/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause * Copyright(c) 2022 Intel Corporation */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef RTE_BBDEV_OFFLOAD_COST #include #endif #include #include #include "acc200_pmd.h" #ifdef RTE_LIBRTE_BBDEV_DEBUG RTE_LOG_REGISTER_DEFAULT(acc200_logtype, DEBUG); #else RTE_LOG_REGISTER_DEFAULT(acc200_logtype, NOTICE); #endif /* Calculate the offset of the enqueue register. */ static inline uint32_t queue_offset(bool pf_device, uint8_t vf_id, uint8_t qgrp_id, uint16_t aq_id) { if (pf_device) return ((vf_id << 12) + (qgrp_id << 7) + (aq_id << 3) + HWPfQmgrIngressAq); else return ((qgrp_id << 7) + (aq_id << 3) + HWVfQmgrIngressAq); } enum {UL_4G = 0, UL_5G, DL_4G, DL_5G, FFT, NUM_ACC}; /* Return the accelerator enum for a Queue Group Index. */ static inline int accFromQgid(int qg_idx, const struct rte_acc_conf *acc_conf) { int accQg[ACC200_NUM_QGRPS]; int NumQGroupsPerFn[NUM_ACC]; int acc, qgIdx, qgIndex = 0; for (qgIdx = 0; qgIdx < ACC200_NUM_QGRPS; qgIdx++) accQg[qgIdx] = 0; NumQGroupsPerFn[UL_4G] = acc_conf->q_ul_4g.num_qgroups; NumQGroupsPerFn[UL_5G] = acc_conf->q_ul_5g.num_qgroups; NumQGroupsPerFn[DL_4G] = acc_conf->q_dl_4g.num_qgroups; NumQGroupsPerFn[DL_5G] = acc_conf->q_dl_5g.num_qgroups; NumQGroupsPerFn[FFT] = acc_conf->q_fft.num_qgroups; for (acc = UL_4G; acc < NUM_ACC; acc++) for (qgIdx = 0; qgIdx < NumQGroupsPerFn[acc]; qgIdx++) accQg[qgIndex++] = acc; acc = accQg[qg_idx]; return acc; } /* Return the queue topology for a Queue Group Index. */ static inline void qtopFromAcc(struct rte_acc_queue_topology **qtop, int acc_enum, struct rte_acc_conf *acc_conf) { struct rte_acc_queue_topology *p_qtop; p_qtop = NULL; switch (acc_enum) { case UL_4G: p_qtop = &(acc_conf->q_ul_4g); break; case UL_5G: p_qtop = &(acc_conf->q_ul_5g); break; case DL_4G: p_qtop = &(acc_conf->q_dl_4g); break; case DL_5G: p_qtop = &(acc_conf->q_dl_5g); break; case FFT: p_qtop = &(acc_conf->q_fft); break; default: /* NOTREACHED. */ rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "Unexpected error evaluating %s using %d", __func__, acc_enum); break; } *qtop = p_qtop; } /* Return the AQ depth for a Queue Group Index. */ static inline int aqDepth(int qg_idx, struct rte_acc_conf *acc_conf) { struct rte_acc_queue_topology *q_top = NULL; int acc_enum = accFromQgid(qg_idx, acc_conf); qtopFromAcc(&q_top, acc_enum, acc_conf); if (unlikely(q_top == NULL)) return 1; return RTE_MAX(1, q_top->aq_depth_log2); } /* Return the AQ depth for a Queue Group Index. */ static inline int aqNum(int qg_idx, struct rte_acc_conf *acc_conf) { struct rte_acc_queue_topology *q_top = NULL; int acc_enum = accFromQgid(qg_idx, acc_conf); qtopFromAcc(&q_top, acc_enum, acc_conf); if (unlikely(q_top == NULL)) return 0; return q_top->num_aqs_per_groups; } static void initQTop(struct rte_acc_conf *acc_conf) { acc_conf->q_ul_4g.num_aqs_per_groups = 0; acc_conf->q_ul_4g.num_qgroups = 0; acc_conf->q_ul_4g.first_qgroup_index = -1; acc_conf->q_ul_5g.num_aqs_per_groups = 0; acc_conf->q_ul_5g.num_qgroups = 0; acc_conf->q_ul_5g.first_qgroup_index = -1; acc_conf->q_dl_4g.num_aqs_per_groups = 0; acc_conf->q_dl_4g.num_qgroups = 0; acc_conf->q_dl_4g.first_qgroup_index = -1; acc_conf->q_dl_5g.num_aqs_per_groups = 0; acc_conf->q_dl_5g.num_qgroups = 0; acc_conf->q_dl_5g.first_qgroup_index = -1; acc_conf->q_fft.num_aqs_per_groups = 0; acc_conf->q_fft.num_qgroups = 0; acc_conf->q_fft.first_qgroup_index = -1; } static inline void updateQtop(uint8_t acc, uint8_t qg, struct rte_acc_conf *acc_conf, struct acc_device *d) { uint32_t reg; struct rte_acc_queue_topology *q_top = NULL; uint16_t aq; qtopFromAcc(&q_top, acc, acc_conf); if (unlikely(q_top == NULL)) return; q_top->num_qgroups++; if (q_top->first_qgroup_index == -1) { q_top->first_qgroup_index = qg; /* Can be optimized to assume all are enabled by default. */ reg = acc_reg_read(d, queue_offset(d->pf_device, 0, qg, ACC200_NUM_AQS - 1)); if (reg & ACC_QUEUE_ENABLE) { q_top->num_aqs_per_groups = ACC200_NUM_AQS; return; } q_top->num_aqs_per_groups = 0; for (aq = 0; aq < ACC200_NUM_AQS; aq++) { reg = acc_reg_read(d, queue_offset(d->pf_device, 0, qg, aq)); if (reg & ACC_QUEUE_ENABLE) q_top->num_aqs_per_groups++; } } } /* Check device Qmgr is enabled for protection */ static inline bool acc200_check_device_enable(struct rte_bbdev *dev) { uint32_t reg_aq, qg; struct acc_device *d = dev->data->dev_private; for (qg = 0; qg < ACC200_NUM_QGRPS; qg++) { reg_aq = acc_reg_read(d, queue_offset(d->pf_device, 0, qg, 0)); if (reg_aq & ACC_QUEUE_ENABLE) return true; } return false; } /* Fetch configuration enabled for the PF/VF using MMIO Read (slow). */ static inline void fetch_acc200_config(struct rte_bbdev *dev) { struct acc_device *d = dev->data->dev_private; struct rte_acc_conf *acc_conf = &d->acc_conf; const struct acc200_registry_addr *reg_addr; uint8_t acc, qg; uint32_t reg_aq, reg_len0, reg_len1, reg0, reg1; uint32_t reg_mode, idx; struct rte_acc_queue_topology *q_top = NULL; int qman_func_id[ACC200_NUM_ACCS] = {ACC_ACCMAP_0, ACC_ACCMAP_1, ACC_ACCMAP_2, ACC_ACCMAP_3, ACC_ACCMAP_4}; /* No need to retrieve the configuration is already done. */ if (d->configured) return; if (!acc200_check_device_enable(dev)) { rte_bbdev_log(NOTICE, "%s has no queue enabled and can't be used.", dev->data->name); return; } /* Choose correct registry addresses for the device type. */ if (d->pf_device) reg_addr = &pf_reg_addr; else reg_addr = &vf_reg_addr; d->ddr_size = 0; /* Single VF Bundle by VF. */ acc_conf->num_vf_bundles = 1; initQTop(acc_conf); reg0 = acc_reg_read(d, reg_addr->qman_group_func); reg1 = acc_reg_read(d, reg_addr->qman_group_func + 4); for (qg = 0; qg < ACC200_NUM_QGRPS; qg++) { reg_aq = acc_reg_read(d, queue_offset(d->pf_device, 0, qg, 0)); if (reg_aq & ACC_QUEUE_ENABLE) { if (qg < ACC_NUM_QGRPS_PER_WORD) idx = (reg0 >> (qg * 4)) & 0x7; else idx = (reg1 >> ((qg - ACC_NUM_QGRPS_PER_WORD) * 4)) & 0x7; if (idx < ACC200_NUM_ACCS) { acc = qman_func_id[idx]; updateQtop(acc, qg, acc_conf, d); } } } /* Check the depth of the AQs. */ reg_len0 = acc_reg_read(d, reg_addr->depth_log0_offset); reg_len1 = acc_reg_read(d, reg_addr->depth_log1_offset); for (acc = 0; acc < NUM_ACC; acc++) { qtopFromAcc(&q_top, acc, acc_conf); if (q_top->first_qgroup_index < ACC_NUM_QGRPS_PER_WORD) q_top->aq_depth_log2 = (reg_len0 >> (q_top->first_qgroup_index * 4)) & 0xF; else q_top->aq_depth_log2 = (reg_len1 >> ((q_top->first_qgroup_index - ACC_NUM_QGRPS_PER_WORD) * 4)) & 0xF; } /* Read PF mode. */ if (d->pf_device) { reg_mode = acc_reg_read(d, HWPfHiPfMode); acc_conf->pf_mode_en = (reg_mode == ACC_PF_VAL) ? 1 : 0; } else { reg_mode = acc_reg_read(d, reg_addr->hi_mode); acc_conf->pf_mode_en = reg_mode & 1; } rte_bbdev_log_debug( "%s Config LLR SIGN IN/OUT %s %s QG %u %u %u %u %u AQ %u %u %u %u %u Len %u %u %u %u %u\n", (d->pf_device) ? "PF" : "VF", (acc_conf->input_pos_llr_1_bit) ? "POS" : "NEG", (acc_conf->output_pos_llr_1_bit) ? "POS" : "NEG", acc_conf->q_ul_4g.num_qgroups, acc_conf->q_dl_4g.num_qgroups, acc_conf->q_ul_5g.num_qgroups, acc_conf->q_dl_5g.num_qgroups, acc_conf->q_fft.num_qgroups, acc_conf->q_ul_4g.num_aqs_per_groups, acc_conf->q_dl_4g.num_aqs_per_groups, acc_conf->q_ul_5g.num_aqs_per_groups, acc_conf->q_dl_5g.num_aqs_per_groups, acc_conf->q_fft.num_aqs_per_groups, acc_conf->q_ul_4g.aq_depth_log2, acc_conf->q_dl_4g.aq_depth_log2, acc_conf->q_ul_5g.aq_depth_log2, acc_conf->q_dl_5g.aq_depth_log2, acc_conf->q_fft.aq_depth_log2); } static inline void acc200_vf2pf(struct acc_device *d, unsigned int payload) { acc_reg_write(d, HWVfHiVfToPfDbellVf, payload); } /* Request device status information. */ static inline uint32_t acc200_device_status(struct rte_bbdev *dev) { struct acc_device *d = dev->data->dev_private; uint32_t reg, time_out = 0; if (d->pf_device) return RTE_BBDEV_DEV_NOT_SUPPORTED; acc200_vf2pf(d, ACC_VF2PF_STATUS_REQUEST); reg = acc_reg_read(d, HWVfHiPfToVfDbellVf); while ((time_out < ACC200_STATUS_TO) && (reg == RTE_BBDEV_DEV_NOSTATUS)) { usleep(ACC200_STATUS_WAIT); /*< Wait or VF->PF->VF Comms */ reg = acc_reg_read(d, HWVfHiPfToVfDbellVf); time_out++; } return reg; } /* Checks PF Info Ring to find the interrupt cause and handles it accordingly. */ static inline void acc200_check_ir(struct acc_device *acc200_dev) { volatile union acc_info_ring_data *ring_data; uint16_t info_ring_head = acc200_dev->info_ring_head; if (unlikely(acc200_dev->info_ring == NULL)) return; ring_data = acc200_dev->info_ring + (acc200_dev->info_ring_head & ACC_INFO_RING_MASK); while (ring_data->valid) { if ((ring_data->int_nb < ACC200_PF_INT_DMA_DL_DESC_IRQ) || ( ring_data->int_nb > ACC200_PF_INT_DMA_DL5G_DESC_IRQ)) { rte_bbdev_log(WARNING, "InfoRing: ITR:%d Info:0x%x", ring_data->int_nb, ring_data->detailed_info); /* Initialize Info Ring entry and move forward. */ ring_data->val = 0; } info_ring_head++; ring_data = acc200_dev->info_ring + (info_ring_head & ACC_INFO_RING_MASK); } } /* Interrupt handler triggered by ACC200 dev for handling specific interrupt. */ static void acc200_dev_interrupt_handler(void *cb_arg) { struct rte_bbdev *dev = cb_arg; struct acc_device *acc200_dev = dev->data->dev_private; volatile union acc_info_ring_data *ring_data; struct acc_deq_intr_details deq_intr_det; ring_data = acc200_dev->info_ring + (acc200_dev->info_ring_head & ACC_INFO_RING_MASK); while (ring_data->valid) { if (acc200_dev->pf_device) { rte_bbdev_log_debug( "ACC200 PF Interrupt received, Info Ring data: 0x%x -> %d", ring_data->val, ring_data->int_nb); switch (ring_data->int_nb) { case ACC200_PF_INT_DMA_DL_DESC_IRQ: case ACC200_PF_INT_DMA_UL_DESC_IRQ: case ACC200_PF_INT_DMA_FFT_DESC_IRQ: case ACC200_PF_INT_DMA_UL5G_DESC_IRQ: case ACC200_PF_INT_DMA_DL5G_DESC_IRQ: deq_intr_det.queue_id = get_queue_id_from_ring_info( dev->data, *ring_data); if (deq_intr_det.queue_id == UINT16_MAX) { rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "Couldn't find queue: aq_id: %u, qg_id: %u, vf_id: %u", ring_data->aq_id, ring_data->qg_id, ring_data->vf_id); return; } rte_bbdev_pmd_callback_process(dev, RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_DEQUEUE, &deq_intr_det); break; default: rte_bbdev_pmd_callback_process(dev, RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_ERROR, NULL); break; } } else { rte_bbdev_log_debug( "ACC200 VF Interrupt received, Info Ring data: 0x%x\n", ring_data->val); switch (ring_data->int_nb) { case ACC200_VF_INT_DMA_DL_DESC_IRQ: case ACC200_VF_INT_DMA_UL_DESC_IRQ: case ACC200_VF_INT_DMA_FFT_DESC_IRQ: case ACC200_VF_INT_DMA_UL5G_DESC_IRQ: case ACC200_VF_INT_DMA_DL5G_DESC_IRQ: /* VFs are not aware of their vf_id - it's set to 0. */ ring_data->vf_id = 0; deq_intr_det.queue_id = get_queue_id_from_ring_info( dev->data, *ring_data); if (deq_intr_det.queue_id == UINT16_MAX) { rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "Couldn't find queue: aq_id: %u, qg_id: %u", ring_data->aq_id, ring_data->qg_id); return; } rte_bbdev_pmd_callback_process(dev, RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_DEQUEUE, &deq_intr_det); break; default: rte_bbdev_pmd_callback_process(dev, RTE_BBDEV_EVENT_ERROR, NULL); break; } } /* Initialize Info Ring entry and move forward. */ ring_data->val = 0; ++acc200_dev->info_ring_head; ring_data = acc200_dev->info_ring + (acc200_dev->info_ring_head & ACC_INFO_RING_MASK); } } /* Allocate and setup inforing. */ static int allocate_info_ring(struct rte_bbdev *dev) { struct acc_device *d = dev->data->dev_private; const struct acc200_registry_addr *reg_addr; rte_iova_t info_ring_iova; uint32_t phys_low, phys_high; if (d->info_ring != NULL) return 0; /* Already configured. */ /* Choose correct registry addresses for the device type. */ if (d->pf_device) reg_addr = &pf_reg_addr; else reg_addr = &vf_reg_addr; /* Allocate InfoRing */ d->info_ring = rte_zmalloc_socket("Info Ring", ACC_INFO_RING_NUM_ENTRIES * sizeof(*d->info_ring), RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE, dev->data->socket_id); if (d->info_ring == NULL) { rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "Failed to allocate Info Ring for %s:%u", dev->device->driver->name, dev->data->dev_id); return -ENOMEM; } info_ring_iova = rte_malloc_virt2iova(d->info_ring); /* Setup Info Ring. */ phys_high = (uint32_t)(info_ring_iova >> 32); phys_low = (uint32_t)(info_ring_iova); acc_reg_write(d, reg_addr->info_ring_hi, phys_high); acc_reg_write(d, reg_addr->info_ring_lo, phys_low); acc_reg_write(d, reg_addr->info_ring_en, ACC200_REG_IRQ_EN_ALL); d->info_ring_head = (acc_reg_read(d, reg_addr->info_ring_ptr) & 0xFFF) / sizeof(union acc_info_ring_data); return 0; } /* Allocate 64MB memory used for all software rings. */ static int acc200_setup_queues(struct rte_bbdev *dev, uint16_t num_queues, int socket_id) { uint32_t phys_low, phys_high, value; struct acc_device *d = dev->data->dev_private; const struct acc200_registry_addr *reg_addr; int ret; if (d->pf_device && !d->acc_conf.pf_mode_en) { rte_bbdev_log(NOTICE, "%s has PF mode disabled. This PF can't be used.", dev->data->name); return -ENODEV; } if (!d->pf_device && d->acc_conf.pf_mode_en) { rte_bbdev_log(NOTICE, "%s has PF mode enabled. This VF can't be used.", dev->data->name); return -ENODEV; } if (!acc200_check_device_enable(dev)) { rte_bbdev_log(NOTICE, "%s has no queue enabled and can't be used.", dev->data->name); return -ENODEV; } alloc_sw_rings_min_mem(dev, d, num_queues, socket_id); /* If minimal memory space approach failed, then allocate * the 2 * 64MB block for the sw rings. */ if (d->sw_rings == NULL) alloc_2x64mb_sw_rings_mem(dev, d, socket_id); if (d->sw_rings == NULL) { rte_bbdev_log(NOTICE, "Failure allocating sw_rings memory"); return -ENOMEM; } /* Configure ACC200 with the base address for DMA descriptor rings. * Same descriptor rings used for UL and DL DMA Engines. * Note : Assuming only VF0 bundle is used for PF mode. */ phys_high = (uint32_t)(d->sw_rings_iova >> 32); phys_low = (uint32_t)(d->sw_rings_iova & ~(ACC_SIZE_64MBYTE-1)); /* Choose correct registry addresses for the device type. */ if (d->pf_device) reg_addr = &pf_reg_addr; else reg_addr = &vf_reg_addr; /* Read the populated cfg from ACC200 registers. */ fetch_acc200_config(dev); /* Start Pmon */ for (value = 0; value <= 2; value++) { acc_reg_write(d, reg_addr->pmon_ctrl_a, value); acc_reg_write(d, reg_addr->pmon_ctrl_b, value); acc_reg_write(d, reg_addr->pmon_ctrl_c, value); } /* Release AXI from PF. */ if (d->pf_device) acc_reg_write(d, HWPfDmaAxiControl, 