include ../../Common/def.Makefile # target name, the target name must have the same name of c source file TARGET_NAME=log-sched # target # for linux module driver: KO # for application: EXE # for dynamic library: DLL TARGET_TYPE = EXE # target object # for application: APP # for device driver: DRV TARGET_OBJ = APP # custom install dir TARGET_BOX = #debug mode or release mode DEBUG = TRUE PLAT_LINUX ?= TRUE PLAT_ARM64 ?= TRUE VPATH = ../user/ulog/log-sched # source code # set the source file, don't used .o because of ... COMMON_SRCS = log_file.c log_console.c log_pty.c log_remote.c log_common.c log_sched.c sev_sched.c # MRS Board Source Files PLAT_LINUX_SRCS = $(COMMON_SRCS) PLAT_ARM64_SRCS = $(COMMON_SRCS) # gcc CFLAGS PLAT_ARM64_CFLAGS := -fPIC -I../../Common -I../common/rpc -I../common/ulog -I../user/ulog PLAT_LINUX_CFLAGS := $(PLAT_ARM64_CFLAGS) PLAT_ARM64_LDFLAGS := PLAT_LINUX_LDFLAGS := $(PLAT_ARM64_LDFLAGS) #gcc libs ARM64_LIBS := -lopenrpc-$(ARM64_OBJ_TARGET) -lulogapi-$(ARM64_OBJ_TARGET) -lpthread -lm -lev LINUX_LIBS := -lopenrpc-$(LINUX_OBJ_TARGET) -lulogapi-$(LINUX_OBJ_TARGET) -lpthread -lm -lev # this line must be at below of thus, because of... include ../../Common/common.Makefile ifneq ($(MAKECMDGOALS), clean) ifneq ($(MAKECMDGOALS), cleanall) ifneq ($(notdir $(DEPEND_LIB)), $(wildcard $(DEPEND_LIB))) $(shell $(CP) $(DEPEND_LIB) ./) endif endif endif ifeq ($(MAKECMDGOALS), ) $(shell find ./ -name "$(TARGET)-*.ko" -delete) else ifeq ($(MAKECMDGOALS), all) $(shell find ./ -name "$(TARGET)-*.ko" -delete) endif endif