2019-06-11 03:21:35 +00:00
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <asm/types.h>
#include <linux/netlink.h>
Generic structure for encapsulation of optional route information.
It is reminiscent of sockaddr, but with sa_family replaced
with attribute type.
#define COMMNL_TALKRCV_TIMEOUT (1) /*超时时间10毫秒*1次*/
struct rtattr {
unsigned short rta_len;
unsigned short rta_type;
/* Macros to handle rtattributes */
#define RTA_ALIGNTO 4U
#define RTA_ALIGN(len) ( ((len)+RTA_ALIGNTO-1) & ~(RTA_ALIGNTO-1) )
#define RTA_OK(rta,len) ((len) >= (int)sizeof(struct rtattr) && \
(rta)->rta_len >= sizeof(struct rtattr) && \
(rta)->rta_len <= (len))
#define RTA_NEXT(rta,attrlen) ((attrlen) -= RTA_ALIGN((rta)->rta_len), \
(struct rtattr*)(((char*)(rta)) + RTA_ALIGN((rta)->rta_len)))
#define RTA_LENGTH(len) (RTA_ALIGN(sizeof(struct rtattr)) + (len))
#define RTA_DATA(rta) ((void*)(((char*)(rta)) + RTA_LENGTH(0)))
#define RTA_PAYLOAD(rta) ((int)((rta)->rta_len) - RTA_LENGTH(0))
#define NLMSG_TAIL(nmsg) \
((struct rtattr *) (((void *) (nmsg)) + NLMSG_ALIGN((nmsg)->nlmsg_len)))
#define NEW_NL_MSG(msg_type,datasize) \
typedef int (*nl_ext_ack_fn_t)(const char *errmsg, uint32_t off,
const struct nlmsghdr *inner_nlh);
struct pdelivnl_ctrl_data {
int nsid;
struct upmnl_handle {
int fd;
struct sockaddr_nl local;/*里面包含协议号,加入的组,pid*/
struct sockaddr_nl peer;
int proto;
__u32 seq;/*目前发送消息的序列号*/
//__u32 dump;
//FILE *dump_fp;
int flags;
typedef int (*pdelivnl_listen_filter_t)(struct pdelivnl_ctrl_data *,
struct nlmsghdr *n, void *);
void printf_mem(unsigned char * p,int len);
/*输入参数: */
/*输出参数: 无*/
/*返回值:0通道创建成果;< 0,失败 */
int commnl_addattr_l(struct nlmsghdr *n, int maxlen, int type, const void *data,
int alen);
int commnl_addattr8(struct nlmsghdr *n, int maxlen, int type, __u8 data);
int commnl_addattr16(struct nlmsghdr *n, int maxlen, int type, __u16 data);
int commnl_addattr32(struct nlmsghdr *n, int maxlen, int type, __u32 data);
int commnl_addattr64(struct nlmsghdr *n, int maxlen, int type, __u64 data);
int commnl_addattrstrz(struct nlmsghdr *n, int maxlen, int type, const char *str);
/*函数功能:创建一个新的内核配置下发通道,给内核态的安全接入模块下发配置, */
/*输入参数:无 */
/*输出参数: struct upmnl_handle * upmh ,存放创建的通道相关信息。*/
/*返回值:0通道创建成果;< 0,失败 */
int commcfgnl_open();
void commcfgnl_close();
/*函数功能:创建一个新的包接收通道,接收需要上送DPI的原始报文, */
/*收到同一份报文的拷贝。 */
/*输入参数:无 */
/*输出参数: struct upmnl_handle * upmh ,存放创建的通道相关信息。*/
/*返回值:0通道创建成果;< 0,失败 */
int pdelivnl_open();
void pdelivnl_close();
//int upnl_dump_type(struct upmnl_handle *upmh, unsigned int type);
/*nl:监听的通道所属的组。 */
/*handler:报文处理回调函数,在接收到报文时调用。 */
/*jarg :用户自定义上下文信息,在报文处理回调函数调用是,会将jarg当做参数传入。*/
/*输出参数: 无*/
/*返回值:0成功;< 0,失败 */
int pdelivnl_listen(int group,
pdelivnl_listen_filter_t handler,
void *jarg);
/*nl:监听的通道。 */
/*handler:报文处理回调函数,在接收到报文时调用。 */
/*jarg :用户自定义上下文信息,在报文处理回调函数调用是,会将jarg当做参数传入。*/
/*输出参数: 无*/
/*返回值:0成功;< 0,失败 */
int conmnl_listen(struct upmnl_handle *nl,
pdelivnl_listen_filter_t handler,
void *jarg);
/*nl:监听的通道。 */
/*n:需要发送的配置消息。 */
/*输出参数: */
/*answer :接收到内核应答消息。*/
/*返回值:0成功;< 0,失败 */
int commnl_talk(struct upmnl_handle *nl, struct nlmsghdr *n,
struct nlmsghdr **answer);
int commcfg_talk(struct nlmsghdr *n, struct nlmsghdr **answer);
/*nl:发送的通道。 */
/*n:需要发送的配置消息。 */
/*输出参数: */
/*返回值:0成功;< 0,失败 */
int commnl_send(struct upmnl_handle *nl, struct nlmsghdr *n);
int pdeliv_main(pdelivnl_listen_filter_t process_pkt);
2019-06-20 03:20:46 +00:00
struct netlink_debugfs {
unsigned int cfg_rev_succ;
unsigned int cfg_rev_fail;
unsigned int pde_rev_succ;
unsigned int pde_rev_fail;
unsigned int pde_pkt_succ;
unsigned int pde_pkt_fail;
2019-06-11 03:21:35 +00:00