#define TAG "wifi" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define PIPE_RET_SIZE 1024 #define WIFI_STATE_JS_KEY "wifi_state" #define WIFI_STATE_RSSI_JS_KEY "wifi_rssi" #define WIFI_STATE_SSID_JS_KEY "wifi_ssid" #define WIFI_STATE_MAC_JS_KEY "wifi_mac" #define WIFI_STATE_EVT_JS_KEY "wifi_evt" #define RES_CODDE_STR "resCode" #define SSID_JS_KEY "ssid" #define PASSWD_JS_KEY "pwd" #define PASSWD_ACCOUNT "account" #define WLAN_CONFIG_CMD_STR "iwconfig" #define WLAN_RSSI_STR_RRE "Signal level=" #define WLAN_BSSID_STR_RRE "Access Point: " #define WLAN_ESSID_STR_RRE "ESSID:\"" #define WIFI_CONF_EVT_TAG 0xf000 #define WIFI_AUTO_EVT_TAG 0xf100 #define WIFI_CHANGE_AP_EVT_TAG 0xf200 static pthread_t app_scan_tid; /* TO BE FIXED */ //extern pthread_mutex_t ctrl_mutex; #define APP_WIFI_SUCCES 0 #define APP_WIFI_NULL -1 #define APP_WIFI_OVER -2 #define APP_WIFI_JSON_INVALID -3 #define RSSI_INVALID_NUM (-9999) typedef enum { WIFI_STATE_KEY_STATE =0, WIFI_STATE_KEY_RSSI, WIFI_STATE_KEY_SSID, WIFI_STATE_KEY_MAC, WIFI_STATE_KEY_CNT, }sWifiStateKeysEnum; typedef enum { WIFI_EVT_KEY_EVT =0, WIFI_EVT_KEY_RSSI, WIFI_EVT_KEY_SSID, WIFI_EVT_KEY_MAC, WIFI_EVT_KEY_CNT, }sWifiEvtKeysEnum; typedef enum { APP_WIFI_CFG_SUCCESS =0, APP_WIFI_CFG_SYS_ERR = 0xf001, APP_WIFI_CFG_FMT_INVALID, APP_WIFI_CFG_JSON_INVALID, APP_WIFI_CFG_PARAMS_ERR, APP_WIFI_CFG_SSID_NO_EXIT, APP_WIFI_CFG_PWD_INVALID, APP_WIFI_CFG_BUSY, APP_WIFI_CFG_TIMEOUT, APP_WIFI_CFG_WIFI_MD_ERR, APP_WIFI_CFG_CODEC_ERR, APP_WIFI_CFG_OTHER, APP_WIFI_CFG_SYS_CFG_BUSY, APP_WIFI_CFG_SERVER_ERR, APP_WIFI_CFG_STATE_INVALID, }app_wifi_cfg_code_edef; typedef enum { APP_WIFI_AUTO_SET_SUCCESS, APP_WIFI_AUTO_SET_BUSY, APP_WIFI_AUTO_BT_CONF_COLLISION, APP_WIFI_AUTO_OTHER_INVALID, }app_wifi_auto_resp_code_edef; typedef enum { APP_WIFI_EVT_NTF_CONNECTED =0, APP_WIFI_EVT_NTF_DISCONNECT, APP_WIFI_EVT_NTF_CONNECTING, APP_WIFI_EVT_NTF_MAX, }app_wifi_state_notify_edef; int api_wifi_state_notify(int state); static char * wifiStateKeys[WIFI_STATE_KEY_CNT] ={WIFI_STATE_JS_KEY,WIFI_STATE_RSSI_JS_KEY,WIFI_STATE_SSID_JS_KEY,WIFI_STATE_MAC_JS_KEY}; static char * wifiEvtKeys[WIFI_STATE_KEY_CNT] ={WIFI_STATE_EVT_JS_KEY,WIFI_STATE_RSSI_JS_KEY,WIFI_STATE_SSID_JS_KEY,WIFI_STATE_MAC_JS_KEY}; std::string VectorStrCompose(std::vector recVec) { std::string ret; if(0 == recVec.size()) return ""; for(auto str = recVec.begin(); str !=recVec.end();str++) { ret+= *str; } return ret; } int pipeExcute(const char * cmd,std::vector & recVec ) { if(NULL == cmd) return -1; recVec.clear(); FILE * pPipe = popen(cmd, "r"); LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "INFO: cmd is %s\r\n",cmd); if (NULL==pPipe) { return -1; } char ret[PIPE_RET_SIZE]; memset(ret,0x00,PIPE_RET_SIZE); while (fgets(ret, sizeof(ret), pPipe) != NULL) { recVec.push_back(ret); } if(0 != pclose(pPipe)) { recVec.push_back(strerror(errno)); if(0 != errno) { LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "ERROR: pipe close error = %d\r\n",errno); } } LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "info: cmd excute complete\r\n"); return 0; } int get_connected_ap_info(int *rssi, std::string &ssid, std::string &mac) { std::string shellCmd = WLAN_CONFIG_CMD_STR; std::vector vectorRes; int