/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
 * Copyright(c) 2017 Marvell International Ltd.
 * Copyright(c) 2017 Semihalf.
 * All rights reserved.

#ifndef _MRVL_ETHDEV_H_
#define _MRVL_ETHDEV_H_

#include <rte_spinlock.h>
#include <rte_flow_driver.h>
#include <rte_mtr_driver.h>
#include <rte_tm_driver.h>

 * container_of is defined by both DPDK and MUSDK,
 * we'll declare only one version.
 * Note that it is not used in this PMD anyway.
#ifdef container_of
#undef container_of

#include <env/mv_autogen_comp_flags.h>
#include <drivers/mv_pp2.h>
#include <drivers/mv_pp2_bpool.h>
#include <drivers/mv_pp2_cls.h>
#include <drivers/mv_pp2_hif.h>
#include <drivers/mv_pp2_ppio.h>
#include "env/mv_common.h" /* for BIT() */

/** Maximum number of rx queues per port */
#define MRVL_PP2_RXQ_MAX 32

/** Maximum number of tx queues per port */
#define MRVL_PP2_TXQ_MAX 8

/** Minimum number of descriptors in tx queue */
#define MRVL_PP2_TXD_MIN 16

/** Maximum number of descriptors in tx queue */
#define MRVL_PP2_TXD_MAX 2048

/** Tx queue descriptors alignment */
#define MRVL_PP2_TXD_ALIGN 16

/** Minimum number of descriptors in rx queue */
#define MRVL_PP2_RXD_MIN 16

/** Maximum number of descriptors in rx queue */
#define MRVL_PP2_RXD_MAX 2048

/** Rx queue descriptors alignment */
#define MRVL_PP2_RXD_ALIGN 16

/** Maximum number of descriptors in tx aggregated queue */
#define MRVL_PP2_AGGR_TXQD_MAX 2048

/** Maximum number of Traffic Classes. */
#define MRVL_PP2_TC_MAX 8

/** Packet offset inside RX buffer. */
#define MRVL_PKT_OFFS 64

/** Maximum number of descriptors in shadow queue. Must be power of 2 */

/** Shadow queue size mask (since shadow queue size is power of 2) */

/** Minimum number of sent buffers to release from shadow queue to BM */

				(2 * MRVL_PP2_VLAN_TAG_LEN))
#define MRVL_PP2_MTU_TO_MRU(mtu)	((mtu) + MRVL_PP2_HDRS_LEN)
#define MRVL_PP2_MRU_TO_MTU(mru)	((mru) - MRVL_PP2_HDRS_LEN)

/** Maximum length of a match string */
#define MRVL_MATCH_LEN 16

/** Parsed fields in processed rte_flow_item. */
enum mrvl_parsed_fields {
	/* eth flags */
	F_DMAC =         BIT(0),
	F_SMAC =         BIT(1),
	F_TYPE =         BIT(2),
	/* vlan flags */
	F_VLAN_PRI =     BIT(3),
	F_VLAN_ID =      BIT(4),
	F_VLAN_TCI =     BIT(5), /* not supported by MUSDK yet */
	/* ip4 flags */
	F_IP4_TOS =      BIT(6),
	F_IP4_SIP =      BIT(7),
	F_IP4_DIP =      BIT(8),
	F_IP4_PROTO =    BIT(9),
	/* ip6 flags */
	F_IP6_TC =       BIT(10), /* not supported by MUSDK yet */
	F_IP6_SIP =      BIT(11),
	F_IP6_DIP =      BIT(12),
	F_IP6_FLOW =     BIT(13),
	F_IP6_NEXT_HDR = BIT(14),
	/* tcp flags */
	F_TCP_SPORT =    BIT(15),
	F_TCP_DPORT =    BIT(16),
	/* udp flags */
	F_UDP_SPORT =    BIT(17),
	F_UDP_DPORT =    BIT(18),

