/* * Copyright (c) 2008-2016 Allwinner Technology Co. Ltd. * All rights reserved. * * File : display.h * Description : display de * History : */ #ifndef __SUNXI_DISPLAY_H__ #define __SUNXI_DISPLAY_H__ struct disp_manager; struct disp_device; struct disp_smbl; struct disp_enhance; struct disp_capture; typedef struct disp_color { unsigned char alpha; unsigned char red; unsigned char green; unsigned char blue; } disp_color; typedef struct disp_rect { int x; int y; unsigned int width; unsigned int height; } disp_rect; typedef struct disp_rectsz { unsigned int width; unsigned int height; } disp_rectsz; typedef struct disp_position { int x; int y; } disp_position; typedef unsigned int u32; typedef enum { DISP_FORMAT_ARGB_8888 = 0x00,//MSB A-R-G-B LSB DISP_FORMAT_ABGR_8888 = 0x01, DISP_FORMAT_RGBA_8888 = 0x02, DISP_FORMAT_BGRA_8888 = 0x03, DISP_FORMAT_XRGB_8888 = 0x04, DISP_FORMAT_XBGR_8888 = 0x05, DISP_FORMAT_RGBX_8888 = 0x06, DISP_FORMAT_BGRX_8888 = 0x07, DISP_FORMAT_RGB_888 = 0x08, DISP_FORMAT_BGR_888 = 0x09, DISP_FORMAT_RGB_565 = 0x0a, DISP_FORMAT_BGR_565 = 0x0b, DISP_FORMAT_ARGB_4444 = 0x0c, DISP_FORMAT_ABGR_4444 = 0x0d, DISP_FORMAT_RGBA_4444 = 0x0e, DISP_FORMAT_BGRA_4444 = 0x0f, DISP_FORMAT_ARGB_1555 = 0x10, DISP_FORMAT_ABGR_1555 = 0x11, DISP_FORMAT_RGBA_5551 = 0x12, DISP_FORMAT_BGRA_5551 = 0x13, /* SP: semi-planar, P:planar, I:interleaved * UVUV: U in the LSBs; VUVU: V in the LSBs */ DISP_FORMAT_YUV444_I_AYUV = 0x40,//MSB A-Y-U-V LSB, reserved DISP_FORMAT_YUV444_I_VUYA = 0x41,//MSB V-U-Y-A LSB DISP_FORMAT_YUV422_I_YVYU = 0x42,//MSB Y-V-Y-U LSB DISP_FORMAT_YUV422_I_YUYV = 0x43,//MSB Y-U-Y-V LSB DISP_FORMAT_YUV422_I_UYVY = 0x44,//MSB U-Y-V-Y LSB DISP_FORMAT_YUV422_I_VYUY = 0x45,//MSB V-Y-U-Y LSB DISP_FORMAT_YUV444_P = 0x46,//MSB P3-2-1-0 LSB, YYYY UUUU VVVV, reserved DISP_FORMAT_YUV422_P = 0x47,//MSB P3-2-1-0 LSB YYYY UU VV DISP_FORMAT_YUV420_P = 0x48,//MSB P3-2-1-0 LSB YYYY U V DISP_FORMAT_YUV411_P = 0x49,//MSB P3-2-1-0 LSB YYYY U V DISP_FORMAT_YUV422_SP_UVUV = 0x4a,//MSB V-U-V-U LSB DISP_FORMAT_YUV422_SP_VUVU = 0x4b,//MSB U-V-U-V LSB DISP_FORMAT_YUV420_SP_UVUV = 0x4c, DISP_FORMAT_YUV420_SP_VUVU = 0x4d, DISP_FORMAT_YUV411_SP_UVUV = 0x4e, DISP_FORMAT_YUV411_SP_VUVU = 0x4f, } disp_pixel_format; typedef enum { DISP_3D_OUT_MODE_CI_1 = 0x5,//column interlaved 1 DISP_3D_OUT_MODE_CI_2 = 0x6,//column interlaved 2 DISP_3D_OUT_MODE_CI_3 = 0x7,//column interlaved 3 DISP_3D_OUT_MODE_CI_4 = 0x8,//column interlaved 4 DISP_3D_OUT_MODE_LIRGB = 0x9,//line interleaved rgb DISP_3D_OUT_MODE_TB = 0x0,//top bottom DISP_3D_OUT_MODE_FP = 0x1,//frame packing DISP_3D_OUT_MODE_SSF = 0x2,//side by side full DISP_3D_OUT_MODE_SSH = 0x3,//side by side half DISP_3D_OUT_MODE_LI = 0x4,//line interleaved DISP_3D_OUT_MODE_FA = 0xa,//field alternative } disp_3d_out_mode; typedef enum { DISP_BT601 = 0, DISP_BT709 = 1, DISP_YCC = 2, } disp_color_space; typedef enum { DISP_CSC_TYPE_RGB = 0, DISP_CSC_TYPE_YUV1 = 1,//HDMI DISP_CSC_TYPE_YUV2 = 2,//TV } disp_csc_type; typedef enum { DISP_COLOR_RANGE_16_255 = 0, DISP_COLOR_RANGE_0_255 = 1, DISP_COLOR_RANGE_16_235 = 2, } disp_color_range; typedef enum { DISP_OUTPUT_TYPE_NONE = 0, DISP_OUTPUT_TYPE_LCD = 1, DISP_OUTPUT_TYPE_TV = 2, DISP_OUTPUT_TYPE_HDMI = 4, DISP_OUTPUT_TYPE_VGA = 8, } disp_output_type; typedef enum { DISP_TV_MOD_480I = 0, DISP_TV_MOD_576I = 1, DISP_TV_MOD_480P = 2, DISP_TV_MOD_576P = 3, DISP_TV_MOD_720P_50HZ = 4, DISP_TV_MOD_720P_60HZ = 5, DISP_TV_MOD_1080I_50HZ = 6, DISP_TV_MOD_1080I_60HZ = 7, DISP_TV_MOD_1080P_24HZ = 8, DISP_TV_MOD_1080P_50HZ = 9, DISP_TV_MOD_1080P_60HZ = 0xa, DISP_TV_MOD_1080P_24HZ_3D_FP = 0x17, DISP_TV_MOD_720P_50HZ_3D_FP = 0x18, DISP_TV_MOD_720P_60HZ_3D_FP = 0x19, DISP_TV_MOD_1080P_25HZ = 0x1a, DISP_TV_MOD_1080P_30HZ = 0x1b, DISP_TV_MOD_PAL = 0xb, DISP_TV_MOD_PAL_SVIDEO = 0xc, DISP_TV_MOD_NTSC = 0xe, DISP_TV_MOD_NTSC_SVIDEO = 0xf, DISP_TV_MOD_PAL_M = 0x11, DISP_TV_MOD_PAL_M_SVIDEO = 0x12, DISP_TV_MOD_PAL_NC = 0x14, DISP_TV_MOD_PAL_NC_SVIDEO = 0x15, DISP_TV_MOD_3840_2160P_30HZ = 0x1c, DISP_TV_MOD_3840_2160P_25HZ = 0x1d, DISP_TV_MOD_3840_2160P_24HZ = 0x1e, DISP_TV_MODE_NUM = 0x1f, } disp_tv_mode; //FIXME:still need? typedef enum { DISP_EXIT_MODE_CLEAN_ALL = 0, DISP_EXIT_MODE_CLEAN_PARTLY = 1,//only clean interrupt temply } disp_exit_mode; typedef enum { DISP_BF_NORMAL = 0,//non-stereo DISP_BF_STEREO_TB = 1 << 0,//stereo top-bottom DISP_BF_STEREO_FP = 1 << 1,//stereo frame packing DISP_BF_STEREO_SSH = 1 << 2,//stereo side by side half DISP_BF_STEREO_SSF = 1 << 3,//stereo side by side full DISP_BF_STEREO_LI = 1 << 4,//stereo line interlace } disp_buffer_flags; typedef enum { LAYER_MODE_BUFFER = 0, LAYER_MODE_COLOR = 1, } disp_layer_mode; typedef enum { DISP_SCAN_PROGRESSIVE = 0,//non interlace DISP_SCAN_INTERLACED_ODD_FLD_FIRST = 1 << 0,//interlace ,odd field first DISP_SCAN_INTERLACED_EVEN_FLD_FIRST = 1 << 1,//interlace,even field first } disp_scan_flags; typedef struct disp_output { unsigned int type; unsigned int mode; } disp_output; typedef struct disp_rect64 { long long x; long long y; long long width; long long height; } disp_rect64; typedef struct disp_fb_info { unsigned long long addr[3]; /* address of frame buffer, single addr for interleaved fomart, double addr for semi-planar fomart triple addr for planar format */ disp_rectsz size[3]; //size for 3 component,unit: pixels unsigned int align[3]; //align for 3 comonent,unit: bytes( //align=2^n,i.e. 1/2/4/8/16/32..) disp_pixel_format format; disp_color_space color_space; //color space unsigned int trd_right_addr[3];/* right address of 3d fb, used when in frame packing 3d mode */ unsigned char pre_multiply; //true: pre-multiply fb disp_rect64 crop; //crop rectangle boundaries disp_buffer_flags flags; //indicate stereo or non-stereo buffer disp_scan_flags scan; //scan type & scan order } disp_fb_info; typedef struct disp_layer_info { disp_layer_mode mode; unsigned char zorder; /*specifies the front-to-back ordering of the