/* * Copyright (c) 2008-2016 Allwinner Technology Co. Ltd. * All rights reserved. * * File : xplayer.h * Description : xplayer * History : * Author : AL3 * Date : 2015/05/05 * Comment : first version * */ #ifndef XPLAYER_H #define XPLAYER_H #include #include #include #include "CdxKeyedVector.h" #include "cdx_config.h" //* configuration file in "LiBRARY/" #include "mediaInfo.h" #include #include "xplayerUtil.h" #define AWPLAYER_CONFIG_DISABLE_VIDEO 0 #define AWPLAYER_CONFIG_DISABLE_AUDIO 0 #define AWPLAYER_CONFIG_DISABLE_SUBTITLE 0 #define AWPLAYER_CONFIG_DISALBE_MULTI_AUDIO 0 #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* Since xplayer is operating system independent, there is no benefit and no * simple method to keep items in MediaEventType have the same value as items * in media_event_type of Android. */ enum MediaEventType { AWPLAYER_MEDIA_NOP = MEDIA_EVENT_VALID_RANGE_MIN, // = 0, interface test message AWPLAYER_MEDIA_PREPARED, AWPLAYER_MEDIA_PLAYBACK_COMPLETE, AWPLAYER_MEDIA_BUFFERING_UPDATE, AWPLAYER_MEDIA_SEEK_COMPLETE, AWPLAYER_MEDIA_SET_VIDEO_SIZE, AWPLAYER_MEDIA_STARTED, AWPLAYER_MEDIA_PAUSED, AWPLAYER_MEDIA_STOPPED, AWPLAYER_MEDIA_SKIPPED, AWPLAYER_MEDIA_TIMED_TEXT, AWPLAYER_MEDIA_ERROR, AWPLAYER_MEDIA_INFO, AWPLAYER_MEDIA_SUBTITLE_DATA, AWPLAYER_MEDIA_LOG_RECORDER, AWPLAYER_EXTEND_MEDIA_INFO, AWPLAYER_MEDIA_META_DATA, AWPLAYER_MEDIA_EVENT_MAX, AWPLAYER_MEDIA_RESET_BUFFER_FINISHED, AWPLAYER_MEDIA_DECODED_VIDEO_SIZE, }; CHECK_MEDIA_EVENT_MAX_VALID(AWPLAYER_MEDIA_EVENT_MAX) // av/include/media/mediaplayer.h enum MediaInfoType { AW_MEDIA_INFO_UNKNOWN = 1, AW_MEDIA_INFO_STARTED_AS_NEXT = 2, AW_MEDIA_INFO_RENDERING_START = 3, AW_MEDIA_INFO_BUFFERING_START = 701, AW_MEDIA_INFO_BUFFERING_END = 702, AW_MEDIA_INFO_NOT_SEEKABLE = 801, AW_MEDIA_INFO_DOWNLOAD_START = 10086, AW_MEDIA_INFO_DOWNLOAD_END = 10087, AW_MEDIA_INFO_DOWNLOAD_ERROR = 10088, }; enum ExMediaInfoType { AW_EX_IOREQ_ACCESS = 1, AW_EX_IOREQ_OPEN = 2, AW_EX_IOREQ_OPENDIR = 3, AW_EX_IOREQ_READDIR = 4, AW_EX_IOREQ_CLOSEDIR = 5, }; // 0xx: Reserved // 1xx: Android Player errors. Something went wrong inside the MediaPlayer. // 2xx: Media errors (e.g Codec not supported). There is a problem with the // media itself. // 3xx: Runtime errors. Some extraordinary condition arose making the playback // impossible. // enum MediaErrorType { // 0xx AW_MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN = 1, // 1xx AW_MEDIA_ERROR_SERVER_DIED = 100, // 2xx AW_MEDIA_ERROR_NOT_VALID_FOR_PROGRESSIVE_PLAYBACK = 200, // 3xx // 9xx AW_MEDIA_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY = 900, // 4xx AW_MEDIA_ERROR_IO = -1004, AW_MEDIA_ERROR_MALFORMED = -1007, AW_MEDIA_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED = -1010, AW_MEDIA_ERROR_TIMED_OUT = -110, }; typedef enum AwApplicationType { APP_DEFAULT, APP_STREAMING, // for miracast and so on APP_CMCC_WASU, APP_CMCC_LOCAL, } AwApplicationType; typedef int (*XPlayerNotifyCallback)(void* pUser, int