一、linux相关说明: 1. 每套linux so对应的编译工具链如下: # arm926-uclibc for BU1 C500 # arm-openwrt-linux-muslgnueabi for BU2 Tina2.0 # arm-openwrt-linux-muslgnueabi-v for v5 # arm-openwrt-linux-uclibc for BU2 R16 so_dir: arm926-uclibc host: arm-linux toolchain_dir: uclibc_arm926_static so_dir: arm-linux-gnueabi host: arm-linux-gnueabi toolchain_dir: external-toolchain so_dir: arm-linux-gnueabihf host: arm-linux-gnueabihf toolchain_dir: 系统自带 so_dir: arm-none-linux-gnueabi host: arm-none-linux-gnueabi toolchain_dir: 系统自带 so_dir: arm-openwrt-linux-muslgnueabi host: arm-openwrt-linux toolchain_dir: OpenWrt-Toolchain-sunxi_gcc-5.2.0_musl-1.1.12_eabi.Linux-x86_64 so_dir: arm-openwrt-linux-uclibc host: arm-openwrt-linux toolchain_dir: toolchain_arm_uClibc so_dir: arm-linux-gnueabihf-linaro host: arm-linux-gnueabihf toolchain_dir: gcc-linaro-arm-linux-gnueabihf-4.8-2014.01_linux so_dir: arm-aarch64-openwrt-linux host: aarch64-openwrt-linux toolchain_dir: toolchain-sunxi-tina2.0-64 so_dir: arm-openwrt-linux-muslgnueabi-v5 host: arm-openwrt-linux-muslgnueabi toolchain_dir: linux-x86 2.编译步骤如下(以arm926-uclibc为例): 2.1 export编译工具链: TOOLS_CHAIN=/home/user/workspace/tools_chain/ export PATH=${TOOLS_CHAIN}/uclibc_arm926_static/bin:$PATH 2.2. 运行automake的相关工具:./bootstrap 2.3. 配置makefile: 2.3.1 模式:./configure --prefix=INSTALL_PATH --host=HOST_NAME LDFLAGS="-LSO_PATH" 2.3.2 示例:./configure --prefix=/home/user/workspace/libcedarc/install --host=arm-linux LDFLAGS="-L/home/user/workspace/libcedarc/lib/arm926-uclibc" 2.3.3 特别说明:如果内核用的是linux3.10, 则必须加上flag:CFLAGS="-DCONF_KERNEL_VERSION_3_10" CPPFLAGS="-DCONF_KERNEL_VERSION_3_10" 即:./configure --prefix=/home/user/workspace/libcedarc/install --host=arm-linux CFLAGS="-DCONF_KERNEL_VERSION_3_10" CPPFLAGS="-DCONF_KERNEL_VERSION_3_10" LDFLAGS="-L/home/user/workspace/libcedarc/lib/arm926-uclibc" 2.4 编译:make ; make install 二、版本改动说明: 1). CedarC-v1.0.4 1. 特别说明: 1.1 camera模块相关:( >=android7.0的平台需要进行如下修改,其他平台保持之前的做法) 修改的原因:a.omx和android framework都没有对NV21和NV12这两种图像格式进行细分,都是用OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420SemiPlanar 进行表示,OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420SemiPlanar即可以表示NV21,也可以表示NV12; b.而ACodec将OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420SemiPlanar用作NV12,camera将OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420SemiPlanar用于NV21, 之前的做法是omx_venc通过进程的包名进行区分兼容,若调用者是ACodec,则用作NV12,若调用者是camera,则用作 NV21; c.android7.0因为权限管理的原因,无法获取到进程的包名,所以无法在omx_venc进行兼容,只能在上层caller层进行 兼容,而cts会对ACodec的接口进行测试,若改动ACodec,则会响应到cts测试,所以只能修改camera d.修改的原则为:扩展图像格式的枚举类型的成员变量OMX_COLOR_FormatYVU420SemiPlanar,用于表示NV21; 即 OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420SemiPlanar --> NV12 OMX_COLOR_FormatYVU420SemiPlanar --> NV21 修改的地方: a. 