/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
 * Copyright(c) 2010-2017 Intel Corporation

#ifndef _I40E_ETHDEV_H_
#define _I40E_ETHDEV_H_

#include <stdint.h>
#include <sys/queue.h>

#include <rte_time.h>
#include <rte_kvargs.h>
#include <rte_hash.h>
#include <rte_flow.h>
#include <rte_flow_driver.h>
#include <rte_tm_driver.h>
#include "rte_pmd_i40e.h"

#include "base/i40e_register.h"
#include "base/i40e_type.h"
#include "base/virtchnl.h"

 * _i=0...143,
 * counters 0-127 are for the 128 VFs,
 * counters 128-143 are for the 16 PFs
#define I40E_GL_RXERR1_H(_i)	(0x00318004 + ((_i) * 8))

#define I40E_AQ_LEN               32
#define I40E_AQ_BUF_SZ            4096
/* Number of queues per TC should be one of 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 */
#define I40E_MAX_Q_PER_TC         64
#define I40E_NUM_DESC_DEFAULT     512
#define I40E_NUM_DESC_ALIGN       32
#define I40E_BUF_SIZE_MIN         1024
#define I40E_FRAME_SIZE_MAX       9728
#define I40E_TSO_FRAME_SIZE_MAX   262144
/* number of VSIs and queue default setting */
#define I40E_MAX_QP_NUM_PER_VF    16
#define I40E_UINT32_BIT_SIZE      (CHAR_BIT * sizeof(uint32_t))
#define I40E_VFTA_SIZE            (4096 / I40E_UINT32_BIT_SIZE)
/* Maximun number of MAC addresses */
#define I40E_NUM_MACADDR_MAX       64
/* Maximum number of VFs */
#define I40E_MAX_VF               128
/*flag of no loopback*/
#define I40E_AQ_LB_MODE_NONE	  0x0
#define I40E_AQ_LB_MODE_EN	  0x01
#define I40E_AQ_LB_MAC		  0x01
#define I40E_AQ_LB_MAC_LOCAL_X722 0x04
 * vlan_id is a 12 bit number.
 * The VFTA array is actually a 4096 bit array, 128 of 32bit elements.
 * 2^5 = 32. The val of lower 5 bits specifies the bit in the 32bit element.
 * The higher 7 bit val specifies VFTA array index.
#define I40E_VFTA_BIT(vlan_id)    (1 << ((vlan_id) & 0x1F))
#define I40E_VFTA_IDX(vlan_id)    ((vlan_id) >> 5)

/* Default TC traffic in case DCB is not enabled */
#define I40E_DEFAULT_TCMAP        0x1
#define I40E_FDIR_QUEUE_ID        0

/* Always assign pool 0 to main VSI, VMDQ will start from 1 */
#define I40E_VMDQ_POOL_BASE       1

#define I40E_DEFAULT_RX_PTHRESH      8
#define I40E_DEFAULT_RX_HTHRESH      8
#define I40E_DEFAULT_RX_WTHRESH      0

#define I40E_DEFAULT_TX_PTHRESH      32
#define I40E_DEFAULT_TX_HTHRESH      0
#define I40E_DEFAULT_TX_WTHRESH      0

/* Bit shift and mask */
#define I40E_4_BIT_WIDTH  (CHAR_BIT / 2)
#define I40E_4_BIT_MASK   RTE_LEN2MASK(I40E_4_BIT_WIDTH, uint8_t)
#define I40E_8_BIT_WIDTH  CHAR_BIT
#define I40E_8_BIT_MASK   UINT8_MAX
#define I40E_16_BIT_WIDTH (CHAR_BIT * 2)
#define I40E_16_BIT_MASK  UINT16_MAX
#define I40E_32_BIT_WIDTH (CHAR_BIT * 4)
#define I40E_32_BIT_MASK  UINT32_MAX
#define I40E_48_BIT_WIDTH (CHAR_BIT * 6)
#define I40E_48_BIT_MASK  RTE_LEN2MASK(I40E_48_BIT_WIDTH, uint64_t)

/* Linux PF host with virtchnl version 1.1 */
#define PF_IS_V11(vf) \
	(((vf)->version_major == VIRTCHNL_VERSION_MAJOR) && \
	((vf)->version_minor == 1))

#define I40E_WRITE_GLB_REG(hw, reg, value)				\
	do {								\
		uint32_t ori_val;					\
		struct rte_eth_dev *dev;				\
		struct rte_eth_dev_data *dev_data;			\
		ori_val = I40E_READ_REG((hw), (reg));			\
		dev_data = ((struct i40e_adapter *)hw->back)->pf.dev_data; \
		dev = &rte_eth_devices[dev_data->port_id];		\
						     (reg)), (value));	\
		if (ori_val != value)					\
				    "i40e device %s changed global "	\
				    "register [0x%08x]. original: 0x%08x, " \
				    "new: 0x%08x ",			\
				    (dev->device->name), (reg),		\
				    (ori_val), (value));		\
	} while (0)

/* index flex payload per layer */
enum i40e_flxpld_layer_idx {
	I40E_FLXPLD_L2_IDX    = 0,
	I40E_FLXPLD_L3_IDX    = 1,
	I40E_FLXPLD_L4_IDX    = 2,
#define I40E_MAX_FLXPLD_FIED        3  /* max number of flex payload fields */
#define I40E_FDIR_BITMASK_NUM_WORD  2  /* max number of bitmask words */
#define I40E_FDIR_MAX_FLEXWORD_NUM  8  /* max number of flexpayload words */
#define I40E_FDIR_MAX_FLEX_LEN      16 /* len in bytes of flex payload */
#define I40E_INSET_MASK_NUM_REG     2  /* number of input set mask registers */

/* i40e flags */
#define I40E_FLAG_RSS                   (1ULL << 0)
#define I40E_FLAG_DCB                   (1ULL << 1)
#define I40E_FLAG_VMDQ                  (1ULL << 2)
#define I40E_FLAG_SRIOV                 (1ULL << 3)
#define I40E_FLAG_FDIR                  (1ULL << 6)
#define I40E_FLAG_VXLAN                 (1ULL << 7)
#define I40E_FLAG_RSS_AQ_CAPABLE        (1ULL << 8)
#define I40E_FLAG_ALL (I40E_FLAG_RSS | \
		       I40E_FLAG_DCB | \
		       I40E_FLAG_VMDQ | \
		       I40E_FLAG_SRIOV | \
		       I40E_FLAG_FDIR | \
		       I40E_FLAG_VXLAN | \

#define I40E_RSS_OFFLOAD_ALL ( \

/* All bits of RSS hash enable for X722*/
#define I40E_RSS_HENA_ALL_X722 ( \

/* All bits of RSS hash enable */
#define I40E_RSS_HENA_ALL ( \

#define I40E_MISC_VEC_ID                RTE_INTR_VEC_ZERO_OFFSET
#define I40E_RX_VEC_START               RTE_INTR_VEC_RXTX_OFFSET

/* Default queue interrupt throttling time in microseconds */
#define I40E_ITR_INDEX_DEFAULT          0
#define I40E_ITR_INDEX_NONE             3
#define I40E_QUEUE_ITR_INTERVAL_DEFAULT 32 /* 32 us */
#define I40E_QUEUE_ITR_INTERVAL_MAX     8160 /* 8160 us */
#define I40E_VF_QUEUE_ITR_INTERVAL_DEFAULT 32 /* 32 us */
/* Special FW support this floating VEB feature */

#define I40E_GL_SWT_L2TAGCTRL(_i)             (0x001C0A70 + ((_i) * 4))

#define I40E_RSS_TYPE_NONE           0ULL
#define I40E_RSS_TYPE_INVALID        1ULL

#define I40E_INSET_NONE            0x00000000000000000ULL

/* bit0 ~ bit 7 */
#define I40E_INSET_DMAC            0x0000000000000001ULL
#define I40E_INSET_SMAC            0x0000000000000002ULL
#define I40E_INSET_VLAN_OUTER      0x0000000000000004ULL
#define I40E_INSET_VLAN_INNER      0x0000000000000008ULL
#define I40E_INSET_VLAN_TUNNEL     0x0000000000000010ULL

