/* * Copyright (c) 2008-2016 Allwinner Technology Co. Ltd. * All rights reserved. * * File : demoVdecoder.c * Description : demoVdecoder * History : * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "cdx_config.h" #include #include "CdxParser.h" #include "vdecoder.h" #include "memoryAdapter.h" #include #include #define DEBUG_TIME_INFO 0 #define DEBUG_COST_DRAM_ENABLE 0 #define DRAM_COST_MAX_THREAD_NUM 8 #define FRAME_COUNT 64 #define DISPLAY_PICTUER_LIST_NUM 5 #define DISPLAY_HOLDING_BUFFERS 2 #define DISPLAY_HOLDING_NUM 0 #define DISPLAY_COST_TIME 2 #define DEMO_PARSER_MAX_STREAM_NUM 1024 #define DEMO_FILE_NAME_LEN (2*1024) #define DEMO_PARSER_ERROR (1 << 0) #define DEMO_DECODER_ERROR (1 << 1) #define DEMO_DISPLAY_ERROR (1 << 2) #define DEMO_DECODE_FINISH (1 << 3) #define DEMO_PARSER_EXIT (1 << 5) #define DEMO_DECODER_EXIT (1 << 6) #define DEMO_DISPLAY_EXIT (1 << 7) #define DEMO_ERROR (DEMO_PARSER_ERROR | DEMO_DECODER_ERROR | DEMO_DISPLAY_ERROR) #define DEMO_EXIT (DEMO_ERROR | DEMO_DECODE_FINISH) SHA_CTX shaCtx; typedef struct MultiThreadCtx { pthread_rwlock_t rwrock; int nEndofStream; int loop; int state; }MultiThreadCtx; typedef struct DecDemo { VideoDecoder *pVideoDec; CdxParserT *parser; CdxDataSourceT source; CdxMediaInfoT mediaInfo; MultiThreadCtx thread; long long totalTime; long long DurationTime; int nDispFrameCount; int nFinishNum; int nDramCostThreadNum; int nDecodeFrameCount; char *pInputFile; char *pOutputFile; char *pSaveShaFile; FILE *pSaveShaFp; char *pCompareShaFile; FILE *pCompareShaFp; int nCompareShaErrorCount; pthread_mutex_t parserMutex; /* start to save yuv picture, * when decoded picture order >= nSavePictureStartNumber*/ int nSavePictureStartNumber; /* the saved picture number */ int nSavePictureNumber; struct ScMemOpsS* memops; int nVeFreq; }DecDemo; typedef struct display { VideoPicture* picture; int flag; struct display *next; }display; typedef enum { INPUT, HELP, DECODE_FRAME_NUM, SAVE_FRAME_START, SAVE_FRAME_NUM, SAVE_FRAME_FILE, COST_DRAM_THREAD_NUM, SAVE_SHA_FILE, SETUP_VE_FREQ, COMPARE_SHA, INVALID }ARGUMENT_T; typedef struct { char Short[16]; char Name[128]; ARGUMENT_T argument; char Description[512]; }argument_t; static const argument_t ArgumentMapping[] = { { "-h", "--help", HELP, "Print this help" }, { "-i", "--input", INPUT, "Input file" }, { "-n", "--decode_frame_num", DECODE_FRAME_NUM, "After display n frames, decoder stop" }, { "-ss", "--save_frame_start", SAVE_FRAME_START, "After display ss frames, saving pictures begin" }, { "-sn", "--save_frame_num", SAVE_FRAME_NUM, "After sn frames saved, stop saving picture" }, { "-o", "--save_frame_file", SAVE_FRAME_FILE, "saving picture file" }, { "-cn", "--cost_dram_thread_num", COST_DRAM_THREAD_NUM, "create cn threads to cost dram, or disturb cpu, test decoder robust" }, { "-sha", "--save_sha",SAVE_SHA_FILE, "save sha file"}, { "-vefreq", "--setup_ve_freq",SETUP_VE_FREQ, "setup ve freq"}, { "-cmpsha", "--compare_sha",COMPARE_SHA, "compare sha value"}, }; static void PrintDemoUsage(void) { int i = 0; int num = sizeof(ArgumentMapping) / sizeof(argument_t); logd("Usage:"); while(i < num) { logd("%s %-32s %s", ArgumentMapping[i].Short, ArgumentMapping[i].Name, ArgumentMapping[i].Description); i++; } } ARGUMENT_T GetArgument(char *name) { int i = 0; int num = sizeof(ArgumentMapping) / sizeof(argument_t); while(i < num) { if((0 == strcmp(ArgumentMapping[i].Name, name)) || ((0 == strcmp(ArgumentMapping[i].Short, name)) && (0 != strcmp(ArgumentMapping[i].Short, "--")))) { return