同步头文件:同步openmax/omxcore/inc/OMX_IVCommon.h 到./native/include/media/openmax/OMX_IVCommon.h b. camera模块在调用openmax/venc编码接口时需要进行修改: 修改前 NV21 --> OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420SemiPlanar, 修改后 NV21 --> OMX_COLOR_FormatYVU420SemiPlanar; 1.2 加载解码库的说明: 之前加载解码库的操作在vdecoder.c这一层进行,为了提高灵活性,从v1.0.4后 把加载解码库的操作放到上层调用者进行,上层可调用vdecoder.c的AddVDPlugin接口默认 加载所有的子解码,或者参照如下代码按需加载: static void InitVDLib(const char *lib) { void *libFd = NULL; if(lib == NULL) { loge(" open lib == NULL "); return; } libFd = dlopen(lib, RTLD_NOW); VDPluginFun *PluginInit = NULL; if (libFd == NULL) { loge("dlopen '%s' fail: %s", lib, dlerror()); return ; } PluginInit = (VDPluginFun*)dlsym(libFd, "CedarPluginVDInit"); if (PluginInit == NULL) { logw("Invalid plugin, CedarPluginVDInit not found."); return; } logd("vdecoder open lib: %s", lib); PluginInit(); /* init plugin */ return ; } static void AddVDLib(void) { InitVDLib("/system/lib/libawh265.so"); InitVDLib("/system/lib/libawh265soft.so"); InitVDLib("/system/lib/libawh264.so"); InitVDLib("/system/lib/libawmjpeg.so"); InitVDLib("/system/lib/libawmjpegplus.so"); InitVDLib("/system/lib/libawmpeg2.so"); InitVDLib("/system/lib/libawmpeg4base.so"); InitVDLib("/system/lib/libawmpeg4normal.so"); InitVDLib("/system/lib/libawmpeg4vp6.so"); InitVDLib("/system/lib/libawmpeg4dx.so"); InitVDLib("/system/lib/libawmpeg4h263.so"); InitVDLib("/system/lib/libawvp8.so"); return; } 2. 改动点如下: 2.1 openmax:venc add p_skip interface 2.2 h265:fix the HevcDecodeNalSps and HevcInitialFBM 2.3 h264:refactor the H264ComputeOffset 2.4 mjpeg scale+rotate的修正 2.5 vdcoder/h265: add the code of parser HDR info 2.6 vdecoder/h265: add the process of error-frame 2.7 vdecoder/h264: make sure pMbNeighborInfoBuf is 16K-align to fix mbaff function 2.8 openmax/vdec: remove cts-flag 2.9 openmax/venc: remove cts-flag 2.10 detection a complete frame bitstream and crop the stuff zero data 2.11 vdecoder/h265:fix the bug that the pts of keyFrame is error when seek 2.12 openmax/inc: adjust the define of struct 2.13 vencoder: add lock for vencoderOpen() 2.14 vdecoder/ALMOST decoders:fix rotate and scaledown 2.15 vdecoder/h265:fix the process of searching the start-code when sbm cycles 2.16 vdecoder/h265:fix the bug when request fbm fail after fbm initial 2.17 vdecoder/h265:improve the process when poc is abnormal 2.18 cedarc: unify the release of android and linux 2.19 vdecoder/avs: make mbInfoBuf to 16K align 2).CedarC-v1.0.5 1. 改动点如下: 1.1.configure.ac:fix the config for linux compiling 1.2.openmax/venc: revert mIsFromCts on less than android_7.0 platfrom 1.3.vdecoder/h265soft:make h265soft be compatible with AndroidN 1.4.cedarc: merge the submit of cedarc-release 1.5.vdecoder/h265:use the flag "bSkipBFrameIfDelay" 1.6.vdecoder:fix the buffer size for thumbnail mode 1.7.cedarc: fix compile error of linux 1.8.omx:venc add fence for androidN 1.9.openmax:fix some erros 1.10.omx_venc: add yvu420sp for omx_venc init 1.11.videoengine:add 2k limit for h2 1.12.cedarc: add the toolschain of arm-openwrt-linux-muslgnueabi for v5 1.13.cedarc: 解决0x1663 mpeg4 播放花屏的问题 1.14.vdecoder: fix compile error of soft decoder for A83t 1.15.omx_vdec: fix the -1 bug for cts 1.16.