1484 lines
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1484 lines
42 KiB
/***/ "7KK3":
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module.exports = ""
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/***/ "L50V":
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/***/ "MMl4":
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/***/ }),
/***/ "Oj/O":
/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
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// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/babel-loader/lib!./node_modules/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./src/pages/HomePage.vue
/* harmony default export */ var HomePage = ({
data: function data() {
return {
pie: false,
bar: true,
form: true,
barWidth: 0,
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barGraph: false,
formGraph: false,*/
protectCount: "56560",
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enhanceCount: "4212",
time: "2018年10月24日 15:55",
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protectData: '',
alertData: '',
enhanceData: '',
bardataX: '',
barproData: '',
baralertData: '',
barenhanceData: '',
tableData: [],
applists: [],
app: '',
mapData: []
mounted: function mounted() {
methods: {
changeAttr: function changeAttr(data) {
var result = [];
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var obj = { name: '', value: '' };
obj.name = data[i].appName;
obj.value = data[i].appCount;
return result;
getPic: function getPic(data) {
this.form = true;
this.bar = true;
this.pie = true;
if (data == 'form' && this.form) {
this.form = !this.form;
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this.bar = !this.bar;
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this.pie = !this.pie;
this.initPie(document.getElementById('protectPic'), this.protectClor, '防护次数', this.protectCount, this.protectData);
this.initPie(document.getElementById('alertPic'), this.alertClor, '告警次数', this.alertCount, this.alertData);
this.initPie(document.getElementById('enhancePic'), this.enhanceClor, '加固次数', this.enhanceCount, this.enhanceData);
getList: function getList() {
var that = this;
this.$axios.get(this.$store.state.urlHost + '/index/applist').then(function (res) {
var resultAll = res.data;
if (resultAll.resultCode == "0") {
that.applists = resultAll.result.appList;
}).catch(function (error) {
error && alert(error);
getPieData: function getPieData() {
var that = this;
this.$axios.get(this.$store.state.urlHost + '/index/pie').then(function (res) {
var resultAll = res.data;
if (resultAll.resultCode == "0") {
that.protectData = that.changeAttr(resultAll.result.dataGuard);
that.alertData = that.changeAttr(resultAll.result.dataErr);
that.enhanceData = that.changeAttr(resultAll.result.dataReinf);
that.protectCount = resultAll.result.guardSum;
that.alertCount = resultAll.result.errSum;
that.enhanceCount = resultAll.result.reinfSum;
that.initPie(document.getElementById('protectPic'), that.protectClor, '防护次数', that.protectCount, that.protectData);
that.initPie(document.getElementById('alertPic'), that.alertClor, '告警次数', that.alertCount, that.alertData);
that.initPie(document.getElementById('enhancePic'), that.enhanceClor, '加固次数', that.enhanceCount, that.enhanceData);
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error && alert(error);
getBarData: function getBarData() {
var that = this;
var barWidth = document.getElementById('alertPic').clientWidth * 3;
this.barWidth = barWidth + 'px';
this.$axios.get(this.$store.state.urlHost + '/index/bar').then(function (res) {
var resultAll = res.data;
if (resultAll.resultCode == "0") {
that.bardataX = resultAll.result.appName;
that.barproData = resultAll.result.guardCount;
that.baralertData = resultAll.result.guardCount;
that.barenhanceData = resultAll.result.reinfCount;
that.initBar(document.getElementById('BarPic'), that.bardataX, that.barproData, that.baralertData, that.barenhanceData);
}).catch(function (error) {
