1356 lines
46 KiB
1356 lines
46 KiB
* Misc useful os-independent macros and functions.
* Copyright (C) 1999-2017, Broadcom Corporation
* Unless you and Broadcom execute a separate written software license
* agreement governing use of this software, this software is licensed to you
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 (the "GPL"),
* available at http://www.broadcom.com/licenses/GPLv2.php, with the
* following added to such license:
* As a special exception, the copyright holders of this software give you
* permission to link this software with independent modules, and to copy and
* distribute the resulting executable under terms of your choice, provided that
* you also meet, for each linked independent module, the terms and conditions of
* the license of that module. An independent module is a module which is not
* derived from this software. The special exception does not apply to any
* modifications of the software.
* Notwithstanding the above, under no circumstances may you combine this
* software in any way with any other Broadcom software provided under a license
* other than the GPL, without Broadcom's express prior written consent.
* <<Broadcom-WL-IPTag/Open:>>
* $Id: bcmutils.h 701785 2017-05-26 11:08:50Z $
#ifndef _bcmutils_h_
#define _bcmutils_h_
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#define bcm_strncpy_s(dst, noOfElements, src, count) strncpy((dst), (src), (count))
#define bcm_strncat_s(dst, noOfElements, src, count) strncat((dst), (src), (count))
#define bcm_snprintf_s snprintf
#define bcm_sprintf_s snprintf
* #define bcm_strcpy_s(dst, count, src) strncpy((dst), (src), (count))
* Use bcm_strcpy_s instead as it is a safer option
* bcm_strcat_s: Use bcm_strncat_s as a safer option
#define BCM_BIT(x) (1 << (x))
/* ctype replacement */
#define _BCM_U 0x01 /* upper */
#define _BCM_L 0x02 /* lower */
#define _BCM_D 0x04 /* digit */
#define _BCM_C 0x08 /* cntrl */
#define _BCM_P 0x10 /* punct */
#define _BCM_S 0x20 /* white space (space/lf/tab) */
#define _BCM_X 0x40 /* hex digit */
#define _BCM_SP 0x80 /* hard space (0x20) */
extern const unsigned char bcm_ctype[];
#define bcm_ismask(x) (bcm_ctype[(int)(unsigned char)(x)])
#define bcm_isalnum(c) ((bcm_ismask(c)&(_BCM_U|_BCM_L|_BCM_D)) != 0)
#define bcm_isalpha(c) ((bcm_ismask(c)&(_BCM_U|_BCM_L)) != 0)
#define bcm_iscntrl(c) ((bcm_ismask(c)&(_BCM_C)) != 0)
#define bcm_isdigit(c) ((bcm_ismask(c)&(_BCM_D)) != 0)
#define bcm_isgraph(c) ((bcm_ismask(c)&(_BCM_P|_BCM_U|_BCM_L|_BCM_D)) != 0)
#define bcm_islower(c) ((bcm_ismask(c)&(_BCM_L)) != 0)
#define bcm_isprint(c) ((bcm_ismask(c)&(_BCM_P|_BCM_U|_BCM_L|_BCM_D|_BCM_SP)) != 0)
#define bcm_ispunct(c) ((bcm_ismask(c)&(_BCM_P)) != 0)
#define bcm_isspace(c) ((bcm_ismask(c)&(_BCM_S)) != 0)
#define bcm_isupper(c) ((bcm_ismask(c)&(_BCM_U)) != 0)
#define bcm_isxdigit(c) ((bcm_ismask(c)&(_BCM_D|_BCM_X)) != 0)
#define bcm_tolower(c) (bcm_isupper((c)) ? ((c) + 'a' - 'A') : (c))
#define bcm_toupper(c) (bcm_islower((c)) ? ((c) + 'A' - 'a') : (c))
#define CIRCULAR_ARRAY_FULL(rd_idx, wr_idx, max) ((wr_idx + 1)%max == rd_idx)
#define KB(bytes) (((bytes) + 1023) / 1024)
/* Buffer structure for collecting string-formatted data
* using bcm_bprintf() API.
* Use bcm_binit() to initialize before use
struct bcmstrbuf {
char *buf; /* pointer to current position in origbuf */
unsigned int size; /* current (residual) size in bytes */
char *origbuf; /* unmodified pointer to orignal buffer */
unsigned int origsize; /* unmodified orignal buffer size in bytes */
#define BCMSTRBUF_LEN(b) (b->size)
#define BCMSTRBUF_BUF(b) (b->buf)
/* ** driver-only section ** */
#include <osl.h>
#include <hnd_pktq.h>
#include <hnd_pktpool.h>
#define GPIO_PIN_NOTDEFINED 0x20 /* Pin not defined */
* Spin at most 'us' microseconds while 'exp' is true.
* Caller should explicitly test 'exp' when this completes
* and take appropriate error action if 'exp' is still true.
#define SPINWAIT(exp, us) { \
uint countdown = (us) + (SPINWAIT_POLL_PERIOD - 1); \
while ((exp) && (countdown >= SPINWAIT_POLL_PERIOD)) { \
countdown -= SPINWAIT_POLL_PERIOD; \
} \
/* forward definition of ether_addr structure used by some function prototypes */
struct ether_addr;
extern int ether_isbcast(const void *ea);
extern int ether_isnulladdr(const void *ea);
#define UP_TABLE_MAX ((IPV4_TOS_DSCP_MASK >> IPV4_TOS_DSCP_SHIFT) + 1) /* 64 max */
/* externs */
/* packet */
extern uint pktcopy(osl_t *osh, void *p, uint offset, int len, uchar *buf);
extern uint pktfrombuf(osl_t *osh, void *p, uint offset, int len, uchar *buf);
extern uint pkttotlen(osl_t *osh, void *p);
extern void *pktlast(osl_t *osh, void *p);
extern uint pktsegcnt(osl_t *osh, void *p);
extern uint pktsegcnt_war(osl_t *osh, void *p);
extern uint8 *pktdataoffset(osl_t *osh, void *p, uint offset);
extern void *pktoffset(osl_t *osh, void *p, uint offset);
/* Add to adjust 802.1x priority */
extern void pktset8021xprio(void *pkt, int prio);
/* Get priority from a packet and pass it back in scb (or equiv) */
#define PKTPRIO_VDSCP 0x100 /* DSCP prio found af ter VLAN tag */
#define PKTPRIO_VLAN 0x200 /* VLAN prio found */
#define PKTPRIO_UPD 0x400 /* DSCP used to update VLAN prio */
#define PKTPRIO_DSCP 0x800 /* DSCP prio found */
/* DSCP type definitions (RFC4594) */
/* AF1x: High-Throughput Data (RFC2597) */
#define DSCP_AF11 0x0A
#define DSCP_AF12 0x0C
#define DSCP_AF13 0x0E
/* AF2x: Low-Latency Data (RFC2597) */
#define DSCP_AF21 0x12
#define DSCP_AF22 0x14
#define DSCP_AF23 0x16
/* AF3x: Multimedia Streaming (RFC2597) */
#define DSCP_AF31 0x1A
#define DSCP_AF32 0x1C
#define DSCP_AF33 0x1E
/* EF: Telephony (RFC3246) */
