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2018-07-13 01:31:50 +00:00
* tutuClear.h
#ifndef _TUTUCLEAR_H_
#define _TUTUCLEAR_H_
#include "tutu_typedef.h"
// Set below to TUTUClearConfig_t.Version for version control
2018-12-13 10:48:25 +00:00
2018-07-13 01:31:50 +00:00
typedef struct {
2018-12-13 10:48:25 +00:00
UW32 uw32Version; // assign to TUTUCLEAR_VERSION
UW16 uw16SamplingFreq; // 0/1/2/3/4: 8000/16000/24000/32000/48000 Hz
UW16 uw16FrameSz; // set it as 10 [ms]
UW16 uw16MaxNumOfMic;
UW16 uw16MaxTailLength;
2018-07-13 01:31:50 +00:00
} TUTUClearConfig_t;
// Enumeration for uw32OpMode argument of TUTUClearParam_t
typedef enum {
2018-12-13 10:48:25 +00:00
TUTUClearOpMode_RESRV00 = 0x00000001,
TUTUClearOpMode_MST = 0x00000002,
TUTUClearOpMode_REC = 0x00000004,
TUTUClearOpMode_RESRV03 = 0x00000008,
TUTUClearOpMode_ASR = 0x00000010,
TUTUClearOpMode_RESRV05 = 0x00000020,
TUTUClearOpMode_INTERVIEW = 0x00000040,
TUTUClearOpMode_RESRV07 = 0x00000080,
TUTUClearOpMode_RESRV08 = 0x00000100,
TUTUClearOpMode_RESRV09 = 0x00000200,
TUTUClearOpMode_STEREO_AEC = 0x00000400,
TUTUClearOpMode_RESRV11 = 0x00000800,
TUTUClearOpMode_RESRV12 = 0x00001000,
TUTUClearOpMode_ASR_VOIP = 0x00002000,
TUTUClearOpMode_ESP = 0x00004000,
TUTUClearOpMode_RESRV15 = 0x00008000,
2018-07-13 01:31:50 +00:00
} TUTUClearOpMode_e;
// Enumeration for uw32FuncMode argument of TUTUClearParam_t
typedef enum {
2018-12-13 10:48:25 +00:00
TUTUClearFuncMode_MicBypass = 0x00000001,
TUTUClearFuncMode_Resrv01 = 0x00000002,
TUTUClearFuncMode_Resrv02 = 0x00000004,
TUTUClearFuncMode_Resrv03 = 0x00000008,
TUTUClearFuncMode_Resrv04 = 0x00000010,
TUTUClearFuncMode_Resrv05 = 0x00000020,
TUTUClearFuncMode_AEC = 0x00000040,
TUTUClearFuncMode_adaSFS = 0x00000080,
TUTUClearFuncMode_NS = 0x00000100,
TUTUClearFuncMode_EQ = 0x00000200,
TUTUClearFuncMode_AGC = 0x00000400,
TUTUClearFuncMode_DRC = 0x00000800,
TUTUClearFuncMode_HPF = 0x00001000,
TUTUClearFuncMode_SC = 0x00002000,
TUTUClearFuncMode_DOA = 0x00004000,
TUTUClearFuncMode_SPKRID = 0x00008000,
TUTUClearFuncMode_MBDRC = 0x00010000,
TUTUClearFuncMode_AFC = 0x00020000,
TUTUClearFuncMode_Resrv18 = 0x00040000,
TUTUClearFuncMode_SEQ = 0x00080000,
TUTUClearFuncMode_VTRGR = 0x00100000
2018-07-13 01:31:50 +00:00
} TUTUClearFuncMode_e;
typedef struct {
2018-12-13 10:48:25 +00:00
UW16 auw16ParamAEC[16];
2018-07-13 01:31:50 +00:00
} TUTUAECParam_t;
typedef struct {
2018-12-13 10:48:25 +00:00
UW16 uw16Lambda;
UW16 uw16SupressionLevel;
UW16 uw16BGSimplicity;
UW16 uw16D;
UW16 auw16Resrv[28];
2018-07-13 01:31:50 +00:00
} TUTUNSParam_t;
typedef struct {
2018-12-13 10:48:25 +00:00
UW16 uw16EQPartitionBegin; // in Hz
UW16 uw16Resrv0;
UW16 auw16EQPartitionWidth[16]; // in Hz
W16 aw16EQGain[16]; // in dB
2018-07-13 01:31:50 +00:00
} TUTUEQParam_t;
typedef struct {
2018-12-13 10:48:25 +00:00
W16 aw16ExpanderInputLevels[2]; // in dB
UW16 uw16NumCompressorKnees; // [2;3]
UW16 uw16Resrv0;