/* bit 8 ~ bit 15 */
#define I40E_INSET_IPV4_SRC        0x0000000000000100ULL
#define I40E_INSET_IPV4_DST        0x0000000000000200ULL
#define I40E_INSET_IPV6_SRC        0x0000000000000400ULL
#define I40E_INSET_IPV6_DST        0x0000000000000800ULL
#define I40E_INSET_SRC_PORT        0x0000000000001000ULL
#define I40E_INSET_DST_PORT        0x0000000000002000ULL
#define I40E_INSET_SCTP_VT         0x0000000000004000ULL

/* bit 16 ~ bit 31 */
#define I40E_INSET_IPV4_TOS        0x0000000000010000ULL
#define I40E_INSET_IPV4_PROTO      0x0000000000020000ULL
#define I40E_INSET_IPV4_TTL        0x0000000000040000ULL
#define I40E_INSET_IPV6_TC         0x0000000000080000ULL
#define I40E_INSET_IPV6_FLOW       0x0000000000100000ULL
#define I40E_INSET_IPV6_NEXT_HDR   0x0000000000200000ULL
#define I40E_INSET_IPV6_HOP_LIMIT  0x0000000000400000ULL
#define I40E_INSET_TCP_FLAGS       0x0000000000800000ULL

/* bit 32 ~ bit 47, tunnel fields */
#define I40E_INSET_TUNNEL_IPV4_DST       0x0000000100000000ULL
#define I40E_INSET_TUNNEL_IPV6_DST       0x0000000200000000ULL
#define I40E_INSET_TUNNEL_DMAC           0x0000000400000000ULL
#define I40E_INSET_TUNNEL_SRC_PORT       0x0000000800000000ULL
#define I40E_INSET_TUNNEL_DST_PORT       0x0000001000000000ULL
#define I40E_INSET_TUNNEL_ID             0x0000002000000000ULL

/* bit 48 ~ bit 55 */
#define I40E_INSET_LAST_ETHER_TYPE 0x0001000000000000ULL

/* bit 56 ~ bit 63, Flex Payload */
#define I40E_INSET_FLEX_PAYLOAD_W1 0x0100000000000000ULL
#define I40E_INSET_FLEX_PAYLOAD_W2 0x0200000000000000ULL
#define I40E_INSET_FLEX_PAYLOAD_W3 0x0400000000000000ULL
#define I40E_INSET_FLEX_PAYLOAD_W4 0x0800000000000000ULL
#define I40E_INSET_FLEX_PAYLOAD_W5 0x1000000000000000ULL
#define I40E_INSET_FLEX_PAYLOAD_W6 0x2000000000000000ULL
#define I40E_INSET_FLEX_PAYLOAD_W7 0x4000000000000000ULL
#define I40E_INSET_FLEX_PAYLOAD_W8 0x8000000000000000ULL

/* The max bandwidth of i40e is 40Gbps. */
#define I40E_QOS_BW_MAX 40000
/* The bandwidth should be the multiple of 50Mbps. */
/* The min bandwidth weight is 1. */
#define I40E_QOS_BW_WEIGHT_MIN 1
/* The max bandwidth weight is 127. */
#define I40E_QOS_BW_WEIGHT_MAX 127
/* The max queue region index is 7. */

#define I40E_MAX_PERCENT            100
#define I40E_DEFAULT_DCB_APP_NUM    1

#define I40E_FDIR_PRG_PKT_CNT       128

 * Struct to store flow created.
struct rte_flow {
	TAILQ_ENTRY(rte_flow) node;
	enum rte_filter_type filter_type;
	void *rule;

 * The overhead from MTU to max frame size.
 * Considering QinQ packet, the VLAN tag needs to be counted twice.
#define I40E_ETH_OVERHEAD \

#define I40E_RXTX_BYTES_H_16_BIT(bytes) ((bytes) & ~I40E_48_BIT_MASK)
#define I40E_RXTX_BYTES_L_48_BIT(bytes) ((bytes) & I40E_48_BIT_MASK)

struct i40e_adapter;
struct rte_pci_driver;

 * MAC filter type
enum i40e_mac_filter_type {
	I40E_MAC_PERFECT_MATCH = 1, /**< exact match of MAC addr. */
	I40E_MACVLAN_PERFECT_MATCH, /**< exact match of MAC addr and VLAN ID. */
	I40E_MAC_HASH_MATCH, /**< hash match of MAC addr. */
	/** hash match of MAC addr and exact match of VLAN ID. */

 * MAC filter structure
struct i40e_mac_filter_info {
	enum i40e_mac_filter_type filter_type;
	struct rte_ether_addr mac_addr;

TAILQ_HEAD(i40e_mac_filter_list, i40e_mac_filter);

/* MAC filter list structure */
struct i40e_mac_filter {
	TAILQ_ENTRY(i40e_mac_filter) next;
	struct i40e_mac_filter_info mac_info;

TAILQ_HEAD(i40e_vsi_list_head, i40e_vsi_list);

struct i40e_vsi;

/* VSI list structure */
struct i40e_vsi_list {
	TAILQ_ENTRY(i40e_vsi_list) list;
	struct i40e_vsi *vsi;

struct i40e_rx_queue;
struct i40e_tx_queue;

/* Bandwidth limit information */
struct i40e_bw_info {
	uint16_t bw_limit;      /* BW Limit (0 = disabled) */
	uint8_t  bw_max;        /* Max BW limit if enabled */

	/* Relative credits within same TC with respect to other VSIs or Comps */
	uint8_t  bw_ets_share_credits[I40E_MAX_TRAFFIC_CLASS];
	/* Bandwidth limit per TC */
	uint16_t bw_ets_credits[I40E_MAX_TRAFFIC_CLASS];
	/* Max bandwidth limit per TC */
	uint8_t  bw_ets_max[I40E_MAX_TRAFFIC_CLASS];

/* Structure that defines a VEB */
struct i40e_veb {
	struct i40e_vsi_list_head head;
	struct i40e_vsi *associate_vsi; /* Associate VSI who owns the VEB */
	struct i40e_pf *associate_pf; /* Associate PF who owns the VEB */
	uint16_t seid; /* The seid of VEB itself */
	uint16_t uplink_seid; /* The uplink seid of this VEB */
	uint16_t stats_idx;
	struct i40e_eth_stats stats;
	uint8_t enabled_tc;   /* The traffic class enabled */
	uint8_t strict_prio_tc; /* bit map of TCs set to strict priority mode */
	struct i40e_bw_info bw_info; /* VEB bandwidth information */

/* i40e MACVLAN filter structure */
struct i40e_macvlan_filter {
	struct rte_ether_addr macaddr;
	enum i40e_mac_filter_type filter_type;
	uint16_t vlan_id;

 * Structure that defines a VSI, associated with a adapter.
struct i40e_vsi {
	struct i40e_adapter *adapter; /* Backreference to associated adapter */
	struct i40e_aqc_vsi_properties_data info; /* VSI properties */