1); acc_reg_write(d, reg_addr->dma_ring_ul5g_hi, phys_high); acc_reg_write(d, reg_addr->dma_ring_ul5g_lo, phys_low); acc_reg_write(d, reg_addr->dma_ring_dl5g_hi, phys_high); acc_reg_write(d, reg_addr->dma_ring_dl5g_lo, phys_low); acc_reg_write(d, reg_addr->dma_ring_ul4g_hi, phys_high); acc_reg_write(d, reg_addr->dma_ring_ul4g_lo, phys_low); acc_reg_write(d, reg_addr->dma_ring_dl4g_hi, phys_high); acc_reg_write(d, reg_addr->dma_ring_dl4g_lo, phys_low); acc_reg_write(d, reg_addr->dma_ring_fft_hi, phys_high); acc_reg_write(d, reg_addr->dma_ring_fft_lo, phys_low); /* * Configure Ring Size to the max queue ring size * (used for wrapping purpose). */ value = log2_basic(d->sw_ring_size / ACC_RING_SIZE_GRANULARITY); acc_reg_write(d, reg_addr->ring_size, value); /* Configure tail pointer for use when SDONE enabled. */ if (d->tail_ptrs == NULL) d->tail_ptrs = rte_zmalloc_socket( dev->device->driver->name, ACC200_NUM_QGRPS * ACC200_NUM_AQS * sizeof(uint32_t), RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE, socket_id); if (d->tail_ptrs == NULL) { rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "Failed to allocate tail ptr for %s:%u", dev->device->driver->name, dev->data->dev_id); ret = -ENOMEM; goto free_sw_rings; } d->tail_ptr_iova = rte_malloc_virt2iova(d->tail_ptrs); phys_high = (uint32_t)(d->tail_ptr_iova >> 32); phys_low = (uint32_t)(d->tail_ptr_iova); acc_reg_write(d, reg_addr->tail_ptrs_ul5g_hi, phys_high); acc_reg_write(d, reg_addr->tail_ptrs_ul5g_lo, phys_low); acc_reg_write(d, reg_addr->tail_ptrs_dl5g_hi, phys_high); acc_reg_write(d, reg_addr->tail_ptrs_dl5g_lo, phys_low); acc_reg_write(d, reg_addr->tail_ptrs_ul4g_hi, phys_high); acc_reg_write(d, reg_addr->tail_ptrs_ul4g_lo, phys_low); acc_reg_write(d, reg_addr->tail_ptrs_dl4g_hi, phys_high); acc_reg_write(d, reg_addr->tail_ptrs_dl4g_lo, phys_low); acc_reg_write(d, reg_addr->tail_ptrs_fft_hi, phys_high); acc_reg_write(d, reg_addr->tail_ptrs_fft_lo, phys_low); ret = allocate_info_ring(dev); if (ret < 0) { rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "Failed to allocate info_ring for %s:%u", dev->device->driver->name, dev->data->dev_id); /* Continue */ } if (d->harq_layout == NULL) d->harq_layout = rte_zmalloc_socket("HARQ Layout", ACC_HARQ_LAYOUT * sizeof(*d->harq_layout), RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE, dev->data->socket_id); if (d->harq_layout == NULL) { rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "Failed to allocate harq_layout for %s:%u", dev->device->driver->name, dev->data->dev_id); ret = -ENOMEM; goto free_tail_ptrs; } /* Mark as configured properly */ d->configured = true; acc200_vf2pf(d, ACC_VF2PF_USING_VF); rte_bbdev_log_debug( "ACC200 (%s) configured sw_rings = %p, sw_rings_iova = %#" PRIx64, dev->data->name, d->sw_rings, d->sw_rings_iova); return 0; free_tail_ptrs: rte_free(d->tail_ptrs); d->tail_ptrs = NULL; free_sw_rings: rte_free(d->sw_rings_base); d->sw_rings = NULL; return ret; } static int acc200_intr_enable(struct rte_bbdev *dev) { int ret; struct acc_device *d = dev->data->dev_private; /* * MSI/MSI-X are supported. * Option controlled by vfio-intr through EAL parameter. */ if (rte_intr_type_get(dev->intr_handle) == RTE_INTR_HANDLE_VFIO_MSI) { ret = allocate_info_ring(dev); if (ret < 0) { rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "Couldn't allocate info ring for device: %s", dev->data->name); return ret; } ret = rte_intr_enable(dev->intr_handle); if (ret < 0) { rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "Couldn't enable interrupts for device: %s", dev->data->name); rte_free(d->info_ring); return ret; } ret = rte_intr_callback_register(dev->intr_handle, acc200_dev_interrupt_handler, dev); if (ret < 0) { rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "Couldn't register interrupt callback for device: %s", dev->data->name); rte_free(d->info_ring); return ret; } return 0; } else if (rte_intr_type_get(dev->intr_handle) == RTE_INTR_HANDLE_VFIO_MSIX) { int i, max_queues; struct acc_device *acc200_dev = dev->data->dev_private; ret = allocate_info_ring(dev); if (ret < 0) { rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "Couldn't allocate info ring for device: %s", dev->data->name); return ret; } if (acc200_dev->pf_device) max_queues = ACC200_MAX_PF_MSIX; else max_queues = ACC200_MAX_VF_MSIX; if (rte_intr_efd_enable(dev->intr_handle, max_queues)) { rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "Failed to create fds for %u queues", dev->data->num_queues); return -1; } for (i = 0; i < max_queues; ++i) { if (rte_intr_efds_index_set(dev->intr_handle, i, rte_intr_fd_get(dev->intr_handle))) return -rte_errno; } if (rte_intr_vec_list_alloc(dev->intr_handle, "intr_vec", dev->data->num_queues)) { rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "Failed to allocate %u vectors", dev->data->num_queues); return -ENOMEM; } ret = rte_intr_enable(dev->intr_handle); if (ret < 0) { rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "Couldn't enable interrupts for device: %s", dev->data->name); rte_free(d->info_ring); return ret; } ret = rte_intr_callback_register(dev->intr_handle, acc200_dev_interrupt_handler, dev); if (ret < 0) { rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "Couldn't register interrupt callback for device: %s", dev->data->name); rte_free(d->info_ring); return ret; } return 0; } rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "ACC200 (%s) supports only VFIO MSI/MSI-X interrupts\n", dev->data->name); return -ENOTSUP; } /* Free memory used for software rings. */ static int acc200_dev_close(struct rte_bbdev *dev) { struct acc_device *d = dev->data->dev_private; acc200_check_ir(d); if (d->sw_rings_base != NULL) { rte_free(d->tail_ptrs); rte_free(d->info_ring); rte_free(d->sw_rings_base); rte_free(d->harq_layout); d->tail_ptrs = NULL; d->info_ring = NULL; d->sw_rings_base = NULL; d->harq_layout = NULL; } /* Ensure all in flight HW transactions are completed. */ usleep(ACC_LONG_WAIT); return 0; } /** * Report a ACC200 queue index which is free. * Return 0 to 16k for a valid queue_idx or -1 when no queue is available. * Note : Only supporting VF0 Bundle for PF mode. */ static int acc200_find_free_queue_idx(struct rte_bbdev *dev, const struct rte_bbdev_queue_conf *conf) { struct acc_device *d = dev->data->dev_private; int op_2_acc[6] = {0, UL_4G, DL_4G, UL_5G, DL_5G, FFT}; int acc = op_2_acc[conf->op_type]; struct rte_acc_queue_topology *qtop = NULL; uint16_t group_idx; uint64_t aq_idx; qtopFromAcc(&qtop, acc, &(d->acc_conf)); if (qtop == NULL) return -1; /* Identify matching QGroup Index which are sorted in priority order. */ group_idx = qtop->first_qgroup_index + conf->priority; if (group_idx >= ACC200_NUM_QGRPS || conf->priority >= qtop->num_qgroups) { rte_bbdev_log(INFO, "Invalid Priority on %s, priority %u", dev->data->name, conf->priority); return -1; } /* Find a free AQ_idx. */ for (aq_idx = 0; aq_idx < qtop->num_aqs_per_groups; aq_idx++) { if (((d->q_assigned_bit_map[group_idx] >> aq_idx) & 0x1) == 0) { /* Mark the Queue as assigned. */ d->q_assigned_bit_map[group_idx] |= (1 << aq_idx); /* Report the AQ Index. */ return (group_idx << ACC200_GRP_ID_SHIFT) + aq_idx; } } rte_bbdev_log(INFO, "Failed to find free queue on %s, priority %u", dev->data->name, conf->priority); return -1; } /* Setup ACC200 queue. */ static int acc200_queue_setup(struct rte_bbdev *dev, uint16_t queue_id, const struct rte_bbdev_queue_conf *conf) { struct acc_device *d = dev->data->dev_private; struct acc_queue *q; int16_t q_idx; int ret; if (d == NULL) { rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "Undefined device"); return -ENODEV; } /* Allocate the queue data structure. */ q = rte_zmalloc_socket(dev->device->driver->name, sizeof(*q), RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE, conf->socket); if (q == NULL) { rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "Failed to allocate queue memory"); return -ENOMEM; } q->d = d; q->ring_addr = RTE_PTR_ADD(d->sw_rings, (d->sw_ring_size * queue_id)); q->ring_addr_iova = d->sw_rings_iova + (d->sw_ring_size * queue_id); /* Prepare the Ring with default descriptor format. */ union acc_dma_desc *desc = NULL; unsigned int desc_idx, b_idx; int fcw_len = (conf->op_type == RTE_BBDEV_OP_LDPC_ENC ? ACC_FCW_LE_BLEN : (conf->op_type == RTE_BBDEV_OP_TURBO_DEC ? ACC_FCW_TD_BLEN : (conf->op_type == RTE_BBDEV_OP_LDPC_DEC ? ACC_FCW_LD_BLEN : ACC_FCW_FFT_BLEN))); for (desc_idx = 0; desc_idx < d->sw_ring_max_depth; desc_idx++) { desc = q->ring_addr + desc_idx; desc->req.word0 = ACC_DMA_DESC_TYPE; desc->req.word1 = 0; /**< Timestamp. */ desc->req.word2 = 0; desc->req.word3 = 0; uint64_t fcw_offset = (desc_idx << 8) + ACC_DESC_FCW_OFFSET; desc->req.data_ptrs[0].address = q->ring_addr_iova + fcw_offset; desc->req.data_ptrs[0].blen = fcw_len; desc->req.data_ptrs[0].blkid = ACC_DMA_BLKID_FCW; desc->req.data_ptrs[0].last = 0; desc->req.data_ptrs[0].dma_ext = 0; for (b_idx = 1; b_idx < ACC_DMA_MAX_NUM_POINTERS - 1; b_idx++) { desc->req.data_ptrs[b_idx].blkid = ACC_DMA_BLKID_IN; desc->req.data_ptrs[b_idx].last = 1; desc->req.data_ptrs[b_idx].dma_ext = 0; b_idx++; desc->req.data_ptrs[b_idx].blkid = ACC_DMA_BLKID_OUT_ENC; desc->req.data_ptrs[b_idx].last = 1; desc->req.data_ptrs[b_idx].dma_ext = 0; } /* Preset some fields of LDPC FCW. */ desc->req.fcw_ld.FCWversion = ACC_FCW_VER; desc->req.fcw_ld.gain_i = 1; desc->req.fcw_ld.gain_h = 1; } q->lb_in = rte_zmalloc_socket(dev->device->driver->name, RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE, RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE, conf->socket); if (q->lb_in == NULL) { rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "Failed to allocate lb_in memory"); ret = -ENOMEM; goto free_q; } q->lb_in_addr_iova = rte_malloc_virt2iova(q->lb_in); q->lb_out = rte_zmalloc_socket(dev->device->driver->name, RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE, RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE, conf->socket); if (q->lb_out == NULL) { rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "Failed to allocate lb_out memory"); ret = -ENOMEM; goto free_lb_in; } q->lb_out_addr_iova = rte_malloc_virt2iova(q->lb_out); q->companion_ring_addr = rte_zmalloc_socket(dev->device->driver->name, d->sw_ring_max_depth * sizeof(*q->companion_ring_addr), RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE, conf->socket); if (q->companion_ring_addr == NULL) { rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "Failed to allocate companion_ring memory"); ret = -ENOMEM; goto free_lb_out; } /* * Software queue ring wraps synchronously with the HW when it reaches * the boundary of the maximum allocated queue size, no matter what the * sw queue size is. This wrapping is guarded by setting the wrap_mask * to represent the maximum queue size as allocated at the time when * the device has been setup (in configure()). * * The queue depth is set to the queue size value (conf->queue_size). * This limits the occupancy of the queue at any point of time, so that * the queue does not get swamped with enqueue requests. */ q->sw_ring_depth = conf->queue_size; q->sw_ring_wrap_mask = d->sw_ring_max_depth - 1; q->op_type = conf->op_type; q_idx = acc200_find_free_queue_idx(dev, conf); if (q_idx == -1) { ret = -EINVAL; goto free_companion_ring_addr; } q->qgrp_id = (q_idx >> ACC200_GRP_ID_SHIFT) & 0xF; q->vf_id = (q_idx >> ACC200_VF_ID_SHIFT) & 0x3F; q->aq_id = q_idx & 0xF; q->aq_depth = 0; if (conf->op_type == RTE_BBDEV_OP_TURBO_DEC) q->aq_depth = (1 << d->acc_conf.q_ul_4g.aq_depth_log2); else if (conf->op_type == RTE_BBDEV_OP_TURBO_ENC) q->aq_depth = (1 << d->acc_conf.q_dl_4g.aq_depth_log2); else if (conf->op_type == RTE_BBDEV_OP_LDPC_DEC) q->aq_depth = (1 << d->acc_conf.q_ul_5g.aq_depth_log2); else if (conf->op_type == RTE_BBDEV_OP_LDPC_ENC) q->aq_depth = (1 << d->acc_conf.q_dl_5g.aq_depth_log2); else if (conf->op_type == RTE_BBDEV_OP_FFT) q->aq_depth = (1 << d->acc_conf.q_fft.aq_depth_log2); q->mmio_reg_enqueue = RTE_PTR_ADD(d->mmio_base, queue_offset(d->pf_device, q->vf_id, q->qgrp_id, q->aq_id)); rte_bbdev_log_debug( "Setup dev%u q%u: qgrp_id=%u, vf_id=%u, aq_id=%u, aq_depth=%u, mmio_reg_enqueue=%p base %p\n", dev->data->dev_id, queue_id, q->qgrp_id, q->vf_id, q->aq_id, q->aq_depth, q->mmio_reg_enqueue, d->mmio_base); dev->data->queues[queue_id].queue_private = q; return 0; free_companion_ring_addr: rte_free(q->companion_ring_addr); q->companion_ring_addr = NULL; free_lb_out: rte_free(q->lb_out); q->lb_out = NULL; free_lb_in: rte_free(q->lb_in); q->lb_in = NULL; free_q: rte_free(q); q = NULL; return ret; } static inline void acc200_print_op(struct rte_bbdev_dec_op *op, enum rte_bbdev_op_type op_type, uint16_t index) { if (op == NULL) return; if (op_type == RTE_BBDEV_OP_LDPC_DEC) rte_bbdev_log(INFO, " Op 5GUL %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d", index, op->ldpc_dec.basegraph, op->ldpc_dec.z_c, op->ldpc_dec.n_cb, op->ldpc_dec.q_m, op->ldpc_dec.n_filler, op->ldpc_dec.cb_params.e, op->ldpc_dec.op_flags, op->ldpc_dec.rv_index, op->ldpc_dec.iter_max, op->ldpc_dec.iter_count, op->ldpc_dec.harq_combined_input.length ); else if (op_type == RTE_BBDEV_OP_LDPC_ENC) { struct rte_bbdev_enc_op *op_dl = (struct rte_bbdev_enc_op *) op; rte_bbdev_log(INFO, " Op 5GDL %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d", index, op_dl->ldpc_enc.basegraph, op_dl->ldpc_enc.z_c, op_dl->ldpc_enc.n_cb, op_dl->ldpc_enc.q_m, op_dl->ldpc_enc.n_filler, op_dl->ldpc_enc.cb_params.e, op_dl->ldpc_enc.op_flags, op_dl->ldpc_enc.rv_index ); } } /* Stop ACC200 queue and clear counters. */ static int acc200_queue_stop(struct rte_bbdev *dev, uint16_t queue_id) { struct acc_queue *q; struct rte_bbdev_dec_op *op; uint16_t i; q = dev->data->queues[queue_id].queue_private; rte_bbdev_log(INFO, "Queue Stop %d H/T/D %d %d %x OpType %d", queue_id, q->sw_ring_head, q->sw_ring_tail, q->sw_ring_depth, q->op_type); for (i = 0; i < q->sw_ring_depth; ++i) { op = (q->ring_addr + i)->req.op_addr; acc200_print_op(op, q->op_type, i); } /* ignore all operations in flight and clear counters */ q->sw_ring_tail = q->sw_ring_head; q->aq_enqueued = 0; q->aq_dequeued = 0; dev->data->queues[queue_id].queue_stats.enqueued_count = 0; dev->data->queues[queue_id].queue_stats.dequeued_count = 0; dev->data->queues[queue_id].queue_stats.enqueue_err_count = 0; dev->data->queues[queue_id].queue_stats.dequeue_err_count = 0; dev->data->queues[queue_id].queue_stats.enqueue_warn_count = 0; dev->data->queues[queue_id].queue_stats.dequeue_warn_count = 0; return 0; } /* Release ACC200 queue. */ static int acc200_queue_release(struct rte_bbdev *dev, uint16_t