#define DSCP_EF 0x2E
extern uint pktsetprio(void *pkt, bool update_vtag);
extern uint pktsetprio_qms(void *pkt, uint8* up_table, bool update_vtag);
extern bool pktgetdscp(uint8 *pktdata, uint pktlen, uint8 *dscp);
/* ethernet address */
extern char *bcm_ether_ntoa(const struct ether_addr *ea, char *buf);
extern int bcm_ether_atoe(const char *p, struct ether_addr *ea);
/* ip address */
struct ipv4_addr;
extern char *bcm_ip_ntoa(struct ipv4_addr *ia, char *buf);
extern char *bcm_ipv6_ntoa(void *ipv6, char *buf);
extern int bcm_atoipv4(const char *p, struct ipv4_addr *ip);
/* delay */
extern void bcm_mdelay(uint ms);
/* variable access */
#if defined(BCM_RECLAIM)
#define NVRAM_RECLAIM_CHECK(name) \
if (bcm_attach_part_reclaimed == TRUE) { \
*(char*) 0 = 0; /* TRAP */ \
return NULL; \
#else /* BCM_RECLAIM */
#endif /* BCM_RECLAIM */
extern char *getvar(char *vars, const char *name);
extern int getintvar(char *vars, const char *name);
extern int getintvararray(char *vars, const char *name, int index);
extern int getintvararraysize(char *vars, const char *name);
extern uint getgpiopin(char *vars, char *pin_name, uint def_pin);
#define bcm_perf_enable()
#define bcmstats(fmt)
#define bcmlog(fmt, a1, a2)
#define bcmdumplog(buf, size) *buf = '\0'
#define bcmdumplogent(buf, idx) -1
#define TSF_TICKS_PER_MS 1000
#define TS_ENTER 0xdeadbeef /* Timestamp profiling enter */
#define TS_EXIT 0xbeefcafe /* Timestamp profiling exit */
#define bcmtslog(tstamp, fmt, a1, a2)
#define bcmprinttslogs()
#define bcmprinttstamp(us)
#define bcmdumptslog(b)
extern char *bcm_nvram_vars(uint *length);
extern int bcm_nvram_cache(void *sih);
/* Support for sharing code across in-driver iovar implementations.
* The intent is that a driver use this structure to map iovar names
* to its (private) iovar identifiers, and the lookup function to
* find the entry. Macros are provided to map ids and get/set actions
* into a single number space for a switch statement.
/* iovar structure */
typedef struct bcm_iovar {
const char *name; /* name for lookup and display */
uint16 varid; /* id for switch */
uint16 flags; /* driver-specific flag bits */
uint8 flags2; /* driver-specific flag bits */
uint8 type; /* base type of argument */
uint16 minlen; /* min length for buffer vars */
} bcm_iovar_t;
/* varid definitions are per-driver, may use these get/set bits */
/* IOVar action bits for id mapping */
#define IOV_GET 0 /* Get an iovar */
#define IOV_SET 1 /* Set an iovar */
/* Varid to actionid mapping */
#define IOV_GVAL(id) ((id) * 2)
#define IOV_SVAL(id) ((id) * 2 + IOV_SET)
#define IOV_ISSET(actionid) ((actionid & IOV_SET) == IOV_SET)
#define IOV_ID(actionid) (actionid >> 1)
/* flags are per-driver based on driver attributes */
extern const bcm_iovar_t *bcm_iovar_lookup(const bcm_iovar_t *table, const char *name);
extern int bcm_iovar_lencheck(const bcm_iovar_t *table, void *arg, int len, bool set);
/* ioctl structure */
typedef struct wlc_ioctl_cmd {
uint16 cmd; /**< IOCTL command */
uint16 flags; /**< IOCTL command flags */
int16 min_len; /**< IOCTL command minimum argument len (in bytes) */
} wlc_ioctl_cmd_t;
#if defined(WLTINYDUMP) || defined(WLMSG_INFORM) || defined(WLMSG_ASSOC) || \
defined(WLMSG_PRPKT) || defined(WLMSG_WSEC)
extern int bcm_format_ssid(char* buf, const uchar ssid[], uint ssid_len);
#endif /* BCMDRIVER */
/* string */
extern int bcm_atoi(const char *s);
extern ulong bcm_strtoul(const char *cp, char **endp, uint base);
extern char *bcmstrstr(const char *haystack, const char *needle);
extern char *bcmstrnstr(const char *s, uint s_len, const char *substr, uint substr_len);
extern char *bcmstrcat(char *dest, const char *src);
extern char *bcmstrncat(char *dest, const char *src, uint size);
extern ulong wchar2ascii(char *abuf, ushort *wbuf, ushort wbuflen, ulong abuflen);
char* bcmstrtok(char **string, const char *delimiters, char *tokdelim);
int bcmstricmp(const char *s1, const char *s2);
int bcmstrnicmp(const char* s1, const char* s2, int cnt);
/* Base type definitions */
#define IOVT_VOID 0 /* no value (implictly set only) */
#define IOVT_BOOL 1 /* any value ok (zero/nonzero) */
#define IOVT_INT8 2 /* integer values are range-checked */
#define IOVT_UINT8 3 /* unsigned int 8 bits */
#define IOVT_INT16 4 /* int 16 bits */
#define IOVT_UINT16 5 /* unsigned int 16 bits */
#define IOVT_INT32 6 /* int 32 bits */
#define IOVT_UINT32 7 /* unsigned int 32 bits */
#define IOVT_BUFFER 8 /* buffer is size-checked as per minlen */
#define BCM_IOVT_VALID(type) (((unsigned int)(type)) <= IOVT_BUFFER)
/* Initializer for IOV type strings */
#define BCM_IOV_TYPE_INIT { \
"void", \
"bool", \
"int8", \
"uint8", \
"int16", \
"uint16", \
"int32", \
"uint32", \
"buffer", \
"" }
#define BCM_IOVT_IS_INT(type) (\
(type == IOVT_BOOL) || \
(type == IOVT_INT8) || \
(type == IOVT_UINT8) || \
(type == IOVT_INT16) || \
(type == IOVT_UINT16) || \
(type == IOVT_INT32) || \
(type == IOVT_UINT32))
/* ** driver/apps-shared section ** */
#define BCME_STRLEN 64 /* Max string length for BCM errors */
#define VALID_BCMERROR(e) ((e <= 0) && (e >= BCME_LAST))
* error codes could be added but the defined ones shouldn't be changed/deleted
* these error codes are exposed to the user code
* when ever a new error code is added to this list
* please update errorstring table with the related error string and
* update osl files with os specific errorcode map
#define BCME_OK 0 /* Success */
#define BCME_ERROR -1 /* Error generic */
#define BCME_BADARG -2 /* Bad Argument */
#define BCME_BADOPTION -3 /* Bad option */
#define BCME_NOTUP -4 /* Not up */
#define BCME_NOTDOWN -5 /* Not down */
#define BCME_NOTAP -6 /* Not AP */
