/* * rpc_conn.c * * Created on: 2011-3-20 * Author: yanghu */ #include "rpc_conn.h" #include "rpc_request.h" #include "rpc_response.h" #include "rpc_thread.h" #include "rpc_server.h" #include "rpc_util.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <error.h> #include <errno.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <assert.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/uio.h> static rpc_conn **freeconns; static int freetotal = 200; static int freecurr = 0; static pthread_mutex_t conn_lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; static void rpc_freelist_init() { if (freeconns == NULL) { pthread_mutex_lock(&conn_lock); if (freeconns == NULL) { freeconns = rpc_new0(rpc_conn*,freetotal); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&conn_lock); } } rpc_conn* rpc_conn_from_freelist() { rpc_freelist_init(); rpc_conn *conn = NULL; pthread_mutex_lock(&conn_lock); if (freecurr > 0) { conn = freeconns[freecurr--]; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&conn_lock); return conn; } void rpc_conn_add_freelist(rpc_conn *c) { rpc_freelist_init(); pthread_mutex_lock(&conn_lock); if (freecurr < freetotal) { freeconns[freecurr++] = c; } else { size_t newsize = freetotal * 2; rpc_conn **new_freeconns = rpc_realloc(freeconns, sizeof(rpc_conn *) * newsize); if (new_freeconns) { freetotal = newsize; freeconns = new_freeconns; freeconns[freecurr++] = c; } } pthread_mutex_unlock(&conn_lock); } static boolean rsp_read_from_conn(rpc_conn *c) { if (c->rcurr != c->rbuf) { if (c->rbytes != 0) memcpy(c->rbuf, c->rcurr, c->rbytes); c->rcurr = c->rbuf; } int num_allocs = 0; for (;;) { if (c->rbytes >= c->rsize) { if (num_allocs == 4) { return TRUE; } ++num_allocs; char *new_rbuf = rpc_realloc(c->rbuf, c->rsize * 2); if (!new_rbuf) { break; } c->rcurr = c->rbuf = new_rbuf; c->rsize *= 2; } int avail = c->rsize - c->rbytes; int n = read(c->sfd, c->rbuf + c->rbytes, avail); rpc_log_dbg("cb_req_read ret %d, rbytes %d, avail %d\r\n",n,c->rbytes,avail); if (n == 0) { rpc_log_error("connected closed!\n"); //client_conn_close(c); rpc_sleep(1000); return FALSE; } else if (n == -1) { if (errno == EINTR || errno == EWOULDBLOCK) { continue; } rpc_log_error("read error!"); //client_conn_close(c); rpc_sleep(1000); break; } else { c->rbytes += n; if (n == avail) { continue; } else { break; } } } return TRUE; } static boolean read_from_conn(rpc_conn *c) { if (c->rcurr != c->rbuf) { if (c->rbytes != 0) memcpy(c->rbuf, c->rcurr, c->rbytes); c->rcurr = c->rbuf; } int num_allocs = 0; for (;;) { if (c->rbytes >= c->rsize) { if (num_allocs == 4) { return TRUE; } ++num_allocs; char *new_rbuf = rpc_realloc(c->rbuf, c->rsize * 2); if (!new_rbuf) { break; } c->rcurr = c->rbuf = new_rbuf; c->rsize *= 2; } int avail = c->rsize - c->rbytes; int n = read(c->sfd, c->rbuf + c->rbytes, avail); rpc_log_dbg("cb_req_read ret %d, rbytes %d, avail %d\r\n",n,c->rbytes,avail); if (n == 0) { rpc_log_error("connected closed!\n"); rpc_conn_close(c); return FALSE; } else if (n == -1) { if (errno == EINTR || errno == EWOULDBLOCK) { continue; } rpc_log_error("read error!"); rpc_conn_close(c); break; } else { c->rbytes += n; if (n == avail) { continue; } else { break; } } } return TRUE; } //check has received head static boolean rpc_conn_received_head(const pointer data, const size_t len) { char *el, *bl, *cont; el = NULL; bl = NULL; int avail; avail = len; cont = data; while ((el = memchr(cont, '\n', avail)) != NULL) { if (bl) { if ((el - bl == 1) || ((el - bl) == 2 && *(el - 1) == '\r')) { return TRUE; } } avail -= (el + 1 - cont); if (avail < 0) { return FALSE; } else if (avail == 0) { if (*(el + 1) == '\n') return TRUE; } bl = memchr(el + 1, '\n', avail); if (bl) { if ((bl - el == 1) || ((bl - el) == 2 && *(bl - 1) == '\r')) { return TRUE; } else { avail -= (bl + 1 - el); if (avail <= 0) return FALSE; else cont = bl + 1; } } else { return FALSE; } } return FALSE; } static void cb_req_read(struct ev_loop *l, struct ev_io *watcher, int revents) { rpc_conn *c = watcher->data; //TODO //one conn would starve thread if (read_from_conn(c)) { for (;;) { if (c->rbytes <= 0) { return; } rpc_request *req = NULL; rpc_parse_result result; boolean has_copyhead = FALSE; if (c->unprocess_data == NULL) { if (rpc_conn_received_head(c->rcurr, c->rbytes)) { result = rpc_request_parse(c, &req); rpc_log_dbg("request parse ret %d!