q_id) { struct acc_device *d = dev->data->dev_private; struct acc_queue *q = dev->data->queues[q_id].queue_private; if (q != NULL) { /* Mark the Queue as un-assigned. */ d->q_assigned_bit_map[q->qgrp_id] &= (~0ULL - (1 << (uint64_t) q->aq_id)); rte_free(q->companion_ring_addr); rte_free(q->lb_in); rte_free(q->lb_out); rte_free(q); dev->data->queues[q_id].queue_private = NULL; } return 0; } /* Get ACC200 device info. */ static void acc200_dev_info_get(struct rte_bbdev *dev, struct rte_bbdev_driver_info *dev_info) { struct acc_device *d = dev->data->dev_private; int i; static const struct rte_bbdev_op_cap bbdev_capabilities[] = { { .type = RTE_BBDEV_OP_TURBO_DEC, .cap.turbo_dec = { .capability_flags = RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_SUBBLOCK_DEINTERLEAVE | RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_CRC_TYPE_24B | RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_EQUALIZER | RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_SOFT_OUT_SATURATE | RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_HALF_ITERATION_EVEN | RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_CONTINUE_CRC_MATCH | RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_SOFT_OUTPUT | RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_EARLY_TERMINATION | RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_DEC_INTERRUPTS | RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_NEG_LLR_1_BIT_IN | RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_NEG_LLR_1_BIT_SOFT_OUT | RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_MAP_DEC | RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_DEC_TB_CRC_24B_KEEP | RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_DEC_SCATTER_GATHER, .max_llr_modulus = INT8_MAX, .num_buffers_src = RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_MAX_CODE_BLOCKS, .num_buffers_hard_out = RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_MAX_CODE_BLOCKS, .num_buffers_soft_out = RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_MAX_CODE_BLOCKS, } }, { .type = RTE_BBDEV_OP_TURBO_ENC, .cap.turbo_enc = { .capability_flags = RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_CRC_24B_ATTACH | RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_RV_INDEX_BYPASS | RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_RATE_MATCH | RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_ENC_INTERRUPTS | RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_ENC_SCATTER_GATHER, .num_buffers_src = RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_MAX_CODE_BLOCKS, .num_buffers_dst = RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_MAX_CODE_BLOCKS, } }, { .type = RTE_BBDEV_OP_LDPC_ENC, .cap.ldpc_enc = { .capability_flags = RTE_BBDEV_LDPC_RATE_MATCH | RTE_BBDEV_LDPC_CRC_24B_ATTACH | RTE_BBDEV_LDPC_INTERLEAVER_BYPASS | RTE_BBDEV_LDPC_ENC_INTERRUPTS, .num_buffers_src = RTE_BBDEV_LDPC_MAX_CODE_BLOCKS, .num_buffers_dst = RTE_BBDEV_LDPC_MAX_CODE_BLOCKS, } }, { .type = RTE_BBDEV_OP_LDPC_DEC, .cap.ldpc_dec = { .capability_flags = RTE_BBDEV_LDPC_CRC_TYPE_24B_CHECK | RTE_BBDEV_LDPC_CRC_TYPE_24B_DROP | RTE_BBDEV_LDPC_CRC_TYPE_24A_CHECK | RTE_BBDEV_LDPC_CRC_TYPE_16_CHECK | RTE_BBDEV_LDPC_HQ_COMBINE_IN_ENABLE | RTE_BBDEV_LDPC_HQ_COMBINE_OUT_ENABLE | RTE_BBDEV_LDPC_ITERATION_STOP_ENABLE | RTE_BBDEV_LDPC_DEINTERLEAVER_BYPASS | RTE_BBDEV_LDPC_DEC_SCATTER_GATHER | RTE_BBDEV_LDPC_HARQ_6BIT_COMPRESSION | RTE_BBDEV_LDPC_LLR_COMPRESSION | RTE_BBDEV_LDPC_DEC_INTERRUPTS, .llr_size = 8, .llr_decimals = 1, .num_buffers_src = RTE_BBDEV_LDPC_MAX_CODE_BLOCKS, .num_buffers_hard_out = RTE_BBDEV_LDPC_MAX_CODE_BLOCKS, .num_buffers_soft_out = 0, } }, { .type = RTE_BBDEV_OP_FFT, .cap.fft = { .capability_flags = RTE_BBDEV_FFT_WINDOWING | RTE_BBDEV_FFT_CS_ADJUSTMENT | RTE_BBDEV_FFT_DFT_BYPASS | RTE_BBDEV_FFT_IDFT_BYPASS | RTE_BBDEV_FFT_WINDOWING_BYPASS, .num_buffers_src = RTE_BBDEV_LDPC_MAX_CODE_BLOCKS, .num_buffers_dst = RTE_BBDEV_LDPC_MAX_CODE_BLOCKS, } }, RTE_BBDEV_END_OF_CAPABILITIES_LIST() }; static struct rte_bbdev_queue_conf default_queue_conf; default_queue_conf.socket = dev->data->socket_id; default_queue_conf.queue_size = ACC_MAX_QUEUE_DEPTH; dev_info->driver_name = dev->device->driver->name; /* Read and save the populated config from ACC200 registers. */ fetch_acc200_config(dev); /* Check the status of device. */ dev_info->device_status = acc200_device_status(dev); /* Exposed number of queues. */ dev_info->num_queues[RTE_BBDEV_OP_NONE] = 0; dev_info->num_queues[RTE_BBDEV_OP_TURBO_DEC] = d->acc_conf.q_ul_4g.num_aqs_per_groups * d->acc_conf.q_ul_4g.num_qgroups; dev_info->num_queues[RTE_BBDEV_OP_TURBO_ENC] = d->acc_conf.q_dl_4g.num_aqs_per_groups * d->acc_conf.q_dl_4g.num_qgroups; dev_info->num_queues[RTE_BBDEV_OP_LDPC_DEC] = d->acc_conf.q_ul_5g.num_aqs_per_groups * d->acc_conf.q_ul_5g.num_qgroups; dev_info->num_queues[RTE_BBDEV_OP_LDPC_ENC] = d->acc_conf.q_dl_5g.num_aqs_per_groups * d->acc_conf.q_dl_5g.num_qgroups; dev_info->num_queues[RTE_BBDEV_OP_FFT] = d->acc_conf.q_fft.num_aqs_per_groups * d->acc_conf.q_fft.num_qgroups; dev_info->queue_priority[RTE_BBDEV_OP_TURBO_DEC] = d->acc_conf.q_ul_4g.num_qgroups; dev_info->queue_priority[RTE_BBDEV_OP_TURBO_ENC] = d->acc_conf.q_dl_4g.num_qgroups; dev_info->queue_priority[RTE_BBDEV_OP_LDPC_DEC] = d->acc_conf.q_ul_5g.num_qgroups; dev_info->queue_priority[RTE_BBDEV_OP_LDPC_ENC] = d->acc_conf.q_dl_5g.num_qgroups; dev_info->queue_priority[RTE_BBDEV_OP_FFT] = d->acc_conf.q_fft.num_qgroups; dev_info->max_num_queues = 0; for (i = RTE_BBDEV_OP_NONE; i <= RTE_BBDEV_OP_FFT; i++) dev_info->max_num_queues += dev_info->num_queues[i]; dev_info->queue_size_lim = ACC_MAX_QUEUE_DEPTH; dev_info->hardware_accelerated = true; dev_info->max_dl_queue_priority = d->acc_conf.q_dl_4g.num_qgroups - 1; dev_info->max_ul_queue_priority = d->acc_conf.q_ul_4g.num_qgroups - 1; dev_info->default_queue_conf = default_queue_conf; dev_info->cpu_flag_reqs = NULL; dev_info->min_alignment = 1; dev_info->capabilities = bbdev_capabilities; dev_info->harq_buffer_size = 0; acc200_check_ir(d); } static int acc200_queue_intr_enable(struct rte_bbdev *dev, uint16_t queue_id) { struct acc_queue *q = dev->data->queues[queue_id].queue_private; if (rte_intr_type_get(dev->intr_handle) != RTE_INTR_HANDLE_VFIO_MSI && rte_intr_type_get(dev->intr_handle) != RTE_INTR_HANDLE_VFIO_MSIX) return -ENOTSUP; q->irq_enable = 1; return 0; } static int acc200_queue_intr_disable(struct rte_bbdev *dev, uint16_t queue_id) { struct acc_queue *q = dev->data->queues[queue_id].queue_private; if (rte_intr_type_get(dev->intr_handle) != RTE_INTR_HANDLE_VFIO_MSI && rte_intr_type_get(dev->intr_handle) != RTE_INTR_HANDLE_VFIO_MSIX) return -ENOTSUP; q->irq_enable = 0; return 0; } static const struct rte_bbdev_ops acc200_bbdev_ops = { .setup_queues = acc200_setup_queues, .intr_enable = acc200_intr_enable, .close = acc200_dev_close, .info_get = acc200_dev_info_get, .queue_setup = acc200_queue_setup, .queue_release = acc200_queue_release, .queue_stop = acc200_queue_stop, .queue_intr_enable = acc200_queue_intr_enable, .queue_intr_disable = acc200_queue_intr_disable }; /* ACC200 PCI PF address map. */ static struct rte_pci_id pci_id_acc200_pf_map[] = { { RTE_PCI_DEVICE(RTE_ACC200_VENDOR_ID, RTE_ACC200_PF_DEVICE_ID) }, {.device_id = 0}, }; /* ACC200 PCI VF address map. */ static struct rte_pci_id pci_id_acc200_vf_map[] = { { RTE_PCI_DEVICE(RTE_ACC200_VENDOR_ID, RTE_ACC200_VF_DEVICE_ID) }, {.device_id = 0}, }; /* Fill in a frame control word for turbo decoding. */ static inline void acc200_fcw_td_fill(const struct rte_bbdev_dec_op *op, struct acc_fcw_td *fcw) { fcw->fcw_ver = 1; fcw->num_maps = ACC_FCW_TD_AUTOMAP; fcw->bypass_sb_deint = !check_bit(op->turbo_dec.op_flags, RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_SUBBLOCK_DEINTERLEAVE); if (op->turbo_dec.code_block_mode == RTE_BBDEV_TRANSPORT_BLOCK) { /* FIXME for TB block */ fcw->k_pos = op->turbo_dec.tb_params.k_pos; fcw->k_neg = op->turbo_dec.tb_params.k_neg; } else { fcw->k_pos = op->turbo_dec.cb_params.k; fcw->k_neg = op->turbo_dec.cb_params.k; } fcw->c = 1; fcw->c_neg = 1; if (check_bit(op->turbo_dec.op_flags, RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_SOFT_OUTPUT)) { fcw->soft_output_en = 1; fcw->sw_soft_out_dis = 0; fcw->sw_et_cont = check_bit(op->turbo_dec.op_flags, RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_CONTINUE_CRC_MATCH); fcw->sw_soft_out_saturation = check_bit(op->turbo_dec.op_flags, RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_SOFT_OUT_SATURATE); if (check_bit(op->turbo_dec.op_flags, RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_EQUALIZER)) { fcw->bypass_teq = 0; fcw->ea = op->turbo_dec.cb_params.e; fcw->eb = op->turbo_dec.cb_params.e; if (op->turbo_dec.rv_index == 0) fcw->k0_start_col = ACC_FCW_TD_RVIDX_0; else if (op->turbo_dec.rv_index == 1) fcw->k0_start_col = ACC_FCW_TD_RVIDX_1; else if (op->turbo_dec.rv_index == 2) fcw->k0_start_col = ACC_FCW_TD_RVIDX_2; else fcw->k0_start_col = ACC_FCW_TD_RVIDX_3; } else { fcw->bypass_teq = 1; fcw->eb = 64; /* avoid undefined value */ } } else { fcw->soft_output_en = 0; fcw->sw_soft_out_dis = 1; fcw->bypass_teq = 0; } fcw->code_block_mode = 1; /* FIXME */ fcw->turbo_crc_type = check_bit(op->turbo_dec.op_flags, RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_CRC_TYPE_24B); fcw->ext_td_cold_reg_en = 1; fcw->raw_decoder_input_on = 0; fcw->max_iter = RTE_MAX((uint8_t) op->turbo_dec.iter_max, 2); fcw->min_iter = 2; fcw->half_iter_on = check_bit(op->turbo_dec.op_flags, RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_HALF_ITERATION_EVEN); fcw->early_stop_en = check_bit(op->turbo_dec.op_flags, RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_EARLY_TERMINATION) & !fcw->soft_output_en; fcw->ext_scale = 0xF; } /* Fill in a frame control word for LDPC decoding. */ static inline void acc200_fcw_ld_fill(struct rte_bbdev_dec_op *op, struct acc_fcw_ld *fcw, union acc_harq_layout_data *harq_layout) { uint16_t harq_out_length, harq_in_length, ncb_p, k0_p, parity_offset; uint32_t harq_index; uint32_t l; fcw->qm = op->ldpc_dec.q_m; fcw->nfiller = op->ldpc_dec.n_filler; fcw->BG = (op->ldpc_dec.basegraph - 1); fcw->Zc = op->ldpc_dec.z_c; fcw->ncb = op->ldpc_dec.n_cb; fcw->k0 = get_k0(fcw->ncb, fcw->Zc, op->ldpc_dec.basegraph, op->ldpc_dec.rv_index); if (op->ldpc_dec.code_block_mode == RTE_BBDEV_CODE_BLOCK) fcw->rm_e = op->ldpc_dec.cb_params.e; else fcw->rm_e = (op->ldpc_dec.tb_params.r < op->ldpc_dec.tb_params.cab) ? op->ldpc_dec.tb_params.ea : op->ldpc_dec.tb_params.eb; if (unlikely(check_bit(op->ldpc_dec.op_flags, RTE_BBDEV_LDPC_HQ_COMBINE_IN_ENABLE) && (op->ldpc_dec.harq_combined_input.length == 0))) { rte_bbdev_log(WARNING, "Null HARQ input size provided"); /* Disable HARQ input in that case to carry forward. */ op->ldpc_dec.op_flags ^= RTE_BBDEV_LDPC_HQ_COMBINE_IN_ENABLE; } if (unlikely(fcw->rm_e == 0)) { rte_bbdev_log(WARNING, "Null E input provided"); fcw->rm_e = 2; } fcw->hcin_en = check_bit(op->ldpc_dec.op_flags, RTE_BBDEV_LDPC_HQ_COMBINE_IN_ENABLE); fcw->hcout_en = check_bit(op->ldpc_dec.op_flags, RTE_BBDEV_LDPC_HQ_COMBINE_OUT_ENABLE); fcw->crc_select = check_bit(op->ldpc_dec.op_flags, RTE_BBDEV_LDPC_CRC_TYPE_24B_CHECK); fcw->bypass_dec = 0; fcw->bypass_intlv = check_bit(op->ldpc_dec.op_flags, RTE_BBDEV_LDPC_DEINTERLEAVER_BYPASS); if (op->ldpc_dec.q_m == 1) { fcw->bypass_intlv = 1; fcw->qm = 2; } fcw->hcin_decomp_mode = check_bit(op->ldpc_dec.op_flags, RTE_BBDEV_LDPC_HARQ_6BIT_COMPRESSION); fcw->hcout_comp_mode = check_bit(op->ldpc_dec.op_flags, RTE_BBDEV_LDPC_HARQ_6BIT_COMPRESSION); fcw->llr_pack_mode = check_bit(op->ldpc_dec.op_flags, RTE_BBDEV_LDPC_LLR_COMPRESSION); harq_index = hq_index(op->ldpc_dec.harq_combined_output.offset); if (fcw->hcin_en > 0) { harq_in_length = op->ldpc_dec.harq_combined_input.length; if (fcw->hcin_decomp_mode > 0) harq_in_length = harq_in_length * 8 / 6; harq_in_length = RTE_MIN(harq_in_length, op->ldpc_dec.n_cb - op->ldpc_dec.n_filler); harq_in_length = RTE_ALIGN_CEIL(harq_in_length, 64); fcw->hcin_size0 = harq_in_length; fcw->hcin_offset = 0; fcw->hcin_size1 = 0; } else { fcw->hcin_size0 = 0; fcw->hcin_offset = 0; fcw->hcin_size1 = 0; } fcw->itmax = op->ldpc_dec.iter_max; fcw->itstop = check_bit(op->ldpc_dec.op_flags, RTE_BBDEV_LDPC_ITERATION_STOP_ENABLE); fcw->cnu_algo = ACC_ALGO_MSA; fcw->synd_precoder = fcw->itstop; /* * These are all implicitly set: * fcw->synd_post = 0; * fcw->so_en = 0; * fcw->so_bypass_rm = 0; * fcw->so_bypass_intlv = 0; * fcw->dec_convllr = 0; * fcw->hcout_convllr = 0; * fcw->hcout_size1 = 0; * fcw->so_it = 0; * fcw->hcout_offset = 0; * fcw->negstop_th = 0; * fcw->negstop_it = 0; * fcw->negstop_en = 0; * fcw->gain_i = 1; * fcw->gain_h = 1; */ if (fcw->hcout_en > 0) { parity_offset = (op->ldpc_dec.basegraph == 1 ? 