/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause * Copyright(c) 2020 Intel Corporation */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ice_dcf_ethdev.h" #include "ice_generic_flow.h" #define ICE_DCF_VSI_UPDATE_SERVICE_INTERVAL 100000 /* us */ static rte_spinlock_t vsi_update_lock = RTE_SPINLOCK_INITIALIZER; struct ice_dcf_reset_event_param { struct ice_dcf_hw *dcf_hw; bool vfr; /* VF reset event */ uint16_t vf_id; /* The reset VF ID */ }; static __rte_always_inline void ice_dcf_update_vsi_ctx(struct ice_hw *hw, uint16_t vsi_handle, uint16_t vsi_map) { struct ice_vsi_ctx *vsi_ctx; bool first_update = false; uint16_t new_vsi_num; if (unlikely(vsi_handle >= ICE_MAX_VSI)) { PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR, "Invalid vsi handle %u", vsi_handle); return; } vsi_ctx = hw->vsi_ctx[vsi_handle]; if (vsi_map & VIRTCHNL_DCF_VF_VSI_VALID) { if (!vsi_ctx) { vsi_ctx = ice_malloc(hw, sizeof(*vsi_ctx)); if (!vsi_ctx) { PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR, "No memory for vsi context %u", vsi_handle); return; } hw->vsi_ctx[vsi_handle] = vsi_ctx; first_update = true; } new_vsi_num = (vsi_map & VIRTCHNL_DCF_VF_VSI_ID_M) >> VIRTCHNL_DCF_VF_VSI_ID_S; /* Redirect rules if vsi mapping table changes. */ if (!first_update) { struct ice_flow_redirect rd; memset(&rd, 0, sizeof(struct ice_flow_redirect)); rd.type = ICE_FLOW_REDIRECT_VSI; rd.vsi_handle = vsi_handle; rd.new_vsi_num = new_vsi_num; ice_flow_redirect((struct ice_adapter *)hw->back, &rd); } else { vsi_ctx->vsi_num = new_vsi_num; } PMD_DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "VF%u is assigned with vsi number %u", vsi_handle, vsi_ctx->vsi_num); } else { hw->vsi_ctx[vsi_handle] = NULL; ice_free(hw, vsi_ctx); PMD_DRV_LOG(NOTICE, "VF%u is disabled", vsi_handle); } } static void ice_dcf_update_vf_vsi_map(struct ice_hw *hw, uint16_t num_vfs, uint16_t *vf_vsi_map) { uint16_t vf_id; for (vf_id = 0; vf_id < num_vfs; vf_id++) ice_dcf_update_vsi_ctx(hw, vf_id, vf_vsi_map[vf_id]); } static void ice_dcf_update_pf_vsi_map(struct ice_hw *hw, uint16_t pf_vsi_idx, uint16_t pf_vsi_num) { struct ice_vsi_ctx *vsi_ctx; if (unlikely(pf_vsi_idx >= ICE_MAX_VSI)) { PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR, "Invalid vsi handle %u", pf_vsi_idx); return; } vsi_ctx = hw->vsi_ctx[pf_vsi_idx]; if (!vsi_ctx) vsi_ctx = ice_malloc(hw, sizeof(*vsi_ctx)); if (!vsi_ctx) { PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR, "No memory for vsi context %u", pf_vsi_idx); return; } vsi_ctx->vsi_num = pf_vsi_num; hw->vsi_ctx[pf_vsi_idx] = vsi_ctx; PMD_DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "VF%u is assigned with vsi number %u", pf_vsi_idx, vsi_ctx->vsi_num); } static void* ice_dcf_vsi_update_service_handler(void *param) { struct ice_dcf_reset_event_param *reset_param = param; struct ice_dcf_hw *hw = reset_param->dcf_hw; struct ice_dcf_adapter *adapter = container_of(hw, struct ice_dcf_adapter, real_hw); struct ice_adapter *parent_adapter = &adapter->parent; __atomic_fetch_add(&hw->vsi_update_thread_num, 1, __ATOMIC_RELAXED); pthread_detach(pthread_self()); rte_delay_us(ICE_DCF_VSI_UPDATE_SERVICE_INTERVAL); rte_spinlock_lock(&vsi_update_lock); if (!ice_dcf_handle_vsi_update_event(hw)) { __atomic_store_n(&parent_adapter->dcf_state_on, true, __ATOMIC_RELAXED); ice_dcf_update_vf_vsi_map(&adapter->parent.hw, hw->num_vfs, hw->vf_vsi_map); } if (reset_param->vfr && adapter->repr_infos) { struct rte_eth_dev *vf_rep_eth_dev = adapter->repr_infos[reset_param->vf_id].vf_rep_eth_dev; if (vf_rep_eth_dev && vf_rep_eth_dev->data->dev_started) { PMD_DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "VF%u representor is resetting", reset_param->vf_id); ice_dcf_vf_repr_init_vlan(vf_rep_eth_dev); } } if (hw->tm_conf.committed) ice_dcf_replay_vf_bw(hw, reset_param->vf_id); rte_spinlock_unlock(&vsi_update_lock); free(param); __atomic_fetch_sub(&hw->vsi_update_thread_num, 1, __ATOMIC_RELEASE); return NULL; } static void start_vsi_reset_thread(struct ice_dcf_hw *dcf_hw, bool vfr, uint16_t vf_id) { #define THREAD_NAME_LEN 16 struct ice_dcf_reset_event_param *param; char name[THREAD_NAME_LEN]; pthread_t thread; int ret; param = malloc(sizeof(*param)); if (!param) { PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR, "Failed to allocate the memory for reset handling"); return; } param->dcf_hw = dcf_hw; param->vfr = vfr; param->vf_id = vf_id; snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "ice-reset-%u", vf_id); ret = rte_ctrl_thread_create(&thread, name, NULL, ice_dcf_vsi_update_service_handler, param); if (ret != 0) { PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR, "Failed to start the thread for reset handling"); free(param); } } static uint32_t ice_dcf_convert_link_speed(enum virtchnl_link_speed virt_link_speed) { uint32_t speed; switch (virt_link_speed) { case VIRTCHNL_LINK_SPEED_100MB: speed = 100; break; case VIRTCHNL_LINK_SPEED_1GB: speed = 1000; break; case VIRTCHNL_LINK_SPEED_10GB: speed = 10000; break; case VIRTCHNL_LINK_SPEED_40GB: speed = 40000; break; case VIRTCHNL_LINK_SPEED_20GB: speed = 20000; break; case VIRTCHNL_LINK_SPEED_25GB: speed = 25000; break; case VIRTCHNL_LINK_SPEED_2_5GB: speed = 2500; break; case VIRTCHNL_LINK_SPEED_5GB: speed = 5000; break; default: speed = 0; break; } return speed; } void ice_dcf_handle_pf_event_msg(struct ice_dcf_hw *dcf_hw, uint8_t *msg, uint16_t msglen) { struct virtchnl_pf_event *pf_msg = (struct virtchnl_pf_event *)msg; struct ice_dcf_adapter *adapter = container_of(dcf_hw, struct ice_dcf_adapter, real_hw); struct ice_adapter *parent_adapter = &adapter->parent; if (msglen < sizeof(struct virtchnl_pf_event)) { PMD_DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "Invalid event message length : %u", msglen); return; } switch (pf_msg->event) { case VIRTCHNL_EVENT_RESET_IMPENDING: PMD_DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "VIRTCHNL_EVENT_RESET_IMPENDING event"); dcf_hw->resetting = true; break; case VIRTCHNL_EVENT_LINK_CHANGE: PMD_DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "VIRTCHNL_EVENT_LINK_CHANGE event"); dcf_hw->link_up = pf_msg->event_data.link_event.link_status; if (dcf_hw->vf_res->vf_cap_flags & VIRTCHNL_VF_CAP_ADV_LINK_SPEED) { dcf_hw->link_speed = pf_msg->event_data.link_event_adv.link_speed; } else { enum virtchnl_link_speed speed; speed = pf_msg->event_data.link_event.link_speed; dcf_hw->link_speed = ice_dcf_convert_link_speed(speed); } ice_dcf_link_update(dcf_hw->eth_dev, 