 * (C) Copyright 2007-2013
 * Allwinner Technology Co., Ltd. <www.allwinnertech.com>
 * Jerry Wang <wangflord@allwinnertech.com>
 * See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
 * project.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
 * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
 * MA 02111-1307 USA
#include <common.h>
#include <power/axp81X_reg.h>
#include "axp.h"
#include <pmu.h>

extern int axp81_set_supply_status(int vol_name, int vol_value, int onoff);
extern int axp81_set_supply_status_byname(char *vol_name, int vol_value, int onoff);
extern int axp81_probe_supply_status(int vol_name, int vol_value, int onoff);
extern int axp81_probe_supply_status_byname(char *vol_name);
*                                             function
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int axp81_probe(void)
	u8    pmu_type;

	axp_i2c_config(SUNXI_AXP_81X, AXP81X_ADDR);
	if(axp_i2c_read(AXP81X_ADDR, BOOT_POWER81X_VERSION, &pmu_type))
		printf("axp read error\n");

		return -1;

	pmu_type &= 0xCF;
	if(pmu_type == 0x41)
		int i ;
		/* pmu type AXP81X */
		tick_printf("PMU: AXP81X\n");
		//clear IRQ enable bit
		//because RTC use the same irq line whit AXP,and RTC will enable NMI interrupt at the start stage.
		//but the axp driver is not ready  at that moment
		for(i = 0; i < 6; i++)
				printf("axp clear IRQ enable bit error\n");

		return 0;

	return -1;
*                                             function
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int axp81_set_coulombmeter_onoff(int onoff)
	u8 reg_value;

	if(axp_i2c_read(AXP81X_ADDR,BOOT_POWER81X_FUEL_GAUGE_CTL, &reg_value))
        return -1;
    	reg_value &= ~(0x01 << 7);
    	reg_value |= (0x01 << 7);

        return -1;

    return 0;
*                                             function
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int axp81_set_charge_control(void)
	u8 reg_value;
	//disable ts adc, enable all other adc
	if(axp_i2c_read(AXP81X_ADDR, BOOT_POWER81X_ADC_EN, &reg_value))
        return -1;
    reg_value |= 0xC0;
    if(axp_i2c_write(AXP81X_ADDR, BOOT_POWER81X_ADC_EN, reg_value))
        return -1;
    //enable charge
	if(axp_i2c_read(AXP81X_ADDR, BOOT_POWER81X_CHARGE1, &reg_value))
        return -1;
    reg_value |= 0x80;
    if(axp_i2c_write(AXP81X_ADDR, BOOT_POWER81X_CHARGE1, reg_value))
        return -1;

    return 0;
*                                             function
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int axp81_probe_battery_ratio(void)
	u8 reg_value;

	if(axp_i2c_read(AXP81X_ADDR, BOOT_POWER81X_BAT_PERCEN_CAL, &reg_value))
        return -1;

	return reg_value & 0x7f;
*                                             function
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int axp81_probe_power_status(void)
	u8 reg_value;

	if(axp_i2c_read(AXP81X_ADDR, BOOT_POWER81X_STATUS, &reg_value))
        return -1;
	if(reg_value & 0x10)		//vbus exist
		return AXP_VBUS_EXIST;
	if(reg_value & 0x40)		//dc in exist
		return AXP_DCIN_EXIST;
	return 0;

*                                             function
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int axp81_probe_battery_exist(void)
	u8 reg_value;

	if(axp_i2c_read(AXP81X_ADDR, BOOT_POWER81X_MODE_CHGSTATUS, &reg_value))
        return -1;

	if(reg_value & 0x10)
		return (reg_value & 0x20);

	return -1;
*                                             function
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int axp81_probe_battery_vol(void)
	u8  reg_value_h, reg_value_l;
	int bat_vol, tmp_value;

	if(axp_i2c_read(AXP81X_ADDR, BOOT_POWER81X_BAT_AVERVOL_H8, &reg_value_h))
        return -1;
    if(axp_i2c_read(AXP81X_ADDR, BOOT_POWER81X_BAT_AVERVOL_L4, &reg_value_l))
        return -1;
    tmp_value = (reg_value_h << 4) | reg_value_l;
    bat_vol = tmp_value * 11;
    bat_vol /= 10;

	return bat_vol;
*                                             function
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int axp81_probe_key(void)
	u8  reg_value;

	if(axp_i2c_read(AXP81X_ADDR, BOOT_POWER81X_INTSTS5, &reg_value))
        return -1;
    reg_value &= (0x03<<3);
		if(axp_i2c_write(AXP81X_ADDR, BOOT_POWER81X_INTSTS5, reg_value))
	        return -1;

	return (reg_value>>3)&3;
*                                             function
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int axp81_probe_pre_sys_mode(void)
	u8  reg_value;

	if(axp_i2c_read(AXP81X_ADDR, BOOT_POWER81X_DATA_BUFFER11, &reg_value))
        return -1;

	return reg_value;
*                                             function
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int axp81_set_next_sys_mode(int data)
	if(axp_i2c_write(AXP81X_ADDR, BOOT_POWER81X_DATA_BUFFER11, (u8)data))
        return -1;

	return 0;
*                                             function
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int axp81_probe_this_poweron_cause(void)
    uchar   reg_value;

	if(axp_i2c_read(AXP81X_ADDR, BOOT_POWER81X_STATUS, &reg_value))
        return -1;

    return reg_value & 0x01;
*                                             function
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int axp81_set_power_off(void)
    u8 reg_value;

	if(axp_i2c_read(AXP81X_ADDR, BOOT_POWER81X_OFF_CTL, &reg_value))
        return -1;
    reg_value |= 1 << 7;
	if(axp_i2c_write(AXP81X_ADDR, BOOT_POWER81X_OFF_CTL, reg_value))
        return -1;

