2018-07-13 01:31:50 +00:00
* (C) Copyright 2007-2013
* Allwinner Technology Co., Ltd. <www.allwinnertech.com>
* Jerry Wang <wangflord@allwinnertech.com>
* See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
* project.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
* MA 02111-1307 USA
#ifndef __toc_v2_h
#define __toc_v2_h
#include "spare_head.h"
#define TOC0_MAGIC "TOC0.GLH"
#define TOC_MAIN_INFO_MAGIC 0x89119800
2018-12-13 10:48:25 +00:00
/*增加安全启动下,toc0的头部数据结构 */
typedef struct {
u8 name[8]; /*字符串,可以更改,没有作限制
u32 magic; /*必须是0x89119800
u32 check_sum; /*整个数据的校验和,参考现在boot0做法
u32 serial_num; /*序列号,可以更改,没有限制
u32 status; /*可以更改,没有限制
u32 items_nr; /*总的项目个数,对TOC0来说,必须是2
u32 length; /*TOC0的长度
u8 platform[4]; /*toc_platform[0]标示启动介质 */
/*0:nand;1:卡0;2:卡2;3:spinor */
u32 reserved[2]; /*保留位
u32 end; /*表示头部结构体结束,必须是0x3b45494d
2018-07-13 01:31:50 +00:00
typedef struct sbrom_toc1_head_info
char name[16] ; //user can modify
u32 magic ; //must equal TOC_U32_MAGIC
u32 add_sum ;
u32 serial_num ; //user can modify
u32 status ; //user can modify,such as TOC_MAIN_INFO_STATUS_ENCRYP_NOT_USED
u32 items_nr; //total entry number
u32 valid_len;
u32 version_main; //only one byte
u32 version_sub; //two bytes
simple_gpio_cfg board_id_simple_gpio[2];
u32 reserved[2]; //reserved for future
u32 end;
typedef struct sbrom_toc1_item_info
char name[64]; //such as ITEM_NAME_SBROMSW_CERTIF
u32 data_offset;
u32 data_len;
u32 encrypt; //0: no aes //1: aes
u32 type; //0: normal file, dont care 1: key certif 2: sign certif 3: bin file
u32 run_addr; //if it is a bin file, then run on this address; if not, it should be 0
u32 index; //if it is a bin file, this value shows the index to run; if not
//if it is a certif file, it should equal to the bin file index
//that they are in the same group
//it should be 0 when it anyother data type
u32 reserved[69]; //reserved for future;
u32 end;
typedef struct sbrom_toc0_config
unsigned char config_vsn[4];
unsigned int dram_para[32]; // dram参数
int uart_port; // UART控制器编号
normal_gpio_cfg uart_ctrl[2]; // UART控制器GPIO
int enable_jtag; // JTAG使能
normal_gpio_cfg jtag_gpio[5]; // JTAG控制器GPIO
normal_gpio_cfg storage_gpio[50]; // 存储设备 GPIO信息
// 0-23放nand,24-31存放卡0,32-39放卡2
// 40-49存放spi
char storage_data[384]; // 0-159,存储nand信息;160-255,存放卡信息
unsigned int secure_dram_mbytes; //
unsigned int drm_start_mbytes; //
unsigned int drm_size_mbytes; //
unsigned int boot_cpu; //
special_gpio_cfg a15_power_gpio; //the gpio config is to a15 extern power enable gpio
unsigned int next_exe_pa;
unsigned int secure_without_OS; //secure boot without semelis
unsigned char debug_mode; //1:turn on printf; 0 :turn off printf
unsigned char power_mode; /* 0:axp , 1: dummy pmu */
unsigned char reserver[2];
unsigned int card_work_mode;
unsigned int res[2]; // 总共1024字节
#define RSA_BIT (2048)
#define PK_MAX_LEN_BIT (RSA_BIT*2)
typedef struct SBROM_TOC0_KEY_ITEM_info {
unsigned int vendor_id;
unsigned int KEY0_PK_mod_len;
unsigned int KEY0_PK_e_len;
unsigned int KEY1_PK_mod_len;
unsigned int KEY1_PK_e_len;
unsigned int sign_len;
unsigned char KEY0_PK[PK_MAX_LEN_BYTE];
unsigned char KEY1_PK[PK_MAX_LEN_BYTE];
unsigned char reserve[32];
unsigned char sign[256];
typedef struct SBROM_TOC0_ITEM_info {
u32 name;
u32 data_offset;
u32 data_len;
u32 status;
u32 type;
u32 run_addr;
u32 reserved_1;
u32 end;
} SBROM_TOC0_ITEM_info_t;
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#define ITEM_PARAMETER_NAME "parameter"
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#define ITEM_OPTEE_NAME "optee"
#define ITEM_SCP_NAME "scp"
#define ITEM_MONITOR_NAME "monitor"
#define ITEM_UBOOT_NAME "u-boot"
#define ITEM_LOGO_NAME "logo"
#define ITEM_TONE_NAME "tone"
#define ITEM_DTB_NAME "dtb"
#define ITEM_SOCCFG_NAME "soc-cfg"
#define ITEM_BDCFG_NAME "board-cfg"
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#define ITEM_ESM_IMG_NAME "esm-img"
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#define ITEM_SHUTDOWNCHARGE_LOGO_NAME "shutdowncharge"
#define ITEM_ANDROIDCHARGE_LOGO_NAME "androidcharge"
#define ITEM_EMMC_FW_NAME "emmc-fw"
#define ITEM_NAME_SBROMSW_KEY 0x010303
typedef struct boot0_extend_msg
__u32 magic;
__u32 valid_len;
__u32 add_sum;
__u32 dtb_index;
#endif // ifndef __toc_h
/* end of toc.h */