	struct i40e_eth_stats eth_stats_offset;
	struct i40e_eth_stats eth_stats;
	 * When drivers loaded, only a default main VSI exists. In case new VSI
	 * needs to add, HW needs to know the layout that VSIs are organized.
	 * Besides that, VSI isan element and can't switch packets, which needs
	 * to add new component VEB to perform switching. So, a new VSI needs
	 * to specify the uplink VSI (Parent VSI) before created. The
	 * uplink VSI will check whether it had a VEB to switch packets. If no,
	 * it will try to create one. Then, uplink VSI will move the new VSI
	 * into its' sib_vsi_list to manage all the downlink VSI.
	 *  sib_vsi_list: the VSI list that shared the same uplink VSI.
	 *  parent_vsi  : the uplink VSI. It's NULL for main VSI.
	 *  veb         : the VEB associates with the VSI.
	struct i40e_vsi_list sib_vsi_list; /* sibling vsi list */
	struct i40e_vsi *parent_vsi;
	struct i40e_veb *veb;    /* Associated veb, could be null */
	struct i40e_veb *floating_veb; /* Associated floating veb */
	bool offset_loaded;
	enum i40e_vsi_type type; /* VSI types */
	uint16_t vlan_num;       /* Total VLAN number */
	uint16_t mac_num;        /* Total mac number */
	uint32_t vfta[I40E_VFTA_SIZE];        /* VLAN bitmap */
	struct i40e_mac_filter_list mac_list; /* macvlan filter list */
	/* specific VSI-defined parameters, SRIOV stored the vf_id */
	uint32_t user_param;
	uint16_t seid;           /* The seid of VSI itself */
	uint16_t uplink_seid;    /* The uplink seid of this VSI */
	uint16_t nb_qps;         /* Number of queue pairs VSI can occupy */
	uint16_t nb_used_qps;    /* Number of queue pairs VSI uses */
	uint16_t max_macaddrs;   /* Maximum number of MAC addresses */
	uint16_t base_queue;     /* The first queue index of this VSI */
	 * The offset to visit VSI related register, assigned by HW when
	 * creating VSI
	uint16_t vsi_id;
	uint16_t msix_intr; /* The MSIX interrupt binds to VSI */
	uint16_t nb_msix;   /* The max number of msix vector */
	uint8_t enabled_tc; /* The traffic class enabled */
	uint8_t vlan_anti_spoof_on; /* The VLAN anti-spoofing enabled */
	uint8_t vlan_filter_on; /* The VLAN filter enabled */
	struct i40e_bw_info bw_info; /* VSI bandwidth information */
	uint64_t prev_rx_bytes;
	uint64_t prev_tx_bytes;

struct pool_entry {
	LIST_ENTRY(pool_entry) next;
	uint16_t base;
	uint16_t len;

LIST_HEAD(res_list, pool_entry);

struct i40e_res_pool_info {
	uint32_t base;              /* Resource start index */
	uint32_t num_alloc;         /* Allocated resource number */
	uint32_t num_free;          /* Total available resource number */
	struct res_list alloc_list; /* Allocated resource list */
	struct res_list free_list;  /* Available resource list */

enum I40E_VF_STATE {

 * Structure to store private data for PF host.
struct i40e_pf_vf {
	struct i40e_pf *pf;
	struct i40e_vsi *vsi;
	enum I40E_VF_STATE state; /* The number of queue pairs available */
	uint16_t vf_idx; /* VF index in pf->vfs */
	uint16_t lan_nb_qps; /* Actual queues allocated */
	uint16_t reset_cnt; /* Total vf reset times */
	struct rte_ether_addr mac_addr;  /* Default MAC address */
	/* version of the virtchnl from VF */
	struct virtchnl_version_info version;
	uint32_t request_caps; /* offload caps requested from VF */
	uint64_t num_mdd_events; /* num of mdd events detected */

	 * Variables for store the arrival timestamp of VF messages.
	 * If the timestamp of latest message stored at
	 * `msg_timestamps[index % max]` then the timestamp of
	 * earliest message stored at `msg_time[(index + 1) % max]`.
	 * When a new message come, the timestamp of this message
	 * will be stored at `msg_timestamps[(index + 1) % max]` and the
	 * earliest message timestamp is at
	 * `msg_timestamps[(index + 2) % max]` now...
	uint32_t msg_index;
	uint64_t *msg_timestamps;

	/* cycle of stop ignoring VF message */
	uint64_t ignore_end_cycle;

 * Structure to store private data for flow control.
struct i40e_fc_conf {
	uint16_t pause_time; /* Flow control pause timer */
	/* FC high water 0-7 for pfc and 8 for lfc unit:kilobytes */
	uint32_t high_water[I40E_MAX_TRAFFIC_CLASS + 1];
	/* FC low water  0-7 for pfc and 8 for lfc unit:kilobytes */
	uint32_t low_water[I40E_MAX_TRAFFIC_CLASS + 1];

 * Structure to store private data for VMDQ instance
struct i40e_vmdq_info {
	struct i40e_pf *pf;
	struct i40e_vsi *vsi;

#define I40E_FDIR_MAX_FLEXLEN      16  /**< Max length of flexbytes. */
#define I40E_MAX_FLX_SOURCE_OFF    480
#define MK_FLX_PIT(src_offset, fsize, dst_offset) ( \
	(((src_offset) << I40E_PRTQF_FLX_PIT_SOURCE_OFF_SHIFT) & \
	(((fsize) << I40E_PRTQF_FLX_PIT_FSIZE_SHIFT) & \
	((((dst_offset) == NONUSE_FLX_PIT_DEST_OFF ? \
			((dst_offset) + I40E_FLX_OFFSET_IN_FIELD_VECTOR)) << \
#define I40E_WORD(hi, lo) (uint16_t)((((hi) << 8) & 0xFF00) | ((lo) & 0xFF))
#define I40E_FLEX_WORD_MASK(off) (0x80 >> (off))
#define I40E_FDIR_IPv6_TC_OFFSET	20

/* A structure used to define the input for GTP flow */
struct i40e_gtp_flow {
	struct rte_eth_udpv4_flow udp; /* IPv4 UDP fields to match. */
	uint8_t msg_type;              /* Message type. */
	uint32_t teid;                 /* TEID in big endian. */

/* A structure used to define the input for GTP IPV4 flow */
struct i40e_gtp_ipv4_flow {
	struct i40e_gtp_flow gtp;
	struct rte_eth_ipv4_flow ip4;

/* A structure used to define the input for GTP IPV6 flow */
struct i40e_gtp_ipv6_flow {
	struct i40e_gtp_flow gtp;
	struct rte_eth_ipv6_flow ip6;

/* A structure used to define the input for ESP IPV4 flow */
struct i40e_esp_ipv4_flow {
	struct rte_eth_ipv4_flow ipv4;
	uint32_t spi;	/* SPI in big endian. */

/* A structure used to define the input for ESP IPV6 flow */
struct i40e_esp_ipv6_flow {
	struct rte_eth_ipv6_flow ipv6;
	uint32_t spi;	/* SPI in big endian. */
/* A structure used to define the input for ESP IPV4 UDP flow */
struct i40e_esp_ipv4_udp_flow {
	struct rte_eth_udpv4_flow udp;
	uint32_t spi;	/* SPI in big endian. */

/* A structure used to define the input for ESP IPV6 UDP flow */
struct i40e_esp_ipv6_udp_flow {
	struct rte_eth_udpv6_flow udp;
	uint32_t spi;	/* SPI in big endian. */

/* A structure used to define the input for raw type flow */
struct i40e_raw_flow {
	uint16_t pctype;
	void *packet;
	uint32_t length;

/* A structure used to define the input for L2TPv3 over IPv4 flow */
struct i40e_ipv4_l2tpv3oip_flow {
	struct rte_eth_ipv4_flow ip4;
	uint32_t session_id; /* Session ID in big endian. */

/* A structure used to define the input for L2TPv3 over IPv6 flow */
struct i40e_ipv6_l2tpv3oip_flow {
	struct rte_eth_ipv6_flow ip6;
	uint32_t session_id; /* Session ID in big endian. */

/* A structure used to define the input for l2 dst type flow */
struct i40e_l2_flow {
	struct rte_ether_addr dst;
	struct rte_ether_addr src;
	uint16_t ether_type;          /**< Ether type in big endian */

 * A union contains the inputs for all types of flow
 * items in flows need to be in big endian
union i40e_fdir_flow {
	struct i40e_l2_flow             l2_flow;
	struct rte_eth_udpv4_flow       udp4_flow;
	struct rte_eth_tcpv4_flow       tcp4_flow;
	struct rte_eth_sctpv4_flow      sctp4_flow;
	struct rte_eth_ipv4_flow        ip4_flow;
	struct rte_eth_udpv6_flow       udp6_flow;
	struct rte_eth_tcpv6_flow       tcp6_flow;
	struct rte_eth_sctpv6_flow      sctp6_flow;
	struct rte_eth_ipv6_flow        ipv6_flow;
	struct i40e_gtp_flow            gtp_flow;
	struct i40e_gtp_ipv4_flow       gtp_ipv4_flow;
	struct i40e_gtp_ipv6_flow       gtp_ipv6_flow;
	struct i40e_raw_flow            raw_flow;
	struct i40e_ipv4_l2tpv3oip_flow ip4_l2tpv3oip_flow;
	struct i40e_ipv6_l2tpv3oip_flow ip6_l2tpv3oip_flow;
	struct i40e_esp_ipv4_flow       esp_ipv4_flow;
	struct i40e_esp_ipv6_flow       esp_ipv6_flow;
	struct i40e_esp_ipv4_udp_flow   esp_ipv4_udp_flow;
	struct i40e_esp_ipv6_udp_flow   esp_ipv6_udp_flow;

enum i40e_fdir_ip_type {

 * Structure to store flex pit for flow diretor.
struct i40e_fdir_flex_pit {
	uint8_t src_offset; /* offset in words from the beginning of payload */
	uint8_t size;       /* size in words */
	uint8_t dst_offset; /* offset in words of flexible payload */