#define BCME_NOTSTA -7 /* Not STA */
#define BCME_BADKEYIDX -8 /* BAD Key Index */
#define BCME_RADIOOFF -9 /* Radio Off */
#define BCME_NOTBANDLOCKED -10 /* Not band locked */
#define BCME_NOCLK -11 /* No Clock */
#define BCME_BADRATESET -12 /* BAD Rate valueset */
#define BCME_BADBAND -13 /* BAD Band */
#define BCME_BUFTOOSHORT -14 /* Buffer too short */
#define BCME_BUFTOOLONG -15 /* Buffer too long */
#define BCME_BUSY -16 /* Busy */
#define BCME_NOTASSOCIATED -17 /* Not Associated */
#define BCME_BADSSIDLEN -18 /* Bad SSID len */
#define BCME_OUTOFRANGECHAN -19 /* Out of Range Channel */
#define BCME_BADCHAN -20 /* Bad Channel */
#define BCME_BADADDR -21 /* Bad Address */
#define BCME_NORESOURCE -22 /* Not Enough Resources */
#define BCME_UNSUPPORTED -23 /* Unsupported */
#define BCME_BADLEN -24 /* Bad length */
#define BCME_NOTREADY -25 /* Not Ready */
#define BCME_EPERM -26 /* Not Permitted */
#define BCME_NOMEM -27 /* No Memory */
#define BCME_ASSOCIATED -28 /* Associated */
#define BCME_RANGE -29 /* Not In Range */
#define BCME_NOTFOUND -30 /* Not Found */
#define BCME_WME_NOT_ENABLED -31 /* WME Not Enabled */
#define BCME_TSPEC_NOTFOUND -32 /* TSPEC Not Found */
#define BCME_ACM_NOTSUPPORTED -33 /* ACM Not Supported */
#define BCME_NOT_WME_ASSOCIATION -34 /* Not WME Association */
#define BCME_SDIO_ERROR -35 /* SDIO Bus Error */
#define BCME_DONGLE_DOWN -36 /* Dongle Not Accessible */
#define BCME_VERSION -37 /* Incorrect version */
#define BCME_TXFAIL -38 /* TX failure */
#define BCME_RXFAIL -39 /* RX failure */
#define BCME_NODEVICE -40 /* Device not present */
#define BCME_NMODE_DISABLED -41 /* NMODE disabled */
#define BCME_NONRESIDENT -42 /* access to nonresident overlay */
#define BCME_SCANREJECT -43 /* reject scan request */
#define BCME_USAGE_ERROR -44 /* WLCMD usage error */
#define BCME_IOCTL_ERROR -45 /* WLCMD ioctl error */
#define BCME_SERIAL_PORT_ERR -46 /* RWL serial port error */
#define BCME_DISABLED -47 /* Disabled in this build */
#define BCME_DECERR -48 /* Decrypt error */
#define BCME_ENCERR -49 /* Encrypt error */
#define BCME_MICERR -50 /* Integrity/MIC error */
#define BCME_REPLAY -51 /* Replay */
#define BCME_IE_NOTFOUND -52 /* IE not found */
#define BCME_DATA_NOTFOUND -53 /* Complete data not found in buffer */
#define BCME_NOT_GC -54 /* expecting a group client */
#define BCME_PRS_REQ_FAILED -55 /* GC presence req failed to sent */
#define BCME_NO_P2P_SE -56 /* Could not find P2P-Subelement */
#define BCME_NOA_PND -57 /* NoA pending, CB shuld be NULL */
#define BCME_FRAG_Q_FAILED -58 /* queueing 80211 frag failedi */
#define BCME_GET_AF_FAILED -59 /* Get p2p AF pkt failed */
#define BCME_MSCH_NOTREADY -60 /* scheduler not ready */
/* This error code is *internal* to the driver, and is not propogated to users. It should
* only be used by IOCTL patch handlers as an indication that it did not handle the IOCTL.
* (Since the error code is internal, an entry in 'BCMERRSTRINGTABLE' is not required,
* nor does it need to be part of any OSL driver-to-OS error code mapping).
/* These are collection of BCME Error strings */
"OK", \
"Undefined error", \
"Bad Argument", \
"Bad Option", \
"Not up", \
"Not down", \
"Not AP", \
"Not STA", \
"Bad Key Index", \
"Radio Off", \
"Not band locked", \
"No clock", \
"Bad Rate valueset", \
"Bad Band", \
"Buffer too short", \
"Buffer too long", \
"Busy", \
"Not Associated", \
"Bad SSID len", \
"Out of Range Channel", \
"Bad Channel", \
"Bad Address", \
"Not Enough Resources", \
"Unsupported", \
"Bad length", \
"Not Ready", \
"Not Permitted", \
"No Memory", \
"Associated", \
"Not In Range", \
"Not Found", \
"WME Not Enabled", \
"TSPEC Not Found", \
"ACM Not Supported", \
"Not WME Association", \
"SDIO Bus Error", \
"Dongle Not Accessible", \
"Incorrect version", \
"TX Failure", \
"RX Failure", \
"Device Not Present", \
"NMODE Disabled", \
"Nonresident overlay access", \
"Scan Rejected", \
"WLCMD usage error", \
"WLCMD ioctl error", \
"RWL serial port error", \
"Disabled", \
"Decrypt error", \
"Encrypt error", \
"MIC error", \
"Replay", \
"IE not found", \
"Data not found", \
"NOT GC", \
"NO P2P SubElement", \
"NOA Pending", \
"GET ActionFrame failed", \
"scheduler not ready", \
#ifndef ABS
#define ABS(a) (((a) < 0) ? -(a) : (a))
#endif /* ABS */
#ifndef MIN
#define MIN(a, b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))
#endif /* MIN */
#ifndef MAX
#define MAX(a, b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
#endif /* MAX */
/* limit to [min, max] */
#define LIMIT_TO_RANGE(x, min, max) \
((x) < (min) ? (min) : ((x) > (max) ? (max) : (x)))
#endif /* LIMIT_TO_RANGE */
/* limit to max */
#ifndef LIMIT_TO_MAX
#define LIMIT_TO_MAX(x, max) \
(((x) > (max) ? (max) : (x)))
#endif /* LIMIT_TO_MAX */
/* limit to min */
#ifndef LIMIT_TO_MIN
#define LIMIT_TO_MIN(x, min) \
(((x) < (min) ? (min) : (x)))
#endif /* LIMIT_TO_MIN */
#define DELTA(curr, prev) ((curr) > (prev) ? ((curr) - (prev)) : \
(0xffffffff - (prev) + (curr) + 1))
#define CEIL(x, y) (((x) + ((y) - 1)) / (y))
#define ROUNDUP(x, y) ((((x) + ((y) - 1)) / (y)) * (y))
#define ROUNDDN(p, align) ((p) & ~((align) - 1))
#define ISALIGNED(a, x) (((uintptr)(a) & ((x) - 1)) == 0)
#define ALIGN_ADDR(addr, boundary) (void *)(((uintptr)(addr) + (boundary) - 1) \
& ~((boundary) - 1))
#define ALIGN_SIZE(size, boundary) (((size) + (boundary) - 1) \
& ~((boundary) - 1))
#define ISPOWEROF2(x) ((((x) - 1) & (x)) == 0)
#define VALID_MASK(mask) !((mask) & ((mask) + 1))
#ifndef OFFSETOF
* The ARM RVCT compiler complains when using OFFSETOF where a constant
* expression is expected, such as an initializer for a static object.
