// // Created by HuangXin on 2023/4/24. // #include #include "user_errno.h" #include "database.h" #include "dhcp_network.h" #include "rfc2131.h" #include "ip_pool.h" #include "db_interface.h" #include "misc.h" #include "zlog_module.h" #include "lease.h" // 10小时以上清理无效的预分配IP #define DCHP_STEP_TIMEOUT (36000) #define CREATE_LEASE_TABLE() \ "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS lease " \ " ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT," \ " uid INTEGER NOT NULL," \ " mac CHAR(20) NOT NULL," \ " ip INTEGER NOT NULL," \ " lease INTEGER NOT NULL," \ " createTm INTEGER NOT NULL," \ " netmask INTEGER," \ " gateway INTEGER," \ " dns1 INTEGER," \ " dns2 INTEGER," \ " server INTEGER NOT NULL," \ " hostname CHAR(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL," \ " keyType INTEGER NOT NULL" \ ");" \ "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS " \ "lease_index ON lease (uid, mac);" #define CREATE_PRE_ASSIGN_TABLE() \ "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS pre_assign" \ " ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT," \ " uid INTEGER NOT NULL," \ " xid INTEGER NOT NULL," \ " hostname CHAR(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL," \ " mac CHAR(20) NOT NULL," \ " ip CHAR(24) NOT NULL," \ " lease INTEGER NOT NULL," \ " netmask CHAR(24)," \ " gateway CHAR(24)," \ " dns1 CHAR(24)," \ " dns2 CHAR(24)," \ " server CHAR(24) NOT NULL," \ " createTm TIMESTAMP DEFAULT (datetime('now', 'localtime')) NOT NULL" \ "); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS pre_assign_index ON pre_assign(ip, uid);" #define INSERT_PRE_ASSIGN_ROW_FMT \ "INSERT INTO pre_assign (uid, xid, hostname, mac, ip, lease, netmask, gateway, dns1, dns2, server) " \ "VALUES (%d, %d, '%s', '%s', '%s', %d, '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s');" #define GET_PRE_ASSIGN_EXISTS_ROW_FMT \ "SELECT ip, id FROM pre_assign WHERE mac = '%s' AND hostname = '%s' AND uid = %d ORDER BY createTm DESC LIMIT 1;" #define IP_IS_PRE_ASSIGN_NOT_TIMEOUT_FMT \ "SELECT (strftime('%%s', 'now', 'localtime') - strftime('%%s', createTm)) as tm FROM pre_assign WHERE ip = " \ "'%s' AND tm < %d AND uid = %d ORDER BY tm DESC LIMIT 1;" #define IP_IS_PRE_ASSIGN "SELECT ip FROM pre_assign WHERE ip = '%s' AND uid = %d" #define IP_IS_PRE_ASSIGN_TIMEOUT_FMT \ "SELECT (strftime('%%s', 'now', 'localtime') - strftime('%%s', createTm)) as tm, id FROM pre_assign WHERE ip = " \ "'%s' AND tm >= %d AND uid = %d ORDER BY tm DESC LIMIT 1;" #define GET_PRE_ASSIGN_ROW_FMT \ "SELECT ip, uid FROM pre_assign WHERE (strftime('%%s', 'now', 'localtime') - strftime('%%s', createTm)) < %d;" #define CLS_TIMEOUT_PRE_ASSIGN_ROW_FMT \ "DELETE FROM pre_assign WHERE (strftime('%%s', 'now', 'localtime') - - strftime('%%s', createTm)) > %d" #define UPDATE_CREATE_TIME_BY_ID_FMT "UPDATE pre_assign SET createTm = datetime('now', 'localtime') WHERE id = %s" int lease_lock_pre_assign_ip() { int rc; char buf[1024] = {0}; char **dbResult; int nRow = 0, nColumn = 0; snprintf(buf, 1024, GET_PRE_ASSIGN_ROW_FMT, DCHP_STEP_TIMEOUT); rc = db_sqlite3_get_rows(buf, &dbResult, &nRow, &nColumn, NULL); if (rc == ERR_SUCCESS && nRow > 0 && nColumn > 0) { int i; for (i = 1; i <= nRow; i++) { U32 uid = strtoul(dbResult[i * nColumn + 1], NULL, 10); U32 ip = ntohl(inet_addr(dbResult[i * nColumn])); PDHCP_USER pUser = dhcp_user_create(uid); if (pUser) { usr_lease_lock_ip(pUser, ip); LOG_MOD(debug, ZM_DHCP_DB, "Lock prepare assign ip %s for user %u\n", dbResult[i * nColumn], uid); } // printf("-- Row %d value %s, %s, %s\n", i, dbResult[i * nColumn], dbResult[i * nColumn + 1], dbResult[i * nColumn + 2]); } } sqlite3_free_table(dbResult); return ERR_SUCCESS; } int