/* * Copyright (c) 2008-2016 Allwinner Technology Co. Ltd. * All rights reserved. * * File : awplayer.cpp * Description : mediaplayer adapter for operator * History : * Author : AL3 * Date : 2015/05/05 * Comment : first version * */ #define LOG_TAG "awplayer" #include "cdx_log.h" #include "awplayer.h" #include "subtitleUtils.h" #include "awStreamingSource.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // for property_get #include #include #include "xplayer.h" #include "player.h" #include "mediaInfo.h" #include "AwMessageQueue.h" #include "awLogRecorder.h" #include "AwHDCPModule.h" #include "outputCtrl.h" #include "awLogRecorder.h" #include "cdx_config.h" #include "soundControl.h" #if BOARD_USE_PLAYREADY #include "awPlayReadyLicense.h" #endif #if (CONF_ANDROID_MAJOR_VER >= 6) #include "awMediaDataSource.h" #endif //wasu livemode4 , apk set seekTo after start, we should call start after seek #define CMCC_LIVEMODE_4_BUG (1) // the cmcc apk bug, change channel when buffering icon is displayed, // the buffering icon is not diappered, so we send a buffer end message in prepare/prepareAsync #define BUFFERING_ICON_BUG (1) // pause then start to display, the cmcc apk call seekTo, it will flush the buffering cache(livemod) // or seek some frames in cache ( vod) , it will discontinue #define PAUSE_THEN_SEEK_BUG (1) #if (!((CONF_ANDROID_MAJOR_VER == 4)&&(CONF_ANDROID_SUB_VER == 2))) //* android 4.4 use IGraphicBufferProducer instead of ISurfaceTexture in android 4.2. #include #include #endif #if (CONF_ANDROID_MAJOR_VER >= 8) #include #endif #define FOURCC(c1, c2, c3, c4) \ ((c1) << 24 | (c2) << 16 | (c3) << 8 | (c4)) static const char *WASU_APP_NAME = "net.sunniwell.app.ott.chinamobile"; static const char *CMCC_LOCAL_APP_NAME = "net.sunniwell.app.swplayer"; // static const char *MANGGUO_APP_NAME = "com.starcor.hunan"; // key for media statistics static const char *kKeyPlayer = "awplayer"; // attrs for media statistics static const char *kPlayerVMime = "android.media.mediaplayer.video.mime"; static const char *kPlayerVCodec = "android.media.mediaplayer.video.codec"; static const char *kPlayerWidth = "android.media.mediaplayer.width"; static const char *kPlayerHeight = "android.media.mediaplayer.height"; static const char *kPlayerFrames = "android.media.mediaplayer.frames"; static const char *kPlayerFramesDropped = "android.media.mediaplayer.dropped"; static const char *kPlayerAMime = "android.media.mediaplayer.audio.mime"; static const char *kPlayerACodec = "android.media.mediaplayer.audio.codec"; static const char *kPlayerDuration = "android.media.mediaplayer.durationMs"; static const char *kPlayerPlaying = "android.media.mediaplayer.playingMs"; static const char *kPlayerError = "android.media.mediaplayer.err"; static const char *kPlayerErrorCode = "android.media.mediaplayer.errcode"; static const char *kPlayerDataSourceType = "android.media.mediaplayer.dataSource"; static int XPlayerCallbackProcess(void* pUser, int eMessageId, int ext1, void* ext2); static int GetCallingApkName(char* strApkName, int nMaxNameSize); static int SubCallbackProcess(void* pUser, int eMessageId, void* param); enum SeekMode { SEEK_PREVIOUS_SYNC, SEEK_NEXT_SYNC, SEEK_CLOSEST_SYNC, SEEK_CLOSEST, }; typedef struct PlayerPriData { XPlayer* mXPlayer; XPlayerConfig_t mConfigInfo; uid_t mUID; //* no use. //* surface. #if (!((CONF_ANDROID_MAJOR_VER == 4)&&(CONF_ANDROID_SUB_VER == 2))) //* android 4.4 use IGraphicBufferProducer instead of ISurfaceTexture in android 4.2. sp mGraphicBufferProducer; #else sp mSurfaceTexture; #endif sp mNativeWindow; LayerCtrl* mlc; char strApkName[128]; #if (CONF_ANDROID_MAJOR_VER >= 5) sp mHTTPService; #endif //* record the id of subtitle which is displaying //* we set the Nums to 64 .(32 may be not enough) unsigned int mSubtitleDisplayIds[64]; int mSubtitleDisplayIdsUpdateIndex; //* note whether the sutitle is in text or in bitmap format. int mIsSubtitleInTextFormat; //* text codec format of the subtitle, used to transform subtitle text to //* utf8 when the subtitle text codec format is unknown. char mDefaultTextFormat[32]; //* whether enable subtitle show. int mIsSubtitleDisable; //* file descriptor of .idx file of index+sub subtitle. //* we save the .idx file's fd here because application set .idx file and .sub file //* seperately, we need to wait for the .sub file's fd, see //* INVOKE_ID_ADD_EXTERNAL_SOURCE_FD command in invoke() method. int mIndexFileHasBeenSet; int mIndexFileFdOfIndexSubtitle; //* save the currentSelectTrackIndex; int mCurrentSelectVidoeTrackIndex; int mCurrentSelectAudioTrackIndex; int mCurrentSelectSubTrackIndex; AwLogRecorder* mLogRecorder; int mbIsDiagnose; int64_t mPlayTimeMs; int64_t mBufferTimeMs; int mFirstStart; int mKeepLastFrame; #if (CONF_ANDROID_MAJOR_VER >= 6) sp mSource; CdxStreamT* mStream; #endif //* for subtitle. SubtitleDisPos subDisPos; static int contentID; int dupContentID; #if (CONF_ANDROID_MAJOR_VER >= 8) MediaAnalyticsItem *mAnalyticsItem; AwBufferingSettings* pBuffering; #endif sem_t mReplyToDisconnect; }PlayerPriData; static int resumeMediaScanner(const char* strApkName) { CEDARX_UNUSE(strApkName); return property_set("mediasw.stopscaner", "0"); } static int pauseMediaScanner(const char* strApkName) { CEDARX_UNUSE(strApkName); return property_set("mediasw.stopscaner", "1"); } void enableMediaBoost(MediaInfo* mi); void disableMediaBoost(); AwPlayer::Instance AwPlayer::instance = {0, PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER}; int PlayerPriData::contentID = time(NULL); AwPlayer::AwPlayer() { logd("AwPlayer construct."); pthread_mutex_lock(&instance.lock); instance.count++; pthread_mutex_unlock(&instance.lock); mPriData = (PlayerPriData*)malloc(sizeof(PlayerPriData)); memset(mPriData,0x00,sizeof(PlayerPriData)); mPriData->mLogRecorder = NULL; mPriData->mIsSubtitleDisable = 1; #if (!((CONF_ANDROID_MAJOR_VER == 4)&&(CONF_ANDROID_SUB_VER == 2))) //* android 4.4 use IGraphicBufferProducer instead of ISurfaceTexture in android 4.2. mPriData->mGraphicBufferProducer = NULL; #else mPriData->mSurfaceTexture = NULL; #endif mPriData->mNativeWindow = NULL; mPriData->mKeepLastFrame = 0; #if (CONF_ANDROID_MAJOR_VER >= 6) mPriData->mSource = NULL; mPriData->mStream = NULL; #endif GetCallingApkName(mPriData->strApkName, sizeof(mPriData->strApkName)); mPriData->mXPlayer = XPlayerCreate(); if(mPriData->mXPlayer != NULL) { struct HdcpOpsS hdcpOps; hdcpOps.init = HDCP_Init; hdcpOps.deinit = HDCP_Deinit; hdcpOps.decrypt = HDCP_Decrypt; XPlayerSetHdcpOps(mPriData->mXPlayer, &hdcpOps); XPlayerSetNotifyCallback(mPriData->mXPlayer, XPlayerCallbackProcess, this); SubCtrl* pSubCtrl = NULL; #if (CONF_ANDROID_MAJOR_VER < 6) if (!strcmp(mPriData->strApkName, CMCC_LOCAL_APP_NAME)) pSubCtrl = SubNativeRenderCreate(); else #endif pSubCtrl = SubtitleCreate(SubCallbackProcess, this); XPlayerSetSubCtrl(mPriData->mXPlayer, pSubCtrl); Deinterlace* di = DeinterlaceCreate(); XPlayerSetDeinterlace(mPriData->mXPlayer, di); } mPriData->mFirstStart = 1; strcpy(mPriData->mDefaultTextFormat, "GBK"); //* clear the mSubtitleDisplayIds memset(mPriData->mSubtitleDisplayIds,0xff,64*sizeof(unsigned int)); mPriData->mSubtitleDisplayIdsUpdateIndex = 0; mPriData->dupContentID = mPriData->contentID++; sem_init(&mPriData->mReplyToDisconnect, 0, 0); #if (CONF_ANDROID_MAJOR_VER >= 8) mPriData->mAnalyticsItem = new MediaAnalyticsItem(kKeyPlayer); mPriData->mAnalyticsItem->generateSessionID(); mPriData->pBuffering = NULL; #endif } AwPlayer::~AwPlayer() { if(mPriData->mLogRecorder) { AwLogRecorderDestroy(mPriData->mLogRecorder); mPriData->mLogRecorder = NULL; } #if (CONF_ANDROID_MAJOR_VER >= 8) if (mPriData->mAnalyticsItem != NULL) { delete mPriData->mAnalyticsItem; mPriData->mAnalyticsItem = NULL; } if(mPriData->pBuffering) { free(mPriData->pBuffering); mPriData->pBuffering = NULL; } #endif if(mPriData->mXPlayer != NULL) XPlayerDestroy(mPriData->mXPlayer); free(mPriData); mPriData = NULL; pthread_mutex_lock(&instance.lock); instance.count--; #if defined(CONF_PRODUCT_STB) if (instance.count == 0) disableMediaBoost(); #endif pthread_mutex_unlock(&instance.lock); logd("~AwPlayer"); } status_t AwPlayer::initCheck() { logv("initCheck"); if(mPriData->mXPlayer == NULL) { loge("initCheck() fail, XPlayer::mplayer = %p", mPriData->mXPlayer); return NO_INIT; } return (status_t)XPlayerInitCheck(mPriData->mXPlayer); } status_t AwPlayer::setUID(uid_t uid) { logv("setUID(), uid = %d", uid); mPriData->mUID = uid; return OK; } static int cmccParseHeaders(CdxKeyedVectorT **header, const KeyedVector* pHeaders) { int nHeaderSize; int i; if (pHeaders == NULL) return 0; //*remove "x-hide-urls-from-log" ? nHeaderSize = pHeaders->size(); if (nHeaderSize <= 0) return -1; *header = CdxKeyedVectorCreate(nHeaderSize); if (*header == NULL) { logw("CdxKeyedVectorCreate() failed"); return -1; } String8 key; String8 value; for (i = 0; i < nHeaderSize; i++) { key = pHeaders->keyAt(i); value = pHeaders->valueAt(i); if (CdxKeyedVectorAdd(*header, key.string(), value.string()) != 0) { CdxKeyedVectorDestroy(*header); return -1; } } return 0; } #if (CONF_ANDROID_MAJOR_VER >= 5) status_t AwPlayer::setDataSource(const sp &httpService, const char* pUrl, const KeyedVector* pHeaders) #else status_t AwPlayer::setDataSource(const char* pUrl, const KeyedVector* pHeaders) #endif { logd("setDataSource(url), url='%s'", pUrl); void* pHttpService = NULL; CdxKeyedVectorT* header = NULL; #if (CONF_ANDROID_MAJOR_VER >= 5) pHttpService = (void*)httpService.get(); #endif int ret = cmccParseHeaders(&header, pHeaders); if (ret < 0) { loge("parse Headers failed."); return NO_MEMORY; } int livemode; if(strstr(pUrl, "livemode=1")) { livemode = 1; } else if(strstr(pUrl, "livemode=2")) { livemode = 2; } else if(strstr(pUrl, "livemode=4")) { livemode = 4; } else { livemode = 0; } if (strstr(pUrl, "diagnose=deep")) { logd("In cmcc deep diagnose"); mPriData->mbIsDiagnose = 1; } else { mPriData->mbIsDiagnose = 0; } mPriData->mConfigInfo.livemode = livemode; if (!strcmp(mPriData->strApkName, WASU_APP_NAME)) mPriData->mConfigInfo.appType = APP_CMCC_WASU; else mPriData->mConfigInfo.appType = APP_DEFAULT; mPriData->mLogRecorder = NULL; #if defined(CONF_CMCC) mPriData->mLogRecorder = AwLogRecorderCreate(); #endif if(mPriData->mLogRecorder != NULL) { char cmccLog[4096] = ""; snprintf(cmccLog, sizeof(cmccLog), "[info][%s %s %d]setDataSource, url: %s", LOG_TAG, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, pUrl); logv("AwLogRecorderRecord %s.", cmccLog); AwLogRecorderRecord(mPriData->mLogRecorder, cmccLog); snprintf(cmccLog, sizeof(cmccLog), "[info][%s %s %d]create a new player", LOG_TAG, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); logv("AwLogRecorderRecord %s.", cmccLog); AwLogRecorderRecord(mPriData->mLogRecorder, cmccLog); } XPlayerConfig(mPriData->mXPlayer, &mPriData->mConfigInfo); XPlayerSetDataSourceUrl(mPriData->mXPlayer, pUrl, pHttpService, header); CdxKeyedVectorDestroy(header); return OK; } //* Warning: The filedescriptor passed into this method will only be valid until //* the method returns, if you want to keep it, dup it! status_t AwPlayer::setDataSource(int fd, int64_t offset, int64_t length) { int ret; if (!strcmp(mPriData->strApkName, CMCC_LOCAL_APP_NAME)) mPriData->mConfigInfo.appType = APP_CMCC_LOCAL; else mPriData->mConfigInfo.appType = APP_DEFAULT; XPlayerConfig(mPriData->mXPlayer, &mPriData->mConfigInfo); ret = XPlayerSetDataSourceFd(mPriData->mXPlayer, fd, offset, length); return (status_t)ret; } status_t AwPlayer::setDataSource(const sp &source) { int ret; logd("setDataSource(IStreamSource)"); unsigned int numBuffer, bufferSize; const char *suffix = ""; if(!strcmp(mPriData->strApkName, "com.hpplay.happyplay.aw")) { numBuffer = 32; bufferSize = 32*1024; suffix = ".awts"; } else if(!strcmp(mPriData->strApkName, "com.softwinner.miracastReceiver")) { numBuffer = 1024; bufferSize = 188*8; suffix = ".ts"; } else { CDX_LOGW("this type is unknown."); numBuffer = 16; bufferSize = 4*1024; } CdxStreamT *stream = StreamingSourceOpen(source, numBuffer, bufferSize); if(stream == NULL) { loge("StreamingSourceOpen fail!"); return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } char str[128]; sprintf(str, "customer://%p%s",stream, suffix); //* send a set data source message. mPriData->mConfigInfo.appType = APP_STREAMING; XPlayerConfig(mPriData->mXPlayer, &mPriData->mConfigInfo); ret = XPlayerSetDataSourceStream(mPriData->mXPlayer, str); return (status_t)ret; } #if (CONF_ANDROID_MAJOR_VER >= 6) status_t AwPlayer::setDataSource(const sp &dataSource) { int ret = 0; CdxStreamT *stream = MediaDataSourceOpen(dataSource); if(stream == NULL) { loge("MediaDataSourceOpen fail!"); return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } mPriData->mSource = dataSource; mPriData->mStream = stream; char str[128]; sprintf(str, "datasource://%p",stream); ret = XPlayerSetMediaDataSource(mPriData->mXPlayer, str); return (status_t)ret; } #endif #if (!((CONF_ANDROID_MAJOR_VER == 4)&&(CONF_ANDROID_SUB_VER == 2))) //* android 4.4 use IGraphicBufferProducer instead of ISurfaceTexture in android 4.2. status_t AwPlayer::setVideoSurfaceTexture(const sp& bufferProducer) #else status_t AwPlayer::setVideoSurfaceTexture(const sp &surfaceTexture) #endif { int ret; sp anw; logd("process message AWPLAYER_COMMAND_SET_SURFACE."); //* set native window before delete the old one. //* because the player's render thread may use the old surface //* before it receive the new surface. #if (!((CONF_ANDROID_MAJOR_VER == 4)&&(CONF_ANDROID_SUB_VER == 2))) if(bufferProducer.get() != NULL) anw = new Surface(bufferProducer); #else if(surfaceTexture.get() != NULL) anw = new SurfaceTextureClient(surfaceTexture); #endif else anw = NULL; if(anw == NULL) { logd("anw=NULL"); //not return but go ahead, in order to return the buffers owned by gpu. } if(mPriData->mLogRecorder != NULL) { char cmccLog[4096] = ""; sprintf(cmccLog, "[info][%s %s %d]setVideoSurfaceTexture", LOG_TAG, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); logv("AwLogRecorderRecord %s.", cmccLog); AwLogRecorderRecord(mPriData->mLogRecorder, cmccLog); } if(mPriData->mlc == NULL) mPriData->mlc = LayerCreate(); LayerControl(mPriData->mlc, CDX_LAYER_CMD_SET_NATIVE_WINDOW, (anw == NULL) ? NULL : anw.get()); ret = XPlayerSetVideoSurfaceTexture(mPriData->mXPlayer, mPriData->mlc); //* save the new surface. #if (!