* offsetof from the runtime library doesn't have that problem.
#include <stddef.h>
#define OFFSETOF(type, member) offsetof(type, member)
# if ((__GNUC__ >= 4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 8))
/* GCC 4.8+ complains when using our OFFSETOF macro in array length declarations. */
# define OFFSETOF(type, member) __builtin_offsetof(type, member)
# else
# define OFFSETOF(type, member) ((uint)(uintptr)&((type *)0)->member)
# endif /* GCC 4.8 or newer */
#endif /* __ARMCC_VERSION */
#endif /* OFFSETOF */
#define CONTAINEROF(ptr, type, member) ((type *)((char *)(ptr) - OFFSETOF(type, member)))
#endif /* CONTAINEROF */
#define ARRAYSIZE(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof(a[0]))
#ifndef ARRAYLAST /* returns pointer to last array element */
#define ARRAYLAST(a) (&a[ARRAYSIZE(a)-1])
/* Reference a function; used to prevent a static function from being optimized out */
extern void *_bcmutils_dummy_fn;
#define REFERENCE_FUNCTION(f) (_bcmutils_dummy_fn = (void *)(f))
/* bit map related macros */
#ifndef setbit
#ifndef NBBY /* the BSD family defines NBBY */
#define NBBY 8 /* 8 bits per byte */
#endif /* #ifndef NBBY */
extern void setbit(void *array, uint bit);
extern void clrbit(void *array, uint bit);
extern bool isset(const void *array, uint bit);
extern bool isclr(const void *array, uint bit);
#define setbit(a, i) (((uint8 *)a)[(i) / NBBY] |= 1 << ((i) % NBBY))
#define clrbit(a, i) (((uint8 *)a)[(i) / NBBY] &= ~(1 << ((i) % NBBY)))
#define isset(a, i) (((const uint8 *)a)[(i) / NBBY] & (1 << ((i) % NBBY)))
#define isclr(a, i) ((((const uint8 *)a)[(i) / NBBY] & (1 << ((i) % NBBY))) == 0)
#endif /* setbit */
extern void set_bitrange(void *array, uint start, uint end, uint maxbit);
#define isbitset(a, i) (((a) & (1 << (i))) != 0)
#define NBITS(type) (sizeof(type) * 8)
#define NBITVAL(nbits) (1 << (nbits))
#define MAXBITVAL(nbits) ((1 << (nbits)) - 1)
#define NBITMASK(nbits) MAXBITVAL(nbits)
#define MAXNBVAL(nbyte) MAXBITVAL((nbyte) * 8)
extern void bcm_bitprint32(const uint32 u32);
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Multiword map of 2bits, nibbles
* setbit2 setbit4 (void *ptr, uint32 ix, uint32 val)
* getbit2 getbit4 (void *ptr, uint32 ix)
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static INLINE void setbit##NB(void *ptr, uint32 ix, uint32 val) \
{ \
uint32 *addr = (uint32 *)ptr; \
uint32 *a = addr + (ix >> RSH); /* (ix / 2^RSH) */ \
uint32 pos = (ix & OFF) << LSH; /* (ix % 2^RSH) * 2^LSH */ \
uint32 mask = (MSK << pos); \
uint32 tmp = *a & ~mask; \
*a = tmp | (val << pos); \
} \
static INLINE uint32 getbit##NB(void *ptr, uint32 ix) \
{ \
uint32 *addr = (uint32 *)ptr; \
uint32 *a = addr + (ix >> RSH); \
uint32 pos = (ix & OFF) << LSH; \
return ((*a >> pos) & MSK); \
DECLARE_MAP_API(2, 4, 1, 15U, 0x0003) /* setbit2() and getbit2() */
DECLARE_MAP_API(4, 3, 2, 7U, 0x000F) /* setbit4() and getbit4() */
DECLARE_MAP_API(8, 2, 3, 3U, 0x00FF) /* setbit8() and getbit8() */
/* basic mux operation - can be optimized on several architectures */
#define MUX(pred, true, false) ((pred) ? (true) : (false))
/* modulo inc/dec - assumes x E [0, bound - 1] */
#define MODDEC(x, bound) MUX((x) == 0, (bound) - 1, (x) - 1)
#define MODINC(x, bound) MUX((x) == (bound) - 1, 0, (x) + 1)
/* modulo inc/dec, bound = 2^k */
#define MODDEC_POW2(x, bound) (((x) - 1) & ((bound) - 1))
#define MODINC_POW2(x, bound) (((x) + 1) & ((bound) - 1))
/* modulo add/sub - assumes x, y E [0, bound - 1] */
#define MODADD(x, y, bound) \
MUX((x) + (y) >= (bound), (x) + (y) - (bound), (x) + (y))
#define MODSUB(x, y, bound) \
MUX(((int)(x)) - ((int)(y)) < 0, (x) - (y) + (bound), (x) - (y))
/* module add/sub, bound = 2^k */
#define MODADD_POW2(x, y, bound) (((x) + (y)) & ((bound) - 1))
#define MODSUB_POW2(x, y, bound) (((x) - (y)) & ((bound) - 1))
/* crc defines */
#define CRC8_INIT_VALUE 0xff /* Initial CRC8 checksum value */
#define CRC8_GOOD_VALUE 0x9f /* Good final CRC8 checksum value */
#define CRC16_INIT_VALUE 0xffff /* Initial CRC16 checksum value */
#define CRC16_GOOD_VALUE 0xf0b8 /* Good final CRC16 checksum value */
#define CRC32_INIT_VALUE 0xffffffff /* Initial CRC32 checksum value */
#define CRC32_GOOD_VALUE 0xdebb20e3 /* Good final CRC32 checksum value */
/* use for direct output of MAC address in printf etc */
#define MACF "%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x"
#define ETHERP_TO_MACF(ea) ((struct ether_addr *) (ea))->octet[0], \
((struct ether_addr *) (ea))->octet[1], \
((struct ether_addr *) (ea))->octet[2], \
((struct ether_addr *) (ea))->octet[3], \
((struct ether_addr *) (ea))->octet[4], \
((struct ether_addr *) (ea))->octet[5]
#define CONST_ETHERP_TO_MACF(ea) ((const struct ether_addr *) (ea))->octet[0], \
((const struct ether_addr *) (ea))->octet[1], \
((const struct ether_addr *) (ea))->octet[2], \
((const struct ether_addr *) (ea))->octet[3], \
((const struct ether_addr *) (ea))->octet[4], \
((const struct ether_addr *) (ea))->octet[5]
#define ETHER_TO_MACF(ea) (ea).octet[0], \
(ea).octet[1], \
(ea).octet[2], \
(ea).octet[3], \
(ea).octet[4], \
#if !defined(SIMPLE_MAC_PRINT)
#define MACDBG "%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x"
#define MAC2STRDBG(ea) (ea)[0], (ea)[1], (ea)[2], (ea)[3], (ea)[4], (ea)[5]
#define MACDBG "%02x:%02x:%02x"
#define MAC2STRDBG(ea) (ea)[0], (ea)[4], (ea)[5]
