#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "log.h" #include "libuv_dbus.h" #include "crypto.h" #include "json_struct.h" #include "config_engine.h" #include "ota.h" #include "skins.h" #include "assistant.h" #include "inet_api.h" #include "skins_res.h" #include "server_addr.h" #include "boardlink_iot.h" #include "mijia_iot.h" static MOD_INFO_TABLE g_ModInfo; static uv_timer_t g_tmTest; static uv_barrier_t g_tmSync; static uv_loop_t* pUserLoop = NULL; static int g_isExitLoop = 0; static void test_task_new(uv_thread_cb pCallback, void* pParams); static void OnCfgMsgCb(DBUS_CMD cmd, PCFG_ITEM pMsg, int err) { fprintf(stdout, "Cmd = %d, Cfg = %s\n", cmd, pMsg->pKeyName); if(err != 0) { LOG_EX(LOG_Error, "Cmd %d Error: %d\n", cmd, err); return; } switch(cmd) { case CMD_CFG_GET_RSP: CfgItemPrint("Add Configure: ", pMsg); break; } } static void __dBusDeameonCb(MODULE_NAME modName, int status) { #if 1 if(status) { LOG_EX(LOG_Error, "Daemon(%d) Msg: [%s]\n", modName, status == 0 ? "Connect" : "Disconnect"); } else { LOG_EX(LOG_Info, "Daemon(%d) Msg: [%s]\n", modName, status == 0 ? "Connect" : "Disconnect"); } #endif if(modName == MODULE_OTA && status == 0) { int ret = DBusSendToCommand(NULL, g_pModInfoTable[MODULE_OTA].modAliase, CMD_SYSTEM_STANDBY, "{\"status\" : 0}"); LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "Send Standby Command: %d\n", ret); } LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "Set Exit Loop\n"); g_isExitLoop = TRUE; } static void KeyEventCb(uint16_t uType, uint16_t uKey, int32_t iValue) { LOG_EX(LOG_Info, "type = %u, code = %u, value = %u\n", uType, uKey, iValue); } static void __uvThreadOTA(void *pParams) { OTA_DATA_INFO otaInfo; POTA_DATA_INFO pInfo = NULL; int ret; int version = (int)(intptr_t)pParams; memset(&otaInfo, 0, sizeof(OTA_DATA_INFO)); #if 0 if(version == 130) { otaInfo.version = 132; strcpy(otaInfo.otaFileInfo.url, ""); strcpy(otaInfo.otaFileInfo.md5, "3bda58a2eb4e90fbb35b0d33db44cf57"); otaInfo.otaFileInfo.size = 22966488; } else if(version == 132) { otaInfo.version = 133; strcpy(otaInfo.otaFileInfo.url, ""); strcpy(otaInfo.otaFileInfo.md5, "c4085cb33d6dbd5ae5fdae948365023c"); otaInfo.otaFileInfo.size = 22966524; } else { otaInfo.version = 4; strcpy(otaInfo.otaFileInfo.url, "http://api.multimedia.netease.com/imgtest/ota/tina_r16_ota_133.tar.gz"); strcpy(otaInfo.otaFileInfo.md5, "c4085cb33d6dbd5ae5fdae948365023c"); otaInfo.otaFileInfo.size = 22963814; } #else otaInfo.version = 0x00000004; strcpy(otaInfo.otaFileInfo.url, ""); strcpy(otaInfo.otaFileInfo.md5, "34c06f79806be978a328194fd883365d"); otaInfo.otaFileInfo.size = 31581616; #endif otaInfo.otaCmd = OTA_CMD_DOWNLOAD; otaInfo.otaMode = OTA_MODE_FORCE_NOW; ret = DBusJsonSendToCommand(NULL, g_pModInfoTable[MODULE_OTA].modAliase, CMD_OTA_NOTIFY, JSON_ENGINE_OTA_REQ, &otaInfo, TRUE); LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "Send OTA Command: OTA_CMD_DOWNLOAD --> %d\n", ret); } #if 0 static void __radomAlarmItem(PASSISTANT_ITEM_INFO pInfo) { static unsigned int alarmId = 0; time_t tmVal = time(NULL); struct tm *pTmNow = localtime(&tmVal); if(pInfo == NULL) { return; } memset(pInfo, 0, sizeof(ALARM_ITEM_INFO)); pInfo->alarmId = __sync_fetch_and_add(&alarmId, 1); pInfo->itemType = (random() % 2 == 0) ? ALARM_TYPE_REMAIND : ALARM_TYPE_CLOCK; pInfo->priority = random() % 10; pInfo->repeatMode = random() % (REPEAT_MODE_EVERY_YEAR_DAY + 1); pTmNow->tm_hour = random() % 24; pTmNow->tm_min = random() % 60; //strftime(pInfo->strDateTime, MAX_DT_LEN, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", pTmNow); sprintf(pInfo->strTips, "TTS %llu", pInfo->itemId); } #endif static PDBUS_MSG_PACK DBusOnMessage(uv_loop_t* pLoop, DBusConnection* pConn, PDBUS_MSG_PACK pMsg) { int i, ret, err; uint32_t tm = LIBUV_CURRENT_TIME_US(); PCFG_API_RSP pRsp = NULL; POTA_RSP_STATUS pOTAStatus = NULL; //PALARM_RSP_STATUS pAlarmStatus = NULL; //PALARM_SYNC_INFO pSyncInfo = NULL; static unsigned int iCnt = 0; if(!pMsg || !pLoop || !pConn) { return NULL; } #if 1 if(iCnt++ % 1000 == 0) { LOG_EX(LOG_Info, "Receive: %s\n", pMsg->pMsg); } #endif //LOG_EX(LOG_Info, "Process Message(%u --> 0x%08X) at [%lu.%06lu]: cmd = %u, size = %u, key = %d, msg(%d) = [%s]\n", // pMsg->msgSrc, pMsg->msgDests, tm / 1000000, tm % 1000000, pMsg->busCmd, pMsg->msgSize, pMsg->msgKey, pMsg->msgSize, pMsg->pMsg); switch(pMsg->busCmd) { case CMD_CALL_DIAL: LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "Recv: %s\n", pMsg->pMsg); break; case CMD_MISC_OTA: print_hex_dump_bytes("OTA", DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, pMsg->pMsg, (pMsg->msgSize > 128) ? 128 : pMsg->msgSize); break; case CMD_CFG_GET_RSP: pRsp = (PCFG_API_RSP)Json2Struct(pMsg->pMsg, JSON_ENGINE_CFG_RSP, TRUE, &err); if(pRsp == NULL || err != 0) { LOG_EX(LOG_Error, "CMD_CFG_GET: pRsp = %p, err = %d\n", pRsp, err); return (NULL); } LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "Get Configure: [%s](%d) --> \"%s\"\n", pRsp->keyName, pRsp->keyType, pRsp->keyValue); free(pRsp); break; case CMD_OTA_STATUS: pOTAStatus = (POTA_RSP_STATUS)Json2Struct(pMsg->pMsg, JSON_ENGINE_OTA_RSP, TRUE, &err); LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "%s --> %d(0x%08X)\n", otaStatusName(pOTAStatus->status), pOTAStatus->val, pOTAStatus->val); if(pOTAStatus->status == OTA_CURRENT_VERSION) { test_task_new(__uvThreadOTA, (void*)(intptr_t)pOTAStatus->val); } free(pOTAStatus); break; case CMD_ALARM_SYNC_REQ: LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "Receive CMD_ALARM_SYNC_REQ Command\n"); if(iCnt++ > 0) { break; } #if 0 const char *pAddCmd = "{\"data\":[{\"createTime\":1509419640000,\"id\":672,\"label\":1,\"type\":8,\"status\":1," "\"updateTime\":1509419640000,\"vboxDate\":{\"dayofMonth\":\"17\",\"dayofWeek\":" "\"1,2,3,4,5\",\"hour\":\"0\",\"minute\":\"0\",\"month\":\"11\",\"second\":\"10\",\"year\":\"\"}," "\"vboxid\":\"0-52AEDB2DF9F45FEB\",\"voiceName\":\"音效2\",\"voiceType\":2}," "{\"createTime\":1509419547000,\"id\":671,\"label\":0,\"type\":1,\"status\":1,\"updateTime\":" "1509419547000,\"vboxDate\":{\"dayofMonth\":\"\",\"dayofWeek\":\"\",\"hour\":\"0\"," "\"minute\":\"0\",\"month\":\"\",\"second\":\"10\",\"year\":\"\"},\"vboxid\":\"0-52AEDB2DF9F45FEB\"," "\"voiceName\":\"音效2\",\"voiceType\":2}]}"; #else #if 0 const char *pAddCmd = "{\"data\":[{\"id\":6734,\"vboxid\":\"0-D04CDF28BB622AF7\",\"label\":0," "\"type\":1,\"voiceType\":1,\"voiceName\":\"音效1\",\"status\":2," "\"updateTime\":1515576709000,\"createTime\":1515576709000," "\"vboxDate\":{\"second\":\"0\",\"minute\":\"41\",\"hour\":\"18\"," "\"dayofMonth\":\"10\",\"month\":\"1\",\"dayofWeek\":\"3\",\"year\":" "\"2018\"}},{\"id\":6733,\"vboxid\":\"0-D04CDF28BB622AF7\",\"label\":0," "\"type\":1,\"voiceType\":1,\"voiceName\":\"音效1\",\"status\":2," "\"updateTime\":1515576701000,\"createTime\":1515576701000,\"vboxDate\":" "{\"second\":\"0\",\"minute\":\"42\",\"hour\":\"18\",\"dayofMonth\":\"10\"," "\"month\":\"1\",\"dayofWeek\":\"3\",\"year\":\"2018\"}}]}"; #else