/* * CUnit - A Unit testing framework library for C. * Copyright (C) 2001 Anil Kumar * Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Anil Kumar, Jerry St.Clair * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* * Contains Interface to Run tests. * * Aug 2001 Initial implementation. (AK) * * 09/Aug/2001 Contains generic run tests interface which can be used * for any type of frontend interface framework. (AK) * * 24/Nov/2001 Added Handler for Group Initialization failure condition. (AK) * * 05-Aug-2004 New interface. Since these should be internal functions, * no support for deprecated version 1 names provided now, * eliminated global variables for current test & suite, * moved (renamed) _TestResult here from TestDB.h. (JDS) * * 05-Sep-2004 Added internal test interface. (JDS) * * 23-Apr-2006 Moved doxygen comments into header. * Added type marker to CU_FailureRecord. * Added support for tracking inactive suites/tests. (JDS) * * 08-May-2006 Moved CU_print_run_results() functionality from * console/basic test complete handler. (JDS) * * 24-May-2006 Added callbacks for suite start and complete events. * Added tracking/reported of elapsed time. (JDS) */ /** @file * Test run management functions (user interface). * The TestRun module implements functions supporting the running * of tests elements (suites and tests). This includes functions for * running suites and tests, retrieving the number of tests/suites run, * and managing callbacks during the run process.

* * The callback mechanism works as follows. The CUnit runtime system * supports the registering and calling of functions at the start and end * of each test, when all tests are complete, and when a suite * initialialization function returns an error. This allows clients to * perform actions associated with these events such as output formatting * and reporting. */ /** @addtogroup Framework * @{ */ #ifndef CUNIT_TESTRUN_H_SEEN #define CUNIT_TESTRUN_H_SEEN #include "CUnit.h" #include "CUError.h" #include "TestDB.h" #include #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /** Types of failures occurring during test runs. */ typedef enum CU_FailureTypes { CUF_SuiteInactive = 1, /**< Inactive suite was run. */ CUF_SuiteInitFailed, /**< Suite initialization function failed. */ CUF_SuiteCleanupFailed, /**< Suite cleanup function failed. */ CUF_TestInactive, /**< Inactive test was run. */ CUF_AssertFailed /**< CUnit assertion failed during test run. */ } CU_FailureType; /**< Failure type. */ /* CU_FailureRecord type definition. */ /** Data type for holding assertion failure information (linked list). */ typedef struct CU_FailureRecord { CU_FailureType type; /**< Failure type. */ unsigned int uiLineNumber; /**< Line number of failure. */ char* strFileName; /**< Name of file where failure occurred. */ char* strCondition; /**< Test condition which failed. */ CU_pTest pTest; /**< Test containing failure. */ CU_pSuite pSuite; /**< Suite containing test having failure. */ struct CU_FailureRecord* pNext; /**< Pointer to next record in linked list. */ struct CU_FailureRecord* pPrev; /**< Pointer to previous record in linked list. */ } CU_FailureRecord; typedef CU_FailureRecord* CU_pFailureRecord; /**< Pointer to CU_FailureRecord. */ /* CU_RunSummary type definition. */ /** Data type for holding statistics and assertion failures for a test run. */ typedef struct CU_RunSummary { char PackageName[50]; unsigned int nSuitesRun; /**< Number of suites completed during run. */ unsigned int nSuitesFailed; /**< Number of suites for which initialization failed. */ unsigned int nSuitesInactive; /**< Number of suites which were inactive. */ unsigned int nTestsRun; /**< Number of tests completed during run. */ unsigned int nTestsFailed; /**< Number of tests containing failed assertions. */ unsigned int nTestsInactive; /**< Number of tests which were inactive (in active suites). */ unsigned int nAsserts; /**< Number of assertions tested during run. */ unsigned int nAssertsFailed; /**< Number of failed assertions. */ unsigned int nFailureRecords; /**< Number of failure records generated. */ double ElapsedTime; /**< Elapsed time for run in seconds. */ } CU_RunSummary; typedef CU_RunSummary* CU_pRunSummary; /**< Pointer to CU_RunSummary. */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- * Type Definitions for Message Handlers. *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ typedef void (*CU_SuiteStartMessageHandler)(const CU_pSuite pSuite); /**< Message handler called at the start of a suite. pSuite will not be null. */ typedef void (*CU_TestStartMessageHandler)(const CU_pTest pTest, const CU_pSuite pSuite); /**< Message handler called at the start of a test. * The parameters are the test and suite being run. The test run is * considered in progress when the message handler is called. * Neither pTest nor pSuite may be null. */ typedef void (*CU_TestCompleteMessageHandler)(const CU_pTest pTest, const CU_pSuite pSuite, const CU_pFailureRecord pFailure); /**< Message handler called at the completion of a test. * The parameters are the test and suite being run, plus a pointer to * the first failure record applicable to this