layers on the screen, the top layer having the highest Z value can't set zorder, but can get */ unsigned char alpha_mode; //0: pixel alpha; //1: global alpha; //2: global pixel alpha unsigned char alpha_value; //global alpha value disp_rect screen_win; //display window on the screen unsigned char b_trd_out; //3d display disp_3d_out_mode out_trd_mode;//3d display mode union { unsigned int color; //valid when LAYER_MODE_COLOR disp_fb_info fb; //framebuffer, valid when LAYER_MODE_BUFFER }; unsigned int id; /* frame id, can get the id of frame display currently by DISP_LAYER_GET_FRAME_ID */ } disp_layer_info; typedef struct disp_layer_config { disp_layer_info info; unsigned char enable; unsigned int channel; unsigned int layer_id; } disp_layer_config; typedef struct disp_colorkey { disp_color ck_max; disp_color ck_min; unsigned int red_match_rule;//0/1:always match; 2:match if min<=color<=max; //3:match if color>max or color<min unsigned int green_match_rule;//0/1:always match; 2:match if min<=color<=max; //3:match if color>max or color<min unsigned int blue_match_rule;//0/1:always match; 2:match if min<=color<=max; //3:match if color>max or color<min } disp_colorkey; typedef struct disp_s_frame { disp_pixel_format format; disp_rectsz size[3]; disp_rect crop; unsigned long long addr[3]; } disp_s_frame; typedef struct disp_capture_info { disp_rect window; // capture window, rectangle of screen to be captured //capture the whole screen if window eq ZERO disp_s_frame out_frame; } disp_capture_info; typedef struct disp_video_timings { unsigned int vic; //video infomation code unsigned int tv_mode; unsigned int pixel_clk; unsigned int pixel_repeat;//pixel repeat (pixel_repeat+1) times unsigned int x_res; unsigned int y_res; unsigned int hor_total_time; unsigned int hor_back_porch; unsigned int hor_front_porch; unsigned int hor_sync_time; unsigned int ver_total_time; unsigned int ver_back_porch; unsigned int ver_front_porch; unsigned int ver_sync_time; unsigned int hor_sync_polarity;//0: negative, 1: positive unsigned int ver_sync_polarity;//0: negative, 1: positive unsigned char b_interlace; unsigned int vactive_space; unsigned int trd_mode; } disp_video_timings; typedef enum { FB_MODE_SCREEN0 = 0, FB_MODE_SCREEN1 = 1, FB_MODE_SCREEN2 = 2, FB_MODE_DUAL_SAME_SCREEN_TB = 3,//two screen, top buffer for screen0, bottom buffer for screen1 FB_MODE_DUAL_DIFF_SCREEN_SAME_CONTENTS = 4,//two screen, they have same contents; } disp_fb_mode; typedef struct disp_fb_create_info { disp_fb_mode fb_mode; disp_layer_mode mode; unsigned int buffer_num; unsigned int width; unsigned int height; unsigned int output_width;//used when scaler mode unsigned int output_height;//used when scaler mode } disp_fb_create_info; typedef enum { DISP_INIT_MODE_SCREEN0 = 0,//fb0 for screen0 DISP_INIT_MODE_SCREEN1 = 1,//fb0 for screen1 DISP_INIT_MODE_SCREEN2 = 2,//fb0 for screen1 DISP_INIT_MODE_TWO_DIFF_SCREEN = 3,//fb0 for screen0 and fb1 for screen1 