const char *pAddCmd = "{\"data\":[{\"id\":8136,\"vboxid\":\"0-ADC8ED8631B2032D\",\"label\":0," "\"type\":3,\"voiceType\":1,\"voiceName\":\"音效1\",\"status\":2," "\"updateTime\":1520841240000,\"createTime\":1520841240000," "\"vboxDate\":{\"second\":\"\",\"minute\":\"56\",\"hour\":\"9\"," "\"dayofMonth\":\"13\",\"month\":\"3\",\"dayofWeek\":\"2\"," "\"year\":\"2018\"}}]}"; #endif #endif #if 0 ALARM_SYNC_INFO alarmInfo; ALARM_REMOVE_INFO rmInfo; memset(&alarmInfo, 0, sizeof(ALARM_SYNC_INFO)); memset(&rmInfo, 0, sizeof(ALARM_REMOVE_INFO)); alarmInfo.nItems = 10; //alarmInfo.cmd = CMD_ALARM_SYNC_RSP; alarmInfo.pAlarmInfo = (PALARM_ITEM_INFO)malloc(sizeof(ALARM_ITEM_INFO) * 10); for(i = 0; i < 10; i++) { __radomAlarmItem(&alarmInfo.pAlarmInfo[i]); } ret = DBusJsonSendToCommand(NULL, g_pModInfoTable[MODULE_ALARM].modAliase, CMD_ALARM_SYNC_RSP, JSON_ENGINE_ALARM_SYNC_RSP, &alarmInfo, TRUE); #endif ret = DBusSendToCommand(NULL, g_pModInfoTable[MODULE_ALARM].modAliase, CMD_ALARM_SYNC_RSP, pAddCmd); LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "Send Alarm Command: JSON_ENGINE_ALARM_SYNC_RSP --> %d\n", ret); #if 0 rmInfo.nItems = 3; for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) { // rmInfo.rmItemId[i] = alarmInfo.pAlarmInfo[i * 2].alarmId; } ret = DBusJsonSendToCommand(NULL, g_pModInfoTable[MODULE_ALARM].modAliase, CMD_ALARM_REMOVE, JSON_ENGINE_ALARM_REMOVE, &rmInfo, TRUE); LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "Send Alarm Command: JSON_ENGINE_ALARM_SYNC_RSP --> %d\n", ret); free(alarmInfo.pAlarmInfo); #endif break; #if 0 case CMD_ALARM_STATUS: //LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "CMD_ALARM_STATUS: %s\n", (const char *)pMsg->pMsg); pAlarmStatus = (PALARM_RSP_STATUS)Json2Struct(pMsg->pMsg, JSON_ENGINE_ALARM_STATUS, TRUE, &err); LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "%s --> %d(0x%08X)\n", alarmStatusName(pAlarmStatus->cmd), pAlarmStatus->val, pAlarmStatus->val); free(pAlarmStatus); break; case CMD_ALARM_NOTIFY_EVT: //LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "CMD_ALARM_NOTIFY_EVT: %s\n", (const char *)pMsg->pMsg); pSyncInfo = (PALARM_SYNC_INFO)Json2Struct((const char *)pMsg->pMsg, JSON_ENGINE_ALARM_SYNC_RSP, TRUE, &err); if(pSyncInfo) { __printAlarmSyncInfo("CMD_ALARM_NOTIFY_EVT", pSyncInfo); free(pSyncInfo); } break; #endif default: break; } return NULL; } static unsigned int g_Delay = 1000; static void uvSndLessCb(uv_timer_t* pTimer) { #if 0 DBusConnection* pBus = (DBusConnection*)pTimer->data; unsigned char* pData = (unsigned char*)malloc(2048); memset(pData, 0x3f, 2048); *pData = 0; if(g_ModInfo.modName != MODULE_CONTROLLER) { DBusSendToCommand(pBus, g_pModInfoTable[MODULE_CONTROLLER].modAliase, CMD_MISC_OTA, pData, 2048); } free(pData); #endif LOG_EX(LOG_Info, "Timer Runing delay = %u ....\n", g_Delay); uv_barrier_wait(&g_tmSync); // AESEncrypto(); } #define TEST_AES_LEN (93) void test_evp_aes(void) { int i; unsigned char enData[ALIGN_AES_BLOCK(TEST_AES_LEN)]; unsigned char* pData = (unsigned char*)malloc(ALIGN_AES_BLOCK(TEST_AES_LEN)); int outSize = 0; char* pKey = "0123456789abcedf"; for(i = 0; i < TEST_AES_LEN; i++) { enData[i] = i % 0xFF; } strcpy(enData, "hello world"); fprintf(stdout, "EvpAESEncrypto: %s\n", EvpAESEncrypto(enData, TEST_AES_LEN, pData, &outSize, (unsigned char*)pKey) == 0 ? "Success" : "Fail"); print_hex_dump_bytes("en_", 2, pData, outSize); fprintf(stdout, "enc: %s --> %s\n",enData, EvpBase64EncodeNoAlignV2(pData, outSize)); memset(enData, 0, ALIGN_AES_BLOCK(TEST_AES_LEN)); fprintf(stdout, "EvpAESDecrypto: %s\n", EvpAESDecrypto(pData, outSize, enData, &outSize, (unsigned char*)pKey) == 0 ? "Success" : "Fail"); fprintf(stdout, "dec:%s\n", (char*)enData); free(pData); } static void uvTimeoutCb(uv_timer_t* pTimer) { PCFG_ITEM pItem = NULL; int ret = 0; if((ret = CfgGetKeyValue("Age", &pItem)) == 0) { CfgItemPrint("Get KeyValue: ", pItem); } else { LOG_EX(LOG_Error, "Get Key [Age] Error: %d\n", ret); } } static void EVPEncryptCb(CRYPTO_TYPE type, const unsigned char* pData, int iSize, const unsigned char* pSrcData, int iError) { int i = 0; if(iError == 0) { if(type == CRYPTO_AES_ENCRYPT) { char* pKey = "xajhuang12345678"; unsigned char* enData = (unsigned char*)malloc(ALIGN_AES_BLOCK(TEST_AES_LEN)); memset(enData, 0, ALIGN_AES_BLOCK(TEST_AES_LEN)); print_hex_dump_bytes("AES_Encrypt_", DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, pData, iSize); i = EvpAddCryptoTask(CRYPTO_AES_DECRYPT, (unsigned char*)pData, iSize, enData, pKey, EVPEncryptCb); if(i != 0) { free(enData); LOG_EX(LOG_Error, "EvpAddCryptoTask Error: %d\n", i); } } else if(type == CRYPTO_AES_DECRYPT) { print_hex_dump_bytes("AES_Decrypt_", DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, pData, iSize); } else if(type == CRYPTO_BASE64_ENCODE) { int ret = 0; LOG_EX(LOG_Info, "Base64(%d):[\n%s]\n", iSize, (char*)pData); ret = EvpAddCryptoTask(CRYPTO_BASE64_DECODE, (unsigned char*)pData, iSize, NULL, NULL, EVPEncryptCb); if(ret != 0) { LOG_EX(LOG_Error, "EvpAddCryptoTask Error: %d\n", ret); } } else if(type == CRYPTO_BASE64_DECODE) { LOG_EX(LOG_Info, "Base64(%d):[\n%s]\n", iSize, (char*)pData); } else if(type == CRYPTO_MD5_FILE) { LOG_EX(LOG_Info, "%s MD5 value [%s]\n", (char*)pSrcData, (char*)pData); } } else { LOG_EX(LOG_Error, "pData = %p, iError = %d\n", pData, iError); } free((void*)pData); } static void test_aes_async(void) { int i; unsigned char enData[ALIGN_AES_BLOCK(TEST_AES_LEN)]; unsigned char* pData = (unsigned char*)malloc(ALIGN_AES_BLOCK(TEST_AES_LEN)); int outSize = 0; char* pKey = "xajhuang12345678"; for(i = 0; i < TEST_AES_LEN; i++) { enData[i] = i % 0xFF; } i = EvpAddCryptoTask(CRYPTO_BASE64_ENCODE, enData, TEST_AES_LEN, pData, pKey, EVPEncryptCb); if(i != 0) { LOG_EX(LOG_Error, "EvpAddCryptoTask Error: %d\n", i); free(pData); } } static void test_base64_async(void) { int ret = 0; #if 1 const char* pSrc = "Wikiversity is a Wikimedia Foundation project devoted to learning resources, learning projects, \ and research for use in all levels, types, and styles of education from pre-school to university, including professional \ training and informal learning. We invite teachers, students, and researchers to join us in creating open educational \ resources and collaborative learning communities. \ This page is an index of all Wikiversity help and maintenance pages. The following articles contain guidance and \ information