/* * Copyright (c) 2008-2016 Allwinner Technology Co. Ltd. * All rights reserved. * * File : cache.c * Description : cache policy for net stream * History : * Author : AL3 * Date : 2015/05/05 * Comment : first version * */ #include #include #include #include "cache.h" #include "cdx_log.h" #include "iniparserapi.h" // should not larger than 5 / 10 and less than 1 / 10 #define MIN_PASSED_DATA_KEPT_RATIO 3 / 10 #define MIN_PASSED_DATA_KEPT_SIZE(x) ((x)->nMaxBufferSize * MIN_PASSED_DATA_KEPT_RATIO) static int START_PLAY_CACHE_VIDEO_FRAME_NUM = -1; static void StreamCacheFlushPassedList(StreamCache* c); static int StreamCacheIsKeyFrame(StreamCache* c, CacheNode* pNode); static int64_t StreamCacheSeekByPts(StreamCache* c, int64_t nSeekTimeUs); static int64_t StreamCacheSeekByPcr(StreamCache* c, int64_t nSeekTimeUs); static int StreamCacheSeekByOffset(StreamCache* c, int64_t nOffset); static int StreamCachePlayerCacheTime(Player* p); static int StreamCacheIsMpeg12KeyFrame(CacheNode* pNode); static int StreamCacheIsWMV3KeyFrame(CacheNode* pNode); static int StreamCacheIsH264KeyFrame(CacheNode* pNode); static int StreamCacheIsH265KeyFrame(CacheNode* pNode); StreamCache* StreamCacheCreate(void) { StreamCache* c; c = (StreamCache*)malloc(sizeof(StreamCache)); if(c == NULL) return NULL; memset(c, 0, sizeof(StreamCache)); c->eContainerFormat = CDX_PARSER_UNKNOW; c->eVideoCodecFormat = VIDEO_CODEC_FORMAT_UNKNOWN; c->nLastValidPts = -1; c->nLastValidPcr = -1; c->nFirstPts = -1; c->nMaxBufferSize = 10 * 1024 * 1024; c->nStartPlaySize = 1024; c->nFirstValidPts = -1; c->nStreamPtsAvailable = 0; //* for BUFFERING_MODE_TIME_THEN_SIZE pthread_mutex_init(&c->mutex, NULL); return c; } static void NodeInfoDestroy(CacheNode *node) { if (node->info == NULL) return; if(node->eMediaType == CDX_MEDIA_VIDEO) { struct VideoInfo *pVideoInfo = (struct VideoInfo *)node->info; int i; for(i = 0; i < pVideoInfo->videoNum; i++) { if(pVideoInfo->video[i].pCodecSpecificData) { free(pVideoInfo->video[i].pCodecSpecificData); pVideoInfo->video[i].pCodecSpecificData = NULL; } } } else if(node->eMediaType == CDX_MEDIA_AUDIO) { struct AudioInfo *pAudioInfo = (struct AudioInfo *)node->info; int i; for(i = 0; i < pAudioInfo->audioNum; i++) { if(pAudioInfo->audio[i].pCodecSpecificData) { free(pAudioInfo->audio[i].pCodecSpecificData); pAudioInfo->audio[i].pCodecSpecificData = NULL; } } } free(node->info); node->info = NULL; return; } void StreamCacheDestroy(StreamCache* c) { CacheNode* node; pthread_mutex_lock(&c->mutex); node = c->pPassedHead; while(node != NULL) { c->pPassedHead = node->pNext; free(node->pData); NodeInfoDestroy(node); free(node); node = c->pPassedHead; } if(c->pBuffering != NULL) { free(c->pBuffering); c->pBuffering = NULL; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&c->mutex); pthread_mutex_destroy(&c->mutex); free(c); return; } #if (10 * MIN_PASSED_DATA_KEPT_RATIO > 5) #error "MIN_PASSED_DATA_KEPT_RATIO too large" #elif (10 * MIN_PASSED_DATA_KEPT_RATIO < 1) #error "MIN_PASSED_DATA_KEPT_RATIO too little" #endif int StreamSetBufferingSettings(StreamCache* c, AwBufferingSettings* pBuffering) { if(c == NULL || pBuffering == NULL) { loge("input is null."); return -1; } if(c->pBuffering == NULL) { c->pBuffering = (AwBufferingSettings*)malloc(sizeof(AwBufferingSettings)); if(c->pBuffering == NULL) { loge("create cache. pBuffering is NULL."); return -1; } memset(c->pBuffering, 0, sizeof(AwBufferingSettings)); } pthread_mutex_lock(&c->mutex); c->pBuffering->mInitialBufferingMode = pBuffering->mInitialBufferingMode; c->pBuffering->mRebufferingMode = pBuffering->mRebufferingMode; c->pBuffering->mInitialWatermarkKB = pBuffering->mInitialWatermarkKB; c->pBuffering->mInitialWatermarkMs = pBuffering->mInitialWatermarkMs; c->pBuffering->mRebufferingWatermarkHighKB = pBuffering->mRebufferingWatermarkHighKB; c->pBuffering->mRebufferingWatermarkLowKB = pBuffering->mRebufferingWatermarkLowKB; c->pBuffering->mRebufferingWatermarkHighMs = pBuffering->mRebufferingWatermarkHighMs; c->pBuffering->mRebufferingWatermarkLowMs = pBuffering->mRebufferingWatermarkLowMs; c->nMaxBufferSize = c->pBuffering->mRebufferingWatermarkHighKB * 1024; c->nCacheEnoughSize = (c->pBuffering->mRebufferingWatermarkLowKB * 1000 * 2 > c->pBuffering->mRebufferingWatermarkHighKB * 1000) ? (c->pBuffering->mRebufferingWatermarkHighKB * 1000 / 2 + c->pBuffering->mRebufferingWatermarkLowKB * 1000 / 2) : c->pBuffering->mRebufferingWatermarkLowKB * 1000 * 2; c->nMaxBufferDurationUs = c->pBuffering->mRebufferingWatermarkHighMs * 1000; c->nCacheEnoughDurationUs = (c->pBuffering->mRebufferingWatermarkLowMs * 1000 * 2 > c->pBuffering->mRebufferingWatermarkHighMs * 1000) ? (c->pBuffering->mRebufferingWatermarkLowMs * 1000 / 2 + c->pBuffering->mRebufferingWatermarkHighMs * 1000 / 2) : c->pBuffering->mRebufferingWatermarkLowMs * 1000 * 2; pthread_mutex_unlock(&c->mutex); return 0; } void StreamCacheSetSize(StreamCache* c, int nStartPlaySize, int nMaxBufferSize) { if(!c->pBuffering) { int n = nMaxBufferSize * MIN_PASSED_DATA_KEPT_RATIO; if (n <= 0) { loge("check nMaxBufferSize"); return; } if ((nStartPlaySize + n) > (nMaxBufferSize * 8 / 10)) nStartPlaySize = nMaxBufferSize * 8 / 10 - n; pthread_mutex_lock(&c->mutex); c->nMaxBufferSize = nMaxBufferSize; c->nStartPlaySize = nStartPlaySize; pthread_mutex_unlock(&c->mutex); if (unlikely(START_PLAY_CACHE_VIDEO_FRAME_NUM < 0)) START_PLAY_CACHE_VIDEO_FRAME_NUM = GetConfigParamterInt("start_play_cache_video_frame_num", 30); } else //* SetCacheSetSize is conflict with setBufferingSettings. { return; } return; } int StreamCacheGetSize(StreamCache* c) { return c->nDataSize; } int StreamCacheUnderflow(StreamCache* c) { int bUnderFlow = 0; if(!c->pBuffering) { pthread_mutex_lock(&c->mutex); bUnderFlow = (c->nFrameNum <= 0); pthread_mutex_unlock(&c->mutex); } else { pthread_mutex_lock(&c->mutex); if(c->pBuffering->mRebufferingMode == AW_BUFFERING_MODE_SIZE_ONLY){ bUnderFlow = (c->nDataSize <= c->pBuffering->mRebufferingWatermarkLowKB * 1024); } else if(c->pBuffering->mRebufferingMode== AW_BUFFERING_MODE_TIME_ONLY){ bUnderFlow = (c->nLastValidPts - c->nFirstValidPts) < c->pBuffering->mRebufferingWatermarkLowMs * 1000; } else if(c->pBuffering->mRebufferingMode== AW_BUFFERING_MODE_TIME_THEN_SIZE){ if(c->nStreamPtsAvailable == 1){ bUnderFlow = (c->nLastValidPts - c->nFirstValidPts) < c->pBuffering->mRebufferingWatermarkLowMs * 1000; } else{ bUnderFlow = (c->nDataSize <= c->pBuffering->mRebufferingWatermarkLowKB * 1024); } } else{ bUnderFlow = (c->nDataSize <= c->pBuffering->mRebufferingWatermarkLowKB * 1024); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&c->mutex); if(bUnderFlow) { logv("underflow. data size is %fKB. Mode is %d. Time duration is %fS.", ((float)c->nDataSize / 1024 ),\ (int)c->pBuffering->mRebufferingMode, (float)(c->nLastValidPts - c->nFirstValidPts) / 1000 / 1000); } } return bUnderFlow; } int StreamCacheOverflow(StreamCache* c) { int bOverFlow = 0; if(!c->pBuffering) { pthread_mutex_lock(&c->mutex); bOverFlow = ((c->nDataSize + c->nPassedDataSize) >= c->nMaxBufferSize) && (c->nPassedDataSize <= MIN_PASSED_DATA_KEPT_SIZE(c)); pthread_mutex_unlock(&c->mutex); } else { pthread_mutex_lock(&c->mutex); if(c->pBuffering->mRebufferingMode == AW_BUFFERING_MODE_SIZE_ONLY){ bOverFlow = (c->nDataSize >= c->pBuffering->mRebufferingWatermarkHighKB * 1024); } else if(c->pBuffering->mRebufferingMode == AW_BUFFERING_MODE_TIME_ONLY){ bOverFlow = (c->nLastValidPts - c->nFirstValidPts) > c->pBuffering->mRebufferingWatermarkHighMs * 1000; } else if(c->pBuffering->mRebufferingMode == AW_BUFFERING_MODE_TIME_THEN_SIZE){ if(c->nStreamPtsAvailable == 1){ bOverFlow = (c->nLastValidPts - c->nFirstValidPts) > c->pBuffering->mRebufferingWatermarkHighMs * 1000; } else{ bOverFlow = (c->nDataSize >= c->pBuffering->mRebufferingWatermarkHighKB * 1024); } } else{ bOverFlow = (c->nDataSize >= c->pBuffering->mRebufferingWatermarkHighKB * 1024); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&c->mutex); if(bOverFlow) { logv("Overflowed. data size is %fMB. Duration is %fS.", (float)c->nDataSize / 1024 / 1024, (float)(c->nLastValidPts - c->nFirstValidPts) / 1000 / 1000); } } return bOverFlow; } int StreamBufferingPrepared(StreamCache* c) { if(c->pBuffering) { int bPrepared = 0; pthread_mutex_lock(&c->mutex); if(c->eVideoCodecFormat != VIDEO_CODEC_FORMAT_UNKNOWN && c->pBuffering->mInitialBufferingMode == AW_BUFFERING_MODE_SIZE_ONLY){ bPrepared = (c->nDataSize > c->pBuffering->mInitialWatermarkKB * 1024); } else if(c->eVideoCodecFormat != VIDEO_CODEC_FORMAT_UNKNOWN && c->pBuffering->mInitialBufferingMode == AW_BUFFERING_MODE_TIME_ONLY){ bPrepared = ((c->nLastValidPts - c->nFirstValidPts) > c->pBuffering->mInitialWatermarkMs * 1000); } else if(c->eVideoCodecFormat != VIDEO_CODEC_FORMAT_UNKNOWN && c->pBuffering->mInitialBufferingMode == AW_BUFFERING_MODE_TIME_THEN_SIZE){ if(c->nStreamPtsAvailable == 1){ bPrepared = ((c->nLastValidPts - c->nFirstValidPts) > c->pBuffering->mInitialWatermarkMs * 1000); } else{ bPrepared = (c->nDataSize > c->pBuffering->mInitialWatermarkKB * 1024); } } else if(c->eVideoCodecFormat == VIDEO_CODEC_FORMAT_UNKNOWN || c->pBuffering->mInitialBufferingMode == AW_BUFFERING_MODE_NONE){ bPrepared = (c->nDataSize > c->pBuffering->mInitialWatermarkKB * 1024); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&c->mutex); if(bPrepared){ logv("Prepared. Data size is %fMB. Duration is %fS.", (float)c->nDataSize / 1024 / 1024, (float)(c->nLastValidPts - c->nFirstValidPts) / 1000 / 1000); } return bPrepared; } else { return 1; } } int StreamCacheDataEnough(StreamCache* c) { int bDataEnough = 0; if(!c->pBuffering) { pthread_mutex_lock(&c->mutex); if(c->eVideoCodecFormat != VIDEO_CODEC_FORMAT_UNKNOWN) { bDataEnough = (c->nDataSize >= c->nStartPlaySize) && (c->nVideoFrameNum >= START_PLAY_CACHE_VIDEO_FRAME_NUM); logv("nDataSize %d, nStartPlaySize %d, nVideoFrameNum %d, data enough %d", c->nDataSize, c->nStartPlaySize, c->nVideoFrameNum, bDataEnough); } else { bDataEnough = (c->nDataSize >= c->nStartPlaySize) && (c->nFrameNum > 0); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&c->mutex); } else { pthread_mutex_lock(&c->mutex); if(c->eVideoCodecFormat != VIDEO_CODEC_FORMAT_UNKNOWN && c->pBuffering->mRebufferingMode == AW_BUFFERING_MODE_SIZE_ONLY){ bDataEnough = (c->nDataSize > c->nCacheEnoughSize); } else if(c->eVideoCodecFormat != VIDEO_CODEC_FORMAT_UNKNOWN && c->pBuffering->mRebufferingMode == AW_BUFFERING_MODE_TIME_ONLY){ bDataEnough = ((c->nLastValidPts - c->nFirstValidPts) > c->nCacheEnoughDurationUs); } else