#include "log.h" #include <pthread.h> #include <semaphore.h> #include <malloc.h> #include <memory.h> #include <time.h> #include "audioDecComponent.h" #include "adecoder.h" #include "messageQueue.h" #include "streamManager.h" static const int MAX_AUDIO_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE (2048*1024); static const int MAX_AUDIO_STREAM_FRAME_COUNT (2048); typedef struct AudioDecCompContext { //* created at initialize time. MessageQueue* mq; sem_t startMsgReplySem; sem_t stopMsgReplySem; sem_t pauseMsgReplySem; sem_t resetMsgReplySem; sem_t eosMsgReplySem; sem_t quitMsgReplySem; sem_t streamDataSem; sem_t frameBufferSem; int nStartReply; int nStopReply; int nPauseReply; int nResetReply; pthread_t sDecodeThread; enum EPLAYERSTATUS eStatus; //* objects set by user. AvTimer* pAvTimer; PlayerCallback callback; void* pUserData; int bEosFlag; int nOffset; BsInFor bsInfo; AudioDecoder* pDecoder; int nStreamCount; int nStreamSelected; AudioStreamInfo* pStreamInfoArr; StreamManager** pStreamManagerArr; pthread_mutex_t streamManagerMutex; pthread_mutex_t decoderDestroyMutex; //* to protect decoder from destroyed. int bCrashFlag; }AudioDecCompContext; static void* AudioDecodeThread(void* arg); static void PostDecodeMessage(MessageQueue* mq); static void FlushStreamManagerBuffers(AudioDecCompContext* p, int64_t curTime, int bIncludeSeletedStream); AudioDecComp* AudioDecCompCreate(void) { AudioDecCompContext* p; int err; p = (AudioDecCompContext*)malloc(sizeof(AudioDecCompContext)); if(p == NULL) { loge("memory alloc fail."); return NULL; } memset(p, 0, sizeof(*p)); p->mq = MessageQueueCreate(4, "AudioDecodeMq"); if(p->mq == NULL) { loge("audio decoder component create message queue fail."); free(p); return NULL; } sem_init(&p->startMsgReplySem, 0, 0); sem_init(&p->stopMsgReplySem, 0, 0); sem_init(&p->pauseMsgReplySem, 0, 0); sem_init(&p->quitMsgReplySem, 0, 0); sem_init(&p->resetMsgReplySem, 0, 0); sem_init(&p->eosMsgReplySem, 0, 0); sem_init(&p->streamDataSem, 0, 0); sem_init(&p->frameBufferSem, 0, 0); pthread_mutex_init(&p->streamManagerMutex, NULL); pthread_mutex_init(&p->decoderDestroyMutex, NULL); p->eStatus = PLAYER_STATUS_STOPPED; err = pthread_create(&p->sDecodeThread, NULL, AudioDecodeThread, p); if(err != 0) { loge("audio decode component create thread fail."); sem_destroy(&p->startMsgReplySem); sem_destroy(&p->stopMsgReplySem); sem_destroy(&p->pauseMsgReplySem); sem_destroy(&p->quitMsgReplySem); sem_destroy(&p->resetMsgReplySem); sem_destroy(&p->eosMsgReplySem); sem_destroy(&p->streamDataSem); sem_destroy(&p->frameBufferSem); pthread_mutex_destroy(&p->streamManagerMutex); pthread_mutex_destroy(&p->decoderDestroyMutex); MessageQueueDestroy(p->mq); free(p); return NULL; } return (AudioDecComp*)p; } int AudioDecCompDestroy(AudioDecComp* a) { void* status; AudioDecCompContext* p; Message msg; int i; p = (AudioDecCompContext*)a; msg.messageId = MESSAGE_ID_QUIT; msg.params[0] = (uintptr_t)&p->quitMsgReplySem; msg.params[1] = msg.params[2] = msg.params[3] = 0; if(MessageQueuePostMessage(p->mq, &msg) != 0) { loge("fatal error, audio decode component post message fail."); abort(); } //* wake up the thread if it is pending for stream data or frame buffer. sem_post(&p->streamDataSem); sem_post(&p->frameBufferSem); SemTimedWait(&p->quitMsgReplySem, -1); pthread_join(p->sDecodeThread, &status); sem_destroy(&p->startMsgReplySem); sem_destroy(&p->stopMsgReplySem); sem_destroy(&p->pauseMsgReplySem); sem_destroy(&p->quitMsgReplySem); sem_destroy(&p->resetMsgReplySem); sem_destroy(&p->eosMsgReplySem); sem_destroy(&p->streamDataSem); sem_destroy(&p->frameBufferSem); pthread_mutex_destroy(&p->streamManagerMutex); pthread_mutex_destroy(&p->decoderDestroyMutex); if(p->pStreamInfoArr != NULL) { for(i=0; i<p->nStreamCount; i++) { if(p->pStreamInfoArr[i].pCodecSpecificData != NULL && p->pStreamInfoArr[i].nCodecSpecificDataLen > 0) { free(p->pStreamInfoArr[i].pCodecSpecificData); p->pStreamInfoArr[i].pCodecSpecificData = NULL; } } free(p->pStreamInfoArr); } if(p->pStreamManagerArr != NULL) { for(i=0; i<p->nStreamCount; i++) { if(p->pStreamManagerArr[i] != NULL) { StreamManagerDestroy(p->pStreamManagerArr[i]); p->pStreamManagerArr[i] = NULL; } } free(p->pStreamManagerArr); } MessageQueueDestroy(p->mq); free(p); return 