/* * This file is part of the struct2json Library. * * Copyright (c) 2015, Armink, <armink.ztl@gmail.com> * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * 'Software'), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED 'AS IS', WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, * TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE * SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * * Function: It is an head file for this library. * Created on: 2015-10-14 */ #ifndef __S2JDEF_H__ #define __S2JDEF_H__ #include <cjson/cJSON.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif typedef struct { void *(*malloc_fn)(size_t sz); void (*free_fn)(void *ptr); } S2jHook, *S2jHook_t; #define S2J_STRUCT_GET_int_ELEMENT(to_struct, from_json, _element) \ json_temp = cJSON_GetObjectItem(from_json, #_element); \ if (json_temp) (to_struct)->_element = json_temp->valueint; #define S2J_STRUCT_GET_string_ELEMENT(to_struct, from_json, _element) \ json_temp = cJSON_GetObjectItem(from_json, #_element); \ if (json_temp) strcpy((to_struct)->_element, json_temp->valuestring); #define S2J_STRUCT_GET_STRING_ELEMENT_N(to_struct, from_json, _element, n) \ json_temp = cJSON_GetObjectItem(from_json, #_element); \ if (json_temp && json_temp->valuestring && n > 1){\ strncpy((to_struct)->_element, json_temp->valuestring, n - 1);\ to_struct->_element[n - 1] = '\0';} #define S2J_STRUCT_GET_double_ELEMENT(to_struct, from_json, _element) \ json_temp = cJSON_GetObjectItem(from_json, #_element); \ if (json_temp) (to_struct)->_element = json_temp->valuedouble; #define S2J_STRUCT_ARRAY_GET_int_ELEMENT(to_struct, from_json, _element, index) \ (to_struct)->_element[index] = from_json->valueint; #define S2J_STRUCT_ARRAY_GET_string_ELEMENT(to_struct, from_json, _element, index) \ strcpy((to_struct)->_element[index], from_json->valuestring); #define S2J_STRUCT_ARRAY_GET_string_ELEMENT_n(to_struct, from_json, _element, index, maxlen) \ strncpy((to_struct)->_element[index], from_json->valuestring, maxlen - 1); #define S2J_STRUCT_ARRAY_GET_double_ELEMENT(to_struct, from_json, _element, index) \ (to_struct)->_element[index] = from_json->valuedouble; #define S2J_STRUCT_ARRAY_GET_ELEMENT(to_struct, from_json, type, _element, index) \ S2J_STRUCT_ARRAY_GET_##type##_ELEMENT(to_struct, from_json, _element, index) #define S2J_JSON_SET_int_ELEMENT(to_json, from_struct, _element) \ cJSON_AddNumberToObject(to_json, #_element, (from_struct)->_element); #define S2J_JSON_SET_double_ELEMENT(to_json, from_struct, _element) \ cJSON_AddNumberToObject(to_json, #_element, (from_struct)->_element); #define S2J_JSON_SET_string_ELEMENT(to_json, from_struct, _element) \ cJSON_AddStringToObject(to_json, #_element, (from_struct)->_element); #define S2J_JSON_ARRAY_SET_int_ELEMENT(to_json, from_struct, _element, index) \ cJSON_AddItemToArray(to_json, cJSON_CreateNumber((from_struct)->_element[index])); #define S2J_JSON_ARRAY_SET_double_ELEMENT(to_json, from_struct, _element, index) \ cJSON_AddItemToArray(to_json, cJSON_CreateNumber((from_struct)->_element[index])); #define S2J_JSON_ARRAY_SET_string_ELEMENT(to_json, from_struct, _element, index) \ cJSON_AddItemToArray(to_json, cJSON_CreateString((from_struct)->_element[index])); #define