#endif /* SIMPLE_MAC_PRINT */
/* bcm_format_flags() bit description structure */
typedef struct bcm_bit_desc {
uint32 bit;
const char* name;
} bcm_bit_desc_t;
/* bcm_format_field */
typedef struct bcm_bit_desc_ex {
uint32 mask;
const bcm_bit_desc_t *bitfield;
} bcm_bit_desc_ex_t;
/* buffer length for ethernet address from bcm_ether_ntoa() */
#define ETHER_ADDR_STR_LEN 18 /* 18-bytes of Ethernet address buffer length */
static INLINE uint32 /* 32bit word aligned xor-32 */
bcm_compute_xor32(volatile uint32 *u32_val, int num_u32)
int idx;
uint32 xor32 = 0;
for (idx = 0; idx < num_u32; idx++)
xor32 ^= *(u32_val + idx);
return xor32;
/* crypto utility function */
/* 128-bit xor: *dst = *src1 xor *src2. dst1, src1 and src2 may have any alignment */
static INLINE void
xor_128bit_block(const uint8 *src1, const uint8 *src2, uint8 *dst)
if (
#ifdef __i386__
1 ||
(((uintptr)src1 | (uintptr)src2 | (uintptr)dst) & 3) == 0) {
/* ARM CM3 rel time: 1229 (727 if alignment check could be omitted) */
/* x86 supports unaligned. This version runs 6x-9x faster on x86. */
((uint32 *)dst)[0] = ((const uint32 *)src1)[0] ^ ((const uint32 *)src2)[0];
((uint32 *)dst)[1] = ((const uint32 *)src1)[1] ^ ((const uint32 *)src2)[1];
((uint32 *)dst)[2] = ((const uint32 *)src1)[2] ^ ((const uint32 *)src2)[2];
((uint32 *)dst)[3] = ((const uint32 *)src1)[3] ^ ((const uint32 *)src2)[3];
} else {
/* ARM CM3 rel time: 4668 (4191 if alignment check could be omitted) */
int k;
for (k = 0; k < 16; k++)
dst[k] = src1[k] ^ src2[k];
/* externs */
/* crc */
extern uint8 hndcrc8(uint8 *p, uint nbytes, uint8 crc);
extern uint16 hndcrc16(uint8 *p, uint nbytes, uint16 crc);
extern uint32 hndcrc32(uint8 *p, uint nbytes, uint32 crc);
/* format/print */
#if defined(DHD_DEBUG) || defined(WLMSG_PRHDRS) || defined(WLMSG_PRPKT) || \
/* print out the value a field has: fields may have 1-32 bits and may hold any value */
extern int bcm_format_field(const bcm_bit_desc_ex_t *bd, uint32 field, char* buf, int len);
/* print out which bits in flags are set */
extern int bcm_format_flags(const bcm_bit_desc_t *bd, uint32 flags, char* buf, int len);
extern int bcm_format_hex(char *str, const void *bytes, int len);
extern const char *bcm_crypto_algo_name(uint algo);
extern char *bcm_chipname(uint chipid, char *buf, uint len);
extern char *bcm_brev_str(uint32 brev, char *buf);
extern void printbig(char *buf);
extern void prhex(const char *msg, volatile uchar *buf, uint len);
/* IE parsing */
/* packing is required if struct is passed across the bus */
#include <packed_section_start.h>
/* tag_ID/length/value_buffer tuple */
typedef struct bcm_tlv {
uint8 id;
uint8 len;
uint8 data[1];
} bcm_tlv_t;
#define BCM_TLV_SIZE(_tlv) ((_tlv) ? (OFFSETOF(bcm_tlv_t, data) + (_tlv)->len) : 0)
/* bcm tlv w/ 16 bit id/len */
typedef BWL_PRE_PACKED_STRUCT struct bcm_xtlv {
uint16 id;
uint16 len;
uint8 data[1];
#include <packed_section_end.h>
/* descriptor of xtlv data src or dst */
typedef struct {
uint16 type;
uint16 len;
void *ptr; /* ptr to memory location */
} xtlv_desc_t;
/* xtlv options */
#define BCM_XTLV_OPTION_NONE 0x0000
#define BCM_XTLV_OPTION_ALIGN32 0x0001
typedef uint16 bcm_xtlv_opts_t;
struct bcm_xtlvbuf {
bcm_xtlv_opts_t opts;
uint16 size;
uint8 *head; /* point to head of buffer */
uint8 *buf; /* current position of buffer */
/* allocated buffer may follow, but not necessarily */
typedef struct bcm_xtlvbuf bcm_xtlvbuf_t;
#define BCM_TLV_MAX_DATA_SIZE (255)
#define BCM_XTLV_MAX_DATA_SIZE (65535)
#define BCM_TLV_HDR_SIZE (OFFSETOF(bcm_tlv_t, data))
#define BCM_XTLV_HDR_SIZE (OFFSETOF(bcm_xtlv_t, data))
/* LEN only stores the value's length without padding */
#define BCM_XTLV_LEN(elt) ltoh16_ua(&(elt->len))
#define BCM_XTLV_ID(elt) ltoh16_ua(&(elt->id))
/* entire size of the XTLV including header, data, and optional padding */
#define BCM_XTLV_SIZE(elt, opts) bcm_xtlv_size(elt, opts)
#define bcm_valid_xtlv(elt, buflen, opts) (elt && ((int)(buflen) >= (int)BCM_XTLV_SIZE(elt, opts)))
/* Check that bcm_tlv_t fits into the given buflen */
#define bcm_valid_tlv(elt, buflen) (\
((int)(buflen) >= (int)BCM_TLV_HDR_SIZE) && \
((int)(buflen) >= (int)(BCM_TLV_HDR_SIZE + (elt)->len)))
extern bcm_tlv_t *bcm_next_tlv(bcm_tlv_t *elt, int *buflen);
extern bcm_tlv_t *bcm_parse_tlvs(void *buf, int buflen, uint key);
extern bcm_tlv_t *bcm_parse_tlvs_min_bodylen(void *buf, int buflen, uint key, int min_bodylen);
extern bcm_tlv_t *bcm_parse_tlvs_dot11(void *buf, int buflen, uint key, bool id_ext);
extern bcm_tlv_t *bcm_parse_ordered_tlvs(void *buf, int buflen, uint key);
extern bcm_tlv_t *bcm_find_vendor_ie(void *tlvs, int tlvs_len, const char *voui, uint8 *type,
int type_len);
extern uint8 *bcm_write_tlv(int type, const void *data, int datalen, uint8 *dst);
extern uint8 *bcm_write_tlv_safe(int type, const void *data, int datalen, uint8 *dst,
int dst_maxlen);
extern uint8 *bcm_copy_tlv(const void *src, uint8 *dst);
extern uint8 *bcm_copy_tlv_safe(const void *src, uint8 *dst, int dst_maxlen);
/* xtlv */
/* return the next xtlv element, and update buffer len (remaining). Buffer length
* updated includes padding as specified by options
extern bcm_xtlv_t *bcm_next_xtlv(bcm_xtlv_t *elt, int *buflen, bcm_xtlv_opts_t opts);
/* initialize an xtlv buffer. Use options specified for packing/unpacking using
* the buffer. Caller is responsible for allocating both buffers.
