#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "libnetlinku.h" //#include "policy_client.h" //#include "policy_common.h" #include "log.h" #include "collection.h" #include "trace_msg.h" #include "commuapinl.h" #define HASH_SESS_TAB_BITS 8 #define HASH_SESS_TAB_SIZE (1 << HASH_SESS_TAB_BITS) #define EXEC_SYNC_WAIT_TIMEOUT 5 #define MAX_QUEUE_COUNT 256 #define MAX_QUEUE_TIMEOUT (EXEC_SYNC_WAIT_TIMEOUT + 2) #define TRACE_POLICY_BUF_SZ (sizeof(struct nlmsghdr) + TRACE_REQ_SZ) #define SESS_HASH_INDEX(seq) (seq >> HASH_SESS_TAB_BITS) #define NETLINK_GROUP_TRACE_ID 0 typedef struct _cb_arg { struct hlist_node node; uint32_t seq; void *arg; long t; // 加入链表的时间 void (*cb)(trace_ret_t ret, void *arg); } cb_arg_t; typedef struct _sync_arg { trace_ret_t ret; sem_t sem; } sync_arg_t; typedef struct _sess { uint16_t count[HASH_SESS_TAB_SIZE]; struct hlist_head hess[HASH_SESS_TAB_SIZE]; struct hlist_node *last[HASH_SESS_TAB_SIZE]; pthread_mutex_t hsess_mutex[HASH_SESS_TAB_SIZE]; } sess_t; static int g_pid; static pthread_t g_client_thread; //static volatile int g_client_stop = 0; static uint32_t g_seq = 0; static volatile sess_t g_sess = {0}; static int g_channel_open = -1; static trace_ret_t get_and_del_arg_from_hlist(const uint32_t seq, cb_arg_t **out) { int ret = TRACE_FAILURE; uint32_t i = SESS_HASH_INDEX(seq); cb_arg_t *pos, *cb_arg = NULL; struct hlist_node *n; ret = pthread_mutex_lock((pthread_mutex_t *)&g_sess.hsess_mutex[i]); if (ret != 0) { SYSLOG_ERR("Thread locked session:[%u] is failure:%d", i, ret); goto END; } hlist_for_each_entry_safe(pos, n, &g_sess.hess[i], node) { if (pos->seq != seq) { continue; } hlist_del(&pos->node); cb_arg = pos; g_sess.count[i]--; SYSLOG_DEBUG("Find cb by seq id:%u", seq); break; } ret = pthread_mutex_unlock((pthread_mutex_t *)&g_sess.hsess_mutex[i]); if (ret != 0) { SYSLOG_ERR("Thread unlocked session:[%u] is failure:%d", i, ret); goto END; } *out = cb_arg; ret = TRACE_SUCCESS; END: return ret; } static trace_ret_t msg_handle(const trace_reply_t *msg) { cb_arg_t *cb_arg = NULL; if (get_and_del_arg_from_hlist(msg->hdr.seq, &cb_arg) == TRACE_FAILURE) { SYSLOG_ERR("Get arg is failure"); return TRACE_FAILURE; } if (cb_arg == NULL) { SYSLOG_INFO("The seq:[%u] is not found", msg->hdr.seq); return TRACE_FAILURE; } if (cb_arg->cb != NULL) { SYSLOG_DEBUG("Execute callback of seq:[%u]", msg->hdr.seq); cb_arg->cb(msg->result, cb_arg->arg); } else { SYSLOG_DEBUG("The callback of seq:[%u] is not set", msg->hdr.seq); } free(cb_arg); return TRACE_SUCCESS; } static int trace_recv_handle(struct pdelivnl_ctrl_data *ctrl, struct nlmsghdr *n, void *arg) { trace_reply_t *reply; trace_ret_t ret; SYSLOG_INFO("Trace receives reply message, msg_type:%u", n->nlmsg_type); switch (n->nlmsg_type) { case TRACE_CFG_POLICY_REPLY: reply = (trace_reply_t *)NLMSG_DATA(n); if (sizeof(*reply) < (n->nlmsg_len - NLMSG_HDRLEN)) { SYSLOG_WARN("The length of the reply message is required to be %ld, but fact length is %u", sizeof(*reply), (n->nlmsg_len - NLMSG_HDRLEN)); break; } ret = msg_handle(reply); if (ret != TRACE_SUCCESS) { SYSLOG_ERR("Processing message is fail"); } break; default: SYSLOG_WARN("Unknown type:%u of the message is received from netlink", n->nlmsg_type); break; } SYSLOG_INFO("Reply message of trace finalizes, msg_type:%u", n->nlmsg_type); return 0; } static void *cb_thread(void *arg) { SYSLOG_INFO("Callback thread is started"); pdelivnl_listen(NETLINK_GROUP_TRACE_ID, trace_recv_handle, NULL); SYSLOG_INFO("Callback thread is stopped"); return NULL; } static trace_ret_t cfg_channel_send(const uint32_t seq, const trace_policy_t *policy, const reply_op_t is_reply) { char buf[TRACE_POLICY_BUF_SZ + 10]; struct nlmsghdr *hdr = (struct nlmsghdr *)buf; hdr->nlmsg_len = NLMSG_HDRLEN; hdr->nlmsg_flags = NLM_F_REQUEST /* | NLM_F_ACK */; hdr->nlmsg_type = TRACE_CFG_POLICY_REQ; hdr->nlmsg_pid = getpid(); trace_req_t req; req.hdr.ver = 1; req.hdr.seq = seq; req.hdr.is_reply = is_reply; memcpy(&req.policy, policy, sizeof(*policy)); commnl_addattr_l(hdr, sizeof(buf), TRACE_MSG_POLICY_REQ, &req, sizeof(trace_req_t)); SYSLOG_DEBUG("Send msg len:%u, msg_flag:%u, msg_type:%u", hdr->nlmsg_len, hdr->nlmsg_flags, hdr->nlmsg_type); SYSLOG_DEBUG("Send hdr: is_reply:%d, seq:%u, ver:%u", req.hdr.is_reply, req.hdr.seq, req.hdr.ver); SYSLOG_DEBUG("Send policy:"); SYSLOG_DEBUG(" src family:%u, src ip:%02x, sport:%u", req.policy.src.family, req.policy.src.addr.ip4.s_addr, req.policy.sport); SYSLOG_DEBUG(" dst family:%u, dst ip:%02x, dport:%u", req.policy.dst.family, req.policy.dst.addr.ip4.s_addr, req.policy.dport); SYSLOG_DEBUG(" protocol:%u, app_type:%u, base_type:%u", req.policy.protocol, req.policy.app_type, req.policy.base_type); /*发送组装好的netlink消息*/ //if (commcfg_send(hdr) < 0) { if (pdelivnl_send(NETLINK_GROUP_TRACE_ID, hdr) < 0) { SYSLOG_ERR("Message(seq:%u) which been sent is failure", seq); return TRACE_FAILURE; } SYSLOG_INFO("Message(seq:%u) which been sent is success", seq); return TRACE_SUCCESS; } static void cfg_channel_close() { if (g_channel_open >= 0) { pdelivnl_close(NETLINK_GROUP_TRACE_ID); } } trace_ret_t trace_client_init() { int i = 0; trace_ret_t pm_ret = collect_hlist_init((struct hlist_head *)g_sess.hess, sizeof(g_sess.hess) / sizeof(struct hlist_head)); if (pm_ret != TRACE_SUCCESS) { SYSLOG_ERR("hlist init is failure:%d", pm_ret); goto FAIL; } for (i = 0; i < sizeof(g_sess.hsess_mutex) / sizeof(pthread_mutex_t); i++) { int ret = pthread_mutex_init((pthread_mutex_t *)&g_sess.hsess_mutex[i], NULL); if (ret != 0) { SYSLOG_ERR("Initial thread:[%d] is failure:%d", i, ret); goto FAIL; } } //g_channel_open = commcfgnl_open(); g_channel_open = pdelivnl_open(NETLINK_GROUP_TRACE_ID); if(g_channel_open < 0) { SYSLOG_ERR("pdelivnl_open fail:%d", g_channel_open); goto FAIL; } int ret = pthread_create(&g_client_thread, NULL, cb_thread, NULL); if (ret != 0) { SYSLOG_ERR("Create the thread of callback is failure:%d", ret); goto FAIL; } return TRACE_SUCCESS; FAIL: while (i > 0) { i--; pthread_mutex_destroy((pthread_mutex_t *)&g_sess.hsess_mutex[i]); } cfg_channel_close(); return TRACE_FAILURE; } trace_ret_t trace_client_exit() { //g_client_stop = 1; cfg_channel_close(); // 先关闭,判断SOCKET异常来退出线程 pthread_join(g_client_thread, NULL); for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(g_sess.hsess_mutex) / sizeof(pthread_mutex_t); i++) { pthread_mutex_destroy((pthread_mutex_t *)&g_sess.hsess_mutex[i]); } cb_arg_t *pos; struct hlist_node *n; COLLECT_HLIST_CLEAR(pos, n, g_sess.hess, sizeof(g_sess.hess) / sizeof(struct hlist_head), node, free); return TRACE_SUCCESS; } static cb_arg_t *add_to_list_and_get(const uint32_t i, const uint32_t seq, const struct sysinfo *info, async_cb cb, void *arg) { cb_arg_t *cb_arg = NULL; struct hlist_node *prev_last; async_cb tmp_cb = NULL; void *tmp_arg; prev_last = g_sess.last[i]; if (g_sess.count[i] >= MAX_QUEUE_COUNT) { cb_arg_t *first = hlist_entry(g_sess.hess[i].first, cb_arg_t, node); if ((info->uptime - first->t) > MAX_QUEUE_TIMEOUT) { hlist_del(&first->node); tmp_cb = cb_arg->cb; tmp_arg = cb_arg->arg; // 复用cb_arg cb_arg = first; } else { SYSLOG_WARN("Hash table:[%u] queue is full", i); goto FAIL; } } if (cb_arg == NULL) { cb_arg = (cb_arg_t *)malloc(sizeof(*cb_arg)); if (cb_arg == NULL) { SYSLOG_ERR("Allocateing arg of callback is failure:%d\n", errno); goto FAIL; } } cb_arg->seq = seq; cb_arg->arg = arg; cb_arg->cb = cb; INIT_HLIST_NODE(&cb_arg->node); cb_arg->t = info->uptime; // 新节点加的链表后面 if (hlist_empty((struct hlist_head *)&g_sess.hess[i])) { hlist_add_head(&cb_arg->node, (struct hlist_head *)&g_sess.hess[i]); } else { hlist_add_behind(&cb_arg->node, g_sess.last[i]); } g_sess.last[i] = &cb_arg->node; g_sess.count[i]++; return cb_arg; FAIL: if (cb_arg == NULL) { free(cb_arg); } return NULL; } static trace_ret_t __trace_async_exec(const trace_policy_t *in, async_cb cb, void *arg, uint32_t *seq_out) { trace_ret_t ret = TRACE_FAILURE; struct hlist_node *prev_last; async_cb tmp_cb = NULL; void *tmp_arg; struct sysinfo info; uint32_t seq, i; reply_op_t is_reply = REPLY_OP_NO_NEED; seq = __sync_add_and_fetch(&g_seq, 1); SYSLOG_DEBUG("The seq of the message is %u", seq); cb_arg_t *cb_arg = NULL; int ret_thread; if (cb != NULL) { i = SESS_HASH_INDEX(seq); if (sysinfo(&info) != 0) { SYSLOG_ERR("Get current boot time is failure:%d\n", errno); goto END; } ret_thread = pthread_mutex_lock((pthread_mutex_t *)&g_sess.hsess_mutex[i]); if (ret_thread != 0) { SYSLOG_ERR("Async Interface:locked session:[%u] is failure:%d", i, errno); goto END; } prev_last = g_sess.last[i]; cb_arg = add_to_list_and_get(i, seq, &info, cb, arg); ret_thread = pthread_mutex_unlock((pthread_mutex_t *)&g_sess.hsess_mutex[i]); if (ret_thread != 0) { SYSLOG_ERR("Async Interface:unlocked session:[%u] is failure:%d", i, errno); goto END; } if (cb_arg == NULL) { SYSLOG_ERR("cbarg which is been added is failure"); goto END; } is_reply = REPLY_OP_NEED; SYSLOG_DEBUG("Need reply:%u from kernel", is_reply); } ret = cfg_channel_send(seq, in, is_reply); if (ret != TRACE_SUCCESS) { SYSLOG_ERR("Sending cfg is failure"); goto END; } if (seq_out != NULL) { *seq_out = seq; } if (cb != NULL) { ret = TRACE_PENDING; } END: if (cb != NULL) { if ((ret == TRACE_FAILURE) && (cb_arg != NULL)) { ret_thread = pthread_mutex_lock((pthread_mutex_t *)&g_sess.hsess_mutex[i]); if (ret_thread != 0) { SYSLOG_ERR("Free data:locked session:[%u] is failure:%d", i, errno); goto END2; } hlist_del(&cb_arg->node); free(cb_arg); g_sess.last[i] = prev_last; g_sess.count[i]--; ret_thread = pthread_mutex_unlock((pthread_mutex_t *)&g_sess.hsess_mutex[i]); if (ret_thread != 0) { SYSLOG_ERR("Free data:unlocked session:[%u] is failure:%d", i, errno); goto END; } } } END2: if (tmp_cb != NULL) { tmp_cb(TRACE_FAILURE, tmp_arg); } return ret; } trace_ret_t trace_async_exec(const trace_policy_t *in, async_cb cb, void *arg) { return __trace_async_exec(in, cb, arg, NULL); } static void sync_exec_cb(trace_ret_t ret, void *arg) { sync_arg_t *a = (sync_arg_t *)arg; SYSLOG_DEBUG("sync cb"); a->ret = ret; if (sem_post(&a->sem) != 0) { SYSLOG_ERR("Set semaphore is failure:%d", errno); } } trace_ret_t trace_sync_exec(const trace_policy_t *in) { trace_ret_t ret = TRACE_FAILURE; sync_arg_t *arg = (sync_arg_t *)malloc(sizeof(*arg)); if (arg == NULL) { SYSLOG_ERR("Allocate sync arg is failure:%d", errno); return TRACE_FAILURE; } if (sem_init(&arg->sem, 0, 0) != 0) { SYSLOG_ERR("Init sem is failure:%d", errno); goto END1; } uint32_t seq; if (__trace_async_exec(in, sync_exec_cb, arg, &seq) == TRACE_FAILURE) { SYSLOG_ERR("Exec policy is failure"); goto END2; } struct timespec timeout; if (clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &timeout) == -1) { SYSLOG_ERR("Get current time is failure:%d", errno); goto END2; } timeout.tv_sec += EXEC_SYNC_WAIT_TIMEOUT; if (sem_timedwait(&arg->sem, &timeout) == -1) { cb_arg_t *cb_arg = NULL; ret = get_and_del_arg_from_hlist(seq, &cb_arg); if (ret == TRACE_SUCCESS) { if (cb_arg != NULL) { free(cb_arg); arg->ret = TRACE_FAILURE; SYSLOG_ERR("Wait exec result is failure:%d", errno); } } else { SYSLOG_ERR("Get arg is failure"); goto END2; } } SYSLOG_INFO("Sync exec is completely, respone result:%u", arg->ret); ret = arg->ret; END2: sem_destroy(&arg->sem); END1: free(arg); return ret; } trace_ret_t trace_exec_no_reply(const trace_policy_t *in) { return __trace_async_exec(in, NULL, NULL, NULL); }