((CONF_ANDROID_MAJOR_VER == 4)&&(CONF_ANDROID_SUB_VER == 2))) mPriData->mGraphicBufferProducer = bufferProducer; #else mPriData->mSurfaceTexture = surfaceTexture; #endif if(mPriData->mNativeWindow != NULL) { SemTimedWait(&mPriData->mReplyToDisconnect, -1); native_window_api_disconnect(mPriData->mNativeWindow.get(), NATIVE_WINDOW_API_MEDIA); } mPriData->mNativeWindow = anw; return (status_t)ret; } void AwPlayer::setAudioSink(const sp &audioSink) { logv("setAudioSink"); SoundCtrl* sc = SoundDeviceCreate(audioSink.get()); //SoundCtrl* sc = DefaultSoundDeviceCreate(); XPlayerSetAudioSink(mPriData->mXPlayer, sc); //* super class MediaPlayerInterface has mAudioSink. MediaPlayerInterface::setAudioSink(audioSink); return; } #if (CONF_ANDROID_MAJOR_VER > 5) status_t AwPlayer::setPlaybackSettings(const AudioPlaybackRate &rate) { XAudioPlaybackRate xrate; xrate.mSpeed = rate.mSpeed; xrate.mPitch= rate.mPitch; xrate.mStretchMode= (XAudioTimestretchStretchMode)rate.mStretchMode; xrate.mFallbackMode= (XAudioTimestretchFallbackMode)rate.mFallbackMode; int ret=XPlayerSetPlaybackSettings(mPriData->mXPlayer,&xrate); return ret; } status_t AwPlayer::getPlaybackSettings(AudioPlaybackRate *rate) { XAudioPlaybackRate xrate; XPlayerGetPlaybackSettings(mPriData->mXPlayer,&xrate); rate->mSpeed = xrate.mSpeed; rate->mPitch = xrate.mPitch; rate->mStretchMode = (AudioTimestretchStretchMode)xrate.mStretchMode; rate->mFallbackMode = (AudioTimestretchFallbackMode)xrate.mFallbackMode; return 0; } #endif status_t AwPlayer::prepareAsync() { int ret; logd("prepareAsync"); char prop_value[512]; int displayRatio = 1; //* set scaling mode by default setting. property_get("epg.default_screen_ratio", prop_value, "1"); if(atoi(prop_value) == 0) { logd("++++++++ IPTV_PLAYER_CONTENTMODE_LETTERBOX"); displayRatio = 0; } else { logd( "+++++++ IPTV_PLAYER_CONTENTMODE_FULL"); displayRatio = 1; } #if defined(CONF_PRODUCT_STB) && defined(CONF_CMCC) if(mPriData->mNativeWindow != NULL) { mPriData->mNativeWindow.get()->perform(mPriData->mNativeWindow.get(), NATIVE_WINDOW_SETPARAMETER, DISPLAY_CMD_SETSCREENRADIO, displayRatio); } #endif struct timeval tv; int64_t startTimeMs = 0; int64_t endTimeMs; if(mPriData->mLogRecorder != NULL) { char cmccLog[4096] = ""; sprintf(cmccLog, "[info][%s %s %d]prepareAysnc start", LOG_TAG, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); logv("AwLogRecorderRecord %s.", cmccLog); AwLogRecorderRecord(mPriData->mLogRecorder, cmccLog); gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); startTimeMs = (tv.tv_sec * 1000000ll + tv.tv_usec)/1000; } ret = XPlayerPrepareAsync(mPriData->mXPlayer); if(0 == ret && mPriData->mLogRecorder != NULL) { gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); endTimeMs = (tv.tv_sec * 1000000ll + tv.tv_usec)/1000; char cmccLog[4096] = ""; sprintf(cmccLog, "[info][%s %s %d]Playback is ready, spend time: %lldms", LOG_TAG, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, (long long int)(endTimeMs - startTimeMs)); logv("AwLogRecorderRecord %s.", cmccLog); AwLogRecorderRecord(mPriData->mLogRecorder, cmccLog); } return (status_t)ret; } status_t AwPlayer::prepare() { int ret; logd("prepare"); char prop_value[512]; int displayRatio = 1; //* set scaling mode by default setting. property_get("epg.default_screen_ratio", prop_value, "1"); if(atoi(prop_value) == 0) { logd("++++++++ IPTV_PLAYER_CONTENTMODE_LETTERBOX"); displayRatio = 0; } else { logd( "+++++++ IPTV_PLAYER_CONTENTMODE_FULL"); displayRatio = 1; } #if defined(CONF_PRODUCT_STB) && defined(CONF_CMCC) if(mPriData->mNativeWindow != NULL) { mPriData->mNativeWindow.get()->perform(mPriData->mNativeWindow.get(), NATIVE_WINDOW_SETPARAMETER, DISPLAY_CMD_SETSCREENRADIO, displayRatio); } #endif ret = XPlayerPrepare(mPriData->mXPlayer); return (status_t)ret; } status_t AwPlayer::start() { int ret; MediaInfo* mi; logd("start"); #if defined(CONF_PRODUCT_STB) pauseMediaScanner(mPriData->strApkName); #endif mi = XPlayerGetMediaInfo(mPriData->mXPlayer); #if defined(CONF_PRODUCT_STB) enableMediaBoost(mi); #endif mPriData->mCurrentSelectVidoeTrackIndex = 0; mPriData->mCurrentSelectAudioTrackIndex = mi->nVideoStreamNum; mPriData->mCurrentSelectSubTrackIndex = mi->nVideoStreamNum + mi->nAudioStreamNum; // for livemode 4, cmcc apk invoke start before seekTo, // it will get a frame between start and seekTo, #if CMCC_LIVEMODE_4_BUG if(mPriData->mConfigInfo.livemode == 4 && mPriData->mFirstStart && mPriData->mConfigInfo.appType == APP_CMCC_WASU) { return 0; } #endif ret = XPlayerStart(mPriData->mXPlayer); if(mPriData->mLogRecorder != NULL) { char cmccLog[4096] = ""; sprintf(cmccLog, "[info][%s %s %d]start", LOG_TAG, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); logv("AwLogRecorderRecord %s.", cmccLog); AwLogRecorderRecord(mPriData->mLogRecorder, cmccLog); struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); mPriData->mPlayTimeMs = (tv.tv_sec * 1000000ll + tv.tv_usec)/1000; } return (status_t)ret; } status_t AwPlayer::stop() { int ret; if(mPriData->mLogRecorder != NULL) { char cmccLog[4096] = ""; sprintf(cmccLog, "[info][%s %s %d]stop", LOG_TAG, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); logd("AwLogRecorderRecord %s.", cmccLog); AwLogRecorderRecord(mPriData->mLogRecorder, cmccLog); } if(mPriData->mLogRecorder != NULL) { char cmccLog[4096] = ""; sprintf(cmccLog, "[info][%s %s %d]destory this player", LOG_TAG, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); logv("AwLogRecorderRecord %s.", cmccLog); AwLogRecorderRecord(mPriData->mLogRecorder, cmccLog); } ret = XPlayerStop(mPriData->mXPlayer); if(mPriData->mLogRecorder != NULL) { char cmccLog[4096] = ""; sprintf(cmccLog, "[info][%s %s %d]Playback end", LOG_TAG, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); logv("AwLogRecorderRecord %s.", cmccLog); AwLogRecorderRecord(mPriData->mLogRecorder, cmccLog); } //* clear the mSubtitleDisplayIds memset(mPriData->mSubtitleDisplayIds,0xff,64*sizeof(unsigned int)); mPriData->mSubtitleDisplayIdsUpdateIndex = 0; return (status_t)ret; } status_t AwPlayer::pause() { int ret; logd(" pause "); if(mPriData->mLogRecorder != NULL) { char cmccLog[4096] = ""; sprintf(cmccLog, "[info][%s %s %d]pause", LOG_TAG, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); logv("AwLogRecorderRecord %s.", cmccLog); AwLogRecorderRecord(mPriData->mLogRecorder, cmccLog); } ret = XPlayerPause(mPriData->mXPlayer); return (status_t)ret; } #if (CONF_ANDROID_MAJOR_VER >= 8) status_t AwPlayer::seekTo(int nSeekTimeMs, MediaPlayerSeekMode mode) #else status_t AwPlayer::seekTo(int nSeekTimeMs) #endif { logd("==== seekTo"); int ret; if(mPriData->mLogRecorder != NULL) { char cmccLog[4096] = ""; sprintf(cmccLog, "[info][%s %s %d]seekTo, totime: %dms", LOG_TAG, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, nSeekTimeMs); logv("AwLogRecorderRecord %s.", cmccLog); AwLogRecorderRecord(mPriData->mLogRecorder, cmccLog); } SeekModeType nSeekModeType; #if (CONF_ANDROID_MAJOR_VER >= 8) switch(mode) { case SEEK_PREVIOUS_SYNC: nSeekModeType = AW_SEEK_PREVIOUS_SYNC; break; case SEEK_NEXT_SYNC: nSeekModeType = AW_SEEK_NEXT_SYNC; break; case SEEK_CLOSEST_SYNC: nSeekModeType = AW_SEEK_CLOSEST_SYNC; break; case SEEK_CLOSEST: nSeekModeType = AW_SEEK_CLOSEST; break; default: loge("unknow media player seek mode!"); nSeekModeType = AW_SEEK_CLOSEST_SYNC; break; } #else nSeekModeType = AW_SEEK_CLOSEST_SYNC; #endif #if CMCC_LIVEMODE_4_BUG //for livemode4 , apk set seekTo after start, we should call start after seek if(mPriData->mConfigInfo.livemode == 4 && mPriData->mFirstStart && mPriData->mConfigInfo.appType == APP_CMCC_WASU) { int status; mPriData->mFirstStart = 0; status = XPlayerSeekTo(mPriData->mXPlayer, nSeekTimeMs, nSeekModeType); XPlayerStart(mPriData->mXPlayer); return status; } #endif /* 用户seek到约最后一秒,我们认为用户真正的意图是seek到最后,相关的bug有三个: * * 1. 某些parser内部的duration单位是微妙,比如60000123 us,上报给应用的 * duration是毫秒,比如60000 ms,在“舍入”或“只舍不入”的影响下,应用始终无法 * seek到最后;由于关键帧位置的影响,又退回前面。 * * 2. yunos上的应用在seek到最后时,把duration - 1000 ms作为seekto的位置。在 * HLS不开启切片内seek时,会seek到duration - 10 * 1000 ms的位置,此现象被当 * 成bug报出来 * * 3. cmcc本地播放器舍去了duration里小于1秒的零头,导致无法seek到最后。