lease_clearup_timeout_pre_assign() { int rc; char buf[1024] = {0}; snprintf(buf, 1024, CLS_TIMEOUT_PRE_ASSIGN_ROW_FMT, DCHP_STEP_TIMEOUT); rc = db_sqlite3_sql_exec(CREATE_LEASE_TABLE(), NULL, NULL, NULL); if (rc != ERR_SUCCESS) { return rc; } return ERR_SUCCESS; } int lease_ip_is_pre_assign(U32 uid, U32 ip) { int rc; char buf[1024] = {0}; char **dbResult; int nRow = 0, nColumn = 0; // 判断IP是否存曾经被预分配 snprintf(buf, 1024, IP_IS_PRE_ASSIGN, u32_to_str_ip(htonl(ip)), uid); rc = db_sqlite3_get_rows(buf, &dbResult, &nRow, &nColumn, NULL); sqlite3_free_table(dbResult); if (rc == ERR_SUCCESS && nRow == 0) { // 数据库没有相关记录,直接返回 LOG_MOD(trace, ZM_DHCP_DB, "New prepare assign ipaddr %s form user %u\n", u32_to_str_ip(htonl(ip)), uid); return FALSE; } // 判断数据库中该IP是否未超时 memset(buf, 0, 1024); snprintf(buf, 1024, IP_IS_PRE_ASSIGN_NOT_TIMEOUT_FMT, u32_to_str_ip(htonl(ip)), DCHP_STEP_TIMEOUT, uid); rc = db_sqlite3_get_rows(buf, &dbResult, &nRow, &nColumn, NULL); sqlite3_free_table(dbResult); if (rc == ERR_SUCCESS && nRow > 0 && nColumn > 0) { // 如果数据库存在记录说明该IP暂时不可以用 LOG_MOD(trace, ZM_DHCP_DB, "No free ip address form user %u\n", uid); return TRUE; } // 判断是否有超时预分配的IP, 存在的话可以预分配给其它请求 memset(buf, 0, 1024); snprintf(buf, 1024, IP_IS_PRE_ASSIGN_TIMEOUT_FMT, u32_to_str_ip(htonl(ip)), DCHP_STEP_TIMEOUT, uid); rc = db_sqlite3_get_rows(buf, &dbResult, &nRow, &nColumn, NULL); if (rc == ERR_SUCCESS && nRow > 0 && nColumn > 0) { // 清理超时资源并预分配 // 更新时间戳 memset(buf, 0, 1024); snprintf(buf, 1024, UPDATE_CREATE_TIME_BY_ID_FMT, dbResult[3]); db_sqlite3_sql_exec(buf, NULL, NULL, NULL); sqlite3_free_table(dbResult); LOG_MOD(trace, ZM_DHCP_DB, "New prepare assign ipaddr %s form user %u by clearup resource\n", u32_to_str_ip(htonl(ip)), uid); return FALSE; } sqlite3_free_table(dbResult); // 处理失败,默认返回 return TRUE; } int lease_get_pre_assign(U32 uid, const char *mac, const char *hostname, U32 *preAssign) { int rc; char buf[1024] = {0}; char **dbResult; int nRow = 0, nColumn = 0; snprintf(buf, 1024, GET_PRE_ASSIGN_EXISTS_ROW_FMT, mac, hostname, uid); rc = db_sqlite3_get_rows(buf, &dbResult, &nRow, &nColumn, NULL); if (rc == ERR_SUCCESS && nRow > 0 && nColumn > 0) { if (preAssign) { *preAssign = ntohl(inet_addr(dbResult[2])); printf("pre alloc [%s(%u)] --> %s\n", mac, uid, dbResult[2]); // 更新时间戳 memset(buf, 0, 1024); snprintf(buf, 1024, UPDATE_CREATE_TIME_BY_ID_FMT, dbResult[3]); db_sqlite3_sql_exec(buf, NULL, NULL, NULL); } rc = ERR_ITEM_EXISTS; } else { rc = ERR_ITEM_UNEXISTS; } sqlite3_free_table(dbResult); return rc; } int lease_db_add_pre_assign(PDHCP_REQ pReq, U32 ip, PPOOL_CTX pPool) { int rc; char buf[1024] = {0}; char macStr[20] = {0}; const char *pIp = u32_to_str_ip_safe(htonl(ip)); const char *pMask = u32_to_str_ip_safe(htonl(pPool->netMask)); const char *pGw = u32_to_str_ip_safe(htonl(pPool->gwAddr)); const char *pDns1 = u32_to_str_ip_safe(htonl(pPool->primeDNS)); const char *pDns2 = u32_to_str_ip_safe(htonl(pPool->salveDNS)); const char *pServer = u32_to_str_ip_safe(pReq->serverAddr); MAC_TO_STR(pReq->cliMac, macStr); snprintf(buf, 1024, INSERT_PRE_ASSIGN_ROW_FMT, pReq->uid, pReq->xid, pReq->hostName, macStr, pIp, pPool->leaseTime, pMask, pGw, pDns1, pDns2, pServer); free((void *)pIp); free((void *)pMask); free((void *)pGw); free((void *)pDns1); free((void *)pDns2); free((void *)pServer); rc = db_sqlite3_sql_exec(buf, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (rc != ERR_SUCCESS) { return rc; } return ERR_SUCCESS; } int lease_init_database() { int rc; rc = db_sqlite3_sql_exec(CREATE_LEASE_TABLE(), NULL, NULL, NULL); if (rc != ERR_SUCCESS) { return rc; } rc = db_sqlite3_sql_exec(CREATE_PRE_ASSIGN_TABLE(), NULL, NULL, NULL); if (rc != ERR_SUCCESS) { return rc; } return ERR_SUCCESS; }