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* @file msp_cmn.h
* @brief Mobile Speech Platform Common Interface Header File
* This file contains the quick common programming interface (API) declarations
* of MSP. Developer can include this file in your project to build applications.
* For more information, please read the developer guide.
* Use of this software is subject to certain restrictions and limitations set
* forth in a license agreement entered into between iFLYTEK, Co,LTD.
* and the licensee of this software. Please refer to the license
* agreement for license use rights and restrictions.
* Copyright (C) 1999 - 2012 by ANHUI USTC iFLYTEK, Co,LTD.
* All rights reserved.
* @author Speech Dept. iFLYTEK.
* @version 1.0
* @date 2012/09/01
* @see
* History:
* index version date author notes
* 0 1.0 2012/09/01 MSC40 Create this file
#ifndef __MSP_CMN_H__
#define __MSP_CMN_H__
#include "msp_types.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif /* C++ */
* @fn Wchar2Mbytes
* @brief wchar to mbytes
* User login.
* @return int MSPAPI - Return 0 in success, otherwise return error code.
* @param const wchar_t* wcstr - [in] Null-terminated source string(wchar_t *).
* @param char* mbstr - [in] Destination string(char *).
* @param int len - [in] The maximum number of bytes that can be stored in the multibyte output string.
* @see
char *Wchar2Mbytes(const wchar_t* wcstr);
* @fn Mbytes2Wchar
* @brief mbytes to wchar
* User login.
* @return int MSPAPI - Return 0 in success, otherwise return error code.
* @param const char* mbstr - [in] Null-terminated source string(char *).
* @param wchar_t* wcstr - [in] Destination string(wchar_t *).
* @param int wlen - [in] The maximum number of multibyte characters to convert.
* @see
wchar_t *Mbytes2Wchar(const char *mbstr);
//#endif /*MSP_WCHAR_SUPPORT*/
* @fn MSPLogin
* @brief user login interface
* User login.
* @return int MSPAPI - Return 0 in success, otherwise return error code.
* @param const char* usr - [in] user name.
* @param const char* pwd - [in] password.
* @param const char* params - [in] parameters when user login.
* @see
int MSPAPI MSPLogin(const char* usr, const char* pwd, const char* params);
typedef int (MSPAPI *Proc_MSPLogin)(const char* usr, const char* pwd, const char* params);
int MSPAPI MSPLoginW(const wchar_t* usr, const wchar_t* pwd, const wchar_t* params);
typedef int (MSPAPI *Proc_MSPLoginW)(const wchar_t* usr, const wchar_t* pwd, const wchar_t* params);
* @fn MSPLogout
* @brief user logout interface
* User logout
* @return int MSPAPI - Return 0 in success, otherwise return error code.
* @see
int MSPAPI MSPLogout();
typedef int (MSPAPI *Proc_MSPLogout)();
int MSPAPI MSPLogoutW();
typedef int (MSPAPI *Proc_MSPLogoutW)();
* @fn MSPUpload
* @brief Upload User Specific Data
* Upload data such as user config, custom grammar, etc.
* @return int MSPAPI - Return 0 in success, otherwise return error code.
* @param const char* dataName - [in] data name, should be unique to diff other data.
* @param const char* params - [in] parameters about uploading data.
* @param const char* dataID - [in] id of the data to be operated.
* @see
int MSPAPI MSPUpload( const char* dataName, const char* params, const char* dataID);
typedef int (MSPAPI* Proc_MSPUpload)( const char* dataName, const char* params, const char* dataID);
* @fn MSPDownload
* @brief Download User Specific Data
* Download data such as user config, etc.
* @return int MSPAPI - Return 0 in success, otherwise return error code.
* @param const char* params - [in] parameters about data to be downloaded.
* @see
typedef int (*DownloadStatusCB)(int errorCode, long param1, const void *param2, void *userData);
typedef int (*DownloadResultCB)(const void *data, long dataLen, void *userData);
int MSPAPI MSPDownload(const char* dataName, const char* params, DownloadStatusCB statusCb, DownloadResultCB resultCb, void*userData);
typedef int (MSPAPI* Proc_MSPDownload)(const char* dataName, const char* params, DownloadStatusCB statusCb, DownloadResultCB resultCb, void*userData);
int MSPAPI MSPDownloadW(const wchar_t* wdataName, const wchar_t* wparams, DownloadStatusCB statusCb, DownloadResultCB resultCb, void*userData);
typedef int (MSPAPI* Proc_MSPDownloadW) (const wchar_t* wdataName, const wchar_t* wparams, DownloadStatusCB statusCb, DownloadResultCB resultCb, void*userData);
* @fn MSPAppendData
* @brief Append Data.
* Write data to msc, such as data to be uploaded, searching text, etc.
* @return int MSPAPI - Return 0 in success, otherwise return error code.
* @param void* data - [in] the data buffer pointer, data could be binary.
* @param unsigned int dataLen - [in] length of data.
* @param unsigned int dataStatus - [in] data status, 2: first or continuous, 4: last.
* @see
int MSPAPI MSPAppendData(void* data, unsigned int dataLen, unsigned int dataStatus);
typedef int (MSPAPI* Proc_MSPAppendData)(void* data, unsigned int dataLen, unsigned int dataStatus);
* @fn MSPGetResult
* @brief Get Result
* Get result of uploading, downloading or searching, etc.
* @return const char* MSPAPI - Return result of uploading, downloading or searching, etc.
* @param int* rsltLen - [out] Length of result returned.