test. If the test did * not have any assertion failures, pFailure will be NULL. The test run * is considered in progress when the message handler is called. */ typedef void (*CU_SuiteCompleteMessageHandler)(const CU_pSuite pSuite, const CU_pFailureRecord pFailure); /**< Message handler called at the completion of a suite. * The parameters are suite being run, plus a pointer to the first failure * record applicable to this suite. If the suite and it's tests did not * have any failures, pFailure will be NULL. The test run is considered * in progress when the message handler is called. */ typedef void (*CU_AllTestsCompleteMessageHandler)(const CU_pFailureRecord pFailure); /**< Message handler called at the completion of a test run. * The parameter is a pointer to the linked list holding the failure * records for the test run. The test run is considered completed * when the message handler is called. */ typedef void (*CU_SuiteInitFailureMessageHandler)(const CU_pSuite pSuite); /**< Message handler called when a suite initializer fails. * The test run is considered in progress when the message handler is called. */ typedef void (*CU_SuiteCleanupFailureMessageHandler)(const CU_pSuite pSuite); /**< Message handler called when a suite cleanup function fails. * The test run is considered in progress when the message handler is called. */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- * Get/Set functions for Message Handlers *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CU_EXPORT void CU_set_suite_start_handler(CU_SuiteStartMessageHandler pSuiteStartMessage); /**< Sets the message handler to call before each suite is run. */ CU_EXPORT void CU_set_test_start_handler(CU_TestStartMessageHandler pTestStartMessage); /**< Sets the message handler to call before each test is run. */ CU_EXPORT void CU_set_test_complete_handler(CU_TestCompleteMessageHandler pTestCompleteMessage); /**< Sets the message handler to call after each test is run. */ CU_EXPORT void CU_set_suite_complete_handler(CU_SuiteCompleteMessageHandler pSuiteCompleteMessage); /**< Sets the message handler to call after each suite is run. */ CU_EXPORT void CU_set_all_test_complete_handler(CU_AllTestsCompleteMessageHandler pAllTestsCompleteMessage); /**< Sets the message handler to call after all tests have been run. */ CU_EXPORT void CU_set_suite_init_failure_handler(CU_SuiteInitFailureMessageHandler pSuiteInitFailureMessage); /**< Sets the message handler to call when a suite initialization function returns an error. */ CU_EXPORT void CU_set_suite_cleanup_failure_handler(CU_SuiteCleanupFailureMessageHandler pSuiteCleanupFailureMessage); /**< Sets the message handler to call when a suite cleanup function returns an error. */ CU_EXPORT CU_SuiteStartMessageHandler CU_get_suite_start_handler(void); /**< Retrieves the message handler called before each suite is run. */ CU_EXPORT CU_TestStartMessageHandler CU_get_test_start_handler(void); /**< Retrieves the message handler called before each test is run. */ CU_EXPORT CU_TestCompleteMessageHandler CU_get_test_complete_handler(void); /**< Retrieves the message handler called after each test is run. */ CU_EXPORT CU_SuiteCompleteMessageHandler CU_get_suite_complete_handler(void); /**< Retrieves the message handler called after each suite is run. */ CU_EXPORT CU_AllTestsCompleteMessageHandler CU_get_all_test_complete_handler(void); /**< Retrieves the message handler called after all tests are run. */ CU_EXPORT CU_SuiteInitFailureMessageHandler CU_get_suite_init_failure_handler(void); /**< Retrieves the message handler called when a suite initialization error occurs. */ CU_EXPORT CU_SuiteCleanupFailureMessageHandler CU_get_suite_cleanup_failure_handler(void); /**< Retrieves the message handler called when a suite cleanup error occurs. */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- * Functions for running registered tests and suites. *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CU_EXPORT CU_ErrorCode CU_run_all_tests(void); /**< * Runs all tests in all suites registered in the test registry. * The suites are run in the order registered in the test registry. * For each suite, it is first checked to make sure it is active. * Any initialization function is then called, the suite is run * using run_single_suite(), and finally any suite cleanup function * is called. If an error condition (other than CUE_NOREGISTRY) * occurs during the run, the action depends on the current error * action (see CU_set_error_action()). An inactive suite is not * considered an error for this function. Note that the run * statistics (counts of tests, successes, failures) are cleared * each time this function is run, even if it is unsuccessful. * * @return A CU_ErrorCode indicating the first error condition * encountered while running the tests. * @see CU_run_suite() to run the tests in a specific suite. * @see CU_run_test() for run a specific test only. */ CU_EXPORT CU_ErrorCode CU_run_suite(CU_pSuite pSuite); /**< * Runs all tests in a specified suite. * The suite need not be registered in the test registry to be * run. It does, however, need to have its fActive flag set to * CU_TRUE.