\n", result); if (result == RPC_Parse_Error) { rpc_log_error("request parse error!\n"); return; } else if (result == RPC_Parse_NeedData) { c->unprocess_data = rpc_request_copy_head(req); rpc_request_free(req); return; } } else { return; } } else { rpc_request *last_request; last_request = (rpc_request*) c->unprocess_data; if (c->rbytes >= last_request->input_len) { last_request->input = c->rcurr; c->rcurr += last_request->input_len; c->rbytes -= last_request->input_len; req = last_request; c->unprocess_data = NULL; has_copyhead = TRUE; } else { return; } } rpc_worker_thread *th = (rpc_worker_thread*) c->thread; rpc_server *server = th->server; char key[256]; int len = snprintf(key, 255, "%s@%s", req->method_name, req->service_name); key[len] = '\0'; rpc_service *service = rpc_hash_table_lookup(server->service_map, key); if (service) { c->curr_seq = req->seq; service->cb(c, req->input, req->input_len, service->data); rpc_log_dbg("callback func %s!\n", service->method_name); } else { rpc_return_error(c, RET_NOTFOUND, "not find method@service"); } if (has_copyhead) { rpc_free(req->method_name); rpc_free(req->service_name); rpc_free(req->rpc_version); } rpc_request_free(req); } } else { rpc_log_error("read request error!\n"); } } static void cb_rsp_read(struct ev_loop *l, struct ev_io *watcher, int revents) { rpc_conn *c = watcher->data; //read response if (rsp_read_from_conn(c)) { for (;;) { if (c->rbytes <= 0) { return; } boolean has_copyhead = FALSE; rpc_response *rsp; rpc_parse_result result; if (c->unprocess_data == NULL) { if (rpc_conn_received_head(c->rcurr, c->rbytes)) { result = rpc_response_parse(c, &rsp); if (result == RPC_Parse_Error) { fprintf(stderr, "response parse error!\n"); return; } else if (result == RPC_Parse_NeedData) { c->unprocess_data = rpc_response_copy_head(rsp); rpc_response_free(rsp); return; } } else { return; } } else { rpc_response *last_response; last_response = (rpc_response*) c->unprocess_data; if (c->rbytes >= last_response->output_len) { last_response->output = c->rcurr; c->rcurr += last_response->output_len; c->rbytes -= last_response->output_len; rsp = last_response; c->unprocess_data = NULL; has_copyhead = TRUE; } else { return; } } rpc_client_thread *th = (rpc_client_thread *) c->thread; //pop send queue rpc_request *req = NULL; //TODO why null //sessionpool has req = (rpc_request*) rpc_sessionpool_get(th->req_pool, rsp->seq); if ((req == NULL) || (req->seq != rsp->seq)) { fprintf(stderr, "seq not equal!\n"); return; } //TODO //callback using threadpool if(req->callback){ req->callback(rsp->code, rsp->output, rsp->output_len, req->data); } rpc_sessionpool_remove(th->req_pool, rsp->seq); rpc_request_free(req); if (has_copyhead) { rpc_free(rsp->phrase); } rpc_response_free(rsp); } } else { fprintf(stderr, "read response error!\n"); } } void rpc_conn_close(rpc_conn *c) { assert(c!=NULL); ev_io_stop(c->loop, &c->watcher); close(c->sfd); c->rcurr = 0; c->iovused = 0; c->thread = NULL; c->loop = NULL; rpc_conn_add_freelist(c); } /*void client_conn_close(rpc_conn *c) { rpc_client_thread *th; assert(c!