status =0; std::string out; if (rssi == NULL) return -1; status =pipeExcute(shellCmd.c_str(),vectorRes); if(0 == status) { out = VectorStrCompose(vectorRes); LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "info:cmd is %s, res is \r\n %s \r\n",shellCmd.c_str(),out.c_str()); std::size_t pos = out.find(WLAN_RSSI_STR_RRE); if(pos == std::string::npos) { LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "warn: no rssi\r\n"); *rssi = RSSI_INVALID_NUM; }else { std::string rssiStr = out.substr(pos+strlen(WLAN_RSSI_STR_RRE),4); LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "---info: rssiStr is %s\r\n",rssiStr.c_str()); *rssi = std::stoi(rssiStr); } pos = out.find(WLAN_BSSID_STR_RRE); if(pos == std::string::npos) { LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "warn: no bssid\r\n"); mac = ""; }else { mac = out.substr(pos+strlen(WLAN_BSSID_STR_RRE),17); LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "---info: macStr is %s\r\n", mac.c_str()); } pos = out.find(WLAN_ESSID_STR_RRE); if(pos == std::string::npos) { LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "warn: no essid\r\n"); ssid = ""; }else { std::string ssidStr = out.substr(pos+strlen(WLAN_ESSID_STR_RRE)); std::size_t pos_end = ssidStr.find("\n"); ssid = ssidStr.substr(0,pos_end-3); LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "---info: essidStr is %s\r\n", ssid.c_str()); } }else { LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "error: pipe excute error\r\n"); return -1; } return 0; } #if 0 void *app_scan_task(void *args) { const aw_wifi_interface_t *p_wifi = (aw_wifi_interface_t *)args; char scan_results[4096]; int len = 0; int event_label = 0; while(1){ event_label++; p_wifi->start_scan(event_label); len = 4096; p_wifi->get_scan_results(scan_results, &len); } } #endif /* *argc[1] ap ssid *argc[2] ap passwd */ DBusConnection *pBus; static const char* g_pDBusInterfaceName = NULL; static uv_timer_t timerCurPosMsg; int api_wifi_module_cmd_send(int mask, uint32_t cmd, const char* pContext) { int status =0; status = DBusBoardcastCommand(NULL, mask, cmd, pContext); if(0 != status ) { LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "nevsps send module cmd err is %d\r\n",status); } return status; } char * api_wifi_res_json_get(int res) { cJSON* pRoot = NULL; char * p=NULL; pRoot=cJSON_CreateObject(); if(NULL == pRoot) return NULL; cJSON_AddNumberToObject(pRoot,RES_CODDE_STR,res); p = cJSON_Print(pRoot); if(NULL == p) { cJSON_Delete(pRoot); return NULL; } cJSON_Delete(pRoot); return p; } char * api_wifi_state_json_get(char * p_key,int res) { cJSON* pRoot = NULL; char * p=NULL; pRoot=cJSON_CreateObject(); if(NULL == pRoot) return NULL; cJSON_AddNumberToObject(pRoot,p_key,res); p = cJSON_Print(pRoot); if(NULL == p) { cJSON_Delete(pRoot); return NULL; } cJSON_Delete(pRoot); return p; } char * api_wifi_state_json_get(int state, int rssi, std::string ssid, std::string mac) { cJSON* pRoot = NULL; char * p=NULL; pRoot=cJSON_CreateObject(); if(NULL == pRoot) return NULL; cJSON_AddNumberToObject(pRoot,wifiStateKeys[WIFI_STATE_KEY_STATE],state); cJSON_AddNumberToObject(pRoot,wifiStateKeys[WIFI_STATE_KEY_RSSI],rssi); cJSON_AddStringToObject(pRoot,wifiStateKeys[WIFI_STATE_KEY_SSID],ssid.c_str()); cJSON_AddStringToObject(pRoot,wifiStateKeys[WIFI_STATE_KEY_MAC],mac.c_str()); p = cJSON_Print(pRoot); if(NULL == p) { cJSON_Delete(pRoot); return NULL; } cJSON_Delete(pRoot); return p; } char * api_wifi_evt_json_get(int state, int rssi, std::string ssid, std::string mac) { cJSON* pRoot = NULL; char * p=NULL; pRoot=cJSON_CreateObject(); if(NULL == pRoot) return NULL; cJSON_AddNumberToObject(pRoot,wifiEvtKeys[WIFI_EVT_KEY_EVT],state); cJSON_AddNumberToObject(pRoot,wifiEvtKeys[WIFI_EVT_KEY_RSSI],rssi); cJSON_AddStringToObject(pRoot,wifiEvtKeys[WIFI_EVT_KEY_SSID],ssid.c_str()); cJSON_AddStringToObject(pRoot,wifiEvtKeys[WIFI_EVT_KEY_MAC],mac.c_str()); p = cJSON_Print(pRoot); if(NULL == p) { cJSON_Delete(pRoot); return NULL; } cJSON_Delete(pRoot); return p; } int api_wifi_state_notify(int state) { char * pStateJson = NULL; int status = 0; pStateJson = api_wifi_state_json_get(WIFI_STATE_EVT_JS_KEY,state); if(NULL != pStateJson) { //status = api_wifi_module_cmd_send((1<StaEvt.event, w->StaEvt.state); switch(w->StaEvt.state) { case CONNECTING: { LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "Connecting to the network......\n"); break; } case CONNECTED: { LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "Connected to the AP\n"); start_udhcpc(); break; } case OBTAINING_IP: { LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "Getting ip address......\n"); break; } case NETWORK_CONNECTED: { LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "Successful network connection\n"); get_connected_ap_info(&rssi, ssid, mac); if( 0 != api_wifi_state_notify(APP_WIFI_EVT_NTF_CONNECTED, rssi, ssid, mac)) { LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "Notify the wifi state error!!\r\n"); } break; } case DISCONNECTED: { LOG_EX(LOG_Error, "Disconnected,the reason:%s\n",wmg_event_txt(w->StaEvt.event)); system("ifconfig wlan0"); if(0 != api_wifi_state_notify(APP_WIFI_EVT_NTF_DISCONNECT, RSSI_INVALID_NUM, ssid, mac)) { LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "Notify the wifi state error!!\r\n"); } break; } } } /*static void wifi_event_handle(tWIFI_EVENT wifi_event, void *buf, int event_label) { int rssi = 0; std::string ssid = ""; std::string mac = ""; LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "app_wifi_manager event_label 0x%x,event 0x%x\n", event_label,wifi_event); switch(wifi_event) { case WIFIMG_WIFI_ON_SUCCESS: { LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "++++++WiFi on success!\n"); event = WIFIMG_WIFI_ON_SUCCESS; break; } case WIFIMG_WIFI_ON_FAILED: { LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "++++++WiFi on failed!\n"); event = WIFIMG_WIFI_ON_FAILED; break; } case WIFIMG_WIFI_OFF_FAILED: { LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "++++++wifi off failed!\n"); event = WIFIMG_WIFI_OFF_FAILED; break; } case WIFIMG_WIFI_OFF_SUCCESS: { LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "+++++wifi off success!\n"); event = WIFIMG_WIFI_OFF_SUCCESS; break; } case WIFIMG_NETWORK_CONNECTED: { LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "++++++WiFi connected ap!\n"); event = WIFIMG_NETWORK_CONNECTED; get_connected_ap_info(&rssi, ssid, mac); if( 0 != api_wifi_state_notify(APP_WIFI_EVT_NTF_CONNECTED, rssi, ssid, mac)) { LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "Notify the wifi state error!!