*All Winner Tech, All Right Reserved. 2014-2015 Copyright (c)
*File name   :	sunxi_tr.h
*Description :	display engine 2.0 rotation processing base functions implement
*History     :	2014/04/08  iptang  v0.1  Initial version


#ifndef __SUNXI_TR_H__
#define __SUNXI_TR_H__

extern u32 dbg_info;

#define TR_INFO_MSG(fmt, args...) \
	do {\
		if (dbg_info)\
		pr_info("[TR-%s] line:%d: " fmt, __func__, __LINE__, ##args);\
	} while (0)

typedef enum {
	TR_FORMAT_ARGB_8888                    = 0x00,/* MSB  A-R-G-B  LSB */
	TR_FORMAT_ABGR_8888                    = 0x01,
	TR_FORMAT_RGBA_8888                    = 0x02,
	TR_FORMAT_BGRA_8888                    = 0x03,
	TR_FORMAT_XRGB_8888                    = 0x04,
	TR_FORMAT_XBGR_8888                    = 0x05,
	TR_FORMAT_RGBX_8888                    = 0x06,
	TR_FORMAT_BGRX_8888                    = 0x07,
	TR_FORMAT_RGB_888                      = 0x08,
	TR_FORMAT_BGR_888                      = 0x09,
	TR_FORMAT_RGB_565                      = 0x0a,
	TR_FORMAT_BGR_565                      = 0x0b,
	TR_FORMAT_ARGB_4444                    = 0x0c,
	TR_FORMAT_ABGR_4444                    = 0x0d,
	TR_FORMAT_RGBA_4444                    = 0x0e,
	TR_FORMAT_BGRA_4444                    = 0x0f,
	TR_FORMAT_ARGB_1555                    = 0x10,
	TR_FORMAT_ABGR_1555                    = 0x11,
	TR_FORMAT_RGBA_5551                    = 0x12,
	TR_FORMAT_BGRA_5551                    = 0x13,

	/* SP: semi-planar, P:planar, I:interleaved
	 * UVUV: U in the LSBs;     VUVU: V in the LSBs
	/*MSB A-Y-U-V LSB, reserved*/
	TR_FORMAT_YUV444_I_AYUV                = 0x40,
	TR_FORMAT_YUV444_I_VUYA                = 0x41,/*MSB  V-U-Y-A  LSB*/
	TR_FORMAT_YUV422_I_YVYU                = 0x42,/*MSB  Y-V-Y-U  LSB*/
	TR_FORMAT_YUV422_I_YUYV                = 0x43,/*MSB  Y-U-Y-V  LSB*/
	TR_FORMAT_YUV422_I_UYVY                = 0x44,/*MSB  U-Y-V-Y  LSB*/
	TR_FORMAT_YUV422_I_VYUY                = 0x45,/*MSB  V-Y-U-Y  LSB*/
	/*MSB  P3-2-1-0 LSB,  YYYY UUUU VVVV, reserved*/
	TR_FORMAT_YUV444_P                     = 0x46,
	/*MSB  P3-2-1-0 LSB   YYYY UU   VV*/
	TR_FORMAT_YUV422_P                     = 0x47,
	/*MSB  P3-2-1-0 LSB   YYYY U    V*/
	TR_FORMAT_YUV420_P                     = 0x48,
	/*MSB  P3-2-1-0 LSB   YYYY U    V*/
	TR_FORMAT_YUV411_P                     = 0x49,
	TR_FORMAT_YUV422_SP_UVUV               = 0x4a,/*MSB  V-U-V-U  LSB*/
	TR_FORMAT_YUV422_SP_VUVU               = 0x4b,/*MSB  U-V-U-V  LSB*/
	TR_FORMAT_YUV420_SP_UVUV               = 0x4c,
	TR_FORMAT_YUV420_SP_VUVU               = 0x4d,
	TR_FORMAT_YUV411_SP_UVUV               = 0x4e,
	TR_FORMAT_YUV411_SP_VUVU               = 0x4f,
} tr_pixel_format;

typedef enum {
	TR_ROT_0        = 0x0,/*rotate clockwise 0 ROTgree*/
	TR_ROT_90       = 0x1,/*rotate clockwise 90 ROTgree*/
	TR_ROT_180      = 0x2,/*rotate clockwise 180 ROTgree*/
	TR_ROT_270      = 0x3,/*rotate clockwise 270 ROTgree*/
	TR_HFLIP        = 0x4,/*horizontal flip*/
	/*first rotate clockwise 90 ROTgree then horizontal flip*/
	TR_HFLIP_ROT_90 = 0x5,
	TR_VFLIP        = 0x6,/*vertical flip*/
	/*first rotate clockwise 90 ROTgree then vertical flip*/
	TR_VFLIP_ROT_90 = 0x7,
} tr_mode;

typedef struct {
	int x;
	int y;
	unsigned int w;
	unsigned int h;
} tr_rect;

typedef struct {
	unsigned char fmt;
	unsigned char haddr[3];
	unsigned int  laddr[3];
	unsigned int  pitch[3]; /* line stride of fb */
	unsigned int  height[3];
	int fd;
} tr_frame;

typedef struct {
	tr_mode mode;

	tr_frame   src_frame;
	tr_rect    src_rect;

	tr_frame   dst_frame;
	tr_rect    dst_rect;

	int fd;
} tr_info;

typedef enum tag_TR_CMD {
	TR_REQUEST = 0x03,
	TR_RELEASE = 0x04,
	TR_COMMIT = 0x05,
	TR_QUERY = 0x06,
} tr_cmd_t;

/* tr_format_attr - tr format attribute
 * @format: pixel format
 * @bits: bits of each component
 * @hor_rsample_u: reciprocal of horizontal sample rate
 * @hor_rsample_v: reciprocal of horizontal sample rate
 * @ver_rsample_u: reciprocal of vertical sample rate
 * @hor_rsample_v: reciprocal of vertical sample rate
 * @uvc: 1: u & v component combined
 * @interleave: 0: progressive, 1: interleave
 * @factor & div: bytes of pixel = factor / div (bytes)
 * @addr[out]: address for each plane
 * @trd_addr[out]: address for each plane of right eye buffer
struct tr_format_attr {
	tr_pixel_format format;
	unsigned int bits;
	unsigned int hor_rsample_u;
	unsigned int hor_rsample_v;
	unsigned int ver_rsample_u;
	unsigned int ver_rsample_v;
	unsigned int uvc;
	unsigned int interleave;
	unsigned int factor;
	unsigned int div;