extern int bcm_xtlv_buf_init(bcm_xtlvbuf_t *tlv_buf, uint8 *buf, uint16 len,
bcm_xtlv_opts_t opts);
extern uint16 bcm_xtlv_buf_len(struct bcm_xtlvbuf *tbuf);
extern uint16 bcm_xtlv_buf_rlen(struct bcm_xtlvbuf *tbuf);
extern uint8 *bcm_xtlv_buf(struct bcm_xtlvbuf *tbuf);
extern uint8 *bcm_xtlv_head(struct bcm_xtlvbuf *tbuf);
extern int bcm_xtlv_put_data(bcm_xtlvbuf_t *tbuf, uint16 type, const void *data, uint16 dlen);
extern int bcm_xtlv_put_8(bcm_xtlvbuf_t *tbuf, uint16 type, const int8 data);
extern int bcm_xtlv_put_16(bcm_xtlvbuf_t *tbuf, uint16 type, const int16 data);
extern int bcm_xtlv_put_32(bcm_xtlvbuf_t *tbuf, uint16 type, const int32 data);
extern int bcm_unpack_xtlv_entry(uint8 **buf, uint16 xpct_type, uint16 xpct_len,
void *dst, bcm_xtlv_opts_t opts);
extern int bcm_pack_xtlv_entry(uint8 **buf, uint16 *buflen, uint16 type, uint16 len,
void *src, bcm_xtlv_opts_t opts);
extern int bcm_xtlv_size(const bcm_xtlv_t *elt, bcm_xtlv_opts_t opts);
/* callback for unpacking xtlv from a buffer into context. */
typedef int (bcm_xtlv_unpack_cbfn_t)(void *ctx, uint8 *buf, uint16 type, uint16 len);
/* unpack a tlv buffer using buffer, options, and callback */
extern int bcm_unpack_xtlv_buf(void *ctx, uint8 *buf, uint16 buflen,
bcm_xtlv_opts_t opts, bcm_xtlv_unpack_cbfn_t *cbfn);
/* unpack a set of tlvs from the buffer using provided xtlv desc */
extern int bcm_unpack_xtlv_buf_to_mem(void *buf, int *buflen, xtlv_desc_t *items,
bcm_xtlv_opts_t opts);
/* pack a set of tlvs into buffer using provided xtlv desc */
extern int bcm_pack_xtlv_buf_from_mem(void **buf, uint16 *buflen, xtlv_desc_t *items,
bcm_xtlv_opts_t opts);
/* return data pointer of a given ID from xtlv buffer
* xtlv data length is given to *datalen_out, if the pointer is valid
extern void *bcm_get_data_from_xtlv_buf(uint8 *tlv_buf, uint16 buflen, uint16 id,
uint16 *datalen_out, bcm_xtlv_opts_t opts);
/* callback to return next tlv id and len to pack, if there is more tlvs to come and
* options e.g. alignment
typedef bool (*bcm_pack_xtlv_next_info_cbfn_t)(void *ctx, uint16 *tlv_id, uint16 *tlv_len);
/* callback to pack the tlv into length validated buffer */
typedef void (*bcm_pack_xtlv_pack_next_cbfn_t)(void *ctx,
uint16 tlv_id, uint16 tlv_len, uint8* buf);
/* pack a set of tlvs into buffer using get_next to interate */
int bcm_pack_xtlv_buf(void *ctx, void *tlv_buf, uint16 buflen,
bcm_xtlv_opts_t opts, bcm_pack_xtlv_next_info_cbfn_t get_next,
bcm_pack_xtlv_pack_next_cbfn_t pack_next, int *outlen);
/* bcmerror */
extern const char *bcmerrorstr(int bcmerror);
extern int wl_set_up_table(uint8 *up_table, bcm_tlv_t *qos_map_ie);
/* multi-bool data type: set of bools, mbool is true if any is set */
typedef uint32 mbool;
#define mboolset(mb, bit) ((mb) |= (bit)) /* set one bool */
#define mboolclr(mb, bit) ((mb) &= ~(bit)) /* clear one bool */
#define mboolisset(mb, bit) (((mb) & (bit)) != 0) /* TRUE if one bool is set */
#define mboolmaskset(mb, mask, val) ((mb) = (((mb) & ~(mask)) | (val)))
/* generic datastruct to help dump routines */
struct fielddesc {
const char *nameandfmt;
uint32 offset;
uint32 len;
extern void bcm_binit(struct bcmstrbuf *b, char *buf, uint size);
extern void bcm_bprhex(struct bcmstrbuf *b, const char *msg, bool newline,
const uint8 *buf, int len);
extern void bcm_inc_bytes(uchar *num, int num_bytes, uint8 amount);
extern int bcm_cmp_bytes(const uchar *arg1, const uchar *arg2, uint8 nbytes);
extern void bcm_print_bytes(const char *name, const uchar *cdata, int len);
typedef uint32 (*bcmutl_rdreg_rtn)(void *arg0, uint arg1, uint32 offset);
extern uint bcmdumpfields(bcmutl_rdreg_rtn func_ptr, void *arg0, uint arg1, struct fielddesc *str,
char *buf, uint32 bufsize);
extern uint bcm_bitcount(uint8 *bitmap, uint bytelength);
extern int bcm_bprintf(struct bcmstrbuf *b, const char *fmt, ...);
/* power conversion */
extern uint16 bcm_qdbm_to_mw(uint8 qdbm);
extern uint8 bcm_mw_to_qdbm(uint16 mw);
extern uint bcm_mkiovar(const char *name, const char *data, uint datalen, char *buf, uint len);
unsigned int process_nvram_vars(char *varbuf, unsigned int len);
/* trace any object allocation / free, with / without features (flags) set to the object */
#define BCM_OBJDBG_ADD 1
/* object feature: set or clear flags */
/* object feature: flag bits */
#define BCM_OBJECT_FEATURE_0 (1 << 0)
#define BCM_OBJECT_FEATURE_1 (1 << 1)
#define BCM_OBJECT_FEATURE_2 (1 << 2)
/* object feature: clear flag bits field set with this flag */
#define BCM_OBJECT_FEATURE_CLEAR (1 << 31)
#define bcm_pkt_validate_chk(obj) do { \
void * pkttag; \
bcm_object_trace_chk(obj, 0, 0, \
__FUNCTION__, __LINE__); \
if ((pkttag = PKTTAG(obj))) { \
bcm_object_trace_chk(obj, 1, DHD_PKTTAG_SN(pkttag), \