ArgumentMapping[i].argument; } i++; } return INVALID; } void ParseArgument(DecDemo *Decoder, char *argument, char *value) { ARGUMENT_T arg; // int len = strlen(value); int len = 0; if(len > DEMO_FILE_NAME_LEN) return; arg = GetArgument(argument); switch(arg) { case HELP: PrintDemoUsage(); exit(-1); case INPUT: sprintf(Decoder->pInputFile, "file://"); sscanf(value, "%2048s", Decoder->pInputFile + 7); logd(" get input file: %s ", Decoder->pInputFile); break; case DECODE_FRAME_NUM: sscanf(value, "%d", &Decoder->nFinishNum); break; case SAVE_FRAME_START: sscanf(value, "%d", &Decoder->nSavePictureStartNumber); break; case SAVE_FRAME_NUM: sscanf(value, "%d", &Decoder->nSavePictureNumber); break; case COST_DRAM_THREAD_NUM: sscanf(value, "%d", &Decoder->nDramCostThreadNum); break; case SAVE_FRAME_FILE: sscanf(value, "%2048s", Decoder->pOutputFile); logd(" get output file: %s ", Decoder->pOutputFile); break; case SAVE_SHA_FILE: logd("log value %s",value); sscanf(value, "%2048s", Decoder->pSaveShaFile); logd(" get sha file: %s ", Decoder->pSaveShaFile); break; case SETUP_VE_FREQ: sscanf(value, "%d", &Decoder->nVeFreq); logd(" setup ve freq: %d ", Decoder->nVeFreq); break; case COMPARE_SHA: logd("log value %s",value); sscanf(value, "%2048s", Decoder->pCompareShaFile); logd(" get compare sha file: %s ", Decoder->pCompareShaFile); sprintf(Decoder->pSaveShaFile,"%s_cur",Decoder->pCompareShaFile); logd(" get current sha file: %s ", Decoder->pSaveShaFile); break; case INVALID: default: logd("unknowed argument : %s", argument); break; } } static long long GetNowUs(void) { struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); return (long long)tv.tv_sec * 1000000ll + tv.tv_usec; } static int initDecoder(DecDemo *Decoder) { int nRet, i; int bForceExit = 0; VConfig VideoConf; VideoStreamInfo VideoInfo; struct CdxProgramS *program; CdxStreamT *stream = NULL; memset(&VideoConf, 0, sizeof(VConfig)); memset(&VideoInfo, 0, sizeof(VideoStreamInfo)); memset(&Decoder->mediaInfo, 0, sizeof(CdxMediaInfoT)); memset(&Decoder->source, 0, sizeof(CdxDataSourceT)); Decoder->memops = MemAdapterGetOpsS(); if(Decoder->memops == NULL) { loge("memops is NULL"); return -1; } CdcMemOpen(Decoder->memops); logv(" before strcpy(tmpUrl, url) "); Decoder->source.uri = Decoder->pInputFile; logv(" before CdxParserPrepare() %s", Decoder->source.uri); pthread_mutex_init(&Decoder->parserMutex, NULL); nRet = CdxParserPrepare(&Decoder->source, 0, &Decoder->parserMutex, &bForceExit, &Decoder->parser, &stream, NULL, NULL); if(nRet < 0 || Decoder->parser == NULL) { loge(" decoder open parser error nRet = %d, Decoder->parser: %p", nRet, Decoder->parser); return -1; } logv(" before CdxParserGetMediaInfo() "); nRet = CdxParserGetMediaInfo(Decoder->parser, &Decoder->mediaInfo); if(nRet != 0) { loge(" decoder parser get media info error "); return -1; } logv(" before CreateVideoDecoder() "); Decoder->pVideoDec = CreateVideoDecoder(); if(Decoder->pVideoDec == NULL) { loge(" decoder demom CreateVideoDecoder() error "); return -1; } logv(" before InitializeVideoDecoder() "); program = &(Decoder->mediaInfo.program[Decoder->mediaInfo.programIndex]); for (i = 0; i < 1; i++) { VideoStreamInfo *vp = &VideoInfo; vp->eCodecFormat = program->video[i].eCodecFormat; vp->nWidth = program->video[i].nWidth; vp->nHeight = program->video[i].nHeight; vp->nFrameRate = program->video[i].nFrameRate; vp->nFrameDuration = program->video[i].nFrameDuration; vp->nAspectRatio = program->video[i].nAspectRatio; vp->bIs3DStream = program->video[i].bIs3DStream; vp->nCodecSpecificDataLen = program->video[i].nCodecSpecificDataLen; vp->pCodecSpecificData = program->video[i].pCodecSpecificData; } VideoConf.eOutputPixelFormat = PIXEL_FORMAT_YV12; VideoConf.nDeInterlaceHoldingFrameBufferNum = GetConfigParamterInt("pic_4di_num", 2); VideoConf.nDisplayHoldingFrameBufferNum = GetConfigParamterInt("pic_4list_num", 3); VideoConf.nRotateHoldingFrameBufferNum = GetConfigParamterInt("pic_4rotate_num", 0); VideoConf.nDecodeSmoothFrameBufferNum = GetConfigParamterInt("pic_4smooth_num", 3); VideoConf.memops = Decoder->memops; VideoConf.nVeFreq = Decoder->nVeFreq; logd("**** set the ve freq = %d",VideoConf.nVeFreq); nRet = InitializeVideoDecoder(Decoder->pVideoDec, &VideoInfo, &VideoConf); logv(" after InitializeVideoDecoder() "); if(nRet != 0) { loge("decoder demom initialize video decoder fail."); DestroyVideoDecoder(Decoder->pVideoDec); Decoder->pVideoDec = NULL; } pthread_rwlock_init(&Decoder->thread.rwrock, NULL); logd(" initDecoder OK "); return 0; } static char copyPicture(VideoPicture* pPicture) { #if 1 CDX_UNUSE(pPicture); return 0; #else int nWidth, nHeight; int i, j; char *pDst, *pSrc, ret; ret = 0; nHeight = pPicture->nHeight; nWidth = pPicture->nWidth; pDst = malloc(nWidth * nHeight); if(pDst == NULL) return ret; pSrc = pPicture->pData0; for(j = 0; j < nHeight; j++) for( i = 0; i < nWidth; i++) { pDst[j + nHeight + i] = pSrc[j + nHeight + i]; pDst[i] = pSrc[j + nHeight + i] - pSrc[i]; } pSrc = pPicture->pData1; nHeight = pPicture->nHeight / 2; nWidth = pPicture->nWidth / 2; for(j = 0; j < nHeight; j++) for( i = 0; i < nWidth; i++) { pDst[j + nHeight + i] = pSrc[j + nHeight + i]; pDst[i] = pSrc[j + nHeight + i] - pSrc[i]; } pSrc = pPicture->pData2; nHeight = pPicture->nHeight / 2; nWidth = pPicture->nWidth / 2; for(j = 0; j < nHeight; j++) for( i = 0; i < nWidth; i++) { pDst[j + nHeight + i] = pSrc[j + nHeight + i]; pDst[i] = pSrc[j + nHeight + i] - pSrc[i]; } ret = pDst[i]; free(pDst); return ret; #endif } static void addPictureToList(VideoDecoder *pVideoDec, display *pDisList, display **h, display **r, VideoPicture* pPicture) { int i; display *node = NULL; display *DisHeader = *h; display *DisRear = *r; if(pPicture == NULL || pDisList == NULL) { loge(" add picuter to list error"); return; } for(i = 0; i < DISPLAY_PICTUER_LIST_NUM; i++) { if(pDisList[i].flag == 0) { node = &pDisList[i]; node->flag = 1; node->picture = pPicture; break; } } if(DisHeader == NULL && DisRear == NULL) { DisHeader = DisRear = node; } else { DisRear->next = node; node->next = NULL; DisRear = node; } i = 1; node = DisHeader; while(node != NULL && node->next != NULL) { i += 1; node = node->next; } if(i >= DISPLAY_HOLDING_BUFFERS) { node = DisHeader; DisHeader = DisHeader->next; node->next = NULL; node->flag = 0; copyPicture(node->picture); usleep(DISPLAY_COST_TIME * 1000); /* displaying one picture use some time */ logv(" display one picture. pts: %lld ", node->picture->nPts); ReturnPicture(pVideoDec, node->picture); } *h = DisHeader; *r = DisRear; } static int ReturnAllPicture(VideoDecoder *pVideoDec, display *DisHeader) { int num = 0; while(DisHeader) { ReturnPicture(pVideoDec, DisHeader->picture); DisHeader->flag = 0; DisHeader = DisHeader->next; num += 1; } return num; } void* DecodeThread(void* param) { DecDemo *pVideoDecoder; VideoDecoder *pVideoDec; int nRet, nStreamNum, i, state; int nEndOfStream; pVideoDecoder = (DecDemo *)param; nEndOfStream = 0; pVideoDec = pVideoDecoder->pVideoDec; logv(" DecodeThread(), thread