DISP_INIT_MODE_TWO_SAME_SCREEN = 4,//fb0(up buffer for screen0, down buffer for screen1) DISP_INIT_MODE_TWO_DIFF_SCREEN_SAME_CONTENTS = 5,//fb0 for two different screen //(screen0 layer is normal layer, //screen1 layer is scaler layer); } disp_init_mode; typedef struct disp_hdmi_func { int (*hdmi_open)(void); int (*hdmi_close)(void); int (*hdmi_set_mode)(disp_tv_mode mode); int (*hdmi_mode_support)(disp_tv_mode mode); int (*hdmi_get_HPD_status)(void); int (*hdmi_set_pll)(unsigned int pll, unsigned int clk); int (*hdmi_dvi_enable)(unsigned int mode); int (*hdmi_dvi_support)(void); int (*hdmi_get_input_csc)(void); int (*hdmi_get_hdcp_enable)(void); int (*hdmi_get_video_timing_info)(disp_video_timings **video_info); int (*hdmi_suspend)(void); int (*hdmi_resume)(void); int (*hdmi_early_suspend)(void); int (*hdmi_late_resume)(void); int (*hdmi_get_edid)(void); } disp_hdmi_func; typedef struct disp_tv_func { int (*tv_enable)(u32 sel); int (*tv_disable)(u32 sel); int (*tv_suspend)(void); int (*tv_resume)(void); int (*tv_get_mode)(u32 sel); int (*tv_set_mode)(u32 sel, disp_tv_mode tv_mod); int (*tv_get_input_csc) (void); int (* tv_get_video_timing_info) (u32 sel, disp_video_timings **video_info); int (*tv_mode_support) (disp_tv_mode mode); int (*tv_hot_plugging_detect)(u32 state); int (*tv_set_enhance_mode)(u32 sel, u32 mode); } disp_tv_func; /* disp_vdevice_interface_para - vdevice interaface parameter * * @intf:interface * 0:hv, 1:cpu, 3:lvds, 4:dsi * @sub_intf: sub interface * rgb interface: 0:parallel hv, 8:serial hv, 10:dummy rgb, 11: rgb dummy, 12: ccir656 * cpu interface: 0:18 pin, 10:9pin, 12:6pin, 8:16pin, 14:8pin * lvds interface:0:single link, 1:dual link * dsi inerafce: 0:video mode, 1:command mode, 2: video burst mode * @sequence:output sequence * rgb output: 0:rgb rgb, 1:rgb brg, 2:rgb gbr, 4:brg rgb, 5:brg brg, 6:brg gbr * 8:grb rgb, 9:grb brg, 10:grb gbr * yuv output:0:yuyv, 1: yvyu, 2:uyvy, 3:vyuy * @fdelay:yuv eav/sav F line delay * 0: F toggle right after active video line * 1: delay 2 line(CCIR NTSC) * 2: delay 3 line(CCIR PAL) * @clk_phase:clk phase * 0: 0 degree, 1:90 degree, 2: 180 degree, 3:270 degree * @sync_polarity:sync signals polarity * 0: vsync active low,hsync active low * 1: vsync active high,hsync active low * 2: vsync active low,hsync active high * 3: vsync active high,hsync active high */ typedef struct disp_vdevice_interface_para { unsigned int intf; unsigned int sub_intf; unsigned int sequence; unsigned int fdelay; unsigned int clk_phase; unsigned int sync_polarity; } disp_vdevice_interface_para; typedef struct disp_vdevice_source_ops { int (*tcon_enable)(struct disp_device *dispdev); int (*tcon_disable)(struct disp_device *dispdev); } disp_vdevice_source_ops; typedef struct disp_device_func { int (*enable)(void); int (*disable)(void); int (*set_mode)(u32 mode); int (*mode_support)(u32 mode); int (*get_HPD_status)(void); int (*get_input_csc)(void); int (*get_video_timing_info)(disp_video_timings **video_info); int (*suspend)(void); int (*resume)(void); int (*early_suspend)(void); int (*late_resume)(void); int (*get_interface_para)(void *para); } disp_device_func; typedef struct disp_vdevice_init_data { char name[32]; u32 disp; u32 fix_timing; disp_output_type type; disp_device_func func; } disp_vdevice_init_data; typedef enum disp_tv_dac_source { DISP_TV_DAC_SRC_COMPOSITE = 0, DISP_TV_DAC_SRC_LUMA = 1, DISP_TV_DAC_SRC_CHROMA = 2, DISP_TV_DAC_SRC_Y = 4, DISP_TV_DAC_SRC_PB = 5, DISP_TV_DAC_SRC_PR = 6, DISP_TV_DAC_SRC_NONE = 7, } disp_tv_dac_source; typedef enum { DISP_TV_NONE = 0, DISP_TV_CVBS = 1, DISP_TV_YPBPR = 2, DISP_TV_SVIDEO = 4, } disp_tv_output; typedef enum tag_DISP_CMD { //----disp global---- DISP_RESERVE0 = 0x00, DISP_RESERVE1 = 0x01, DISP_SET_BKCOLOR = 0x03, DISP_GET_BKCOLOR = 0x04, DISP_SET_COLORKEY = 0x05, DISP_GET_COLORKEY = 0x06, DISP_GET_SCN_WIDTH = 0x07, DISP_GET_SCN_HEIGHT = 0x08, DISP_GET_OUTPUT_TYPE = 0x09, DISP_SET_EXIT_MODE = 0x0A, DISP_VSYNC_EVENT_EN = 0x0B, DISP_BLANK = 0x0C, DISP_SHADOW_PROTECT = 0x0D, DISP_HWC_COMMIT = 0x0E, DISP_DEVICE_SWITCH = 0x0F, DISP_GET_OUTPUT = 0x10, DISP_SET_COLOR_RANGE = 0x11, DISP_GET_COLOR_RANGE = 0x12, //----layer---- DISP_LAYER_ENABLE = 0x40, DISP_LAYER_DISABLE = 0x41, DISP_LAYER_SET_INFO = 0x42, DISP_LAYER_GET_INFO = 0x43, DISP_LAYER_TOP = 0x44, DISP_LAYER_BOTTOM = 0x45, DISP_LAYER_GET_FRAME_ID = 0x46, DISP_LAYER_SET_CONFIG = 0x47, DISP_LAYER_GET_CONFIG = 0x48, //----hdmi---- DISP_HDMI_SUPPORT_MODE = 0xc4, DISP_SET_TV_HPD = 0xc5, DISP_HDMI_GET_EDID = 0xc6, //----lcd---- DISP_LCD_ENABLE = 0x100, DISP_LCD_DISABLE = 0x101, DISP_LCD_SET_BRIGHTNESS = 0x102, DISP_LCD_GET_BRIGHTNESS = 0x103, DISP_LCD_BACKLIGHT_ENABLE = 0x104, DISP_LCD_BACKLIGHT_DISABLE = 0x105, DISP_LCD_SET_SRC = 0x106, DISP_LCD_SET_FPS = 0x107, DISP_LCD_GET_FPS = 0x108, DISP_LCD_GET_SIZE = 0x109, DISP_LCD_GET_MODEL_NAME = 0x10a, DISP_LCD_SET_GAMMA_TABLE = 0x10b, DISP_LCD_GAMMA_CORRECTION_ENABLE = 0x10c, DISP_LCD_GAMMA_CORRECTION_DISABLE = 0x10d, DISP_LCD_USER_DEFINED_FUNC = 0x10e, DISP_LCD_CHECK_OPEN_FINISH = 0x10f, DISP_LCD_CHECK_CLOSE_FINISH = 0x110, //---- capture --- DISP_CAPTURE_START = 0x140,//caputre screen and scaler to dram DISP_CAPTURE_STOP = 0x141, DISP_CAPTURE_COMMIT = 0x142, //---enhance --- DISP_ENHANCE_ENABLE = 0x180, DISP_ENHANCE_DISABLE = 0x181, DISP_ENHANCE_GET_EN = 0x182, DISP_ENHANCE_SET_WINDOW = 0x183, DISP_ENHANCE_GET_WINDOW = 0x184, DISP_ENHANCE_SET_MODE = 0x185, DISP_ENHANCE_GET_MODE = 0x186, DISP_ENHANCE_DEMO_ENABLE = 0x187, DISP_ENHANCE_DEMO_DISABLE = 0x188, //---smart backlight --- DISP_SMBL_ENABLE = 0x200, DISP_SMBL_DISABLE = 0x201, DISP_SMBL_GET_EN = 0x202, DISP_SMBL_SET_WINDOW = 0x203, DISP_SMBL_GET_WINDOW = 0x204, //---- for test DISP_FB_REQUEST = 0x280, DISP_FB_RELEASE = 0x281, DISP_MEM_REQUEST = 0x2c0, DISP_MEM_RELEASE = 0x2c1, DISP_MEM_GETADR = 0x2c2, } __DISP_t; #define FBIOGET_LAYER_HDL_0 0x4700 #define FBIOGET_LAYER_HDL_1 0x4701 #endif