\r\n"); } break; } case WIFIMG_NETWORK_DISCONNECTED: { LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "++++++WiFi disconnected!\n"); event = WIFIMG_NETWORK_DISCONNECTED; system("ifconfig wlan0"); if(0 != api_wifi_state_notify(APP_WIFI_EVT_NTF_DISCONNECT, RSSI_INVALID_NUM, ssid, mac)) { LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "Notify the wifi state error!!\r\n"); } break; } case WIFIMG_PASSWORD_FAILED: { //if(1== ret_flag) break; LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "++++++Password authentication failed!\n"); event = WIFIMG_PASSWORD_FAILED; ret_flag =1; break; } case WIFIMG_CONNECT_TIMEOUT: { //if(1== ret_flag) break; LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "++++++Connected timeout!\n"); event = WIFIMG_CONNECT_TIMEOUT; ret_flag =1; break; } case WIFIMG_NO_NETWORK_CONNECTING: { LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "++++++It has no wifi auto connect when wifi on!\n"); event = WIFIMG_NO_NETWORK_CONNECTING; break; } case WIFIMG_CMD_OR_PARAMS_ERROR: { //if(1== ret_flag) break; LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "+++++cmd or params error!\n"); event = WIFIMG_CMD_OR_PARAMS_ERROR; ret_flag =1; break; } case WIFIMG_KEY_MGMT_NOT_SUPPORT: { //if(1== ret_flag) break; LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "++++++key mgmt is not supported!\n"); event = WIFIMG_KEY_MGMT_NOT_SUPPORT; ret_flag =1; break; } case WIFIMG_OPT_NO_USE_EVENT: { LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "++++++operation no use!\n"); event = WIFIMG_OPT_NO_USE_EVENT; break; } case WIFIMG_NETWORK_NOT_EXIST: { //if(1== ret_flag) break; LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "++++++network not exist!\n"); event = WIFIMG_NETWORK_NOT_EXIST; ret_flag =1; break; } case WIFIMG_DEV_BUSING_EVENT: { LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "+++++wifi device busing!\n"); event = WIFIMG_DEV_BUSING_EVENT; break; } default: { LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "+++++Other event, no care!\n"); } } }*/ int api_wifi_get_cfg_value(char * p_txt,char** pp_ssid,char** pp_pswd) { cJSON * p_root =NULL; cJSON *p_sd_item = NULL; cJSON *p_ps_item = NULL; p_root=cJSON_Parse(p_txt); if(NULL == p_root) { return APP_WIFI_JSON_INVALID; } p_sd_item = cJSON_GetObjectItem(p_root,SSID_JS_KEY); if(NULL == p_sd_item) { cJSON_Delete(p_root); return APP_WIFI_NULL; } *pp_ssid= cJSON_Print(p_sd_item); if(NULL == *pp_ssid) { cJSON_Delete(p_root); return APP_WIFI_NULL; } p_ps_item = cJSON_GetObjectItem(p_root,PASSWD_JS_KEY); if(NULL == p_ps_item) { cJSON_Delete(p_root); return APP_WIFI_NULL; } *pp_pswd = cJSON_Print(p_ps_item); if(NULL == *pp_pswd) { cJSON_Delete(p_root); return APP_WIFI_NULL; } cJSON_Delete(p_root); return 0; } void DBusOnKeyEvent(uint16_t uType, uint16_t uKey, int32_t iValue){ } int api_wifi_get_str_raw(char **p_str_brace) { int size =0; char * p_ret = NULL; if(NULL == *p_str_brace) return APP_WIFI_NULL; size = strlen(*p_str_brace); p_ret= (char *)malloc(size); if(NULL == p_ret) { return APP_WIFI_NULL; } memset(p_ret,0x00,size); memcpy(p_ret,(*p_str_brace+1),size -2); free(*p_str_brace); *p_str_brace = p_ret; return 0; } #define WIFI_INFO_BASE64 1 PDBUS_MSG_PACK DBusOnMessage(uv_loop_t *pLoop, DBusConnection *pConn, PDBUS_MSG_PACK pMsg) { int event_label = 0;; static const aw_wifi_interface_t *p_wifi_interface = NULL; static int wifi_off_mode = 0; //cJSON * root = NULL; int status =0; uint8_t * pResJson = NULL; uint8_t * pStateJson = NULL; char * p_ssid =NULL; char * p_passwd = NULL; #if WIFI_INFO_BASE64 char * pBaseSsid = NULL; char * pBasePwd = NULL; int ssidSize =0; int pwdSize =0; #endif int rsp_code =APP_WIFI_CFG_SUCCESS; int audo_code =0; static int busy_conf =0; static int busy_auto =0; int mask =0; static int wifi_connet_cnt =0; enum wmgEvent wmg_event; LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "GetDbusCmd:0x%x\r\n",pMsg->busCmd); if (!pMsg || !pLoop || !pConn) { return NULL; } switch (pMsg->busCmd) { case CMD_WIFI_CONF: LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "====================Get cmd CMD_WIFI_CONF==========================\r\n"); LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "wifi module get cfg msg is %s\r\n",pMsg->pMsg); if(0 == busy_conf || 1 == wifi_off_mode) { busy_conf =1; status = api_wifi_get_cfg_value(pMsg->pMsg,&p_ssid,&p_passwd); if(APP_WIFI_JSON_INVALID == status) { rsp_code = APP_WIFI_CFG_JSON_INVALID; }else if(APP_WIFI_NULL == status) { rsp_code = APP_WIFI_CFG_FMT_INVALID; } if(APP_WIFI_CFG_SUCCESS== rsp_code) { LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "+++++++Now wifi config cnt is %d\r\n",++wifi_connet_cnt); LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "ssid is %s,pd is %s\r\n",p_ssid,p_passwd); status = api_wifi_get_str_raw(&p_ssid); if(0 != status) { LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "ERROR:get ssid str raw err"); goto END_DO; } status = api_wifi_get_str_raw(&p_passwd); if(0 != status) { LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "get passwd str raw err"); goto END_DO; } #if WIFI_INFO_BASE64 pBaseSsid = (char *)EvpBase64DecodeNoAlignV2((const char *)p_ssid, &ssidSize); if(0 == ssidSize || NULL == pBaseSsid) { LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "ERROR: ssid base64 error\r\n"); goto END_DO; } pBasePwd = (char *)EvpBase64DecodeNoAlignV2((const char *)p_passwd, &pwdSize); LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "INFO:pBasePwd is %d, pwdSize is %d\r\n",pBasePwd,pwdSize); if(0 == pwdSize && NULL == pBasePwd) { LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "warm: pswd null!!!\r\n"); } free(p_ssid); p_ssid = NULL; free(p_passwd); p_passwd = NULL; p_ssid = pBaseSsid; p_passwd = pBasePwd; pBasePwd = NULL; pBaseSsid = NULL; #endif LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "New ssid is %s,new pd is %s\r\n",p_ssid,p_passwd); event_label = WIFI_CONF_EVT_TAG; if(NULL == p_wifi_interface) { p_wifi_interface = aw_wifi_on(wifi_state_handle, event_label); if(p_wifi_interface == NULL){ LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "wifi on failed event 0x%x\n", aw_wifi_get_wifi_event()); goto END_DO; } } if(NETWORK_CONNECTED == aw_wifi_get_wifi_state()) { status = p_wifi_interface->disconnect_ap(event_label); if(0 != status) { LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "ERROR:wifi