0; } int AudioDecCompStart(AudioDecComp* a) { AudioDecCompContext* p; Message msg; p = (AudioDecCompContext*)a; logv("audio decode component starting"); msg.messageId = MESSAGE_ID_START; msg.params[0] = (uintptr_t)&p->startMsgReplySem; msg.params[1] = (uintptr_t)&p->nStartReply; msg.params[2] = msg.params[3] = 0; if(MessageQueuePostMessage(p->mq, &msg) != 0) { loge("fatal error, audio decode component post message fail."); abort(); } //* wake up the thread if it is pending for stream data or frame buffer. sem_post(&p->streamDataSem); sem_post(&p->frameBufferSem); if(SemTimedWait(&p->startMsgReplySem, -1) < 0) { loge("audio decode component wait for start finish timeout."); return -1; } return p->nStartReply; } int AudioDecCompStop(AudioDecComp* a) { AudioDecCompContext* p; Message msg; p = (AudioDecCompContext*)a; logv("audio decode component stopping"); msg.messageId = MESSAGE_ID_STOP; msg.params[0] = (uintptr_t)&p->stopMsgReplySem; msg.params[1] = (uintptr_t)&p->nStopReply; msg.params[2] = msg.params[3] = 0; if(MessageQueuePostMessage(p->mq, &msg) != 0) { loge("fatal error, audio decode component post message fail."); abort(); } //* wake up the thread if it is pending for stream data or frame buffer. sem_post(&p->streamDataSem); sem_post(&p->frameBufferSem); if(SemTimedWait(&p->stopMsgReplySem, -1) < 0) { loge("audio decode component wait for stop finish timeout."); return -1; } return p->nStopReply; } int AudioDecCompPause(AudioDecComp* a) { AudioDecCompContext* p; Message msg; p = (AudioDecCompContext*)a; logv("audio decode component pausing"); msg.messageId = MESSAGE_ID_PAUSE; msg.params[0] = (uintptr_t)&p->pauseMsgReplySem; msg.params[1] = (uintptr_t)&p->nPauseReply; msg.params[2] = msg.params[3] = 0; if(MessageQueuePostMessage(p->mq, &msg) != 0) { loge("fatal error, audio decode component post message fail."); abort(); } //* wake up the thread if it is pending for stream data or frame buffer. sem_post(&p->streamDataSem); sem_post(&p->frameBufferSem); if(SemTimedWait(&p->pauseMsgReplySem, -1) < 0) { loge("audio decode component wait for pause finish timeout."); return -1; } return p->nPauseReply; } enum EPLAYERSTATUS AudioDecCompGetStatus(AudioDecComp* a) { AudioDecCompContext* p; p = (AudioDecCompContext*)a; return p->eStatus; } int AudioDecCompReset(AudioDecComp* a, int64_t nSeekTime) { AudioDecCompContext* p; Message msg; p = (AudioDecCompContext*)a; logv("audio decode component reseting"); msg.messageId = MESSAGE_ID_RESET; msg.params[0] = (uintptr_t)&p->resetMsgReplySem; msg.params[1] = (uintptr_t)&p->nResetReply; msg.params[2] = (uintptr_t)(nSeekTime & 0xffffffff); msg.params[3] = (uintptr_t)(nSeekTime>>32); //msg.params[2] = msg.params[3] = 0; if(MessageQueuePostMessage(p->mq, &msg) != 0) { loge("fatal error, audio decode component post message fail."); abort(); } //* wake up the thread if it is pending for stream data or frame buffer. sem_post(&p->streamDataSem); sem_post(&p->frameBufferSem); if(SemTimedWait(&p->resetMsgReplySem, -1) < 0) { loge("audio decode component wait for reset finish timeout."); return -1; } return p->nResetReply; } int AudioDecCompSetEOS(AudioDecComp* a) { AudioDecCompContext* p; Message msg; p = (AudioDecCompContext*)a; logv("audio decode component setting EOS."); msg.messageId = MESSAGE_ID_EOS; msg.params[0] = (uintptr_t)&p->eosMsgReplySem; msg.params[1] = msg.params[2] = msg.params[3] = 0; if(MessageQueuePostMessage(p->mq, &msg) != 0) { loge("fatal error, audio decode component post message fail."); abort(); } //* wake up the thread if it is pending for stream data or frame buffer. sem_post(&p->streamDataSem); sem_post(&p->frameBufferSem); if(SemTimedWait(&p->eosMsgReplySem, -1) < 0) { loge("audio decode component wait for setting eos finish timeout."); return -1; } return 0; } int AudioDecCompSetCallback(AudioDecComp* a, PlayerCallback callback, void* pUserData) { AudioDecCompContext* p; p = (AudioDecCompContext*)a; p->callback = callback; p->pUserData = pUserData; return 0; } int AudioDecCompSetAudioStreamInfo(AudioDecComp* a, AudioStreamInfo* pStreamInfo, int nStreamCount, int