msg, int ext1, void* para); typedef struct XPlayerConfig_t { AwApplicationType appType; int livemode; } XPlayerConfig_t; typedef struct PlayerContext XPlayer; XPlayer* XPlayerCreate(); void XPlayerDestroy(XPlayer* p); int XPlayerConfig(XPlayer* p, const XPlayerConfig_t *config); int XPlayerSetNotifyCallback(XPlayer* p, XPlayerNotifyCallback notifier, void* pUserData); int XPlayerInitCheck(XPlayer* p); int XPlayerSetUID(XPlayer* p, int nUid); //* we must set hdcp ops before setDataSource int XPlayerSetHdcpOps(XPlayer* p, struct HdcpOpsS* pHdcp); int XPlayerSetDataSourceUrl(XPlayer* p, const char* pUrl, void* httpService, const CdxKeyedVectorT* pHeaders); int XPlayerSetDataSourceFd(XPlayer* p, int fd, int64_t nOffset, int64_t nLength); // for IStreamSource in android int XPlayerSetDataSourceStream(XPlayer* p, const char* pStreamUri); //for DataSoure in android int XPlayerSetMediaDataSource(XPlayer* p, const char* streamStr); int XPlayerPrepare(XPlayer* p); int XPlayerPrepareAsync(XPlayer* p); int XPlayerStart(XPlayer* p); int XPlayerStartWithGain(XPlayer* p, float gain); int XPlayerStop(XPlayer* p); int XPlayerPause(XPlayer* p); int XPlayerIsPlaying(XPlayer* p); int XPlayerSeekTo(XPlayer* p, int nSeekTimeMs, SeekModeType nSeekModeType); int XPlayerSetSpeed(XPlayer* p, int nSpeed); int XPlayerSetScaleDownRatio(XPlayer* p,int widthRatio,int heightRatio); int XPlayerGetCurrentPosition(XPlayer* p, int* msec); int XPlayerGetDuration(XPlayer* p, int* msec); int XPlayerReset(XPlayer* p); int XPlayerSetLooping(XPlayer* p, int bLoop); int XPlayerGetSubDelay(XPlayer* p); int XPlayerGetBitrate(XPlayer* p); int XPlayerGetCacheSize(XPlayer* p); int XPlayerSetSubDelay(XPlayer* p, int nTimeMs); int XPlayerGetSubCharset(XPlayer* p, char *charset); int XPlayerSetSubCharset(XPlayer* p, const char* strFormat); int XPlayerSetVideoSurfaceTexture(XPlayer* p, const LayerCtrl* surfaceTexture); void XPlayerSetAudioSink(XPlayer* p, const SoundCtrl* audioSink); void XPlayerSetSubCtrl(XPlayer* p, const SubCtrl* subctrl); void XPlayerSetDeinterlace(XPlayer* p, const Deinterlace* di); MediaInfo* XPlayerGetMediaInfo(XPlayer* p); int XPlayerSwitchSubtitle(XPlayer* pl, int nStreamIndex); int XPlayerSwitchAudio(XPlayer* p, int nStreamIndex); int XPlayerSetExternalSubUrl(XPlayer* p, const char* fileName); int XPlayerSetExternalSubFd(XPlayer* p, int fd, int64_t offset, int64_t len, int fdSub); int XPlayerGetPlaybackSettings(XPlayer* p,XAudioPlaybackRate *rate); int XPlayerSetPlaybackSettings(XPlayer* p,const XAudioPlaybackRate *rate); int XPlayerSetScaleDown(XPlayer* p,int bSetScaleDown); int XPlayerSetBufferingSettings(XPlayer* p, AwBufferingSettings* pBuffering); int XPlayerGetBufferingSettings(XPlayer* p, AwBufferingSettings* pBuffering); int XPlayerGetVideoDispFramerate(XPlayer* p,float* dispFramerate); int XPlayerSetHoldLastPicture(XPlayer* p,int bHoldFlag); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif // AWPLAYER