/** * Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making MSEC available. * * Copyright (C) 2016 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the GNU General Public License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may * obtain a copy of the License at * * https://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the * License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, * either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. */ /** * @file mt_concurrent.c * @info 多路并处理模型扩展 * @time 20130924 **/ #include "micro_thread.h" #include "mt_msg.h" #include "mt_notify.h" #include "mt_connection.h" #include "mt_concurrent.h" using namespace std; using namespace NS_MICRO_THREAD; /** * @brief 多路IO的处理优化, 异步调度等待处理 * @param req_list - 连接列表 * @param how - EPOLLIN EPOLLOUT * @param timeout - 超时时长 毫秒单位 * @return 0 成功, <0失败 -3 处理超时 */ int NS_MICRO_THREAD::mt_multi_netfd_poll(IMtActList& req_list, int how, int timeout) { KqObjList fdlist; TAILQ_INIT(&fdlist); KqueuerObj* obj = NULL; IMtAction* action = NULL; for (IMtActList::iterator it = req_list.begin(); it != req_list.end(); ++it) { action = *it; if (action) { obj = action->GetNtfyObj(); } if (!action || !obj) { action->SetErrno(ERR_FRAME_ERROR); MTLOG_ERROR("input action %p, or ntify null, error", action); return -1; } obj->SetRcvEvents(0); if (how & KQ_EVENT_READ) { obj->EnableInput(); } else { obj->DisableInput(); } if (how & KQ_EVENT_WRITE) { obj->EnableOutput(); } else { obj->DisableOutput(); } TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&fdlist, obj, _entry); } MtFrame* mtframe = MtFrame::Instance(); if (!mtframe || !mtframe->KqueueSchedule(&fdlist, NULL, (int)timeout)) { if (errno != ETIME) { action->SetErrno(ERR_KQUEUE_FAIL); MTLOG_ERROR("Mtframe %p, epoll schedule failed, errno %d", mtframe, errno); return -2; } return -3; } return 0; } /** * @brief 为每个ITEM建立上下文的socket * @param req_list - 连接列表 * @return 0 成功, <0失败 */ int NS_MICRO_THREAD::mt_multi_newsock(IMtActList& req_list) { int sock = -1, has_ok = 0; IMtAction* action = NULL; IMtConnection* net_handler = NULL; for (IMtActList::iterator it = req_list.begin(); it != req_list.end(); ++it) { action = *it; if (NULL == action) { action->SetErrno(ERR_PARAM_ERROR); MTLOG_ERROR("Invalid param, conn %p null!!", action); return -1; } if (action->GetErrno() != ERR_NONE) { continue; } net_handler = action->GetIConnection(); if (NULL == net_handler) { action->SetErrno(ERR_FRAME_ERROR); MTLOG_ERROR("Invalid param, conn %p null!!", net_handler); return -2; } sock = net_handler->CreateSocket(); if (sock < 0) { action->SetErrno(ERR_SOCKET_FAIL); MTLOG_ERROR("Get sock data failed, ret %d, errno %d!!", sock, errno); return -3; } has_ok = 1; if (action->GetProtoType() == MT_UDP) { action->SetMsgFlag(MULTI_FLAG_OPEN); } else { action->SetMsgFlag(MULTI_FLAG_INIT); } } if (has_ok) { return 0; } else { return -4; } } /** * @brief 多路IO的处理, 打开连接 * @param req_list - 连接列表 * @param timeout - 超时时长 毫秒单位 * @return 0 成功, <0失败 */ int NS_MICRO_THREAD::mt_multi_open(IMtActList& req_list, int timeout) { utime64_t start_ms = MtFrame::Instance()->GetLastClock(); utime64_t end_ms = start_ms + timeout; utime64_t curr_ms = 0; int ret = 0, has_open = 0; IMtAction* action = NULL; IMtConnection* net_handler = NULL; IMtActList::iterator it; while (1) { IMtActList wait_list; for (it = req_list.begin(); it != req_list.end(); ++it) { action = *it; if (action->GetErrno() != ERR_NONE) { continue; } if (action->GetMsgFlag() == MULTI_FLAG_OPEN) { has_open = 1; continue; } net_handler = action->GetIConnection(); if (NULL == net_handler) { action->SetErrno(ERR_FRAME_ERROR); MTLOG_ERROR("Invalid param, conn %p null!!", net_handler); return -1; } ret = net_handler->OpenCnnect(); if (ret < 0) { wait_list.push_back(action); } else { action->SetMsgFlag(MULTI_FLAG_OPEN); } } curr_ms = MtFrame::Instance()->GetLastClock(); if (curr_ms > end_ms) { MTLOG_DEBUG("Open connect timeout, errno %d", errno); for (IMtActList::iterator it = wait_list.begin(); it != wait_list.end(); ++it) { (*it)->SetErrno(ERR_CONNECT_FAIL); } if (!has_open) { return 0; } else { return -2; } } if (!wait_list.empty()) { mt_multi_netfd_poll(wait_list, KQ_EVENT_WRITE, end_ms - curr_ms); } else { return 0; } } } /** * @brief 多路IO的处理, 发送数据 * @param req_list - 连接列表 * @param timeout - 超时时长 毫秒单位 * @return 0 成功, <0失败 */ int NS_MICRO_THREAD::mt_multi_sendto(IMtActList& req_list, int timeout) { utime64_t start_ms = MtFrame::Instance()->GetLastClock(); utime64_t end_ms = start_ms + timeout; utime64_t curr_ms = 0; int ret = 0, has_send = 0; IMtAction* action = NULL; IMtConnection* net_handler = NULL; while (1) { IMtActList wait_list; for (IMtActList::iterator it = req_list.begin(); it != req_list.end(); ++it) { action = *it; if (action->GetErrno() != ERR_NONE) { continue; } if (action->GetMsgFlag() == MULTI_FLAG_SEND) { has_send = 1; continue; } net_handler = action->GetIConnection(); if (NULL == net_handler) { action->SetErrno(ERR_FRAME_ERROR); MTLOG_ERROR("Invalid param, conn %p null!!", net_handler); return -2; } // 0 -还要继续发送; -1 停止发送; > 0 发送OK ret = net_handler->SendData(); if (ret == -1) { action->SetErrno(ERR_SEND_FAIL); MTLOG_ERROR("MultiItem msg send error, %d", errno); continue; } else if (ret == 0) { wait_list.push_back(action); continue; } else { action->SetMsgFlag(MULTI_FLAG_SEND); } } curr_ms = MtFrame::Instance()->GetLastClock(); if (curr_ms > end_ms) { MTLOG_DEBUG("send data timeout"); for (IMtActList::iterator it = wait_list.begin(); it != wait_list.end(); ++it) { (*it)->SetErrno(ERR_SEND_FAIL); } if (has_send) { return 0; } else { return -5; } } if (!wait_list.empty()) { mt_multi_netfd_poll(wait_list, KQ_EVENT_WRITE, end_ms - curr_ms); } else { return 0; } } return 0; } /** * @brief 多路IO并发接收处理 */ int NS_MICRO_THREAD::mt_multi_recvfrom(IMtActList& req_list, int timeout) { utime64_t start_ms = MtFrame::Instance()->GetLastClock(); utime64_t end_ms = start_ms + timeout; utime64_t curr_ms = 0; int ret = 0; IMtAction* action = NULL; IMtConnection* net_handler = NULL; while (1) { IMtActList wait_list; for (IMtActList::iterator it = req_list.begin(); it != req_list.end(); ++it) { action = *it; if (action->GetErrno() != ERR_NONE) { continue; } if (MULTI_FLAG_FIN == action->GetMsgFlag()) ///< 已处理完毕 { continue; } net_handler = action->GetIConnection(); if (NULL == net_handler) { action->SetErrno(ERR_FRAME_ERROR); MTLOG_ERROR("Invalid param, conn %p null!!", net_handler); return -2; } // <0 失败, 0 继续收, >0 成功 ret = net_handler->RecvData(); if (ret < 0) { action->SetErrno(ERR_RECV_FAIL); MTLOG_ERROR("MultiItem msg recv failed: %p", net_handler); continue; } else if (ret == 0) { wait_list.push_back(action); continue; } else { action->SetMsgFlag(MULTI_FLAG_FIN); action->SetCost(MtFrame::Instance()->GetLastClock() - start_ms); } } curr_ms = MtFrame::Instance()->GetLastClock(); if (curr_ms > end_ms) { MTLOG_DEBUG("Recv data timeout, curr %llu, start: %llu", curr_ms, start_ms); for (IMtActList::iterator it = wait_list.begin(); it != wait_list.end(); ++it) { (*it)->SetErrno(ERR_RECV_TIMEOUT); } return -5; } if (!wait_list.empty()) { mt_multi_netfd_poll(wait_list, KQ_EVENT_READ, end_ms - curr_ms); } else { return 0; } } } /** * @brief 多路IO并发接收处理 */ int NS_MICRO_THREAD::mt_multi_sendrcv_ex(IMtActList& req_list, int timeout) { utime64_t start_ms = MtFrame::Instance()->GetLastClock(); utime64_t curr_ms = 0; int rc = mt_multi_newsock(req_list); // TODO, 可提取connect超时时间等 if (rc < 0) { MT_ATTR_API(320842, 1); // socket失败 MTLOG_ERROR("mt_multi_sendrcv new sock failed, ret: %d", rc); return -1; } rc = mt_multi_open(req_list, timeout); if (rc < 0) { MT_ATTR_API(320843, 1); // connect失败 MTLOG_ERROR("mt_multi_sendrcv open failed, ret: %d", rc); return -2; } curr_ms = MtFrame::Instance()->GetLastClock(); rc = mt_multi_sendto(req_list, timeout - (curr_ms - start_ms)); if (rc < 0) { MT_ATTR_API(320844, 1); // 发送失败 MTLOG_ERROR("mt_multi_sendrcv send failed, ret: %d", rc); return -3; } curr_ms = MtFrame::Instance()->GetLastClock(); rc = mt_multi_recvfrom(req_list, timeout - (curr_ms - start_ms)); if (rc < 0) { MT_ATTR_API(320845, 1); // 接收未完全成功 MTLOG_ERROR("mt_multi_sendrcv recv failed, ret: %d", rc); return -4; } return 0; } /** * @brief 多路IO并发接收处理接口, 封装ACTON接口模型, 内部关联msg * @param req_list -action list 实现封装函数接口 * @param timeout -超时时间, 单位ms * @return 0 成功, -1 初始化环境失败, 其它成功或部分成功 */ int NS_MICRO_THREAD::mt_msg_sendrcv(IMtActList& req_list, int timeout) { int iRet = 0; // 第一步, 初始化action环境, 封装请求报文 for (IMtActList::iterator it = req_list.begin(); it != req_list.end(); ++it) { IMtAction* pAction = *it; if (!pAction || pAction->InitConnEnv() < 0) { MTLOG_ERROR("invalid action(%p) or int failed, error", pAction); return -1; } iRet = pAction->DoEncode(); if (iRet < 0) { pAction->SetErrno(ERR_ENCODE_ERROR); MTLOG_ERROR("pack action pkg failed, act %p, ret %d", pAction, iRet); continue; } } // 第二步, 同步收发消息, 失败也需要通知处理 mt_multi_sendrcv_ex(req_list, timeout); // 第三步, 同步通知解包处理 for (IMtActList::iterator it = req_list.begin(); it != req_list.end(); ++it) { IMtAction* pAction = *it; if (pAction->GetMsgFlag() != MULTI_FLAG_FIN) { pAction->DoError(); MTLOG_DEBUG("send recv failed: %d", pAction->GetErrno()); continue; } iRet = pAction->DoProcess(); if (iRet < 0) { MTLOG_DEBUG("action process failed: %d", iRet); continue; } } // 第四步, 清理框架内部资源, 兼容各类用法 for (IMtActList::iterator it = req_list.begin(); it != req_list.end(); ++it) { IMtAction* pAction = *it; pAction->Reset(); } return 0; }