__FUNCTION__, __LINE__); \
} \
} while (0)
extern void bcm_object_trace_opr(void *obj, uint32 opt, const char *caller, int line);
extern void bcm_object_trace_upd(void *obj, void *obj_new);
extern void bcm_object_trace_chk(void *obj, uint32 chksn, uint32 sn,
const char *caller, int line);
extern void bcm_object_feature_set(void *obj, uint32 type, uint32 value);
extern int bcm_object_feature_get(void *obj, uint32 type, uint32 value);
extern void bcm_object_trace_init(void);
extern void bcm_object_trace_deinit(void);
#define bcm_pkt_validate_chk(obj)
#define bcm_object_trace_opr(a, b, c, d)
#define bcm_object_trace_upd(a, b)
#define bcm_object_trace_chk(a, b, c, d, e)
#define bcm_object_feature_set(a, b, c)
#define bcm_object_feature_get(a, b, c)
#define bcm_object_trace_init()
#define bcm_object_trace_deinit()
#endif /* BCM_OBJECT_TRACE */
/* calculate a * b + c */
extern void bcm_uint64_multiple_add(uint32* r_high, uint32* r_low, uint32 a, uint32 b, uint32 c);
/* calculate a / b */
extern void bcm_uint64_divide(uint32* r, uint32 a_high, uint32 a_low, uint32 b);
/* Public domain bit twiddling hacks/utilities: Sean Eron Anderson */
/* Table driven count set bits. */
static const uint8 /* Table only for use by bcm_cntsetbits */
_CSBTBL[256] =
# define B2(n) n, n + 1, n + 1, n + 2
# define B4(n) B2(n), B2(n + 1), B2(n + 1), B2(n + 2)
# define B6(n) B4(n), B4(n + 1), B4(n + 1), B4(n + 2)
B6(0), B6(0 + 1), B6(0 + 1), B6(0 + 2)
static INLINE uint32 /* Uses table _CSBTBL for fast counting of 1's in a u32 */
bcm_cntsetbits(const uint32 u32arg)
/* function local scope declaration of const _CSBTBL[] */
const uint8 * p = (const uint8 *)&u32arg;
return (_CSBTBL[p[0]] + _CSBTBL[p[1]] + _CSBTBL[p[2]] + _CSBTBL[p[3]]);
static INLINE int /* C equivalent count of leading 0's in a u32 */
C_bcm_count_leading_zeros(uint32 u32arg)
int shifts = 0;
while (u32arg) {
shifts++; u32arg >>= 1;
return (32U - shifts);
typedef struct bcm_rand_metadata {
uint32 signature; /* host fills it in, FW verfies before reading rand */
uint32 count; /* number of 4byte wide random numbers */
} bcm_rand_metadata_t;
#endif /* BCM_ASLR_HEAP */
* Assembly instructions: Count Leading Zeros
* "clz" : MIPS, ARM
* "cntlzw" : PowerPC
* "BSF" : x86
* "lzcnt" : AMD, SPARC
#if defined(__arm__)
#if defined(__ARM_ARCH_7M__) /* Cortex M3 */
#define __USE_ASM_CLZ__
#endif /* __ARM_ARCH_7M__ */
#if defined(__ARM_ARCH_7R__) /* Cortex R4 */
#define __USE_ASM_CLZ__
#endif /* __ARM_ARCH_7R__ */
#endif /* __arm__ */
static INLINE int
bcm_count_leading_zeros(uint32 u32arg)
#if defined(__USE_ASM_CLZ__)
int zeros;
__asm__ volatile("clz %0, %1 \n" : "=r" (zeros) : "r" (u32arg));
return zeros;
#else /* C equivalent */
return C_bcm_count_leading_zeros(u32arg);
#endif /* C equivalent */
* Macro to count leading zeroes
#if defined(__GNUC__)
#define CLZ(x) __builtin_clzl(x)
#elif defined(__arm__)
#define CLZ(x) __clz(x)
#define CLZ(x) bcm_count_leading_zeros(x)
#endif /* __GNUC__ */
/* INTERFACE: Multiword bitmap based small id allocator. */
struct bcm_mwbmap; /* forward declaration for use as an opaque mwbmap handle */
#define BCM_MWBMAP_INVALID_HDL ((struct bcm_mwbmap *)NULL)
#define BCM_MWBMAP_INVALID_IDX ((uint32)(~0U))
/* Incarnate a multiword bitmap based small index allocator */
extern struct bcm_mwbmap * bcm_mwbmap_init(osl_t * osh, uint32 items_max);
/* Free up the multiword bitmap index allocator */
extern void bcm_mwbmap_fini(osl_t * osh, struct bcm_mwbmap * mwbmap_hdl);
/* Allocate a unique small index using a multiword bitmap index allocator */
extern uint32 bcm_mwbmap_alloc(struct bcm_mwbmap * mwbmap_hdl);
/* Force an index at a specified position to be in use */
extern void bcm_mwbmap_force(struct bcm_mwbmap * mwbmap_hdl, uint32 bitix);
/* Free a previously allocated index back into the multiword bitmap allocator */
extern void bcm_mwbmap_free(struct bcm_mwbmap * mwbmap_hdl, uint32 bitix);
/* Fetch the toal number of free indices in the multiword bitmap allocator */
extern uint32 bcm_mwbmap_free_cnt(struct bcm_mwbmap * mwbmap_hdl);
/* Determine whether an index is inuse or free */
extern bool bcm_mwbmap_isfree(struct bcm_mwbmap * mwbmap_hdl, uint32 bitix);
/* Debug dump a multiword bitmap allocator */
extern void bcm_mwbmap_show(struct bcm_mwbmap * mwbmap_hdl);
extern void bcm_mwbmap_audit(struct bcm_mwbmap * mwbmap_hdl);
/* End - Multiword bitmap based small Id allocator. */
/* INTERFACE: Simple unique 16bit Id Allocator using a stack implementation. */
#define ID8_INVALID 0xFFu
#define ID16_INVALID 0xFFFFu
* Construct a 16bit id allocator, managing 16bit ids in the range:
* [start_val16 .. start_val16+total_ids)
* Note: start_val16 is inclusive.
* Returns an opaque handle to the 16bit id allocator.