20 : 8) * op->ldpc_dec.z_c - op->ldpc_dec.n_filler; k0_p = (fcw->k0 > parity_offset) ? fcw->k0 - op->ldpc_dec.n_filler : fcw->k0; ncb_p = fcw->ncb - op->ldpc_dec.n_filler; l = k0_p + fcw->rm_e; harq_out_length = (uint16_t) fcw->hcin_size0; harq_out_length = RTE_MIN(RTE_MAX(harq_out_length, l), ncb_p); harq_out_length = RTE_ALIGN_CEIL(harq_out_length, 64); fcw->hcout_size0 = harq_out_length; fcw->hcout_size1 = 0; fcw->hcout_offset = 0; harq_layout[harq_index].offset = fcw->hcout_offset; harq_layout[harq_index].size0 = fcw->hcout_size0; } else { fcw->hcout_size0 = 0; fcw->hcout_size1 = 0; fcw->hcout_offset = 0; } fcw->tb_crc_select = 0; if (check_bit(op->ldpc_dec.op_flags, RTE_BBDEV_LDPC_CRC_TYPE_24A_CHECK)) fcw->tb_crc_select = 2; if (check_bit(op->ldpc_dec.op_flags, RTE_BBDEV_LDPC_CRC_TYPE_16_CHECK)) fcw->tb_crc_select = 1; } static inline int acc200_dma_desc_td_fill(struct rte_bbdev_dec_op *op, struct acc_dma_req_desc *desc, struct rte_mbuf **input, struct rte_mbuf *h_output, struct rte_mbuf *s_output, uint32_t *in_offset, uint32_t *h_out_offset, uint32_t *s_out_offset, uint32_t *h_out_length, uint32_t *s_out_length, uint32_t *mbuf_total_left, uint32_t *seg_total_left, uint8_t r) { int next_triplet = 1; /* FCW already done. */ uint16_t k; uint16_t crc24_overlap = 0; uint32_t e, kw; desc->word0 = ACC_DMA_DESC_TYPE; desc->word1 = 0; /**< Timestamp could be disabled. */ desc->word2 = 0; desc->word3 = 0; desc->numCBs = 1; if (op->turbo_dec.code_block_mode == RTE_BBDEV_TRANSPORT_BLOCK) { k = (r < op->turbo_dec.tb_params.c_neg) ? op->turbo_dec.tb_params.k_neg : op->turbo_dec.tb_params.k_pos; e = (r < op->turbo_dec.tb_params.cab) ? op->turbo_dec.tb_params.ea : op->turbo_dec.tb_params.eb; } else { k = op->turbo_dec.cb_params.k; e = op->turbo_dec.cb_params.e; } if ((op->turbo_dec.code_block_mode == RTE_BBDEV_TRANSPORT_BLOCK) && !check_bit(op->turbo_dec.op_flags, RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_DEC_TB_CRC_24B_KEEP)) crc24_overlap = 24; /* Calculates circular buffer size. * According to 3gpp 36.212 section * Kw = 3 * Kpi, * where: * Kpi = nCol * nRow * where nCol is 32 and nRow can be calculated from: * D =< nCol * nRow * where D is the size of each output from turbo encoder block (k + 4). */ kw = RTE_ALIGN_CEIL(k + 4, 32) * 3; if (unlikely((*mbuf_total_left == 0) || (*mbuf_total_left < kw))) { rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "Mismatch between mbuf length and included CB sizes: mbuf len %u, cb len %u", *mbuf_total_left, kw); return -1; } next_triplet = acc_dma_fill_blk_type_in(desc, input, in_offset, kw, seg_total_left, next_triplet, check_bit(op->turbo_dec.op_flags, RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_DEC_SCATTER_GATHER)); if (unlikely(next_triplet < 0)) { rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "Mismatch between data to process and mbuf data length in bbdev_op: %p", op); return -1; } desc->data_ptrs[next_triplet - 1].last = 1; desc->m2dlen = next_triplet; *mbuf_total_left -= kw; *h_out_length = ((k - crc24_overlap) >> 3); next_triplet = acc_dma_fill_blk_type( desc, h_output, *h_out_offset, *h_out_length, next_triplet, ACC_DMA_BLKID_OUT_HARD); if (unlikely(next_triplet < 0)) { rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "Mismatch between data to process and mbuf data length in bbdev_op: %p", op); return -1; } op->turbo_dec.hard_output.length += *h_out_length; *h_out_offset += *h_out_length; /* Soft output. */ if (check_bit(op->turbo_dec.op_flags, RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_SOFT_OUTPUT)) { if (op->turbo_dec.soft_output.data == 0) { rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "Soft output is not defined"); return -1; } if (check_bit(op->turbo_dec.op_flags, RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_EQUALIZER)) *s_out_length = e; else *s_out_length = (k * 3) + 12; next_triplet = acc_dma_fill_blk_type(desc, s_output, *s_out_offset, *s_out_length, next_triplet, ACC_DMA_BLKID_OUT_SOFT); if (unlikely(next_triplet < 0)) { rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "Mismatch between data to process and mbuf data length in bbdev_op: %p", op); return -1; } op->turbo_dec.soft_output.length += *s_out_length; *s_out_offset += *s_out_length; } desc->data_ptrs[next_triplet - 1].last = 1; desc->d2mlen = next_triplet - desc->m2dlen; desc->op_addr = op; return 0; } static inline int acc200_dma_desc_ld_fill(struct rte_bbdev_dec_op *op, struct acc_dma_req_desc *desc, struct rte_mbuf **input, struct rte_mbuf *h_output, uint32_t *in_offset, uint32_t *h_out_offset, uint32_t *h_out_length, uint32_t *mbuf_total_left, uint32_t *seg_total_left, struct acc_fcw_ld *fcw) { struct rte_bbdev_op_ldpc_dec *dec = &op->ldpc_dec; int next_triplet = 1; /* FCW already done. */ uint32_t input_length; uint16_t output_length, crc24_overlap = 0; uint16_t sys_cols, K, h_p_size, h_np_size; bool h_comp = check_bit(dec->op_flags, RTE_BBDEV_LDPC_HARQ_6BIT_COMPRESSION); acc_header_init(desc); if (check_bit(op->ldpc_dec.op_flags, RTE_BBDEV_LDPC_CRC_TYPE_24B_DROP)) crc24_overlap = 24; /* Compute some LDPC BG lengths. */ input_length = fcw->rm_e; if (check_bit(op->ldpc_dec.op_flags, RTE_BBDEV_LDPC_LLR_COMPRESSION)) input_length = (input_length * 3 + 3) / 4; sys_cols = (dec->basegraph == 1) ? 22 : 10; K = sys_cols * dec->z_c; output_length = K - dec->n_filler - crc24_overlap; if (unlikely((*mbuf_total_left == 0) || (*mbuf_total_left < input_length))) { rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "Mismatch between mbuf length and included CB sizes: mbuf len %u, cb len %u", *mbuf_total_left, input_length); return -1; } next_triplet = acc_dma_fill_blk_type_in(desc, input, in_offset, input_length, seg_total_left, next_triplet, check_bit(op->ldpc_dec.op_flags, RTE_BBDEV_LDPC_DEC_SCATTER_GATHER)); if (unlikely(next_triplet < 0)) { rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "Mismatch between data to process and mbuf data length in bbdev_op: %p", op); return -1; } if (check_bit(op->ldpc_dec.op_flags, RTE_BBDEV_LDPC_HQ_COMBINE_IN_ENABLE)) { if (op->ldpc_dec.harq_combined_input.data == 0) { rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "HARQ input is not defined"); return -1; } h_p_size = fcw->hcin_size0 + fcw->hcin_size1; if (h_comp) h_p_size = (h_p_size * 3 + 3) / 4; if (op->ldpc_dec.harq_combined_input.data == 0) { rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "HARQ input is not defined"); return -1; } acc_dma_fill_blk_type( desc, op->ldpc_dec.harq_combined_input.data, op->ldpc_dec.harq_combined_input.offset, h_p_size, next_triplet, ACC_DMA_BLKID_IN_HARQ); next_triplet++; } desc->data_ptrs[next_triplet - 1].last = 1; desc->m2dlen = next_triplet; *mbuf_total_left -= input_length; next_triplet = acc_dma_fill_blk_type(desc, h_output, *h_out_offset, output_length >> 3, next_triplet, ACC_DMA_BLKID_OUT_HARD); if (check_bit(op->ldpc_dec.op_flags, RTE_BBDEV_LDPC_HQ_COMBINE_OUT_ENABLE)) { if (op->ldpc_dec.harq_combined_output.data == 0) { rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "HARQ output is not defined"); return -1; } /* Pruned size of the HARQ. */ h_p_size = fcw->hcout_size0 + fcw->hcout_size1; /* Non-Pruned size of the HARQ. */ h_np_size = fcw->hcout_offset > 0 ? fcw->hcout_offset + fcw->hcout_size1 : h_p_size; if (h_comp) { h_np_size = (h_np_size * 3 + 3) / 4; h_p_size = (h_p_size * 3 + 3) / 4; } dec->harq_combined_output.length = h_np_size; acc_dma_fill_blk_type( desc, dec->harq_combined_output.data, dec->harq_combined_output.offset, h_p_size, next_triplet, ACC_DMA_BLKID_OUT_HARQ); next_triplet++; } *h_out_length = output_length >> 3; dec->hard_output.length += *h_out_length; *h_out_offset += *h_out_length; desc->data_ptrs[next_triplet - 1].last = 1; desc->d2mlen = next_triplet - desc->m2dlen; desc->op_addr = op; return 0; } static inline void acc200_dma_desc_ld_update(struct rte_bbdev_dec_op *op, struct acc_dma_req_desc *desc, struct rte_mbuf *input, struct rte_mbuf *h_output, uint32_t *in_offset, uint32_t *h_out_offset, uint32_t *h_out_length, union acc_harq_layout_data *harq_layout) { int next_triplet = 1; /* FCW already done. */ desc->data_ptrs[next_triplet].address = rte_pktmbuf_iova_offset(input, *in_offset); next_triplet++; if (check_bit(op->ldpc_dec.op_flags, RTE_BBDEV_LDPC_HQ_COMBINE_IN_ENABLE)) { struct rte_bbdev_op_data hi = op->ldpc_dec.harq_combined_input; desc->data_ptrs[next_triplet].address = rte_pktmbuf_iova_offset(hi.data, hi.offset); next_triplet++; } desc->data_ptrs[next_triplet].address = rte_pktmbuf_iova_offset(h_output, *h_out_offset); *h_out_length = desc->data_ptrs[next_triplet].blen; next_triplet++; if (check_bit(op->ldpc_dec.op_flags, RTE_BBDEV_LDPC_HQ_COMBINE_OUT_ENABLE)) { /* Adjust based on previous operation. */ struct rte_bbdev_dec_op *prev_op = desc->op_addr; op->ldpc_dec.harq_combined_output.length = prev_op->ldpc_dec.harq_combined_output.length; uint32_t harq_idx = hq_index(op->ldpc_dec.harq_combined_output.offset); uint32_t prev_harq_idx = hq_index(prev_op->ldpc_dec.harq_combined_output.offset); harq_layout[harq_idx].val = harq_layout[prev_harq_idx].val; struct rte_bbdev_op_data ho = op->ldpc_dec.harq_combined_output; desc->data_ptrs[next_triplet].address = rte_pktmbuf_iova_offset(ho.data, ho.offset); next_triplet++; } op->ldpc_dec.hard_output.length += *h_out_length; desc->op_addr = op; } /* Enqueue one encode operations for ACC200 device in CB mode */ static inline int enqueue_enc_one_op_cb(struct acc_queue *q, struct rte_bbdev_enc_op *op, uint16_t total_enqueued_cbs) { union acc_dma_desc *desc = NULL; int ret; uint32_t in_offset, out_offset, out_length, mbuf_total_left, seg_total_left; struct rte_mbuf *input, *output_head, *output; desc = acc_desc(q, total_enqueued_cbs); acc_fcw_te_fill(op, &desc->req.fcw_te); input = op->turbo_enc.input.data; output_head = output = op->turbo_enc.output.data; in_offset = op->turbo_enc.input.offset; out_offset = op->turbo_enc.output.offset; out_length = 0; mbuf_total_left = op->turbo_enc.input.length; seg_total_left = rte_pktmbuf_data_len(op->turbo_enc.input.data) - in_offset; ret = acc_dma_desc_te_fill(op, &desc->req, &input, output, &in_offset, &out_offset, &out_length, &mbuf_total_left, &seg_total_left, 0); if (unlikely(ret < 0)) return ret; mbuf_append(output_head, output, out_length); #ifdef RTE_LIBRTE_BBDEV_DEBUG rte_memdump(stderr, "FCW", &desc->req.fcw_te, sizeof(desc->req.fcw_te) - 8); rte_memdump(stderr, "Req Desc.", desc, sizeof(*desc)); #endif /* One CB (one op) was successfully prepared to enqueue */ return 1; } /* Enqueue one encode operations for ACC200 device in CB mode * multiplexed on the same descriptor. */ static inline int enqueue_ldpc_enc_n_op_cb(struct acc_queue *q, struct rte_bbdev_enc_op **ops, uint16_t total_enqueued_descs, int16_t num) { union acc_dma_desc *desc = NULL; uint32_t out_length; struct rte_mbuf *output_head, *output; int i, next_triplet; uint16_t in_length_in_bytes; struct rte_bbdev_op_ldpc_enc *enc = &ops[0]->ldpc_enc; struct acc_ptrs *context_ptrs; desc = acc_desc(q, total_enqueued_descs); acc_fcw_le_fill(ops[0], &desc->req.fcw_le, num, 0); /** This could be done at polling. */ acc_header_init(&desc->req); desc->req.numCBs = num; in_length_in_bytes = ops[0]->ldpc_enc.input.data->data_len; out_length = (enc->cb_params.e + 7) >> 3; desc->req.m2dlen = 1 + num; desc->req.d2mlen = num; next_triplet = 1; for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { desc->req.data_ptrs[next_triplet].address = rte_pktmbuf_iova_offset(ops[i]->ldpc_enc.input.data, 0); desc->req.data_ptrs[next_triplet].blen = in_length_in_bytes; next_triplet++; desc->req.data_ptrs[next_triplet].address = rte_pktmbuf_iova_offset( ops[i]->ldpc_enc.output.data, 0); desc->req.data_ptrs[next_triplet].blen = out_length; next_triplet++; ops[i]->ldpc_enc.output.length = out_length; output_head = output = ops[i]->ldpc_enc.output.data; mbuf_append(output_head, output, out_length); output->data_len = out_length; } desc->req.op_addr = ops[0]; /* Keep track of pointers even when multiplexed in single descriptor. */ context_ptrs = q->companion_ring_addr + acc_desc_idx(q, total_enqueued_descs); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) context_ptrs->ptr[i].op_addr = ops[i]; #ifdef RTE_LIBRTE_BBDEV_DEBUG rte_memdump(stderr, "FCW", &desc->req.fcw_le, sizeof(desc->req.fcw_le) - 8); rte_memdump(stderr, "Req Desc.", desc, sizeof(*desc)); #endif /* Number of compatible CBs/ops successfully prepared to enqueue. */ return num; } /* Enqueue one encode operations for ACC200 device for a partial TB * all codes blocks have same configuration multiplexed on the same descriptor. */ static inline void enqueue_ldpc_enc_part_tb(struct acc_queue *q, struct rte_bbdev_enc_op *op, uint16_t total_enqueued_descs, int16_t num_cbs, uint32_t e, uint16_t in_len_B, uint32_t out_len_B, uint32_t *in_offset, uint32_t *out_offset) { union acc_dma_desc *desc = NULL; struct rte_mbuf *output_head, *output; int i, next_triplet; struct rte_bbdev_op_ldpc_enc *enc = &op->ldpc_enc; desc = acc_desc(q, total_enqueued_descs); acc_fcw_le_fill(op, &desc->req.fcw_le, num_cbs, e); /** This could be done at polling. */ acc_header_init(&desc->req); desc->req.numCBs = num_cbs; desc->req.m2dlen = 1 + num_cbs; desc->req.d2mlen = num_cbs; next_triplet = 1; for (i = 0; i < num_cbs; i++) { desc->req.data_ptrs[next_triplet].address = rte_pktmbuf_iova_offset( enc->input.data, *in_offset); *in_offset += in_len_B; desc->req.data_ptrs[next_triplet].blen = in_len_B; next_triplet++; desc->req.data_ptrs[next_triplet].address = rte_pktmbuf_iova_offset( enc->output.data, *out_offset); *out_offset += out_len_B; desc->req.data_ptrs[next_triplet].blen = out_len_B; next_triplet++; enc->output.length += out_len_B; output_head = output = enc->output.data; mbuf_append(output_head, output, out_len_B); } #ifdef RTE_LIBRTE_BBDEV_DEBUG rte_memdump(stderr, "FCW", &desc->req.fcw_le, sizeof(desc->req.fcw_le) - 8); rte_memdump(stderr, "Req Desc.", desc, sizeof(*desc)); #endif } /* Enqueue one encode operations for ACC200 device in TB mode. */ static inline int enqueue_enc_one_op_tb(struct acc_queue *q, struct rte_bbdev_enc_op *op, uint16_t total_enqueued_cbs, uint8_t cbs_in_tb) { union acc_dma_desc *desc = NULL; int ret; uint8_t r, c; uint32_t in_offset, out_offset, out_length, mbuf_total_left, seg_total_left; struct rte_mbuf *input, *output_head, *output; uint16_t desc_idx, current_enqueued_cbs = 0; uint64_t fcw_offset; desc_idx = acc_desc_idx(q, total_enqueued_cbs); desc = q->ring_addr + desc_idx; fcw_offset = (desc_idx << 8) + ACC_DESC_FCW_OFFSET; acc_fcw_te_fill(op, &desc->req.fcw_te); input = op->turbo_enc.input.data; output_head = output = op->turbo_enc.output.data; in_offset = op->turbo_enc.input.offset; out_offset = op->turbo_enc.output.offset; out_length = 0; mbuf_total_left = op->turbo_enc.input.length; c = op->turbo_enc.tb_params.c; r = op->turbo_enc.tb_params.r; while (mbuf_total_left > 0 && r < c) { if (unlikely((input == NULL) || (output == NULL))) return -1; seg_total_left = rte_pktmbuf_data_len(input) - in_offset; /* Set up DMA descriptor */ desc = acc_desc(q, total_enqueued_cbs); desc->req.data_ptrs[0].address = q->ring_addr_iova + fcw_offset; desc->req.data_ptrs[0].blen = ACC_FCW_TE_BLEN; ret = acc_dma_desc_te_fill(op, &desc->req, &input, output, &in_offset, &out_offset, &out_length, &mbuf_total_left, &seg_total_left, r); if (unlikely(ret < 0)) return ret; mbuf_append(output_head, output, out_length); /* Set total number of CBs in TB */ desc->req.cbs_in_tb = cbs_in_tb; #ifdef RTE_LIBRTE_BBDEV_DEBUG rte_memdump(stderr, "FCW", &desc->req.fcw_te, sizeof(desc->req.fcw_te) - 8); rte_memdump(stderr, "Req Desc.", desc, sizeof(*desc)); #endif if (seg_total_left == 0) { /* Go to the next mbuf */ input = input->next; in_offset = 0; output = output->next; out_offset = 0; } total_enqueued_cbs++; current_enqueued_cbs++; r++; } /* In case the number of CB doesn't match, the configuration was invalid. */ if (unlikely(current_enqueued_cbs != cbs_in_tb)) return -1; /* Set SDone on last CB descriptor for TB mode. */ desc->req.sdone_enable = 1; return current_enqueued_cbs; } /* Enqueue one encode operations for ACC200 device in TB mode. * returns the number of descs used. */ static inline int enqueue_ldpc_enc_one_op_tb(struct acc_queue *q, struct rte_bbdev_enc_op *op, uint16_t enq_descs, uint8_t cbs_in_tb) { uint8_t num_a, num_b; uint16_t input_len_B, return_descs; uint8_t r = op->ldpc_enc.tb_params.r; uint8_t cab = op->ldpc_enc.tb_params.cab; union acc_dma_desc *desc; uint16_t init_enq_descs = enq_descs; uint32_t in_offset = 0, out_offset = 0; input_len_B = ((op->ldpc_enc.basegraph == 1 ? 