/* A structure used to contain extend input of flow */
struct i40e_fdir_flow_ext {
	uint16_t vlan_tci;
	uint8_t flexbytes[RTE_ETH_FDIR_MAX_FLEXLEN];
	/* It is filled by the flexible payload to match. */
	uint8_t flex_mask[I40E_FDIR_MAX_FLEX_LEN];
	uint8_t raw_id;
	uint8_t is_vf;   /* 1 for VF, 0 for port dev */
	uint16_t dst_id; /* VF ID, available when is_vf is 1*/
	uint64_t input_set;
	bool inner_ip;   /* If there is inner ip */
	enum i40e_fdir_ip_type iip_type; /* ip type for inner ip */
	enum i40e_fdir_ip_type oip_type; /* ip type for outer ip */
	bool customized_pctype; /* If customized pctype is used */
	bool pkt_template; /* If raw packet template is used */
	bool is_udp; /* ipv4|ipv6 udp flow */
	enum i40e_flxpld_layer_idx layer_idx;
	struct i40e_fdir_flex_pit flex_pit[I40E_MAX_FLXPLD_LAYER * I40E_MAX_FLXPLD_FIED];
	bool is_flex_flow;

/* A structure used to define the input for a flow director filter entry */
struct i40e_fdir_input {
	enum i40e_filter_pctype pctype;
	union i40e_fdir_flow flow;
	/* Flow fields to match, dependent on flow_type */
	struct i40e_fdir_flow_ext flow_ext;
	/* Additional fields to match */

/* Behavior will be taken if FDIR match */
enum i40e_fdir_behavior {

/* Flow director report status
 * It defines what will be reported if FDIR entry is matched.
enum i40e_fdir_status {
	I40E_FDIR_NO_REPORT_STATUS = 0, /* Report nothing. */
	I40E_FDIR_REPORT_ID,            /* Only report FD ID. */
	I40E_FDIR_REPORT_ID_FLEX_4,     /* Report FD ID and 4 flex bytes. */
	I40E_FDIR_REPORT_FLEX_8,        /* Report 8 flex bytes. */

/* A structure used to define an action when match FDIR packet filter. */
struct i40e_fdir_action {
	uint16_t rx_queue;        /* Queue assigned to if FDIR match. */
	enum i40e_fdir_behavior behavior;     /* Behavior will be taken */
	enum i40e_fdir_status report_status;  /* Status report option */
	/* If report_status is I40E_FDIR_REPORT_ID_FLEX_4 or
	 * I40E_FDIR_REPORT_FLEX_8, flex_off specifies where the reported
	 * flex bytes start from in flexible payload.
	uint8_t flex_off;

/* A structure used to define the flow director filter entry by filter_ctrl API
 * It supports RTE_ETH_FILTER_FDIR data representation.
struct i40e_fdir_filter_conf {
	uint32_t soft_id;
	/* ID, an unique value is required when deal with FDIR entry */
	struct i40e_fdir_input input;    /* Input set */
	struct i40e_fdir_action action;  /* Action taken when match */

struct i40e_fdir_flex_mask {
	uint8_t word_mask;  /**< Bit i enables word i of flexible payload */
	uint8_t nb_bitmask;
	struct {
		uint8_t offset;
		uint16_t mask;

#define I40E_FILTER_PCTYPE_MAX     64
#define I40E_MAX_FDIR_FILTER_NUM   (1024 * 8)

struct i40e_fdir_filter {
	TAILQ_ENTRY(i40e_fdir_filter) rules;
	struct i40e_fdir_filter_conf fdir;

/* fdir memory pool entry */
struct i40e_fdir_entry {
	struct rte_flow flow;
	uint32_t idx;

/* pre-allocated fdir memory pool */
struct i40e_fdir_flow_pool {
	/* a bitmap to manage the fdir pool */
	struct rte_bitmap *bitmap;
	/* the size the pool is pf->fdir->fdir_space_size */
	struct i40e_fdir_entry *pool;

#define FLOW_TO_FLOW_BITMAP(f) \
	container_of((f), struct i40e_fdir_entry, flow)

TAILQ_HEAD(i40e_fdir_filter_list, i40e_fdir_filter);
 *  A structure used to define fields of a FDIR related info.
struct i40e_fdir_info {
	struct i40e_vsi *fdir_vsi;     /* pointer to fdir VSI structure */
	uint16_t match_counter_index;  /* Statistic counter index used for fdir*/
	struct i40e_tx_queue *txq;
	struct i40e_rx_queue *rxq;
	void *prg_pkt[I40E_FDIR_PRG_PKT_CNT];     /* memory for fdir program packet */
	uint64_t dma_addr[I40E_FDIR_PRG_PKT_CNT]; /* physic address of packet memory*/
	 * txq available buffer counter, indicates how many available buffers
	 * for fdir programming, initialized as I40E_FDIR_PRG_PKT_CNT
	int txq_available_buf_count;

	/* input set bits for each pctype */
	uint64_t input_set[I40E_FILTER_PCTYPE_MAX];
	 * the rule how bytes stream is extracted as flexible payload
	 * for each payload layer, the setting can up to three elements
	struct i40e_fdir_flex_pit flex_set[I40E_MAX_FLXPLD_LAYER * I40E_MAX_FLXPLD_FIED];
	struct i40e_fdir_flex_mask flex_mask[I40E_FILTER_PCTYPE_MAX];

	struct i40e_fdir_filter_list fdir_list;
	struct i40e_fdir_filter **hash_map;
	struct rte_hash *hash_table;
	/* An array to store the inserted rules input */
	struct i40e_fdir_filter *fdir_filter_array;

	 * Priority ordering at filter invalidation(destroying a flow) between
	 * "best effort" space and "guaranteed" space.
	 * 0 = At filter invalidation, the hardware first tries to increment the
	 * "best effort" space. The "guaranteed" space is incremented only when
	 * the global "best effort" space is at it max value or the "best effort"
	 * space of the PF is at its max value.
	 * 1 = At filter invalidation, the hardware first tries to increment its
	 * "guaranteed" space. The "best effort" space is incremented only when
	 * it is already at its max value.
	uint32_t fdir_invalprio;
	/* the total size of the fdir, this number is the sum of the guaranteed +
	 * shared space
	uint32_t fdir_space_size;
	/* the actual number of the fdir rules in hardware, initialized as 0 */
	uint32_t fdir_actual_cnt;
	/* the free guaranteed space of the fdir */
	uint32_t fdir_guarantee_free_space;
	/* the fdir total guaranteed space */
	uint32_t fdir_guarantee_total_space;
	/* the pre-allocated pool of the rte_flow */
	struct i40e_fdir_flow_pool fdir_flow_pool;

	/* Mark if flex pit and mask is set */
	bool flex_pit_flag[I40E_MAX_FLXPLD_LAYER];
	bool flex_mask_flag[I40E_FILTER_PCTYPE_MAX];

	uint32_t flow_count[I40E_FILTER_PCTYPE_MAX];

	uint32_t flex_flow_count[I40E_MAX_FLXPLD_LAYER];