0); rte_eth_dev_callback_process(dcf_hw->eth_dev, RTE_ETH_EVENT_INTR_LSC, NULL); break; case VIRTCHNL_EVENT_PF_DRIVER_CLOSE: PMD_DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "VIRTCHNL_EVENT_PF_DRIVER_CLOSE event"); break; case VIRTCHNL_EVENT_DCF_VSI_MAP_UPDATE: PMD_DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "VIRTCHNL_EVENT_DCF_VSI_MAP_UPDATE event : VF%u with VSI num %u", pf_msg->event_data.vf_vsi_map.vf_id, pf_msg->event_data.vf_vsi_map.vsi_id); __atomic_store_n(&parent_adapter->dcf_state_on, false, __ATOMIC_RELAXED); start_vsi_reset_thread(dcf_hw, true, pf_msg->event_data.vf_vsi_map.vf_id); break; default: PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR, "Unknown event received %u", pf_msg->event); break; } } static int ice_dcf_query_port_ets(struct ice_hw *parent_hw, struct ice_dcf_hw *real_hw) { int ret; real_hw->ets_config = (struct ice_aqc_port_ets_elem *) ice_malloc(real_hw, sizeof(*real_hw->ets_config)); if (!real_hw->ets_config) return ICE_ERR_NO_MEMORY; ret = ice_aq_query_port_ets(parent_hw->port_info, real_hw->ets_config, sizeof(*real_hw->ets_config), NULL); if (ret) { PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR, "DCF Query Port ETS failed"); rte_free(real_hw->ets_config); real_hw->ets_config = NULL; return ret; } return ICE_SUCCESS; } static int ice_dcf_init_parent_hw(struct ice_hw *hw) { struct ice_aqc_get_phy_caps_data *pcaps; enum ice_status status; status = ice_aq_get_fw_ver(hw, NULL); if (status) return status; status = ice_get_caps(hw); if (status) return status; hw->port_info = (struct ice_port_info *) ice_malloc(hw, sizeof(*hw->port_info)); if (!hw->port_info) return ICE_ERR_NO_MEMORY; /* set the back pointer to HW */ hw->port_info->hw = hw; /* Initialize port_info struct with switch configuration data */ status = ice_get_initial_sw_cfg(hw); if (status) goto err_unroll_alloc; pcaps = (struct ice_aqc_get_phy_caps_data *) ice_malloc(hw, sizeof(*pcaps)); if (!pcaps) { status = ICE_ERR_NO_MEMORY; goto err_unroll_alloc; } /* Initialize port_info struct with PHY capabilities */ status = ice_aq_get_phy_caps(hw->port_info, false, ICE_AQC_REPORT_TOPO_CAP_MEDIA, pcaps, NULL); ice_free(hw, pcaps); if (status) goto err_unroll_alloc; /* Initialize port_info struct with link information */ status = ice_aq_get_link_info(hw->port_info, true, NULL, NULL); if (status) goto err_unroll_alloc; status = ice_init_fltr_mgmt_struct(hw); if (status) goto err_unroll_alloc; status = ice_init_hw_tbls(hw); if (status) goto err_unroll_fltr_mgmt_struct; PMD_INIT_LOG(INFO, "firmware %d.%d.%d api %d.%d.%d build 0x%08x", hw->fw_maj_ver, hw->fw_min_ver, hw->fw_patch, hw->api_maj_ver, hw->api_min_ver, hw->api_patch, hw->fw_build); return ICE_SUCCESS; err_unroll_fltr_mgmt_struct: ice_cleanup_fltr_mgmt_struct(hw); err_unroll_alloc: ice_free(hw, hw->port_info); hw->port_info = NULL; hw->switch_info = NULL; return status; } static void ice_dcf_uninit_parent_hw(struct ice_hw *hw) { ice_cleanup_fltr_mgmt_struct(hw); ice_free_seg(hw); ice_free_hw_tbls(hw); ice_free(hw, hw->port_info); hw->port_info = NULL; hw->switch_info = NULL; ice_clear_all_vsi_ctx(hw); } static int ice_dcf_load_pkg(struct ice_adapter *adapter) { struct