created "); i = 0; nStreamNum = VideoStreamFrameNum(pVideoDec, 0); while(nStreamNum < 200) { usleep(2*1000); i++; if(i > 100) break; nStreamNum = VideoStreamFrameNum(pVideoDec, 0); } logv(" data trunk number: %d, i = %d ", nStreamNum, i); while(1) { /* step 1: get stream data */ usleep(50); pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&pVideoDecoder->thread.rwrock); nEndOfStream = pVideoDecoder->thread.nEndofStream; state = pVideoDecoder->thread.state; pthread_rwlock_unlock(&pVideoDecoder->thread.rwrock); if(state & DEMO_EXIT) { if(state & DEMO_ERROR) { loge(" decoer thread recieve an error singnal, exit..... "); } if(state & DEMO_DECODE_FINISH) { logd(" decoer thread recieve a finish singnal, exit..... "); } break; } logv(" DecodeThread(), DecodeVideoStream() start .... "); nRet = DecodeVideoStream(pVideoDec, nEndOfStream /*eos*/, 0/*key frame only*/, 0/*drop b frame*/, 0/*current time*/); // logd(" ------- decoderThread. one frame cost time: %lld ", deltaTime); if(nEndOfStream == 1 && nRet == VDECODE_RESULT_NO_BITSTREAM) { logd(" decoer thread finish decoding. exit..... "); break; } if(nRet == VDECODE_RESULT_KEYFRAME_DECODED || nRet == VDECODE_RESULT_FRAME_DECODED) pVideoDecoder->nDecodeFrameCount++; if(nRet < 0) { loge(" decoder return error. decoder exit "); pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&pVideoDecoder->thread.rwrock); pVideoDecoder->thread.state |= DEMO_DECODER_ERROR; pthread_rwlock_unlock(&pVideoDecoder->thread.rwrock); break; } } pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&pVideoDecoder->thread.rwrock); pVideoDecoder->thread.state |= DEMO_DECODER_EXIT; pthread_rwlock_unlock(&pVideoDecoder->thread.rwrock); logd(" decoder thread exit.... "); pthread_exit(NULL); return 0; } static void savePicture(VideoPicture* pPicture, DecDemo *pVideoDecoder) { char *file = pVideoDecoder->pOutputFile; int nSizeY, nSizeUV, nSize; FILE *fp = NULL; char *pData = NULL; if(pPicture == NULL) { loge(" demo decoder save picture error, picture pointer equals NULL "); return; } fp = fopen(file, "ab"); if(fp == NULL) { loge(" demo decoder save picture error, open file fail "); return; } nSizeY = pPicture->nWidth * pPicture->nHeight; nSizeUV = nSizeY >> 2; logd(" save picture to file: %s, size: %dx%d, top: %d, bottom: %d, left: %d, right: %d", file, pPicture->nWidth, pPicture->nHeight,pPicture->nTopOffset, pPicture->nBottomOffset, pPicture->nLeftOffset, pPicture->nRightOffset); int nSaveLen; if(pPicture->bEnableAfbcFlag) nSaveLen = pPicture->nAfbcSize; else nSaveLen = pPicture->nWidth * pPicture->nHeight * 3/2; CdcMemFlushCache(pVideoDecoder->memops,pPicture->pData0, nSaveLen); /* save y */ pData = pPicture->pData0; nSize = nSizeY; fwrite(pData, 1, nSize, fp); /* save u */ pData = pPicture->pData0 + nSizeY + nSizeUV; nSize = nSizeUV; fwrite(pData, 1, nSize, fp); /* save v */ pData = pPicture->pData0 + nSizeY; nSize = nSizeUV; fwrite(pData, 1, nSize, fp); fclose(fp); } void saveVideoPictureInfo(VideoPicture *p,DecDemo *pVideoDecoder) { int bNeedCompSha = 0; char shaInfo[256] = {0}; char CmpSha[256] = {0}; char* pShaInfo = shaInfo; int nShaInfoLen = 0; if(pVideoDecoder->pCompareShaFp != NULL) { bNeedCompSha = 1; fgets(CmpSha, 256, pVideoDecoder->pCompareShaFp); } FILE *fp = pVideoDecoder->pSaveShaFp; #if 0 fprintf(fp, "nStreamIndex:%d,ePixelFormat:%d,nWidth:%d,nHeight:%d,nLineStride;:%d," "nTopOffset:%d,nLeftOffset: %d,nBottomOffset:%d,nRightOffset:%d," "nFrameRate:%d,nAspectRatio:%d,bIsProgressive:%d,bTopFieldFirst:%d," "bRepeatTopField:%d,nPts:%lld,nPcr:%lld,nMafFlagStride:%d,bPreFrmValid:%d\n", p->nStreamIndex, p->ePixelFormat, p->nWidth, p->nHeight, p->nLineStride, p->nTopOffset, p->nLeftOffset, p->nBottomOffset, p->nRightOffset, p->nFrameRate, p->nAspectRatio, p->bIsProgressive, p->bTopFieldFirst, p->bRepeatTopField, (long long int)p->nPts, (long long int)p->nPcr,p->nMafFlagStride, p->bPreFrmValid); #endif nShaInfoLen = sprintf(pShaInfo,"pts:%lld",(long long int)p->nPts); int nBufLen; if(p->bEnableAfbcFlag) nBufLen = p->nAfbcSize; else nBufLen = p->nWidth * p->nHeight * 3/2; CdcMemFlushCache(pVideoDecoder->memops,p->pData0, nBufLen); if(p->pData1 == NULL) p->pData1 = p->pData0 + p->nWidth*p->nHeight; if(p->pData2 == NULL) p->pData2 = p->pData0 + p->nWidth*p->nHeight*5/4; SHA1_Init(&shaCtx); unsigned char sha[20]= {0}; uint8_t *pY, *pU, *pV; int width, height, i, j; int copyHeight, copyWidth; int srcWidth; unsigned char* srcPtr; pY = (unsigned char *) p->pData0; pU = (unsigned char *) p->pData1; pV = (unsigned char *) p->pData2; width = p->nWidth; height = p->nHeight; copyHeight = p->nBottomOffset - p->nTopOffset; copyWidth = p->nRightOffset - p->nLeftOffset; if(copyHeight==height && copyWidth==width) { srcPtr = (unsigned char*)p->pData0 ; srcWidth = (p->nWidth + 15) & ~15; // copy y for(i=0; ipData1); for(i=0; ipData2) ; for(i=0; inTopOffset ; int leftOffset = p->nLeftOffset ; int bottomOffset = p->nBottomOffset; int rightOffset = p->nRightOffset ; copyHeight = bottomOffset - topOffset; copyWidth = rightOffset - leftOffset; srcPtr = (unsigned char*)p->pData0 + (p->nWidth * topOffset + leftOffset); srcWidth = width; // copy y for(i=0; ipData1) + \ p->nWidth/2 * topOffset / 2 + leftOffset / 2 ; for(i=0; ipData2) + \ p->nWidth/2 * topOffset / 2 + leftOffset / 2 ; for(i=0; inCompareShaErrorCount++; logd("***sha-cmp-error. ret = %d, %s, %s\n",cmpResult, CmpSha, shaInfo); } } logv("*** the sha : %s",shaInfo); fprintf(fp, "%s",shaInfo); } void *displayPictureThreadFunc(void* param) { DecDemo *pVideoDecoder; VideoDecoder *pVideoDec; VideoPicture* pPicture; display *DisHeader, *DisRear, *pDisList; long long nTime, DurationTime; int state, nDispFrameCount, nValidPicNum; pVideoDecoder = (DecDemo *)param; DisHeader = NULL; DisRear = NULL; nDispFrameCount = 0; nValidPicNum = 0; DurationTime = 0; pVideoDec = pVideoDecoder->pVideoDec; pDisList = calloc(DISPLAY_PICTUER_LIST_NUM, sizeof(display)); if(pDisList == NULL) { pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&pVideoDecoder->thread.rwrock); pVideoDecoder->thread.state |= DEMO_DISPLAY_ERROR; pthread_rwlock_unlock(&pVideoDecoder->thread.rwrock); logd(" display thread calloc memory fial "); goto display_thread_exit; } logd(" display thread starting..... "); pVideoDecoder->nDispFrameCount = 0; nTime = GetNowUs(); while(1) { usleep(100); pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&pVideoDecoder->thread.rwrock); state = pVideoDecoder->thread.state; pthread_rwlock_unlock(&pVideoDecoder->thread.rwrock); if(state & DEMO_EXIT) { loge(" display thread recieve an error singnal, exit..... "); break; } pPicture = RequestPicture(pVideoDec, 0/*the major stream*/); if(pPicture != NULL) { logv(" decoder get one picture, size: %dx%d ", pPicture->nWidth, pPicture->nHeight); logd(" picture size: %dx%d ", pPicture->nWidth, pPicture->nHeight); nTime = GetNowUs() - nTime; DurationTime += nTime; nDispFrameCount += 1; if(nDispFrameCount >= pVideoDecoder->nSavePictureStartNumber && nDispFrameCount < (pVideoDecoder->nSavePictureStartNumber + pVideoDecoder->nSavePictureNumber)) { logd(" saving picture number: %d ", nDispFrameCount); savePicture(pPicture, pVideoDecoder); } if (pVideoDecoder->pSaveShaFp != NULL) { saveVideoPictureInfo(pPicture,pVideoDecoder); } if(nDispFrameCount >= pVideoDecoder->nFinishNum) { loge(" display thread get enungh frame, exit ..."); pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&pVideoDecoder->thread.rwrock); pVideoDecoder->thread.state |= DEMO_DECODE_FINISH; pthread_rwlock_unlock(&pVideoDecoder->thread.rwrock); break; } #if DEBUG_TIME_INFO if(nDispFrameCount >= FRAME_COUNT) { float fps, avg; pVideoDecoder->nDispFrameCount += nDispFrameCount; pVideoDecoder->DurationTime += DurationTime; fps = (float)(DurationTime / 1000); fps = (nDispFrameCount * 1000) / fps; avg = (float)(pVideoDecoder->DurationTime / 1000); avg = (pVideoDecoder->nDispFrameCount * 1000) / avg; loge(" decoder speed info. current speed: %.2f, average speed: %.2f ", fps, avg); DurationTime = 0; nDispFrameCount = 0; } #endif nTime = GetNowUs(); addPictureToList(pVideoDec, pDisList, &DisHeader, &DisRear, pPicture); } else { pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&pVideoDecoder->thread.rwrock); state = pVideoDecoder->thread.state; pthread_rwlock_unlock(&pVideoDecoder->thread.rwrock); if(state & DEMO_DECODER_EXIT) { nValidPicNum = ValidPictureNum(pVideoDec, 0); logv(" display thread find that decode thread had exit "); if(nValidPicNum <= 0) break; } } } pVideoDecoder->nDispFrameCount += nDispFrameCount; pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&pVideoDecoder->thread.rwrock); pVideoDecoder->thread.state |= DEMO_DISPLAY_EXIT; pthread_rwlock_unlock(&pVideoDecoder->thread.rwrock); ReturnAllPicture(pVideoDec, DisHeader); logd(" display thread exit....disp frame num: %d ", pVideoDecoder->nDispFrameCount); display_thread_exit: if(pDisList) free(pDisList); sync(); pthread_exit(NULL); return 0; } void *parserThreadFunc(void* param) { DecDemo *pDec; CdxParserT *parser; VideoDecoder *pVideoDec; int nRet, nStreamNum, state; int nValidSize; int nRequestDataSize, trytime; unsigned char *buf; VideoStreamDataInfo dataInfo; CdxPacketT packet; buf = malloc(1024*1024); if(buf == NULL) { loge(" parser thread malloc error "); goto parser_exit; } pDec = (DecDemo *)param; pVideoDec = pDec->pVideoDec; parser = pDec->parser; memset(&packet, 0, sizeof(packet)); logv(" parserThreadFunc(), thread created ! "); state = 0; trytime = 0; while (0 == CdxParserPrefetch(parser, &packet)) { usleep(50); nValidSize = VideoStreamBufferSize(pVideoDec, 0) - VideoStreamDataSize(pVideoDec, 0); nRequestDataSize = packet.length; pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&pDec->thread.rwrock); state = pDec->thread.state; pthread_rwlock_unlock(&pDec->thread.rwrock); if(state & DEMO_EXIT) { loge(" hevc parser receive other thread error. exit flag "); goto parser_exit; } if(trytime >= 2000) { loge(" parser thread trytime >= 2000, maybe some error happen "); pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&pDec->thread.rwrock); pDec->thread.state |= DEMO_PARSER_ERROR; pthread_rwlock_unlock(&pDec->thread.rwrock); goto parser_exit; } if (packet.type == CDX_MEDIA_VIDEO && ((packet.flags&MINOR_STREAM)==0)) { if(nRequestDataSize > nValidSize) { usleep(50 * 1000); trytime++; continue; } nRet = RequestVideoStreamBuffer(pVideoDec, nRequestDataSize, (char**)&packet.buf, &packet.buflen, (char**)&packet.ringBuf, &packet.ringBufLen, 0); if(nRet != 0) { logw(" RequestVideoStreamBuffer fail. request size: %d, valid size: %d ", nRequestDataSize, nValidSize); usleep(50*1000); continue; } if(packet.buflen + packet.ringBufLen < nRequestDataSize) { loge(" RequestVideoStreamBuffer fail, require size is too small "); pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&pDec->thread.rwrock); pDec->thread.state |= DEMO_PARSER_ERROR; pthread_rwlock_unlock(&pDec->thread.rwrock); goto parser_exit; } } else { packet.buf = buf; packet.buflen = packet.length; CdxParserRead(parser, &packet); continue; } trytime = 0; nStreamNum = VideoStreamFrameNum(pVideoDec, 0); if(nStreamNum > DEMO_PARSER_MAX_STREAM_NUM) { usleep(50*1000); } nRet = CdxParserRead(parser, &packet); if(nRet != 0) { loge(" parser thread read video data error "); pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&pDec->thread.rwrock); pDec->thread.state |= DEMO_PARSER_ERROR; pthread_rwlock_unlock(&pDec->thread.rwrock); goto parser_exit; } memset(&dataInfo, 0, sizeof(VideoStreamDataInfo)); dataInfo.pData = packet.buf; dataInfo.nLength = packet.length; dataInfo.nPts = packet.pts; dataInfo.nPcr = packet.pcr; dataInfo.bIsFirstPart = (!!(packet.flags & FIRST_PART)); dataInfo.bIsLastPart = (!!(packet.flags & LAST_PART)); nRet = SubmitVideoStreamData(pVideoDec , &dataInfo, 0); if(nRet != 0) { loge(" parser thread SubmitVideoStreamData() error "); pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&pDec->thread.rwrock); pDec->thread.state |= DEMO_PARSER_ERROR; pthread_rwlock_unlock(&pDec->thread.rwrock); goto parser_exit; } } pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&pDec->thread.rwrock); pDec->thread.nEndofStream = 1; pDec->thread.state |= DEMO_PARSER_EXIT; pthread_rwlock_unlock(&pDec->thread.rwrock); parser_exit: if(buf) free(buf); logv(" parser exit..... "); pthread_exit(NULL); return 0; } /* * DRAMcostTHread() thread make cpu do some other thing, cost DRAM bandwidth * */ void *DRAMcostTHread(void *arg) { #define MEMORY_STRIDE 1920 #define MEMORY_NUM 8 #define MEMORY_BLOCK (1080*MEMORY_STRIDE) #define MEMORY_SIZE (MEMORY_BLOCK*MEMORY_NUM) DecDemo *pDec; VideoDecoder *pVideoDec; //int bExitFlag = 0; int i, j; int times, state; char *pSrc, *pDst, *p; pSrc = NULL; pDst = NULL; pDec = (DecDemo *)arg; pVideoDec = pDec->pVideoDec; pSrc = (char *)malloc(MEMORY_SIZE); if(pSrc == NULL) { logd(" DRAMcostTHread malloc fail ....pSrc "); goto DRAM_cost_exit; } pDst = (char *)malloc(MEMORY_SIZE); if(pDst == NULL) { logd(" DRAMcostTHread malloc fail ....pDst "); goto DRAM_cost_exit; } logd(" DRAM memory copy thread created .... "); times = 0; while(1) { char *s, *d; usleep(100); pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&pDec->thread.rwrock); //bExitFlag = pDec->thread.nEndofStream ; state = pDec->thread.state; pthread_rwlock_unlock(&pDec->thread.rwrock); if(state & DEMO_DECODER_EXIT) { logd(" DRAM COST THREAD EIXT..... "); break; } for(j = 0; j < MEMORY_NUM; j++) { s = pSrc + j*MEMORY_BLOCK; d = pDst + j*MEMORY_BLOCK; for(i = 0; i < 1080; i++) { int k; p = s; for(k = 0; k < MEMORY_NUM*10 && k*j < MEMORY_STRIDE; k++) p[k*j] = rand()%128; memcpy(d, s, MEMORY_STRIDE); s += MEMORY_STRIDE; d += MEMORY_STRIDE; } } } DRAM_cost_exit: if(pSrc) free(pSrc); if(pDst) free(pDst); pthread_exit(NULL); return 0; } void DemoHelpInfo(void) { logd(" ==== CedarX linux decoder demo help start ===== "); logd(" -h or --help to show the demo usage"); logd(" demo created by zouwenhuan, allwinnertech/AL3 "); logd(" email: zouwenhuan@allwinnertech.com "); logd(" ===== CedarX linux decoder demo help end ====== "); } int