr; int nValidDataSize; StreamFrameFifo frameFifo; SbmConfig mConfig; }SbmStream; static int lock(SbmStream *pSbm); static void unlock(SbmStream *pSbm); /* ********************************************************************** * SbmCreate * *Description: Create Stream Buffer Manager module. * *Arguments : nBufferSize the size of pStreamBuffer, to store stream info. * *Return : result * = NULL; failed; * != NULL; Sbm handler. * *Summary : nBufferSize is between 4MB and 12MB. * ********************************************************************** */ int SbmStreamInit(SbmInterface* pSelf, SbmConfig* pSbmConfig) { SbmStream *pSbm = (SbmStream*)pSelf; char *pSbmBuf; int i; int ret; if(pSbmConfig == NULL) { loge(" pSbmConfig is null"); return -1; } if(pSbmConfig->nSbmBufferTotalSize <= 0) { loge(" pSbmConfig->nBufferSize(%d) is invalid",pSbmConfig->nSbmBufferTotalSize); return -1; } memcpy(&pSbm->mConfig, pSbmConfig, sizeof(SbmConfig)); if(pSbm->mConfig.bVirFlag == 1) pSbmBuf = (char*)malloc(pSbm->mConfig.nSbmBufferTotalSize); else pSbmBuf = (char*)CdcMemPalloc(pSbm->mConfig.memops, pSbm->mConfig.nSbmBufferTotalSize, pSbm->mConfig.veOpsS, pSbm->mConfig.pVeOpsSelf); if(pSbmBuf == NULL) { loge("pSbmBuf == NULL."); return -1; } pSbm->frameFifo.pFrames = (VideoStreamDataInfo *)malloc(SBM_FRAME_FIFO_SIZE * sizeof(VideoStreamDataInfo)); if(pSbm->frameFifo.pFrames == NULL) { loge("sbm->frameFifo.pFrames == NULL."); free(pSbm); if(pSbm->mConfig.bVirFlag == 1) free(pSbmBuf); else CdcMemPfree(pSbm->mConfig.memops,pSbmBuf, pSbm->mConfig.veOpsS, pSbm->mConfig.pVeOpsSelf); return -1; } memset(pSbm->frameFifo.pFrames, 0, SBM_FRAME_FIFO_SIZE * sizeof(VideoStreamDataInfo)); for(i = 0; i < SBM_FRAME_FIFO_SIZE; i++) { pSbm->frameFifo.pFrames[i].nID = i; } ret = pthread_mutex_init(&pSbm->mutex, NULL); if(ret != 0) { loge("pthread_mutex_init failed."); free(pSbm->frameFifo.pFrames); free(pSbm); if(pSbm->mConfig.bVirFlag == 1) free(pSbmBuf); else CdcMemPfree(pSbm->mConfig.memops,pSbmBuf, pSbm->mConfig.veOpsS, pSbm->mConfig.pVeOpsSelf); return -1; } pSbm->pStreamBuffer = pSbmBuf; pSbm->pStreamBufferEnd = pSbmBuf + pSbm->mConfig.nSbmBufferTotalSize -1; pSbm->nStreamBufferSize = pSbm->mConfig.nSbmBufferTotalSize; pSbm->pWriteAddr = pSbmBuf; pSbm->nValidDataSize = 0; pSbm->frameFifo.nMaxFrameNum = SBM_FRAME_FIFO_SIZE; pSbm->frameFifo.nValidFrameNum = 0; pSbm->frameFifo.nUnReadFrameNum = 0; pSbm->frameFifo.nReadPos = 0; pSbm->frameFifo.nWritePos = 0; pSbm->frameFifo.nFlushPos = 0; return 0; } /* ********************************************************************** * SbmDestroy * *Description: Destroy Stream Buffer Manager module, free resource. * *Arguments : pSbm Created by SbmCreate function. * *Return : NULL * *Summary : * ********************************************************************** */ void SbmStreamDestroy(SbmInterface* pSelf) { SbmStream *pSbm = (SbmStream*)pSelf; if(pSbm != NULL) { pthread_mutex_destroy(&pSbm->mutex); if(pSbm->pStreamBuffer != NULL) { if(pSbm->mConfig.bVirFlag == 1) free(pSbm->pStreamBuffer); else CdcMemPfree(pSbm->mConfig.memops,pSbm->pStreamBuffer, pSbm->mConfig.veOpsS, pSbm->mConfig.pVeOpsSelf); pSbm->pStreamBuffer = NULL; } if(pSbm->frameFifo.pFrames != NULL) { free(pSbm->frameFifo.pFrames); pSbm->frameFifo.pFrames = NULL; } free(pSbm); } return; } /* ********************************************************************** * SbmReset * *Description: Reset Stream Buffer Manager module. * *Arguments : pSbm Created by SbmCreate function. * *Return : NULL * *Summary : If succeed, Stream Buffer Manager module will be resumed to initial state, * stream data will be discarded. * ********************************************************************** */ void