ice_dcf_adapter *dcf_adapter = container_of(&adapter->hw, struct ice_dcf_adapter, parent.hw); struct virtchnl_pkg_info pkg_info; struct dcf_virtchnl_cmd vc_cmd; bool use_dsn; uint64_t dsn = 0; vc_cmd.v_op = VIRTCHNL_OP_DCF_GET_PKG_INFO; vc_cmd.req_msglen = 0; vc_cmd.req_msg = NULL; vc_cmd.rsp_buflen = sizeof(pkg_info); vc_cmd.rsp_msgbuf = (uint8_t *)&pkg_info; use_dsn = ice_dcf_execute_virtchnl_cmd(&dcf_adapter->real_hw, &vc_cmd) == 0; if (use_dsn) rte_memcpy(&dsn, pkg_info.dsn, sizeof(dsn)); return ice_load_pkg(adapter, use_dsn, dsn); } int ice_dcf_init_parent_adapter(struct rte_eth_dev *eth_dev) { struct ice_dcf_adapter *adapter = eth_dev->data->dev_private; struct ice_adapter *parent_adapter = &adapter->parent; struct ice_hw *parent_hw = &parent_adapter->hw; struct ice_dcf_hw *hw = &adapter->real_hw; const struct rte_ether_addr *mac; int err; parent_adapter->pf.adapter = parent_adapter; parent_adapter->pf.dev_data = eth_dev->data; /* create a dummy main_vsi */ parent_adapter->pf.main_vsi = rte_zmalloc(NULL, sizeof(struct ice_vsi), 0); if (!parent_adapter->pf.main_vsi) return -ENOMEM; parent_adapter->pf.main_vsi->adapter = parent_adapter; parent_adapter->pf.adapter_stopped = 1; parent_hw->back = parent_adapter; parent_hw->mac_type = ICE_MAC_GENERIC; parent_hw->vendor_id = ICE_INTEL_VENDOR_ID; ice_init_lock(&parent_hw->adminq.sq_lock); ice_init_lock(&parent_hw->adminq.rq_lock); parent_hw->aq_send_cmd_fn = ice_dcf_send_aq_cmd; parent_hw->aq_send_cmd_param = &adapter->real_hw; parent_hw->dcf_enabled = true; err = ice_dcf_init_parent_hw(parent_hw); if (err) { PMD_INIT_LOG(ERR, "failed to init the DCF parent hardware with error %d", err); return err; } if (hw->vf_res->vf_cap_flags & VIRTCHNL_VF_OFFLOAD_QOS) { err = ice_dcf_query_port_ets(parent_hw, hw); if (err) { PMD_INIT_LOG(ERR, "failed to query port ets with error %d", err); goto uninit_hw; } } err = ice_dcf_load_pkg(parent_adapter); if (err) { PMD_INIT_LOG(ERR, "failed to load package with error %d", err); goto uninit_hw; } parent_adapter->pf.main_vsi->idx = hw->num_vfs; ice_dcf_update_pf_vsi_map(parent_hw, parent_adapter->pf.main_vsi->idx, hw->pf_vsi_id); ice_dcf_update_vf_vsi_map(parent_hw, hw->num_vfs, hw->vf_vsi_map); if (ice_devargs_check(eth_dev->device->devargs, ICE_DCF_DEVARG_ACL)) parent_adapter->disabled_engine_mask |= BIT(ICE_FLOW_ENGINE_ACL); err = ice_flow_init(parent_adapter); if (err) { PMD_INIT_LOG(ERR, "Failed to initialize flow"); goto uninit_hw; } mac = (const struct rte_ether_addr *)hw->avf.mac.addr; if (rte_is_valid_assigned_ether_addr(mac)) rte_ether_addr_copy(mac, &parent_adapter->pf.dev_addr); else rte_eth_random_addr(parent_adapter->pf.dev_addr.addr_bytes); eth_dev->data->mac_addrs = &parent_adapter->pf.dev_addr; return 0; uninit_hw: ice_dcf_uninit_parent_hw(parent_hw); return err; } void ice_dcf_uninit_parent_adapter(struct rte_eth_dev *eth_dev) { struct ice_dcf_adapter *adapter = eth_dev->data->dev_private; struct ice_adapter *parent_adapter = &adapter->parent; struct ice_hw *parent_hw = &parent_adapter->hw; eth_dev->data->mac_addrs = NULL; rte_free(parent_adapter->pf.main_vsi); parent_adapter->pf.main_vsi = NULL; ice_flow_uninit(parent_adapter); ice_dcf_uninit_parent_hw(parent_hw); }