main(int argc, char** argv) { int nRet = 0; int i, nDramCostThreadNum; char *pInputFile; char *pOutputFile; char *pSaveShaFile; char *pCompareShaFile; pthread_t tdecoder, tparser, tdisplay; pthread_t dram[DRAM_COST_MAX_THREAD_NUM]; DecDemo Decoder; long long endTime; DemoHelpInfo(); pInputFile = calloc(DEMO_FILE_NAME_LEN, 1); if(pInputFile == NULL) { loge(" input file. calloc memory fail. "); return 0; } pOutputFile = calloc(DEMO_FILE_NAME_LEN, 1); if(pOutputFile == NULL) { loge(" output file. calloc memory fail. "); free(pInputFile); return 0; } pSaveShaFile = calloc(DEMO_FILE_NAME_LEN, 1); if(pSaveShaFile == NULL) { loge(" output file. calloc memory fail. "); free(pOutputFile); free(pInputFile); return 0; } pCompareShaFile = calloc(DEMO_FILE_NAME_LEN, 1); if(pCompareShaFile == NULL) { loge(" output file. calloc memory fail. "); free(pOutputFile); free(pInputFile); free(pSaveShaFile); return 0; } memset(&Decoder, 0, sizeof(DecDemo)); Decoder.nFinishNum = 0x7fffffff; Decoder.nDramCostThreadNum = 0; Decoder.pInputFile = NULL; Decoder.nSavePictureNumber = 0; Decoder.nSavePictureStartNumber = 0xffffff; Decoder.pInputFile = pInputFile; Decoder.pOutputFile = pOutputFile; Decoder.pSaveShaFile = pSaveShaFile; Decoder.pCompareShaFile = pCompareShaFile; if(argc >= 2) { for(i = 1; i < (int)argc; i += 2) { ParseArgument(&Decoder, argv[i], argv[i + 1]); } } else { logd(" we need more arguments "); PrintDemoUsage(); return 0; } if(Decoder.pSaveShaFile!= NULL && strcmp(Decoder.pSaveShaFile,"") != 0) { Decoder.pSaveShaFp = fopen(Decoder.pSaveShaFile, "wb"); logd("open save sha file: %p",Decoder.pSaveShaFp); } if(Decoder.pCompareShaFile!= NULL && strcmp(Decoder.pCompareShaFile,"") != 0) { Decoder.pCompareShaFp= fopen(Decoder.pCompareShaFile, "rb"); logd("open compare sha file: %p",Decoder.pCompareShaFp); } nRet = initDecoder(&Decoder); if(nRet != 0) { loge(" decoder demom initDecoder error "); return 0; } logd("decoder file: %s", Decoder.pInputFile); Decoder.totalTime = GetNowUs(); nDramCostThreadNum = Decoder.nDramCostThreadNum; pthread_create(&tparser, NULL, parserThreadFunc, (void*)(&Decoder)); pthread_create(&tdecoder, NULL, DecodeThread, (void*)(&Decoder)); pthread_create(&tdisplay, NULL, displayPictureThreadFunc, (void*)(&Decoder)); for(i = 0; i < nDramCostThreadNum; i++) { pthread_create(&dram[i], NULL, DRAMcostTHread, (void*)(&Decoder)); logd(" creat dram memory copy thread[%d] ", i); } pthread_join(tparser, (void**)&nRet); pthread_join(tdecoder, (void**)&nRet); pthread_join(tdisplay, (void**)&nRet); for(i = 0; i < nDramCostThreadNum; i++) pthread_join(dram[i], (void**)&nRet); endTime = GetNowUs(); Decoder.totalTime = endTime - Decoder.totalTime; logd(" demoDecoder finish.decode frame: %d, display frame: %d, cost %lld s ", Decoder.nDecodeFrameCount, Decoder.nDispFrameCount, Decoder.totalTime/(1000*1000)); if(Decoder.pCompareShaFp != NULL) logd("******** nCompare-Sha-Error-Count = %d", Decoder.nCompareShaErrorCount); pthread_mutex_destroy(&Decoder.parserMutex); CdxParserClose(Decoder.parser); logv(" after CdxParserClose()"); DestroyVideoDecoder(Decoder.pVideoDec); if(pInputFile != NULL) free(pInputFile); if(pOutputFile != NULL) free(pOutputFile); if(pSaveShaFile != NULL) free(pSaveShaFile); if(Decoder.pCompareShaFile != NULL) free(Decoder.pCompareShaFile); if(Decoder.pSaveShaFp != NULL) fclose(Decoder.pSaveShaFp); if(Decoder.pCompareShaFp != NULL) fclose(Decoder.pCompareShaFp); logd(" demo decoder exit successful"); CdcMemClose(Decoder.memops); return 0; }