############################################## # OpenWrt Makefile for helloworld program # # # Most of the variables used here are defined in # the include directives below. We just need to # specify a basic description of the package, # where to build our program, where to find # the source files, and where to install the # compiled program on the router. # # Be very careful of spacing in this file. # Indents should be tabs, not spaces, and # there should be no trailing whitespace in # lines that are not commented. # ############################################## include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk include $(BUILD_DIR)/kernel.mk # Name and release number of this package PKG_NAME:=selinux PKG_VERSION:=20170804 PKG_RELEASE:=1 PKG_SOURCE:=$(PKG_NAME)-$(PKG_VERSION).tar.gz PKG_SOURCE_URL:=https://github.com/SELinuxProject/selinux/releases/tag/20170804/ PKG_MD5SUM:=8de0165799cae72f015f65e4511eb3db # This specifies the directory where we're going to build the program. # The root build directory, $(BUILD_DIR), is by default the build_mipsel # directory in your OpenWrt SDK directory PKG_BUILD_DIR := $(COMPILE_DIR)/$(PKG_NAME)-$(PKG_VERSION) include $(BUILD_DIR)/package.mk # Specify package information for this program. # The variables defined here should be self explanatory. # If you are running Kamikaze, delete the DESCRIPTION # variable below and uncomment the Kamikaze define # directive for the description below define Package/$(PKG_NAME) SECTION:=selinux CATEGORY:=Security TITLE:=selinux DEPENDS:=+@USE_SELINUX +libpcre +musl-fts +bzip2 endef # Uncomment portion below for Kamikaze and delete DESCRIPTION variable above define Package/$(PKG_NAME)/description it comes form SELinuxProject selinux.The software provided by this project complements the SELinux features integrated into the Linux kernel and is used by Linux distributions. endef # Specify what needs to be done to prepare for building the package. # In our case, we need to copy the source files to the build directory. # This is NOT the default. The default uses the PKG_SOURCE_URL and the # PKG_SOURCE which is not defined here to download the source from the web. # In order to just build a simple program that we have just written, it is # much easier to do it this way. #define Build/Prepare # mkdir -p $(PKG_BUILD_DIR) # /bin/tar xzf $(DL_DIR)/$(PKG_SOURCE) -C $(PKG_BUILD_DIR) --strip-components 1 #endef define Build/Compile # compile libsepol $(MAKE) -C $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/libsepol \ ARCH="$(TARGET_ARCH)" \ AR="$(TARGET_AR)" \ CC="$(TARGET_CC)" \ CPP="$(TARGET_CXX)" \ CFLAGS="$(TARGET_CFLAGS)" \ LDFLAGS="$(TARGET_LDFLAGS)" \ DESTDIR="$(STAGING_DIR)" \ SHLIBDIR="$(STAGING_DIR)/usr/lib" \ all install # compile libselinux $(MAKE) -C $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/libselinux \ ARCH="$(TARGET_ARCH)" \ AR="$(TARGET_AR)" \ CC="$(TARGET_CC)" \ CPP="$(TARGET_CXX)" \ CFLAGS="$(TARGET_CFLAGS)" \ LDFLAGS="$(TARGET_LDFLAGS) -lfts -lpcre -lsepol" \ DESTDIR="$(STAGING_DIR)" \ SHLIBDIR="$(STAGING_DIR)/usr/lib" \ all install endef # Specify where and how to install the program. Since we only have one file, # the helloworld executable, install it by copying it to the /bin directory on # the router. The $(1) variable represents the root directory on the router running # OpenWrt. The $(INSTALL_DIR) variable contains a command to prepare the install # directory if it does not already exist. Likewise $(INSTALL_BIN) contains the # command to copy the binary file from its current location (in our case the build # directory) to the install directory. define Package/$(PKG_NAME)/install $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/lib $(CP) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/libsepol/src/libsepol.so* $(1)/usr/lib $(CP) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/libselinux/src/libselinux.so* $(1)/usr/lib endef # This line executes the necessary commands to compile our program. # The above define directives specify all the information needed, but this # line calls BuildPackage which in turn actually uses this information to # build a package. $(eval $(call BuildPackage,$(PKG_NAME)))