/** * Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making MSEC available. * * Copyright (C) 2016 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the GNU General Public License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may * obtain a copy of the License at * * https://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the * License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, * either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. */ /** * @file mt_action.cpp * @info 微线程ACTION基类实现 * @time 20130924 **/ #include "micro_thread.h" #include "mt_notify.h" #include "mt_connection.h" #include "mt_session.h" #include "mt_action.h" using namespace std; using namespace NS_MICRO_THREAD; /** * @brief 初始item状态 */ void IMtAction::Init() { _flag = MULTI_FLAG_UNDEF; _proto = MT_UDP; _conn_type = CONN_TYPE_SHORT; _errno = ERR_NONE; _time_cost = 0; _buff_size = 0; _msg = NULL; _conn = NULL; _ntfy_name = 0; memset(&_addr, 0, sizeof(_addr)); } /** * @brief 允许复用, 清理item状态 */ void IMtAction::Reset() { // 长连接, 处理成功才复用, 否则强制关闭 bool force_free = false; if (_errno != ERR_NONE) { force_free = true; } if (_conn) { ConnectionMgr::Instance()->FreeConnection(_conn, force_free); _conn = NULL; } } /** * @brief 获取连接对象, 通知对象, 消息对象 */ KqueuerObj* IMtAction::GetNtfyObj() { IMtConnection* conn = GetIConnection(); if (conn) { return conn->GetNtfyObj(); } else { return NULL; } }; /** * @brief 后端连接环境初始化 */ int IMtAction::InitConnEnv() { MtFrame* mtframe = MtFrame::Instance(); ConnectionMgr* connmgr = ConnectionMgr::Instance(); MsgBuffPool* msgmgr = MsgBuffPool::Instance(); NtfyObjMgr* ntfymgr = NtfyObjMgr::Instance(); SessionMgr* sessionmgr = SessionMgr::Instance(); if (_conn != NULL) { MTLOG_ERROR("Action init failed, maybe action reused in actionlist, check it!!"); return -100; } // 1. 分类获取conn句柄 CONN_OBJ_TYPE conn_obj_type = OBJ_CONN_UNDEF; NTFY_OBJ_TYPE ntfy_obj_type = NTFY_OBJ_UNDEF; MULTI_PROTO proto = this->GetProtoType(); MULTI_CONNECT type = this->GetConnType(); if ((MT_UDP == proto) && (CONN_TYPE_SESSION == type)) // UDP session模式 { conn_obj_type = OBJ_UDP_SESSION; ntfy_obj_type = NTFY_OBJ_SESSION; } else if (MT_UDP == proto) // UDP 其它模式 { conn_obj_type = OBJ_SHORT_CONN; ntfy_obj_type = NTFY_OBJ_THREAD; } else // TCP 模式 { conn_obj_type = OBJ_TCP_KEEP; ntfy_obj_type = NTFY_OBJ_THREAD; } _conn = connmgr->GetConnection(conn_obj_type, this->GetMsgDstAddr()); if (!_conn) { MTLOG_ERROR("Get conn failed, type: %d", conn_obj_type); return -1; } _conn->SetIMtActon(this); // 2. 获取msg buff句柄 int max_len = this->GetMsgBuffSize(); MtMsgBuf* msg_buff = msgmgr->GetMsgBuf(max_len); if (!msg_buff) { MTLOG_ERROR("Maybe no memory, buffsize: %d, get failed", max_len); return -2; } msg_buff->SetBuffType(BUFF_SEND); _conn->SetMtMsgBuff(msg_buff); // 3. 获取 ntfy 对象句柄 KqueuerObj* ntfy_obj = ntfymgr->GetNtfyObj(ntfy_obj_type, _ntfy_name); if (!ntfy_obj) { MTLOG_ERROR("Maybe no memory, ntfy type: %d, get failed", ntfy_obj_type); return -3; } _conn->SetNtfyObj(ntfy_obj); // 4. SESSION模型, 建立session MicroThread* thread = mtframe->GetActiveThread(); ntfy_obj->SetOwnerThread(thread); this->SetIMsgPtr((IMtMsg*)thread->GetThreadArgs()); if (conn_obj_type == OBJ_UDP_SESSION) { this->SetOwnerThread(thread); this->SetSessionConn(_conn); this->SetSessionId(sessionmgr->GetSessionId()); sessionmgr->InsertSession(this); } return 0; } /** * @brief 代理虚函数, 简化接口与实现部分 */ int IMtAction::DoEncode() { MtMsgBuf* msg_buff = NULL; if (_conn) { msg_buff = _conn->GetMtMsgBuff(); } if (!_conn || !msg_buff) { MTLOG_ERROR("conn(%p) or msgbuff(%p) null", _conn, msg_buff); return -100; } int msg_len = msg_buff->GetMaxLen(); int ret = this->HandleEncode(msg_buff->GetMsgBuff(), msg_len, _msg); if (ret < 0) { MTLOG_DEBUG("handleecode failed, ret %d", ret); return ret; } msg_buff->SetMsgLen(msg_len); return 0; } /** * @brief 代理虚函数, 简化接口与实现部分 */ int IMtAction::DoInput() { MtMsgBuf* msg_buff = NULL; if (_conn) { msg_buff = _conn->GetMtMsgBuff(); } if (!_conn || !msg_buff) { MTLOG_ERROR("conn(%p) or msgbuff(%p) null", _conn, msg_buff); return -100; } int msg_len = msg_buff->GetHaveRcvLen(); int ret = this->HandleInput(msg_buff->GetMsgBuff(), msg_len, _msg); if (ret < 0) { MTLOG_DEBUG("HandleInput failed, ret %d", ret); return ret; } return ret; } int IMtAction::DoProcess() { MtMsgBuf* msg_buff = NULL; if (_conn) { msg_buff = _conn->GetMtMsgBuff(); } if (!_conn || !msg_buff) { MTLOG_ERROR("conn(%p) or msgbuff(%p) null", _conn, msg_buff); return -100; } int ret = this->HandleProcess(msg_buff->GetMsgBuff(), msg_buff->GetMsgLen(), _msg); if (ret < 0) { MTLOG_DEBUG("handleprocess failed, ret %d", ret); return ret; } return 0; } int IMtAction::DoError() { return this->HandleError((int)_errno, _msg); } /** * @brief 构造与析构处理 */ IMtAction::IMtAction() { Init(); } IMtAction::~IMtAction() { Reset(); Init(); }