/* * Copyright (c) 2008-2016 Allwinner Technology Co. Ltd. * All rights reserved. * * File : demuxComponent.h * Description : demuxComponent * History : * */ #ifndef DEMUX_COMPONENT_H #define DEMUX_COMPONENT_H #include #include "player.h" //* player library in "android/hardware/aw/" #include "mediaInfo.h" #if CONFIG_OS == OPTION_OS_ANDROID #include #include using namespace android; #else #include #include using namespace std; #endif typedef void* DemuxComp; #define SOURCE_TYPE_URL 0x1 #define SOURCE_TYPE_FD 0x2 enum EDEMUXNOTIFY //* player internal notify. { DEMUX_NOTIFY_PREPARED = 512, DEMUX_NOTIFY_EOS, DEMUX_NOTIFY_IOERROR, DEMUX_NOTIFY_SEEK_FINISH, DEMUX_NOTIFY_CACHE_STAT, DEMUX_NOTIFY_BUFFER_START, DEMUX_NOTIFY_BUFFER_END, DEMUX_NOTIFY_PAUSE_PLAYER, DEMUX_NOTIFY_RESUME_PLAYER, DEMUX_NOTIFY_DATA_PACKET, }; enum EDEMUXERROR { DEMUX_ERROR_NONE = 0, DEMUX_ERROR_UNKNOWN = -1, DEMUX_ERROR_IO = -2, DEMUX_ERROR_USER_CANCEL = -3, }; typedef int (*DemuxCallback)(void* pUserData, int eMessageId, void* param); DemuxComp* DemuxCompCreate(void); void DemuxCompDestroy(DemuxComp* d); void DemuxCompClear(DemuxComp* d); //* clear the data source, like just created. int DemuxCompSetUrlSource(DemuxComp* d, const char* pUrl, const map* pHeaders); int DemuxCompSetFdSource(DemuxComp* d, int fd, int64_t nOffset, int64_t nLength); int DemuxCompSetPlayer(DemuxComp* d, Player* player); int DemuxCompSetCallback(DemuxComp* d, DemuxCallback callback, void* pUserData); int DemuxCompPrepareAsync(DemuxComp* d); int DemuxCompCancelPrepare(DemuxComp* d); //* should call back DEMUX_PREPARE_FINISH message. MediaInfo* DemuxCompGetMediaInfo(DemuxComp* d); int DemuxCompStart(DemuxComp* d); int DemuxCompStop(DemuxComp* d); //* close the data source, must call prepare again to restart. int DemuxCompPause(DemuxComp* d); //* no pause status in demux component, return OK immediately. int DemuxCompGetStatus(DemuxComp* d); int DemuxCompSeekTo(DemuxComp* d, int mSec); int DemuxCompCancelSeek(DemuxComp* d); //* should not call back DEMUX_SEEK_FINISH message. int DemuxCompSetCacheStatReportInterval(DemuxComp* d, int ms); int DemuxCompSetCacheSize(DemuxComp* d, int nStartPlaySize, int nMaxBufferSize); #endif