error && alert(error);
getMapData: function getMapData() {
var that = this;
var parameters = {
appName: this.app
this.$axios.get(this.$store.state.urlHost + '/index/map', { params: parameters }).then(function (res) {
var resultAll = res.data;
if (resultAll.resultCode == "0") {
var data = resultAll.result.data;
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var obj = { name: '', value: '' };
obj.name = data[i].city;
obj.value = data[i].count;
}).catch(function (error) {
error && alert(error);
initPie: function initPie(obj, color, labelText, labelCount, data) {
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data: ['防护次数', '告警次数', '加固次数']
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color: '#22CDBA'
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name: '告警次数',
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data: [{
name: 'Afghanistan',
value: 28397.812
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name: 'Angola',
value: 19549.124
}, {
name: 'Albania',
value: 3150.143
}, {
name: 'United Arab Emirates',
value: 8441.537
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name: 'Argentina',
value: 40374.224
}, {
name: 'Armenia',
value: 2963.496
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name: 'French Southern and Antarctic Lands',
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name: 'Australia',
value: 22404.488
}, {
name: 'Austria',
value: 8401.924
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name: 'Azerbaijan',
value: 9094.718
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name: 'Burundi',
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name: 'Belgium',
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name: 'Benin',
value: 9509.798
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name: 'Burkina Faso',
value: 15540.284
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name: 'Bangladesh',
value: 151125.475
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name: 'Bulgaria',
value: 7389.175
}, {
name: 'The Bahamas',
value: 66402.316
}, {
name: 'Bosnia and Herzegovina',
value: 3845.929
}, {
name: 'Belarus',
value: 9491.07
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name: 'Belize',
value: 308.595
}, {
name: 'Bermuda',
value: 64.951
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name: 'Bolivia',
value: 716.939
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name: 'Brazil',
value: 195210.154
}, {
name: 'Brunei',
value: 27.223
}, {
name: 'Bhutan',
value: 716.939
}, {
name: 'Botswana',
value: 1969.341
}, {
name: 'Central African Republic',
value: 4349.921
}, {
name: 'Canada',
value: 34126.24
}, {
name: 'Switzerland',
value: 7830.534
}, {
name: 'Chile',
value: 17150.76
}, {
name: 'China',
value: 1359821.465
}, {
name: 'Ivory Coast',
value: 60508.978
}, {
name: 'Cameroon',
value: 20624.343
}, {
name: 'Democratic Republic of the Congo',
value: 62191.161
}, {
name: 'Republic of the Congo',
value: 3573.024
}, {
name: 'Colombia',
value: 46444.798
}, {
name: 'Costa Rica',
value: 4669.685
}, {
name: 'Cuba',
value: 11281.768
}, {
name: 'Northern Cyprus',
value: 1.468
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name: 'Cyprus',
value: 1103.685
}, {
name: 'Czech Republic',
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name: 'Germany',
value: 83017.404
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name: 'Djibouti',
value: 834.036
}, {
name: 'Denmark',
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name: 'Dominican Republic',
value: 10016.797
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name: 'Algeria',
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name: 'Ecuador',
value: 15001.072
}, {
name: 'Egypt',
value: 78075.705
}, {
name: 'Eritrea',
value: 5741.159
}, {
name: 'Spain',
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}, {
name: 'Estonia',
value: 1298.533
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name: 'Ethiopia',
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name: 'Finland',