* @param int* rsltStatus - [out] Status of result returned.
* @param int* errorCode - [out] Return 0 in success, otherwise return error code.
* @see
const char* MSPAPI MSPGetResult(unsigned int* rsltLen, int* rsltStatus, int *errorCode);
typedef const char * (MSPAPI *Proc_MSPGetResult)(unsigned int* rsltLen, int* rsltStatus, int *errorCode);
* @fn MSPSetParam
* @brief set params of msc
* set param of msc
* @return int - Return 0 if success, otherwise return errcode.
* @param const char* paramName - [in] param name.
* @param const char* paramValue - [in] param value
* @see
int MSPAPI MSPSetParam( const char* paramName, const char* paramValue );
typedef int (MSPAPI *Proc_MSPSetParam)(const char* paramName, const char* paramValue);
* @fn MSPGetParam
* @brief get params of msc
* get param of msc
* @return int - Return 0 if success, otherwise return errcode.
* @param const char* paramName - [in] param name.
* @param const char* paramValue - [out] param value
* @param const char* valueLen - [in/out] param value (buffer) length
* @see
int MSPAPI MSPGetParam( const char *paramName, char *paramValue, unsigned int *valueLen );
typedef int (MSPAPI *Proc_MSPGetParam)( const char *paramName, char *paramValue, unsigned int *valueLen );
* @fn MSPUploadData
* @brief Upload User Specific Data
* Upload data such as user config, custom grammar, etc.
* @return const char* MSPAPI - data id returned by Server, used for special command.
* @param const char* dataName - [in] data name, should be unique to diff other data.
* @param void* data - [in] the data buffer pointer, data could be binary.
* @param unsigned int dataLen - [in] length of data.
* @param const char* params - [in] parameters about uploading data.
* @param int* errorCode - [out] Return 0 in success, otherwise return error code.
* @see
const char* MSPAPI MSPUploadData(const char* dataName, void* data, unsigned int dataLen, const char* params, int* errorCode);
typedef const char* (MSPAPI* Proc_MSPUploadData)(const char* dataName, void* data, unsigned int dataLen, const char* params, int* errorCode);
* @fn MSPDownloadData
* @brief Download User Specific Data
* Download data such as user config, etc.
* @return const void* MSPAPI - received data buffer pointer, data could be binary, NULL if failed or data does not exsit.
* @param const char* params - [in] parameters about data to be downloaded.
* @param unsigned int* dataLen - [out] length of received data.
* @param int* errorCode - [out] Return 0 in success, otherwise return error code.
* @see
const void* MSPAPI MSPDownloadData(const char* params, unsigned int* dataLen, int* errorCode);
typedef const void* (MSPAPI* Proc_MSPDownloadData)(const char* params, unsigned int* dataLen, int* errorCode);
const void* MSPAPI MSPDownloadDataW(const wchar_t* params, unsigned int* dataLen, int* errorCode);
typedef const void* (MSPAPI* Proc_MSPDownloadDataW)(const wchar_t* params, unsigned int* dataLen, int* errorCode);
* @fn MSPSearch
* @brief Search text for result
* Search text content, and got text result
* @return const void* MSPAPI - received data buffer pointer, data could be binary, NULL if failed or data does not exsit.
* @param const char* params - [in] parameters about data to be downloaded.
* @param unsigned int* dataLen - [out] length of received data.
* @param int* errorCode - [out] Return 0 in success, otherwise return error code.
* @see
const char* MSPAPI MSPSearch(const char* params, const char* text, unsigned int* dataLen, int* errorCode);
typedef const char* (MSPAPI* Proc_MSPSearch)(const char* params, const char* text, unsigned int* dataLen, int* errorCode);
typedef int (*NLPSearchCB)(const char *sessionID, int errorCode, int status, const void* result, long rsltLen, void *userData);
const char* MSPAPI MSPNlpSearch(const char* params, const char* text, unsigned int textLen, int *errorCode, NLPSearchCB callback, void *userData);
typedef const char* (MSPAPI* Proc_MSPNlpSearch)(const char* params, const char* text, unsigned int textLen, int *errorCode, NLPSearchCB callback, void *userData);
int MSPAPI MSPNlpSchCancel(const char *sessionID, const char *hints);
* @fn MSPRegisterNotify
* @brief Register a Callback
* Register a Callback
* @return int -
* @param msp_status_ntf_handler statusCb - [in] notify handler
* @param void *userData - [in] userData
* @see
typedef void ( *msp_status_ntf_handler)( int type, int status, int param1, const void *param2, void *userData );
int MSPAPI MSPRegisterNotify( msp_status_ntf_handler statusCb, void *userData );
typedef const char* (MSPAPI* Proc_MSPRegisterNotify)( msp_status_ntf_handler statusCb, void *userData );
* @fn MSPGetVersion
* @brief Get version of MSC or Local Engine
* Get version of MSC or Local Engine
* @return const char * MSPAPI - Return version value if success, NULL if fail.
* @param const char *verName - [in] version name, could be "msc", "aitalk", "aisound", "ivw".
* @param int *errorCode - [out] Return 0 in success, otherwise return error code.
* @see
const char* MSPAPI MSPGetVersion(const char *verName, int *errorCode);
typedef const char* (MSPAPI * Proc_MSPGetVersion)(const char *verName, int *errorCode);
#ifdef __cplusplus
} /* extern "C" */
#endif /* C++ */
#endif /* __MSP_CMN_H__ */