S2J_JSON_ARRAY_SET_ELEMENT(to_json, from_struct, type, _element, index) \ S2J_JSON_ARRAY_SET_##type##_ELEMENT(to_json, from_struct, _element, index) #define S2J_CREATE_JSON_OBJECT(json_obj) \ cJSON *json_obj = cJSON_CreateObject(); #define S2J_DELETE_JSON_OBJECT(json_obj) \ cJSON_Delete(json_obj); #define S2J_JSON_SET_BASIC_ELEMENT(to_json, from_struct, type, _element) \ S2J_JSON_SET_##type##_ELEMENT(to_json, from_struct, _element) #define S2J_JSON_SET_ARRAY_ELEMENT(to_json, from_struct, type, _element, size) \ { \ cJSON *array; \ size_t index = 0; \ array = cJSON_CreateArray(); \ if (array) { \ while (index < size) { \ S2J_JSON_ARRAY_SET_ELEMENT(array, from_struct, type, _element, index++); \ } \ cJSON_AddItemToObject(to_json, #_element, array); \ } \ } #define S2J_JSON_SET_STRUCT_ELEMENT(child_json, to_json, child_struct, from_struct, type, _element) \ type *child_struct = &((from_struct)->_element); \ cJSON *child_json = cJSON_CreateObject(); \ if (child_json) cJSON_AddItemToObject(to_json, #_element, child_json); #define S2J_CREATE_STRUCT_OBJECT(struct_obj, type) \ cJSON *json_temp; \ type *struct_obj = malloc(sizeof(type)); \ if (struct_obj) memset(struct_obj, 0, sizeof(type)); #define S2J_DELETE_STRUCT_OBJECT(struct_obj) \ free(struct_obj); #define S2J_STRUCT_GET_BASIC_ELEMENT(to_struct, from_json, type, _element) \ S2J_STRUCT_GET_##type##_ELEMENT(to_struct, from_json, _element) #define S2J_STRUCT_GET_ARRAY_ELEMENT(to_struct, from_json, type, _element) \ { \ cJSON *array, *array_element; \ size_t index = 0, size = 0; \ array = cJSON_GetObjectItem(from_json, #_element); \ if (array) { \ size = cJSON_GetArraySize(array); \ while (index < size) { \ array_element = cJSON_GetArrayItem(array, index); \ if (array_element) S2J_STRUCT_ARRAY_GET_ELEMENT(to_struct, array_element, type, _element, index++); \ } \ } \ } #define S2J_STRUCT_GET_ARRAY_ELEMENT_N(to_struct, from_json, type, _element, NUM) \ { \ cJSON *array, *array_element; \ size_t index = 0, size = 0; \ array = cJSON_GetObjectItem(from_json, #_element); \ if (array) { \ size = cJSON_GetArraySize(array); \ while (index < size && index < NUM) { \ array_element = cJSON_GetArrayItem(array, index); \ if (array_element) S2J_STRUCT_ARRAY_GET_ELEMENT(to_struct, array_element, type, _element, index++); \ } \ } \ } #define S2J_STRUCT_GET_STR_ARRAY_ELEMENT_N(to_struct, from_json, _element, NUM, LEN) \ { \ cJSON *array, *array_element; \ size_t index = 0, size = 0; \ array = cJSON_GetObjectItem(from_json, #_element); \ if (array) { \ size = cJSON_GetArraySize(array); \ NUM = size;\ (to_struct)->_element = (char **)malloc(size * sizeof(char *));\ memset((to_struct)->_element, 0, size * sizeof(char *));\ while (index < size) { \ array_element = cJSON_GetArrayItem(array, index); \ (to_struct)->_element[index] = (char *)calloc(1, LEN);\ if (array_element) S2J_STRUCT_ARRAY_GET_string_ELEMENT_n(to_struct, array_element, _element, index++, LEN); \ } \ } \ } #define S2J_STRUCT_GET_STRUCT_ELEMENT(child_struct, to_struct, child_json, from_json, type, _element) \ type *child_struct = &((to_struct)->_element); \ cJSON *child_json = cJSON_GetObjectItem(from_json, #_element); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* __S2JDEF_H__ */