disconnect event 0x%x\n", aw_wifi_get_wifi_event()); goto END_DO; }else { LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "Disconnect the wifi connected ap\r\n"); } } event_label++; LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "INFO: ---- Now connecting ap\r\n"); status = p_wifi_interface->connect_ap(p_ssid,p_passwd, event_label); while(aw_wifi_get_wifi_state() == CONNECTING || aw_wifi_get_wifi_state() == OBTAINING_IP){ LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "wifi state busing,waiting\n"); usleep(400000); } } wmg_event = aw_wifi_get_wifi_event(); LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "wifi module final event 0x%x.\r\n", wmg_event_txt(wmg_event)); if(aw_wifi_get_wifi_state() == NETWORK_CONNECTED) { rsp_code = APP_WIFI_CFG_SUCCESS; } else { switch(wmg_event) { case WSE_DEV_BUSING: rsp_code = APP_WIFI_CFG_BUSY; break; case WSE_CMD_OR_PARAMS_ERROR: rsp_code = APP_WIFI_CFG_PARAMS_ERR; break; case WSE_KEYMT_NO_SUPPORT: rsp_code = APP_WIFI_CFG_CODEC_ERR; break; case WSE_NETWORK_NOT_EXIST: rsp_code = APP_WIFI_CFG_SSID_NO_EXIT; break; case WSE_PASSWORD_INCORRECT: rsp_code = APP_WIFI_CFG_PWD_INVALID; break; case WSE_CONNECTED_TIMEOUT: case WSE_OBTAINED_IP_TIMEOUT: rsp_code = APP_WIFI_CFG_TIMEOUT; break; default: rsp_code = APP_WIFI_CFG_OTHER; break; } } busy_conf =0; }else { rsp_code = APP_WIFI_CFG_SYS_CFG_BUSY; LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "wifi module cfg busy!!!!\r\n"); } LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "wifi module CMD_WIFI_CONF rsp_code 0x%x.\r\n", rsp_code); pResJson = (uint8_t *)api_wifi_res_json_get(rsp_code); if(NULL != pResJson) { if(0 == rsp_code)mask = 1<enable_all_network(); if(0 != status) { LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "wifi on failed event 0x%x\n", event); busy_auto =0; break; } #endif if(CONNECTED == aw_wifi_get_wifi_state()) status = p_wifi_interface->disconnect_ap(event_label); } if(CONNECTED != aw_wifi_get_wifi_state()) { while(aw_wifi_get_wifi_state() == CONNECTING || aw_wifi_get_wifi_state() == OBTAINING_IP){ LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "wifi state busing,waiting\n"); usleep(2000000); } status = p_wifi_interface->connect_ap_auto(event_label); while(aw_wifi_get_wifi_state() == CONNECTING || aw_wifi_get_wifi_state() == OBTAINING_IP) { LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "wifi state busing,waiting\n"); usleep(2000000); } if(NETWORK_CONNECTED !=aw_wifi_get_wifi_state() ) { std::string ssid = ""; std::string mac = ""; if(0 != api_wifi_state_notify(APP_WIFI_EVT_NTF_CONNECTING, RSSI_INVALID_NUM, ssid, mac)) { LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "Notify the wifi state error!!\r\n"); } } } else { int rssi = 0; std::string ssid = ""; std::string mac = ""; get_connected_ap_info(&rssi, ssid, mac); if(0 != api_wifi_state_notify(APP_WIFI_EVT_NTF_CONNECTED, rssi, ssid, mac)) { LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "Notify the wifi state error!!