22 : 10) * op->ldpc_enc.z_c) >> 3; if (check_bit(op->ldpc_enc.op_flags, RTE_BBDEV_LDPC_CRC_24B_ATTACH)) input_len_B -= 3; if (r < cab) { num_a = cab - r; num_b = cbs_in_tb - cab; } else { num_a = 0; num_b = cbs_in_tb - r; } while (num_a > 0) { uint32_t e = op->ldpc_enc.tb_params.ea; uint32_t out_len_B = (e + 7) >> 3; uint8_t enq = RTE_MIN(num_a, ACC_MUX_5GDL_DESC); num_a -= enq; enqueue_ldpc_enc_part_tb(q, op, enq_descs, enq, e, input_len_B, out_len_B, &in_offset, &out_offset); enq_descs++; } while (num_b > 0) { uint32_t e = op->ldpc_enc.tb_params.eb; uint32_t out_len_B = (e + 7) >> 3; uint8_t enq = RTE_MIN(num_b, ACC_MUX_5GDL_DESC); num_b -= enq; enqueue_ldpc_enc_part_tb(q, op, enq_descs, enq, e, input_len_B, out_len_B, &in_offset, &out_offset); enq_descs++; } return_descs = enq_descs - init_enq_descs; /* Keep total number of CBs in first TB. */ desc = acc_desc(q, init_enq_descs); desc->req.cbs_in_tb = return_descs; /** Actual number of descriptors. */ desc->req.op_addr = op; /* Set SDone on last CB descriptor for TB mode. */ desc = acc_desc(q, enq_descs - 1); desc->req.sdone_enable = 1; desc->req.op_addr = op; return return_descs; } /** Enqueue one decode operations for ACC200 device in CB mode. */ static inline int enqueue_dec_one_op_cb(struct acc_queue *q, struct rte_bbdev_dec_op *op, uint16_t total_enqueued_cbs) { union acc_dma_desc *desc = NULL; int ret; uint32_t in_offset, h_out_offset, s_out_offset, s_out_length, h_out_length, mbuf_total_left, seg_total_left; struct rte_mbuf *input, *h_output_head, *h_output, *s_output_head, *s_output; desc = acc_desc(q, total_enqueued_cbs); acc200_fcw_td_fill(op, &desc->req.fcw_td); input = op->turbo_dec.input.data; h_output_head = h_output = op->turbo_dec.hard_output.data; s_output_head = s_output = op->turbo_dec.soft_output.data; in_offset = op->turbo_dec.input.offset; h_out_offset = op->turbo_dec.hard_output.offset; s_out_offset = op->turbo_dec.soft_output.offset; h_out_length = s_out_length = 0; mbuf_total_left = op->turbo_dec.input.length; seg_total_left = rte_pktmbuf_data_len(input) - in_offset; /* Set up DMA descriptor */ desc = acc_desc(q, total_enqueued_cbs); ret = acc200_dma_desc_td_fill(op, &desc->req, &input, h_output, s_output, &in_offset, &h_out_offset, &s_out_offset, &h_out_length, &s_out_length, &mbuf_total_left, &seg_total_left, 0); if (unlikely(ret < 0)) return ret; /* Hard output */ mbuf_append(h_output_head, h_output, h_out_length); /* Soft output */ if (check_bit(op->turbo_dec.op_flags, RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_SOFT_OUTPUT)) mbuf_append(s_output_head, s_output, s_out_length); #ifdef RTE_LIBRTE_BBDEV_DEBUG rte_memdump(stderr, "FCW", &desc->req.fcw_td, sizeof(desc->req.fcw_td)); rte_memdump(stderr, "Req Desc.", desc, sizeof(*desc)); #endif /* One CB (one op) was successfully prepared to enqueue */ return 1; } /** Enqueue one decode operations for ACC200 device in CB mode */ static inline int enqueue_ldpc_dec_one_op_cb(struct acc_queue *q, struct rte_bbdev_dec_op *op, uint16_t total_enqueued_cbs, bool same_op) { int ret, hq_len; union acc_dma_desc *desc; struct rte_mbuf *input, *h_output_head, *h_output; uint32_t in_offset, h_out_offset, mbuf_total_left, h_out_length = 0; union acc_harq_layout_data *harq_layout; if (op->ldpc_dec.cb_params.e == 0) return -EINVAL; desc = acc_desc(q, total_enqueued_cbs); input = op->ldpc_dec.input.data; h_output_head = h_output = op->ldpc_dec.hard_output.data; in_offset = op->ldpc_dec.input.offset; h_out_offset = op->ldpc_dec.hard_output.offset; mbuf_total_left = op->ldpc_dec.input.length; harq_layout = q->d->harq_layout; if (same_op) { union acc_dma_desc *prev_desc; prev_desc = acc_desc(q, total_enqueued_cbs - 1); uint8_t *prev_ptr = (uint8_t *) prev_desc; uint8_t *new_ptr = (uint8_t *) desc; /* Copy first 4 words and BDESCs. */ rte_memcpy(new_ptr, prev_ptr, ACC_5GUL_SIZE_0); rte_memcpy(new_ptr + ACC_5GUL_OFFSET_0, prev_ptr + ACC_5GUL_OFFSET_0, ACC_5GUL_SIZE_1); desc->req.op_addr = prev_desc->req.op_addr; /* Copy FCW. */ rte_memcpy(new_ptr + ACC_DESC_FCW_OFFSET, prev_ptr + ACC_DESC_FCW_OFFSET, ACC_FCW_LD_BLEN); acc200_dma_desc_ld_update(op, &desc->req, input, h_output, &in_offset, &h_out_offset, &h_out_length, harq_layout); } else { struct acc_fcw_ld *fcw; uint32_t seg_total_left; fcw = &desc->req.fcw_ld; acc200_fcw_ld_fill(op, fcw, harq_layout); /* Special handling when using mbuf or not. */ if (check_bit(op->ldpc_dec.op_flags, RTE_BBDEV_LDPC_DEC_SCATTER_GATHER)) seg_total_left = rte_pktmbuf_data_len(input) - in_offset; else seg_total_left = fcw->rm_e; ret = acc200_dma_desc_ld_fill(op, &desc->req, &input, h_output, &in_offset, &h_out_offset, &h_out_length, &mbuf_total_left, &seg_total_left, fcw); if (unlikely(ret < 0)) return ret; } /* Hard output. */ mbuf_append(h_output_head, h_output, h_out_length); if (op->ldpc_dec.harq_combined_output.length > 0) { /* Push the HARQ output into host memory. */ struct rte_mbuf *hq_output_head, *hq_output; hq_output_head = op->ldpc_dec.harq_combined_output.data; hq_output = op->ldpc_dec.harq_combined_output.data; hq_len = op->ldpc_dec.harq_combined_output.length; if (unlikely(!mbuf_append(hq_output_head, hq_output, hq_len))) { rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "HARQ output mbuf issue %d %d\n", hq_output->buf_len, hq_len); return -1; } } if (op->ldpc_dec.soft_output.length > 0) mbuf_append(op->ldpc_dec.soft_output.data, op->ldpc_dec.soft_output.data, op->ldpc_dec.soft_output.length); #ifdef RTE_LIBRTE_BBDEV_DEBUG rte_memdump(stderr, "FCW", &desc->req.fcw_ld, sizeof(desc->req.fcw_ld) - 8); rte_memdump(stderr, "Req Desc.", desc, sizeof(*desc)); #endif /* One CB (one op) was successfully prepared to enqueue. */ return 1; } /* Enqueue one decode operations for ACC200 device in TB mode. */ static inline int enqueue_ldpc_dec_one_op_tb(struct acc_queue *q, struct rte_bbdev_dec_op *op, uint16_t total_enqueued_cbs, uint8_t cbs_in_tb) { union acc_dma_desc *desc = NULL; union acc_dma_desc *desc_first = NULL; int ret; uint8_t r, c; uint32_t in_offset, h_out_offset, h_out_length, mbuf_total_left, seg_total_left; struct rte_mbuf *input, *h_output_head, *h_output; uint16_t current_enqueued_cbs = 0; uint16_t desc_idx, sys_cols, trail_len = 0; uint64_t fcw_offset; union acc_harq_layout_data *harq_layout; desc_idx = acc_desc_idx(q, total_enqueued_cbs); desc = q->ring_addr + desc_idx; desc_first = desc; fcw_offset = (desc_idx << 8) + ACC_DESC_FCW_OFFSET; harq_layout = q->d->harq_layout; acc200_fcw_ld_fill(op, &desc->req.fcw_ld, harq_layout); input = op->ldpc_dec.input.data; h_output_head = h_output = op->ldpc_dec.hard_output.data; in_offset = op->ldpc_dec.input.offset; h_out_offset = op->ldpc_dec.hard_output.offset; h_out_length = 0; mbuf_total_left = op->ldpc_dec.input.length; c = op->ldpc_dec.tb_params.c; r = op->ldpc_dec.tb_params.r; if (check_bit(op->ldpc_dec.op_flags, RTE_BBDEV_LDPC_CRC_TYPE_24A_CHECK)) { sys_cols = (op->ldpc_dec.basegraph == 1) ? 22 : 10; trail_len = sys_cols * op->ldpc_dec.z_c - op->ldpc_dec.n_filler - 24; } while (mbuf_total_left > 0 && r < c) { if (unlikely((input == NULL) || (h_output == NULL))) return -1; if (check_bit(op->ldpc_dec.op_flags, RTE_BBDEV_LDPC_DEC_SCATTER_GATHER)) seg_total_left = rte_pktmbuf_data_len(input) - in_offset; else seg_total_left = op->ldpc_dec.input.length; /* Set up DMA descriptor. */ desc_idx = acc_desc_idx(q, total_enqueued_cbs); desc = q->ring_addr + desc_idx; fcw_offset = (desc_idx << 8) + ACC_DESC_FCW_OFFSET; desc->req.data_ptrs[0].address = q->ring_addr_iova + fcw_offset; desc->req.data_ptrs[0].blen = ACC_FCW_LD_BLEN; rte_memcpy(&desc->req.fcw_ld, &desc_first->req.fcw_ld, ACC_FCW_LD_BLEN); desc->req.fcw_ld.tb_trailer_size = (c - r - 1) * trail_len; ret = acc200_dma_desc_ld_fill(op, &desc->req, &input, h_output, &in_offset, &h_out_offset, &h_out_length, &mbuf_total_left, &seg_total_left, &desc->req.fcw_ld); if (unlikely(ret < 0)) return ret; /* Hard output. */ mbuf_append(h_output_head, h_output, h_out_length); /* Set total number of CBs in TB. */ desc->req.cbs_in_tb = cbs_in_tb; #ifdef RTE_LIBRTE_BBDEV_DEBUG rte_memdump(stderr, "FCW", &desc->req.fcw_td, sizeof(desc->req.fcw_td) - 8); rte_memdump(stderr, "Req Desc.", desc, sizeof(*desc)); #endif if (check_bit(op->ldpc_dec.op_flags, RTE_BBDEV_LDPC_DEC_SCATTER_GATHER) && (seg_total_left == 0)) { /* Go to the next mbuf. */ input = input->next; in_offset = 0; h_output = h_output->next; h_out_offset = 0; } total_enqueued_cbs++; current_enqueued_cbs++; r++; } /* In case the number of CB doesn't match, the configuration was invalid. */ if (unlikely(current_enqueued_cbs != cbs_in_tb)) return -1; #ifdef RTE_LIBRTE_BBDEV_DEBUG if (check_mbuf_total_left(mbuf_total_left) != 0) return -EINVAL; #endif /* Set SDone on last CB descriptor for TB mode. */ desc->req.sdone_enable = 1; return current_enqueued_cbs; } /* Enqueue one decode operations for ACC200 device in TB mode */ static inline int enqueue_dec_one_op_tb(struct acc_queue *q, struct rte_bbdev_dec_op *op, uint16_t total_enqueued_cbs, uint8_t cbs_in_tb) { union acc_dma_desc *desc = NULL; int ret; uint8_t r, c; uint32_t in_offset, h_out_offset, s_out_offset, s_out_length, h_out_length, mbuf_total_left, seg_total_left; struct rte_mbuf *input, *h_output_head, *h_output, *s_output_head, *s_output; uint16_t desc_idx, current_enqueued_cbs = 0; uint64_t fcw_offset; desc_idx = acc_desc_idx(q, total_enqueued_cbs); desc = q->ring_addr + desc_idx; fcw_offset = (desc_idx << 8) + ACC_DESC_FCW_OFFSET; acc200_fcw_td_fill(op, &desc->req.fcw_td); input = op->turbo_dec.input.data; h_output_head = h_output = op->turbo_dec.hard_output.data; s_output_head = s_output = op->turbo_dec.soft_output.data; in_offset = op->turbo_dec.input.offset; h_out_offset = op->turbo_dec.hard_output.offset; s_out_offset = op->turbo_dec.soft_output.offset; h_out_length = s_out_length = 0; mbuf_total_left = op->turbo_dec.input.length; c = op->turbo_dec.tb_params.c; r = op->turbo_dec.tb_params.r; while (mbuf_total_left > 0 && r < c) { if (unlikely((input == NULL) || (h_output == NULL))) return -1; seg_total_left = rte_pktmbuf_data_len(input) - in_offset; /* Set up DMA descriptor */ desc = acc_desc(q, total_enqueued_cbs); desc->req.data_ptrs[0].address = q->ring_addr_iova + fcw_offset; desc->req.data_ptrs[0].blen = ACC_FCW_TD_BLEN; ret = acc200_dma_desc_td_fill(op, &desc->req, &input, h_output, s_output, &in_offset, &h_out_offset, &s_out_offset, &h_out_length, &s_out_length, &mbuf_total_left, &seg_total_left, r); if (unlikely(ret < 0)) return ret; /* Hard output */ mbuf_append(h_output_head, h_output, h_out_length); /* Soft output */ if (check_bit(op->turbo_dec.op_flags, RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_SOFT_OUTPUT)) mbuf_append(s_output_head, s_output, s_out_length); /* Set total number of CBs in TB */ desc->req.cbs_in_tb = cbs_in_tb; #ifdef RTE_LIBRTE_BBDEV_DEBUG rte_memdump(stderr, "FCW", &desc->req.fcw_td, sizeof(desc->req.fcw_td) - 8); rte_memdump(stderr, "Req Desc.", desc, sizeof(*desc)); #endif if (seg_total_left == 0) { /* Go to the next mbuf */ input = input->next; in_offset = 0; h_output = h_output->next; h_out_offset = 0; if (check_bit(op->turbo_dec.op_flags, RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_SOFT_OUTPUT)) { s_output = s_output->next; s_out_offset = 0; } } total_enqueued_cbs++; current_enqueued_cbs++; r++; } /* In case the number of CB doesn't match, the configuration was invalid. */ if (unlikely(current_enqueued_cbs != cbs_in_tb)) return -1; /* Set SDone on last CB descriptor for TB mode */ desc->req.sdone_enable = 1; return current_enqueued_cbs; } /* Enqueue encode operations for ACC200 device in CB mode. */ static uint16_t acc200_enqueue_enc_cb(struct rte_bbdev_queue_data *q_data, struct rte_bbdev_enc_op **ops, uint16_t num) { struct acc_queue *q = q_data->queue_private; int32_t avail = acc_ring_avail_enq(q); uint16_t i; int ret; for (i = 0; i < num; ++i) { /* Check if there are available space for further processing */ if (unlikely(avail - 1 < 0)) { acc_enqueue_ring_full(q_data); break; } avail -= 1; ret = enqueue_enc_one_op_cb(q, ops[i], i); if (ret < 0) { acc_enqueue_invalid(q_data); break; } } if (unlikely(i == 0)) return 0; /* Nothing to enqueue */ acc_dma_enqueue(q, i, &q_data->queue_stats); /* Update stats */ q_data->queue_stats.enqueued_count += i; q_data->queue_stats.enqueue_err_count += num - i; return i; } /** Enqueue encode operations for ACC200 device in CB mode. */ static inline uint16_t acc200_enqueue_ldpc_enc_cb(struct rte_bbdev_queue_data *q_data, struct rte_bbdev_enc_op **ops, uint16_t num) { struct acc_queue *q = q_data->queue_private; int32_t avail = acc_ring_avail_enq(q); uint16_t i = 0; int ret, desc_idx = 0; int16_t enq, left = num; while (left > 0) { if (unlikely(avail < 1)) { acc_enqueue_ring_full(q_data); break; } avail--; enq = RTE_MIN(left, ACC_MUX_5GDL_DESC); enq = check_mux(&ops[i], enq); ret = enqueue_ldpc_enc_n_op_cb(q, &ops[i], desc_idx, enq); if (ret < 0) { acc_enqueue_invalid(q_data); break; } i += enq; desc_idx++; left = num - i; } if (unlikely(i == 0)) return 0; /* Nothing to enqueue. */ acc_dma_enqueue(q, desc_idx, &q_data->queue_stats); /* Update stats. */ q_data->queue_stats.enqueued_count += i; q_data->queue_stats.enqueue_err_count += num - i; return i; } /* Enqueue encode operations for ACC200 device in TB mode. */ static uint16_t acc200_enqueue_enc_tb(struct rte_bbdev_queue_data *q_data, struct rte_bbdev_enc_op **ops, uint16_t num) { struct acc_queue *q = q_data->queue_private; int32_t avail = acc_ring_avail_enq(q); uint16_t i, enqueued_cbs = 0; uint8_t cbs_in_tb; int ret; for (i = 0; i < num; ++i) { cbs_in_tb = get_num_cbs_in_tb_enc(&ops[i]->turbo_enc); /* Check if there are available space for further processing */ if (unlikely((avail - cbs_in_tb < 0) || (cbs_in_tb == 0))) { acc_enqueue_ring_full(q_data); break; } avail -= cbs_in_tb; ret = enqueue_enc_one_op_tb(q, ops[i], enqueued_cbs, cbs_in_tb); if (ret <= 0) { acc_enqueue_invalid(q_data); break; } enqueued_cbs += ret; } if (unlikely(enqueued_cbs == 0)) return 0; /* Nothing to enqueue */ acc_dma_enqueue(q, enqueued_cbs, &q_data->queue_stats); /* Update stats */ q_data->queue_stats.enqueued_count += i; q_data->queue_stats.enqueue_err_count += num - i; return i; } /* Enqueue LDPC encode operations for ACC200 device in TB mode. */ static uint16_t acc200_enqueue_ldpc_enc_tb(struct rte_bbdev_queue_data *q_data, struct rte_bbdev_enc_op **ops, uint16_t num) { struct acc_queue *q = q_data->queue_private; int32_t avail = acc_ring_avail_enq(q); uint16_t i, enqueued_descs = 0; uint8_t cbs_in_tb; int descs_used; for (i = 0; i < num; ++i) { cbs_in_tb = get_num_cbs_in_tb_ldpc_enc(&ops[i]->ldpc_enc); /* Check if there are available space for further processing. */ if (unlikely((avail - cbs_in_tb < 0) || (cbs_in_tb == 0))) { acc_enqueue_ring_full(q_data); break; } descs_used = enqueue_ldpc_enc_one_op_tb(q, ops[i], enqueued_descs, cbs_in_tb); if (descs_used < 0) { acc_enqueue_invalid(q_data); break; } enqueued_descs += descs_used; avail -= descs_used; } if (unlikely(enqueued_descs == 0)) return 0; /* Nothing to enqueue. */ acc_dma_enqueue(q, enqueued_descs, &q_data->queue_stats); /* Update stats. */ q_data->queue_stats.enqueued_count += i; q_data->queue_stats.enqueue_err_count += num - i; return i; } /* Enqueue encode operations for ACC200 device. */ static uint16_t acc200_enqueue_enc(struct rte_bbdev_queue_data *q_data, struct rte_bbdev_enc_op **ops, uint16_t num) { int32_t aq_avail = acc_aq_avail(q_data, num); if (unlikely((aq_avail <= 0) || (num == 0))) return 0; if (ops[0]->turbo_enc.code_block_mode == RTE_BBDEV_TRANSPORT_BLOCK) return acc200_enqueue_enc_tb(q_data, ops, num); else return acc200_enqueue_enc_cb(q_data, ops, num); } /* Enqueue encode operations for ACC200 device. */ static uint16_t acc200_enqueue_ldpc_enc(struct rte_bbdev_queue_data *q_data, struct rte_bbdev_enc_op **ops, uint16_t num) { int32_t aq_avail = acc_aq_avail(q_data, num); if (unlikely((aq_avail <= 0) || (num == 0))) return 0; if (ops[0]->ldpc_enc.code_block_mode == RTE_BBDEV_TRANSPORT_BLOCK) return acc200_enqueue_ldpc_enc_tb(q_data, ops, num); else return acc200_enqueue_ldpc_enc_cb(q_data, ops, num); } /* Enqueue decode operations for ACC200 device in CB mode. */ static uint16_t acc200_enqueue_dec_cb(struct rte_bbdev_queue_data *q_data, struct rte_bbdev_dec_op **ops, uint16_t num) { struct acc_queue *q = q_data->queue_private; int32_t avail = acc_ring_avail_enq(q); uint16_t i; int ret; for (i = 0; i < num; ++i) { /* Check if there are available space for further processing. */ if (unlikely(avail - 1 < 0)) break; avail -= 1; ret = enqueue_dec_one_op_cb(q, ops[i], i); if (ret < 0) break; } if (unlikely(i == 0)) return 0; /* Nothing to enqueue. */ acc_dma_enqueue(q, i, &q_data->queue_stats); /* Update stats. */ q_data->queue_stats.enqueued_count += i; q_data->queue_stats.enqueue_err_count += num - i; return i; } /* Enqueue decode operations for ACC200 device in TB mode. */ static uint16_t acc200_enqueue_ldpc_dec_tb(struct rte_bbdev_queue_data *q_data, struct rte_bbdev_dec_op **ops, uint16_t num) { struct acc_queue *q = q_data->queue_private; int32_t avail = acc_ring_avail_enq(q); uint16_t i, enqueued_cbs = 0; uint8_t cbs_in_tb; int ret; for (i = 0; i < num; ++i) { cbs_in_tb = get_num_cbs_in_tb_ldpc_dec(&ops[i]->ldpc_dec); /* Check if there are available space for further processing. */ if (unlikely((avail - cbs_in_tb < 0) || (cbs_in_tb == 0))) break; avail -= cbs_in_tb; ret = enqueue_ldpc_dec_one_op_tb(q, ops[i], enqueued_cbs, cbs_in_tb); if (ret <= 0) break; enqueued_cbs += ret; } acc_dma_enqueue(q, enqueued_cbs, &q_data->queue_stats); /* Update stats. */ q_data->queue_stats.enqueued_count += i; q_data->queue_stats.enqueue_err_count += num - i; return i; } /* Enqueue decode operations for ACC200 device in CB mode. */ static uint16_t acc200_enqueue_ldpc_dec_cb(struct rte_bbdev_queue_data *q_data, struct rte_bbdev_dec_op **ops, uint16_t num) { struct acc_queue *q = q_data->queue_private; int32_t avail = acc_ring_avail_enq(q); uint16_t i; int ret; bool same_op = false; for (i = 0; i < num; ++i) { /* Check if there are available space for further processing. */ if (unlikely(avail < 1)) { acc_enqueue_ring_full(q_data); break; } avail -= 1; rte_bbdev_log(INFO, "Op %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d\n", i, ops[i]->ldpc_dec.op_flags, ops[i]->ldpc_dec.rv_index, ops[i]->ldpc_dec.iter_max, ops[i]->ldpc_dec.iter_count, ops[i]->ldpc_dec.basegraph, ops[i]->ldpc_dec.z_c, ops[i]->ldpc_dec.n_cb, ops[i]->ldpc_dec.q_m, ops[i]->ldpc_dec.n_filler, ops[i]->ldpc_dec.cb_params.e, same_op); ret = enqueue_ldpc_dec_one_op_cb(q, ops[i], i, same_op); if (ret < 0) { acc_enqueue_invalid(q_data); break; } } if (unlikely(i == 0)) return 0; /* Nothing to enqueue. */ acc_dma_enqueue(q, i, &q_data->queue_stats); /* Update stats. */ q_data->queue_stats.enqueued_count += i; q_data->queue_stats.enqueue_err_count += num - i; return i; } /* Enqueue decode operations for ACC200 device in TB mode */ static uint16_t acc200_enqueue_dec_tb(struct rte_bbdev_queue_data *q_data, struct rte_bbdev_dec_op **ops, uint16_t num) { struct acc_queue *q = q_data->queue_private; int32_t avail = acc_ring_avail_enq(q); uint16_t i, enqueued_cbs = 0; uint8_t cbs_in_tb; int ret; for (i = 0; i < num; ++i) { cbs_in_tb = get_num_cbs_in_tb_dec(&ops[i]->turbo_dec); /* Check if there are available space for further processing */ if (unlikely((avail - cbs_in_tb < 0) || (cbs_in_tb == 0))) { acc_enqueue_ring_full(q_data); break; } avail -= cbs_in_tb; ret = enqueue_dec_one_op_tb(q, ops[i], enqueued_cbs, cbs_in_tb); if (ret <= 0) { acc_enqueue_invalid(q_data); break; } enqueued_cbs += ret; } acc_dma_enqueue(q, enqueued_cbs, &q_data->queue_stats); /* Update stats */ q_data->queue_stats.enqueued_count += i; q_data->queue_stats.enqueue_err_count += num - i; return i; } /* Enqueue decode operations for ACC200 device. */ static uint16_t acc200_enqueue_dec(struct rte_bbdev_queue_data *q_data, struct rte_bbdev_dec_op **ops, uint16_t num) { int32_t aq_avail = acc_aq_avail(q_data, num); if (unlikely((aq_avail <= 0) || (num == 0))) return 0; if (ops[0]->turbo_dec.code_block_mode == RTE_BBDEV_TRANSPORT_BLOCK) return acc200_enqueue_dec_tb(q_data, ops, num); else return acc200_enqueue_dec_cb(q_data, ops, num); } /* Enqueue decode operations for ACC200 device. */ static uint16_t acc200_enqueue_ldpc_dec(struct rte_bbdev_queue_data *q_data, struct rte_bbdev_dec_op **ops, uint16_t num) { int32_t aq_avail = acc_aq_avail(q_data, num); if (unlikely((aq_avail <= 0) || (num == 0))) return 0; if (ops[0]->ldpc_dec.code_block_mode == RTE_BBDEV_TRANSPORT_BLOCK) return acc200_enqueue_ldpc_dec_tb(q_data, ops, num); else return acc200_enqueue_ldpc_dec_cb(q_data, ops, num); } /* Dequeue one encode operations from ACC200 device in CB mode. */ static inline int dequeue_enc_one_op_cb(struct acc_queue *q, struct rte_bbdev_enc_op **ref_op, uint16_t *dequeued_ops, uint32_t *aq_dequeued, uint16_t *dequeued_descs, uint16_t max_requested_ops) { union acc_dma_desc *desc, atom_desc; union acc_dma_rsp_desc rsp; struct rte_bbdev_enc_op *op; int i; struct acc_ptrs *context_ptrs; uint16_t desc_idx; desc_idx = acc_desc_idx_tail(q, *dequeued_descs); desc = q->ring_addr + desc_idx; atom_desc.atom_hdr = __atomic_load_n((uint64_t *)desc, __ATOMIC_RELAXED); if (*dequeued_ops + desc->req.numCBs > max_requested_ops) return -1; /* Check fdone bit. */ if (!(atom_desc.rsp.val & ACC_FDONE)) return -1; rsp.val = atom_desc.rsp.val; rte_bbdev_log_debug("Resp. desc %p: %x", desc, rsp.val); /* Dequeue. */ op = desc->req.op_addr; /* Clearing status, it will be set based on response. */ op->status = 0; op->status |= ((rsp.input_err) ? (1 << RTE_BBDEV_DATA_ERROR) : 0); op->status |= ((rsp.dma_err) ? (1 << RTE_BBDEV_DRV_ERROR) : 0); op->status |= ((rsp.fcw_err) ? (1 << RTE_BBDEV_DRV_ERROR) : 0); if (desc->req.last_desc_in_batch) { (*aq_dequeued)++; desc->req.last_desc_in_batch = 0; } desc->rsp.val = ACC_DMA_DESC_TYPE; desc->rsp.add_info_0 = 0; /* Reserved bits. */ desc->rsp.add_info_1 = 0; /* Reserved bits. */ ref_op[0] = op; context_ptrs = q->companion_ring_addr + desc_idx; for (i = 1 ; i < desc->req.numCBs; i++) ref_op[i] = context_ptrs->ptr[i].op_addr; /* One op was successfully dequeued. */ (*dequeued_descs)++; *dequeued_ops += desc->req.numCBs; return desc->req.numCBs; } /* Dequeue one LDPC encode operations from ACC200 device in TB mode. * That operation may cover multiple descriptors. */ static inline int dequeue_enc_one_op_tb(struct acc_queue *q, struct rte_bbdev_enc_op **ref_op, uint16_t *dequeued_ops, uint32_t *aq_dequeued, uint16_t *dequeued_descs, uint16_t max_requested_ops) { union acc_dma_desc *desc, *last_desc, atom_desc; union acc_dma_rsp_desc rsp; struct rte_bbdev_enc_op *op; uint8_t i = 0; uint16_t current_dequeued_descs = 0, descs_in_tb; desc = acc_desc_tail(q, *dequeued_descs); atom_desc.atom_hdr = __atomic_load_n((uint64_t *)desc, __ATOMIC_RELAXED); if (*dequeued_ops + 1 > max_requested_ops) return -1; /* Check fdone bit. */ if (!(atom_desc.rsp.val & ACC_FDONE)) return -1; /* Get number of CBs in dequeued TB. */ descs_in_tb = desc->req.cbs_in_tb; /* Get last CB */ last_desc = acc_desc_tail(q, *dequeued_descs + descs_in_tb - 1); /* Check if last CB in TB is ready to dequeue (and thus * the whole TB) - checking sdone bit. If not return. */ atom_desc.atom_hdr = __atomic_load_n((uint64_t *)last_desc, __ATOMIC_RELAXED); if (!(atom_desc.rsp.val & ACC_SDONE)) return -1; /* Dequeue. */ op = desc->req.op_addr; /* Clearing status, it will be set based on response. */ op->status = 0; while (i < descs_in_tb) { desc = acc_desc_tail(q, *dequeued_descs); atom_desc.atom_hdr = __atomic_load_n((uint64_t *)desc, __ATOMIC_RELAXED); rsp.val = atom_desc.rsp.val; rte_bbdev_log_debug("Resp. desc %p: %x", desc, rsp.val); op->status |= ((rsp.input_err) ? (1 << RTE_BBDEV_DATA_ERROR) : 0); op->status |= ((rsp.dma_err) ? (1 << RTE_BBDEV_DRV_ERROR) : 0); op->status |= ((rsp.fcw_err) ? (1 << RTE_BBDEV_DRV_ERROR) : 0); if (desc->req.last_desc_in_batch) { (*aq_dequeued)++; desc->req.last_desc_in_batch = 0; } desc->rsp.val = ACC_DMA_DESC_TYPE; desc->rsp.add_info_0 = 0; desc->rsp.add_info_1 = 0; (*dequeued_descs)++; current_dequeued_descs++; i++; } *ref_op = op; (*dequeued_ops)++; return current_dequeued_descs; } /* Dequeue one decode operation from ACC200 device in CB mode. */ static inline int dequeue_dec_one_op_cb(struct rte_bbdev_queue_data *q_data, struct acc_queue *q, struct rte_bbdev_dec_op **ref_op, uint16_t dequeued_cbs, uint32_t *aq_dequeued) { union acc_dma_desc *desc, atom_desc; union acc_dma_rsp_desc rsp; struct rte_bbdev_dec_op *op; desc = acc_desc_tail(q, dequeued_cbs); atom_desc.atom_hdr = __atomic_load_n((uint64_t *)desc, __ATOMIC_RELAXED); /* Check fdone bit. */ if (!(atom_desc.rsp.val & ACC_FDONE)) return -1; rsp.val = atom_desc.rsp.val; rte_bbdev_log_debug("Resp. desc %p: %x\n", desc, rsp.val); /* Dequeue. */ op = desc->req.op_addr; /* Clearing status, it will be set based on response. */ op->status = 0; op->status |= ((rsp.input_err) ? (1 << RTE_BBDEV_DATA_ERROR) : 0); op->status |= ((rsp.dma_err) ? (1 << RTE_BBDEV_DRV_ERROR) : 0); op->status |= ((rsp.fcw_err) ? (1 << RTE_BBDEV_DRV_ERROR) : 0); if (op->status != 0) { /* These errors are not expected. */ q_data->queue_stats.dequeue_err_count++; acc200_check_ir(q->d); } /* CRC invalid if error exists. */ if (!op->status) op->status |= rsp.crc_status << RTE_BBDEV_CRC_ERROR; op->turbo_dec.iter_count = (uint8_t) rsp.iter_cnt; /* Check if this is the last desc in batch (Atomic Queue). */ if (desc->req.last_desc_in_batch) { (*aq_dequeued)++; desc->req.last_desc_in_batch = 0; } desc->rsp.val = ACC_DMA_DESC_TYPE; desc->rsp.add_info_0 = 0; desc->rsp.add_info_1 = 0; *ref_op = op; /* One CB (op) was successfully dequeued. */ return 1; } /* Dequeue one decode operations from ACC200 device in CB mode. */ static inline int dequeue_ldpc_dec_one_op_cb(struct rte_bbdev_queue_data *q_data, struct acc_queue *q, struct rte_bbdev_dec_op **ref_op, uint16_t dequeued_cbs, uint32_t *aq_dequeued) { union acc_dma_desc *desc, atom_desc; union acc_dma_rsp_desc rsp; struct rte_bbdev_dec_op *op; desc = acc_desc_tail(q, dequeued_cbs); atom_desc.atom_hdr = __atomic_load_n((uint64_t *)desc, __ATOMIC_RELAXED); /* Check fdone bit. */ if (!(atom_desc.rsp.val & ACC_FDONE)) return -1; rsp.val = atom_desc.rsp.val; rte_bbdev_log_debug("Resp. desc %p: %x %x %x\n", desc, rsp.val, desc->rsp.add_info_0, desc->rsp.add_info_1); /* Dequeue. */ op = desc->req.op_addr; /* Clearing status, it will be set based on response. */ op->status = 0; op->status |= rsp.input_err << RTE_BBDEV_DATA_ERROR; op->status |= rsp.dma_err << RTE_BBDEV_DRV_ERROR; op->status |= rsp.fcw_err << RTE_BBDEV_DRV_ERROR; if (op->status != 0) q_data->queue_stats.dequeue_err_count++; op->status |= rsp.crc_status << RTE_BBDEV_CRC_ERROR; if (op->ldpc_dec.hard_output.length > 0 && !rsp.synd_ok) op->status |= 1 << RTE_BBDEV_SYNDROME_ERROR; if (check_bit(op->ldpc_dec.op_flags, RTE_BBDEV_LDPC_CRC_TYPE_24A_CHECK) || check_bit(op->ldpc_dec.op_flags, RTE_BBDEV_LDPC_CRC_TYPE_16_CHECK)) { if (desc->rsp.add_info_1 != 0) op->status |= 1 << RTE_BBDEV_CRC_ERROR; } op->ldpc_dec.iter_count = (uint8_t) rsp.iter_cnt; if (op->status & (1 << RTE_BBDEV_DRV_ERROR)) acc200_check_ir(q->d); /* Check if this is the last desc in batch (Atomic Queue). */ if (desc->req.last_desc_in_batch) { (*aq_dequeued)++; desc->req.last_desc_in_batch = 0; } desc->rsp.val = ACC_DMA_DESC_TYPE; desc->rsp.add_info_0 = 0; desc->rsp.add_info_1 = 0; *ref_op = op; /* One CB (op) was successfully dequeued. */ return 1; } /* Dequeue one decode operations from device in TB mode for 4G or 5G. */ static inline int dequeue_dec_one_op_tb(struct acc_queue *q, struct rte_bbdev_dec_op **ref_op, uint16_t dequeued_cbs, uint32_t *aq_dequeued) { union acc_dma_desc *desc, *last_desc, atom_desc; union acc_dma_rsp_desc rsp; struct rte_bbdev_dec_op *op; uint8_t cbs_in_tb = 1, cb_idx = 0; uint32_t tb_crc_check = 0; desc = acc_desc_tail(q, dequeued_cbs); atom_desc.atom_hdr = __atomic_load_n((uint64_t *)desc, __ATOMIC_RELAXED); /* Check fdone bit. */ if (!(atom_desc.rsp.val & ACC_FDONE)) return -1; /* Dequeue. */ op = desc->req.op_addr; /* Get number of CBs in dequeued TB. */ cbs_in_tb = desc->req.cbs_in_tb; /* Get last CB. */ last_desc = acc_desc_tail(q, dequeued_cbs + cbs_in_tb - 1); /* Check if last CB in TB is ready to dequeue (and thus the whole TB) - checking sdone bit. * If not return. */ atom_desc.atom_hdr = __atomic_load_n((uint64_t *)last_desc, __ATOMIC_RELAXED); if (!