value: 5367.693
}, {
name: 'Fiji',
value: 860.559
}, {
name: 'Falkland Islands',
value: 49.581
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name: 'France',
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}, {
name: 'Gabon',
value: 1556.222
}, {
name: 'United Kingdom',
value: 62066.35
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name: 'Georgia',
value: 4388.674
}, {
name: 'Ghana',
value: 24262.901
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name: 'Guinea',
value: 10876.033
}, {
name: 'Gambia',
value: 1680.64
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name: 'Guinea Bissau',
value: 10876.033
}, {
name: 'Equatorial Guinea',
value: 696.167
}, {
name: 'Greece',
value: 11109.999
}, {
name: 'Greenland',
value: 56.546
}, {
name: 'Guatemala',
value: 14341.576
}, {
name: 'French Guiana',
value: 231.169
}, {
name: 'Guyana',
value: 786.126
}, {
name: 'Honduras',
value: 7621.204
}, {
name: 'Croatia',
value: 4338.027
}, {
name: 'Haiti',
value: 9896.4
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name: 'Hungary',
value: 10014.633
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name: 'Indonesia',
value: 240676.485
}, {
name: 'India',
value: 12054.648
}, {
name: 'Ireland',
value: 4467.561
}, {
name: 'Iran',
value: 240676.485
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name: 'Iraq',
value: 30962.38
}, {
name: 'Iceland',
value: 318.042
}, {
name: 'Israel',
value: 7420.368
}, {
name: 'Italy',
value: 60508.978
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name: 'Jamaica',
value: 2741.485
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name: 'Jordan',
value: 6454.554
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name: 'Japan',
value: 127352.833
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name: 'Kazakhstan',
value: 15921.127
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name: 'Kenya',
value: 40909.194
}, {
name: 'Kyrgyzstan',
value: 5334.223
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name: 'Cambodia',
value: 14364.931
}, {
name: 'South Korea',
value: 51452.352
}, {
name: 'Kosovo',
value: 97.743
}, {
name: 'Kuwait',
value: 2991.58
}, {
name: 'Laos',
value: 6395.713
}, {
name: 'Lebanon',
value: 4341.092
}, {
name: 'Liberia',
value: 3957.99
}, {
name: 'Libya',
value: 6040.612
}, {
name: 'Sri Lanka',
value: 20758.779
}, {
name: 'Lesotho',
value: 2008.921
}, {
name: 'Lithuania',
value: 3068.457
}, {
name: 'Luxembourg',
value: 507.885
}, {
name: 'Latvia',
value: 2090.519
}, {
name: 'Morocco',
value: 31642.36
}, {
name: 'Moldova',
value: 103.619
}, {
name: 'Madagascar',
value: 21079.532
}, {
name: 'Mexico',
value: 117886.404
}, {
name: 'Macedonia',
value: 507.885
}, {
name: 'Mali',
value: 13985.961
}, {
name: 'Myanmar',
value: 51931.231
}, {
name: 'Montenegro',
value: 620.078
}, {
name: 'Mongolia',
value: 2712.738
}, {
name: 'Mozambique',
value: 23967.265
}, {
name: 'Mauritania',
value: 3609.42
}, {
name: 'Malawi',
value: 15013.694
}, {
name: 'Malaysia',
value: 28275.835
}, {
name: 'Namibia',
value: 2178.967
}, {
name: 'New Caledonia',
value: 246.379
}, {
name: 'Niger',
value: 15893.746
}, {
name: 'Nigeria',
value: 159707.78
}, {
name: 'Nicaragua',
value: 5822.209
}, {
name: 'Netherlands',
value: 16615.243
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name: 'Norway',
value: 4891.251
}, {
name: 'Nepal',
value: 26846.016
}, {
name: 'New Zealand',
value: 4368.136
}, {
name: 'Oman',
value: 2802.768
}, {
name: 'Pakistan',
value: 173149.306
}, {
name: 'Panama',
value: 3678.128
}, {
name: 'Peru',
value: 29262.83
}, {
name: 'Philippines',
value: 93444.322
}, {
name: 'Papua New Guinea',
value: 6858.945
}, {
name: 'Poland',
value: 38198.754
}, {
name: 'Puerto Rico',
value: 3709.671
}, {
name: 'North Korea',
value: 1.468
}, {
name: 'Portugal',
value: 10589.792
}, {
name: 'Paraguay',
value: 6459.721
}, {
name: 'Qatar',
value: 1749.713
}, {
name: 'Romania',
value: 21861.476
}, {
name: 'Russia',