* * Any initialization function for the suite is first called, * then the suite is run using run_single_suite(), and any suite * cleanup function is called. Note that the run statistics * (counts of tests, successes, failures) are initialized each * time this function is called even if it is unsuccessful. If * an error condition occurs during the run, the action depends * on the current error action (see CU_set_error_action()). * * @param pSuite The suite containing the test (non-NULL) * @return A CU_ErrorCode indicating the first error condition * encountered while running the suite. CU_run_suite() * sets and returns CUE_NOSUITE if pSuite is NULL, or * CUE_SUITE_INACTIVE if the requested suite is not * activated. Other error codes can be set during suite * initialization or cleanup or during test runs. * @see CU_run_all_tests() to run all suites. * @see CU_run_test() to run a single test in a specific suite. */ CU_EXPORT CU_ErrorCode CU_run_test(CU_pSuite pSuite, CU_pTest pTest); /**< * Runs a specific test in a specified suite. * The suite need not be registered in the test registry to be run, * although the test must be registered in the specified suite. * Any initialization function for the suite is first * called, then the test is run using run_single_test(), and * any suite cleanup function is called. Note that the * run statistics (counts of tests, successes, failures) * will be initialized each time this function is called even * if it is not successful. Both the suite and test specified * must be active for the test to be run. The suite is not * considered to be run, although it may be counted as a failed * suite if the intialization or cleanup functions fail. * * @param pSuite The suite containing the test (non-NULL) * @param pTest The test to run (non-NULL) * @return A CU_ErrorCode indicating the first error condition * encountered while running the suite. CU_run_test() * sets and returns CUE_NOSUITE if pSuite is NULL, * CUE_NOTEST if pTest is NULL, CUE_SUITE_INACTIVE if * pSuite is not active, CUE_TEST_NOT_IN_SUITE * if pTest is not registered in pSuite, and CU_TEST_INACTIVE * if pTest is not active. Other error codes can be set during * suite initialization or cleanup or during the test run. * @see CU_run_all_tests() to run all tests/suites. * @see CU_run_suite() to run all tests in a specific suite. */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- * Functions for setting runtime behavior. *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CU_EXPORT void CU_set_fail_on_inactive(CU_BOOL new_inactive); /**< * Sets whether an inactive suite or test is treated as a failure. * If CU_TRUE, then failure records will be generated for inactive * suites or tests encountered during a test run. The default is * CU_TRUE so that the client is reminded that the framewrork * contains inactive suites/tests. Set to CU_FALSE to turn off * this behavior. * * @param new_inactive New setting for whether to treat inactive * suites and tests as failures during a test * run (CU_TRUE) or not (CU_FALSE). * @see CU_get_fail_on_failure() */ CU_EXPORT CU_BOOL CU_get_fail_on_inactive(void); /**< * Retrieves the current setting for whether inactive suites/tests * are treated as failures. If CU_TRUE then failure records will * be generated for inactive suites encountered during a test run. * * @return CU_TRUE if inactive suites/tests are failures, CU_FALSE if not. * @see CU_set_fail_on_inactive() */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- * Functions for getting information about the previous test run. *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CU_EXPORT unsigned int CU_get_number_of_suites_run(void); /**< Retrieves the number of suites completed during the previous run (reset each run). */ CU_EXPORT unsigned int CU_get_number_of_suites_failed(void); /**< Retrieves the number of suites which failed to initialize during the previous run (reset each run). */ CU_EXPORT unsigned int CU_get_number_of_suites_inactive(void); /**< Retrieves the number of inactive suites found during the previous run (reset each run). */ CU_EXPORT unsigned int CU_get_number_of_tests_run(void); /**< Retrieves the number of tests completed during the previous run (reset each run). */ CU_EXPORT unsigned int CU_get_number_of_tests_failed(void); /**< Retrieves the number of tests containing failed assertions during the previous run (reset each run). */ CU_EXPORT unsigned int CU_get_number_of_tests_inactive(void); /**< Retrieves the number of inactive tests found during the previous run (reset each run). */ CU_EXPORT unsigned int CU_get_number_of_asserts(void); /**< Retrieves the number of assertions processed during the last run (reset each run). */ CU_EXPORT unsigned int CU_get_number_of_successes(void); /**< Retrieves the number of successful assertions during the last run (reset each run). */ CU_EXPORT unsigned int CU_get_number_of_failures(void); /**< Retrieves the number of