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2018-07-13 01:31:50 +00:00
* eGON
* the Embedded GO-ON Bootloader System
* Copyright(C), 2006-2008, SoftWinners Microelectronic Co., Ltd.
* All Rights Reserved
* File Name : boot0.h
* Author : Gary.Wang
* Version : 1.1.0
* Date : 2009.05.21
* Description :
* Others : None at present.
* History :
* <Author> <time> <version> <description>
* Gary.Wang 2009.05.21 1.1.0 build the file
#ifndef __boot0_v2_h
#define __boot0_v2_h
#include "type_def.h"
#include "gpio.h"
#define SYS_PARA_LOG 0x4d415244
#define BOOT0_MAGIC "eGON.BT0"
#define STAMP_VALUE 0x5F0A6C39
#define BOOT_PUB_HEAD_VERSION "1100" // X.X.XX
#define EGON_VERSION "1100" // X.X.XX
typedef struct standard_Boot_file_head
__u32 jump_instruction; // one intruction jumping to real code
__u8 magic[8]; // ="eGON.BT0" or "eGON.BT1", not C-style string.
__u32 check_sum; // generated by PC
__u32 length; // generated by PC
__u32 pub_head_size; // the size of boot_file_head_t
__u8 pub_head_vsn[4]; // the version of boot_file_head_t
__u32 ret_addr; // the return value
__u32 run_addr; // run addr
__u8 eGON_vsn[4]; // eGON version
__u8 platform[8]; // platform information
/* file head of Boot0 */
typedef struct _boot0_private_head_t
__u32 prvt_head_size;
__u8 debug_mode; //debug_mode = 0 : do not print any message,debug_mode = 1 ,print debug message
__u8 power_mode; /*0:dummy pmu , 1: axp */
simple_gpio_cfg pwr_simple_gpio; // PWR GPIO,two bytes
unsigned int dram_para[32]; // DRAM patameters for initialising dram. Original values is arbitrary,
normal_gpio_cfg uart_ctrl[2]; // UART<52><54><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>(<28><><EFBFBD>Դ<EFBFBD>ӡ<EFBFBD><D3A1>)<29><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>Ϣ
__s32 enable_jtag; // 1 : enable, 0 : disable
normal_gpio_cfg jtag_gpio[5]; // <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>JTAG<41><47>ȫ<EFBFBD><C8AB>GPIO<49><4F>Ϣ
normal_gpio_cfg storage_gpio[32]; // <20><EFBFBD>豸 GPIO<49><4F>Ϣ
char storage_data[512 - sizeof(normal_gpio_cfg) * 32]; // <20>û<EFBFBD><C3BB><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>Ϣ
//boot_nand_connect_info_t nand_connect_info;
typedef struct _boot0_file_head_t
standard_boot_file_head_t boot_head;
boot0_private_head_t prvt_head;
#endif // ifndef __boot0_h
/* end of boot0.h */