value: 21861.476
}, {
name: 'Rwanda',
value: 10836.732
}, {
name: 'Western Sahara',
value: 514.648
}, {
name: 'Saudi Arabia',
value: 27258.387
}, {
name: 'Sudan',
value: 35652.002
}, {
name: 'South Sudan',
value: 9940.929
}, {
name: 'Senegal',
value: 12950.564
}, {
name: 'Solomon Islands',
value: 526.447
}, {
name: 'Sierra Leone',
value: 5751.976
}, {
name: 'El Salvador',
value: 6218.195
}, {
name: 'Somaliland',
value: 9636.173
}, {
name: 'Somalia',
value: 9636.173
}, {
name: 'Republic of Serbia',
value: 3573.024
}, {
name: 'Suriname',
value: 524.96
}, {
name: 'Slovakia',
value: 5433.437
}, {
name: 'Slovenia',
value: 2054.232
}, {
name: 'Sweden',
value: 9382.297
}, {
name: 'Swaziland',
value: 1193.148
}, {
name: 'Syria',
value: 7830.534
}, {
name: 'Chad',
value: 11720.781
}, {
name: 'Togo',
value: 6306.014
}, {
name: 'Thailand',
value: 66402.316
}, {
name: 'Tajikistan',
value: 7627.326
}, {
name: 'Turkmenistan',
value: 5041.995
}, {
name: 'East Timor',
value: 10016.797
}, {
name: 'Trinidad and Tobago',
value: 1328.095
}, {
name: 'Tunisia',
value: 10631.83
}, {
name: 'Turkey',
value: 72137.546
}, {
name: 'United Republic of Tanzania',
value: 44973.33
}, {
name: 'Uganda',
value: 33987.213
}, {
name: 'Ukraine',
value: 46050.22
}, {
name: 'Uruguay',
value: 3371.982
}, {
name: 'United States of America',
value: 312247.116
}, {
name: 'Uzbekistan',
value: 27769.27
}, {
name: 'Venezuela',
value: 236.299
}, {
name: 'Vietnam',
value: 89047.397
}, {
name: 'Vanuatu',
value: 236.299
}, {
name: 'West Bank',
value: 13.565
}, {
name: 'Yemen',
value: 22763.008
}, {
name: 'South Africa',
value: 51452.352
}, {
name: 'Zambia',
value: 13216.985
}, {
name: 'Zimbabwe',
value: 13076.978
}] //数据
getTable: function getTable() {
var that = this;
this.$axios.get(this.$store.state.urlHost + '/index/list').then(function (res) {
var resultAll = res.data;
if (resultAll.resultCode == "0") {
that.tableData = resultAll.result.dataList;
}).catch(function (error) {
error && alert(error);
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var esExports = { render: render, staticRenderFns: staticRenderFns }
/* harmony default export */ var pages_HomePage = (esExports);
// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/pages/HomePage.vue
function injectStyle (ssrContext) {
var normalizeComponent = __webpack_require__("VU/8")
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var __vue_template_functional__ = false
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var __vue_styles__ = injectStyle
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var __vue_scopeId__ = "data-v-1ac38876"
/* moduleIdentifier (server only) */
var __vue_module_identifier__ = null
var Component = normalizeComponent(
/* harmony default export */ var src_pages_HomePage = __webpack_exports__["a"] = (Component.exports);
/***/ }),
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module.exports = ""
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/***/ }),
/***/ "d5yS":
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
module.exports = ""
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/***/ "eerB":
/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
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// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/babel-loader/lib!./node_modules/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./src/components/NavMenu.vue
/* harmony default export */ var NavMenu = ({
name: 'NavMenu',
data: function data() {
return {
isCollapse: false,
isShow: false,
activeIndex: localStorage.getItem('activeIndex') || '2-1',
roleAction: JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('roleAction')),
navHeight: '',
menuCount: {
"el-icon-menu": true,
"waf-menu-count": true,
wafMenuCountW: localStorage.getItem('activeIndex').substring(0, 1) == 1 ? true : false
menuSite: {
"el-icon-menu": true,
"waf-menu-site": true,
wafMenuSiteW: localStorage.getItem('activeIndex').substring(0, 1) == 2 ? true : false