修改mpeg2 获取ve version的方式 1.17.vencoder: fix for input addrPhy check 1.18.cedarc: merge the submit of cedarc-release 3). CedarC-v1.1 1. 特别说明: 1.1 v1.1集成了H6-dev开发分支的修改成果;增加了h265 10bit和afbc功能,此功能需 cedarx匹配修改,否则无法独立生效; 1.2 v1.1 关闭了用于申请物理连续内存的memory接口,上层若需要申请物理内存,需模块 内部实现memory的接口或调用其他接口; 1.3 增加了VideoDecoderGetVeIommuAddr和VideoDecoderFreeVeIommuAddr这两个接口,用于 对iommu的buffer进行绑定与解绑定操作。 2. 改动点如下: 2.1 增加h265 10bit和afbc功能的支持; 2.2 增加vp9 硬件解码驱动; 2.3 增加对iommu buffer管理的支持; 2.4 对ve模块进行了重构; 2.5 对sbm模块进行了重构; 2.6 memory接口不再对外开放。 4). CedarC-v1.1.1 1. 改动点如下: 1.1 调整cedarc-release,目前release出来的cedarc可适用于所有android和linxu平台; 1.2 vdecoder/Vp8:process the case of showFrm 1.3 vdecoder/h265: increase the size of HEVC_LOCAL_SBM_BUF_SIZE 1.4 vdecoder/videoengine: add the function of checkAlignStride 1.5 vdecoder/h265: set proc info 1.6 vdecoder/sbm: 修改H265 sbmFrame 访问越界的bug 5). CedarC-v1.1.2 1. 改动点如下: 1.1 vdecoder/h264: set proc info 1.2 vdecoder/mjpge: set proc info 1.3 vdecoder: improve function of savePicture 1.4 vencoder: fix for jpeg get phy_addr and androidN get chroma addr 1.5 在fbmInfo中添加offset的信息 1.6 openmax/vdec: set mCropEnable to false on linux 1.7 采用属性检测的方式来确定内存的使用方式 1.8 unmap the fbm buffer when native window changed 1.9 vp8 return the alterframe error for '新仙鹤神针.mkv' 6). CedarC-v1.1.3 1.1 vdecoder: change the 6k range 1.2 openmax:venc: fix for recorder 1.3 vdecoder: fix the bug for initializeVideoDecoder fails 1.4 vdecoder/h265Soft: fix the bug: crash when seek the video H265_test.mkv 1.5 ve: control phyOffset in ve module 1.6 use iomem.type to check iommu mode 1.7 vdecoder: add nBufFd when call FbmReturnReleasePicture 1.8 openmax: load the libawwmv3.so when init 1.9 vdecoder/VP9:reset some parameter for Vp9HwdecoderReset() 1.10 ve: dynamic set dram high channal 7). CedarC-v1.1.4 1.1 vencoder: add for thumb write back func 1.2 vencoder:fix for set thumb write back scaler dynamic 1.3 vencoder: fix for only thumb write back no encode 1.4 修改检测硬件busy的状态位的等待时间 1.5 vdecoder/sbmFrame: fix the error video 720P_V_.HEVC_AAC_2M_15F.mkv 8). CedarC-v1.1.6 1. 改动点如下: 1.1 vdecoder/h264:after reset,the first frame pts is same to the last bitstream 1.2 h265:fix the bug of parse-extradata 1.3 修改H264 跳播后pts异常的bug 1.4 vdecoder: add lock for VideoEngineCreate 1.5 fix gts test fail 1.6 vdecoder/vc1: fix the bug: error when seek 1.7 调整H264代码架构,清除最后一帧没有解码的bug 1.8 openmax/vdec: not support metadata buffer 1.9 ve: fix for getIcVersion when other process is reseting ve 1.10 openmax/vdec: open mem-ops when use 1.11 vdecoder/h264/distinguish SbmReturnStream of stream and frame for resolution change 1.12 omx:venc: fix for recorder of h6-kk44-iommu 1.13 openmax/vdec: support afbc function 1.14 h264:fix the progress of erro 1.15 openmax/vdec: plus timeout to 5s 2.