
157 lines
5.2 KiB

# These tests consume massive amounts of memory, and are not
# suitable to be executed as part of the normal test suite
set ::str500 [string repeat x 500000000] ;# 500mb
# Utility function to write big argument into redis client connection
proc write_big_bulk {size} {
r write "\$$size\r\n"
while {$size >= 500000000} {
r write $::str500
incr size -500000000
if {$size > 0} {
r write [string repeat x $size]
r write "\r\n"
# One XADD with one huge 5GB field
# Expected to fail resulting in an empty stream
start_server [list overrides [list save ""] ] {
test {XADD one huge field} {
r config set proto-max-bulk-len 10000000000 ;#10gb
r config set client-query-buffer-limit 10000000000 ;#10gb
r write "*5\r\n\$4\r\nXADD\r\n\$2\r\nS1\r\n\$1\r\n*\r\n"
r write "\$1\r\nA\r\n"
write_big_bulk 5000000000 ;#5gb
r flush
catch {r read} err
assert_match {*too large*} $err
r xlen S1
} {0}
# One XADD with one huge (exactly nearly) 4GB field
# This uncovers the overflow in lpEncodeGetType
# Expected to fail resulting in an empty stream
start_server [list overrides [list save ""] ] {
test {XADD one huge field - 1} {
r config set proto-max-bulk-len 10000000000 ;#10gb
r config set client-query-buffer-limit 10000000000 ;#10gb
r write "*5\r\n\$4\r\nXADD\r\n\$2\r\nS1\r\n\$1\r\n*\r\n"
r write "\$1\r\nA\r\n"
write_big_bulk 4294967295 ;#4gb-1
r flush
catch {r read} err
assert_match {*too large*} $err
r xlen S1
} {0}
# Gradually add big stream fields using repeated XADD calls
start_server [list overrides [list save ""] ] {
test {several XADD big fields} {
r config set stream-node-max-bytes 0
for {set j 0} {$j<10} {incr j} {
r xadd stream * 1 $::str500 2 $::str500
r ping
r xlen stream
} {10}
# Add over 4GB to a single stream listpack (one XADD command)
# Expected to fail resulting in an empty stream
start_server [list overrides [list save ""] ] {
test {single XADD big fields} {
r write "*23\r\n\$4\r\nXADD\r\n\$1\r\nS\r\n\$1\r\n*\r\n"
for {set j 0} {$j<10} {incr j} {
r write "\$1\r\n$j\r\n"
write_big_bulk 500000000 ;#500mb
r flush
catch {r read} err
assert_match {*too large*} $err
r xlen S
} {0}
# Gradually add big hash fields using repeated HSET calls
# This reproduces the overflow in the call to ziplistResize
# Object will be converted to hashtable encoding
start_server [list overrides [list save ""] ] {
r config set hash-max-ziplist-value 1000000000 ;#1gb
test {hash with many big fields} {
for {set j 0} {$j<10} {incr j} {
r hset h $j $::str500
r object encoding h
} {hashtable}
# Add over 4GB to a single hash field (one HSET command)
# Object will be converted to hashtable encoding
start_server [list overrides [list save ""] ] {
test {hash with one huge field} {
catch {r config set hash-max-ziplist-value 10000000000} ;#10gb
r config set proto-max-bulk-len 10000000000 ;#10gb
r config set client-query-buffer-limit 10000000000 ;#10gb
r write "*4\r\n\$4\r\nHSET\r\n\$2\r\nH1\r\n"
r write "\$1\r\nA\r\n"
write_big_bulk 5000000000 ;#5gb
r flush
r read
r object encoding H1
} {hashtable}
# Add over 4GB to a single list member (one LPUSH command)
# Currently unsupported, and expected to fail rather than being truncated
# Expected to fail resulting in a non-existing list
start_server [list overrides [list save ""] ] {
test {list with one huge field} {
r config set proto-max-bulk-len 10000000000 ;#10gb
r config set client-query-buffer-limit 10000000000 ;#10gb
r write "*3\r\n\$5\r\nLPUSH\r\n\$2\r\nL1\r\n"
write_big_bulk 5000000000 ;#5gb
r flush
catch {r read} err
assert_match {*too large*} $err
r exists L1
} {0}
# SORT which attempts to store an element larger than 4GB into a list.
# Currently unsupported and results in an assertion instead of truncation
start_server [list overrides [list save ""] ] {
test {SORT adds huge field to list} {
r config set proto-max-bulk-len 10000000000 ;#10gb
r config set client-query-buffer-limit 10000000000 ;#10gb
r write "*3\r\n\$3\r\nSET\r\n\$2\r\nS1\r\n"
write_big_bulk 5000000000 ;#5gb
r flush
r read
assert_equal [r strlen S1] 5000000000
r set S2 asdf
r sadd myset 1 2
r mset D1 1 D2 2
catch {r sort myset by D* get S* store mylist}
assert_equal [count_log_message 0 "crashed by signal"] 0
assert_equal [count_log_message 0 "ASSERTION FAILED"] 1
# SORT which stores an integer encoded element into a list.
# Just for coverage, no news here.
start_server [list overrides [list save ""] ] {
test {SORT adds integer field to list} {
r set S1 asdf
r set S2 123 ;# integer encoded
assert_encoding "int" S2
r sadd myset 1 2
r mset D1 1 D2 2
r sort myset by D* get S* store mylist
r llen mylist
} {2}