menuScan: {
"el-icon-menu": true,
"waf-menu-scan": true,
wafMenuScanW: localStorage.getItem('activeIndex').substring(0, 1) == 3 ? true : false
menuUser: {
"el-icon-menu": true,
"waf-menu-user": true,
wafMenuUserW: localStorage.getItem('activeIndex').substring(0, 1) == 4 ? true : false
menuFacdBack: {
"el-icon-menu": true,
"waf-menu-facdBack": true,
wafMenuFacdBackW: localStorage.getItem('activeIndex').substring(0, 1) == 5 ? true : false
conutOn: localStorage.getItem('activeIndex').substring(0, 1) == 1 ? 'menuOn' : '',
siteOn: localStorage.getItem('activeIndex').substring(0, 1) == 2 ? 'menuOn' : '',
scanOn: localStorage.getItem('activeIndex').substring(0, 1) == 3 ? 'menuOn' : '',
userOn: localStorage.getItem('activeIndex').substring(0, 1) == 4 ? 'menuOn' : '',
fackbackOn: localStorage.getItem('activeIndex').substring(0, 1) == 5 ? 'menuOn' : ''
mounted: function mounted() {},
methods: {
handleSelect: function handleSelect(key, keyPath) {
this.activeIndex = key;
var index = key.substring(0, 1);
if (this.menuCount.wafMenuCountW) {
this.menuCount.wafMenuCountW = false;
this.conutOn = '';
if (this.menuSite.wafMenuSiteW) {
this.menuSite.wafMenuSiteW = false;
this.siteOn = '';
if (this.menuScan.wafMenuScanW) {
this.menuScan.wafMenuScanW = false;
this.scanOn = '';
if (this.menuUser.wafMenuUserW) {
this.menuUser.wafMenuUserW = false;
this.userOn = '';
if (this.menuFacdBack.wafMenuFacdBackW) {
this.menuFacdBack.wafMenuFacdBackW = false;
this.fackbackOn = '';
if (index == 1) {
this.menuCount.wafMenuCountW = true;
this.conutOn = 'menuOn';
if (index == 2) {
this.menuSite.wafMenuSiteW = true;
this.siteOn = 'menuOn';
if (index == 3) {
this.menuScan.wafMenuScanW = true;
this.scanOn = 'menuOn';
if (index == 4) {
this.menuUser.wafMenuUserW = true;
this.userOn = 'menuOn';
if (index == 5) {
this.menuFacdBack.wafMenuFacdBackW = true;
this.fackbackOn = 'menuOn';
localStorage.setItem('activeIndex', key);
handleOpen: function handleOpen(key, keyPath) {
console.log(key, keyPath);
handleClose: function handleClose(key, keyPath) {
console.log(key, keyPath);
goTo: function goTo(url) {
this.$router.push({ path: url });
this.$store.state.homePage = false;
test: function test() {
this.isShow = !this.isShow;
if (this.isShow) {
} else {
// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vue-loader/lib/template-compiler?{"id":"data-v-95064e48","hasScoped":false,"transformToRequire":{"video":["src","poster"],"source":"src","img":"src","image":"xlink:href"},"buble":{"transforms":{}}}!./node_modules/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=template&index=0!./src/components/NavMenu.vue
var render = function () {var _vm=this;var _h=_vm.$createElement;var _c=_vm._self._c||_h;return _c('div',{ref:"navmenu",staticClass:"navmenu"},[_c('el-menu',{staticClass:"el-menu-demo",attrs:{"default-active":_vm.activeIndex,"text-color":"#A6CBF1","mode":"horizontal","collapse":_vm.isCollapse},on:{"open":_vm.handleOpen,"close":_vm.handleClose,"select":_vm.handleSelect}},[_c('el-menu-item',{attrs:{"index":"1"}},[_vm._v("监控")]),_vm._v(" "),_c('el-menu-item',{attrs:{"index":"2"}},[_vm._v("管控")]),_vm._v(" "),_c('el-menu-item',{attrs:{"index":"3"}},[_vm._v("对象")]),_vm._v(" "),_c('el-menu-item',{attrs:{"index":"4"}},[_vm._v("网络")]),_vm._v(" "),_c('el-menu-item',{attrs:{"index":"5"}},[_vm._v("审计")]),_vm._v(" "),_c('el-menu-item',{attrs:{"index":"6"}},[_vm._v("系统")])],1)],1)}
var staticRenderFns = []
var esExports = { render: render, staticRenderFns: staticRenderFns }
/* harmony default export */ var components_NavMenu = (esExports);
// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/components/NavMenu.vue
function injectStyle (ssrContext) {
var normalizeComponent = __webpack_require__("VU/8")
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/* template */
/* template functional */
var __vue_template_functional__ = false
/* styles */
var __vue_styles__ = injectStyle
/* scopeId */
var __vue_scopeId__ = null
/* moduleIdentifier (server only) */