extern void * id16_map_init(osl_t *osh, uint16 total_ids, uint16 start_val16);
extern void * id16_map_fini(osl_t *osh, void * id16_map_hndl);
extern void id16_map_clear(void * id16_map_hndl, uint16 total_ids, uint16 start_val16);
/* Allocate a unique 16bit id */
extern uint16 id16_map_alloc(void * id16_map_hndl);
/* Free a 16bit id value into the id16 allocator */
extern void id16_map_free(void * id16_map_hndl, uint16 val16);
/* Get the number of failures encountered during id allocation. */
extern uint32 id16_map_failures(void * id16_map_hndl);
/* Audit the 16bit id allocator state. */
extern bool id16_map_audit(void * id16_map_hndl);
/* End - Simple 16bit Id Allocator. */
#endif /* BCMDRIVER */
extern void bcm_uint64_right_shift(uint32* r, uint32 a_high, uint32 a_low, uint32 b);
void bcm_add_64(uint32* r_hi, uint32* r_lo, uint32 offset);
void bcm_sub_64(uint32* r_hi, uint32* r_lo, uint32 offset);
uint64 fp_mult_64(uint64 val1, uint64 val2, uint8 nf1, uint8 nf2, uint8 nf_res);
uint8 fp_div_64(uint64 num, uint32 den, uint8 nf_num, uint8 nf_den, uint32 *div_out);
uint8 fp_calc_head_room_64(uint64 num);
uint8 fp_calc_head_room_32(uint32 num);
uint32 fp_round_64(uint64 num, uint8 rnd_pos);
uint32 fp_round_32(uint32 num, uint8 rnd_pos);
uint32 fp_floor_64(uint64 num, uint8 floor_pos);
uint32 fp_floor_32(uint32 num, uint8 floor_pos);
uint32 fp_ceil_64(uint64 num, uint8 ceil_pos);
uint64 bcm_shl_64(uint64 input, uint8 shift_amt);
uint64 bcm_shr_64(uint64 input, uint8 shift_amt);
#define MASK_32_BITS (~0)
#define MASK_8_BITS ((1 << 8) - 1)
#define EXTRACT_LOW32(num) (uint32)(num & MASK_32BITS)
#define EXTRACT_HIGH32(num) (uint32)(((uint64)num >> 32) & MASK_32BITS)
#define MAXIMUM(a, b) ((a > b) ? a : b)
#define MINIMUM(a, b) ((a < b) ? a : b)
#define LIMIT(x, min, max) ((x) < (min) ? (min) : ((x) > (max) ? (max) : (x)))
/* calculate checksum for ip header, tcp / udp header / data */
uint16 bcm_ip_cksum(uint8 *buf, uint32 len, uint32 sum);
#ifndef _dll_t_
#define _dll_t_
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Double Linked List Macros
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* All dll operations must be performed on a pre-initialized node.
* Inserting an uninitialized node into a list effectively initialized it.
* When a node is deleted from a list, you may initialize it to avoid corruption
* incurred by double deletion. You may skip initialization if the node is
* immediately inserted into another list.
* By placing a dll_t element at the start of a struct, you may cast a dll_t *
* to the struct or vice versa.
* Example of declaring an initializing someList and inserting nodeA, nodeB
* typedef struct item {
* dll_t node;
* int someData;
* } Item_t;
* Item_t nodeA, nodeB, nodeC;
* nodeA.someData = 11111, nodeB.someData = 22222, nodeC.someData = 33333;
* dll_t someList;
* dll_init(&someList);
* dll_append(&someList, (dll_t *) &nodeA);
* dll_prepend(&someList, &nodeB.node);
* dll_insert((dll_t *)&nodeC, &nodeA.node);
* dll_delete((dll_t *) &nodeB);
* Example of a for loop to walk someList of node_p
* extern void mydisplay(Item_t * item_p);
* dll_t * item_p, * next_p;
* for (item_p = dll_head_p(&someList); ! dll_end(&someList, item_p);
* item_p = next_p)
* {
* next_p = dll_next_p(item_p);
* ... use item_p at will, including removing it from list ...
* mydisplay((PItem_t)item_p);
* }
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
typedef struct dll {
struct dll * next_p;
struct dll * prev_p;
} dll_t;
static INLINE void
dll_init(dll_t *node_p)
node_p->next_p = node_p;
node_p->prev_p = node_p;
/* dll macros returing a pointer to dll_t */
static INLINE dll_t *
dll_head_p(dll_t *list_p)
return list_p->next_p;
static INLINE dll_t *
dll_tail_p(dll_t *list_p)
return (list_p)->prev_p;
static INLINE dll_t *
dll_next_p(dll_t *node_p)
return (node_p)->next_p;
static INLINE dll_t *
dll_prev_p(dll_t *node_p)
return (node_p)->prev_p;
static INLINE bool
dll_empty(dll_t *list_p)
return ((list_p)->next_p == (list_p));
static INLINE bool
dll_end(dll_t *list_p, dll_t * node_p)
return (list_p == node_p);
/* inserts the node new_p "after" the node at_p */
static INLINE void
dll_insert(dll_t *new_p, dll_t * at_p)
new_p->next_p = at_p->next_p;
new_p->prev_p = at_p;
at_p->next_p = new_p;
(new_p->next_p)->prev_p = new_p;
static INLINE void
dll_append(dll_t *list_p, dll_t *node_p)
dll_insert(node_p, dll_tail_p(list_p));
static INLINE void
dll_prepend(dll_t *list_p, dll_t *node_p)
dll_insert(node_p, list_p);
/* deletes a node from any list that it "may" be in, if at all. */
static INLINE void
dll_delete(dll_t *node_p)
node_p->prev_p->next_p = node_p->next_p;
node_p->next_p->prev_p = node_p->prev_p;
#endif /* ! defined(_dll_t_) */
/* Elements managed in a double linked list */
typedef struct dll_pool {
dll_t free_list;
uint16 free_count;
uint16 elems_max;
uint16 elem_size;
dll_t elements[1];
} dll_pool_t;
dll_pool_t * dll_pool_init(void * osh, uint16 elems_max, uint16 elem_size);
void * dll_pool_alloc(dll_pool_t * dll_pool_p);
void dll_pool_free(dll_pool_t * dll_pool_p, void * elem_p);
void dll_pool_free_tail(dll_pool_t * dll_pool_p, void * elem_p);
typedef void (* dll_elem_dump)(void * elem_p);
void dll_pool_detach(void * osh, dll_pool_t * pool, uint16 elems_max, uint16 elem_size);
/* calculate IPv4 header checksum
* - input ip points to IP header in network order
* - output cksum is in network order
uint16 ipv4_hdr_cksum(uint8 *ip, int ip_len);
/* calculate IPv4 TCP header checksum
* - input ip and tcp points to IP and TCP header in network order
* - output cksum is in network order
uint16 ipv4_tcp_hdr_cksum(uint8 *ip, uint8 *tcp, uint16 tcp_len);
/* calculate IPv6 TCP header checksum
* - input ipv6 and tcp points to IPv6 and TCP header in network order
* - output cksum is in network order
uint16 ipv6_tcp_hdr_cksum(uint8 *ipv6, uint8 *tcp, uint16 tcp_len);
#ifdef __cplusplus
/* #define DEBUG_COUNTER */
#define CNTR_TBL_MAX 10
typedef struct _counter_tbl_t {
char name[16]; /* name of this counter table */
uint32 prev_log_print; /* Internal use. Timestamp of the previous log print */
uint log_print_interval; /* Desired interval to print logs in ms */
uint needed_cnt; /* How many counters need to be used */
uint32 cnt[CNTR_TBL_MAX]; /* Counting entries to increase at desired places */
bool enabled; /* Whether to enable printing log */
} counter_tbl_t;
void counter_printlog(counter_tbl_t *ctr_tbl);
#endif /* DEBUG_COUNTER */
#if defined(__GNUC__)
#define CALL_SITE __builtin_return_address(0)
#define CALL_SITE ((void*) 0)
#define NEXT_BUF_AVAIL 2
typedef struct trace_buf_info {
int availability;
int size;
} trace_buf_info_t;
#endif /* SHOW_LOGTRACE */
#endif /* _bcmutils_h_ */