about Editing, Policies and guidelines, and participating in the Wikiversity community. \ Having trouble finding out what you need to know? If it is not covered by the FAQ, try asking at the Colloquium."; #else const char *pSrc = "http://www.164.com"; #endif const char *pBase64 = EvpBase64EncodeNoAlign(pSrc); const char *pDecode = EvpBase64DecodeNoAlign(pBase64); fprintf(stdout, "Encode:\n%s\n", pBase64); fprintf(stdout, "Decode:\n%s\n", pDecode); #if 0 ret = EvpAddCryptoTask(CRYPTO_BASE64_ENCODE, (unsigned char*)pSrc, strlen(pSrc), NULL, NULL, EVPEncryptCb); if(ret != 0) { LOG_EX(LOG_Error, "EvpAddCryptoTask Error: %d\n", ret); } #endif } static void test_md5file_async(void) { int ret = 0; const char* pFile = "/root/time.txt"; ret = EvpAddCryptoTask(CRYPTO_MD5_FILE, (unsigned char*)pFile, strlen(pFile), NULL, NULL, EVPEncryptCb); if(ret != 0) { LOG_EX(LOG_Error, "EvpAddCryptoTask Error: %d\n", ret); } } static void test_s2j_task(void) { PLAYER_TO_CTRL plyCtl; PPLAYER_TO_CTRL pPlyCtl = NULL; int err; const char* pJson = NULL; strcpy(plyCtl.musicUuid, "http://www.164.com"); plyCtl.plySt = 1; plyCtl.curPos = 12133; plyCtl.duration = 321000; pJson = Struct2Json(&plyCtl, JSON_ENGINE_P2C, TRUE, &err); if(pJson != NULL) { LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "Json:\n %s\n", pJson); pPlyCtl = (PPLAYER_TO_CTRL)Json2Struct(pJson, JSON_ENGINE_P2C, TRUE, &err); if(pPlyCtl != NULL) { LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "Struct:\nmusicUuid: %s\nplySt: %d\ncurPos: %d\nduration: %d\n", pPlyCtl->musicUuid, pPlyCtl->plySt, pPlyCtl->curPos, pPlyCtl->duration); free(pPlyCtl); } else { LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "Json2Struct Test Error\n"); } free((void*)pJson); } else { LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "test error\n"); } } extern const char* __ota_Notify_REQ2Json(void *pData); extern void* __json2OTA_Notify_REQ(const char *pJsonS); static void __uvThreadTestOTA(void *pParam) { int err = 0, i = 0; int ret; const char *pMD5 = NULL; char* strMenu[] = { "Usage:\n", "OTA Cmd download : download\n", "OTA Cmd local : local\n", "OTA Cmd exec : exec\n", "Batch Test : batch\n", "Set Config : ready\n", "Exit : quit\n", }; while(TRUE) { char *pInput = NULL; char *pSub = NULL; for(i = 0; i < sizeof(strMenu) / sizeof(strMenu[0]); i++) { fprintf(stdout, "%s", strMenu[i]); } pInput = readline("Please Choise:"); if(pInput == NULL) { continue; } pSub = strtok(pInput, " "); i = 0; while(pSub != NULL) { OTA_DATA_INFO otaInfo; POTA_DATA_INFO pInfo = NULL; memset(&otaInfo, 0, sizeof(OTA_DATA_INFO)); otaInfo.version = 1; if(strcmp(pSub, "download") == 0) { otaInfo.otaCmd = OTA_CMD_DOWNLOAD; otaInfo.otaMode = OTA_MODE_NORMAL; otaInfo.otaFileInfo.size = 21484772; strcpy(otaInfo.otaFileInfo.url, ""); strcpy(otaInfo.otaFileInfo.md5, "2d58366a0846f6345730e28b021816d0"); ret = DBusJsonSendToCommand(NULL, g_pModInfoTable[MODULE_OTA].modAliase, CMD_OTA_NOTIFY, JSON_ENGINE_OTA_REQ, &otaInfo, TRUE); LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "Send OTA Command %s: %d\n", pSub, ret); } else if(strcmp(pSub, "local") == 0) { otaInfo.otaCmd = OTA_CMD_USED_LOCAL_IMAGE; otaInfo.otaMode = OTA_MODE_FORCE_NOW; ret = DBusJsonSendToCommand(NULL, g_pModInfoTable[MODULE_OTA].modAliase, CMD_OTA_NOTIFY, JSON_ENGINE_OTA_REQ, &otaInfo, TRUE); LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "Send OTA Command %s: %d\n", pSub, ret); } else if(strcmp(pSub, "exec") == 0) { otaInfo.otaCmd = OTA_CMD_EXEC; otaInfo.otaMode = OTA_MODE_FORCE_NOW; ret = DBusJsonSendToCommand(NULL, g_pModInfoTable[MODULE_OTA].modAliase, CMD_OTA_NOTIFY, JSON_ENGINE_OTA_REQ, &otaInfo, TRUE); LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "Send OTA Command %s: %d\n", pSub, ret); } else if(strcmp(pSub, "batch") == 0) { #if 0 int err; POTA_DATA_INFO pInfo = NULL; const char *pJson = NULL; #endif #if 0 pJson = Struct2Json(&otaInfo, JSON_ENGINE_OTA_REQ, TRUE, &err); fprintf(stdout, "Json(%p->%d): \n%s\n", &otaInfo, err, pJson); pInfo = (POTA_DATA_INFO)Json2Struct(pJson, JSON_ENGINE_OTA_REQ, TRUE, &err); if(pInfo) { fprintf(stdout, "JsonInfo: \n%s\n", __ota_Notify_REQ2Json(pInfo)); } #else pMD5 = EvpMD5HashBufV2((const unsigned char *)&otaInfo, sizeof(OTA_DATA_INFO)); err = 0; for(i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) { POTA_DATA_INFO pOInfo = (POTA_DATA_INFO)malloc(sizeof(OTA_DATA_INFO)); memcpy(pOInfo, &otaInfo, sizeof(OTA_DATA_INFO)); ret = DBusJsonSendToCommand(NULL, g_pModInfoTable[MODULE_OTA].modAliase, CMD_OTA_NOTIFY, JSON_ENGINE_OTA_REQ, pOInfo, TRUE); free(pOInfo); if(ret != 0) { err++; break; //fprintf(stderr, "ret = %d\n", ret); } //fprintf(stdout, "send [%d]: %d\n", i, err); //LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "Send OTA Command: %d\n", ret); //usleep(1000); } fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", pMD5); free((void*)pMD5); //fprintf(stdout, "send [%d]: %d\n", i, err); #endif } else if(strcmp(pSub, "ready") == 0) { ret = DBusSendToCommand(NULL, g_pModInfoTable[MODULE_OTA].modAliase, CMD_SYSTEM_STANDBY, "{\"status\" : 0}"); LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "Send Standby Command: %d\n", ret); } else if(strcmp(pSub, "quit") == 0) { return; } pSub = strtok(NULL, " "); } free(pInput); usleep(1000); } } static void __uvThreadTimer(void *pParams) { while(TRUE) { uv_barrier_init(&g_tmSync, 2); g_Delay += 1000; uv_timer_stop(&g_tmTest); LOG_EX(LOG_Info, "Re Start Timer %u...\n", g_Delay); uv_timer_start(&g_tmTest, uvSndLessCb, g_Delay, 0); uv_barrier_wait(&g_tmSync); uv_barrier_destroy(&g_tmSync); sleep(1); } } static void __uvThreadTestConfigure(void *pParams) { int i = 0; int ret; char* g_Menu[] = { "Usage:\n", "Get Config : get \n", "Set Config : set \n", "Change Config : change \n", "Exit: quit\n", }; while(TRUE) { char *pInput = NULL; char *pSub = NULL; for(i = 0; i < sizeof(g_Menu) / sizeof(g_Menu[0]); i++) { fprintf(stdout, "%s", g_Menu[i]); } pInput = readline("Please Choise:"); if(pInput == NULL) { continue; } pSub = strtok(pInput, " "); i = 0; while(pSub != NULL) { if(strcmp(pSub, "get") == 0) { char* pKeyName = strtok(NULL, " "); if(pKeyName != NULL && strlen(pKeyName) > 0) { CFG_ITEM* pCfg; ret = CfgGetKeyValue(pKeyName, &pCfg); if(ret == 0) { CfgItemPrint("GetLocalCfg: ", pCfg); } else if(ret == -ERR_CFG_WAIT_RSP) { LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "Wait for server response\n"); } else { LOG_EX(LOG_Error, "Get Configure [%s] Error: %d\n", pKeyName, ret); } } } else if(strcmp(pSub, "set") == 0) { char* pKeyName = strtok(NULL, " "); char *pKeyType = strtok(NULL, " "); char* pKeyValue = strtok(NULL, " "); char* pSaveTo = strtok(NULL, " "); if(pKeyName && pKeyValue && pKeyType && pSaveTo && strlen(pKeyName) > 0 && strlen(pKeyValue) > 0 && strlen(pKeyType) > 0 && strlen(pSaveTo) > 0) { CFG_ITEM item; item.pKeyName = pKeyName; item.keyType = strtoul(pKeyType, NULL, 10); if(item.keyType == CFG_TYPE_STRING) { item.pStrValue = pKeyValue; } else if(item.keyType == CFG_TYPE_INT) { item.intValue = strtol(pKeyValue, NULL, 10); } else if(item.keyType == CFG_TYPE_DOUBLE) { item.doubleValue = strtod(pKeyValue, NULL); } ret = CfgAddKeyValue(pKeyName, &item, strtol(pSaveTo, NULL, 10)); if(ret == 0) { CfgItemPrint("Add Configure: ", &item); } else { LOG_EX(LOG_Error, "Add Configure [%s] Error: %d\n", pKeyName, ret); } } } else if(strcmp(pSub, "quit") == 0) { return; } pSub = strtok(NULL, " "); } usleep(1000); } } static void test_task_new(uv_thread_cb pCallback, void* pParams) { uv_thread_t uvSyncThread; uv_thread_create(&uvSyncThread, pCallback, pParams); } #define WAKE_CACHE_SIZE (10) static unsigned char g_AudioCache[WAKE_CACHE_SIZE]; static unsigned int g_wtPos = 0; static unsigned int g_tolCache = 0; static void __cacheCAEAudio(unsigned char* pBuf, unsigned int iSize) { if(iSize > WAKE_CACHE_SIZE) { return; } memmove(g_AudioCache, g_AudioCache + iSize, WAKE_CACHE_SIZE - iSize); memcpy(g_AudioCache + WAKE_CACHE_SIZE - iSize, pBuf, iSize); } static void test_move_data(void) { } static void __onAlarmCb(unsigned int tmId, unsigned int status, void *pUserData) { LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "Time %u On......\n", tmId); } static int g_isExitApp = FALSE; static void uvExitLoopCb(uv_timer_t *pParams) { DEBUG_CODE_LINE(); uv_stop(GetDBusDefaultLoop()); } static void __uvLoopExit(void *pParams) { int ret = 0; uv_timer_t tmExit; uv_loop_t* pLoop = GetDBusDefaultLoop(); DBusConnection* pBus = DBusWithLibuvInit(pLoop, g_ModInfo.modAliase, DBusOnMessage, __dBusDeameonCb, NULL, //KeyEventCb, &ret); if(pBus == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "DBusWithLibuvInit Error: %d\n", ret); return; } DBusBoardcastCommand(NULL, 0x11, 10, "xajhuang"); //test_task_new(uvExitLoopCb, NULL); uv_timer_init(pLoop, &tmExit); uv_timer_start(&tmExit, uvExitLoopCb, 3000, 3000); DEBUG_CODE_LINE(); //RunUVLoop(pLoop); uv_run(pLoop, UV_RUN_DEFAULT); //uv_loop_close(pLoop); DEBUG_CODE_LINE(); g_isExitApp = TRUE; return; } static void __fs_event_handle_cb(uv_fs_event_t *pEvent, const char *pFileName, int events, int status) { char path[MAX_PATH]; size_t pathSize = MAX_PATH - 1; memset(path, 0, MAX_PATH); uv_fs_event_getpath(pEvent, path, &pathSize); fprintf(stdout, "%s: %d, %d\n", path, events, status); } static void __onPrgCb(const char *pReqUrl, const char *pTaskUuid, unsigned char uPercent, void *pUserData) { static unsigned char preCnt = 0; if(preCnt != uPercent) { preCnt = uPercent; LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "[%s](%s): %u%%\n", pReqUrl, pTaskUuid, uPercent); } if(uPercent > 50) { //InetCancelDownload(pTaskUuid); } } static unsigned int g_DlCount = 0; static void __onDlCb(void *pData, unsigned int size, const char *pReqUrl, const char* pDlPath, const char *pTaskUuid, int iFinished, void *pUserData) { if(g_DlCount > 0) { g_DlCount--; } if(iFinished == 0) { LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "Request(%s): [%s] --> [%s] Response: [%u] OK\n", pTaskUuid, pReqUrl, pDlPath, size); } else if(iFinished == 1) { LOG_EX(LOG_Error, "Request(%s): [%s] --> [%s] Response: [%u] Error\n", pTaskUuid, pReqUrl, pDlPath, size); } else { LOG_EX(LOG_Error, "Download Error Code: %d\n", iFinished); } #if 1 if(iFinished != 0) { const char* pId = InetHttpDlFileAsync(pReqUrl, pDlPath, __onDlCb, NULL,//__onPrgCb, NULL); LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "Download ID: %s\n", pId); } #endif } static void __uvTestSkin(void *pParams) { int tolItems = sizeof(g_SkinDefaultResTable) / sizeof(g_SkinDefaultResTable[0]); #if 0 char *pUpg = "[ \ { \ \"createTime\": 1510570174000, \ \"enable\": 1, \ \"id\": 3, \ \"md5\": \"af065860c3667ca2508c283d660990f7\", \ \"osType\": 0, \ \"remark\": \"音效1文件\", \ \"resourceName\": \"v111\", \ \"resourceType\": 1, \ \"resourceVersion\": \"v0.3.1\", \ \"size\": 164460, \ \"updateTime\": 1510570227000, \ \"url\": \"http://vbox-resource.nos.netease.com/d627159f-bccd-4364-bccc-f196c2b83ffd.mp3\", \ \"versionId\": 10, \ \"versionName\": \"0.0.9\", \ \"versionOsType\": \"0\" \ } ]"; #endif #if 0 static int i = 0; while(i++ < 100) { char *pKeyName = (char*)(g_SkinDefaultResTable[random() % tolItems].pKeyName); char *pResPath = GetSkinsResource(pKeyName, NULL, NULL, NULL); LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "[%s] = {%s}\n", pKeyName, pResPath); free(pResPath); sleep(3); } #else for(int i = 0; i < tolItems; i++) { int tmUsed = 0; struct timeval tmStart, tmEnd; char *pKeyName = (char*)(g_SkinDefaultResTable[i].pKeyName); char *pResPath = NULL; gettimeofday(&tmStart, NULL); pResPath = GetSkinsResource(pKeyName, NULL, NULL, NULL); gettimeofday(&tmEnd, NULL); tmUsed = (tmEnd.tv_sec * 1000000 + tmEnd.tv_usec) - (tmStart.tv_sec * 1000000 + tmStart.tv_usec); LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "(%d):[%s] = {%s}\n", tmUsed, pKeyName, pResPath); free(pResPath); } #if 0 fprintf(stdout, "-----------------------\n"); for(int i = 0; i < tolItems; i++) { int tmUsed = 0; struct timeval tmStart, tmEnd; char *pKeyName = (char*)(g_SkinDefaultResTable[i].pKeyName); char *pResPath = NULL; gettimeofday(&tmStart, NULL); pResPath = GetSkinsResource(pKeyName, NULL, NULL, NULL); gettimeofday(&tmEnd, NULL); tmUsed = (tmEnd.tv_sec * 1000000 + tmEnd.tv_usec) - (tmStart.tv_sec * 1000000 + tmStart.tv_usec); LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "(%d):[%s] = {%s}\n", tmUsed, pKeyName, pResPath); free(pResPath); } #endif #endif #if 0 SkinUpgrade(pUpg); sleep(5); GetSkinsResource("v111", NULL, NULL, NULL); #endif } static LOG_LEVEL g_logLevelInfo[] = { LOG_Fatal, LOG_Error, LOG_Warn, LOG_Debug, LOG_Info, LOG_Test, LOG_Call, LOG_Devp, LOG_Step, LOG_Unknown, LOG_All, LOG_Close }; static void __uvLogTestProc(void *pParams) { while(TRUE) { //SysPointMark("-----------------------------------------------------\n"); for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(g_logLevelInfo) / sizeof(g_logLevelInfo[0]); i++) { UT_string* pString = NULL; utstring_new(pString); utstring_printf(pString, "This is LogLevel %s\n", LogLeveToString(g_logLevelInfo[i])); //SysPointMark(utstring_body(pString)); LOG_EX(g_logLevelInfo[i], "This is LogLevel %s\n", LogLeveToString(g_logLevelInfo[i])); utstring_free(pString); } sleep(1); } } static void __uvLogCtrlProc(void *pParams) { int i = 0; int ret; const char* g_Menu[] = { "Usage: enable/disable [params1] [params2]\n" " help\n", " quit\n", }; const