var __vue_module_identifier__ = null
var Component = normalizeComponent(
/* harmony default export */ var src_components_NavMenu = (Component.exports);
// EXTERNAL MODULE: ./src/pages/HomePage.vue + 2 modules
var HomePage = __webpack_require__("Oj/O");
// EXTERNAL MODULE: ./src/pages/show/Footer.vue + 2 modules
var Footer = __webpack_require__("bGob");
// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/babel-loader/lib!./node_modules/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./src/pages/Index.vue
/* harmony default export */ var Index = ({
name: 'Index',
data: function data() {
return {
roleName: localStorage.getItem('username'),
asideWidth: '144px',
oWidth: '',
URL: {
ibsoutSystem: '/adLoginOut',
cdnoutSystem: '/loginOut'
computed: Object(vuex_esm["b" /* mapState */])({
contextPath: 'urlHost',
devEnv: 'devEnv',
roleAction: 'roleAction'
mounted: function mounted() {},
methods: {
getasidewidth: function getasidewidth(width) {
var that = this;
that.oWidth = width;
setTimeout(function () {
that.asideWidth = that.oWidth;
}, 300);
handleCommand: function handleCommand(command) {
if (command == 'out') {
var that = this;
that.$router.push({ path: '/' });
/*var loginOutUrl = localStorage.getItem('sysName') == "IBSAdmin" ? that.URL.ibsoutSystem : that.URL.cdnoutSystem;
method: 'post',
url: that.contextPath + (that.devEnv ? '/frontEndLoginOut': loginOutUrl),
needInterceptors: true,
showError: true
components: {
NavMenu: src_components_NavMenu,
HomePage: HomePage["a" /* default */],
Footer: Footer["a" /* default */]
// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vue-loader/lib/template-compiler?{"id":"data-v-2c0be63c","hasScoped":false,"transformToRequire":{"video":["src","poster"],"source":"src","img":"src","image":"xlink:href"},"buble":{"transforms":{}}}!./node_modules/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=template&index=0!./src/pages/Index.vue
var Index_render = function () {var _vm=this;var _h=_vm.$createElement;var _c=_vm._self._c||_h;return _c('el-container',[_c('el-header',[_c('div',{staticClass:"onTitle"},[_vm._v("企业智能安全网关")]),_vm._v(" "),_c('NavMenu'),_vm._v(" "),_c('div',{staticClass:"logoOut"},[_c('el-dropdown',{attrs:{"trigger":"click"},on:{"command":_vm.handleCommand}},[_c('span',{staticClass:"el-dropdown-link"},[_c('span',{staticClass:"rowBreak userName"},[_vm._v("杭小研...")]),_vm._v(" "),_c('i',{staticClass:"el-icon-arrow-down el-icon--right"})]),_vm._v(" "),_c('el-dropdown-menu',{attrs:{"slot":"dropdown"},slot:"dropdown"},[_c('el-dropdown-item',{attrs:{"command":"out"}},[_vm._v("退出")])],1)],1)],1)],1),_vm._v(" "),_c('el-container',[_c('el-container',[_c('el-main',{staticClass:"index-content"},[_c('router-view')],1)],1),_vm._v(" "),_c('Footer')],1)],1)}
var Index_staticRenderFns = []
var Index_esExports = { render: Index_render, staticRenderFns: Index_staticRenderFns }
/* harmony default export */ var pages_Index = (Index_esExports);
// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/pages/Index.vue
function Index_injectStyle (ssrContext) {
var Index_normalizeComponent = __webpack_require__("VU/8")
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/* template */
/* template functional */
var Index___vue_template_functional__ = false
/* styles */
var Index___vue_styles__ = Index_injectStyle
/* scopeId */
var Index___vue_scopeId__ = null
/* moduleIdentifier (server only) */
var Index___vue_module_identifier__ = null
var Index_Component = Index_normalizeComponent(
/* harmony default export */ var src_pages_Index = __webpack_exports__["default"] = (Index_Component.exports);
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/***/ }),
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/***/ (function(module, exports) {
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/***/ }),
/***/ "m+fX":
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
module.exports = ""
/***/ })
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