/* Ethertype filter number HW supports */

/* Ethertype filter struct */
struct i40e_ethertype_filter_input {
	struct rte_ether_addr mac_addr;   /* Mac address to match */
	uint16_t ether_type;          /* Ether type to match */

struct i40e_ethertype_filter {
	TAILQ_ENTRY(i40e_ethertype_filter) rules;
	struct i40e_ethertype_filter_input input;
	uint16_t flags;              /* Flags from RTE_ETHTYPE_FLAGS_* */
	uint16_t queue;              /* Queue assigned to when match */

TAILQ_HEAD(i40e_ethertype_filter_list, i40e_ethertype_filter);

struct i40e_ethertype_rule {
	struct i40e_ethertype_filter_list ethertype_list;
	struct i40e_ethertype_filter  **hash_map;
	struct rte_hash *hash_table;

/* queue region info */
struct i40e_queue_region_info {
	/* the region id for this configuration */
	uint8_t region_id;
	/* the start queue index for this region */
	uint8_t queue_start_index;
	/* the total queue number of this queue region */
	uint8_t queue_num;
	/* the total number of user priority for this region */
	uint8_t user_priority_num;
	/* the packet's user priority for this region */
	uint8_t user_priority[I40E_MAX_USER_PRIORITY];
	/* the total number of flowtype for this region */
	uint8_t flowtype_num;
	 * the pctype or hardware flowtype of packet,
	 * the specific index for each type has been defined
	 * in file i40e_type.h as enum i40e_filter_pctype.
	uint8_t hw_flowtype[I40E_FILTER_PCTYPE_MAX];

struct i40e_queue_regions {
	/* the total number of queue region for this port */
	uint16_t queue_region_number;
	struct i40e_queue_region_info region[I40E_REGION_MAX_INDEX + 1];

struct i40e_rss_pattern_info {
	uint8_t action_flag;
	uint64_t types;

/* Tunnel filter number HW supports */

#define I40E_AQC_ADD_CLOUD_FILTER_0X10		0x10
#define I40E_AQC_ADD_CLOUD_FILTER_0X11		0x11
#define I40E_AQC_ADD_CLOUD_FILTER_0X12		0x12
#define I40E_AQC_ADD_L1_FILTER_0X10		0x10
#define I40E_AQC_ADD_L1_FILTER_0X11		0x11
#define I40E_AQC_ADD_L1_FILTER_0X12		0x12
#define I40E_AQC_ADD_L1_FILTER_0X13		0x13
#define I40E_AQC_NEW_TR_21			21
#define I40E_AQC_NEW_TR_22			22

enum i40e_tunnel_iptype {

/* Tunnel filter struct */
struct i40e_tunnel_filter_input {
	uint8_t outer_mac[6];    /* Outer mac address to match */
	uint8_t inner_mac[6];    /* Inner mac address to match */
	uint16_t inner_vlan;     /* Inner vlan address to match */
	enum i40e_tunnel_iptype ip_type;
	uint16_t flags;          /* Filter type flag */
	uint32_t tenant_id;      /* Tenant id to match */
	uint16_t general_fields[32];  /* Big buffer */

struct i40e_tunnel_filter {
	TAILQ_ENTRY(i40e_tunnel_filter) rules;
	struct i40e_tunnel_filter_input input;
	uint8_t is_to_vf; /* 0 - to PF, 1 - to VF */
	uint16_t vf_id;   /* VF id, available when is_to_vf is 1. */
	uint16_t queue; /* Queue assigned to when match */

TAILQ_HEAD(i40e_tunnel_filter_list, i40e_tunnel_filter);

struct i40e_tunnel_rule {
	struct i40e_tunnel_filter_list tunnel_list;
	struct i40e_tunnel_filter  **hash_map;
	struct rte_hash *hash_table;

 * Tunnel type.
enum i40e_tunnel_type {

 * L4 port type.
enum i40e_l4_port_type {

 * Tunneling Packet filter configuration.
struct i40e_tunnel_filter_conf {
	struct rte_ether_addr outer_mac;    /**< Outer MAC address to match. */
	struct rte_ether_addr inner_mac;    /**< Inner MAC address to match. */
	uint16_t inner_vlan;            /**< Inner VLAN to match. */
	uint32_t outer_vlan;            /**< Outer VLAN to match */
	enum i40e_tunnel_iptype ip_type; /**< IP address type. */
	 * Outer destination IP address to match if ETH_TUNNEL_FILTER_OIP
	 * is set in filter_type, or inner destination IP address to match
	 * if ETH_TUNNEL_FILTER_IIP is set in filter_type.
	union {
		uint32_t ipv4_addr;     /**< IPv4 address in big endian. */
		uint32_t ipv6_addr[4];  /**< IPv6 address in big endian. */
	} ip_addr;
	/** Flags from ETH_TUNNEL_FILTER_XX - see above. */
	uint16_t filter_type;
	enum i40e_tunnel_type tunnel_type; /**< Tunnel Type. */
	enum i40e_l4_port_type l4_port_type; /**< L4 Port Type. */
	uint32_t tenant_id;     /**< Tenant ID to match. VNI, GRE key... */
	uint16_t queue_id;      /**< Queue assigned to if match. */
	uint8_t is_to_vf;       /**< 0 - to PF, 1 - to VF */
	uint16_t vf_id;         /**< VF id, available when is_to_vf is 1. */

TAILQ_HEAD(i40e_flow_list, rte_flow);

/* Struct to store Traffic Manager shaper profile. */
struct i40e_tm_shaper_profile {
	TAILQ_ENTRY(i40e_tm_shaper_profile) node;
	uint32_t shaper_profile_id;
	uint32_t reference_count;
	struct rte_tm_shaper_params profile;

TAILQ_HEAD(i40e_shaper_profile_list, i40e_tm_shaper_profile);

/* node type of Traffic Manager */
enum i40e_tm_node_type {

/* Struct to store Traffic Manager node configuration. */
struct i40e_tm_node {
	TAILQ_ENTRY(i40e_tm_node) node;
	uint32_t id;
	uint32_t priority;
	uint32_t weight;
	uint32_t reference_count;
	struct i40e_tm_node *parent;
	struct i40e_tm_shaper_profile *shaper_profile;
	struct rte_tm_node_params params;

TAILQ_HEAD(i40e_tm_node_list, i40e_tm_node);

/* Struct to store all the Traffic Manager configuration. */
struct i40e_tm_conf {
	struct i40e_shaper_profile_list shaper_profile_list;
	struct i40e_tm_node *root; /* root node - port */
	struct i40e_tm_node_list tc_list; /* node list for all the TCs */
	struct i40e_tm_node_list queue_list; /* node list for all the queues */
	 * The number of added TC nodes.
	 * It should be no more than the TC number of this port.
	uint32_t nb_tc_node;
	 * The number of added queue nodes.
	 * It should be no more than the queue number of this port.
	uint32_t nb_queue_node;
	 * This flag is used to check if APP can change the TM node
	 * configuration.
	 * When it's true, means the configuration is applied to HW,
	 * APP should not change the configuration.
	 * As we don't support on-the-fly configuration, when starting
	 * the port, APP should call the hierarchy_commit API to set this
	 * flag to true. When stopping the port, this flag should be set
	 * to false.
	bool committed;

enum i40e_new_pctype {

struct i40e_customized_pctype {
	enum i40e_new_pctype index;  /* Indicate which customized pctype */
	uint8_t pctype;   /* New pctype value */
	bool valid;   /* Check if it's valid */

struct i40e_rte_flow_rss_conf {
	struct rte_flow_action_rss conf;	/**< RSS parameters. */

		    sizeof(uint32_t)];		/**< Hash key. */
	uint16_t queue[RTE_ETH_RSS_RETA_SIZE_512];	/**< Queues indices to use. */

	bool symmetric_enable;		/**< true, if enable symmetric */
	uint64_t config_pctypes;	/**< All PCTYPES with the flow  */
	uint64_t inset;			/**< input sets */

	uint8_t region_priority;	/**< queue region priority */
	uint8_t region_queue_num;	/**< region queue number */
	uint16_t region_queue_start;	/**< region queue start */

	uint32_t misc_reset_flags;

	/**< All PCTYPES that reset with the flow  */
	uint64_t reset_config_pctypes;
	/**< Symmetric function should reset on PCTYPES */
	uint64_t reset_symmetric_pctypes;