failed assertions during the last run (reset each run). */ CU_EXPORT unsigned int CU_get_number_of_failure_records(void); /**< * Retrieves the number failure records created during the previous run (reset each run). * Note that this may be more than the number of failed assertions, since failure * records may also be created for failed suite initialization and cleanup. */ CU_EXPORT double CU_get_elapsed_time(void); /**< * Retrieves the elapsed time for the last run in seconds (reset each run). * This function will calculate the current elapsed time if the test run has not * yet completed. This is in contrast to the run summary returned by * CU_get_run_summary(), for which the elapsed time is not updated until the * end of the run. */ CU_EXPORT CU_pFailureRecord CU_get_failure_list(void); /**< * Retrieves the head of the linked list of failures which occurred during the * last run (reset each run). Note that the pointer returned is invalidated * when the client initiates a run using CU_run_all_tests(), CU_run_suite(), * or CU_run_test(). */ CU_EXPORT CU_pRunSummary CU_get_run_summary(void); /**< * Retrieves the entire run summary for the last test run (reset each run). * The run counts and stats contained in the run summary are updated * throughout a test run. Note, however, that the elapsed time is not * updated until after all suites/tests are run but before the "all tests * complete" message handler is called (if any). To get the elapsed * time during a test run, use CU_get_elapsed_time() instead. */ CU_EXPORT char * CU_get_run_results_string(void); /**< * Creates a string and fills it with a summary of the current run results. * The run summary presents data for the suites, tests, and assertions * encountered during the run, as well as the elapsed time. The data * presented include the number of registered, run, passed, failed, and * inactive entities for each, as well as the elapsed time. This function * can be called at any time, although the test registry must have been * initialized (checked by assertion). The returned string is owned by * the caller and should be deallocated using CU_FREE(). NULL is returned * if there is an error allocating the new string. * * @return A new string containing the run summary (owned by caller). */ CU_EXPORT void CU_print_run_results(FILE *file); /**< * Prints a summary of the current run results to file. * The run summary is the same as returned by CU_get_run_results_string(). * Note that no newlines are printed before or after the report, so any * positioning must be performed before/after calling this function. The * report itself extends over several lines broken by '\n' characters. * file may not be NULL (checked by assertion). * * @param file Pointer to stream to receive the printed summary (non-NULL). */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- * Functions for internal & testing use. *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CU_EXPORT CU_pSuite CU_get_current_suite(void); /**< Retrieves a pointer to the currently-running suite (NULL if none). */ CU_EXPORT CU_pTest CU_get_current_test(void); /**< Retrievea a pointer to the currently-running test (NULL if none). */ CU_EXPORT CU_BOOL CU_is_test_running(void); /**< Returns CU_TRUE if a test run is in progress, * CU_TRUE otherwise. */ CU_EXPORT void CU_clear_previous_results(void); /**< * Initializes the run summary information stored from the previous test run. * Resets the run counts to zero, and frees any memory associated with * failure records. Calling this function multiple times, while inefficient, * will not cause an error condition. * @see clear_previous_results() */ CU_EXPORT CU_BOOL CU_assertImplementation(CU_BOOL bValue, unsigned int uiLine, const char *strCondition, const char *strFile, const char *strFunction, CU_BOOL bFatal); /**< * Assertion implementation function. * All CUnit assertions reduce to a call to this function. It should only be * called during an active test run (checked by assertion). This means that CUnit * assertions should only be used in registered test functions during a test run. * * @param bValue Value of the assertion (CU_TRUE or CU_FALSE). * @param uiLine Line number of failed test statement. * @param strCondition String containing logical test that failed. * @param strFile Source file where test statement failed. * @param strFunction Function where test statement failed. * @param bFatal CU_TRUE to abort test (via longjmp()), CU_FALSE to continue test. * @return As a convenience, returns the value of the assertion (i.e. bValue). */ #ifdef USE_DEPRECATED_CUNIT_NAMES typedef CU_FailureRecord _TestResult; /**< @deprecated Use CU_FailureRecord. */ typedef CU_pFailureRecord PTestResult; /**< @deprecated Use CU_pFailureRecord. */ #endif /* USE_DEPRECATED_CUNIT_NAMES */ #ifdef CUNIT_BUILD_TESTS void test_cunit_TestRun(void); #endif #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* CUNIT_TESTRUN_H_SEEN */ /** @} */