SbmStreamReset(SbmInterface* pSelf) { SbmStream *pSbm = (SbmStream*)pSelf; if(pSbm == NULL) { loge("pSbm == NULL."); return; } if(lock(pSbm) != 0) return; pSbm->pWriteAddr = pSbm->pStreamBuffer; pSbm->nValidDataSize = 0; pSbm->frameFifo.nReadPos = 0; pSbm->frameFifo.nWritePos = 0; pSbm->frameFifo.nFlushPos = 0; pSbm->frameFifo.nValidFrameNum = 0; pSbm->frameFifo.nUnReadFrameNum = 0; unlock(pSbm); return; } /* ********************************************************************** * SbmBufferAddress * *Description: Get the base address of SBM buffer. * *Arguments : pSbm Created by SbmCreate function. * *Return : The base address of SBM buffer. * *Summary : * ********************************************************************** */ void *SbmStreamGetBufferAddress(SbmInterface* pSelf) { SbmStream *pSbm = (SbmStream*)pSelf; if(pSbm == NULL) { loge("pSbm == NULL."); return NULL; } return pSbm->pStreamBuffer; } /* ********************************************************************** * SbmBufferSize * *Description: Get the sbm buffer size. * *Arguments : pSbm Created by SbmCreate function. * *Return : The size of SBM buffer, in Bytes. * *Summary : The size is set when create SBM. * ********************************************************************** */ int SbmStreamGetBufferSize(SbmInterface* pSelf) { SbmStream *pSbm = (SbmStream*)pSelf; if(pSbm == NULL) { loge("pSbm == NULL."); return 0; } return pSbm->nStreamBufferSize; } /* ********************************************************************** * SbmStreamFrameNum * *Description: Get the total frames of undecoded stream data. * *Arguments : pSbm Created by SbmCreate function. * *Return : The frames of undecoded stream data. * *Summary : * ********************************************************************** */ int SbmStreamGetStreamFrameNum(SbmInterface* pSelf) { SbmStream *pSbm = (SbmStream*)pSelf; if(pSbm == NULL) { loge("pSbm == NULL."); return 0; } return pSbm->frameFifo.nValidFrameNum; } /* ********************************************************************** * SbmStreamDataSize * *Description: Get the total size of undecoded data. * *Arguments : pSbm Created by SbmCreate function. * *Return : The total size of undecoded stream data, in bytes. * *Summary : * ********************************************************************** */ int SbmStreamGetStreamDataSize(SbmInterface* pSelf) { SbmStream *pSbm = (SbmStream*)pSelf; if(pSbm == NULL) { loge("pSbm == NULL."); return 0; } return pSbm->nValidDataSize; } char* SbmStreamGetBufferWritePointer(SbmInterface* pSelf) { SbmStream *pSbm = (SbmStream*)pSelf; if(pSbm == NULL) { loge("pSbm == NULL."); return 0; } return pSbm->pWriteAddr; } void* SbmStreamGetBufferDataInfo(SbmInterface* pSelf) { SbmStream *pSbm = (SbmStream*)pSelf; VideoStreamDataInfo *pDataInfo; if(pSbm == NULL ) { loge("pSbm == NULL."); return NULL; } if(lock(pSbm) != 0) { return NULL; } if(pSbm->frameFifo.nUnReadFrameNum == 0) { logv("nUnReadFrameNum == 0."); unlock(pSbm); return NULL; } pDataInfo = &pSbm->frameFifo.pFrames[pSbm->frameFifo.nReadPos]; if(pDataInfo == NULL) { loge("request failed."); unlock(pSbm); return NULL; } unlock(pSbm); return pDataInfo->pVideoInfo; } /* ********************************************************************** * SbmRequestBuffer * *Description: Request buffer from sbm module. * *Arguments : pSbm Created by SbmCreate function; * nRequireSize the required size, in bytes; * ppBuf store the requested buffer address; * pBufSize store the requested buffer size. * *Return : result; * = 0; succeeded; * = -1; failed. * *Summary : SBM buffer is cyclic, if the buffer turns around, there will be 2 blocks. * ********************************************************************** */ int SbmStreamRequestBuffer(SbmInterface* pSelf, int nRequireSize, char **ppBuf, int *pBufSize) { SbmStream *pSbm = (SbmStream*)pSelf; if(pSbm == NULL || ppBuf == NULL || pBufSize == NULL) { loge("input error."); return -1; } if(lock(pSbm) != 0) return -1; if(pSbm->frameFifo.nValidFrameNum >= pSbm->frameFifo.nMaxFrameNum) { logv("nValidFrameNum >= nMaxFrameNum."); unlock(pSbm); return -1; } if(pSbm->nValidDataSize < pSbm->nStreamBufferSize) { int nFreeSize = pSbm->nStreamBufferSize - pSbm->nValidDataSize; if((nRequireSize + 64) > nFreeSize) { unlock(pSbm); return -1; } *ppBuf = pSbm->pWriteAddr; *pBufSize = nRequireSize; unlock(pSbm); return 0; } else { loge("no free buffer."); unlock(pSbm); return -1; } } /* ********************************************************************** * SbmAddStream * *Description: Add one frame stream to sbm module. * *Arguments : pSbm Created by SbmCreate function; * pDataInfo the stream info need to be added. * *Return : result; * = 0; succeeded; * = -1; failed. * *Summary : pDataInfo should contain Complete frame, bIsFirstPart=bIsLastPart=1. * ********************************************************************** */ int SbmStreamAddStream(SbmInterface* pSelf, VideoStreamDataInfo *pDataInfo) { SbmStream *pSbm = (SbmStream*)pSelf; int nWritePos; char *pNewWriteAddr; if(pSbm == NULL || pDataInfo == NULL) { loge("input error."); return -1; } if(lock(pSbm) != 0) return -1; if(pDataInfo->pData == 0) { loge("data buffer is NULL.\n"); unlock(pSbm); return -1; } if(pSbm->frameFifo.nValidFrameNum >= pSbm->frameFifo.nMaxFrameNum) { loge("nValidFrameNum > nMaxFrameNum."); unlock(pSbm); return -1; } if(pDataInfo->nLength + pSbm->nValidDataSize > pSbm->nStreamBufferSize) { loge("no free buffer."); unlock(pSbm); return -1; } if(pDataInfo->bValid == 0) { pDataInfo->bValid = 1; } nWritePos = pSbm->frameFifo.nWritePos; memcpy(&pSbm->frameFifo.pFrames[nWritePos], pDataInfo, sizeof(VideoStreamDataInfo)); nWritePos++; if(nWritePos >= pSbm->frameFifo.nMaxFrameNum) { nWritePos = 0; } pSbm->frameFifo.nWritePos = nWritePos; pSbm->frameFifo.nValidFrameNum++; pSbm->frameFifo.nUnReadFrameNum++; pSbm->nValidDataSize += pDataInfo->nLength; pNewWriteAddr = pSbm->pWriteAddr + pDataInfo->nLength; if(pNewWriteAddr > pSbm->pStreamBufferEnd) { pNewWriteAddr -= pSbm->nStreamBufferSize; } pSbm->pWriteAddr = pNewWriteAddr; unlock(pSbm); return 0; } /* ********************************************************************** * SbmRequestStream * *Description: Request one frame stream data from sbm module to decoder. * *Arguments : pSbm Created by SbmCreate function; * *Return : The stream infomation. * *Summary : The stream data obeys FIFO rule. * ********************************************************************** */ VideoStreamDataInfo *SbmStreamRequestStream(SbmInterface* pSelf) { SbmStream *pSbm = (SbmStream*)pSelf; VideoStreamDataInfo *pDataInfo; if(pSbm == NULL ) { loge("pSbm == NULL."); return NULL; } if(lock(pSbm) != 0) { return NULL; } if(pSbm->frameFifo.nUnReadFrameNum == 0) { logv("nUnReadFrameNum == 0."); unlock(pSbm); return NULL; } pDataInfo = &pSbm->frameFifo.pFrames[pSbm->frameFifo.nReadPos]; if(pDataInfo == NULL) { loge("request failed."); unlock(pSbm); return NULL; } pSbm->frameFifo.nReadPos++; pSbm->frameFifo.nUnReadFrameNum--; if(pSbm->frameFifo.nReadPos >= pSbm->frameFifo.nMaxFrameNum) { pSbm->frameFifo.nReadPos = 0; } unlock(pSbm); return pDataInfo; } /* ********************************************************************** * SbmReturnStream * *Description: Return one undecoded frame to sbm module. * *Arguments : pSbm Created by SbmCreate function; * pDataInfo the stream info need to be returned. * *Return : result; * = 0; succeeded; * = -1; failed. * *Summary : After returned, the stream data's sequence is the same as before. * ********************************************************************** */ int SbmStreamReturnStream(SbmInterface* pSelf, VideoStreamDataInfo *pDataInfo) { SbmStream *pSbm = (SbmStream*)pSelf; int nReadPos; if(pSbm == NULL || pDataInfo == NULL) { loge("input error."); return -1; } if(lock(pSbm) != 0) { return -1; } if(pSbm->frameFifo.nValidFrameNum == 0) { loge("nValidFrameNum == 0."); unlock(pSbm); return -1; } nReadPos = pSbm->frameFifo.nReadPos; nReadPos--; if(nReadPos < 0) { nReadPos = pSbm->frameFifo.nMaxFrameNum - 1; } pSbm->frameFifo.nUnReadFrameNum++; if(pDataInfo != &pSbm->frameFifo.pFrames[nReadPos]) { loge("wrong frame sequence."); abort(); } pSbm->frameFifo.pFrames[nReadPos] = *pDataInfo; pSbm->frameFifo.nReadPos = nReadPos; unlock(pSbm); return 0; } /* ********************************************************************** * SbmFlushStream * *Description: Flush one frame which is requested from SBM. * *Arguments : pSbm Created by SbmCreate function; * pDataInfo the stream info need to be flushed. * *Return : result; * = 0; succeeded; * = -1; failed. * *Summary : After flushed, the buffer can be used to store new stream. * ********************************************************************** */ int SbmStreamFlushStream(SbmInterface* pSelf, VideoStreamDataInfo *pDataInfo) { SbmStream *pSbm = (SbmStream*)pSelf; int nFlushPos; if(pSbm == NULL) { loge("pSbm == NULL."); return -1; } if(lock(pSbm) != 0) { return -1; } if(pSbm->frameFifo.nValidFrameNum == 0) { loge("no valid frame."); unlock(pSbm); return -1; } nFlushPos = pSbm->frameFifo.nFlushPos; if(pDataInfo != &pSbm->frameFifo.pFrames[nFlushPos]) { loge("not current nFlushPos."); unlock(pSbm); abort(); return -1; } nFlushPos++; if(nFlushPos >= pSbm->frameFifo.nMaxFrameNum) { nFlushPos = 0; } pSbm->frameFifo.nValidFrameNum--; pSbm->nValidDataSize -= pDataInfo->nLength; pSbm->frameFifo.nFlushPos = nFlushPos; //* unlock(pSbm); return 0; } static int SbmStreamSetEos(SbmInterface* pSelf, int nEosFlag) { CEDARC_UNUSE(pSelf); CEDARC_UNUSE(nEosFlag); return 0; } static int lock(SbmStream *pSbm) { if(pthread_mutex_lock(&pSbm->mutex) != 0) return -1; return 0; } static void unlock(SbmStream *pSbm) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&pSbm->mutex); return; } SbmInterface* GetSbmInterfaceStream() { logd("******* sbm-type: Stream*******"); SbmStream* pSbmStream = NULL; pSbmStream = (SbmStream*)malloc(sizeof(SbmStream)); if(pSbmStream == NULL) { loge("malloc for sbm stream struct failed"); return NULL; } memset(pSbmStream, 0, sizeof(SbmStream)); pSbmStream->sbmInterface.init = SbmStreamInit; pSbmStream->sbmInterface.destroy = SbmStreamDestroy; pSbmStream->sbmInterface.reset = SbmStreamReset; pSbmStream->sbmInterface.getBufferSize = SbmStreamGetBufferSize; pSbmStream->sbmInterface.getStreamDataSize = SbmStreamGetStreamDataSize; pSbmStream->sbmInterface.getStreamFrameNum = SbmStreamGetStreamFrameNum; pSbmStream->sbmInterface.getBufferAddress = SbmStreamGetBufferAddress; pSbmStream->sbmInterface.getBufferWritePointer = SbmStreamGetBufferWritePointer; pSbmStream->sbmInterface.getBufferDataInfo = SbmStreamGetBufferDataInfo; pSbmStream->sbmInterface.requestBuffer = SbmStreamRequestBuffer; pSbmStream->sbmInterface.addStream = SbmStreamAddStream; pSbmStream->sbmInterface.requestStream = SbmStreamRequestStream; pSbmStream->sbmInterface.returnStream = SbmStreamReturnStream; pSbmStream->sbmInterface.flushStream = SbmStreamFlushStream; pSbmStream->sbmInterface.setEos = SbmStreamSetEos; pSbmStream->sbmInterface.nType = SBM_TYPE_STREAM; pSbmStream->sbmInterface.bUseNewVeMemoryProgram = 0; return &pSbmStream->sbmInterface; }