/* RSS filter list structure */
struct i40e_rss_filter {
	TAILQ_ENTRY(i40e_rss_filter) next;
	struct i40e_rte_flow_rss_conf rss_filter_info;

TAILQ_HEAD(i40e_rss_conf_list, i40e_rss_filter);

struct i40e_vf_msg_cfg {
	/* maximal VF message during a statistic period */
	uint32_t max_msg;

	/* statistic period, in second */
	uint32_t period;
	 * If message statistics from a VF exceed the maximal limitation,
	 * the PF will ignore any new message from that VF for
	 * 'ignore_second' time.
	uint32_t ignore_second;

 * Structure to store private data specific for PF instance.
struct i40e_pf {
	struct i40e_adapter *adapter; /* The adapter this PF associate to */
	struct i40e_vsi *main_vsi; /* pointer to main VSI structure */
	uint16_t mac_seid; /* The seid of the MAC of this PF */
	uint16_t main_vsi_seid; /* The seid of the main VSI */
	uint16_t max_num_vsi;
	struct i40e_res_pool_info qp_pool;    /*Queue pair pool */
	struct i40e_res_pool_info msix_pool;  /* MSIX interrupt pool */

	struct i40e_hw_port_stats stats_offset;
	struct i40e_hw_port_stats stats;
	u64 rx_err1;	/* rxerr1 */
	u64 rx_err1_offset;

	/* internal packet statistics, it should be excluded from the total */
	struct i40e_eth_stats internal_stats_offset;
	struct i40e_eth_stats internal_stats;
	bool offset_loaded;

	struct rte_eth_dev_data *dev_data; /* Pointer to the device data */
	struct rte_ether_addr dev_addr; /* PF device mac address */
	uint64_t flags; /* PF feature flags */
	/* All kinds of queue pair setting for different VSIs */
	struct i40e_pf_vf *vfs;
	uint16_t vf_num;
	/* Each of below queue pairs should be power of 2 since it's the
	   precondition after TC configuration applied */
	uint16_t lan_nb_qp_max;
	uint16_t lan_nb_qps; /* The number of queue pairs of LAN */
	uint16_t lan_qp_offset;
	uint16_t vmdq_nb_qp_max;
	uint16_t vmdq_nb_qps; /* The number of queue pairs of VMDq */
	uint16_t vmdq_qp_offset;
	uint16_t vf_nb_qp_max;
	uint16_t vf_nb_qps; /* The number of queue pairs of VF */
	uint16_t vf_qp_offset;
	uint16_t fdir_nb_qps; /* The number of queue pairs of Flow Director */
	uint16_t fdir_qp_offset;

	uint16_t hash_lut_size; /* The size of hash lookup table */
	bool hash_filter_enabled;
	uint64_t hash_enabled_queues;
	/* input set bits for each pctype */
	uint64_t hash_input_set[I40E_FILTER_PCTYPE_MAX];
	/* store VXLAN UDP ports */
	uint16_t vxlan_ports[I40E_MAX_PF_UDP_OFFLOAD_PORTS];
	uint16_t vxlan_bitmap; /* Vxlan bit mask */

	/* VMDQ related info */
	uint16_t max_nb_vmdq_vsi; /* Max number of VMDQ VSIs supported */
	uint16_t nb_cfg_vmdq_vsi; /* number of VMDQ VSIs configured */
	struct i40e_vmdq_info *vmdq;

	struct i40e_fdir_info fdir; /* flow director info */
	struct i40e_ethertype_rule ethertype; /* Ethertype filter rule */
	struct i40e_tunnel_rule tunnel; /* Tunnel filter rule */
	struct i40e_rss_conf_list rss_config_list; /* RSS rule list */
	struct i40e_queue_regions queue_region; /* queue region info */
	struct i40e_fc_conf fc_conf; /* Flow control conf */
	bool floating_veb; /* The flag to use the floating VEB */
	/* The floating enable flag for the specific VF */
	bool floating_veb_list[I40E_MAX_VF];
	struct i40e_flow_list flow_list;
	bool mpls_replace_flag;  /* 1 - MPLS filter replace is done */
	bool gtp_replace_flag;   /* 1 - GTP-C/U filter replace is done */
	bool qinq_replace_flag;  /* QINQ filter replace is done */
	/* l4 port flag */
	bool sport_replace_flag;   /* Source port replace is done */
	bool dport_replace_flag;   /* Destination port replace is done */
	struct i40e_tm_conf tm_conf;
	bool support_multi_driver; /* 1 - support multiple driver */

	/* Dynamic Device Personalization */
	bool gtp_support; /* 1 - support GTP-C and GTP-U */
	bool esp_support; /* 1 - support ESP SPI */
	/* customer customized pctype */
	struct i40e_customized_pctype customized_pctype[I40E_CUSTOMIZED_MAX];
	/* Switch Domain Id */
	uint16_t switch_domain_id;

	struct i40e_vf_msg_cfg vf_msg_cfg;
	uint64_t prev_rx_bytes;
	uint64_t prev_tx_bytes;
	uint64_t internal_prev_rx_bytes;
	uint64_t internal_prev_tx_bytes;

enum pending_msg {

struct i40e_vsi_vlan_pvid_info {
	uint16_t on;            /* Enable or disable pvid */
	union {
		uint16_t pvid;  /* Valid in case 'on' is set to set pvid */
		struct {
		/*  Valid in case 'on' is cleared. 'tagged' will reject tagged packets,
		 *  while 'untagged' will reject untagged packets.
			uint8_t tagged;
			uint8_t untagged;
		} reject;
	} config;

#define I40E_MAX_PKT_TYPE  256
#define I40E_FLOW_TYPE_MAX 64

 * Structure to store private data for each PF/VF instance.
struct i40e_adapter {
	/* Common for both PF and VF */
	struct i40e_hw hw;

	/* Specific for PF */
	struct i40e_pf pf;

	/* For vector PMD */
	bool rx_bulk_alloc_allowed;
	bool rx_vec_allowed;
	bool tx_simple_allowed;
	bool tx_vec_allowed;

	/* For PTP */
	struct rte_timecounter systime_tc;
	struct rte_timecounter rx_tstamp_tc;
	struct rte_timecounter tx_tstamp_tc;

	/* ptype mapping table */
	uint32_t ptype_tbl[I40E_MAX_PKT_TYPE] __rte_cache_min_aligned;
	/* flow type to pctype mapping table */
	uint64_t pctypes_tbl[I40E_FLOW_TYPE_MAX] __rte_cache_min_aligned;
	uint64_t flow_types_mask;
	uint64_t pctypes_mask;

	/* For RSS reta table update */
	uint8_t rss_reta_updated;
#ifdef RTE_ARCH_X86
	bool rx_use_avx2;
	bool rx_use_avx512;
	bool tx_use_avx2;
	bool tx_use_avx512;

 * Structure to store private data for each VF representor instance
struct i40e_vf_representor {
	uint16_t switch_domain_id;
	/**< Virtual Function ID */
	uint16_t vf_id;
	/**< Virtual Function ID */
	struct i40e_adapter *adapter;
	/**< Private data store of associated physical function */
	struct i40e_eth_stats stats_offset;
	/**< Zero-point of VF statistics*/

extern const struct rte_flow_ops i40e_flow_ops;

union i40e_filter_t {
	struct rte_eth_ethertype_filter ethertype_filter;
	struct i40e_fdir_filter_conf fdir_filter;
	struct rte_eth_tunnel_filter_conf tunnel_filter;
	struct i40e_tunnel_filter_conf consistent_tunnel_filter;
	struct i40e_rte_flow_rss_conf rss_conf;

typedef int (*parse_filter_t)(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
			      const struct rte_flow_attr *attr,
			      const struct rte_flow_item pattern[],
			      const struct rte_flow_action actions[],
			      struct rte_flow_error *error,
			      union i40e_filter_t *filter);
struct i40e_valid_pattern {
	enum rte_flow_item_type *items;
	parse_filter_t parse_filter;