=NULL); if(th = (rpc_client_thread *)c->thread){ rpc_array_del(th->req_conns, c); } ev_io_stop(c->loop, &c->watcher); close(c->sfd); c->sfd = -1; c->rcurr = 0; c->iovused = 0; c->thread = NULL; c->loop = NULL; rpc_conn_add_freelist(c); }*/ static rpc_conn *rpc_conn_new_inner(int fd, struct ev_loop* l, void(*cb)( struct ev_loop *l, struct ev_io *watcher, int revents)) { rpc_conn *conn; conn = rpc_conn_from_freelist(); if (conn == NULL) { conn = rpc_new0(rpc_conn,1); conn->rbuf = rpc_new(char,BUFFER_SIZE); conn->rsize = BUFFER_SIZE; conn->iovsize = 5; conn->iov = rpc_new(struct iovec,conn->iovsize); } conn->rbytes = 0; conn->rcurr = conn->rbuf; conn->iovused = 0; conn->curr_seq = -1; conn->unprocess_data = NULL; conn->watcher.data = conn; conn->sfd = fd; conn->loop = l; ev_io_init(&conn->watcher,cb,fd,EV_READ); ev_io_start(l, &conn->watcher); return conn; } rpc_conn *rpc_conn_new(int fd, struct ev_loop* l) { return rpc_conn_new_inner(fd, l, cb_req_read); } rpc_conn *rpc_conn_client_new(int fd, struct ev_loop* l) { return rpc_conn_new_inner(fd, l, cb_rsp_read); } void rpc_conn_update_event(rpc_conn *c, const int new_flags) { //ev_io_set not active? ev_io_stop(c->loop, &c->watcher); ev_io_set(&c->watcher,c->sfd,new_flags); ev_io_start(c->loop, &c->watcher); } void rpc_conn_addiov(rpc_conn *c, pointer data, size_t data_len) { if (c->iovused >= c->iovsize) { int new_size = (c->iovsize) * 2; pointer new_iov = rpc_realloc(c->iov, sizeof(struct iovec) * new_size); if (new_iov) { c->iov = (struct iovec*) new_iov; c->iovsize = new_size; } } c->iov[c->iovused].iov_base = data; c->iov[c->iovused].iov_len = data_len; c->iovused++; } boolean rpc_client_send(rpc_conn *conn) { struct msghdr m; boolean ret = TRUE; memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m)); m.msg_iov = conn->iov; m.msg_iovlen = conn->iovused; ssize_t res; for (;;) { res = sendmsg(conn->sfd, &m, 0); if (res > 0) { while (m.msg_iovlen > 0 && res >= m.msg_iov->iov_len) { res -= m.msg_iov->iov_len; m.msg_iovlen--; m.msg_iov++; } if (res > 0) { m.msg_iov->iov_base = (caddr_t) m.msg_iov->iov_base + res; m.msg_iov->iov_len -= res; } else { break; } } else if (res == -1) { if (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK) { continue; } else { perror("failed to write"); ret = FALSE; break; } } else { ret = FALSE; break; } } //TODO free resource conn->iovused = 0; return ret; } void rpc_send_message(rpc_conn *conn) { struct msghdr m; memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m)); m.msg_iov = conn->iov; m.msg_iovlen = conn->iovused; ssize_t res; for (;;) { res = sendmsg(conn->sfd, &m, 0); if (res > 0) { while (m.msg_iovlen > 0 && res >= m.msg_iov->iov_len) { res -= m.msg_iov->iov_len; m.msg_iovlen--; m.msg_iov++; } if (res > 0) { m.msg_iov->iov_base = (caddr_t) m.msg_iov->iov_base + res; m.msg_iov->iov_len -= res; } else { break; } } else if (res == -1) { if (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK) { continue; } else { perror("failed to write"); rpc_conn_close(conn); } } else { break; } } //TODO free resource conn->iovused = 0; } static inline void rpc_send_response(rpc_conn *conn, ret_code code, pointer output, int output_len) { //status line char *data; data = rpc_vsprintf("%s %d %s\n", RPC_VERSION, (int) code, rpc_code_format( code)); rpc_conn_addiov(conn, data, strlen(data)); //seq data = rpc_vsprintf("seq:%d\n", conn->curr_seq); rpc_conn_addiov(conn, data, strlen(data)); //body-len data = rpc_vsprintf("body-len:%d\n\n", output_len); rpc_conn_addiov(conn, data, strlen(data)); //body if (output) { rpc_conn_addiov(conn, output, output_len); } rpc_log_dbg("rpc_send_response: %s\n", data); rpc_send_message(conn); } void rpc_return(rpc_conn *conn, pointer output, int output_len) { rpc_send_response(conn, RET_OK, output, output_len); } void rpc_return_null(rpc_conn *conn) { rpc_send_response(conn, RET_OK, NULL, 0); } void rpc_return_error(rpc_conn *conn, ret_code err_code, char* err_message) { int len = strlen(err_message); //err_message[len]='\0'; len++; rpc_send_response(conn, err_code, err_message, len); } void rpc_return_error_fmt(rpc_conn *conn, ret_code err_code, char* err_message, ...) { }