/** PMD-specific definition of a flow rule handle. */
struct mrvl_mtr;
struct rte_flow {
	LIST_ENTRY(rte_flow) next;
	struct mrvl_mtr *mtr;

	enum mrvl_parsed_fields pattern;

	struct pp2_cls_tbl_rule rule;
	struct pp2_cls_cos_desc cos;
	struct pp2_cls_tbl_action action;

struct mrvl_mtr_profile {
	LIST_ENTRY(mrvl_mtr_profile) next;
	uint32_t profile_id;
	int refcnt;
	struct rte_mtr_meter_profile profile;

struct mrvl_mtr {
	LIST_ENTRY(mrvl_mtr) next;
	uint32_t mtr_id;
	int refcnt;
	int shared;
	int enabled;
	int plcr_bit;
	struct mrvl_mtr_profile *profile;
	struct pp2_cls_plcr *plcr;

struct mrvl_tm_shaper_profile {
	LIST_ENTRY(mrvl_tm_shaper_profile) next;
	uint32_t id;
	int refcnt;
	struct rte_tm_shaper_params params;

enum {

struct mrvl_tm_node {
	LIST_ENTRY(mrvl_tm_node) next;
	uint32_t id;
	uint32_t type;
	int refcnt;
	struct mrvl_tm_node *parent;
	struct mrvl_tm_shaper_profile *profile;
	uint8_t weight;
	uint64_t stats_mask;

struct mrvl_priv {
	/* Hot fields, used in fast path. */
	struct pp2_bpool *bpool;  /**< BPool pointer */
	struct pp2_ppio	*ppio;    /**< Port handler pointer */
	rte_spinlock_t lock;	  /**< Spinlock for checking bpool status */
	uint16_t bpool_max_size;  /**< BPool maximum size */
	uint16_t bpool_min_size;  /**< BPool minimum size  */
	uint16_t bpool_init_size; /**< Configured BPool size  */

	/** Mapping for DPDK rx queue->(TC, MRVL relative inq) */
	struct {
		uint8_t tc;  /**< Traffic Class */
		uint8_t inq; /**< Relative in-queue number */
	} rxq_map[MRVL_PP2_RXQ_MAX] __rte_cache_aligned;

	/* Configuration data, used sporadically. */
	uint8_t pp_id;
	uint8_t ppio_id;
	uint8_t bpool_bit;
	uint8_t rss_hf_tcp;
	uint8_t uc_mc_flushed;
	uint8_t vlan_flushed;
	uint8_t isolated;
	uint8_t multiseg;

	struct pp2_ppio_params ppio_params;
	struct pp2_cls_qos_tbl_params qos_tbl_params;
	struct pp2_cls_tbl *qos_tbl;
	uint16_t nb_rx_queues;

	struct pp2_cls_tbl_params cls_tbl_params;
	struct pp2_cls_tbl *cls_tbl;
	uint32_t cls_tbl_pattern;
	LIST_HEAD(mrvl_flows, rte_flow) flows;

	struct pp2_cls_plcr *default_policer;

	LIST_HEAD(profiles, mrvl_mtr_profile) profiles;
	LIST_HEAD(mtrs, mrvl_mtr) mtrs;
	uint32_t used_plcrs;

	LIST_HEAD(shaper_profiles, mrvl_tm_shaper_profile) shaper_profiles;
	LIST_HEAD(nodes, mrvl_tm_node) nodes;
	uint64_t rate_max;

/** Flow operations forward declaration. */
extern const struct rte_flow_ops mrvl_flow_ops;

/** Meter operations forward declaration. */
extern const struct rte_mtr_ops mrvl_mtr_ops;

/** Traffic manager operations forward declaration. */
extern const struct rte_tm_ops mrvl_tm_ops;

/** Current log type. */
extern int mrvl_logtype;

#define MRVL_LOG(level, fmt, args...) \
	rte_log(RTE_LOG_ ## level, mrvl_logtype, "%s(): " fmt "\n", \
		__func__, ##args)

#endif /* _MRVL_ETHDEV_H_ */