/* * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "ufdt_common.h" #include "libufdt.h" #include "ufdt_node_pool.h" #include "ufdt_prop_dict.h" struct ufdt *ufdt_construct(void *fdtp, struct ufdt_node_pool *pool) { (void)(pool); /* unused parameter */ /* Inital size is 2, will be exponentially increased when it needed later. (2 -> 4 -> 8 -> ...) */ const int DEFAULT_MEM_SIZE_FDTPS = 2; void **fdtps = NULL; struct ufdt *res_ufdt = NULL; fdtps = (void **)dto_malloc(sizeof(void *) * DEFAULT_MEM_SIZE_FDTPS); if (fdtps == NULL) goto error; fdtps[0] = fdtp; res_ufdt = dto_malloc(sizeof(struct ufdt)); if (res_ufdt == NULL) goto error; res_ufdt->fdtps = fdtps; res_ufdt->mem_size_fdtps = DEFAULT_MEM_SIZE_FDTPS; res_ufdt->num_used_fdtps = (fdtp != NULL ? 1 : 0); res_ufdt->root = NULL; return res_ufdt; error: if (res_ufdt) dto_free(res_ufdt); if (fdtps) dto_free(fdtps); return NULL; } void ufdt_destruct(struct ufdt *tree, struct ufdt_node_pool *pool) { if (tree == NULL) return; ufdt_node_destruct(tree->root, pool); dto_free(tree->fdtps); dto_free(tree->phandle_table.data); dto_free(tree); } int ufdt_add_fdt(struct ufdt *tree, void *fdtp) { if (fdtp == NULL) { return -1; } int i = tree->num_used_fdtps; if (i >= tree->mem_size_fdtps) { int new_size = tree->mem_size_fdtps * 2; void **new_fdtps = dto_malloc(sizeof(void *) * new_size); if (new_fdtps == NULL) return -1; dto_memcpy(new_fdtps, tree->fdtps, sizeof(void *) * tree->mem_size_fdtps); dto_free(tree->fdtps); tree->fdtps = new_fdtps; tree->mem_size_fdtps = new_size; } tree->fdtps[i] = fdtp; tree->num_used_fdtps = i + 1; return 0; } int ufdt_get_string_off(const struct ufdt *tree, const char *s) { /* fdt_create() sets the dt_string_off to the end of fdt buffer, and _ufdt_output_strtab_to_fdt() copy all string tables in reversed order. So, here the return offset value is base on the end of all string buffers, and it should be a minus value. */ int res_off = 0; int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < tree->num_used_fdtps; i++) { void *fdt = tree->fdtps[i]; const char *strtab_start = (const char *)fdt + fdt_off_dt_strings(fdt); int strtab_size = fdt_size_dt_strings(fdt); const char *strtab_end = strtab_start + strtab_size; /* Check if the string is in the string table */ if (s >= strtab_start && s < strtab_end) { res_off += (s - strtab_end); return res_off; } res_off -= strtab_size; } /* Can not find the string, return 0 */ return 0; } static struct ufdt_node *ufdt_new_node(void *fdtp, int node_offset, struct ufdt_node_pool *pool) { if (fdtp == NULL) { dto_error("Failed to get new_node because tree is NULL\n"); return NULL; } fdt32_t *fdt_tag_ptr = (fdt32_t *)fdt_offset_ptr(fdtp, node_offset, sizeof(fdt32_t)); struct ufdt_node *res = ufdt_node_construct(fdtp, fdt_tag_ptr, pool); return res; } static struct ufdt_node *fdt_to_ufdt_tree(void *fdtp, int cur_fdt_tag_offset, int *next_fdt_tag_offset, int cur_tag, struct ufdt_node_pool *pool) { if (fdtp == NULL) { return NULL; } uint32_t tag; struct ufdt_node *res, *child_node; res = NULL; child_node = NULL; tag = cur_tag; switch (tag) { case FDT_END_NODE: case FDT_NOP: case FDT_END: break; case FDT_PROP: res = ufdt_new_node(fdtp, cur_fdt_tag_offset, pool); break; case FDT_BEGIN_NODE: res = ufdt_new_node(fdtp, cur_fdt_tag_offset, pool); do { cur_fdt_tag_offset = *next_fdt_tag_offset; tag = fdt_next_tag(fdtp, cur_fdt_tag_offset, next_fdt_tag_offset); child_node = fdt_to_ufdt_tree(fdtp, cur_fdt_tag_offset, next_fdt_tag_offset, tag, pool); ufdt_node_add_child(res, child_node); } while (tag != FDT_END_NODE); break; default: break; } return res; } void ufdt_print(struct ufdt *tree) { ufdt_node_print(tree->root, 0); } struct ufdt_node *ufdt_get_node_by_path_len(struct ufdt *tree, const char *path, int len) { /* * RARE: aliases * In device tree, we can assign some alias to specific nodes by defining * these relation in "/aliases" node. * The node has the form: * { * a = "/a_for_apple"; * b = "/b_for_banana"; * }; * So the path "a/subnode_1" should be expanded to "/a_for_apple/subnode_1". */ if (*path != '/') { const char *end = path + len; const char *next_slash; next_slash = dto_memchr(path, '/', end - path); if (!next_slash) next_slash = end; struct ufdt_node *aliases_node = ufdt_node_get_node_by_path(tree->root, "/aliases"); aliases_node = ufdt_node_get_property_by_name_len(aliases_node, path, next_slash - path); int path_len = 0; const char *alias_path = ufdt_node_get_fdt_prop_data(aliases_node, &path_len); if (alias_path == NULL) { dto_error("Failed to find alias %s\n", path); return NULL; } struct ufdt_node *target_node = ufdt_node_get_node_by_path_len(tree->root, alias_path, path_len); return ufdt_node_get_node_by_path_len(target_node, next_slash, end - next_slash); } return ufdt_node_get_node_by_path_len(tree->root, path, len); } struct ufdt_node *ufdt_get_node_by_path(struct ufdt *tree, const char *path) { return ufdt_get_node_by_path_len(tree, path, dto_strlen(path)); } struct ufdt_node *ufdt_get_node_by_phandle(struct ufdt *tree, uint32_t phandle) { struct ufdt_node *res = NULL; /* * Do binary search in phandle_table.data. * [s, e) means the possible range which contains target node. */ int s = 0, e = tree->phandle_table.len; while (e - s > 1) { int mid = s + ((e - s) >> 1); uint32_t mid_phandle = tree->phandle_table.data[mid].phandle; if (phandle < mid_phandle) e = mid; else s = mid; } if (e - s > 0) { res = tree->phandle_table.data[s].node; } return res; } static int count_phandle_node(struct ufdt_node *node) { if (node == NULL) return 0; if (ufdt_node_tag(node) != FDT_BEGIN_NODE) return 0; int res = 0; if (ufdt_node_get_phandle(node) > 0) res++; struct ufdt_node **it; for_each_child(it, node) { res += count_phandle_node(*it); } return res; } static void set_phandle_table_entry(struct ufdt_node *node, struct ufdt_phandle_table_entry *data, int *cur) { if (node == NULL || ufdt_node_tag(node) != FDT_BEGIN_NODE) return; int ph = ufdt_node_get_phandle(node); if (ph > 0) { data[*cur].phandle = ph; data[*cur].node = node; (*cur)++; } struct ufdt_node **it; for_each_node(it, node) set_phandle_table_entry(*it, data, cur); return; } int phandle_table_entry_cmp(const void *pa, const void *pb) { uint32_t ph_a = ((const struct ufdt_phandle_table_entry *)pa)->phandle; uint32_t ph_b = ((const struct ufdt_phandle_table_entry *)pb)->phandle; if (ph_a < ph_b) return -1; else if (ph_a == ph_b) return 0; else return 1; } struct ufdt_static_phandle_table build_phandle_table(struct ufdt *tree) { struct ufdt_static_phandle_table res; res.len = count_phandle_node(tree->root); res.data = dto_malloc(sizeof(struct ufdt_phandle_table_entry) * res.len); int cur = 0; set_phandle_table_entry(tree->root, res.data, &cur); dto_qsort(res.data, res.len, sizeof(struct ufdt_phandle_table_entry), phandle_table_entry_cmp); return res; } struct ufdt *ufdt_from_fdt(void *fdtp, size_t fdt_size, struct ufdt_node_pool *pool) { (void)(fdt_size); /* unused parameter */ int start_offset = fdt_path_offset(fdtp, "/"); if (start_offset < 0) { return ufdt_construct(NULL, pool); } struct ufdt *res_tree = ufdt_construct(fdtp, pool); int end_offset; int start_tag = fdt_next_tag(fdtp, start_offset, &end_offset); res_tree->root = fdt_to_ufdt_tree(fdtp, start_offset, &end_offset, start_tag, pool); res_tree->phandle_table = build_phandle_table(res_tree); return res_tree; } static int _ufdt_get_property_nameoff(const struct ufdt *tree, const char *name, const struct ufdt_prop_dict *dict) { int res; const struct fdt_property *same_name_prop = ufdt_prop_dict_find(dict, name); if (same_name_prop != NULL) { /* There is a property with same name, just use its string offset */ res = fdt32_to_cpu(same_name_prop->nameoff); } else { /* Get the string offset from the string table of