nDefaultStreamIndex) { AudioDecCompContext* p; int i; p = (AudioDecCompContext*)a; if(p->pStreamInfoArr != NULL && p->nStreamCount > 0) { for(i=0; i<p->nStreamCount; i++) { if(p->pStreamInfoArr[i].pCodecSpecificData != NULL && p->pStreamInfoArr[i].nCodecSpecificDataLen > 0) { free(p->pStreamInfoArr[i].pCodecSpecificData); p->pStreamInfoArr[i].pCodecSpecificData = NULL; p->pStreamInfoArr[i].nCodecSpecificDataLen = 0; } } free(p->pStreamInfoArr); p->pStreamInfoArr = NULL; } if(p->pStreamManagerArr != NULL) { for(i=0; i<p->nStreamCount; i++) { if(p->pStreamManagerArr[i] != NULL) { StreamManagerDestroy(p->pStreamManagerArr[i]); p->pStreamManagerArr[i] = NULL; } } free(p->pStreamManagerArr); } p->nStreamSelected = 0; p->nStreamCount = 0; p->pStreamInfoArr = (AudioStreamInfo*)malloc(sizeof(AudioStreamInfo)*nStreamCount); if(p->pStreamInfoArr == NULL) { loge("memory malloc fail!"); return -1; } memset(p->pStreamInfoArr, 0, sizeof(AudioStreamInfo)*nStreamCount); for(i=0; i<nStreamCount; i++) { memcpy(&p->pStreamInfoArr[i], &pStreamInfo[i], sizeof(AudioStreamInfo)); if(pStreamInfo[i].pCodecSpecificData != NULL && pStreamInfo[i].nCodecSpecificDataLen > 0) { p->pStreamInfoArr[i].pCodecSpecificData = (char*)malloc(pStreamInfo[i].nCodecSpecificDataLen); if(p->pStreamInfoArr[i].pCodecSpecificData == NULL) { loge("malloc memory fail."); p->pStreamInfoArr[i].nCodecSpecificDataLen = 0; break; } memcpy(p->pStreamInfoArr[i].pCodecSpecificData, pStreamInfo[i].pCodecSpecificData, pStreamInfo[i].nCodecSpecificDataLen); } } if(i != nStreamCount) { //* memory alloc fail break. i--; for(; i>=0; i--) { if(p->pStreamInfoArr[i].pCodecSpecificData != NULL && p->pStreamInfoArr[i].nCodecSpecificDataLen > 0) { free(p->pStreamInfoArr[i].pCodecSpecificData); p->pStreamInfoArr[i].pCodecSpecificData = NULL; p->pStreamInfoArr[i].nCodecSpecificDataLen = 0; } } free(p->pStreamInfoArr); return -1; } p->pStreamManagerArr = (StreamManager**)malloc(nStreamCount*sizeof(StreamManager*)); if(p->pStreamManagerArr == NULL) { loge("malloc memory fail."); for(i=0; i<nStreamCount; i++) { if(p->pStreamInfoArr[i].pCodecSpecificData != NULL && p->pStreamInfoArr[i].nCodecSpecificDataLen > 0) { free(p->pStreamInfoArr[i].pCodecSpecificData); p->pStreamInfoArr[i].pCodecSpecificData = NULL; p->pStreamInfoArr[i].nCodecSpecificDataLen = 0; } } free(p->pStreamInfoArr); return -1; } for(i=0; i<nStreamCount; i++) { p->pStreamManagerArr[i] = StreamManagerCreate(MAX_AUDIO_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE, MAX_AUDIO_STREAM_FRAME_COUNT, i); if(p->pStreamManagerArr[i] == NULL) { loge("create stream manager for audio stream %d fail", i); break; } } if(i != nStreamCount) { //* memory alloc fail break. i--; for(; i>=0; i--) { StreamManagerDestroy(p->pStreamManagerArr[i]); p->pStreamManagerArr[i] = NULL; } free(p->pStreamManagerArr); p->pStreamManagerArr = NULL; for(i=0; i<nStreamCount; i++) { if(p->pStreamInfoArr[i].pCodecSpecificData != NULL && p->pStreamInfoArr[i].nCodecSpecificDataLen > 0) { free(p->pStreamInfoArr[i].pCodecSpecificData); p->pStreamInfoArr[i].pCodecSpecificData = NULL; p->pStreamInfoArr[i].nCodecSpecificDataLen = 0; } } free(p->pStreamInfoArr); return -1; } p->nStreamSelected = nDefaultStreamIndex; p->nStreamCount = nStreamCount; return 0; } int AudioDecCompAddAudioStream(AudioDecComp* a, AudioStreamInfo* pStreamInfo) { AudioDecCompContext* p; p = (AudioDecCompContext*)a; pthread_mutex_lock(&p->streamManagerMutex); if(p->nStreamCount > 0) { AudioStreamInfo* pStreamInfoArr; StreamManager** pStreamManagerArr; int nStreamCount; nStreamCount = p->nStreamCount + 1; pStreamManagerArr = (StreamManager**)malloc(sizeof(StreamManager*)*nStreamCount); if(pStreamManagerArr == NULL) { loge("malloc memory fail."); pthread_mutex_unlock(&p->streamManagerMutex); return -1; } pStreamInfoArr = (AudioStreamInfo*)malloc(sizeof(AudioStreamInfo)*nStreamCount); if(pStreamInfoArr == NULL) { loge("malloc memory fail."); free(pStreamManagerArr); pthread_mutex_unlock(&p->streamManagerMutex); return -1; } memcpy(pStreamManagerArr, p->pStreamManagerArr, p->nStreamCount * sizeof(StreamManager*)); pStreamManagerArr[nStreamCount-1] = StreamManagerCreate(MAX_AUDIO_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE, MAX_AUDIO_STREAM_FRAME_COUNT, nStreamCount-1); if(pStreamManagerArr[nStreamCount-1] == NULL) { loge("create stream manager fail."); free(pStreamManagerArr); free(pStreamInfoArr); pthread_mutex_unlock(&p->streamManagerMutex); return -1; } memcpy(pStreamInfoArr, p->pStreamInfoArr, p->nStreamCount*sizeof(AudioStreamInfo)); memcpy(&pStreamInfoArr[nStreamCount-1], pStreamInfo, sizeof(AudioStreamInfo)); if(pStreamInfo->pCodecSpecificData != NULL && pStreamInfo->nCodecSpecificDataLen > 0) { pStreamInfoArr[nStreamCount-1].pCodecSpecificData = (char*)malloc(pStreamInfo->nCodecSpecificDataLen); if(pStreamInfoArr[nStreamCount-1].pCodecSpecificData == NULL) { loge("malloc memory fail."); free(pStreamManagerArr); free(pStreamInfoArr); pthread_mutex_unlock(&p->streamManagerMutex); return -1; } memcpy(pStreamInfoArr[nStreamCount-1].pCodecSpecificData, pStreamInfo->pCodecSpecificData, pStreamInfo->nCodecSpecificDataLen); } free(p->pStreamInfoArr); free(p->pStreamManagerArr); p->pStreamInfoArr = pStreamInfoArr; p->pStreamManagerArr = pStreamManagerArr; p->nStreamCount = nStreamCount; pthread_mutex_unlock(&p->streamManagerMutex); return 0; } else { pthread_mutex_unlock(&p->streamManagerMutex); return AudioDecCompSetAudioStreamInfo(a, pStreamInfo, 1, 0); } } int AudioDecCompGetAudioStreamCnt(AudioDecComp* a) { AudioDecCompContext* p; p = (AudioDecCompContext*)a; return p->nStreamCount; } int AudioDecCompCurrentStreamIndex(AudioDecComp* a) { AudioDecCompContext* p; p = (AudioDecCompContext*)a; return p->nStreamSelected; } int AudioDecCompGetAudioSampleRate(AudioDecComp* a, unsigned int* pSampleRate, unsigned int* pChannelNum, unsigned int* pBitRate) { AudioDecCompContext* p; int i; p = (AudioDecCompContext*)a; if(p->nStreamCount <= 0) return -1; i = p->nStreamSelected; *pSampleRate = p->pStreamInfoArr[i].nSampleRate; *pChannelNum = p->pStreamInfoArr[i].nChannelNum; *pBitRate = p->pStreamInfoArr[i].nAvgBitrate; return 0; } int AudioDecCompGetAudioStreamInfo(AudioDecComp* a, int* pStreamNum, AudioStreamInfo** ppStreamInfo) { AudioDecCompContext* p; int i; AudioStreamInfo* pStreamInfo; int nStreamCount; p = (AudioDecCompContext*)a; nStreamCount = p->nStreamCount; pStreamInfo = (AudioStreamInfo*)malloc(sizeof(AudioStreamInfo)*nStreamCount); if(pStreamInfo == NULL) { loge("memory malloc fail!"); return -1; } memset(pStreamInfo, 0, sizeof(AudioStreamInfo)*nStreamCount); for(i=0; i<nStreamCount; i++) { memcpy(&pStreamInfo[i], &p->pStreamInfoArr[i], sizeof(AudioStreamInfo)); if(p->pStreamInfoArr[i].pCodecSpecificData != NULL && p->pStreamInfoArr[i].nCodecSpecificDataLen > 0) { pStreamInfo[i].pCodecSpecificData = (char*)malloc(p->pStreamInfoArr[i].nCodecSpecificDataLen); if(pStreamInfo[i].pCodecSpecificData == NULL) { loge("malloc memory fail."); pStreamInfo[i].nCodecSpecificDataLen = 0; break; } memcpy(pStreamInfo[i].pCodecSpecificData, p->pStreamInfoArr[i].pCodecSpecificData, p->pStreamInfoArr[i].nCodecSpecificDataLen); } } if(i != nStreamCount) { //* memory alloc fail break. i--; for(; i>=0; i--) { if(pStreamInfo[i].pCodecSpecificData != NULL && pStreamInfo[i].nCodecSpecificDataLen > 0) { free(pStreamInfo[i].pCodecSpecificData); pStreamInfo[i].pCodecSpecificData = NULL; pStreamInfo[i].nCodecSpecificDataLen = 0; } } free(pStreamInfo); return -1; } *pStreamNum = nStreamCount; *ppStreamInfo = pStreamInfo; return 0; } int AudioDecCompSetTimer(AudioDecComp* a, AvTimer* timer) { AudioDecCompContext* p; p = (AudioDecCompContext*)a; p->pAvTimer = timer; return 0; } int AudioDecCompRequestStreamBuffer(AudioDecComp* a, int nRequireSize, char** ppBuf, int* pBufSize, char** ppRingBuf, int* pRingBufSize, int nStreamIndex) { AudioDecCompContext* p; StreamManager* pSm; char* pStreamBufEnd; StreamFrame* pTmpFrame; char* pBuf0; char* pBuf1; int nBufSize0; int nBufSize1; p = (AudioDecCompContext*)a; *ppBuf = NULL; *ppRingBuf = NULL; *pBufSize = 0; *pRingBufSize = 0; pBuf0 = NULL; pBuf1 = NULL; nBufSize0 = 0; nBufSize1 = 0; pthread_mutex_lock(&p->streamManagerMutex); if(nStreamIndex < 0 || nStreamIndex >= p->nStreamCount) { loge("stream index invalid, stream index = %d, audio stream num = %d", nStreamIndex, p->nStreamCount); pthread_mutex_unlock(&p->streamManagerMutex); return -1; } if(p->bCrashFlag) { //* when decoder crashed, the main thread is not running, //* we need to flush stream buffers for demux keep going. if(p->pAvTimer->GetStatus(p->pAvTimer) == TIMER_STATUS_START) { int64_t nCurTime = p->pAvTimer->GetTime(p->pAvTimer); FlushStreamManagerBuffers(p, nCurTime, 1); } } pSm = p->pStreamManagerArr[nStreamIndex]; if(pSm == NULL) { loge("buffer for selected stream is not created, request buffer fail."); pthread_mutex_unlock(&p->streamManagerMutex); return -1; } if(nRequireSize > StreamManagerBufferSize(pSm)) { loge("require size too big."); pthread_mutex_unlock(&p->streamManagerMutex); return -1; } if(nStreamIndex == p->nStreamSelected && p->bCrashFlag == 0) { if(StreamManagerRequestBuffer(pSm, nRequireSize, &pBuf0, &nBufSize0) < 0) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&p->streamManagerMutex); logv("request buffer fail."); return -1; } } else { while(StreamManagerRequestBuffer(pSm, nRequireSize, &pBuf0, &nBufSize0) < 0) { pTmpFrame = StreamManagerRequestStream(pSm); if(pTmpFrame != NULL) StreamManagerFlushStream(pSm, pTmpFrame); else { loge("all stream flushed but still can not allocate buffer."); pthread_mutex_unlock(&p->streamManagerMutex); return -1; } } } //* output the buffer. *ppBuf = pBuf0; *pBufSize = nBufSize0; pthread_mutex_unlock(&p->streamManagerMutex); return 0; } int AudioDecCompSubmitStreamData(AudioDecComp* a, AudioStreamDataInfo* pDataInfo, int nStreamIndex) { int nSemCnt; AudioDecCompContext* p; StreamManager* pSm; StreamFrame streamFrame; p = (AudioDecCompContext*)a; //* submit data to stream manager pthread_mutex_lock(&p->streamManagerMutex); pSm = p->pStreamManagerArr[nStreamIndex]; streamFrame.pData = pDataInfo->pData; streamFrame.nLength = pDataInfo->nLength; if(pDataInfo->bIsFirstPart) { streamFrame.nPts = pDataInfo->nPts; streamFrame.nPcr = pDataInfo->nPcr; } else { streamFrame.nPts = -1; streamFrame.nPcr = -1; } StreamManagerAddStream(pSm, &streamFrame); pthread_mutex_unlock(&p->streamManagerMutex); if(sem_getvalue(&p->streamDataSem, &nSemCnt) == 0) { if(nSemCnt == 0) sem_post(&p->streamDataSem); } return 0; } int AudioDecCompStreamBufferSize(AudioDecComp* a, int nStreamIndex) { AudioDecCompContext* p; StreamManager* pSm; p = (AudioDecCompContext*)a; pSm = p->pStreamManagerArr[nStreamIndex]; return StreamManagerBufferSize(pSm); } int AudioDecCompStreamDataSize(AudioDecComp* a, int nStreamIndex) { AudioDecCompContext* p; int nStreamDataSize; p = (AudioDecCompContext*)a; pthread_mutex_lock(&p->streamManagerMutex); nStreamDataSize = 0; if(p->pStreamManagerArr[nStreamIndex] != NULL) { nStreamDataSize = StreamManagerStreamDataSize(p->pStreamManagerArr[nStreamIndex]); //* this method is called by the demux thread, the decoder may be destroyed when //* switching audio, so we should lock the decoderDestroyMutex to protect the //* decoder from destroyed. pthread_mutex_lock(&p->decoderDestroyMutex); if(p->pDecoder != NULL) nStreamDataSize += AudioStreamDataSize(p->pDecoder); pthread_mutex_unlock(&p->decoderDestroyMutex); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&p->streamManagerMutex); return nStreamDataSize; } int AudioDecCompStreamFrameNum(AudioDecComp* a, int nStreamIndex) { AudioDecCompContext* p; int nStreamFrameNum; p = (AudioDecCompContext*)a; pthread_mutex_lock(&p->streamManagerMutex); nStreamFrameNum = 0; if(p->pStreamManagerArr[nStreamIndex] != NULL) { nStreamFrameNum = StreamManagerStreamFrameNum(p->pStreamManagerArr[nStreamIndex]); //* this method is called by the demux thread, the decoder may be destroyed when //* switching audio, so we should lock the decoderDestroyMutex to protect the //* decoder from destroyed. // pthread_mutex_lock(&p->decoderDestroyMutex); // if(p->pDecoder != NULL) // nStreamDataSize += AudioStreamDataSize(p->pDecoder); // pthread_mutex_unlock(&p->decoderDestroyMutex); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&p->streamManagerMutex); return nStreamFrameNum; } int AudioDecCompRequestPcmData(AudioDecComp* a, unsigned char** ppData, unsigned int* pSize, int64_t* pPts, cedar_raw_data* raw_data) { AudioDecCompContext* p; p = (AudioDecCompContext*)a; AudioStreamInfo pStreamInfo = p->pStreamInfoArr[p->nStreamSelected]; //* this method is called by the audio render thread, //* the audio render thread is paused or stop before the audio decoder thread, //* so here we do not need to lock the decoderDestroyMutex. if(p->pDecoder != NULL) { *pPts = PlybkRequestPcmPts(p->pDecoder); memcpy(raw_data,&(pStreamInfo.raw_data),sizeof(cedar_raw_data)); return PlybkRequestPcmBuffer(p->pDecoder, ppData, (int*)pSize); } else { *ppData = NULL; *pPts = -1; memset(raw_data,0,sizeof(cedar_raw_data)); return -1; } } int AudioDecCompReleasePcmData(AudioDecComp* a, int nReleaseSize) { int ret; int nSemCnt; AudioDecCompContext* p; p = (AudioDecCompContext*)a; //* this method is called by the audio render thread, //* the audio render thread is paused or stop before the audio decoder thread, //* so here we do not need to lock the decoderDestroyMutex. ret = PlybkUpdatePcmBuffer(p->pDecoder, nReleaseSize); if(sem_getvalue(&p->frameBufferSem, &nSemCnt) == 0) { if(nSemCnt == 0) sem_post(&p->frameBufferSem); } return ret; } int AudioDecCompPcmDataSize(AudioDecComp* a, int nStreamIndex) { int nPcmDataSize; AudioDecCompContext* p; p = (AudioDecCompContext*)a; nPcmDataSize = 0; CEDARX_UNUSE(nStreamIndex); //* this method is called by the demux thread, the decoder may be destroyed when //* switching audio, so we should lock the decoderDestroyMutex to protect the //* decoder from destroyed. pthread_mutex_lock(&p->decoderDestroyMutex); if(p->pDecoder != NULL) nPcmDataSize = AudioPCMDataSize(p->pDecoder); pthread_mutex_unlock(&p->decoderDestroyMutex); return nPcmDataSize; } //* must be called at stopped status. int AudioDecCompSwitchStream(AudioDecComp* a, int nStreamIndex) { AudioDecCompContext* p; p = (AudioDecCompContext*)a; if(p->eStatus != PLAYER_STATUS_STOPPED) { loge("can not switch status when audio decoder is not in stopped status."); return -1; } pthread_mutex_lock(&p->streamManagerMutex); p->nStreamSelected = nStreamIndex; pthread_mutex_unlock(&p->streamManagerMutex); return 0; } void AudioDecRawSendCmdToHalClbk(void *pself,void *param) { AudioDecCompContext* p = (AudioDecCompContext*)pself; if(p->callback) p->callback(p->pUserData, PLAYER_AUDIO_DECODER_NOTIFY_AUDIORAWPLAY, param); } static void* AudioDecodeThread(void* arg) { AudioDecCompContext* p; Message msg; int ret; sem_t* pReplySem; int* pReplyValue; int64_t nCurTime; int bFirstFramePtsValid; p = (AudioDecCompContext*)arg; bFirstFramePtsValid = 0; while(1) { if(MessageQueueGetMessage(p->mq, &msg) < 0) { loge("get message fail."); continue; } pReplySem = (sem_t*)msg.params[0]; pReplyValue = (int*)msg.params[1]; if(msg.messageId == MESSAGE_ID_START) { logv("process start message."); //* check status. if(p->eStatus == PLAYER_STATUS_STARTED) { loge("invalid start operation, already in started status."); if(pReplyValue != NULL) *pReplyValue = -1; sem_post(pReplySem); continue; } if(p->eStatus == PLAYER_STATUS_PAUSED) { //* send a decode message to start decoding. if(p->bCrashFlag == 0) PostDecodeMessage(p->mq); p->eStatus = PLAYER_STATUS_STARTED; if(pReplyValue != NULL) *pReplyValue = 0; sem_post(pReplySem); continue; } //* create a decoder. //* lock the decoderDestroyMutex to prevend the demux thread from getting //* stream data size or pcm data size when the decoder is being created. //* see AudioDecCompStreamDataSize() and AudioDecCompPcmDataSize(). pthread_mutex_lock(&p->decoderDestroyMutex); p->pDecoder = CreateAudioDecoder(); if(p->pDecoder == NULL) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&p->decoderDestroyMutex); loge("audio decoder component create decoder fail."); p->bCrashFlag = 1; p->callback(p->pUserData, PLAYER_AUDIO_DECODER_NOTIFY_CRASH, NULL); if(pReplyValue != NULL) *pReplyValue = -1; sem_post(pReplySem); continue; } memset(&p->bsInfo, 0, sizeof(BsInFor)); if(InitializeAudioDecoder(p->pDecoder, &p->pStreamInfoArr[p->nStreamSelected], &p->bsInfo) != 0) { loge("initialize audio decoder fail."); DestroyAudioDecoder(p->pDecoder); p->pDecoder = NULL; pthread_mutex_unlock(&p->decoderDestroyMutex); p->bCrashFlag = 1; p->callback(p->pUserData, PLAYER_AUDIO_DECODER_NOTIFY_CRASH, NULL); if(pReplyValue != NULL) *pReplyValue = -1; sem_post(pReplySem); continue; } SetRawPlayParam(p->pDecoder,(void*)p); pthread_mutex_unlock(&p->decoderDestroyMutex); //* demux thread can use the decoder now. //* send a decode message. PostDecodeMessage(p->mq); p->bEosFlag = 0; p->eStatus = PLAYER_STATUS_STARTED; if(pReplyValue != NULL) *pReplyValue = 0; sem_post(pReplySem); } else if(msg.messageId == MESSAGE_ID_STOP) { logv("process stop message."); //* check status. if(p->eStatus == PLAYER_STATUS_STOPPED) { loge("invalid stop operation, already in stopped status."); if(p->bCrashFlag == 1) { p->bCrashFlag = 0; } if(pReplyValue != NULL) *pReplyValue = -1; sem_post(pReplySem); continue; } //* destroy decoder. //* lock the decoderDestroyMutex to prevend the demux thread from getting //* stream data size or pcm data size when the decoder is being created. //* see AudioDecCompStreamDataSize() and AudioDecCompPcmDataSize(). pthread_mutex_lock(&p->decoderDestroyMutex); bFirstFramePtsValid = 0; if(p->pDecoder != NULL) { DestroyAudioDecoder(p->pDecoder); p->pDecoder = NULL; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&p->decoderDestroyMutex); memset(&p->bsInfo, 0, sizeof(BsInFor)); p->bCrashFlag = 0; p->eStatus = PLAYER_STATUS_STOPPED; if(pReplyValue != NULL) *pReplyValue = 0; sem_post(pReplySem); } else if(msg.messageId == MESSAGE_ID_PAUSE) { logv("process pause message."); //* check status. if(p->eStatus != PLAYER_STATUS_STARTED) { loge("invalid pause operation, component not in started status."); if(pReplyValue != NULL) *pReplyValue = -1; sem_post(pReplySem); continue; } p->eStatus = PLAYER_STATUS_PAUSED; if(pReplyValue != NULL) *pReplyValue = 0; sem_post(pReplySem); } else if(msg.messageId == MESSAGE_ID_QUIT) { logv("process quit message."); //* destroy decoder and break. //* lock the decoderDestroyMutex to prevend the demux thread from getting //* stream data size or pcm data size when the decoder is being created. //* see AudioDecCompStreamDataSize() and AudioDecCompPcmDataSize(). pthread_mutex_lock(&p->decoderDestroyMutex); if(p->pDecoder != NULL) { DestroyAudioDecoder(p->pDecoder); p->pDecoder = NULL; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&p->decoderDestroyMutex); p->eStatus = PLAYER_STATUS_STOPPED; if(pReplyValue != NULL) *pReplyValue = 0; sem_post(pReplySem); break; } else if(msg.messageId == MESSAGE_ID_RESET) { logv("process reset message."); int i; int64_t nSeekTime; bFirstFramePtsValid = 0; nSeekTime = msg.params[2] + (((int64_t)msg.params[3])<<32); pthread_mutex_lock(&p->streamManagerMutex); for(i=0; i<p->nStreamCount; i++) { if(p->pStreamManagerArr[i] != NULL) StreamManagerReset(p->pStreamManagerArr[i]); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&p->streamManagerMutex); p->bEosFlag = 0; p->bCrashFlag = 0; ResetAudioDecoder(p->pDecoder, nSeekTime); if(pReplyValue != NULL) *pReplyValue = 0; sem_post(pReplySem); //* send a message to continue the thread. if(p->eStatus == PLAYER_STATUS_STARTED) PostDecodeMessage(p->mq); } else if(msg.messageId == MESSAGE_ID_EOS) { logv("process eos message."); p->bEosFlag = 1; sem_post(pReplySem); //* send a message to continue the thread. if(p->bCrashFlag == 0) { if(p->eStatus == PLAYER_STATUS_STARTED) PostDecodeMessage(p->mq); } } else if(msg.messageId == MESSAGE_ID_DECODE) { char* pOutputBuf = NULL; int nPcmDataLen = 0; StreamManager* pSm = p->pStreamManagerArr[p->nStreamSelected]; StreamFrame* pFrame = NULL; unsigned char* pBuf0 = NULL; unsigned char* pBuf1 = NULL; int nBufSize0 = 0; int nBufSize1 = 0; logv("process decode message."); if(p->eStatus != PLAYER_STATUS_STARTED) { logw("not in started status, ignore decode message."); continue; } //* flush stream manager buffers. pthread_mutex_lock(&p->streamManagerMutex); if(p->pAvTimer->GetStatus(p->pAvTimer) == TIMER_STATUS_START) { //* only flush stream when the timer is started, //* to prevent the pts loop back at the very beginning //* before the first audio frame is send to the audio render. //* the timer is started at the moment the first audio frame is received. nCurTime = p->pAvTimer->GetTime(p->pAvTimer); FlushStreamManagerBuffers(p, nCurTime, 0); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&p->streamManagerMutex); if(DecRequestPcmBuffer(p->pDecoder, &pOutputBuf) < 0) { //* no pcm buffer, wait for the pcm buffer semaphore. logi("no pcm buffer, wait."); SemTimedWait(&p->frameBufferSem, 20); //* wait for frame buffer. PostDecodeMessage(p->mq); continue; } //* Add stream to decoder. pFrame = StreamManagerGetFrameInfo(pSm, 0); if(pFrame != NULL) { if((bFirstFramePtsValid==0) && (pFrame->nPts==-1)) { pFrame = StreamManagerRequestStream(pSm); StreamManagerFlushStream(pSm, pFrame); if(p->bEosFlag && StreamManagerStreamFrameNum(p->pStreamManagerArr[p->nStreamSelected]) == 0) { logd("audio decoder notify eos."); p->callback(p->pUserData, PLAYER_AUDIO_DECODER_NOTIFY_EOS, NULL); } else { PostDecodeMessage(p->mq); } continue; } ret = ParserRequestBsBuffer(p->pDecoder, pFrame->nLength, &pBuf0, &nBufSize0, &pBuf1, &nBufSize1, &p->nOffset); if((nBufSize0+nBufSize1)>=pFrame->nLength) { pFrame = StreamManagerRequestStream(pSm); if(nBufSize0 >= pFrame->nLength) memcpy(pBuf0, pFrame->pData, pFrame->nLength); else { memcpy(pBuf0, pFrame->pData, nBufSize0); memcpy(pBuf1, (char*)pFrame->pData + nBufSize0, pFrame->nLength - nBufSize0); } ParserUpdateBsBuffer(p->pDecoder, pFrame->nLength, pFrame->nPts, p->nOffset); StreamManagerFlushStream(pSm, pFrame); bFirstFramePtsValid = 1; } } ret = DecodeAudioStream(p->pDecoder, &p->pStreamInfoArr[p->nStreamSelected], pOutputBuf, &nPcmDataLen); logv("DecodeAudioStream, ret = %d",ret); if(ret == ERR_AUDIO_DEC_NONE) { if(p->pStreamInfoArr[p->nStreamSelected].nSampleRate != p->bsInfo.out_samplerate || p->pStreamInfoArr[p->nStreamSelected].nChannelNum != p->bsInfo.out_channels) { p->pStreamInfoArr[p->nStreamSelected].nSampleRate = p->bsInfo.out_samplerate; p->pStreamInfoArr[p->nStreamSelected].nChannelNum = p->bsInfo.out_channels; } DecUpdatePcmBuffer(p->pDecoder, nPcmDataLen); PostDecodeMessage(p->mq); continue; } else if(ret == ERR_AUDIO_DEC_NO_BITSTREAM || ret == ERR_AUDIO_DEC_ABSEND) { if(p->bEosFlag && StreamManagerStreamFrameNum(p->pStreamManagerArr[p->nStreamSelected]) == 0) { logv("audio decoder notify eos."); p->callback(p->pUserData, PLAYER_AUDIO_DECODER_NOTIFY_EOS, NULL); continue; } else { if(StreamManagerStreamFrameNum(p->pStreamManagerArr[p->nStreamSelected]) == 0) SemTimedWait(&p->streamDataSem, 50); PostDecodeMessage(p->mq); continue; } } else if(ret == ERR_AUDIO_DEC_EXIT || ret == ERR_AUDIO_DEC_ENDINGCHKFAIL) { p->bCrashFlag = 1; p->callback(p->pUserData, PLAYER_AUDIO_DECODER_NOTIFY_CRASH, NULL); continue; } else { logw("DecodeAudioStream() return %d, continue to decode", ret); PostDecodeMessage(p->mq); } } else { loge("unknown message in audio decode thread."); abort(); } } ret = 0; pthread_exit(&ret); return NULL; } static void PostDecodeMessage(MessageQueue* mq) { if(MessageQueueGetCount(mq) <= 0) { Message msg; msg.messageId = MESSAGE_ID_DECODE; msg.params[0] = msg.params[1] = msg.params[2] = msg.params[3] = 0; if(MessageQueuePostMessage(mq, &msg) != 0) { loge("fatal error, audio decode component post message fail."); abort(); } return; } } static void FlushStreamManagerBuffers(AudioDecCompContext* p, int64_t curTime, int bIncludeSeletedStream) { //* to prevent from flush incorrectly when pts loop back, //* we find the frame who's pts is near the current timer value, //* and flush frames before this frame. int i; int nFrameIndex; int nFlushPos; int nFrameCount; StreamFrame* pFrame; StreamManager* pSm; int64_t nMinPtsDiff; int64_t nPtsDiff; for(i=0; i<p->nStreamCount; i++) { if(i == p->nStreamSelected && bIncludeSeletedStream == 0) continue; pSm = p->pStreamManagerArr[i]; nFrameCount = StreamManagerStreamFrameNum(pSm); nMinPtsDiff = 0x7fffffffffffffffLL; //* set it to the max value. nFlushPos = nFrameCount; for(nFrameIndex=0; nFrameIndex<nFrameCount; nFrameIndex++) { pFrame = StreamManagerGetFrameInfo(pSm, nFrameIndex); if(pFrame->nPts == -1) continue; nPtsDiff = pFrame->nPts - curTime; if(nPtsDiff >= 0 && nPtsDiff < nMinPtsDiff) { nMinPtsDiff = nPtsDiff; nFlushPos = nFrameIndex; } } //* flush frames before nFlushPos. for(nFrameIndex=0; nFrameIndex<nFlushPos; nFrameIndex++) { pFrame = StreamManagerRequestStream(pSm); StreamManagerFlushStream(pSm, pFrame); } } return; }