int i40e_dev_switch_queues(struct i40e_pf *pf, bool on);
int i40e_vsi_release(struct i40e_vsi *vsi);
struct i40e_vsi *i40e_vsi_setup(struct i40e_pf *pf,
				enum i40e_vsi_type type,
				struct i40e_vsi *uplink_vsi,
				uint16_t user_param);
int i40e_switch_rx_queue(struct i40e_hw *hw, uint16_t q_idx, bool on);
int i40e_switch_tx_queue(struct i40e_hw *hw, uint16_t q_idx, bool on);
int i40e_vsi_add_vlan(struct i40e_vsi *vsi, uint16_t vlan);
int i40e_vsi_delete_vlan(struct i40e_vsi *vsi, uint16_t vlan);
int i40e_vsi_add_mac(struct i40e_vsi *vsi, struct i40e_mac_filter_info *filter);
int i40e_vsi_delete_mac(struct i40e_vsi *vsi, struct rte_ether_addr *addr);
void i40e_update_vsi_stats(struct i40e_vsi *vsi);
void i40e_pf_disable_irq0(struct i40e_hw *hw);
void i40e_pf_enable_irq0(struct i40e_hw *hw);
int i40e_dev_link_update(struct rte_eth_dev *dev, int wait_to_complete);
int i40e_vsi_queues_bind_intr(struct i40e_vsi *vsi, uint16_t itr_idx);
void i40e_vsi_queues_unbind_intr(struct i40e_vsi *vsi);
void i40e_vsi_disable_queues_intr(struct i40e_vsi *vsi);
int i40e_vsi_vlan_pvid_set(struct i40e_vsi *vsi,
			   struct i40e_vsi_vlan_pvid_info *info);
int i40e_vsi_config_vlan_stripping(struct i40e_vsi *vsi, bool on);
int i40e_vsi_config_vlan_filter(struct i40e_vsi *vsi, bool on);
uint64_t i40e_config_hena(const struct i40e_adapter *adapter, uint64_t flags);
uint64_t i40e_parse_hena(const struct i40e_adapter *adapter, uint64_t flags);
enum i40e_status_code i40e_fdir_setup_tx_resources(struct i40e_pf *pf);
enum i40e_status_code i40e_fdir_setup_rx_resources(struct i40e_pf *pf);
int i40e_fdir_setup(struct i40e_pf *pf);
void i40e_vsi_enable_queues_intr(struct i40e_vsi *vsi);
const struct rte_memzone *i40e_memzone_reserve(const char *name,
					uint32_t len,
					int socket_id);
int i40e_fdir_configure(struct rte_eth_dev *dev);
void i40e_fdir_rx_proc_enable(struct rte_eth_dev *dev, bool on);
void i40e_fdir_teardown(struct i40e_pf *pf);
enum i40e_filter_pctype
	i40e_flowtype_to_pctype(const struct i40e_adapter *adapter,
				uint16_t flow_type);
uint16_t i40e_pctype_to_flowtype(const struct i40e_adapter *adapter,
				 enum i40e_filter_pctype pctype);
int i40e_dev_set_gre_key_len(struct i40e_hw *hw, uint8_t len);
void i40e_fdir_info_get(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
			struct rte_eth_fdir_info *fdir);
void i40e_fdir_stats_get(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
			 struct rte_eth_fdir_stats *stat);
int i40e_select_filter_input_set(struct i40e_hw *hw,
				 struct rte_eth_input_set_conf *conf,
				 enum rte_filter_type filter);
void i40e_fdir_filter_restore(struct i40e_pf *pf);
int i40e_set_hash_inset(struct i40e_hw *hw, uint64_t input_set,
			uint32_t pctype, bool add);
int i40e_pf_host_send_msg_to_vf(struct i40e_pf_vf *vf, uint32_t opcode,
				uint32_t retval, uint8_t *msg,
				uint16_t msglen);
void i40e_rxq_info_get(struct rte_eth_dev *dev, uint16_t queue_id,
	struct rte_eth_rxq_info *qinfo);
void i40e_txq_info_get(struct rte_eth_dev *dev, uint16_t queue_id,
	struct rte_eth_txq_info *qinfo);
int i40e_rx_burst_mode_get(struct rte_eth_dev *dev, uint16_t queue_id,
			   struct rte_eth_burst_mode *mode);
int i40e_tx_burst_mode_get(struct rte_eth_dev *dev, uint16_t queue_id,
			   struct rte_eth_burst_mode *mode);
struct i40e_ethertype_filter *
i40e_sw_ethertype_filter_lookup(struct i40e_ethertype_rule *ethertype_rule,
			const struct i40e_ethertype_filter_input *input);
int i40e_sw_ethertype_filter_del(struct i40e_pf *pf,
				 struct i40e_ethertype_filter_input *input);
int i40e_sw_fdir_filter_del(struct i40e_pf *pf,
			    struct i40e_fdir_input *input);
struct i40e_tunnel_filter *
i40e_sw_tunnel_filter_lookup(struct i40e_tunnel_rule *tunnel_rule,
			     const struct i40e_tunnel_filter_input *input);
int i40e_sw_tunnel_filter_del(struct i40e_pf *pf,
			      struct i40e_tunnel_filter_input *input);
uint64_t i40e_get_default_input_set(uint16_t pctype);
int i40e_ethertype_filter_set(struct i40e_pf *pf,
			      struct rte_eth_ethertype_filter *filter,
			      bool add);
struct rte_flow *
i40e_fdir_entry_pool_get(struct i40e_fdir_info *fdir_info);
void i40e_fdir_entry_pool_put(struct i40e_fdir_info *fdir_info,
		struct rte_flow *flow);
int i40e_flow_add_del_fdir_filter(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
			      const struct i40e_fdir_filter_conf *filter,
			      bool add);
int i40e_dev_tunnel_filter_set(struct i40e_pf *pf,
			       struct rte_eth_tunnel_filter_conf *tunnel_filter,
			       uint8_t add);
int i40e_dev_consistent_tunnel_filter_set(struct i40e_pf *pf,
				  struct i40e_tunnel_filter_conf *tunnel_filter,
				  uint8_t add);
int i40e_fdir_flush(struct rte_eth_dev *dev);
int i40e_find_all_vlan_for_mac(struct i40e_vsi *vsi,
			       struct i40e_macvlan_filter *mv_f,
			       int num, struct rte_ether_addr *addr);
int i40e_remove_macvlan_filters(struct i40e_vsi *vsi,
				struct i40e_macvlan_filter *filter,
				int total);
void i40e_set_vlan_filter(struct i40e_vsi *vsi, uint16_t vlan_id, bool on);
int i40e_add_macvlan_filters(struct i40e_vsi *vsi,
			     struct i40e_macvlan_filter *filter,
			     int total);
bool is_device_supported(struct rte_eth_dev *dev, struct rte_pci_driver *drv);
bool is_i40e_supported(struct rte_eth_dev *dev);
void i40e_set_symmetric_hash_enable_per_port(struct i40e_hw *hw,
					     uint8_t enable);
int i40e_validate_input_set(enum i40e_filter_pctype pctype,
			    enum rte_filter_type filter, uint64_t inset);
int i40e_generate_inset_mask_reg(struct i40e_hw *hw, uint64_t inset,
				 uint32_t *mask, uint8_t nb_elem);
uint64_t i40e_translate_input_set_reg(enum i40e_mac_type type, uint64_t input);
void i40e_check_write_reg(struct i40e_hw *hw, uint32_t addr, uint32_t val);
void i40e_check_write_global_reg(struct i40e_hw *hw,
				 uint32_t addr, uint32_t val);

int i40e_tm_ops_get(struct rte_eth_dev *dev, void *ops);
void i40e_tm_conf_init(struct rte_eth_dev *dev);
void i40e_tm_conf_uninit(struct rte_eth_dev *dev);
struct i40e_customized_pctype*
i40e_find_customized_pctype(struct i40e_pf *pf, uint8_t index);
void i40e_update_customized_info(struct rte_eth_dev *dev, uint8_t *pkg,
				 uint32_t pkg_size,
				 enum rte_pmd_i40e_package_op op);
int i40e_dcb_init_configure(struct rte_eth_dev *dev, bool sw_dcb);
int i40e_flush_queue_region_all_conf(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
		struct i40e_hw *hw, struct i40e_pf *pf, uint16_t on);
void i40e_init_queue_region_conf(struct rte_eth_dev *dev);
void i40e_flex_payload_reg_set_default(struct i40e_hw *hw);
void i40e_pf_disable_rss(struct i40e_pf *pf);
int i40e_pf_calc_configured_queues_num(struct i40e_pf *pf);
int i40e_pf_reset_rss_reta(struct i40e_pf *pf);
int i40e_pf_reset_rss_key(struct i40e_pf *pf);
int i40e_pf_config_rss(struct i40e_pf *pf);
int i40e_set_rss_key(struct i40e_vsi *vsi, uint8_t *key, uint8_t key_len);
int i40e_set_rss_lut(struct i40e_vsi *vsi, uint8_t *lut, uint16_t lut_size);
int i40e_vf_representor_init(struct rte_eth_dev *ethdev, void *init_params);
int i40e_vf_representor_uninit(struct rte_eth_dev *ethdev);