char* pOptMenu[] = { "\n operation:\n" " |--------------------------------------------------------------------------|\n", " | command | operation | params1 | params2 |\n", " |--------------------------------------------------------------------------|\n", " | enable | | | |\n", " |----------| 0: Set log level | Log level | Unused |\n", " | disable | | | |\n", " |----------|---------------------|-----------------------|-----------------|\n", " | enable | | | |\n", " |----------| 1: Print to file | Unused | Unused |\n", " | disable | | | |\n", " |----------|---------------------|-----------------------|-----------------|\n", " | enable | | | |\n", " |----------| 2: Backup to email | Unused | Unused |\n", " | disable | | | |\n", " |----------|---------------------|-----------------------|-----------------|\n", " | enable | | Log server ip address | Log server port |\n", " |----------| 3: Send to network |-----------------------|-----------------|\n", " | disable | | Unused | Unused |\n", " |--------------------------------------------------------------------------|\n", }; while(TRUE) { char *pInput = NULL; char *pCmd = NULL; for(i = 0; i < sizeof(g_Menu) / sizeof(g_Menu[0]); i++) { fprintf(stdout, "%s", g_Menu[i]); } pInput = readline("Enter Command:"); if(pInput == NULL) { continue; } #if 1 pCmd = strtok(pInput, " "); i = 0; while(pCmd != NULL) { if(strcmp(pCmd, "help") == 0) { for(i = 0; i < sizeof(g_pModInfoTable) / sizeof(g_pModInfoTable[0]); i++) { if(i == 0) { fprintf(stdout, " modName : %-2d --> %s\n", i, ModuleNameToString(g_pModInfoTable[i].modName)); } else { fprintf(stdout, "%15s%-2d --> %s\n", "", i, ModuleNameToString(g_pModInfoTable[i].modName)); } } for(i = 0; i < sizeof(g_logLevelInfo) / sizeof(g_logLevelInfo[0]); i++) { if(i == 0) { fprintf(stdout, "\n Log Level: %-2d --> %s\n", i, LogLeveToString(g_logLevelInfo[i])); } else { fprintf(stdout, "%15s%-2d --> %s\n", "", i, LogLeveToString(g_logLevelInfo[i])); } } for(i = 0; i < sizeof(pOptMenu) / sizeof(pOptMenu[0]); i++) { fprintf(stdout, "%s", pOptMenu[i]); } } else if(strcmp(pCmd, "enable") == 0 || strcmp(pCmd, "disable") == 0) { LOG_CFG_PROTOCOL logItem; int iCmd, iMod; char *pParams1 = NULL, *pParams2 = NULL; char* pMod = strtok(NULL, " "); char* pOperat = strtok(NULL, " "); if(pMod == NULL || strlen(pMod) == 0) { LOG_EX(LOG_Error, "Input error, see help\n"); break; } if(pOperat == NULL || strlen(pOperat) == 0) { LOG_EX(LOG_Error, "Input error, see help\n"); break; } iMod = strtol(pMod, NULL, 10); if(iMod < 0 || iMod >= MODULE_MAX) { LOG_EX(LOG_Error, "Input error: %s(%d)\n", pMod, iMod); break; } iCmd = strtol(pOperat, NULL, 10); memset(&logItem, 0, sizeof(LOG_CFG_PROTOCOL)); switch(iCmd) { case 0: pParams1 = strtok(NULL, " "); if(pParams1 && strlen(pParams1) > 0) { int logLevel = strtol(pParams1, NULL, 10); if(logLevel >= 0 && logLevel < sizeof(g_logLevelInfo) / sizeof(g_logLevelInfo[0])) { fprintf(stdout, "%s %d 0x%08X\n", pCmd, iCmd, g_logLevelInfo[logLevel]); logItem.cfgCmd = CMD_LOG_LEVEL; logItem.iParams2 = (strcmp(pCmd, "disable") == 0) ? FALSE : TRUE; logItem.iParams1 = g_logLevelInfo[logLevel]; DBusJsonSendToCommand(NULL, g_pModInfoTable[iMod].modAliase, CMD_LOG_CONFIG, JSON_ENGINE_LOG_CFG_CMD, &logItem, TRUE); } else { LOG_EX(LOG_Error, "Input error, see help\n"); } } else { LOG_EX(LOG_Error, "Input error, see help\n"); } break; case 1: logItem.cfgCmd = CMD_LOG_FILE; logItem.iParams1 = (strcmp(pCmd, "disable") == 0) ? FALSE : TRUE; DBusJsonSendToCommand(NULL, g_pModInfoTable[iMod].modAliase, CMD_LOG_CONFIG, JSON_ENGINE_LOG_CFG_CMD, &logItem, TRUE); break; case 2: logItem.cfgCmd = CMD_LOG_MAIL; logItem.iParams1 = (strcmp(pCmd, "disable") == 0) ? FALSE : TRUE; DBusJsonSendToCommand(NULL, g_pModInfoTable[iMod].modAliase, CMD_LOG_CONFIG, JSON_ENGINE_LOG_CFG_CMD, &logItem, TRUE); break; case 3: pParams1 = strtok(NULL, " "); logItem.cfgCmd = CMD_LOG_NETWORK; if(pParams1 == NULL || strlen(pParams1) == 0) { logItem.iParams1 = 0; DBusJsonSendToCommand(NULL, g_pModInfoTable[iMod].modAliase, CMD_LOG_CONFIG, JSON_ENGINE_LOG_CFG_CMD, &logItem, TRUE); } else { pParams2 = strtok(NULL, " "); if(pParams2 != NULL && strlen(pParams2) > 0) { logItem.iParams1 = inet_addr(pParams1); logItem.iParams2 = strtol(pParams2, NULL, 10); DBusJsonSendToCommand(NULL, g_pModInfoTable[iMod].modAliase, CMD_LOG_CONFIG, JSON_ENGINE_LOG_CFG_CMD, &logItem, TRUE); } else { LOG_EX(LOG_Error, "Input error, pParams2 = %s\n", SAFE_STRING_VALUE(pParams2)); } } break; default: LOG_EX(LOG_Error, "Unknown operation(0-3) %s, see help\n", pOperat); break; } #if 0 char* pKeyName = strtok(NULL, " "); char *pKeyType = strtok(NULL, " "); char* pKeyValue = strtok(NULL, " "); char* pSaveTo = strtok(NULL, " "); if(pKeyName && pKeyValue && pKeyType && pSaveTo && strlen(pKeyName) > 0 && strlen(pKeyValue) > 0 && strlen(pKeyType) > 0 && strlen(pSaveTo) > 0) { CFG_ITEM item; item.pKeyName = pKeyName; item.keyType = strtoul(pKeyType, NULL, 10); if(item.keyType == CFG_TYPE_STRING) { item.pStrValue = pKeyValue; } else if(item.keyType == CFG_TYPE_INT) { item.intValue = strtol(pKeyValue, NULL, 10); } else if(item.keyType == CFG_TYPE_DOUBLE) { item.doubleValue = strtod(pKeyValue, NULL); } ret = CfgAddKeyValue(pKeyName, &item, strtol(pSaveTo, NULL, 10)); if(ret == 0) { CfgItemPrint("Add Configure: ", &item); } else { LOG_EX(LOG_Error, "Add Configure [%s] Error: %d\n", pKeyName, ret); } } #endif } else if(strcmp(pCmd, "quit") == 0) { return; } pCmd = strtok(NULL, " "); } #endif usleep(1000); } } static void __uvMsgSendTestProc(void *pParams) { char buf[DBUS_MSG_MAX_PAD_SIZE]; unsigned int i = 0; memset(buf, 'a', DBUS_MSG_MAX_PAD_SIZE - 1); buf[DBUS_MSG_MAX_PAD_SIZE - 1] = 0; while(TRUE) { // memset(buf, 0, 256); // sprintf(buf, "%u", i); fprintf(stdout, "Send Message: %u\n", i); DBusSendToCommand(NULL, g_pModInfoTable[MODULE_CONTROLLER].modAliase, CMD_CALL_DIAL, buf); i++; sleep(3); } } static void __uvMsgRecvProc(void *pParams) { while(TRUE) { PDBUS_MSG_PACK pMsg = DBusGetMessage(); PLIBUV_DBUS_PARAMS pInfo = DBusLibuvGetRuntime(); do { if(pMsg && pInfo) { //static PDBUS_MSG_PACK DBusOnMessage(uv_loop_t* pLoop, DBusConnection* pConn, PDBUS_MSG_PACK pMsg) DBusOnMessage(pInfo->pLoop, pInfo->pBus, pMsg); DBusMsgCleanup(pMsg); } pMsg = DBusGetMessage(); } while(pMsg && pInfo); usleep(100); } } void test_dbus(void) { DBusError error; DBusConnection* pBus = NULL; dbus_error_init(&error); pBus = dbus_bus_get(DBUS_BUS_SYSTEM, &error); if (dbus_error_is_set(&error)) { fprintf(stdout, "dbus: Could not acquire the session bus\n"); dbus_error_free(&error); return; } else { fprintf(stdout, "Create Session OK\n"); } } static unsigned int g_Count1 = 0; static void __uvThreadRun(void *pParams) { g_Count1++; usleep(10); } static void __uvThreadTestProc(void *pParams) { LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "Test Create Thread\n"); for(int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { test_task_new(__uvThreadRun, NULL); usleep(1); } while(TRUE) { LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "Current Cnt: %u\n", g_Count1); sleep(1); } } #include "fifo.h" static DECLARE_KFIFO(g_TestFifo, unsigned char, 128); static void __fifoPut(void *pParams) { int ret = 0; static unsigned char val = 0; while(TRUE) { for(int i = 0; i < 130; i++) { if(kfifo_avail(&g_TestFifo) < 1) { ret = kfifo_out(&g_TestFifo, NULL, 1); } ret = kfifo_in_locked(&g_TestFifo, &val, 1); if(ret != 1) { LOG_EX(LOG_Error, "Add %d ret %d\n", val, ret); } val++; } usleep(10); return; } } static void __fifoGet(void *pParams) { unsigned char val[128]; while(TRUE) { int len = kfifo_len(&g_TestFifo); if(len > 0) { len = kfifo_out_locked(&g_TestFifo, val, len); print_hex_dump_bytes("", DUMP_PREFIX_OFFSET, val, len); fprintf(stdout, "Peek %d\n", len); } usleep(1000); } } static void __uvThreadTestFifo(void *pParams) { INIT_KFIFO(g_TestFifo); test_task_new(__fifoPut, NULL); sleep(3); test_task_new(__fifoGet, NULL); } #if 0 static inline int round_up_pow_of_two(unsigned long x) { x |= (x >> 1); x |= (x >> 2); x |= (x >> 4); x |= (x >> 8); x |= (x >> 16); return x + 1; } #define WAKE_CACHE_DATA_SIZE1 (1920000U) #endif typedef struct { char* mcuCmd; } BYPASS_INFO, *PBYPASS_INFO; typedef struct { BYPASS_INFO reported; } SHADOW_STATE, *PSHADOW_STATE; typedef struct { char* method; int version; SHADOW_STATE state; } SHADOW_UPDATE, *PSHADOW_UPDATE; static const char* __shadow2Json(PSHADOW_UPDATE pInfo) { cJSON *pRoot, *pStatus, *pReports; const char* pJsonS; pRoot = cJSON_CreateObject(); cJSON_AddNumberToObject(pRoot, "version", pInfo->version); cJSON_AddItemToObject(pRoot, "method", cJSON_CreateString(pInfo->method)); pStatus = cJSON_CreateObject(); pReports = cJSON_CreateObject(); cJSON_AddItemToObject(pRoot, "status", pStatus); cJSON_AddItemToObject(pStatus, "reports", pReports); cJSON_AddItemToObject(pReports, "mcuCmd", cJSON_CreateString(pInfo->state.reported.mcuCmd)); pJsonS = cJSON_Print(pRoot); cJSON_Delete(pRoot); return pJsonS; } static void __dlThreadRuntimeCb(void *pParams) { pthread_detach(pthread_self()); pthread_exit(0); } static void __uvThreadTest(void *pParams) { #ifndef PLATFORM_CPU for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { char buf[256]; memset(buf, 0, 256); sprintf(buf, "Send %d times\n", i); //BL_SendMessage(buf, strlen(buf)); sleep(1); } #endif #if 0 for(int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) { uv_thread_t uvThread; int err = uv_thread_create(&uvThread, __dlThreadRuntimeCb, NULL); if(err != 0) { LOG_EX(LOG_Error, "Create Thread Error: %d(%d)\n", err, i); return; } if(i % 1000 == 0) { LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "Create Thread: %d\n", i); } usleep(1000); } #endif } static void __dlTestThread(void* p) { static char* testURL[] = { "http://vbox-resource.nos.netease.com/20180309192932533Alianwang003.mp3", "http://vbox-resource.nos.netease.com/20180309192932594Alianwang004.mp3", "http://vbox-resource.nos.netease.com/20180309192932882Alianwang005.mp3", "http://vbox-resource.nos.netease.com/20180309192933094Alianwang006.mp3", "http://vbox-resource.nos.netease.com/20180309192933355Alianwang007.mp3", "http://vbox-resource.nos.netease.com/20180309192933571Alianwang008.mp3", "http://vbox-resource.nos.netease.com/20180309192933805Alianwang009.mp3", "http://vbox-resource.nos.netease.com/20180309192934929Ashiyong002.mp3", "http://vbox-resource.nos.netease.com/20180309192935659Ashiyong003.mp3", "http://vbox-resource.nos.netease.com/20180309192935729Ashiyong004.mp3", "http://vbox-resource.nos.netease.com/20180309192936130Ashiyong005.mp3", "http://vbox-resource.nos.netease.com/20180309192936192Ashiyong006.mp3", "http://vbox-resource.nos.netease.com/20180309192936289S001.mp3", "http://vbox-resource.nos.netease.com/20180309192936471S002.mp3", "http://vbox-resource.nos.netease.com/20180309192937566S006.mp3", "http://vbox-resource.nos.netease.com/20180309192937735S007.mp3", "http://vbox-resource.nos.netease.com/20180309192937793S008.mp3", "http://vbox-resource.nos.netease.com/20180309192938129S009.mp3", "http://vbox-resource.nos.netease.com/20180309192938262S010.mp3", "http://vbox-resource.nos.netease.com/20180309192938975S011.mp3", "http://vbox-resource.nos.netease.com/20180309192933845Alianwang010.mp3", "http://vbox-resource.nos.netease.com/20180309192933937Alianwang011.mp3", "http://vbox-resource.nos.netease.com/20180309192934678Ashiyong001.mp3", "http://vbox-resource.nos.netease.com/20180605170040224Alianwang012.mp3", "http://vbox-resource.nos.netease.com/20180605170146178Alianwang014.mp3", "http://vbox-resource.nos.netease.com/20180605170324285Alianwang013.mp3", "http://vbox-resource.nos.netease.com/20180605165854636Alianwang002.mp3", "http://vbox-resource.nos.netease.com/20180607095314669S004-13DB.mp3", "http://vbox-resource.nos.netease.com/20180607095347590S0053DB.mp3", "https://vbox-resource.nos-hz.163yun.com/20180625120349098S003+3.mp3", }; //while(TRUE) { for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(testURL) / sizeof(testURL[2]); i++) { char buf[256]; g_DlCount++; memset(buf, 0, 256); sprintf(buf, "./dl_%d.mp3", i); InetHttpDlFileAsync(testURL[i], buf, __onDlCb, NULL,//__onPrgCb, NULL); } while(g_DlCount) { usleep(100000); } } } static void uvTimerTestCb(uv_timer_t* pTimer) { LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "Timer On(%d)...............\n", pTimer->data); } static void __uvThreadTimerV2(uv_loop_t *pLoop) { static uv_timer_t uvTimer; uv_timer_init(pLoop, &uvTimer); LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "Timer Begin\n"); uvTimer.data = (intptr_t*)1; uv_timer_start(&uvTimer, uvTimerTestCb, 3000, 0); sleep(10); LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "Timer Stop\n"); uv_timer_stop(&uvTimer); LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "Timer Begin\n"); uvTimer.data = (intptr_t*)2; uv_update_time(pLoop); uv_timer_start(&uvTimer, uvTimerTestCb, 6000, 0); sleep(3); LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "Timer Stop\n"); uv_timer_stop(&uvTimer); LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "Timer Begin\n"); uvTimer.data = (intptr_t*)3; uv_update_time(pLoop); uv_timer_start(&uvTimer, uvTimerTestCb, 12000, 0); } #define MAX_PAYLOAD 1024 // maximum payload size #define NETLINK_TEST 30 //自定义的协议 void test_netlink(void) { struct sockaddr_nl src_addr, dest_addr; struct nlmsghdr *nlh = NULL; //Netlink数据包头 struct msghdr msg; int sock_fd; int retval; struct iovec iov; sock_fd = socket(AF_NETLINK, SOCK_RAW, NETLINK_TEST); if(sock_fd == -1) { LOG_EX(LOG_Error, "Init socket error: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return; } // To prepare binding memset(&src_addr, 0, sizeof(src_addr)); src_addr.nl_family = AF_NETLINK; src_addr.nl_pid = getpid(); //A:设置源端端口号 src_addr.nl_groups = 0; //Bind retval = bind(sock_fd, (struct sockaddr*)&src_addr, sizeof(src_addr)); if(retval < 0) { LOG_EX(LOG_Error, "bind failed: %s", strerror(errno)); close(sock_fd); return; } // To orepare create mssage nlh = (struct nlmsghdr *)malloc(NLMSG_SPACE(MAX_PAYLOAD)); if(!nlh) { LOG_EX(LOG_Error, "malloc nlmsghdr error!