(atom_desc.rsp.val & ACC_SDONE)) return -1; /* Clearing status, it will be set based on response. */ op->status = 0; /* Read remaining CBs if exists. */ while (cb_idx < cbs_in_tb) { desc = acc_desc_tail(q, dequeued_cbs); atom_desc.atom_hdr = __atomic_load_n((uint64_t *)desc, __ATOMIC_RELAXED); rsp.val = atom_desc.rsp.val; rte_bbdev_log_debug("Resp. desc %p: %x %x %x", desc, rsp.val, desc->rsp.add_info_0, desc->rsp.add_info_1); op->status |= ((rsp.input_err) ? (1 << RTE_BBDEV_DATA_ERROR) : 0); op->status |= ((rsp.dma_err) ? (1 << RTE_BBDEV_DRV_ERROR) : 0); op->status |= ((rsp.fcw_err) ? (1 << RTE_BBDEV_DRV_ERROR) : 0); if (check_bit(op->ldpc_dec.op_flags, RTE_BBDEV_LDPC_CRC_TYPE_24A_CHECK)) tb_crc_check ^= desc->rsp.add_info_1; /* CRC invalid if error exists. */ if (!op->status) op->status |= rsp.crc_status << RTE_BBDEV_CRC_ERROR; if (q->op_type == RTE_BBDEV_OP_LDPC_DEC) op->ldpc_dec.iter_count = RTE_MAX((uint8_t) rsp.iter_cnt, op->ldpc_dec.iter_count); else op->turbo_dec.iter_count = RTE_MAX((uint8_t) rsp.iter_cnt, op->turbo_dec.iter_count); /* Check if this is the last desc in batch (Atomic Queue). */ if (desc->req.last_desc_in_batch) { (*aq_dequeued)++; desc->req.last_desc_in_batch = 0; } desc->rsp.val = ACC_DMA_DESC_TYPE; desc->rsp.add_info_0 = 0; desc->rsp.add_info_1 = 0; dequeued_cbs++; cb_idx++; } if (check_bit(op->ldpc_dec.op_flags, RTE_BBDEV_LDPC_CRC_TYPE_24A_CHECK)) { rte_bbdev_log_debug("TB-CRC Check %x\n", tb_crc_check); if (tb_crc_check > 0) op->status |= 1 << RTE_BBDEV_CRC_ERROR; } *ref_op = op; return cb_idx; } /* Dequeue encode operations from ACC200 device. */ static uint16_t acc200_dequeue_enc(struct rte_bbdev_queue_data *q_data, struct rte_bbdev_enc_op **ops, uint16_t num) { struct acc_queue *q = q_data->queue_private; uint32_t avail = acc_ring_avail_deq(q); uint32_t aq_dequeued = 0; uint16_t i, dequeued_ops = 0, dequeued_descs = 0; int ret, cbm; struct rte_bbdev_enc_op *op; if (avail == 0) return 0; op = acc_op_tail(q, 0); cbm = op->turbo_enc.code_block_mode; for (i = 0; i < avail; i++) { if (cbm == RTE_BBDEV_TRANSPORT_BLOCK) ret = dequeue_enc_one_op_tb(q, &ops[dequeued_ops], &dequeued_ops, &aq_dequeued, &dequeued_descs, num); else ret = dequeue_enc_one_op_cb(q, &ops[dequeued_ops], &dequeued_ops, &aq_dequeued, &dequeued_descs, num); if (ret < 0) break; } q->aq_dequeued += aq_dequeued; q->sw_ring_tail += dequeued_descs; /* Update enqueue stats. */ q_data->queue_stats.dequeued_count += dequeued_ops; return dequeued_ops; } /* Dequeue LDPC encode operations from ACC200 device. */ static uint16_t acc200_dequeue_ldpc_enc(struct rte_bbdev_queue_data *q_data, struct rte_bbdev_enc_op **ops, uint16_t num) { struct acc_queue *q = q_data->queue_private; uint32_t avail = acc_ring_avail_deq(q); uint32_t aq_dequeued = 0; uint16_t i, dequeued_ops = 0, dequeued_descs = 0; int ret, cbm; struct rte_bbdev_enc_op *op; if (avail == 0) return 0; op = acc_op_tail(q, 0); cbm = op->ldpc_enc.code_block_mode; for (i = 0; i < avail; i++) { if (cbm == RTE_BBDEV_TRANSPORT_BLOCK) ret = dequeue_enc_one_op_tb(q, &ops[dequeued_ops], &dequeued_ops, &aq_dequeued, &dequeued_descs, num); else ret = dequeue_enc_one_op_cb(q, &ops[dequeued_ops], &dequeued_ops, &aq_dequeued, &dequeued_descs, num); if (ret < 0) break; } q->aq_dequeued += aq_dequeued; q->sw_ring_tail += dequeued_descs; /* Update enqueue stats. */ q_data->queue_stats.dequeued_count += dequeued_ops; return dequeued_ops; } /* Dequeue decode operations from ACC200 device. */ static uint16_t acc200_dequeue_dec(struct rte_bbdev_queue_data *q_data, struct rte_bbdev_dec_op **ops, uint16_t num) { struct acc_queue *q = q_data->queue_private; uint16_t dequeue_num; uint32_t avail = acc_ring_avail_deq(q); uint32_t aq_dequeued = 0; uint16_t i; uint16_t dequeued_cbs = 0; struct rte_bbdev_dec_op *op; int ret; dequeue_num = (avail < num) ? avail : num; for (i = 0; i < dequeue_num; ++i) { op = acc_op_tail(q, dequeued_cbs); if (op->turbo_dec.code_block_mode == RTE_BBDEV_TRANSPORT_BLOCK) ret = dequeue_dec_one_op_tb(q, &ops[i], dequeued_cbs, &aq_dequeued); else ret = dequeue_dec_one_op_cb(q_data, q, &ops[i], dequeued_cbs, &aq_dequeued); if (ret <= 0) break; dequeued_cbs += ret; } q->aq_dequeued += aq_dequeued; q->sw_ring_tail += dequeued_cbs; /* Update enqueue stats */ q_data->queue_stats.dequeued_count += i; return i; } /* Dequeue decode operations from ACC200 device. */ static uint16_t acc200_dequeue_ldpc_dec(struct rte_bbdev_queue_data *q_data, struct rte_bbdev_dec_op **ops, uint16_t num) { struct acc_queue *q = q_data->queue_private; uint16_t dequeue_num; uint32_t avail = acc_ring_avail_deq(q); uint32_t aq_dequeued = 0; uint16_t i; uint16_t dequeued_cbs = 0; struct rte_bbdev_dec_op *op; int ret; dequeue_num = RTE_MIN(avail, num); for (i = 0; i < dequeue_num; ++i) { op = acc_op_tail(q, dequeued_cbs); if (op->ldpc_dec.code_block_mode == RTE_BBDEV_TRANSPORT_BLOCK) ret = dequeue_dec_one_op_tb(q, &ops[i], dequeued_cbs, &aq_dequeued); else ret = dequeue_ldpc_dec_one_op_cb( q_data, q, &ops[i], dequeued_cbs, &aq_dequeued); if (ret <= 0) break; dequeued_cbs += ret; } q->aq_dequeued += aq_dequeued; q->sw_ring_tail += dequeued_cbs; /* Update enqueue stats. */ q_data->queue_stats.dequeued_count += i; return i; } /* Fill in a frame control word for FFT processing. */ static inline void acc200_fcw_fft_fill(struct rte_bbdev_fft_op *op, struct acc_fcw_fft *fcw) { fcw->in_frame_size = op->fft.input_sequence_size; fcw->leading_pad_size = op->fft.input_leading_padding; fcw->out_frame_size = op->fft.output_sequence_size; fcw->leading_depad_size = op->fft.output_leading_depadding; fcw->cs_window_sel = op->fft.window_index[0] + (op->fft.window_index[1] << 8) + (op->fft.window_index[2] << 16) + (op->fft.window_index[3] << 24); fcw->cs_window_sel2 = op->fft.window_index[4] + (op->fft.window_index[5] << 8); fcw->cs_enable_bmap = op->fft.cs_bitmap; fcw->num_antennas = op->fft.num_antennas_log2; fcw->idft_size = op->fft.idft_log2; fcw->dft_size = op->fft.dft_log2; fcw->cs_offset = op->fft.cs_time_adjustment; fcw->idft_shift = op->fft.idft_shift; fcw->dft_shift = op->fft.dft_shift; fcw->cs_multiplier = op->fft.ncs_reciprocal; if (check_bit(op->fft.op_flags, RTE_BBDEV_FFT_IDFT_BYPASS)) { if (check_bit(op->fft.op_flags, RTE_BBDEV_FFT_WINDOWING_BYPASS)) fcw->bypass = 2; else fcw->bypass = 1; } else if (check_bit(op->fft.op_flags, RTE_BBDEV_FFT_DFT_BYPASS)) fcw->bypass = 3; else fcw->bypass = 0; } static inline int acc200_dma_desc_fft_fill(struct rte_bbdev_fft_op *op, struct acc_dma_req_desc *desc, struct rte_mbuf *input, struct rte_mbuf *output, uint32_t *in_offset, uint32_t *out_offset) { /* FCW already done. */ acc_header_init(desc); desc->data_ptrs[1].address = rte_pktmbuf_iova_offset(input, *in_offset); desc->data_ptrs[1].blen = op->fft.input_sequence_size * 4; desc->data_ptrs[1].blkid = ACC_DMA_BLKID_IN; desc->data_ptrs[1].last = 1; desc->data_ptrs[1].dma_ext = 0; desc->data_ptrs[2].address = rte_pktmbuf_iova_offset(output, *out_offset); desc->data_ptrs[2].blen = op->fft.output_sequence_size * 4; desc->data_ptrs[2].blkid = ACC_DMA_BLKID_OUT_HARD; desc->data_ptrs[2].last = 1; desc->data_ptrs[2].dma_ext = 0; desc->m2dlen = 2; desc->d2mlen = 1; desc->ib_ant_offset = op->fft.input_sequence_size; desc->num_ant = op->fft.num_antennas_log2 - 3; int num_cs = 0, i; for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) if (check_bit(op->fft.cs_bitmap, 1 << i)) num_cs++; desc->num_cs = num_cs; desc->ob_cyc_offset = op->fft.output_sequence_size; desc->ob_ant_offset = op->fft.output_sequence_size * num_cs; desc->op_addr = op; return 0; } /** Enqueue one FFT operation for ACC200 device. */ static inline int enqueue_fft_one_op(struct acc_queue *q, struct rte_bbdev_fft_op *op, uint16_t total_enqueued_cbs) { union acc_dma_desc *desc; struct rte_mbuf *input, *output; uint32_t in_offset, out_offset; struct acc_fcw_fft *fcw; desc = acc_desc(q, total_enqueued_cbs); input = op->fft.base_input.data; output = op->fft.base_output.data; in_offset = op->fft.base_input.offset; out_offset = op->fft.base_output.offset; fcw = &desc->req.fcw_fft; acc200_fcw_fft_fill(op, fcw); acc200_dma_desc_fft_fill(op, &desc->req, input, output, &in_offset, &out_offset); #ifdef RTE_LIBRTE_BBDEV_DEBUG rte_memdump(stderr, "FCW", &desc->req.fcw_fft, sizeof(desc->req.fcw_fft)); rte_memdump(stderr, "Req Desc.", desc, sizeof(*desc)); #endif return 1; } /* Enqueue decode operations for ACC200 device. */ static uint16_t acc200_enqueue_fft(struct rte_bbdev_queue_data *q_data, struct rte_bbdev_fft_op **ops, uint16_t num) { struct acc_queue *q; int32_t aq_avail, avail; uint16_t i; int ret; aq_avail = acc_aq_avail(q_data, num); if (unlikely((aq_avail <= 0) || (num == 0))) return 0; q = q_data->queue_private; avail = acc_ring_avail_enq(q); for (i = 0; i < num; ++i) { /* Check if there are available space for further processing. */ if (unlikely(avail < 1)) break; avail -= 1; ret = enqueue_fft_one_op(q, ops[i], i); if (ret < 0) break; } if (unlikely(i == 0)) return 0; /* Nothing to enqueue. */ acc_dma_enqueue(q, i, &q_data->queue_stats); /* Update stats */ q_data->queue_stats.enqueued_count += i; q_data->queue_stats.enqueue_err_count += num - i; return i; } /* Dequeue one FFT operations from ACC200 device. */ static inline int dequeue_fft_one_op(struct rte_bbdev_queue_data *q_data, struct acc_queue *q, struct rte_bbdev_fft_op **ref_op, uint16_t dequeued_cbs, uint32_t *aq_dequeued) { union acc_dma_desc *desc, atom_desc; union acc_dma_rsp_desc rsp; struct rte_bbdev_fft_op *op; desc = acc_desc_tail(q, dequeued_cbs); atom_desc.atom_hdr = __atomic_load_n((uint64_t *)desc, __ATOMIC_RELAXED); /* Check fdone bit */ if (!(atom_desc.rsp.val & ACC_FDONE)) return -1; rsp.val = atom_desc.rsp.val; #ifdef RTE_LIBRTE_BBDEV_DEBUG rte_memdump(stderr, "Resp", &desc->rsp.val, sizeof(desc->rsp.val)); #endif /* Dequeue. */ op = desc->req.op_addr; /* Clearing status, it will be set based on response. */ op->status = 0; op->status |= rsp.input_err << RTE_BBDEV_DATA_ERROR; op->status |= rsp.dma_err << RTE_BBDEV_DRV_ERROR; op->status |= rsp.fcw_err << RTE_BBDEV_DRV_ERROR; if (op->status != 0) q_data->queue_stats.dequeue_err_count++; if (op->status & (1 << RTE_BBDEV_DRV_ERROR)) acc200_check_ir(q->d); /* Check if this is the last desc in batch (Atomic Queue). */ if (desc->req.last_desc_in_batch) { (*aq_dequeued)++; desc->req.last_desc_in_batch = 0; } desc->rsp.val = ACC_DMA_DESC_TYPE; desc->rsp.add_info_0 = 0; *ref_op = op; /* One CB (op) was successfully dequeued. */ return 1; } /* Dequeue FFT operations from ACC200 device. */ static uint16_t acc200_dequeue_fft(struct rte_bbdev_queue_data *q_data, struct rte_bbdev_fft_op **ops, uint16_t num) { struct acc_queue *q = q_data->queue_private; uint16_t dequeue_num, i, dequeued_cbs = 0; uint32_t avail = acc_ring_avail_deq(q); uint32_t aq_dequeued = 0; int ret; dequeue_num = RTE_MIN(avail, num); for (i = 0; i < dequeue_num; ++i) { ret = dequeue_fft_one_op(q_data, q, &ops[i], dequeued_cbs, &aq_dequeued); if (ret <= 0) break; dequeued_cbs += ret; } q->aq_dequeued += aq_dequeued; q->sw_ring_tail += dequeued_cbs; /* Update enqueue stats. */ q_data->queue_stats.dequeued_count += i; return i; } /* Initialization Function */ static void acc200_bbdev_init(struct rte_bbdev *dev, struct rte_pci_driver *drv) { struct rte_pci_device *pci_dev = RTE_DEV_TO_PCI(dev->device); dev->dev_ops = &acc200_bbdev_ops; dev->enqueue_enc_ops = acc200_enqueue_enc; dev->enqueue_dec_ops = acc200_enqueue_dec; dev->dequeue_enc_ops = acc200_dequeue_enc; dev->dequeue_dec_ops = acc200_dequeue_dec; dev->enqueue_ldpc_enc_ops = acc200_enqueue_ldpc_enc; dev->enqueue_ldpc_dec_ops = acc200_enqueue_ldpc_dec; dev->dequeue_ldpc_enc_ops = acc200_dequeue_ldpc_enc; dev->dequeue_ldpc_dec_ops = acc200_dequeue_ldpc_dec; dev->enqueue_fft_ops = acc200_enqueue_fft; dev->dequeue_fft_ops = acc200_dequeue_fft; ((struct acc_device *) dev->data->dev_private)->pf_device = !strcmp(drv->driver.name, RTE_STR(ACC200PF_DRIVER_NAME)); ((struct acc_device *) dev->data->dev_private)->mmio_base = pci_dev->mem_resource[0].addr; rte_bbdev_log_debug("Init device %s [%s] @ vaddr %p paddr %#"PRIx64"", drv->driver.name, dev->data->name, (void *)pci_dev->mem_resource[0].addr, pci_dev->mem_resource[0].phys_addr); } static int acc200_pci_probe(struct rte_pci_driver *pci_drv, struct rte_pci_device *pci_dev) { struct rte_bbdev *bbdev = NULL; char dev_name[RTE_BBDEV_NAME_MAX_LEN]; if (pci_dev == NULL) { rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "NULL PCI device"); return -EINVAL; } rte_pci_device_name(&pci_dev->addr, dev_name, sizeof(dev_name)); /* Allocate memory to be used privately by drivers. */ bbdev = rte_bbdev_allocate(pci_dev->device.name); if (bbdev == NULL) return -ENODEV; /* allocate device private memory. */ bbdev->data->dev_private = rte_zmalloc_socket(dev_name, sizeof(struct acc_device), RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE, pci_dev->device.numa_node); if (bbdev->data->dev_private == NULL) { rte_bbdev_log(CRIT, "Allocate of %zu bytes for device \"%s\" failed", sizeof(struct acc_device), dev_name); rte_bbdev_release(bbdev); return -ENOMEM; } /* Fill HW specific part of device structure. */ bbdev->device = &pci_dev->device; bbdev->intr_handle = pci_dev->intr_handle; bbdev->data->socket_id = pci_dev->device.numa_node; /* Invoke ACC200 device initialization function. */ acc200_bbdev_init(bbdev, pci_drv); rte_bbdev_log_debug("Initialised bbdev %s (id = %u)", dev_name, bbdev->data->dev_id); return 0; } static struct rte_pci_driver acc200_pci_pf_driver = { .probe = acc200_pci_probe, .remove = acc_pci_remove, .id_table = pci_id_acc200_pf_map, .drv_flags = RTE_PCI_DRV_NEED_MAPPING }; static struct rte_pci_driver acc200_pci_vf_driver = { .probe = acc200_pci_probe, .remove = acc_pci_remove, .id_table = pci_id_acc200_vf_map, .drv_flags = RTE_PCI_DRV_NEED_MAPPING }; RTE_PMD_REGISTER_PCI(ACC200PF_DRIVER_NAME, acc200_pci_pf_driver); RTE_PMD_REGISTER_PCI_TABLE(ACC200PF_DRIVER_NAME, pci_id_acc200_pf_map); RTE_PMD_REGISTER_PCI(ACC200VF_DRIVER_NAME, acc200_pci_vf_driver); RTE_PMD_REGISTER_PCI_TABLE(ACC200VF_DRIVER_NAME, pci_id_acc200_vf_map); /* Initial configuration of a ACC200 device prior to running configure(). */ int acc200_configure(const char *dev_name, struct rte_acc_conf *conf) { rte_bbdev_log(INFO, "acc200_configure"); uint32_t value, address, status; int qg_idx, template_idx, vf_idx, acc, i, rlim, alen, timestamp, totalQgs, numEngines; int numQgs, numQqsAcc; struct rte_bbdev *bbdev = rte_bbdev_get_named_dev(dev_name); /* Compile time checks. */ RTE_BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(struct acc_dma_req_desc) != 256); RTE_BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(union acc_dma_desc) != 