\r\n"); } } busy_auto =0; status = api_wifi_module_cmd_send((1<change_ap(event_label); while(aw_wifi_get_wifi_state() == CONNECTING || aw_wifi_get_wifi_state() == OBTAINING_IP) { LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "wifi state busing,waiting\n"); usleep(2000000); } status = api_wifi_module_cmd_send((1<disconnect_ap(event_label); if(0 != status) { LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "ERROR:wifi disconnect event 0x%x L%d\n", aw_wifi_get_wifi_event(), __LINE__); } else { LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "Disconnect the wifi connected ap L%d \r\n", __LINE__); } } status = p_wifi_interface->remove_all_networks(); if(0 != status) { LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "ERROR:remove_all_networks event 0x%x L%d\n", aw_wifi_get_wifi_event(), __LINE__); } else { LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "remove_all_networks L%d \r\n", __LINE__); } break; case CMD_WIFI_ON: status = APP_WIFI_CFG_SUCCESS; if (wifi_off_mode == 0) { LOG_EX(LOG_Error, "Wifi interface already on, turn on wifi failed!\n"); status = APP_WIFI_CFG_SYS_ERR; } else { p_wifi_interface = aw_wifi_on(wifi_state_handle, WIFI_CONF_EVT_TAG); if(p_wifi_interface == NULL){ LOG_EX(LOG_Error, "Turn on wifi failed!\n"); status = APP_WIFI_CFG_SYS_ERR; } else { wifi_off_mode = 0; LOG_EX(LOG_Error, "Turn on wifi succeed!\n"); } } pResJson = (uint8_t *)api_wifi_res_json_get(status); if(NULL != pResJson) { status = api_wifi_module_cmd_send((1<disconnect_ap(WIFI_CONF_EVT_TAG); if(0 != status) { LOG_EX(LOG_Error, "ERROR:wifi disconnect event 0x%x\n", aw_wifi_get_wifi_event()); status = APP_WIFI_CFG_SYS_ERR; }else { LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "Disconnect the wifi connected ap\r\n"); status = APP_WIFI_CFG_SUCCESS; } } /* turn off wifi */ status = aw_wifi_off(p_wifi_interface); if(status < 0) { LOG_EX(LOG_Error, "Turn off wifi failed!\n"); status = APP_WIFI_CFG_SYS_ERR; } else { LOG_EX(LOG_Error, "Turn off wifi succeed!\n"); wifi_off_mode = 1; p_wifi_interface = NULL; status = APP_WIFI_CFG_SUCCESS; } } pResJson = (uint8_t *)api_wifi_res_json_get(status); if(NULL != pResJson) { status = api_wifi_module_cmd_send((1<busCmd, pMsg->pMsg); break; #endif default: break; } return NULL; } static void DBusMsgHandleLoop(void* param){ while(1) { PDBUS_MSG_PACK pMsg = DBusGetMessage(); PLIBUV_DBUS_PARAMS pInfo = DBusLibuvGetRuntime(); if(pMsg && pInfo) DBusOnMessage(pInfo->pLoop, pInfo->pBus, pMsg); if(pMsg) DBusMsgCleanup(pMsg); usleep(100); } return; } int main(int argv, char *argc[]){ int ret = 0; DBusConnection* pBus = NULL; uv_loop_t* pLoop = uv_default_loop(); int fd; g_pDBusInterfaceName = g_pModInfoTable[MODULE_WIFI].modAliase; //pBus = DBusWithLibuvInit(pLoop, g_pDBusInterfaceName, DBusOnMessage, NULL, NULL, &ret); pBus = DBusWithLibuvInit(pLoop, g_pDBusInterfaceName, NULL, NULL, NULL, &ret); if(pBus == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s(%d): DBusWithLibuvInit Error: %d\n", g_pDBusInterfaceName, MODULE_PLAYER, ret); return 0; } /* init a uv timer to report cur position */ uv_timer_init(pLoop, &timerCurPosMsg); /* TO BE FIXED */ //pthread_mutex_init(&ctrl_mutex, NULL); LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "Start the wifi communication\n"); uv_thread_t uvSyncThread; uv_thread_create(&uvSyncThread, DBusMsgHandleLoop, NULL); //uv_run(pLoop, UV_RUN_DEFAULT); RunUVLoop(pLoop); /*while(TRUE) { usleep(1000); }*/ return 0; }