\n"); close(sock_fd); return; } memset(&dest_addr, 0, sizeof(dest_addr)); dest_addr.nl_family = AF_NETLINK; dest_addr.nl_pid = 0; //B:设置目的端口号 dest_addr.nl_groups = 0; nlh->nlmsg_len = NLMSG_SPACE(MAX_PAYLOAD); nlh->nlmsg_pid = getpid(); //C:设置源端口 nlh->nlmsg_flags = 0; strcpy(NLMSG_DATA(nlh),"Hello you!"); //设置消息体 iov.iov_base = (void *)nlh; iov.iov_len = NLMSG_SPACE(MAX_PAYLOAD); //Create mssage memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(msg)); msg.msg_name = (void *)&dest_addr; msg.msg_namelen = sizeof(dest_addr); msg.msg_iov = &iov; msg.msg_iovlen = 1; retval = sendmsg(sock_fd, &msg, 0); if(retval == -1) { LOG_EX(LOG_Error, "sendmsg failed: %s", strerror(errno)); } memset(nlh,0,NLMSG_SPACE(MAX_PAYLOAD)); while(TRUE) { retval = recvmsg(sock_fd, &msg, 0); if(retval < 0) { printf("state<1"); } else { //LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "Received message: %s\n",(char *) NLMSG_DATA(nlh)); print_hex_dump_bytes("Msg", 0, NLMSG_DATA(nlh), retval); } } close(sock_fd); } static void __uvThreadSysPointUpload(void *pParams) { sleep(10); while(TRUE) { printf("++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n"); SysPointMarkUpload(); printf("----------------------------------\n"); sleep(60); } } #ifndef PLATFORM_CPU static void __uvThreadNetlinkSend(void *pParams) { char* pData = "0123456789abcdef"; int lastSt = MSG_IN_DISCOVERY_MODE; for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { BL_IOT_MSG blMsg; memset(&blMsg, 0, sizeof(BL_IOT_MSG)); strcpy(blMsg.msgTags, BL_IOT_MSG_TAGS); memcpy(blMsg.msgData, pData, strlen(pData)); blMsg.msglen = strlen(pData); blMsg.msgType = MSG_BYPASS_MODE; LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "Send Message : %d\n", i); BL_SendBLMsg(MSG_GET_WLAN_INFO, NULL, 0); if(i % 10 == 0) { BL_SendBLMsg(lastSt, NULL, 0); if(lastSt == MSG_IN_DISCOVERY_MODE) { lastSt = MSG_OUT_DISCOVERY_MODE; } else { lastSt = MSG_IN_DISCOVERY_MODE; } } //BL_SendMessage((unsigned char*)&blMsg, BL_IOT_MSG_LEN(blMsg.msglen)); sleep(1); } } #endif static int expectedId; static int nlCallback(void* msg, void* arg) { struct ucred * p = (struct ucred *)msg; LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "receive message\n"); } #if 0 void test_nl80211(void) { int ret; //allocate socket nl_sock* sk = nl_socket_alloc(); //connect to generic netlink genl_connect(sk); //find the nl80211 driver ID expectedId = genl_ctrl_resolve(sk, "nl80211"); //attach a callback nl_socket_modify_cb(sk, NL_CB_VALID, NL_CB_CUSTOM, nlCallback, NULL); //allocate a message nl_msg* msg = nlmsg_alloc(); nl80211_commands cmd = NL80211_CMD_GET_INTERFACE; int ifIndex = if_nametoindex("wlan0"); int flags = 0; // setup the message genlmsg_put(msg, 0, 0, expectedId, 0, flags, cmd, 0); //add message attributes NLA_PUT_U32(msg, NL80211_ATTR_IFINDEX, ifIndex); //send the messge (this frees it) ret = nl_send_auto_complete(sk, msg); //block for message to return nl_recvmsgs_default(sk); } #endif #include int main(int argc, char **argv) { int i, j, ret = 0; DBusConnection* pBus = NULL; uv_timer_t uvSndLess, uvSndMore; uv_loop_t* pLoop = GetDBusDefaultLoop(); int modIdx = -1; char buf[256]; char base64code[] = {0xCE, 0xDE, 0xCF, 0xDF, 0x57, 0x69, 0x46, 0x69, 0xC4, 0xC4, 0xBC, 0xD2, 0xC7, 0xBF, 0xB0, 0xA1, 0xC0, 0xB6, 0xCF, 0xE8}; #if 0 struct tm tm; memset(&tm, 0, sizeof(struct tm)); strptime("2001-11-12 18:31:01", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", &tm); strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d %b %Y %H:%M", &tm); puts(buf); #endif #if 0 i = GetServerModeFromCC(PUBLISH_MODE, &ret); fprintf(stdout, "Read ServerMode = %d, errno = %d\n", i, ret); #endif #if 0 FILE* pFile = fopen("/mnt/UDISK/time.txt", "w+"); fprintf(stdout, "WAKE_CACHE_DATA_SIZE1(%u) --> %u\n", WAKE_CACHE_DATA_SIZE1, round_up_pow_of_two(WAKE_CACHE_DATA_SIZE1)); fprintf(stdout, "127 --> %u\n", roundup_pow_of_two(127)); fprintf(stdout, "3 --> %u\n", roundup_pow_of_two(3)); fprintf(stdout, "256 --> %u\n", roundup_pow_of_two(256)); fprintf(stdout, "1024 * 2 - 1 --> %u\n", roundup_pow_of_two(1024 * 2 - 1)); #endif #if 0 fprintf(stdout, "Wait system reboot for 10s"); ret = system("sync && ubus call system watchdog \'{\"stop\" : true}\'"); sleep(20); fprintf(stdout, "Wait WDT 20s End\n"); #endif #if 0 int fd = open("/dev/watchdog", O_WRONLY); if(fd == -1) { perror("Open WDT"); } sleep(20); fprintf(stdout, "Wait WDT 20s\n"); #endif #ifdef PLATFORM_R16 #endif //fprintf(stdout, "uv_default_loop = %p\n", pLoop); if(argc <= 1) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: ./dbus-r16.exe <0-%d>\n", MODULE_MAX - 1); return 0; } modIdx = strtol(argv[1], NULL, 10); if(modIdx >= MODULE_MAX || modIdx < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Bad params of %s, max value is %d\n", argv[1], MODULE_MAX - 1); return 0; } memcpy(&g_ModInfo, &g_pModInfoTable[modIdx], sizeof(MOD_INFO_TABLE)); pBus = DBusWithLibuvInit(pLoop, g_ModInfo.modAliase, DBusOnMessage, NULL, NULL, &ret); if(pBus == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "DBusWithLibuvInit Error: %d\n", ret); exit(1); return 0; } LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "Base64:[%s]\n", EvpBase64Encode(base64code)); SetHBLAutoExit(TRUE); if(modIdx == 20) { #ifndef PLATFORM_CPU if(MijiaIoT_Init("11672758", "DH5Z7KOWWsqdwW5J") == 0) { MijiaIoT_ServerStart(); MijiaIoT_UnBindDevice(); } #endif } //SysPointMarkInit(NULL, -1, -1); //test_task_new(__uvThreadSysPointUpload, NULL); //test_netlink(); #ifndef PLATFORM_CPU //BL_Init(NULL); //L_SendMessage((unsigned char*)&blMsg, sizeof(BL_IOT_MSG)); //test_netlink(); //__uvThreadTimerV2(pLoop); //test_task_new(__uvThreadNetlinkSend, NULL); #endif //DumpCurServerAddr("Default"); #if 0 for(int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { char buf[256]; memset(buf, 0, 256); sprintf(buf, "dl_%d.bin", i); InetHttpDlFileAsync("", //"https://vbox-resource.nos-hz.163yun.com/20180628092806976tina_r16_ota_32.tar.gz", buf, __onDlCb, NULL,//__onPrgCb, NULL); } #endif //SetCurrentServerMode(DEV_MODE); //DumpCurServerAddr("DEV_MODE"); #if 0 SetCurrentServerMode(TEST_MODE); DumpCurServerAddr("TEST_MODE"); SetCurrentServerMode(PUBLISH_MODE); DumpCurServerAddr("PUBLISH_MODE"); #endif //test_task_new(__uvThreadTimerV2, pLoop); //HttpPostLogFile("{}"); //SysPointMarkInit("123456", -1, -1); //SysPointMarkUpload(); #if 0 for(int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { void* pMalloc = malloc(1024 * 1024); if(pMalloc == NULL) { LOG_EX(LOG_Error, "%d: Malloc Error\n", i); } else { LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "%d: Malloc %p\n", i, pMalloc); memset(pMalloc, 0, 1024 * 1024); } usleep(100000); } #endif #if 0 g_pOnKevEvt = (uv_fs_event_t*)malloc(sizeof(uv_fs_event_t)); uv_fs_event_init(pLoop, g_pOnKevEvt); uv_fs_event_start(g_pOnKevEvt, run_command, "./1.txt", UV_FS_EVENT_RECURSIVE); #endif //test_task_new(__dlTestThread, NULL); #if 0 if(modIdx == 20) { IHW_EnableLogLevel(LOG_All, 1); test_task_new(__uvLogCtrlProc, NULL); } else if(modIdx == 19) { test_task_new(__uvLogTestProc, NULL); } else if(modIdx == 21) { test_task_new(__uvMsgSendTestProc, NULL); } else if(modIdx == 15) { test_task_new(__uvThreadTestProc, NULL); } else if(modIdx == 16) { test_task_new(__uvThreadTestFifo, NULL); } #endif //LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "Chip Serial: [%s]\n", GetCpuSerial()); //LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "Chip ID: [%s]\n", GetCpuChipId()); //LOG_BUF(LOG_Error, g_pModInfoTable, 64); // DBusWithLibuvCfgInit(OnCfgMsgCb); #if 0 uv_timer_init(pLoop, &uvSndLess); uvSndLess.data = pBus; uv_timer_start(&uvSndLess, uvSndLessCb, 1000, 3000); #endif //uv_timer_init(pLoop, &uvSndMore); //uv_timer_start(&uvSndMore, uvTimeoutCb, 3000, 10000); //EvpEncrypto(); //LOG_EX(LOG_Info, "Struct --> Json: [%s]\n", Struct2Json(NULL, 0)); //Json2Struct(NULL, 0); //free((void*)EvpBase64Encode(pSrc)); //LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "Base") //free((void*)EvpMD5HashFile("/root/time.txt")); //test_evp_aes(); //test_aes_async(); //test_base64_async(); //test_md5file_async(); //test_task_new(__uvThreadTestConfigure); //test_task_new(__uvThreadTestOTA, NULL); //test_task_new(__uvThreadTimer, NULL); //uv_timer_init(GetDBusDefaultLoop(), &g_tmTest); //LOG_EX(LOG_Info, "Start Timer............\n"); //uv_timer_start(&g_tmTest, uvSndLessCb, g_Delay, 0); //test_task_new(__uvThreadTimer, NULL); //test_s2j_task(); //test_base64_async(); //test_move_data(); //AlarmTimerInit(pLoop); #if 0 for(i = REPEAT_MODE_NONE; i <= REPEAT_MODE_HOLIDAY; i++) { { AlarmTimerAdd2(2017 - 1900, 11 - 1, 28, 13, 50, 30, 0, i, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL); AlarmTimerAdd2(2017-1900, 11-1, 28, 23, 50, 30, 0, i, NULL, 0, 1, NULL, NULL); } } #endif #if 0 struct tm localTime; time_t timeStamp = time((time_t*)NULL) + 30; localtime_r(&timeStamp, &localTime); AlarmTimerAdd(2018-1900, 7-1, 19, localTime.tm_hour, localTime.tm_min, localTime.tm_sec, 0, 3, __onAlarmCb, 0, NULL, NULL); #endif #if 0 for(i = REPEAT_MODE_NONE; i <= REPEAT_MODE_HOLIDAY; i++) { struct tm localTime; localtime_r(&timeStamp, &localTime); AlarmTimerAdd(2017-1900, 11-1, 29, localTime.tm_hour, localTime.tm_min, localTime.tm_sec, 0, 1, NULL, 0, i % 2, NULL, NULL); } #endif //InetSmtpSendEmail(); #if 1 #if 1 #endif #if 1 if(modIdx == 18) { SkinInit(); SkinIsVerifyRes(TRUE); #if 0 char* path = "/mnt/UDISK/skinupgrade.txt"; char* pUpgCmd = "[{\"createTime\":1517832224000,\"enable\":1,\"id\":170," "\"md5\":\"0c8d2d487e485cf3553d7e2818ac42d9\",\"osType\":0," "\"remark\":\"101\",\"resourceName\":\"v101\",\"resourceType\":1," "\"resourceVersion\":\"0.3.2\",\"size\":33734,\"updateTime\":1517832224000," "\"url\":\"http://vbox-resource.nos.netease.com/2536ded2-71a5-40ab-98dc-fe824fbbfb64.mp3\"," "\"versionId\":68,\"versionName\":\"0.3.2\",\"versionOsType\":\"0\"}]"; FILE* pFp = fopen(path, "rw"); int fileSize = 0; GET_FILE_SIZE(path, fileSize); fprintf(stdout, "%s size = %d\n", path, fileSize); if(pFp && fileSize > 0) { char* pData = (char*)malloc(fileSize); ret = fread(pData, fileSize, 1, pFp); fprintf(stdout, "Read: %s\n", pData); fclose(pFp); SkinUpgrade(pData); free(pData); } #else //const char* GetSkinsResource(const char [in] *pKeyName, int [out] *pResType, int [out] *pVersion, const char [out] **pComeFrom) //fprintf(stdout, "[v401] = {%s}\n", GetSkinsResource("v401", NULL, NULL, NULL)); #if 0 fprintf(stdout, "[v109] = {%s}\n", GetSkinsResource("v109", NULL, NULL, NULL)); fprintf(stdout, "[v311] = {%s}\n", GetSkinsResource("v311", NULL, NULL, NULL)); fprintf(stdout, "[v401] = {%s}\n", GetSkinsResource("v401", NULL, NULL, NULL)); fprintf(stdout, "[v401] = {%s}\n", GetSkinsResource("v401", NULL, NULL, NULL)); fprintf(stdout, "[v401] = {%s}\n", GetSkinsResource("v401", NULL, NULL, NULL)); fprintf(stdout, "[v401] = {%s}\n", GetSkinsResource("v401", NULL, NULL, NULL)); fprintf(stdout, "[v401] = {%s}\n", GetSkinsResource("v401", NULL, NULL, NULL)); fprintf(stdout, "[v401] = {%s}\n", GetSkinsResource("v401", NULL, NULL, NULL)); fprintf(stdout, "[v401] = {%s}\n", GetSkinsResource("v401", NULL, NULL, NULL)); fprintf(stdout, "[v401] = {%s}\n", GetSkinsResource("v401", NULL, NULL, NULL)); fprintf(stdout, "[v401] = {%s}\n", GetSkinsResource("v401", NULL, NULL, NULL)); fprintf(stdout, "[v401] = {%s}\n", GetSkinsResource("v401", NULL, NULL, NULL)); test_task_new(__uvTestSkin, NULL); #endif #endif } #endif #endif #if 0 #define MAIL_SENDER ("pv1_es2@163.com") #define SENDER_PASSWORD ("pv1Dev163") #define MAIL_RECEIVER ("pv1_es2@163.com") #define MAIL_SERVER ("smtps://smtp.163.com") //#else #define MAIL_SENDER ("pv1_es2@hotmail.com") #define SENDER_PASSWORD ("netEase163") #define MAIL_RECEIVER ("pv1_es2@163.com") #define MAIL_SERVER ("smtp://smtp-mail.outlook.com") #endif #if 0 SMTP_MAIL_CONFIG smtpCfg; memset(&smtpCfg, 0, sizeof(SMTP_MAIL_CONFIG)); smtpCfg.pUserName = MAIL_SENDER; smtpCfg.pPassword = SENDER_PASSWORD; smtpCfg.pSmtpServer = MAIL_SERVER; const char *pFrom = MAIL_SENDER; const char *pTo[] = {"pv1_es2@163.com", "pv1_es2@126.com", NULL}; const char *pCc[] = {"xajhuang@qq.com", "xajhuang@163.com", NULL}; const char *pTitle = "Log Message"; const char *pMessage = "Hi All: This is log backup mail."; const char *pAttact[] = {"mail.txt", "time.txt", NULL}; InetSmtpSendEmail(pFrom, pTo, pCc, pTitle, pMessage, pAttact, &smtpCfg); #endif // InetHttpUploadFileSync(UPL_HTTP_URL, "./time.txt"); #if 0 if((i = GZipFileCompress("./input.txt", "./input.gz")) != 0) { LOG_EX(LOG_Error, "Create Gzip File Error: %d\n", i); } //#else while(TRUE) { for(i = 0; i < 3010; i++) { LOG_EX(LOG_Debug, "This is log %d\n", j++); } sleep(1); } #endif RunUVLoop(pLoop); while(TRUE) { usleep(1000); } return (0); }