W16 aw16CompressorKneeInputLevels[4]; // in dB
W16 aw16CompressorKneeOutputLevels[4]; // in dB
UW16 uw16AttackTime; // in ms
UW16 uw16ReleaseTime; // in ms
UW16 uw16MakeupGain; // linear gain
UW16 uw16Resrv1;
UW16 auw16Resrv[2];
2018-07-13 01:31:50 +00:00
} TUTUDRCParam_t;
typedef struct {
2018-12-13 10:48:25 +00:00
W16 w16TargetOutputLevel; // in dB
UW16 uw16MaxGain; // Maximal AGC gain
UW16 uw16MinGain; // Minimal AGC gain
UW16 uw16RespRate; // AGC adjust rate
2018-07-13 01:31:50 +00:00
} TUTUAGCParam_t;
typedef struct {
2018-12-13 10:48:25 +00:00
UW16 uw16T3T4DtctThrd;
UW16 uw16T4SilnDtctThrd;
UW16 uw16C;
UW16 uw16D;
UW16 auw16Resrv[12];
2018-07-13 01:31:50 +00:00
} TUTUSCParam_t;
typedef struct {
2018-12-13 10:48:25 +00:00
W16 aw16MicPosX[8];
W16 aw16MicPosY[8];
UW16 auw16MicPairSlct[8];
UW16 auw16Resrv[8];
2018-07-13 01:31:50 +00:00
} TUTUDOAParam_t;
typedef struct {
2018-12-13 10:48:25 +00:00
UW32 uw32OpMode; // check TUTUClearOpMode_e
UW32 uw32FuncMode; // check TUTUClearFuncMode_e
UW16 uw16NumOfMic;
UW16 uw16ECTailLengthInMs;
UW16 uw16Resv0;
UW16 uw16Resv1;
UW16 uw16Resv2;
UW16 uw16Resv3;
2018-07-13 01:31:50 +00:00
} TUTUClearParam_t;
typedef struct {
2018-12-13 10:48:25 +00:00
W16 w16MicLevel; // MIC waveform level
W16 w16SCFlg;
W16 w16SpkrVrfCnfLvl;
W16 w16Resrv3;
W16 w16Resrv4;
W16 w16Resrv5;
W16 w16Resrv6;
W16 w16Resrv7;
W16 w16VtrgrFlg;
W16 w16Resrv9;
W16 w16ResrvA;
W16 w16ResrvB;
W16 w16ResrvC;
W16 w16ResrvD;
W16 w16ResrvE;
W16 w16ResrvF;
2018-07-13 01:31:50 +00:00
} TUTUClearStat_t;
// Speaker profile structure
typedef struct {
2018-12-13 10:48:25 +00:00
W32 aw32Info[4];
W16 aw16Info[72];
2018-07-13 01:31:50 +00:00
} TUTUClearSpkrPrfl_t;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
UW32 TUTUClear_GetVerNum(W8 *pw8Major, W8 *pw8Minor, W8 *pw8Revision);
UW32 TUTUClear_QueryMemSz(TUTUClearConfig_t *ptTUTUClearConfig);
UW32 TUTUClear_QueryLicenseExpiration(void);
W16 TUTUClear_Init(TUTUClearConfig_t *ptTUTUClearConfig, void *pTUTUClearObjectMem, void **pTUTUClearObject);
W16 TUTUClear_Release(void **pTUTUClearObject);
W16 TUTUClear_OneFrame(void *pTUTUClearObject, W16 *ptAECRef, W16 *ptMIC, W16 *ptLOut, TUTUClearStat_t *ptTUTUClearStat);
W16 TUTUClear_OneFrame_32b(void *pTUTUClearObject, W32 *pw32AECRef, W32 *pw32MIC, W32 *pw32LOut, TUTUClearStat_t *ptTUTUClearStat);
W16 TUTUClear_SetParams(void *pTUTUClearObject, TUTUClearParam_t *ptTUTUClearParam);
W16 TUTUClear_ResetSCFlg(void *pTUTUClearObject, W16 w16FlgHoldinMs);
2018-12-13 10:48:25 +00:00
W16 TUTUClear_InterModComm(void *pTUTUClearObjectSour, void *pTUTUClearObjectDest);
2018-07-13 01:31:50 +00:00
W16 TUTUClear_ImportKeywordData(void *pTUTUClearObject, const W8* fileNameStr);
void TUTUClear_ParsePRMFile_QACT(const char *pszCtrlFileName, TUTUClearConfig_t *ptTUTUClearConfig, TUTUClearParam_t *ptTUTUClearParam);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif // _TUTUCLEAR_H_