#include <rte_common.h> #include <rte_ring.h> #include <rte_malloc.h> #include <cmdline_rdline.h> #include <cmdline_parse.h> #include <cmdline_parse_num.h> #include <cmdline_parse_string.h> #include "thread.h" #include "thread_fe.h" #include "pipeline.h" #include "pipeline_common_fe.h" #include "app.h" static inline void * thread_msg_send_recv(struct app_params *app, uint32_t socket_id, uint32_t core_id, uint32_t ht_id, void *msg, uint32_t timeout_ms) { struct rte_ring *r_req = app_thread_msgq_in_get(app, socket_id, core_id, ht_id); struct rte_ring *r_rsp = app_thread_msgq_out_get(app, socket_id, core_id, ht_id); uint64_t hz = rte_get_tsc_hz(); void *msg_recv; uint64_t deadline; int status; /* send */ do { status = rte_ring_sp_enqueue(r_req, (void *) msg); } while (status == -ENOBUFS); /* recv */ deadline = (timeout_ms) ? (rte_rdtsc() + ((hz * timeout_ms) / 1000)) : UINT64_MAX; do { if (rte_rdtsc() > deadline) return NULL; status = rte_ring_sc_dequeue(r_rsp, &msg_recv); } while (status != 0); return msg_recv; } int app_pipeline_enable(struct app_params *app, uint32_t socket_id, uint32_t core_id, uint32_t hyper_th_id, uint32_t pipeline_id) { struct thread_pipeline_enable_msg_req *req; struct thread_pipeline_enable_msg_rsp *rsp; int thread_id; struct app_pipeline_data *p; struct app_pipeline_params *p_params; struct pipeline_type *p_type; int status; if (app == NULL) return -1; thread_id = cpu_core_map_get_lcore_id(app->core_map, socket_id, core_id, hyper_th_id); if ((thread_id < 0) || !app_core_is_enabled(app, thread_id)) return -1; if (app_pipeline_data(app, pipeline_id) == NULL) return -1; p = &app->pipeline_data[pipeline_id]; p_params = &app->pipeline_params[pipeline_id]; p_type = app_pipeline_type_find(app, p_params->type); if (p_type == NULL) return -1; if (p->enabled == 1) return -1; req = app_msg_alloc(app); if (req == NULL) return -1; req->type = THREAD_MSG_REQ_PIPELINE_ENABLE; req->pipeline_id = pipeline_id; req->be = p->be; req->f_run = p_type->be_ops->f_run; req->f_timer = p_type->be_ops->f_timer; req->timer_period = p->timer_period; rsp = thread_msg_send_recv(app, socket_id, core_id, hyper_th_id, req, MSG_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT); if (rsp == NULL) return -1; status = rsp->status; app_msg_free(app, rsp); if (status != 0) return -1; p->enabled = 1; return 0; } int app_pipeline_disable(struct app_params *app, uint32_t socket_id, uint32_t core_id, uint32_t hyper_th_id, uint32_t pipeline_id) { struct thread_pipeline_disable_msg_req *req; struct thread_pipeline_disable_msg_rsp *rsp; int thread_id; struct app_pipeline_data *p; int status; if (app == NULL) return -1; thread_id = cpu_core_map_get_lcore_id(app->core_map, socket_id, core_id, hyper_th_id); if ((thread_id < 0) || !app_core_is_enabled(app, thread_id)) return -1; if (app_pipeline_data(app, pipeline_id) == NULL) return -1; p = &app->pipeline_data[pipeline_id]; if (p->enabled == 0) return -1; req = app_msg_alloc(app); if (req == NULL) return -1; req->type = THREAD_MSG_REQ_PIPELINE_DISABLE; req->pipeline_id = pipeline_id; rsp = thread_msg_send_recv(app, socket_id, core_id, hyper_th_id, req, MSG_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT); if (rsp == NULL) return -1; status = rsp->status; app_msg_free(app, rsp); if (status != 0) return -1; p->enabled = 0; return 0; } int app_thread_headroom(struct app_params *app, uint32_t socket_id, uint32_t core_id, uint32_t hyper_th_id) { struct thread_headroom_read_msg_req *req; struct thread_headroom_read_msg_rsp *rsp; int thread_id; int status; if (app == NULL) return -1; thread_id = cpu_core_map_get_lcore_id(app->core_map, socket_id, core_id, hyper_th_id); if ((thread_id < 0) || !app_core_is_enabled(app, thread_id)) return -1; req = app_msg_alloc(app); if (req == NULL) return -1; req->type = THREAD_MSG_REQ_HEADROOM_READ; rsp = thread_msg_send_recv(app, socket_id, core_id, hyper_th_id, req, MSG_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT); if (rsp == NULL) return -1; status = rsp->status; if (status != 0) return -1; printf("%.3f%%\n", rsp->headroom_ratio * 100); app_msg_free(app, rsp); return 0; } /* * pipeline enable */ struct cmd_pipeline_enable_result { cmdline_fixed_string_t t_string; cmdline_fixed_string_t t_id_string; cmdline_fixed_string_t pipeline_string; uint32_t pipeline_id; cmdline_fixed_string_t enable_string; }; static void cmd_pipeline_enable_parsed( void *parsed_result, __rte_unused struct cmdline *cl, void *data) { struct cmd_pipeline_enable_result *params = parsed_result; struct app_params *app = data; int status; uint32_t core_id, socket_id, hyper_th_id; if (parse_pipeline_core(&socket_id, &core_id, &hyper_th_id, params->t_id_string) != 0) { printf("Command failed\n"); return; } status = app_pipeline_enable(app, socket_id, core_id, hyper_th_id, params->pipeline_id); if (status != 0) printf("Command failed\n"); } static cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_pipeline_enable_t_string = TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_pipeline_enable_result, t_string, "t"); static cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_pipeline_enable_t_id_string = TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_pipeline_enable_result, t_id_string, NULL); static cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_pipeline_enable_pipeline_string = TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_pipeline_enable_result, pipeline_string, "pipeline"); static cmdline_parse_token_num_t cmd_pipeline_enable_pipeline_id = TOKEN_NUM_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_pipeline_enable_result, pipeline_id, UINT32); static cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_pipeline_enable_enable_string = TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_pipeline_enable_result, enable_string, "enable"); static cmdline_parse_inst_t cmd_pipeline_enable = { .f = cmd_pipeline_enable_parsed, .data = NULL, .help_str = "Enable pipeline on specified core", .tokens = { (void *)&cmd_pipeline_enable_t_string, (void *)&cmd_pipeline_enable_t_id_string, (void *)&cmd_pipeline_enable_pipeline_string, (void *)&cmd_pipeline_enable_pipeline_id, (void *)&cmd_pipeline_enable_enable_string, NULL, }, }; /* * pipeline disable */ struct cmd_pipeline_disable_result { cmdline_fixed_string_t t_string; cmdline_fixed_string_t t_id_string; cmdline_fixed_string_t pipeline_string; uint32_t pipeline_id; cmdline_fixed_string_t disable_string; }; static void cmd_pipeline_disable_parsed( void *parsed_result, __rte_unused struct cmdline *cl, void *data) { struct cmd_pipeline_disable_result *params = parsed_result; struct app_params *app = data; int status; uint32_t core_id, socket_id, hyper_th_id; if (parse_pipeline_core(&socket_id, &core_id, &hyper_th_id, params->t_id_string) != 0) { printf("Command failed\n"); return; } status = app_pipeline_disable(app, socket_id, core_id, hyper_th_id, params->pipeline_id); if (status != 0) printf("Command failed\n"); } static cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_pipeline_disable_t_string = TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_pipeline_disable_result, t_string, "t"); static cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_pipeline_disable_t_id_string = TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_pipeline_disable_result, t_id_string, NULL); static cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_pipeline_disable_pipeline_string = TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_pipeline_disable_result, pipeline_string, "pipeline"); static cmdline_parse_token_num_t cmd_pipeline_disable_pipeline_id = TOKEN_NUM_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_pipeline_disable_result, pipeline_id, UINT32); static cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_pipeline_disable_disable_string = TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_pipeline_disable_result, disable_string, "disable"); static cmdline_parse_inst_t cmd_pipeline_disable = { .f = cmd_pipeline_disable_parsed, .data = NULL, .help_str = "Disable pipeline on specified core", .tokens = { (void *)&cmd_pipeline_disable_t_string, (void *)&cmd_pipeline_disable_t_id_string, (void *)&cmd_pipeline_disable_pipeline_string, (void *)&cmd_pipeline_disable_pipeline_id, (void *)&cmd_pipeline_disable_disable_string, NULL, }, }; /* * thread headroom */ struct cmd_thread_headroom_result { cmdline_fixed_string_t t_string; cmdline_fixed_string_t t_id_string; cmdline_fixed_string_t headroom_string; }; static void cmd_thread_headroom_parsed( void *parsed_result, __rte_unused struct cmdline *cl, void *data) { struct cmd_thread_headroom_result *params = parsed_result; struct app_params *app = data; int status; uint32_t core_id, socket_id, hyper_th_id; if (parse_pipeline_core(&socket_id, &core_id, &hyper_th_id, params->t_id_string) != 0) { printf("Command failed\n"); return; } status = app_thread_headroom(app, socket_id, core_id, hyper_th_id); if (status != 0) printf("Command failed\n"); } static cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_thread_headroom_t_string = TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_thread_headroom_result, t_string, "t"); static cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_thread_headroom_t_id_string = TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_thread_headroom_result, t_id_string, NULL); static cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_thread_headroom_headroom_string = TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_thread_headroom_result, headroom_string, "headroom"); static cmdline_parse_inst_t cmd_thread_headroom = { .f = cmd_thread_headroom_parsed, .data = NULL, .help_str = "Display thread headroom", .tokens = { (void *)&cmd_thread_headroom_t_string, (void *)&cmd_thread_headroom_t_id_string, (void *)&cmd_thread_headroom_headroom_string, NULL, }, }; static cmdline_parse_ctx_t thread_cmds[] = { (cmdline_parse_inst_t *) &cmd_pipeline_enable, (cmdline_parse_inst_t *) &cmd_pipeline_disable, (cmdline_parse_inst_t *) &cmd_thread_headroom, NULL, }; int app_pipeline_thread_cmd_push(struct app_params *app) { uint32_t n_cmds, i; /* Check for available slots in the application commands array */ n_cmds = RTE_DIM(thread_cmds) - 1; if (n_cmds > APP_MAX_CMDS - app->n_cmds) return -ENOMEM; /* Push thread commands into the application */ memcpy(&app->cmds[app->n_cmds], thread_cmds, n_cmds * sizeof(cmdline_parse_ctx_t)); for (i = 0; i < n_cmds; i++) app->cmds[app->n_cmds + i]->data = app; app->n_cmds += n_cmds; app->cmds[app->n_cmds] = NULL; return 0; }