the current tree */ res = ufdt_get_string_off(tree, name); if (res == 0) { dto_error("Cannot find property name in string table: %s\n", name); return 0; } } return res; } static int _ufdt_output_property_to_fdt( const struct ufdt *tree, void *fdtp, const struct ufdt_node_fdt_prop *prop_node, struct ufdt_prop_dict *dict) { int nameoff = _ufdt_get_property_nameoff(tree, prop_node->name, dict); if (nameoff == 0) return -1; int data_len = 0; void *data = ufdt_node_get_fdt_prop_data(&prop_node->parent, &data_len); int aligned_data_len = (data_len + (FDT_TAGSIZE - 1)) & ~(FDT_TAGSIZE - 1); int new_propoff = fdt_size_dt_struct(fdtp); int new_prop_size = sizeof(struct fdt_property) + aligned_data_len; struct fdt_property *new_prop = (struct fdt_property *)((char *)fdtp + fdt_off_dt_struct(fdtp) + new_propoff); char *fdt_end = (char *)fdtp + fdt_totalsize(fdtp); if ((char *)new_prop + new_prop_size > fdt_end) { dto_error("Not enough space for adding property.\n"); return -1; } fdt_set_size_dt_struct(fdtp, new_propoff + new_prop_size); new_prop->tag = cpu_to_fdt32(FDT_PROP); new_prop->nameoff = cpu_to_fdt32(nameoff); new_prop->len = cpu_to_fdt32(data_len); dto_memcpy(new_prop->data, data, data_len); ufdt_prop_dict_add(dict, new_prop); return 0; } static int _ufdt_output_node_to_fdt(const struct ufdt *tree, void *fdtp, const struct ufdt_node *node, struct ufdt_prop_dict *dict) { uint32_t tag = ufdt_node_tag(node); if (tag == FDT_PROP) { return _ufdt_output_property_to_fdt( tree, fdtp, (const struct ufdt_node_fdt_prop *)node, dict); } int err = fdt_begin_node(fdtp, ufdt_node_name(node)); if (err < 0) return -1; struct ufdt_node **it; for_each_prop(it, node) { err = _ufdt_output_node_to_fdt(tree, fdtp, *it, dict); if (err < 0) return -1; } for_each_node(it, node) { err = _ufdt_output_node_to_fdt(tree, fdtp, *it, dict); if (err < 0) return -1; } err = fdt_end_node(fdtp); if (err < 0) return -1; return 0; } static int _ufdt_output_strtab_to_fdt(const struct ufdt *tree, void *fdt) { /* Currently, we don't know the final dt_struct size, so we copy all string tables to the end of the target fdt buffer in reversed order. At last, fdt_finish() will adjust dt_string offset */ const char *struct_top = (char *)fdt + fdt_off_dt_struct(fdt) + fdt_size_dt_struct(fdt); char *dest = (char *)fdt + fdt_totalsize(fdt); int dest_size = 0; int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < tree->num_used_fdtps; i++) { void *src_fdt = tree->fdtps[i]; const char *src_strtab = (const char *)src_fdt + fdt_off_dt_strings(src_fdt); int strtab_size = fdt_size_dt_strings(src_fdt); dest -= strtab_size; if (dest < struct_top) { dto_error("Not enough space for string table.\n"); return -1; } dto_memcpy(dest, src_strtab, strtab_size); dest_size += strtab_size; } fdt_set_size_dt_strings(fdt, dest_size); return 0; } int ufdt_to_fdt(const struct ufdt *tree, void *buf, int buf_size) { if (tree->num_used_fdtps == 0) return -1; int err; int n_mem_rsv; int i; err = fdt_create(buf, buf_size); if (err < 0) return -1; /* Here we output the memory reserve map of the ONLY FIRST fdt, to be in compliance with the DTO behavior of libfdt. */ n_mem_rsv = fdt_num_mem_rsv(tree->fdtps[0]); for (i = 0; i < n_mem_rsv; i++) { uint64_t addr, size; fdt_get_mem_rsv(tree->fdtps[0], i, &addr, &size); fdt_add_reservemap_entry(buf, addr, size); } err = fdt_finish_reservemap(buf); if (err < 0) return -1; err = _ufdt_output_strtab_to_fdt(tree, buf); if (err < 0) return -1; struct ufdt_prop_dict dict; err = ufdt_prop_dict_construct(&dict, buf); if (err < 0) return -1; err = _ufdt_output_node_to_fdt(tree, buf, tree->root, &dict); if (err < 0) return -1; ufdt_prop_dict_destruct(&dict); err = fdt_finish(buf); if (err < 0) return -1; /* * IMPORTANT: fdt_totalsize(buf) might be less than buf_size * so this is needed to make use of remain spaces. */ return fdt_open_into(buf, buf, buf_size); }