特别说明: 2.1 mediacodec通路对afbc功能的支持 afbc功能的支持涉及到两个模块,其一是cedarc/openmax模块的修改,此模块的修改已完成,将 cedarc的代码更新到cedarc-v1.1.6或更新版本即可; 其二是framework层的修改,目前framework层的patch只集成到H6的方案上,若其他方案要集成afbc 的功能,可找AL3的王喜望提供framework_patch. 9). CedarC-v1.1.7 1. 改动点如下: 1.1. vdecoder/avs:the case of diff pts > 2s for TvStream 1.2. vencoder:jpeg fix for exif buffer memory leak 1.3. h264:fix the bug of frameStream-end 1.4. vdecoder: fix the bug when get memops 1.5. vdecoder/h264:u16 to s32 1.6. vdecoder: add iptv-info for h264 and h265 1.7. vdecoder/fbm: avoid memory leak 1.8. 解决H8 大白鲨.mp4播放花屏的问题 1.9. vdecoder/sbmH264: surpport secure video 1.10. 按照H264的分辨率来申请Dram buffer 的大小 1.11. 修正surface 切换时,播放A026.mpeg4挂住的问题 1.12. secure 模式下支持iommu 1.13. H265 的ve 频率在H6上调整为696MHZ 1.14. memory: fix for get phy_addr 0 when is iommu mode 1.15. H264 添加软件解头信息的代码 1.16. openmax/vdec: increase the input-buffer-size to 6 MB 1.17. vdecoder: optimize the policy of set vefreq 1.18. 在mpeg2解码器中添加错误帧的识别 1.19. omx:venc: fix for gpu buf 1.20. vdecoder/avs/fix the flag of bIsProgressive 1.21. openmax/vdec: support native-handle 1.22. 添加ve 频率配置项 1.23. vdecoder: not get the veLock with the softDecoder case 10). CedarC-v1.1.7 -- patch-002 1. 改动点如下: 1.1. 修改H264计算dram buffer的方式 1.2. 修改T3 mpeg4v2的解码方式,此格式VE不支持硬解 1.3. 兼容widewine 模式下extradata 的处理 1.4. vdecoder/H264/decoder one frame then return 1.5. 兼容parser传错width和height的case 1.6. openmax/vdec: add the policy of LIMIT_STREAM_NUM 1.7. videoengine:fix the specificdat value 1.8. videoengine: fix the ve unlock in VideoEngineReopen 1.9. openmax/vdec: add the function of di 1.10. vdecoder/H264:resolution change for online video 1.11. 修正没有获取到fbm 信息时,解码器就接收到eos标记而不能正常退出的bug 1.12. openmax/vdec: remove bCalledByOmxFlag 1.13. h265: fix the bug decoding the slcieRps as numOfRefs is outoff range 1.14. openmax/vdec: not init decoder in the status of idle 10). CedarC-v1.1.7 -- patch-003 1. 改动点如下: 1.1 修复h264 cts failed 1.2 openmax/vdec: reset MAX_NUM_OUT_BUFFERS from 15 to 4 as it consume too much buffer 1.3 h265: fix the pts of eos frame for gts 1.4 fbm: fix the value of pMetaData 1.5 修改mpeg2 pt2.vob 崩溃的bug 10). CedarC-v1.1.7 -- patch-004 1. 