测试 * 关键帧间隔较大的mp4视频,会反复退回到离末尾较远的位置,会被当成seek失败 */ if (mPriData->mConfigInfo.livemode == 0) { int dura = 0; ret = XPlayerGetDuration(mPriData->mXPlayer, &dura); int n = nSeekTimeMs + 1000; if (ret == 0 && dura > 0 && n >= dura) { logd("change seek position from %d to %d", nSeekTimeMs, n); nSeekTimeMs = n; } } ret = XPlayerSeekTo(mPriData->mXPlayer, nSeekTimeMs, nSeekModeType); if(mPriData->mLogRecorder != NULL) { char cmccLog[4096] = ""; sprintf(cmccLog, "[info][%s %s %d]seek complete", LOG_TAG, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); logv("AwLogRecorderRecord %s.", cmccLog); AwLogRecorderRecord(mPriData->mLogRecorder, cmccLog); } return (status_t)ret; } status_t AwPlayer::reset() { int ret; logd("... reset"); #if defined(CONF_PRODUCT_STB) resumeMediaScanner(mPriData->strApkName); #endif ret = XPlayerReset(mPriData->mXPlayer); #if (CONF_ANDROID_MAJOR_VER >= 6) if((mPriData->mStream != NULL) && (mPriData->mSource != NULL)) { MediaDataSourceClose(mPriData->mStream); mPriData->mStream = NULL; mPriData->mSource = NULL; } #endif //* clear suface. if(mPriData->mKeepLastFrame == 0) { if(mPriData->mNativeWindow != NULL) native_window_api_disconnect(mPriData->mNativeWindow.get(), NATIVE_WINDOW_API_MEDIA); mPriData->mNativeWindow.clear(); #if (!((CONF_ANDROID_MAJOR_VER == 4)&&(CONF_ANDROID_SUB_VER == 2))) mPriData->mGraphicBufferProducer.clear(); #else mPriData->mSurfaceTexture.clear(); #endif } //* clear audio sink. mAudioSink.clear(); //* clear the mSubtitleDisplayIds memset(mPriData->mSubtitleDisplayIds,0xff,64*sizeof(unsigned int)); mPriData->mSubtitleDisplayIdsUpdateIndex = 0; return (status_t)ret; } status_t AwPlayer::setSpeed(int nSpeed) { int ret; ret = XPlayerSetSpeed(mPriData->mXPlayer, nSpeed); return (status_t)ret; } bool AwPlayer::isPlaying() { int ret; ret = XPlayerIsPlaying(mPriData->mXPlayer); return (ret == 1)? true : false; } status_t AwPlayer::getCurrentPosition(int* msec) { int ret; ret = XPlayerGetCurrentPosition(mPriData->mXPlayer, msec); if(mPriData->mLogRecorder != NULL) { char cmccLog[4096] = ""; sprintf(cmccLog, "[info][%s %s %d]current playtime: %dms", LOG_TAG, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, *msec); logv("AwLogRecorderRecord %s.", cmccLog); AwLogRecorderRecord(mPriData->mLogRecorder, cmccLog); } return (status_t)ret; } status_t AwPlayer::getDuration(int *msec) { int ret; ret = XPlayerGetDuration(mPriData->mXPlayer, msec); return (status_t)ret; } status_t AwPlayer::setLooping(int loop) { int ret; ret = XPlayerSetLooping(mPriData->mXPlayer, loop); return (status_t)ret; } player_type AwPlayer::playerType() { logv("playerType"); return AW_PLAYER; } status_t AwPlayer::invoke(const Parcel &request, Parcel *reply) { int nMethodId; int ret; MediaInfo* mi; logv("invoke()"); ret = request.readInt32(&nMethodId); if(ret != OK) return ret; mi = XPlayerGetMediaInfo(mPriData->mXPlayer); switch(nMethodId) { case INVOKE_ID_GET_TRACK_INFO: //* get media stream counts. { logv("invode::INVOKE_ID_GET_TRACK_INFO"); if(mi == NULL) { return NO_INIT; } else { int i; int nTrackCount; const char* lang; nTrackCount = mi->nVideoStreamNum + mi->nAudioStreamNum + mi->nSubtitleStreamNum; #if AWPLAYER_CONFIG_DISABLE_VIDEO nTrackCount -= mi->nVideoStreamNum; #endif #if AWPLAYER_CONFIG_DISABLE_AUDIO nTrackCount -= mi->nAudioStreamNum; #endif #if AWPLAYER_CONFIG_DISABLE_SUBTITLE nTrackCount -= mi->nSubtitleStreamNum; #endif reply->writeInt32(nTrackCount); #if !AWPLAYER_CONFIG_DISABLE_VIDEO for(i=0; inVideoStreamNum; i++) { #if defined(CONF_DETAIL_TRACK_INFO) reply->writeInt32(4); #else reply->writeInt32(2); #endif reply->writeInt32(MEDIA_TRACK_TYPE_VIDEO); #if (CONF_ANDROID_MAJOR_VER >= 6) reply->writeString16(String16("video/")); #endif lang = " "; reply->writeString16(String16(lang)); #if defined(CONF_DETAIL_TRACK_INFO) reply->writeInt32(mi->pVideoStreamInfo[i].bIs3DStream); //Please refer to the "enum EVIDEOCODECFORMAT" in "vdecoder.h" reply->writeInt32(mi->pVideoStreamInfo[i].eCodecFormat); #endif } #endif #if !AWPLAYER_CONFIG_DISABLE_AUDIO for(i=0; inAudioStreamNum; i++) { #if defined(CONF_DETAIL_TRACK_INFO) reply->writeInt32(6); #else reply->writeInt32(2); #endif reply->writeInt32(MEDIA_TRACK_TYPE_AUDIO); #if (CONF_ANDROID_MAJOR_VER >= 6) reply->writeString16(String16("audio/")); #endif if(mi->pAudioStreamInfo[i].strLang[0] != 0) { lang = (const char*)mi->pAudioStreamInfo[i].strLang; reply->writeString16(String16(lang)); } else { lang = ""; reply->writeString16(String16(lang)); } #if defined(CONF_DETAIL_TRACK_INFO) reply->writeInt32(mi->pAudioStreamInfo[i].nChannelNum); reply->writeInt32(mi->pAudioStreamInfo[i].nSampleRate); reply->writeInt32(mi->pAudioStreamInfo[i].nAvgBitrate); //Please refer to the "enum EAUDIOCODECFORMAT" in "adecoder.h" reply->writeInt32(mi->pAudioStreamInfo[i].eCodecFormat); #endif } #endif #if !AWPLAYER_CONFIG_DISABLE_SUBTITLE for(i=0; inSubtitleStreamNum; i++) { #if defined(CONF_DETAIL_TRACK_INFO) reply->writeInt32(4); #else reply->writeInt32(2); #endif reply->writeInt32(MEDIA_TRACK_TYPE_TIMEDTEXT); #if (CONF_ANDROID_MAJOR_VER >= 6) reply->writeString16(String16("text/3gpp-tt")); #endif if (mi->pSubtitleStreamInfo[i].strLang[0] != 0) { lang = (const char*)mi->pSubtitleStreamInfo[i].strLang; reply->writeString16(String16(lang)); } else { lang = ""; reply->writeString16(String16(lang)); } #if defined(CONF_DETAIL_TRACK_INFO) //Please refer to the "ESubtitleCodec" in "sdecoder.h" reply->writeInt32(mi->pSubtitleStreamInfo[i].eCodecFormat); reply->writeInt32(mi->pSubtitleStreamInfo[i].bExternal); #endif } #endif return OK; } } case INVOKE_ID_ADD_EXTERNAL_SOURCE: case INVOKE_ID_ADD_EXTERNAL_SOURCE_FD: { logd("=== INVOKE_ID_ADD_EXTERNAL_SOURCE"); int fd; int64_t nOffset; int64_t nLength; int fdSub; if(nMethodId == INVOKE_ID_ADD_EXTERNAL_SOURCE) { //* string values written in Parcel are UTF-16 values. String8 uri(request.readString16()); String8 mimeType(request.readString16()); //* if mimeType == "application/sub" and mIndexFileHasBeenSet == 0, //* the .sub file is a common .sub subtitle, not index+sub subtitle. if(strcmp((char*)mimeType.string(), "application/sub") == 0 && mPriData->mIndexFileHasBeenSet == 1) { //* the .sub file of index+sub subtitle. //* no need to use the .sub file url, because subtitle decoder will //* find the .sub file by itself by using the .idx file's url. //* mimetype "application/sub" is defined in //* "android/base/media/java/android/media/MediaPlayer.java". //* clear the flag for adding more subtitle. mPriData->mIndexFileHasBeenSet = 0; return OK; } else if(strcmp((char*)mimeType.string(), "application/idx+sub") == 0) { //* set this flag to process the .sub file passed in at next call. mPriData->mIndexFileHasBeenSet = 1; } //* probe subtitle info XPlayerSetExternalSubUrl(mPriData->mXPlayer, uri.string()); } else { fd = request.readFileDescriptor(); nOffset = request.readInt64(); nLength = request.readInt64(); fdSub = -1; String8 mimeType(request.readString16()); //* if mimeType == "application/sub" and mIndexFileHasBeenSet == 0, //* the .sub file is a common .sub subtitle, not index+sub subtitle. if(strcmp((char*)mimeType.string(), "application/idx-sub") == 0) { //* the .idx file of index+sub subtitle. mPriData->mIndexFileFdOfIndexSubtitle = dup(fd); mPriData->mIndexFileHasBeenSet = 1; return OK; } else if(strcmp((char*)mimeType.string(), "application/sub") == 0 && mPriData->mIndexFileHasBeenSet == 1) { //* the .sub file of index+sub subtitle. //* for index+sub subtitle, PlayerProbeSubtitleStreamInfoFd() method need //* the .idx file's descriptor for probe. fdSub = fd; //* save the .sub file's descriptor to fdSub. //* set the .idx file's descriptor to fd. fd = mPriData->mIndexFileFdOfIndexSubtitle; mPriData->mIndexFileFdOfIndexSubtitle = -1; mPriData->mIndexFileHasBeenSet = 0;//* clear the flag for adding more subtitle. } //* probe subtitle info XPlayerSetExternalSubFd(mPriData->mXPlayer, fd,nOffset,nLength, fdSub); } break; } case INVOKE_ID_SELECT_TRACK: case INVOKE_ID_UNSELECT_TRACK: { int nStreamIndex; int nTrackCount; nStreamIndex = request.readInt32(); logd("invode::INVOKE_ID_SELECT_TRACK, stream index = %d", nStreamIndex); if(mi == NULL) { loge("can not switch audio or subtitle, there is no media stream."); return NO_INIT; } nTrackCount = mi->nVideoStreamNum + mi->nAudioStreamNum + mi->nSubtitleStreamNum; if(nTrackCount == 0) { loge("can not switch audio or subtitle, there is no media stream."); return NO_INIT; } if(nStreamIndex >= mi->nVideoStreamNum && nStreamIndex < (mi->nVideoStreamNum + mi->nAudioStreamNum)) { if(nMethodId == INVOKE_ID_SELECT_TRACK) { //* switch audio. mPriData->mCurrentSelectAudioTrackIndex = nStreamIndex; nStreamIndex -= mi->nVideoStreamNum; if(XPlayerSwitchAudio(mPriData->mXPlayer, nStreamIndex) != 0) { loge("can not switch audio, call PlayerSwitchAudio() return fail."); return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } } else { mPriData->mCurrentSelectAudioTrackIndex = -1; loge("Deselect an audio track (%d) is not supported", nStreamIndex); return INVALID_OPERATION; } return OK; } else if(nStreamIndex >= (mi->nVideoStreamNum + mi->nAudioStreamNum) && nStreamIndex < nTrackCount) { if(nMethodId == INVOKE_ID_SELECT_TRACK) { logv("==== INVOKE_ID_SELECT_TRACK, nStreamIndex: %d", nStreamIndex); //* enable subtitle. mPriData->mIsSubtitleDisable = 0; mPriData->mCurrentSelectSubTrackIndex = nStreamIndex; //* switch subtitle. nStreamIndex -= (mi->nVideoStreamNum + mi->nAudioStreamNum); if(XPlayerSwitchSubtitle(mPriData->mXPlayer, nStreamIndex) != 0) { loge("can not switch subtitle, call PlayerSwitchSubtitle() return fail."); return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } memset(&mPriData->subDisPos,0,sizeof(SubtitleDisPos)); logv("nStartX: %d", mPriData->subDisPos.nStartX); } else { logv("==== INVOKE_ID_DESELECT_TRACK, nStreamIndex: %d", nStreamIndex); if(mPriData->mCurrentSelectSubTrackIndex != nStreamIndex) { logw("the unselectTrack is not right: %d, %d", mPriData->mCurrentSelectSubTrackIndex,nStreamIndex); return INVALID_OPERATION; } mPriData->mIsSubtitleDisable = 1; //* disable subtitle show. sendEvent(MEDIA_TIMED_TEXT);//* clear all the displaying subtitle //* clear the mSubtitleDisplayIds memset(mPriData->mSubtitleDisplayIds,0xff,64*sizeof(unsigned int)); mPriData->mSubtitleDisplayIdsUpdateIndex = 0; mPriData->mCurrentSelectSubTrackIndex = -1; } return OK; } if(nMethodId == INVOKE_ID_SELECT_TRACK) { loge("can not switch audio or subtitle to track %d, \ stream index exceed.(%d stream in total).", nStreamIndex, nTrackCount); } else { loge("can not unselect track %d, stream index exceed.(%d stream in total).", nStreamIndex, nTrackCount); } return BAD_INDEX; break; } case INVOKE_ID_SET_VIDEO_SCALING_MODE: { int nStreamIndex; nStreamIndex = request.readInt32(); logv("invode::INVOKE_ID_SET_VIDEO_SCALING_MODE"); //* TODO. return OK; } #if defined(CONF_SET_SCALEDOWN_MODE) //* FIXME. //* we should scaling according to the 'bSetScaleDown' param. //* bSetScaleDown = 0 means do not set scale down //* bSetScaleDown = 1 means scaling when the resolution is larger than 2k //* bSetScaleDown = 2 means scaling at any resolution. //* here the case of the VR9 call bSetScaleDown = 1. case INVOKE_ID_SET_SCALE_DOWN: { int bSetScaleDown = 0; bSetScaleDown = request.readInt32(); logd("invoke set scale down. bSetScaleDown:%d",bSetScaleDown); XPlayerSetScaleDown(mPriData->mXPlayer,bSetScaleDown); return OK; } #endif #if defined(CONF_PRODUCT_STB) case INVOKE_ID_SET_3D_MODE: { logd(" donot set 3d mode"); break; } case INVOKE_ID_GET_3D_MODE: { break; } #endif #if (CONF_ANDROID_MAJOR_VER >= 5) case INVOKE_ID_GET_SELECTED_TRACK: { int trackType = request.readInt32(); logd("==== invoke: INVOKE_ID_GET_SELECTED_TRACK, trackType(%d)", trackType); logd("=== mCurrentSelectSubTrackIndex: %d", mPriData->mCurrentSelectSubTrackIndex); if(trackType == MEDIA_TRACK_TYPE_VIDEO) reply->writeInt32(mPriData->mCurrentSelectVidoeTrackIndex); else if(trackType == MEDIA_TRACK_TYPE_AUDIO) reply->writeInt32(mPriData->mCurrentSelectAudioTrackIndex); else if(trackType == MEDIA_TRACK_TYPE_TIMEDTEXT || trackType == MEDIA_TRACK_TYPE_SUBTITLE) reply->writeInt32(mPriData->mCurrentSelectSubTrackIndex); else logw("invoke: INVOKE_ID_GET_SELECTED_TRACK, trackType(%d) unkown", trackType); break; } #endif #if defined(CONF_CMCC) case INVOKE_ID_GET_CONTENT_ID: // softdetector { reply->writeInt32(mPriData->dupContentID); return OK; } case INVOKE_ID_GET_BITRATE: // softdetector { int bitRate = 0; if(mi != NULL) bitRate = mi->nBitrate; if(bitRate <= 0 && mPriData->mXPlayer != NULL) bitRate = XPlayerGetBitrate(mPriData->mXPlayer); reply->writeInt32(bitRate); return OK; } case INVOKE_ID_GET_MIME: // softdetector { const char *mime = ""; int containerType = mi->eContainerType; switch(containerType) { case CONTAINER_TYPE_HLS: mime = "application/vnd.apple.mpegurl"; break; case CONTAINER_TYPE_TS: mime = "video/MP2T"; break; case CONTAINER_TYPE_MOV: mime = "video/mp4"; break; } reply->writeString16(String16(mime)); return OK; } case INVOKE_ID_GET_CACHEBYTES: //softdetector { int bytes = 0; if(mPriData->mXPlayer) bytes = XPlayerGetCacheSize(mPriData->mXPlayer); reply->writeInt32(bytes); return OK; } #endif #if BOARD_USE_PLAYREADY case INVOKE_ID_PLAYREADY_DRM: { logd("===invoke playready==="); PlayReady_Drm_Invoke(request, reply); break; } #endif default: { logv("unknown invode command %d", nMethodId); return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } } return OK; } status_t AwPlayer::setParameter(int key, const Parcel &request) { logv("setParameter(key=%d)", key); (void)key; (void)request; return OK; #if 0 switch(key) { case KEY_PARAMETER_CACHE_STAT_COLLECT_FREQ_MS: { int nCacheReportIntervalMs; logv("setParameter::KEY_PARAMETER_CACHE_STAT_COLLECT_FREQ_MS"); nCacheReportIntervalMs = request.readInt32(); if(DemuxCompSetCacheStatReportInterval(mPriData->mDemux, nCacheReportIntervalMs) == 0) return OK; else return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } case KEY_PARAMETER_PLAYBACK_RATE_PERMILLE: { logv("setParameter::KEY_PARAMETER_PLAYBACK_RATE_PERMILLE"); //* TODO. return OK; } default: { logv("unknown setParameter command %d", key); return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } } #endif } #if (CONF_ANDROID_MAJOR_VER >= 8) void AwPlayer::updateMetrics(const char *where) { if(where == NULL) { where = "unkown"; } ALOGV("updateMetrics(%p) from %s ", this, where); MediaInfo* mi; mi = XPlayerGetMediaInfo(mPriData->mXPlayer); const char* mimeType; const char* codecName; if(mi->nVideoStreamNum > 0) { mPriData->mAnalyticsItem->setInt32(kPlayerWidth, mi->pVideoStreamInfo->nWidth); mPriData->mAnalyticsItem->setInt32(kPlayerHeight, mi->pVideoStreamInfo->nHeight); switch(mi->pVideoStreamInfo->eCodecFormat) { case VIDEO_CODEC_FORMAT_H264: mimeType = "video/avc"; codecName = "allwinner.h264.decoder"; break; case VIDEO_CODEC_FORMAT_H265: mimeType = "video/hevc"; codecName = "allwinner.h265.decoder"; break; case VIDEO_CODEC_FORMAT_VP8: mimeType = "video/vp8"; codecName = "allwinner.vp8.decoder"; break; case VIDEO_CODEC_FORMAT_VP9: mimeType = "video/vp9"; codecName = "allwinner.vp9.decoder"; break; default: mimeType = "unknown"; codecName = "unknown"; } mPriData->mAnalyticsItem->setCString(kPlayerVMime, mimeType); mPriData->mAnalyticsItem->setCString(kPlayerVCodec, codecName); } if(mi->nAudioStreamNum > 0) { switch(mi->pAudioStreamInfo->eCodecFormat) { case AUDIO_CODEC_FORMAT_MPEG_AAC_LC: mimeType = "audio/aac"; codecName = "allwinner.aac.decoder"; break; case AUDIO_CODEC_FORMAT_MP3: mimeType = "audio/mp3"; codecName = "allwinner.mp3.decoder"; break; default: mimeType = "unknown"; codecName = "unknown"; } mPriData->mAnalyticsItem->setCString(kPlayerAMime, mimeType); mPriData->mAnalyticsItem->setCString(kPlayerACodec, codecName); } int duration; getDuration(&duration); mPriData->mAnalyticsItem->setInt64(kPlayerDuration, duration); int playingtimeMs; getCurrentPosition(&playingtimeMs); mPriData->mAnalyticsItem->setInt64(kPlayerPlaying, playingtimeMs); } #endif status_t AwPlayer::getParameter(int key, Parcel *reply) { logd("############################# getParameter"); MediaInfo* mi; mi = XPlayerGetMediaInfo(mPriData->mXPlayer); #if (CONF_ANDROID_MAJOR_VER >= 8) if (key == FOURCC('m','t','r','X')) { updateMetrics("api"); mPriData->mAnalyticsItem->writeToParcel(reply); return OK; } #endif return INVALID_OPERATION; } status_t AwPlayer::getMetadata(const media::Metadata::Filter& ids, Parcel *records) { using media::Metadata; Metadata metadata(records); MediaInfo* mi; mi = XPlayerGetMediaInfo(mPriData->mXPlayer); CEDARX_UNUSE(ids); if(mi == NULL) { return NO_INIT; } if(mi->nDurationMs > 0) metadata.appendBool(Metadata::kPauseAvailable , true); else metadata.appendBool(Metadata::kPauseAvailable , false); //* live stream, can not pause. if(mi->bSeekable) { metadata.appendBool(Metadata::kSeekBackwardAvailable, true); metadata.appendBool(Metadata::kSeekForwardAvailable, true); metadata.appendBool(Metadata::kSeekAvailable, true); } else { metadata.appendBool(Metadata::kSeekBackwardAvailable, false); metadata.appendBool(Metadata::kSeekForwardAvailable, false); metadata.appendBool(Metadata::kSeekAvailable, false); } return OK; //* other metadata in include/media/Metadata.h, Keep in sync with android/media/Metadata.java. /* Metadata::kTitle; // String Metadata::kComment; // String Metadata::kCopyright; // String Metadata::kAlbum; // String Metadata::kArtist; // String Metadata::kAuthor; // String Metadata::kComposer; // String Metadata::kGenre; // String Metadata::kDate; // Date Metadata::kDuration; // Integer(millisec) Metadata::kCdTrackNum; // Integer 1-based Metadata::kCdTrackMax; // Integer Metadata::kRating; // String Metadata::kAlbumArt; // byte[] Metadata::kVideoFrame; // Bitmap Metadata::kBitRate; // Integer, Aggregate rate of Metadata::kAudioBitRate; // Integer, bps Metadata::kVideoBitRate; // Integer, bps Metadata::kAudioSampleRate; // Integer, Hz Metadata::kVideoframeRate; // Integer, Hz // See RFC2046 and RFC4281. Metadata::kMimeType; // String Metadata::kAudioCodec; // String Metadata::kVideoCodec; // String Metadata::kVideoHeight; // Integer Metadata::kVideoWidth; // Integer Metadata::kNumTracks; // Integer Metadata::kDrmCrippled; // Boolean */ } status_t AwPlayer::setSubCharset(const char* strFormat) { if(strFormat != NULL) { int i; for(i=0; strTextCodecFormats[i]; i++) { if(!strcmp(strTextCodecFormats[i], strFormat)) break; } if(strTextCodecFormats[i] != NULL) strcpy(mPriData->mDefaultTextFormat, strTextCodecFormats[i]); } else strcpy(mPriData->mDefaultTextFormat, "UTF-8"); return OK; } status_t AwPlayer::getSubCharset(char *charset) { if(mPriData->mXPlayer == NULL) { return -1; } strcpy(charset, mPriData->mDefaultTextFormat); return OK; } status_t AwPlayer::setSubDelay(int nTimeMs) { if(mPriData->mXPlayer == NULL) { return -1; } return XPlayerSetSubDelay(mPriData->mXPlayer, nTimeMs); } int AwPlayer::getSubDelay() { if(mPriData->mXPlayer == NULL) { return -1; } return XPlayerGetSubDelay(mPriData->mXPlayer); } #if (CONF_ANDROID_MAJOR_VER >= 8) status_t AwPlayer::setBufferingSettings(const BufferingSettings& buffering) { if(mPriData->mXPlayer == NULL || &buffering == NULL) { return -1; } int nInitialWatermarkMs = buffering.mInitialWatermarkMs; int nInitialWatermarkKB = buffering.mInitialWatermarkKB; int nRebufferingWatermarkLowMs = buffering.mRebufferingWatermarkLowMs; int nRebufferingWatermarkHighMs = buffering.mRebufferingWatermarkHighMs; int nRebufferingWatermarkLowKB = buffering.mRebufferingWatermarkLowKB; int nRebufferingWatermarkHighKB = buffering.mRebufferingWatermarkHighKB; if (buffering.mRebufferingMode == BUFFERING_MODE_TIME_ONLY) { if(buffering.mRebufferingWatermarkLowMs > buffering.mRebufferingWatermarkHighMs) { loge("time-only mode. Rebuffering watermarks dismatch. "); return -1; } } else if (buffering.mRebufferingMode == BUFFERING_MODE_SIZE_ONLY) { if(buffering.mRebufferingWatermarkLowKB > buffering.mRebufferingWatermarkHighKB) { loge("size-only mode. Rebuffering watermarks dismatch. "); return -1; } } else if (buffering.mRebufferingMode == BUFFERING_MODE_TIME_THEN_SIZE) { if(buffering.mRebufferingWatermarkLowMs > buffering.mRebufferingWatermarkHighMs || buffering.mRebufferingWatermarkLowKB > buffering.mRebufferingWatermarkHighKB) { loge("time-then-size mode. Rebuffering watermarks dismatch. "); return -1; } } else { if (buffering.mInitialBufferingMode == BUFFERING_MODE_NONE) { nInitialWatermarkMs = 0; nInitialWatermarkKB = 0; } if (buffering.mRebufferingMode == BUFFERING_MODE_NONE) { nRebufferingWatermarkLowMs = 0; nRebufferingWatermarkLowKB = 0; nRebufferingWatermarkHighMs = 120 * 1000;// 120 sencond nRebufferingWatermarkHighKB = 20 * 1024;// 20 MB } } if(buffering.mInitialWatermarkKB > buffering.mRebufferingWatermarkHighKB) { nRebufferingWatermarkHighKB = buffering.mInitialWatermarkKB; } if(buffering.mInitialWatermarkMs > buffering.mRebufferingWatermarkHighMs) { nRebufferingWatermarkHighMs = buffering.mInitialWatermarkMs; } mPriData->pBuffering = (AwBufferingSettings*)malloc(sizeof(AwBufferingSettings)); memset(mPriData->pBuffering,0x00,sizeof(AwBufferingSettings)); mPriData->pBuffering->mInitialBufferingMode = (AwBufferingMode) buffering.mInitialBufferingMode; mPriData->pBuffering->mRebufferingMode = (AwBufferingMode) buffering.mRebufferingMode; mPriData->pBuffering->mInitialWatermarkKB = nInitialWatermarkKB; mPriData->pBuffering->mInitialWatermarkMs = nInitialWatermarkMs; mPriData->pBuffering->mRebufferingWatermarkHighKB = nRebufferingWatermarkHighKB; mPriData->pBuffering->mRebufferingWatermarkLowKB = nRebufferingWatermarkLowKB; mPriData->pBuffering->mRebufferingWatermarkHighMs = nRebufferingWatermarkHighMs; mPriData->pBuffering->mRebufferingWatermarkLowMs = nRebufferingWatermarkLowMs; logd("InitMode is %d, ReMode is %d, InitKB is %d, InitMs is %d.,\ ReHighKB is %d, ReLowKB is %d, ReHighMs is %d, ReLowMs is %d.", mPriData->pBuffering->mInitialBufferingMode, mPriData->pBuffering->mRebufferingMode, mPriData->pBuffering->mInitialWatermarkKB, mPriData->pBuffering->mInitialWatermarkMs, mPriData->pBuffering->mRebufferingWatermarkHighKB, mPriData->pBuffering->mRebufferingWatermarkLowKB, mPriData->pBuffering->mRebufferingWatermarkHighMs, mPriData->pBuffering->mRebufferingWatermarkLowMs); XPlayerSetBufferingSettings(mPriData->mXPlayer, mPriData->pBuffering); return 0; } status_t AwPlayer::getBufferingSettings(BufferingSettings* pBuffering) { if(mPriData->mXPlayer == NULL || pBuffering == NULL) { logd("buffering is null. please check it."); return -1; } AwBufferingSettings sBuffering; if(!XPlayerGetBufferingSettings(mPriData->mXPlayer, &sBuffering)) { pBuffering->mInitialBufferingMode = (BufferingMode)sBuffering.mInitialBufferingMode; pBuffering->mRebufferingMode = (BufferingMode)sBuffering.mRebufferingMode; pBuffering->mInitialWatermarkMs = sBuffering.mInitialWatermarkMs; pBuffering->mInitialWatermarkKB = sBuffering.mInitialWatermarkKB; pBuffering->mRebufferingWatermarkLowMs = sBuffering.mRebufferingWatermarkLowMs; pBuffering->mRebufferingWatermarkHighMs = sBuffering.mRebufferingWatermarkHighMs; pBuffering->mRebufferingWatermarkLowKB = sBuffering.mRebufferingWatermarkLowKB; pBuffering->mRebufferingWatermarkHighKB = sBuffering.mRebufferingWatermarkHighKB; logd("InitMode is %d, ReMode is %d, InitKB is %d, InitMs is %d.,\ ReHighKB is %d, ReLowKB is %d, ReHighMs is %d, ReLowMs is %d.", pBuffering->mInitialBufferingMode, pBuffering->mRebufferingMode, pBuffering->mInitialWatermarkKB, pBuffering->mInitialWatermarkMs, pBuffering->mRebufferingWatermarkHighKB, pBuffering->mRebufferingWatermarkLowKB, pBuffering->mRebufferingWatermarkHighMs, pBuffering->mRebufferingWatermarkLowMs); return 0; } else { loge("fail to get buffering parameters."); return -1; } } #endif status_t AwPlayer::callbackProcess(int messageId, int ext1, void* param) { switch(messageId) { case AWPLAYER_MEDIA_PREPARED: { #if BUFFERING_ICON_BUG if (!mPriData->mbIsDiagnose && mPriData->mConfigInfo.appType == APP_CMCC_WASU) { sendEvent(MEDIA_INFO, MEDIA_INFO_BUFFERING_END); } #endif sendEvent(MEDIA_PREPARED, 0, 0); break; } case AWPLAYER_MEDIA_PLAYBACK_COMPLETE: { sendEvent(MEDIA_PLAYBACK_COMPLETE, 0, 0); break; } case AWPLAYER_MEDIA_SEEK_COMPLETE: { sendEvent(MEDIA_SEEK_COMPLETE, 0, 0); break; } case AWPLAYER_MEDIA_LOG_RECORDER: { if(mPriData->mLogRecorder != NULL) { logv("AwLogRecorderRecord %s.", (char*)param); AwLogRecorderRecord(mPriData->mLogRecorder, (char*)param); } break; } case AWPLAYER_MEDIA_BUFFERING_UPDATE: { int nTotalPercentage; int nBufferPercentage; int nLoadingPercentage; nTotalPercentage = ((int*)param)[0]; //* read positon to total file size. nBufferPercentage = ((int*)param)[1]; //* cache buffer fullness. nLoadingPercentage = ((int*)param)[2]; //* loading percentage to start play. sendEvent(MEDIA_BUFFERING_UPDATE, nTotalPercentage, nBufferPercentage<<16 | nLoadingPercentage); break; } case AWPLAYER_MEDIA_ERROR: { if(mPriData->mLogRecorder != NULL) { char cmccLog[4096] = ""; sprintf(cmccLog, "[error][%s %s %d]Error happened, event: %d", LOG_TAG, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ext1); logv("AwLogRecorderRecord %s.", cmccLog); AwLogRecorderRecord(mPriData->mLogRecorder, cmccLog); } #if defined(CONF_PRODUCT_STB) if(ext1 == AW_MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN) sendEvent(MEDIA_ERROR, MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN, 0); else if(ext1 == AW_MEDIA_ERROR_IO) sendEvent(MEDIA_ERROR, MEDIA_ERROR_IO, 0); else if(ext1 == AW_MEDIA_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED) sendEvent(MEDIA_ERROR, MEDIA_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED, 0); else { logw("unkown ext1: %d", ext1); sendEvent(MEDIA_ERROR, MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN, 0); } #else sendEvent(MEDIA_ERROR, MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN, 0); #endif break; } case AWPLAYER_MEDIA_INFO: { switch(ext1) { case AW_MEDIA_INFO_UNKNOWN: sendEvent(MEDIA_INFO, MEDIA_INFO_UNKNOWN); break; case AW_MEDIA_INFO_RENDERING_START: { if(mPriData->mLogRecorder != NULL) { struct timeval tv; int64_t renderTimeMs; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); renderTimeMs = (tv.tv_sec * 1000000ll + tv.tv_usec)/1000; char cmccLog[4096] = ""; sprintf(cmccLog, "[info][%s %s %d]show the first video frame," " spend time: %lldms", LOG_TAG, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, (long long int)(renderTimeMs - mPriData->mPlayTimeMs)); logv("AwLogRecorderRecord %s.", cmccLog); AwLogRecorderRecord(mPriData->mLogRecorder, cmccLog); } sendEvent(MEDIA_INFO, MEDIA_INFO_RENDERING_START, 0); sendEvent(MEDIA_STARTED, 0, 0); break; } case AW_MEDIA_INFO_BUFFERING_START: { if(mPriData->mLogRecorder != NULL) { char cmccLog[4096] = ""; int *pNeedBufferSize = (int*)param; sprintf(cmccLog, "[info][%s %s %d]buffering start, " "need buffer data size: %.2fMB", LOG_TAG, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, *pNeedBufferSize/(1024*1024.0f)); logv("AwLogRecorderRecord %s.", cmccLog); AwLogRecorderRecord(mPriData->mLogRecorder, cmccLog); struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); mPriData->mBufferTimeMs = (tv.tv_sec * 1000000ll + tv.tv_usec)/1000; } sendEvent(MEDIA_INFO, MEDIA_INFO_BUFFERING_START); break; } case AW_MEDIA_INFO_BUFFERING_END: { if(mPriData->mLogRecorder != NULL) { struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); int64_t bufferEndTimeMs = (tv.tv_sec * 1000000ll + tv.tv_usec)/1000; char cmccLog[4096] = ""; sprintf(cmccLog, "[info][%s %s %d]buffering end, lasting time: %lldms", LOG_TAG, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, (long long int)(bufferEndTimeMs - mPriData->mBufferTimeMs)); logv("AwLogRecorderRecord %s.", cmccLog); AwLogRecorderRecord(mPriData->mLogRecorder, cmccLog); } sendEvent(MEDIA_INFO, MEDIA_INFO_BUFFERING_END); break; } case AW_MEDIA_INFO_NOT_SEEKABLE: sendEvent(MEDIA_INFO, MEDIA_INFO_NOT_SEEKABLE, 0); break; #if defined(CONF_PRODUCT_STB) case AW_MEDIA_INFO_DOWNLOAD_START: { DownloadObject* obj = (DownloadObject*)param; if(mPriData->mLogRecorder != NULL) { char cmccLog[4096] = ""; sprintf(cmccLog, "[info][%s %s %d]ts segment download is start, " "number: %d, filesize: %.2fMB, duration: %lldms", LOG_TAG, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, obj->seqNum, (float)obj->seqSize/(1024*1024.0f), obj->seqDuration/1000); logv("AwLogRecorderRecord %s.", cmccLog); AwLogRecorderRecord(mPriData->mLogRecorder, cmccLog); } sendEvent(MEDIA_INFO, MEDIA_INFO_DOWNLOAD_START, obj->seqNum); break; } case AW_MEDIA_INFO_DOWNLOAD_END: { DownloadObject* obj = (DownloadObject*)param; if(mPriData->mLogRecorder != NULL) { char cmccLog[4096] = ""; sprintf(cmccLog, "[info][%s %s %d]ts segment download is complete, " "recvsize: %.2fMB, spend time: %lldms, rate: %lldbps", LOG_TAG, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, (float)obj->seqSize/(1024*1024.0f), obj->spendTime, obj->rate); logv("AwLogRecorderRecord %s.", cmccLog); AwLogRecorderRecord(mPriData->mLogRecorder, cmccLog); } sendEvent(MEDIA_INFO, MEDIA_INFO_DOWNLOAD_END, (int)obj->spendTime); break; } case AW_MEDIA_INFO_DOWNLOAD_ERROR: { DownloadObject* obj = (DownloadObject*)param; if(mPriData->mLogRecorder != NULL) { char cmccLog[4096] = ""; sprintf(cmccLog, "[error][%s %s %d]Error happened, event: %d", LOG_TAG, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, MEDIA_INFO_DOWNLOAD_ERROR); logv("AwLogRecorderRecord %s.", cmccLog); AwLogRecorderRecord(mPriData->mLogRecorder, cmccLog); } sendEvent(MEDIA_INFO, MEDIA_INFO_DOWNLOAD_ERROR, obj->statusCode); break; } #endif default: logw("unkown info msg"); break; } break; } #if !