This repository is designated to serve as a feed for OpenWrt ( based systems. As such, the organization, management, and usage of this repository will be different from the other source repositories hosted by the AllSeen Alliance. Most notable of these differences is that the master branch only contains this readme file. Package definitions will only exist in branches whos name corresponds to code names for OpenWrt releases. At the time of the initial commit of this readme file, there will be 2 such branches: attitude_adjustment and barrier_breaker. As the OpenWrt project develops and creates new releases, new corresponding branches will be created. The reason for tracking package definitions on a per OpenWrt release basis is due to the fact that AllJoyn packages depend on OpenWrt packages which may change from release to release. This also allows us to retire support for obsolete versions of OpenWrt in the future without breaking others who may still be using/building the obsolete versions. To use this feed in an OpenWrt build environment, follow these instructions: 1. Copy feeds.conf.default to feeds.conf (if not already done): cp feeds.conf.default feeds.conf 2. Add the following feeds.conf (replace with the appropriate branch that corresponds to the OpenWrt release you are building): src-git alljoyn git://; # For Attitude Adjustment src-git alljoyn git://;attitude_adjustment # For Barrier Breaker src-git alljoyn git://;barrier_breaker 3. Update the feed information: ./scripts/feeds update -a 4. Add the the packages from the AllJoyn feed to build system: ./scripts feeds install -a -p alljoyn 5. Enable AllJoyn in the build: make menuconfig Networking ---> < > alljoyn ---> < > alljoyn-about < > alljoyn-c < > alljoyn-config < > alljoyn-config-samples < > alljoyn-controlpanel < > alljoyn-controlpanel-samples < > alljoyn-notification < > alljoyn-notification-samples < > alljoyn-onboarding < > alljoyn-onboarding-samples < > alljoyn-sample_apps < > alljoyn-samples < > alljoyn-service_common