改动点如下: 1.1 openmax/vdec: fix the process of decoding the last frame which size changes 1.2 h265: fix the bug of decoding extraData 1.3 fbm: add code for allocating metadata buffer for linux 1.4 di not support 4K stream, for 4K interlace stream, ve does scaledown 1.5 vdecoder: limit nVbvBufferSize to [1 MB, 32MB] 1.6 openmax/vdec: increase OMX_VIDEO_DEC_INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE_SECURE from 256 KB to 1 MB 1.7 修改H264因丢帧导致的pts 计算出错的问题 1.8 vdecoder:add the decIpVersion for T7 1.9 vdecoder/h264:add reset parameters of H264ResetDecoderParams() 1.10 openMAX: Adapt DI process with two input di pictures to the platform of H3 1.11 openmax/vdec: just set nv21 format in di-function case 1.12 demo: add vencDem to cedarc 1.13 support the field structure of vc1 frame packed mode 1.14 demo:demoVencoder: fix for style error 1.15 config: add config file of T7 platform 11). CedarC-v1.1.8 1. 改动点如下: 1.1. 修正mp4normal 缩略图模式下没有specialdata时,无法解码的bug 1.2. 修正mpeg4Normal 届缩略图的bug 1.3. 支持mjpeg444的解码 1.4. vdecoder: fix the bug when sbm inits failed 1.5. vdecoder:fix for VC1. Be compatible to 64 bit system 1.6. 修复0x1663播放mpeg4文件花屏的问题 1.7. cdcUtil: fix ion handle for linux4.4 1.8. 恢复vbv buffer size 的设置方式 1.9. omx:venc: fix for h265 enc error 1.10. vdecoder:A63 upgrade,Mpeg1/2/4 addr register 1.11. vdecoder:catch DDR value for H265 1.12. 修正播放05_100M.ts 视频pts 出错的问题 1.13. cedarc:avs:add support for sun8iw7p1 1.14. 1708 芯片的mjpeg 调用mjpegPlus 1.15. vdecoder/h265:protecting nFrameDuration 1.16. vdecoder/sbm: fix bug: crash when length of stream is 0 1.17. 添加andoido 的支持 1.18. 修改H265的丢帧机制 1.19. cedarc:avs_plus:fix avs_plus unsupport error on chip-1680 1.20. cedarc/log: dynamic show log by property_get 1.21. cedarc: compile so in system/lib/ and system/vendor/lib 1.22. vdecoder/fbm: reduce frmbuf_c_size of afbc 11). CedarC-v1.1.9 1. 改动点如下: 1.1 修改linux目录库名称: 修改前 修改后 arm-linux-gnueabi arm-linux-gnueabi arm-linux-gnueabihf arm-linux-gnueabihf arm-none-linux-gnueabi arm-none-linux-gnueabi arm-linux-gnueabihf-linaro toolchain-sunxi-aarch64-glibc arm926-uclibc toolchain-sunxi-aarch64-musl arm-aarch64-openwrt-linux toolchain-sunxi-arm9-glibc arm-openwrt-linux-muslgnueabi toolchain-sunxi-arm9-musl arm-openwrt-linux-muslgnueabi-v5 toolchain-sunxi-arm-glibc arm-openwrt-linux-uclibc toolchain-sunxi-arm-musl 说明:修改原因为:根据BU1最新提供的工具链进行整理; 前面3套为用得比较多的编译工具链,适用于各个BU的方案开发; 后面6套为BU1提供的工具链编译出来的so,如果其他BU需要使用,建议先与cedarc驱动组的同事(如王喜望/刘小燕)进行沟通了解; 1.2 修改linux so名称: 修改前 修改后 libcdc_vd_avs.so libawavs.so libcdc_vd_h264.so libawh264.so libcdc_vd_h265.so libawh265.so libcdc_vd_mjpeg.so libawmjpeg.so libcdc_vd_mjpegs.so libawmjpegplus.so libcdc_vd_mpeg2.so libawmpeg2.so libcdc_vd_mpeg4base.so libawmpeg4base.so libcdc_vd_mpeg4dx.so libawmpeg4dx.so libcdc_vd_mpeg4h263.so libawmpeg4h263.so libcdc_vd_mpeg4normal.so libawmpeg4normal.so libcdc_vd_mpeg4vp6.so libawmpeg4vp6.so libcdc_vd_vp8.so libawvp8.so libcdc_vd_vp9Hw.so libawvp9Hw.so libcdc_vd_wmv3.so libawwmv3.so libcdc_vencoder.so libvencoder.so libcdc_ve.so libVE.so libcdc_videoengine.so libvideoengine.so 说明:修改linux so的名称的原因主要是为了与 android平台的so名称一致。