    return 0;
*                                             function
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int axp81_set_power_onoff_vol(int set_vol, int stage)
	u8 reg_value;

			set_vol = 3300;
			set_vol = 2900;
	if(axp_i2c_read(AXP81X_ADDR, BOOT_POWER81X_VOFF_SET, &reg_value))
        return -1;
	reg_value &= 0xf8;
	if(set_vol >= 2600 && set_vol <= 3300)
		reg_value |= (set_vol - 2600)/100;
	else if(set_vol <= 2600)
		reg_value |= 0x00;
		reg_value |= 0x07;
	if(axp_i2c_write(AXP81X_ADDR, BOOT_POWER81X_VOFF_SET, reg_value))
        return -1;

	return 0;
*                                             function
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int axp81_set_charge_current(int current)
	u8   reg_value;
	int  step;

	if(axp_i2c_read(AXP81X_ADDR, BOOT_POWER81X_CHARGE1, &reg_value))
        return -1;
	reg_value &= ~0x0f;
	if(current > 2800)
		current = 2800;
	else if(current < 200)
		current = 200;
	step       = (current/200) - 1; //0-13 ---->200to 2800
	reg_value |= (step & 0x0f);

	if(axp_i2c_write(AXP81X_ADDR, BOOT_POWER81X_CHARGE1, reg_value))
        return -1;

	return 0;
*                                             function
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int axp81_probe_charge_current(void)
	uchar  reg_value;
	int	  current;

	if(axp_i2c_read(AXP81X_ADDR, BOOT_POWER81X_CHARGE1, &reg_value))
        return -1;
	reg_value &= 0x0f;
	current = (reg_value + 1) * 200;

	return current;
*                                             function
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int axp81_set_vbus_cur_limit(int current)
	uchar reg_value;

	//set bus current limit off
	if(axp_i2c_read(AXP81X_ADDR, BOOT_POWER81X_CHARGE3, &reg_value))
		return -1;
	reg_value &= 0x0f;
	//bit7-bit4:  0-100mA 1-500mA 2-900mA 3-1500mA
	//	      4-2000mA 5-2500mA 6-3000mA 7-3500mA 8-4000mA

	if(current >= 4000) //limit to 4000
		reg_value |= 0x80;
	else if(current >= 3500) //limit to 3500
		reg_value |= 0x70;
	else if(current >= 3000) //limit to 3000
		reg_value |= 0x60;
	else if(current >=2500 )//limit to 2500
		reg_value |= 0x50;
	else if(current >=2000 )//limit to 2000
		reg_value |= 0x40;
	else if(current >=1500 )//limit to 1500
		reg_value |= 0x30;
	else if(current >=900 )
		reg_value |= 0x20;
	else if(current >=500 )
		reg_value |= 0x10;
	else if(current >=100 )
		reg_value |= 0x00;
		reg_value |= 0x10;

	if(axp_i2c_write(AXP81X_ADDR, BOOT_POWER81X_CHARGE3, reg_value))
		return -1;

	return 0;

int axp81_probe_vbus_cur_limit(void)
	uchar reg_value;
	int current = 0;

		return -1;
	reg_value &= 0xf0;

	//bit7-bit4:  0-100mA 1-500mA 2-900mA 3-1500mA
	//	      4-2000mA 5-2500mA 6-3000mA 7-3500mA 8-4000mA

	if(reg_value == 0x80) //limit to 4000
		current = 4000;
	else if(reg_value == 0x70) //limit to 3500
		current = 3500;
	else if(reg_value == 0x60) //limit to 3000
		current = 3000;
	else if(reg_value == 0x50 )//limit to 2500
		current = 2500;
	else if(reg_value == 0x40 )//limit to 2000
		current =2000;
	else if(reg_value == 0x30 )//limit to 1500
		current =1500;
	else if(reg_value == 0x20 )
		current =900;
	else if(reg_value == 0x10 )
		current =500;
	else if(reg_value == 0x00 )
		current =100;
		reg_value |= 0x10;
	printf("limit to %dmA \n",current);
	return current;

*                                             function
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int axp81_set_vbus_vol_limit(int vol)
	uchar reg_value;

	//set bus vol limit off
	if(axp_i2c_read(AXP81X_ADDR, BOOT_POWER81X_VBUS_SET, &reg_value))
		return -1;
	reg_value &= ~(7 << 3);

	if(vol < 4000)
		vol = 4000;
	else if(vol > 4700)
		vol = 4700;
	reg_value |= ((vol-4000)/100) << 3;

	if(axp_i2c_write(AXP81X_ADDR, BOOT_POWER81X_VBUS_SET, reg_value))
		return -1;

	return 0;

*                                             function
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int axp81_probe_int_pending(uchar *addr)
	int   i;

	    if(axp_i2c_read(AXP81X_ADDR, BOOT_POWER81X_INTSTS1 + i, addr + i))
	        return -1;

	    if(axp_i2c_write(AXP81X_ADDR, BOOT_POWER81X_INTSTS1 + i, 0xff))
	        return -1;

	return 0;
*                                             function
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int axp81_probe_int_enable(uchar *addr)
	int   i;
	uchar  int_reg = BOOT_POWER81X_INTEN1;

		if(axp_i2c_read(AXP81X_ADDR, int_reg, addr + i))
	        return -1;
	    int_reg ++;

	return 0;
*                                             function
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int axp81_set_int_enable(uchar *addr)
	int   i;
	uchar  int_reg = BOOT_POWER81X_INTEN1;

		if(axp_i2c_write(AXP81X_ADDR, int_reg, addr[i]))
	        return -1;
	    int_reg ++;

	return 0;

sunxi_axp_module_init("axp81x", SUNXI_AXP_81X);