if(c->eVideoCodecFormat != VIDEO_CODEC_FORMAT_UNKNOWN && c->pBuffering->mRebufferingMode == AW_BUFFERING_MODE_TIME_THEN_SIZE){ if(c->nStreamPtsAvailable == 1){ bDataEnough = ((c->nLastValidPts - c->nFirstValidPts) > c->nCacheEnoughDurationUs); } else{ bDataEnough = (c->nDataSize > c->nCacheEnoughSize); } } else if(c->eVideoCodecFormat == VIDEO_CODEC_FORMAT_UNKNOWN || c->pBuffering->mRebufferingMode == AW_BUFFERING_MODE_NONE){ bDataEnough = (c->nDataSize > c->nCacheEnoughSize); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&c->mutex); if(bDataEnough) { logv("Data enough. Data size is %fMB. Duration is %fS.", (float) c->nDataSize / 1024 / 1024, (float) (c->nLastValidPts - c->nFirstValidPts) / 1000 / 1000); } } return bDataEnough; } CacheNode* StreamCacheNextFrame(StreamCache* c) { CacheNode* node; pthread_mutex_lock(&c->mutex); node = c->pHead; pthread_mutex_unlock(&c->mutex); return node; } void StreamCacheFlushOneFrame(StreamCache* c) { CacheNode* node; pthread_mutex_lock(&c->mutex); node = c->pHead; if (unlikely(node == NULL)) { loge("This is impossible! Call StreamCacheNextFrame() first."); pthread_mutex_unlock(&c->mutex); return; } c->pHead = node->pNext; if(c->pHead != NULL) { c->nFirstValidPts = c->pHead->nPts; //* Once the head is re-located, re-determine the pts. } c->nFrameNum--; c->nDataSize -= node->nLength; c->nPassedDataSize += node->nLength; c->nPassedFrameNum++; if (node->eMediaType == CDX_MEDIA_VIDEO) { c->nVideoFrameNum--; c->nPassedVideoFrameNum++; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&c->mutex); return; } int StreamCacheAddOneFrame(StreamCache* c, CacheNode* node) { CacheNode* newNode; newNode = (CacheNode*)malloc(sizeof(CacheNode)); if(newNode == NULL) return -1; *newNode = *node; newNode->pNext = NULL; if(newNode->nPts != -1) { c->nLastValidPts = node->nPts; c->pNodeWithLastValidPts = newNode; if (unlikely(c->nFirstPts == -1)) c->nFirstPts = node->nPts; c->nStreamPtsAvailable = 1; if (c->nFirstValidPts == -1) { c->nFirstValidPts = node->nPts; } } else { c->nStreamPtsAvailable = 0; } if(newNode->nPcr != -1) { c->nLastValidPcr = node->nPcr; c->pNodeWithLastValidPcr = newNode; } pthread_mutex_lock(&c->mutex); int bFlushPassedListFlag = 0; if(c->pBuffering && c->pBuffering->mRebufferingMode == AW_BUFFERING_MODE_SIZE_ONLY) { while ((c->nDataSize + c->nPassedDataSize) >= c->nMaxBufferSize && c->nPassedDataSize > MIN_PASSED_DATA_KEPT_SIZE(c)) { StreamCacheFlushPassedList(c); logv("DataSize [%fMB]. PassedDataSize [%fMB]. MaxBufferSize [%fMB].", (float) c->nDataSize / 1024 / 1024, (float)c->nPassedDataSize / 1024 / 1024, (float) c->nMaxBufferSize / 1024 / 1024); } } else if(c->pBuffering && c->pBuffering->mRebufferingMode == AW_BUFFERING_MODE_TIME_ONLY) { while ((c->nLastValidPts - c->nFirstValidPts) >= c->nMaxBufferDurationUs && c->nPassedDataSize > MIN_PASSED_DATA_KEPT_SIZE(c)) { StreamCacheFlushPassedList(c); logv("Time duration when flush cache is %fS.", (float)(c->nLastValidPts - c->nFirstValidPts) / 1000 / 1000); } } else if(c->pBuffering && c->pBuffering->mRebufferingMode == AW_BUFFERING_MODE_TIME_THEN_SIZE) { if(c->nStreamPtsAvailable == 1) { while ((c->nLastValidPts - c->nFirstValidPts) >= c->nMaxBufferDurationUs && c->nPassedDataSize > MIN_PASSED_DATA_KEPT_SIZE(c)) { StreamCacheFlushPassedList(c); logv("Time then size mode. Time duration when flush cache is %fS.", (float)(c->nLastValidPts - c->nFirstValidPts) / 1000 / 1000); } } else { while ((c->nDataSize + c->nPassedDataSize) >= c->nMaxBufferSize && c->nPassedDataSize > MIN_PASSED_DATA_KEPT_SIZE(c)) { StreamCacheFlushPassedList(c); logv("Time then size mode. \ dataSize [%fMB]. PassedDataSize [%fMB]. MaxBufferSize [%fMB].", (float) c->nDataSize / 1024 / 1024, (float)c->nPassedDataSize / 1024 / 1024, (float) c->nMaxBufferSize / 1024 / 1024); } } } else { while ((c->nDataSize + c->nPassedDataSize) >= c->nMaxBufferSize && c->nPassedDataSize > MIN_PASSED_DATA_KEPT_SIZE(c)) { StreamCacheFlushPassedList(c); logv("dataSize [%fMB]. PassedDataSize [%fMB]. MaxBufferSize [%fMB].", (float) c->nDataSize / 1024 / 1024, (float)c->nPassedDataSize / 1024 / 1024, (float) c->nMaxBufferSize / 1024 / 1024); } } if (likely(c->pTail != NULL)) { c->pTail->pNext = newNode; c->pTail = c->pTail->pNext; /* after call StreamCacheFlushOneFrame, pHead can be NULL */ if (c->pHead == NULL) { c->pHead = newNode; } } else { c->pPassedHead = c->pHead = c->pTail = newNode; } c->nDataSize += newNode->nLength; c->nFrameNum++; if (node->eMediaType == CDX_MEDIA_VIDEO) c->nVideoFrameNum++; pthread_mutex_unlock(&c->mutex); return 0; } void StreamCacheFlushAll(StreamCache* c) { CacheNode* node; pthread_mutex_lock(&c->mutex); node = c->pPassedHead; while(node != NULL) { c->pPassedHead = node->pNext; free(node->pData); NodeInfoDestroy(node); free(node); node = c->pPassedHead; } c->nDataSize = 0; c->nFrameNum = 0; c->nVideoFrameNum = 0; c->pHead = c->pTail = NULL; c->nPassedDataSize = 0; c->nPassedFrameNum = 0; c->nPassedVideoFrameNum = 0; c->nLastValidPts = -1; c->pNodeWithLastValidPts = NULL; c->nLastValidPcr = -1; c->pNodeWithLastValidPcr = NULL; c->nFirstValidPts = -1; //* Refresh the first valid pts. pthread_mutex_unlock(&c->mutex); return; } int StreamCacheGetBufferFullness(StreamCache* c) { logd("c->nPassedDataSize %dM, c->nDataSize %dM, c->nMaxBufferSize %dM", c->nPassedDataSize / 1024 / 1024, c->nDataSize / 1024 / 1024, c->nMaxBufferSize / 1024 / 1024); return (c->nDataSize * 100LL) / c->nMaxBufferSize; } int StreamCacheGetLoadingProgress(StreamCache* c) { int nStartPlaySize = c->nStartPlaySize; if(c->pBuffering) { nStartPlaySize = c->nCacheEnoughSize; //* Under buffering setting case we will reset it. } if(c->nDataSize >= nStartPlaySize) return 100; else return (c->nDataSize * 100LL) / nStartPlaySize; } int StreamCacheSetMediaFormat(StreamCache* c, CdxParserTypeT eContainerFormat, enum EVIDEOCODECFORMAT eVideoCodecFormat, int nBitrate) { c->eContainerFormat = eContainerFormat; c->eVideoCodecFormat = eVideoCodecFormat; c->nBitrate = nBitrate; return 0; } int StreamCacheSetPlayer(StreamCache* c, Player* pPlayer) { c->pPlayer = pPlayer; return 0; } static void StreamCacheFlushPassedList(StreamCache* c) { CacheNode* node = c->pPassedHead; if (node == c->pHead || node == c->pTail || node == NULL) { loge("Please check!"); return; } c->pPassedHead = node->pNext; c->nPassedFrameNum--; c->nPassedDataSize -= node->nLength; if(node == c->pNodeWithLastValidPts) { c->nLastValidPts = -1; c->pNodeWithLastValidPts = NULL; } if(node == c->pNodeWithLastValidPcr) { c->nLastValidPcr = -1; c->pNodeWithLastValidPcr = NULL; } free(node->pData); NodeInfoDestroy(node); free(node); return; } static int getSeekOffset(StreamCache* c, int64_t nSeekTimeUs, int64_t *pOffSet) { int nBitrate = c->nBitrate; if (nBitrate <= 0) { nBitrate = 0; if(PlayerHasVideo(c->pPlayer)) nBitrate += PlayerGetVideoBitrate(c->pPlayer); if(PlayerHasAudio(c->pPlayer)) nBitrate += PlayerGetAudioBitrate(c->pPlayer); } if (nBitrate <= 0) return -1; int64_t nCurrUs = PlayerGetPosition(c->pPlayer); if (nCurrUs < 0) return -1; int64_t nTimeUs = nSeekTimeUs - nCurrUs; if (nTimeUs > 0) nTimeUs -= StreamCachePlayerCacheTime(c->pPlayer); *pOffSet = (nBitrate * nTimeUs / (8*1000*1000)); if (nTimeUs < 0) { double timeRatio = nCurrUs ? -(double)nTimeUs / nCurrUs : 0; double offSetRatio = c->nPassedDataSize ? -(double)*pOffSet / c->nPassedDataSize : 2; if (timeRatio > offSetRatio) { logd("offset calculated from bitrate is too small, " "timeRatio %f, offSetRatio %f, use timeRatio", timeRatio, offSetRatio); *pOffSet = -timeRatio * c->nPassedDataSize; } } return 0; } static void adjustList(StreamCache *c, CacheNode *pNodeFound) { int nPassedDataSize = 0; int nPassedFrameNum = 0; int nPassedVideoFrameNum = 0; CacheNode *pNode; for (pNode = c->pPassedHead; pNode != pNodeFound; pNode = pNode->pNext) { nPassedDataSize += pNode->nLength; nPassedFrameNum++; if (pNode->eMediaType == CDX_MEDIA_VIDEO) nPassedVideoFrameNum++; } c->pHead = pNodeFound; c->nDataSize = c->nPassedDataSize + c->nDataSize - nPassedDataSize; c->nFrameNum = c->nPassedFrameNum + c->nFrameNum - nPassedFrameNum; c->nVideoFrameNum = c->nPassedVideoFrameNum + c->nVideoFrameNum - nPassedVideoFrameNum; c->nPassedDataSize = nPassedDataSize; c->nPassedFrameNum = nPassedFrameNum; c->nPassedVideoFrameNum = nPassedVideoFrameNum; } int64_t StreamCacheSeekTo(StreamCache* c, int64_t nSeekTimeUs) { int64_t ret; switch(c->eContainerFormat) { case CDX_PARSER_TS: case CDX_PARSER_BD: { int64_t nByteOffset; if (getSeekOffset(c, nSeekTimeUs, &nByteOffset) == -1) return -1; #if 0 /* Try seek by pts first */ CacheNode *pHead = c->pHead; int nOldPassedSize = c->nPassedDataSize; int64_t nTimeUs = nSeekTimeUs + c->nFirstPts; ret = StreamCacheSeekByPts(c, nTimeUs); if (ret != -1) { int n = c->nPassedDataSize - nOldPassedSize; logd("offsetByPts / offsetByBitrate %llf", (double)n/nByteOffset); if (abs(n - nByteOffset) * 4 < abs(nByteOffset)) return ret - c->nFirstPts; logd("difference between seekByPts and seekByBitrate is too big"); adjustList(c, pHead); } #endif ret = StreamCacheSeekByOffset(c, nByteOffset); if(ret == 0) ret = nSeekTimeUs; break; } case CDX_PARSER_HLS: ret = StreamCacheSeekByPcr(c, nSeekTimeUs); break; default: ret = StreamCacheSeekByPts(c, nSeekTimeUs); break; } return ret; } static int64_t StreamCacheSeekByPts(StreamCache* c, int64_t nSeekTimeUs) { if(c->nLastValidPts < nSeekTimeUs) return -1; CacheNode* pNode; for (pNode = c->pPassedHead; pNode != NULL; pNode = pNode->pNext) { if (pNode->nPts == -1) continue; if (pNode->nPts > nSeekTimeUs) return -1; if (StreamCacheIsKeyFrame(c, pNode)) break; } if(pNode == NULL) return -1; //* find the last node with pts small than nSeekTimeUs, //* find the first node with pts bigger than nSeekTimeUs, //* choose the one with pts more near to nSeekTimeUs as new list head. int64_t nLastPtsBefore = -1; int64_t nFirstPtsAfter = 0x7fffffffffffffffLL; int64_t nCurPts; CacheNode *pLastNodeBefore = NULL; CacheNode *pFirstNodeAfter = NULL; for ( ; pNode != NULL; pNode = pNode->pNext) { nCurPts = pNode->nPts; if (nCurPts == -1 || !StreamCacheIsKeyFrame(c, pNode)) continue; if(nCurPts <= nSeekTimeUs && nCurPts > nLastPtsBefore) { //* update the first node before. nLastPtsBefore = nCurPts; pLastNodeBefore = pNode; } else if(nCurPts > nSeekTimeUs) { //* set the last node after. nFirstPtsAfter = nCurPts; pFirstNodeAfter = pNode; break; } } if (pFirstNodeAfter == NULL && nSeekTimeUs - nLastPtsBefore >= 1000000) return -1; if ((nSeekTimeUs - nLastPtsBefore) <= (nFirstPtsAfter - nSeekTimeUs)) pNode = pLastNodeBefore; else pNode = pFirstNodeAfter; adjustList(c, pNode); return c->pHead->nPts; } static int64_t StreamCacheSeekByPcr(StreamCache* c, int64_t nSeekTimeUs) { CacheNode* pNode = c->pNodeWithLastValidPcr; if (pNode == NULL) return -1; if (c->nLastValidPts - pNode->nPts + c->nLastValidPcr < nSeekTimeUs) return -1; for (pNode = c->pPassedHead; pNode != NULL; pNode = pNode->pNext) { if (pNode->nPcr > nSeekTimeUs) return -1; else if (pNode->nPcr != -1) break; } //* find the last node with pcr small than nSeekTimeUs, //* find the first node with pcr bigger than nSeekTimeUs, //* choose the one with pcr more near to nSeekTimeUs as new list head. int64_t nLastPcrBefore = -1; int64_t nFirstPcrAfter = 0x7fffffffffffffffLL; int64_t nCurPcr; CacheNode *pLastNodeBefore = NULL; CacheNode *pFirstNodeAfter = NULL; for ( ; pNode != NULL; pNode = pNode->pNext) { nCurPcr = pNode->nPcr; if (nCurPcr > nLastPcrBefore && nCurPcr <= nSeekTimeUs) { //* update the first node before. nLastPcrBefore = nCurPcr; pLastNodeBefore = pNode; } else if (nCurPcr > nSeekTimeUs) { //* set the last node after. nFirstPcrAfter = nCurPcr; pFirstNodeAfter = pNode; break; } } int64_t nPtsBase = pLastNodeBefore->nPcr; int64_t nPtsOffset = pLastNodeBefore->nPts; int64_t nFoundMappedPts = nPtsBase; CacheNode* pNodeFound = pLastNodeBefore; pNode = pLastNodeBefore->pNext; for ( ; pNode != pFirstNodeAfter; pNode = pNode->pNext) { if(pNode->nPts == -1 || !StreamCacheIsKeyFrame(c, pNode)) continue; int64_t nMappedPts = pNode->nPts - nPtsOffset + nPtsBase; if (nMappedPts <= nSeekTimeUs && nMappedPts > nFoundMappedPts) { nFoundMappedPts = nMappedPts; pNodeFound = pNode; } else if (nMappedPts > nSeekTimeUs) { nFirstPcrAfter = nMappedPts; pFirstNodeAfter = pNode; break; } } logv("nSeekTimeUs %lld, nFoundMappedPts %lld, nFirstPcrAfter %lld", nSeekTimeUs, nFoundMappedPts, nFirstPcrAfter); /* check if nFirstPcrAfter is more close to nSeekTimeUs */ if ((nFirstPcrAfter - nSeekTimeUs) < (nSeekTimeUs - nFoundMappedPts)) { nFoundMappedPts = nFirstPcrAfter; pNodeFound = pFirstNodeAfter; } /* Since HLS is not expected to support precise seekto, deviation less than * 3 seconds is acceptable. */ if(pFirstNodeAfter == NULL && (nSeekTimeUs - nFoundMappedPts) > 3000000) return -1; adjustList(c, pNodeFound); return nFoundMappedPts; } static int StreamCacheSeekByOffset(StreamCache* c, int64_t nSeekOffset) { /* Actually, if nSeekOffset == c->nDataSize, pNodeFound should be the next * node after pTail. However, I prefer don't flush cache as many as * possible. */ logv("nSeekOffset %lld, c->nPassedDataSize %d", nSeekOffset, c->nPassedDataSize); if ((nSeekOffset < -c->nPassedDataSize) || (nSeekOffset > c->nDataSize)) return -1; CacheNode* pNode; if (nSeekOffset < 0) { nSeekOffset += c->nPassedDataSize; pNode = c->pPassedHead; } else pNode = c->pHead; int offset = 0; for ( ; pNode != NULL; pNode = pNode->pNext) { offset += pNode->nLength; /* see the comment at the beginning of this function */ if (offset >= nSeekOffset) break; } adjustList(c, pNode); return 0; } static int StreamCacheIsKeyFrame(StreamCache* c, CacheNode* pNode) { if(c->eVideoCodecFormat == VIDEO_CODEC_FORMAT_UNKNOWN) return pNode->eMediaType == CDX_MEDIA_AUDIO; if(c->eContainerFormat == CDX_PARSER_TS || c->eContainerFormat == CDX_PARSER_BD || c->eContainerFormat == CDX_PARSER_HLS) { switch (c->eVideoCodecFormat) { case VIDEO_CODEC_FORMAT_H264: return StreamCacheIsH264KeyFrame(pNode); case VIDEO_CODEC_FORMAT_MPEG1: case VIDEO_CODEC_FORMAT_MPEG2: return StreamCacheIsMpeg12KeyFrame(pNode); case VIDEO_CODEC_FORMAT_WMV3: return StreamCacheIsWMV3KeyFrame(pNode); case VIDEO_CODEC_FORMAT_H265: return StreamCacheIsH265KeyFrame(pNode); default: return 0; } } return pNode->nFlags & KEY_FRAME && pNode->eMediaType == CDX_MEDIA_VIDEO; } static int StreamCachePlayerCacheTime(Player* p) { int bHasVideo; int bHasAudio; int nPictureNum; int nFrameDuration; int nPcmDataSize; int nSampleRate; int nChannelCount; int nBitsPerSample; int nStreamDataSize; int nBitrate; int64_t nVideoCacheTime; int64_t nAudioCacheTime; nVideoCacheTime = 0; nAudioCacheTime = 0; bHasVideo = PlayerHasVideo(p); bHasAudio = PlayerHasAudio(p); if(bHasVideo == 0 && bHasAudio == 0) return 0; const int64_t unit = 8 * 1000 * 1000; if(bHasVideo) { nPictureNum = PlayerGetValidPictureNum(p); nFrameDuration = PlayerGetVideoFrameDuration(p); nStreamDataSize = PlayerGetVideoStreamDataSize(p); nBitrate = PlayerGetVideoBitrate(p); nVideoCacheTime = nPictureNum*nFrameDuration; if(nBitrate > 0) nVideoCacheTime += nStreamDataSize * unit / nBitrate; } if(bHasAudio) { nPcmDataSize = PlayerGetAudioPcmDataSize(p); nStreamDataSize = PlayerGetAudioStreamDataSize(p); nBitrate = PlayerGetAudioBitrate(p); PlayerGetAudioParam(p, &nSampleRate, &nChannelCount, &nBitsPerSample); nAudioCacheTime = 0; if(nSampleRate != 0 && nChannelCount != 0 && nBitsPerSample != 0) { nAudioCacheTime += nPcmDataSize * unit / (nSampleRate * nChannelCount * nBitsPerSample); } if(nBitrate > 0) nAudioCacheTime += nStreamDataSize * unit/nBitrate; } return (int)(nVideoCacheTime + nAudioCacheTime)/(bHasVideo + bHasAudio); } static int StreamCacheIsMpeg12KeyFrame(CacheNode* pNode) { unsigned int code; unsigned int pictureType; unsigned char* ptr; if(pNode->nLength < 6) return 0; code = 0xffffffff; for(ptr = pNode->pData; ptr <= pNode->pData + pNode->nLength - 6;) { code = code<<8 | *ptr++; if (code == 0x01b3 || //* sequence header. code == 0x01b8) //* gop header return 1; if(code == 0x0100) //* picture header, check picture type. { pictureType = (ptr[1]>>3) & 0x7; if(pictureType == 1) return 1; else return 0; } } return 0; } static int StreamCacheIsWMV3KeyFrame(CacheNode* pNode) { unsigned int code; unsigned char* ptr; if(pNode->nLength < 16) return 0; code = 0xffffffff; for (ptr = pNode->pData; ptr <= pNode->pData + pNode->nLength - 16;) { code = code<<8 | *ptr++; if (code == 0x010f) //* sequence header return 1; } return 0; } static int StreamCacheIsH264KeyFrame(CacheNode* pNode) { unsigned int code; unsigned int tmp; unsigned char* ptr; if(pNode->nLength < 16) return 0; code = 0xffffffff; for (ptr = pNode->pData; ptr <= pNode->pData + pNode->nLength - 16;) { code = code<<8 | *ptr++; tmp = code & 0xffffff1f; if (tmp == 0x0107 || //* sps tmp == 0x0108 || //* pps tmp == 0x0105) //* idr return 1; #if 0 if(tmp == 0x0101) //* slice NULU, check mbNum==0 and pictureType; { mbNum = ReadGolomb(...); //* Ue() not implement here. type = ReadGolomb(...); if(mbNum == 0 && (type == 2 || type == 7)) return 1; } #endif } return 0; } static int StreamCacheIsH265KeyFrame(CacheNode* pNode) { unsigned int code; unsigned char* ptr; unsigned int tmp; if(pNode->nLength < 16) return 0; code = 0xffffffff; for (ptr = pNode->pData; ptr <= pNode->pData + pNode->nLength - 16;) { code = code<<8 | *ptr++; if (code == 0x0140 || //* vps code == 0x0142 || //* sps code == 0x0144 || //* pps code == 0x0126 || //* key frame code == 0x0128 || //* key frame code == 0x012a) //* key frame { if(*ptr == 0x01) return 1; } } return 0; }