/* * (C) Copyright 2007-2011 * Allwinner Technology Co., Ltd. * Tom Cubie * * (C) Copyright 2011 * Texas Instruments, * Author: Vikram Pandita * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "update_simg.h" #include "sparse.h" #include "sparse_format.h" #define SPARSE_HEADER_MAJOR_VER 1 unsigned int sparse_format_type; unsigned int chunk_count; int last_rest_size; int chunk_length; sparse_header_t globl_header; static int wirte_to_0xff(FILE *file, unsigned int length) { char buffer[4 * 1024]; unsigned int tmp_length; tmp_length = length; memset(buffer, 0xff, 4 * 1024); while(tmp_length >= 4 * 1024) { fwrite(buffer, 4 * 1024, 1, file); tmp_length -= 4 * 1024; } if(tmp_length) { fwrite(buffer, tmp_length, 1, file); } return 0; } /* ************************************************************************************************************ * * unsparse_probe * * 函数名称: * * 参数列表: * * 返回值 : * * 说明 : * * ************************************************************************************************************ */ int unsparse_probe(char *source, unsigned int length) { sparse_header_t *header = (sparse_header_t*) source; if (header->magic != SPARSE_HEADER_MAGIC) { printf("sparse: bad magic\n"); return -1; } if ((header->major_version != SPARSE_HEADER_MAJOR_VER) || (header->file_hdr_sz != sizeof(sparse_header_t)) || (header->chunk_hdr_sz != sizeof(chunk_header_t))) { printf("sparse: incompatible format\n"); return -1; } last_rest_size = 0; chunk_count = 0; chunk_length = 0; sparse_format_type = SPARSE_FORMAT_TYPE_TOTAL_HEAD; return 0; } /* ************************************************************************************************************ * * DRAM_Write * * 函数名称: * * 参数列表: * * 返回值 : * * 说明 : * * ************************************************************************************************************ */ int unsparse_direct_write(void *pbuf, int length, FILE *dfile) { int unenough_length; int this_rest_size; int tmp_down_size; char *tmp_buf, *tmp_dest_buf; chunk_header_t *chunk; this_rest_size = last_rest_size + length; tmp_buf = (char *)pbuf - last_rest_size; last_rest_size = 0; while(this_rest_size > 0) { switch(sparse_format_type) { case SPARSE_FORMAT_TYPE_TOTAL_HEAD: { memcpy(&globl_header, tmp_buf, sizeof(sparse_header_t)); this_rest_size -= sizeof(sparse_header_t); tmp_buf += sizeof(sparse_header_t); sparse_format_type = SPARSE_FORMAT_TYPE_CHUNK_HEAD; break; } case SPARSE_FORMAT_TYPE_CHUNK_HEAD: { if(this_rest_size < sizeof(chunk_header_t)) { printf("sparse: chunk head data is not enough\n"); last_rest_size = this_rest_size; tmp_dest_buf = (char *)pbuf - this_rest_size; memcpy(tmp_dest_buf, tmp_buf, this_rest_size); this_rest_size = 0; break; } chunk = (chunk_header_t *)tmp_buf; /* move to next chunk */ tmp_buf += sizeof(chunk_header_t); //此时tmp_buf已经指向下一个chunk或者data起始地址 this_rest_size -= sizeof(chunk_header_t); //剩余的数据长度 chunk_length = chunk->chunk_sz * globl_header.blk_sz; //当前数据块需要写入的数据长度 //printf("chunk index = %d\n", chunk_count ++); switch (chunk->chunk_type) { case CHUNK_TYPE_RAW: if (chunk->total_sz != (chunk_length + sizeof(chunk_header_t))) { printf("sparse: bad chunk size for chunk %d, type Raw\n", chunk_count); return -1; } //这里不处理数据部分,转到下一个状态 sparse_format_type = SPARSE_FORMAT_TYPE_CHUNK_DATA; break; case CHUNK_TYPE_DONT_CARE: if (chunk->total_sz != sizeof(chunk_header_t)) { printf("sparse: bogus DONT CARE chunk\n"); return -1; } wirte_to_0xff(dfile, chunk_length); sparse_format_type = SPARSE_FORMAT_TYPE_CHUNK_HEAD; break; default: printf("sparse: unknown chunk ID %x\n", chunk->chunk_type); return -1; } break; } case SPARSE_FORMAT_TYPE_CHUNK_DATA: { //首先判断数据是否足够当前chunk所需,如果不足,则计算出还需要的数据长度 unenough_length = (chunk_length >= this_rest_size)? (chunk_length - this_rest_size):0; if(!unenough_length) { //数据足够,直接写入 fwrite(tmp_buf, chunk_length, 1, dfile); if(chunk_length & 511) { printf("data is not sector align 0\n"); return -1; } tmp_buf += chunk_length; this_rest_size -= chunk_length; chunk_length = 0; sparse_format_type = SPARSE_FORMAT_TYPE_CHUNK_HEAD; } else //存在缺失数据的情况 { if(this_rest_size < 8 * 1024) //先看已有数据是否不足8k { //当不足时,把这笔数据放到下一笔数据的前部,等待下一次处理 tmp_dest_buf = (char *)pbuf - this_rest_size; memcpy(tmp_dest_buf, tmp_buf, this_rest_size); last_rest_size = this_rest_size; this_rest_size = 0; break; } //当已有数据超过16k时 //当缺失数据长度不足4k时,可能只缺几十个字节 if(unenough_length < 4 * 1024) { //采用拼接方法,先烧写部分已有数据,然后在下一次把未烧写的已有数据和缺失数据一起烧录 tmp_down_size = this_rest_size + unenough_length - 4 * 1024; } else //这里处理缺失数据超过8k(包含)的情况,同时已有数据也超过16k { //直接烧录当前全部数据; tmp_down_size = this_rest_size & (~(512 -1)); //扇区对齐 } fwrite(tmp_buf, tmp_down_size, 1, dfile); if(tmp_down_size & 511) { printf("data is not sector align 1\n"); return -1; } tmp_buf += tmp_down_size; chunk_length -= tmp_down_size; this_rest_size -= tmp_down_size; tmp_dest_buf = (char *)pbuf - this_rest_size; memcpy(tmp_dest_buf, tmp_buf, this_rest_size); last_rest_size = this_rest_size; this_rest_size = 0; sparse_format_type = SPARSE_FORMAT_TYPE_CHUNK_DATA; } break; } default: { printf("sparse: unknown status\n"); return -1; } } } return 0; }