(defined(CONF_NEW_BDMV_STREAM)) case AWPLAYER_EXTEND_MEDIA_INFO: { switch(ext1) { case AW_EX_IOREQ_ACCESS: { char *filePath = (char *)((uintptr_t *)param)[0]; int mode = ((uintptr_t *)param)[1]; int *pRet = (int *)((uintptr_t *)param)[2]; Parcel parcel; Parcel replyParcel; *pRet = -1; // write path string as a byte array parcel.writeInt32(strlen(filePath)); parcel.write(filePath, strlen(filePath)); parcel.writeInt32(mode); sendEvent(AWEXTEND_MEDIA_INFO, AWEXTEND_MEDIA_INFO_CHECK_ACCESS_RIGHRS, 0, &parcel, &replyParcel); replyParcel.setDataPosition(0); *pRet = replyParcel.readInt32(); break; } case AW_EX_IOREQ_OPEN: { char *filePath = (char *)((uintptr_t *)param)[0]; int *pFd = (int *)((uintptr_t *)param)[1]; int fd = -1; Parcel parcel; Parcel replyParcel; bool bFdValid = false; *pFd = -1; // write path string as a byte array parcel.writeInt32(strlen(filePath)); parcel.write(filePath, strlen(filePath)); sendEvent(AWEXTEND_MEDIA_INFO, AWEXTEND_MEDIA_INFO_REQUEST_OPEN_FILE, 0, &parcel, &replyParcel); replyParcel.setDataPosition(0); bFdValid = replyParcel.readInt32(); if (bFdValid == true) { fd = replyParcel.readFileDescriptor(); if (fd < 0) { loge("invalid fd '%d'", fd); *pFd = -1; break; } *pFd = dup(fd); if (*pFd < 0) { loge("dup fd failure, errno(%d) '%d'", errno, fd); } close(fd); } break; } case AW_EX_IOREQ_OPENDIR: { char *dirPath = (char *)((uintptr_t *)param)[0]; int *pDirId = (int *)((uintptr_t *)param)[1]; Parcel parcel; Parcel replyParcel; *pDirId = -1; // write path string as a byte array parcel.writeInt32(strlen(dirPath)); parcel.write(dirPath, strlen(dirPath)); sendEvent(AWEXTEND_MEDIA_INFO, AWEXTEND_MEDIA_INFO_REQUEST_OPEN_DIR, 0, &parcel, &replyParcel); replyParcel.setDataPosition(0); *pDirId = replyParcel.readInt32(); break; } case AW_EX_IOREQ_READDIR: { int dirId = ((uintptr_t *)param)[0]; int *pRet = (int *)((uintptr_t *)param)[1]; char *buf = (char *)((uintptr_t *)param)[2]; int bufLen = ((uintptr_t *)param)[3]; loge("** aw-read-dir: dirId = %d, buf = %p, bufLen = %d", dirId,buf,bufLen); Parcel parcel; Parcel replyParcel; int fileNameLen = -1; int32_t replyRet = -1; *pRet = -1; // write path string as a byte array parcel.writeInt32(dirId); sendEvent(AWEXTEND_MEDIA_INFO, AWEXTEND_MEDIA_INFO_REQUEST_READ_DIR, 0, &parcel, &replyParcel); replyParcel.setDataPosition(0); replyRet = replyParcel.readInt32(); if (0 == replyRet) { fileNameLen = replyParcel.readInt32(); if (fileNameLen > 0 && fileNameLen < bufLen) { const char* strdata = (const char*)replyParcel.readInplace(fileNameLen); memcpy(buf, strdata, fileNameLen); buf[fileNameLen] = 0; *pRet = 0; } } break; } case AW_EX_IOREQ_CLOSEDIR: { int dirId = ((uintptr_t *)param)[0]; int *pRet = (int *)((uintptr_t *)param)[1]; Parcel parcel; Parcel replyParcel; // write path string as a byte array parcel.writeInt32(dirId); sendEvent(AWEXTEND_MEDIA_INFO, AWEXTEND_MEDIA_INFO_REQUEST_CLOSE_DIR, 0, &parcel, &replyParcel); replyParcel.setDataPosition(0); *pRet = replyParcel.readInt32(); break; } } } #endif case SUBCTRL_SUBTITLE_AVAILABLE: { Parcel parcel; unsigned int nSubtitleId = (unsigned int)((uintptr_t*)param)[0]; SubtitleItem* pSubtitleItem = (SubtitleItem*)((uintptr_t*)param)[1]; logd("subtitle available. id = %d, pSubtitleItem = %p",nSubtitleId,pSubtitleItem); if(pSubtitleItem == NULL) { logw("pSubtitleItem == NULL"); break; } mPriData->mIsSubtitleInTextFormat = !!pSubtitleItem->bText; //* 0 or 1. if(mPriData->mIsSubtitleDisable == 0) { if(mPriData->mIsSubtitleInTextFormat) { SubtitleUtilsFillTextSubtitleToParcel(&parcel, pSubtitleItem, nSubtitleId, mPriData->mDefaultTextFormat, &mPriData->subDisPos); } else { //* clear the mSubtitleDisplayIds memset(mPriData->mSubtitleDisplayIds,0xff,64*sizeof(unsigned int)); mPriData->mSubtitleDisplayIdsUpdateIndex = 0; sendEvent(MEDIA_TIMED_TEXT); //* clear bmp subtitle first SubtitleUtilsFillBitmapSubtitleToParcel(&parcel, pSubtitleItem, nSubtitleId); } //*record subtitile id mPriData->mSubtitleDisplayIds[mPriData->mSubtitleDisplayIdsUpdateIndex] = nSubtitleId; mPriData->mSubtitleDisplayIdsUpdateIndex++; if(mPriData->mSubtitleDisplayIdsUpdateIndex>=64) mPriData->mSubtitleDisplayIdsUpdateIndex = 0; logd("notify available message."); sendEvent(MEDIA_TIMED_TEXT, 0, 0, &parcel); } break; } case SUBCTRL_SUBTITLE_EXPIRED: { logd("subtitle expired."); Parcel parcel; unsigned int nSubtitleId; int i; nSubtitleId = *(unsigned int*)param; if(mPriData->mIsSubtitleDisable == 0) { //* match the subtitle id which is displaying ,or we may clear null subtitle for(i=0;i<64;i++) { if(nSubtitleId==mPriData->mSubtitleDisplayIds[i]) break; } if(i!=64) { mPriData->mSubtitleDisplayIds[i] = 0xffffffff; if(mPriData->mIsSubtitleInTextFormat == 1) { //* set subtitle id parcel.writeInt32(KEY_GLOBAL_SETTING); //* nofity app to hide this subtitle parcel.writeInt32(KEY_STRUCT_AWEXTEND_HIDESUB); parcel.writeInt32(1); parcel.writeInt32(KEY_SUBTITLE_ID); parcel.writeInt32(nSubtitleId); logd("notify text expired message."); sendEvent(MEDIA_TIMED_TEXT, 0, 0, &parcel); } else { //* clear the mSubtitleDisplayIds memset(mPriData->mSubtitleDisplayIds,0xff,64*sizeof(unsigned int)); mPriData->mSubtitleDisplayIdsUpdateIndex = 0; //* if the sub is bmp ,we just send "clear all" command, //* nSubtitleId is not sent. logd("notify subtitle expired message."); sendEvent(MEDIA_TIMED_TEXT); } } } break; } case AWPLAYER_MEDIA_SET_VIDEO_SIZE: { int nWidth = ((int*)param)[0]; int nHeight = ((int*)param)[1]; logd("=== set videosize (%d, %d)", nWidth, nHeight); sendEvent(MEDIA_SET_VIDEO_SIZE, nWidth, nHeight); break; } #if (CONF_ANDROID_MAJOR_VER > 6) case AWPLAYER_MEDIA_META_DATA: { Parcel parcel; int size; char* buffer; int64_t timeUs = ((unsigned int*)param)[0]; timeUs <<= 32; timeUs |= ((unsigned int*)param)[1]; size = ((int*)param)[2]; buffer = (char*)((unsigned int*)param)[3]; parcel.writeInt64(timeUs); parcel.writeInt32(size); parcel.writeInt32(size); parcel.write(buffer, size); logv("notify meta data message."); sendEvent(MEDIA_META_DATA, 0, 0, &parcel); break; } #endif case AWPLAYER_MEDIA_RESET_BUFFER_FINISHED: { sem_post(&mPriData->mReplyToDisconnect); break; } default: { logw("message 0x%x not handled.", messageId); break; } } return OK; } static int XPlayerCallbackProcess(void* pUser, int eMessageId, int ext1, void* param) { AwPlayer *p = (AwPlayer*)pUser; p->callbackProcess(eMessageId, ext1, param); return 0; } static int SubCallbackProcess(void* pUser, int eMessageId, void* param) { AwPlayer* p = (AwPlayer*)pUser; p->callbackProcess(eMessageId, 0, param); return 0; } static int GetCallingApkName(char* strApkName, int nMaxNameSize) { int fd; snprintf(strApkName, nMaxNameSize, "/proc/%d/cmdline", IPCThreadState::self()->getCallingPid()); fd = ::open(strApkName, O_RDONLY); strApkName[0] = '\0'; if (fd >= 0) { strApkName[nMaxNameSize - 1] = '\0'; ::read(fd, strApkName, nMaxNameSize - 1); ::close(fd); logd("Calling process is: %s", strApkName); } return 0; } void enableMediaBoost(MediaInfo* mi) { char cmd[PROP_VALUE_MAX] = {0}; int total = 0; struct ScMemOpsS *memops = NULL; if(mi == NULL || mi->pVideoStreamInfo == NULL) { logd("input invalid args."); return; } #if defined(CONF_MEDIA_BOOST_MEM) if(mi->pVideoStreamInfo->bSecureStreamFlagLevel1 == 1) { memops = SecureMemAdapterGetOpsS(); } else { memops = MemAdapterGetOpsS(); } CdcMemOpen(memops); total = CdcMemTotalSize(memops); CdcMemClose(memops); //set the mem property if((mi->pVideoStreamInfo->nWidth >= WIDTH_4K || mi->pVideoStreamInfo->nHeight >= HEIGHT_4K) && total < 190000 ) { sprintf(cmd, "model%d:3", getpid()); logd("setprop media.boost.pref %s", cmd); property_set("media.boost.pref", cmd); } #endif //setprop media.boost.pref mode123:0:c:num //attention!!! Just for h5, num(1,2,3,4) lock cpu num; num(5) lock freq. #if defined(CONF_MEDIA_BOOST_CPU) #if (CONF_MEDIA_BOOST_CPU_MODE == 1) // h5 sprintf(cmd, "mode%d:0:c:5", getpid()); #elif (CONF_MEDIA_BOOST_CPU_MODE == 2) // h6 sprintf(cmd, "mode%d:1:c:3", getpid()); #endif logd("setprop media.boost.pref %s", cmd); property_set("media.boost.pref", cmd); #endif } void disableMediaBoost() { char cmd[PROP_VALUE_MAX] = {0}; sprintf(cmd, "mode%d:0:c:0", getpid()); logd("setprop media.boost.pref %s", cmd); property_set("media.boost.pref", cmd); }