256); RTE_BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(struct acc_fcw_td) != 24); RTE_BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(struct acc_fcw_te) != 32); if (bbdev == NULL) { rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "Invalid dev_name (%s), or device is not yet initialised", dev_name); return -ENODEV; } struct acc_device *d = bbdev->data->dev_private; /* Store configuration. */ rte_memcpy(&d->acc_conf, conf, sizeof(d->acc_conf)); /* Check we are already out of PG. */ status = acc_reg_read(d, HWPfHiSectionPowerGatingAck); if (status > 0) { if (status != ACC200_PG_MASK_0) { rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "Unexpected status %x %x", status, ACC200_PG_MASK_0); return -ENODEV; } /* Clock gate sections that will be un-PG. */ acc_reg_write(d, HWPfHiClkGateHystReg, ACC200_CLK_DIS); /* Un-PG required sections. */ acc_reg_write(d, HWPfHiSectionPowerGatingReq, ACC200_PG_MASK_1); status = acc_reg_read(d, HWPfHiSectionPowerGatingAck); if (status != ACC200_PG_MASK_1) { rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "Unexpected status %x %x", status, ACC200_PG_MASK_1); return -ENODEV; } acc_reg_write(d, HWPfHiSectionPowerGatingReq, ACC200_PG_MASK_2); status = acc_reg_read(d, HWPfHiSectionPowerGatingAck); if (status != ACC200_PG_MASK_2) { rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "Unexpected status %x %x", status, ACC200_PG_MASK_2); return -ENODEV; } acc_reg_write(d, HWPfHiSectionPowerGatingReq, ACC200_PG_MASK_3); status = acc_reg_read(d, HWPfHiSectionPowerGatingAck); if (status != ACC200_PG_MASK_3) { rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "Unexpected status %x %x", status, ACC200_PG_MASK_3); return -ENODEV; } /* Enable clocks for all sections. */ acc_reg_write(d, HWPfHiClkGateHystReg, ACC200_CLK_EN); } /* Explicitly releasing AXI as this may be stopped after PF FLR/BME. */ address = HWPfDmaAxiControl; value = 1; acc_reg_write(d, address, value); /* Set the fabric mode. */ address = HWPfFabricM2iBufferReg; value = ACC200_FABRIC_MODE; acc_reg_write(d, address, value); /* Set default descriptor signature. */ address = HWPfDmaDescriptorSignatuture; value = 0; acc_reg_write(d, address, value); /* Enable the Error Detection in DMA. */ value = ACC200_CFG_DMA_ERROR; address = HWPfDmaErrorDetectionEn; acc_reg_write(d, address, value); /* AXI Cache configuration. */ value = ACC200_CFG_AXI_CACHE; address = HWPfDmaAxcacheReg; acc_reg_write(d, address, value); /* AXI Response configuration. */ acc_reg_write(d, HWPfDmaCfgRrespBresp, 0x0); /* Default DMA Configuration (Qmgr Enabled). */ address = HWPfDmaConfig0Reg; value = 0; acc_reg_write(d, address, value); address = HWPfDmaQmanen; value = 0; acc_reg_write(d, address, value); /* Default RLIM/ALEN configuration. */ rlim = 0; alen = 1; timestamp = 0; address = HWPfDmaConfig1Reg; value = (1 << 31) + (rlim << 8) + (timestamp << 6) + alen; acc_reg_write(d, address, value); /* Default FFT configuration. */ address = HWPfFftConfig0; value = ACC200_FFT_CFG_0; acc_reg_write(d, address, value); /* Configure DMA Qmanager addresses. */ address = HWPfDmaQmgrAddrReg; value = HWPfQmgrEgressQueuesTemplate; acc_reg_write(d, address, value); /* ===== Qmgr Configuration ===== */ /* Configuration of the AQueue Depth QMGR_GRP_0_DEPTH_LOG2 for UL. */ totalQgs = conf->q_ul_4g.num_qgroups + conf->q_ul_5g.num_qgroups + conf->q_dl_4g.num_qgroups + conf->q_dl_5g.num_qgroups + conf->q_fft.num_qgroups; for (qg_idx = 0; qg_idx < ACC200_NUM_QGRPS; qg_idx++) { address = HWPfQmgrDepthLog2Grp + ACC_BYTES_IN_WORD * qg_idx; value = aqDepth(qg_idx, conf); acc_reg_write(d, address, value); address = HWPfQmgrTholdGrp + ACC_BYTES_IN_WORD * qg_idx; value = (1 << 16) + (1 << (aqDepth(qg_idx, conf) - 1)); acc_reg_write(d, address, value); } /* Template Priority in incremental order. */ for (template_idx = 0; template_idx < ACC_NUM_TMPL; template_idx++) { address = HWPfQmgrGrpTmplateReg0Indx + ACC_BYTES_IN_WORD * template_idx; value = ACC_TMPL_PRI_0; acc_reg_write(d, address, value); address = HWPfQmgrGrpTmplateReg1Indx + ACC_BYTES_IN_WORD * template_idx; value = ACC_TMPL_PRI_1; acc_reg_write(d, address, value); address = HWPfQmgrGrpTmplateReg2indx + ACC_BYTES_IN_WORD * template_idx; value = ACC_TMPL_PRI_2; acc_reg_write(d, address, value); address = HWPfQmgrGrpTmplateReg3Indx + ACC_BYTES_IN_WORD * template_idx; value = ACC_TMPL_PRI_3; acc_reg_write(d, address, value); } address = HWPfQmgrGrpPriority; value = ACC200_CFG_QMGR_HI_P; acc_reg_write(d, address, value); /* Template Configuration. */ for (template_idx = 0; template_idx < ACC_NUM_TMPL; template_idx++) { value = 0; address = HWPfQmgrGrpTmplateReg4Indx + ACC_BYTES_IN_WORD * template_idx; acc_reg_write(d, address, value); } /* 4GUL */ numQgs = conf->q_ul_4g.num_qgroups; numQqsAcc = 0; value = 0; for (qg_idx = numQqsAcc; qg_idx < (numQgs + numQqsAcc); qg_idx++) value |= (1 << qg_idx); for (template_idx = ACC200_SIG_UL_4G; template_idx <= ACC200_SIG_UL_4G_LAST; template_idx++) { address = HWPfQmgrGrpTmplateReg4Indx + ACC_BYTES_IN_WORD * template_idx; acc_reg_write(d, address, value); } /* 5GUL */ numQqsAcc += numQgs; numQgs = conf->q_ul_5g.num_qgroups; value = 0; numEngines = 0; for (qg_idx = numQqsAcc; qg_idx < (numQgs + numQqsAcc); qg_idx++) value |= (1 << qg_idx); for (template_idx = ACC200_SIG_UL_5G; template_idx <= ACC200_SIG_UL_5G_LAST; template_idx++) { /* Check engine power-on status */ address = HwPfFecUl5gIbDebugReg + ACC_ENGINE_OFFSET * template_idx; status = (acc_reg_read(d, address) >> 4) & 0x7; address = HWPfQmgrGrpTmplateReg4Indx + ACC_BYTES_IN_WORD * template_idx; if (status == 1) { acc_reg_write(d, address, value); numEngines++; } else acc_reg_write(d, address, 0); } printf("Number of 5GUL engines %d\n", numEngines); /* 4GDL */ numQqsAcc += numQgs; numQgs = conf->q_dl_4g.num_qgroups; value = 0; for (qg_idx = numQqsAcc; qg_idx < (numQgs + numQqsAcc); qg_idx++) value |= (1 << qg_idx); for (template_idx = ACC200_SIG_DL_4G; template_idx <= ACC200_SIG_DL_4G_LAST; template_idx++) { address = HWPfQmgrGrpTmplateReg4Indx + ACC_BYTES_IN_WORD * template_idx; acc_reg_write(d, address, value); } /* 5GDL */ numQqsAcc += numQgs; numQgs = conf->q_dl_5g.num_qgroups; value = 0; for (qg_idx = numQqsAcc; qg_idx < (numQgs + numQqsAcc); qg_idx++) value |= (1 << qg_idx); for (template_idx = ACC200_SIG_DL_5G; template_idx <= ACC200_SIG_DL_5G_LAST; template_idx++) { address = HWPfQmgrGrpTmplateReg4Indx + ACC_BYTES_IN_WORD * template_idx; acc_reg_write(d, address, value); } /* FFT */ numQqsAcc += numQgs; numQgs = conf->q_fft.num_qgroups; value = 0; for (qg_idx = numQqsAcc; qg_idx < (numQgs + numQqsAcc); qg_idx++) value |= (1 << qg_idx); for (template_idx = ACC200_SIG_FFT; template_idx <= ACC200_SIG_FFT_LAST; template_idx++) { address = HWPfQmgrGrpTmplateReg4Indx + ACC_BYTES_IN_WORD * template_idx; acc_reg_write(d, address, value); } /* Queue Group Function mapping. */ int qman_func_id[8] = {0, 2, 1, 3, 4, 0, 0, 0}; value = 0; for (qg_idx = 0; qg_idx < ACC_NUM_QGRPS_PER_WORD; qg_idx++) { acc = accFromQgid(qg_idx, conf); value |= qman_func_id[acc] << (qg_idx * 4); } acc_reg_write(d, HWPfQmgrGrpFunction0, value); value = 0; for (qg_idx = 0; qg_idx < ACC_NUM_QGRPS_PER_WORD; qg_idx++) { acc = accFromQgid(qg_idx + ACC_NUM_QGRPS_PER_WORD, conf); value |= qman_func_id[acc] << (qg_idx * 4); } acc_reg_write(d, HWPfQmgrGrpFunction1, value); /* Configuration of the Arbitration QGroup depth to 1. */ for (qg_idx = 0; qg_idx < ACC200_NUM_QGRPS; qg_idx++) { address = HWPfQmgrArbQDepthGrp + ACC_BYTES_IN_WORD * qg_idx; value = 0; acc_reg_write(d, address, value); } /* This pointer to ARAM (256kB) is shifted by 2 (4B per register). */ uint32_t aram_address = 0; for (qg_idx = 0; qg_idx < totalQgs; qg_idx++) { for (vf_idx = 0; vf_idx < conf->num_vf_bundles; vf_idx++) { address = HWPfQmgrVfBaseAddr + vf_idx * ACC_BYTES_IN_WORD + qg_idx * ACC_BYTES_IN_WORD * 64; value = aram_address; acc_reg_write(d, address, value); /* Offset ARAM Address for next memory bank - increment of 4B. */ aram_address += aqNum(qg_idx, conf) * (1 << aqDepth(qg_idx, conf)); } } if (aram_address > ACC200_WORDS_IN_ARAM_SIZE) { rte_bbdev_log(ERR, "ARAM Configuration not fitting %d %d\n", aram_address, ACC200_WORDS_IN_ARAM_SIZE); return -EINVAL; } /* Performance tuning. */ acc_reg_write(d, HWPfFabricI2Mdma_weight, 0x0FFF); acc_reg_write(d, HWPfDma4gdlIbThld, 0x1f10); /* ==== HI Configuration ==== */ /* No Info Ring/MSI by default. */ address = HWPfHiInfoRingIntWrEnRegPf; value = 0; acc_reg_write(d, address, value); address = HWPfHiCfgMsiIntWrEnRegPf; value = 0xFFFFFFFF; acc_reg_write(d, address, value); /* Prevent Block on Transmit Error. */ address = HWPfHiBlockTransmitOnErrorEn; value = 0; acc_reg_write(d, address, value); /* Prevents to drop MSI. */ address = HWPfHiMsiDropEnableReg; value = 0; acc_reg_write(d, address, value); /* Set the PF Mode register. */ address = HWPfHiPfMode; value = (conf->pf_mode_en) ? ACC_PF_VAL : 0; acc_reg_write(d, address, value); /* QoS overflow init. */ value = 1; address = HWPfQosmonAEvalOverflow0; acc_reg_write(d, address, value); address = HWPfQosmonBEvalOverflow0; acc_reg_write(d, address, value); /* Configure the FFT RAM LUT. */ uint32_t fft_lut[ACC200_FFT_RAM_SIZE] = { 0x1FFFF, 0x1FFFF, 0x1FFFE, 0x1FFFA, 0x1FFF6, 0x1FFF1, 0x1FFEA, 0x1FFE2, 0x1FFD9, 0x1FFCE, 0x1FFC2, 0x1FFB5, 0x1FFA7, 0x1FF98, 0x1FF87, 0x1FF75, 0x1FF62, 0x1FF4E, 0x1FF38, 0x1FF21, 0x1FF09, 0x1FEF0, 0x1FED6, 0x1FEBA, 0x1FE9D, 0x1FE7F, 0x1FE5F, 0x1FE3F, 0x1FE1D, 0x1FDFA, 0x1FDD5, 0x1FDB0, 0x1FD89, 0x1FD61, 0x1FD38, 0x1FD0D, 0x1FCE1, 0x1FCB4, 0x1FC86, 0x1FC57, 0x1FC26, 0x1FBF4, 0x1FBC1, 0x1FB8D, 0x1FB58, 0x1FB21, 0x1FAE9, 0x1FAB0, 0x1FA75, 0x1FA3A, 0x1F9FD, 0x1F9BF, 0x1F980, 0x1F93F, 0x1F8FD, 0x1F8BA, 0x1F876, 0x1F831, 0x1F7EA, 0x1F7A3, 0x1F75A, 0x1F70F, 0x1F6C4, 0x1F677, 0x1F629, 0x1F5DA, 0x1F58A, 0x1F539, 0x1F4E6, 0x1F492, 0x1F43D, 0x1F3E7, 0x1F38F, 0x1F337, 0x1F2DD, 0x1F281, 0x1F225, 0x1F1C8, 0x1F169, 0x1F109, 0x1F0A8, 0x1F046, 0x1EFE2, 0x1EF7D, 0x1EF18, 0x1EEB0, 0x1EE48, 0x1EDDF, 0x1ED74, 0x1ED08, 0x1EC9B, 0x1EC2D, 0x1EBBE, 0x1EB4D, 0x1EADB, 0x1EA68, 0x1E9F4, 0x1E97F, 0x1E908, 0x1E891, 0x1E818, 0x1E79E, 0x1E722, 0x1E6A6, 0x1E629, 0x1E5AA, 0x1E52A, 0x1E4A9, 0x1E427, 0x1E3A3, 0x1E31F, 0x1E299, 0x1E212, 0x1E18A, 0x1E101, 0x1E076, 0x1DFEB, 0x1DF5E, 0x1DED0, 0x1DE41, 0x1DDB1, 0x1DD20, 0x1DC8D, 0x1DBFA, 0x1DB65, 0x1DACF, 0x1DA38, 0x1D9A0, 0x1D907, 0x1D86C, 0x1D7D1, 0x1D734, 0x1D696, 0x1D5F7, 0x1D557, 0x1D4B6, 0x1D413, 0x1D370, 0x1D2CB, 0x1D225, 0x1D17E, 0x1D0D6, 0x1D02D, 0x1CF83, 0x1CED8, 0x1CE2B, 0x1CD7E, 0x1CCCF, 0x1CC1F, 0x1CB6E, 0x1CABC, 0x1CA09, 0x1C955, 0x1C89F, 0x1C7E9, 0x1C731, 0x1C679, 0x1C5BF, 0x1C504, 0x1C448, 0x1C38B, 0x1C2CD, 0x1C20E, 0x1C14E, 0x1C08C, 0x1BFCA, 0x1BF06, 0x1BE42, 0x1BD7C, 0x1BCB5, 0x1BBED, 0x1BB25, 0x1BA5B, 0x1B990, 0x1B8C4, 0x1B7F6, 0x1B728, 0x1B659, 0x1B589, 0x1B4B7, 0x1B3E5, 0x1B311, 0x1B23D, 0x1B167, 0x1B091, 0x1AFB9, 0x1AEE0, 0x1AE07, 0x1AD2C, 0x1AC50, 0x1AB73, 0x1AA95, 0x1A9B6, 0x1A8D6, 0x1A7F6, 0x1A714, 0x1A631, 0x1A54D, 0x1A468, 0x1A382, 0x1A29A, 0x1A1B2, 0x1A0C9, 0x19FDF, 0x19EF4, 0x19E08, 0x19D1B, 0x19C2D, 0x19B3E, 0x19A4E, 0x1995D, 0x1986B, 0x19778, 0x19684, 0x1958F, 0x19499, 0x193A2, 0x192AA, 0x191B1, 0x190B8, 0x18FBD, 0x18EC1, 0x18DC4, 0x18CC7, 0x18BC8, 0x18AC8, 0x189C8, 0x188C6, 0x187C4, 0x186C1, 0x185BC, 0x184B7, 0x183B1, 0x182AA, 0x181A2, 0x18099, 0x17F8F, 0x17E84, 0x17D78, 0x17C6C, 0x17B5E, 0x17A4F, 0x17940, 0x17830, 0x1771E, 0x1760C, 0x174F9, 0x173E5, 0x172D1, 0x171BB, 0x170A4, 0x16F8D, 0x16E74, 0x16D5B, 0x16C41, 0x16B26, 0x16A0A, 0x168ED, 0x167CF, 0x166B1, 0x16592, 0x16471, 0x16350, 0x1622E, 0x1610B, 0x15FE8, 0x15EC3, 0x15D9E, 0x15C78, 0x15B51, 0x15A29, 0x15900, 0x157D7, 0x156AC, 0x15581, 0x15455, 0x15328, 0x151FB, 0x150CC, 0x14F9D, 0x14E6D, 0x14D3C, 0x14C0A, 0x14AD8, 0x149A4, 0x14870, 0x1473B, 0x14606, 0x144CF, 0x14398, 0x14260, 0x14127, 0x13FEE, 0x13EB3, 0x13D78, 0x13C3C, 0x13B00, 0x139C2, 0x13884, 0x13745, 0x13606, 0x134C5, 0x13384, 0x13242, 0x130FF, 0x12FBC, 0x12E78, 0x12D33, 0x12BEE, 0x12AA7, 0x12960, 0x12819, 0x126D0, 0x12587, 0x1243D, 0x122F3, 0x121A8, 0x1205C, 0x11F0F, 0x11DC2, 0x11C74, 0x11B25, 0x119D6, 0x11886, 0x11735, 0x115E3, 0x11491, 0x1133F, 0x111EB, 0x11097, 0x10F42, 0x10DED, 0x10C97, 0x10B40, 0x109E9, 0x10891, 0x10738, 0x105DF, 0x10485, 0x1032B, 0x101D0, 0x10074, 0x0FF18, 0x0FDBB, 0x0FC5D, 0x0FAFF, 0x0F9A0, 0x0F841, 0x0F6E1, 0x0F580, 0x0F41F, 0x0F2BD, 0x0F15B, 0x0EFF8, 0x0EE94, 0x0ED30, 0x0EBCC, 0x0EA67, 0x0E901, 0x0E79A, 0x0E633, 0x0E4CC, 0x0E364, 0x0E1FB, 0x0E092, 0x0DF29, 0x0DDBE, 0x0DC54, 0x0DAE9, 0x0D97D, 0x0D810, 0x0D6A4, 0x0D536, 0x0D3C8, 0x0D25A, 0x0D0EB, 0x0CF7C, 0x0CE0C, 0x0CC9C, 0x0CB2B, 0x0C9B9, 0x0C847, 0x0C6D5, 0x0C562, 0x0C3EF, 0x0C27B, 0x0C107, 0x0BF92, 0x0BE1D, 0x0BCA8, 0x0BB32, 0x0B9BB, 0x0B844, 0x0B6CD, 0x0B555, 0x0B3DD, 0x0B264, 0x0B0EB, 0x0AF71, 0x0ADF7, 0x0AC7D, 0x0AB02, 0x0A987, 0x0A80B, 0x0A68F, 0x0A513, 0x0A396, 0x0A219, 0x0A09B, 0x09F1D, 0x09D9E, 0x09C20, 0x09AA1, 0x09921, 0x097A1, 0x09621, 0x094A0, 0x0931F, 0x0919E, 0x0901C, 0x08E9A, 0x08D18, 0x08B95, 0x08A12, 0x0888F, 0x0870B, 0x08587, 0x08402, 0x0827E, 0x080F9, 0x07F73, 0x07DEE, 0x07C68, 0x07AE2, 0x0795B, 0x077D4, 0x0764D, 0x074C6, 0x0733E, 0x071B6, 0x0702E, 0x06EA6, 0x06D1D, 0x06B94, 0x06A0B, 0x06881, 0x066F7, 0x0656D, 0x063E3, 0x06258, 0x060CE, 0x05F43, 0x05DB7, 0x05C2C, 0x05AA0, 0x05914, 0x05788, 0x055FC, 0x0546F, 0x052E3, 0x05156, 0x04FC9, 0x04E3B, 0x04CAE, 0x04B20, 0x04992, 0x04804, 0x04676, 0x044E8, 0x04359, 0x041CB, 0x0403C, 0x03EAD, 0x03D1D, 0x03B8E, 0x039FF, 0x0386F, 0x036DF, 0x0354F, 0x033BF, 0x0322F, 0x0309F, 0x02F0F, 0x02D7E, 0x02BEE, 0x02A5D, 0x028CC, 0x0273B, 0x025AA, 0x02419, 0x02288, 0x020F7, 0x01F65, 0x01DD4, 0x01C43, 0x01AB1, 0x0191F, 0x0178E, 0x015FC, 0x0146A, 0x012D8, 0x01147, 0x00FB5, 0x00E23, 0x00C91, 0x00AFF, 0x0096D, 0x007DB, 0x00648, 0x004B6, 0x00324, 0x00192}; acc_reg_write(d, HWPfFftRamPageAccess, ACC200_FFT_RAM_EN + 64); for (i = 0; i < ACC200_FFT_RAM_SIZE; i++) acc_reg_write(d, HWPfFftRamOff + i * 4, fft_lut[i]); acc_reg_write(d, HWPfFftRamPageAccess, ACC200_FFT_RAM_DIS); /* Enabling AQueues through the Queue hierarchy. */ for (vf_idx = 0; vf_idx < ACC200_NUM_VFS; vf_idx++) { for (qg_idx = 0; qg_idx < ACC200_NUM_QGRPS; qg_idx++) { value = 0; if (vf_idx < conf->num_vf_bundles && qg_idx < totalQgs) value = (1 << aqNum(qg_idx, conf)) - 1; address = HWPfQmgrAqEnableVf + vf_idx * ACC_BYTES_IN_WORD; value += (qg_idx << 16); acc_reg_write(d, address, value); } } rte_bbdev_log_debug("PF Tip configuration complete for %s", dev_name); return 0; }