#define I40E_DEV_TO_PCI(eth_dev) \

#define I40E_DEV_PRIVATE_TO_PF(adapter) \
	(&((struct i40e_adapter *)adapter)->pf)
#define I40E_DEV_PRIVATE_TO_HW(adapter) \
	(&((struct i40e_adapter *)adapter)->hw)
#define I40E_DEV_PRIVATE_TO_ADAPTER(adapter) \
	((struct i40e_adapter *)adapter)

static inline struct i40e_vsi *
i40e_get_vsi_from_adapter(struct i40e_adapter *adapter)
        if (!adapter)
                return NULL;

	struct i40e_pf *pf = I40E_DEV_PRIVATE_TO_PF(adapter);

	return pf->main_vsi;
#define I40E_DEV_PRIVATE_TO_MAIN_VSI(adapter) \
	i40e_get_vsi_from_adapter((struct i40e_adapter *)adapter)

/* I40E_VSI_TO */
#define I40E_VSI_TO_HW(vsi) \
	(&(((struct i40e_vsi *)vsi)->adapter->hw))
#define I40E_VSI_TO_PF(vsi) \
	(&(((struct i40e_vsi *)vsi)->adapter->pf))
#define I40E_VSI_TO_VF(vsi) \
	(&(((struct i40e_vsi *)vsi)->adapter->vf))
#define I40E_VSI_TO_DEV_DATA(vsi) \
	(((struct i40e_vsi *)vsi)->adapter->pf.dev_data)
#define I40E_VSI_TO_ETH_DEV(vsi) \
	(&rte_eth_devices[((struct i40e_vsi *)vsi)->adapter->pf.dev_data->port_id])

/* I40E_PF_TO */
#define I40E_PF_TO_HW(pf) \
	(&(((struct i40e_pf *)pf)->adapter->hw))
#define I40E_PF_TO_ADAPTER(pf) \
	((struct i40e_adapter *)pf->adapter)

static inline void
i40e_init_adminq_parameter(struct i40e_hw *hw)
	hw->aq.num_arq_entries = I40E_AQ_LEN;
	hw->aq.num_asq_entries = I40E_AQ_LEN;
	hw->aq.arq_buf_size = I40E_AQ_BUF_SZ;
	hw->aq.asq_buf_size = I40E_AQ_BUF_SZ;

static inline int
i40e_align_floor(int n)
	if (n == 0)
		return 0;
	return 1 << (sizeof(n) * CHAR_BIT - 1 - __builtin_clz(n));

static inline uint16_t
i40e_calc_itr_interval(bool is_pf, bool is_multi_drv)
	uint16_t interval = 0;

	if (is_multi_drv) {
	} else {
		if (is_pf)

	/* Convert to hardware count, as writing each 1 represents 2 us */
	return interval / 2;

#define I40E_VALID_FLOW(flow_type) \
	((flow_type) == RTE_ETH_FLOW_FRAG_IPV4 || \
	(flow_type) == RTE_ETH_FLOW_NONFRAG_IPV4_TCP || \
	(flow_type) == RTE_ETH_FLOW_NONFRAG_IPV4_UDP || \
	(flow_type) == RTE_ETH_FLOW_NONFRAG_IPV4_SCTP || \
	(flow_type) == RTE_ETH_FLOW_NONFRAG_IPV4_OTHER || \
	(flow_type) == RTE_ETH_FLOW_FRAG_IPV6 || \
	(flow_type) == RTE_ETH_FLOW_NONFRAG_IPV6_TCP || \
	(flow_type) == RTE_ETH_FLOW_NONFRAG_IPV6_UDP || \
	(flow_type) == RTE_ETH_FLOW_NONFRAG_IPV6_SCTP || \
	(flow_type) == RTE_ETH_FLOW_NONFRAG_IPV6_OTHER || \
	(flow_type) == RTE_ETH_FLOW_L2_PAYLOAD)

#define I40E_VALID_PCTYPE_X722(pctype) \
	((pctype) == I40E_FILTER_PCTYPE_FRAG_IPV4 || \
	(pctype) == I40E_FILTER_PCTYPE_NONF_IPV4_TCP || \
	(pctype) == I40E_FILTER_PCTYPE_NONF_IPV4_UDP || \
	(pctype) == I40E_FILTER_PCTYPE_NONF_IPV4_SCTP || \
	(pctype) == I40E_FILTER_PCTYPE_NONF_IPV4_OTHER || \
	(pctype) == I40E_FILTER_PCTYPE_FRAG_IPV6 || \
	(pctype) == I40E_FILTER_PCTYPE_NONF_IPV6_UDP || \
	(pctype) == I40E_FILTER_PCTYPE_NONF_IPV6_TCP || \
	(pctype) == I40E_FILTER_PCTYPE_NONF_IPV6_SCTP || \
	(pctype) == I40E_FILTER_PCTYPE_NONF_IPV6_OTHER || \

#define I40E_VALID_PCTYPE(pctype) \
	((pctype) == I40E_FILTER_PCTYPE_FRAG_IPV4 || \
	(pctype) == I40E_FILTER_PCTYPE_NONF_IPV4_TCP || \
	(pctype) == I40E_FILTER_PCTYPE_NONF_IPV4_UDP || \
	(pctype) == I40E_FILTER_PCTYPE_NONF_IPV4_SCTP || \
	(pctype) == I40E_FILTER_PCTYPE_NONF_IPV4_OTHER || \
	(pctype) == I40E_FILTER_PCTYPE_FRAG_IPV6 || \
	(pctype) == I40E_FILTER_PCTYPE_NONF_IPV6_UDP || \
	(pctype) == I40E_FILTER_PCTYPE_NONF_IPV6_TCP || \
	(pctype) == I40E_FILTER_PCTYPE_NONF_IPV6_SCTP || \
	(pctype) == I40E_FILTER_PCTYPE_NONF_IPV6_OTHER || \

#define I40E_PHY_TYPE_SUPPORT_40G(phy_type) \
	(((phy_type) & I40E_CAP_PHY_TYPE_40GBASE_KR4) || \
	((phy_type) & I40E_CAP_PHY_TYPE_40GBASE_CR4_CU) || \
	((phy_type) & I40E_CAP_PHY_TYPE_40GBASE_AOC) || \
	((phy_type) & I40E_CAP_PHY_TYPE_40GBASE_CR4) || \
	((phy_type) & I40E_CAP_PHY_TYPE_40GBASE_SR4) || \
	((phy_type) & I40E_CAP_PHY_TYPE_40GBASE_LR4))

#define I40E_PHY_TYPE_SUPPORT_25G(phy_type) \
	(((phy_type) & I40E_CAP_PHY_TYPE_25GBASE_KR) || \
	((phy_type) & I40E_CAP_PHY_TYPE_25GBASE_CR) || \
	((phy_type) & I40E_CAP_PHY_TYPE_25GBASE_SR) || \
	((phy_type) & I40E_CAP_PHY_TYPE_25GBASE_LR) || \
	((phy_type) & I40E_CAP_PHY_TYPE_25GBASE_AOC) || \
	((phy_type) & I40E_CAP_PHY_TYPE_25GBASE_ACC))

#endif /* _I40E_ETHDEV_H_ */