/** * Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making MSEC available. * * Copyright (C) 2016 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the GNU General Public License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may * obtain a copy of the License at * * https://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the * License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, * either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. */ /** * @file mt_net.h **/ #ifndef __MT_NET_H__ #define __MT_NET_H__ #include "micro_thread.h" #include "hash_list.h" #include "mt_api.h" #include "mt_cache.h" #include "mt_net_api.h" namespace NS_MICRO_THREAD { enum MT_CONN_TYPE { TYPE_CONN_UNKNOWN = 0, TYPE_CONN_SHORT = 0x1, TYPE_CONN_POOL = 0x2, TYPE_CONN_SESSION = 0x4, TYPE_CONN_SENDONLY = 0x8, }; class CSockLink; template <typename List, typename Type> class CRecyclePool { public: CRecyclePool() { _expired = 60 * 1000; _count = 0; TAILQ_INIT(&_free_list); }; ~CRecyclePool() { Type* item = NULL; Type* tmp = NULL; TAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE(item, &_free_list, _link_entry, tmp) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&_free_list, item, _link_entry); delete item; } _count = 0; }; Type* AllocItem() { Type* item = TAILQ_FIRST(&_free_list); if (item != NULL) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&_free_list, item, _link_entry); _count--; return item; } item = new Type(); if (NULL == item) { return NULL; } return item; }; void FreeItem(Type* obj) { //obj->Reset(); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&_free_list, obj, _link_entry); obj->_release_time = mt_time_ms(); _count++; }; void RecycleItem(uint64_t now) { Type* item = NULL; Type* tmp = NULL; TAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE(item, &_free_list, _link_entry, tmp) { if ((now - item->_release_time) < _expired) { break; } TAILQ_REMOVE(&_free_list, item, _link_entry); delete item; _count--; } }; void SetExpiredTime(uint64_t expired) { _expired = expired; }; private: List _free_list; uint64_t _expired; uint32_t _count; }; class CNetHandler : public HashKey { public: enum { STATE_IN_SESSION = 0x1, STATE_IN_CONNECT = 0x2, STATE_IN_SEND = 0x4, STATE_IN_RECV = 0x8, STATE_IN_IDLE = 0x10, }; virtual uint32_t HashValue(); virtual int HashCmp(HashKey* rhs); int32_t SendRecv(void* data, uint32_t len, uint32_t timeout); void* GetRspBuff() { if (_rsp_buff != NULL) { return _rsp_buff->data; } else { return NULL; } }; uint32_t GetRspLen() { if (_rsp_buff != NULL) { return _rsp_buff->data_len; } else { return 0; } }; void SetRespBuff(TSkBuffer* buff) { if (_rsp_buff != NULL) { delete_sk_buffer(_rsp_buff); _rsp_buff = NULL; } _rsp_buff = buff; }; void SetProtoType(MT_PROTO_TYPE type) { _proto_type = type; }; void SetConnType(MT_CONN_TYPE type) { _conn_type = type; }; void SetDestAddress(struct sockaddr_in* dst) { if (dst != NULL) { memcpy(&_dest_ipv4, dst, sizeof(*dst)); } }; void SetSessionId(uint64_t sid) { _session_id = sid; }; void SetSessionCallback(CHECK_SESSION_CALLBACK function) { _callback = function; }; CHECK_SESSION_CALLBACK GetSessionCallback() { return _callback; }; public: void Link(CSockLink* conn); void Unlink(); int32_t CheckParams(); int32_t GetConnLink(); int32_t WaitConnect(uint64_t timeout); int32_t WaitSend(uint64_t timeout); int32_t WaitRecv(uint64_t timeout); void SwitchToConn(); void SwitchToSend(); void SwitchToRecv(); void SwitchToIdle(); void DetachConn(); bool RegistSession(); void UnRegistSession(); uint32_t SkipSendPos(uint32_t len); void SetErrNo(int32_t err) { _err_no = err; }; MicroThread* GetThread() { return _thread; }; void GetSendData(void*& data, uint32_t& len) { data = _req_data; len = _req_len; }; void Reset(); CNetHandler(); ~CNetHandler(); TAILQ_ENTRY(CNetHandler) _link_entry; uint64_t _release_time; protected: MicroThread* _thread; MT_PROTO_TYPE _proto_type; MT_CONN_TYPE _conn_type; struct sockaddr_in _dest_ipv4; uint64_t _session_id; CHECK_SESSION_CALLBACK _callback; uint32_t _state_flags; int32_t _err_no; void* _conn_ptr; uint32_t _send_pos; uint32_t _req_len; void* _req_data; TSkBuffer* _rsp_buff; }; typedef TAILQ_HEAD(__NetHandlerList, CNetHandler) TNetItemList; typedef CRecyclePool<TNetItemList, CNetHandler> TNetItemPool; class CSockLink : public KqueuerObj { public: enum { LINK_CONNECTING = 0x1, LINK_CONNECTED = 0x2, }; enum { LINK_IDLE_LIST = 1, LINK_CONN_LIST = 2, LINK_SEND_LIST = 3, LINK_RECV_LIST = 4, }; int32_t CreateSock(); void Close(); bool Connect(); bool Connected() { return (_state & LINK_CONNECTED); } void Destroy(); TNetItemList* GetItemList(int32_t type); void AppendToList(int32_t type, CNetHandler* item); void RemoveFromList(int32_t type, CNetHandler* item); struct sockaddr_in* GetDestAddr(struct sockaddr_in* addr); int32_t SendData(void* data, uint32_t len); int32_t SendCacheUdp(void* data, uint32_t len); int32_t SendCacheTcp(void* data, uint32_t len); void ExtendRecvRsp(); int32_t RecvDispath(); CHECK_SESSION_CALLBACK GetSessionCallback(); int32_t DispathTcp(); int32_t DispathUdp(); CNetHandler* FindSession(uint64_t sid); virtual int InputNotify(); virtual int OutputNotify(); virtual int HangupNotify(); CSockLink(); ~CSockLink(); void Reset(); void NotifyThread(CNetHandler* item, int32_t result); void NotifyAll(int32_t result); void SetProtoType(MT_PROTO_TYPE type); void SetParentsPtr(void* ptr) { _parents = ptr; }; void* GetParentsPtr() { return _parents; }; uint64_t GetLastAccess() { return _last_access; }; public: TAILQ_ENTRY(CSockLink) _link_entry; uint64_t _release_time; private: TNetItemList _wait_connect; TNetItemList _wait_send; TNetItemList _wait_recv; TNetItemList _idle_list; MT_PROTO_TYPE _proto_type; int32_t _errno; uint32_t _state; uint64_t _last_access; TRWCache _recv_cache; TSkBuffer* _rsp_buff; void* _parents; }; typedef TAILQ_HEAD(__SocklinkList, CSockLink) TLinkList; typedef CRecyclePool<TLinkList, CSockLink> TLinkPool; class CDestLinks : public CTimerNotify, public HashKey { public: CDestLinks(); ~CDestLinks(); void Reset(); void StartTimer(); CSockLink* GetSockLink(); void FreeSockLink(CSockLink* sock); MT_PROTO_TYPE GetProtoType() { return _proto_type; }; MT_CONN_TYPE GetConnType() { return _conn_type; }; void SetKeyInfo(uint32_t ipv4, uint16_t port, MT_PROTO_TYPE proto, MT_CONN_TYPE conn) { _addr_ipv4 = ipv4; _net_port = port; _proto_type = proto; _conn_type = conn; }; void CopyKeyInfo(CDestLinks* key) { _addr_ipv4 = key->_addr_ipv4; _net_port = key->_net_port; _proto_type = key->_proto_type; _conn_type = key->_conn_type; }; void GetDestIP(uint32_t& ip, uint16_t& port) { ip = _addr_ipv4; port = _net_port; }; virtual void timer_notify(); virtual uint32_t HashValue() { return _addr_ipv4 ^ (((uint32_t)_net_port << 16) | (_proto_type << 8) | _conn_type); }; virtual int HashCmp(HashKey* rhs) { CDestLinks* data = (CDestLinks*)(rhs); if (!data) { return -1; } if (this->_addr_ipv4 != data->_addr_ipv4) { return (this->_addr_ipv4 > data->_addr_ipv4) ? 1 : -1; } if (this->_net_port != data->_net_port) { return (this->_net_port > data->_net_port) ? 1 : -1; } if (this->_proto_type != data->_proto_type) { return (this->_proto_type > data->_proto_type) ? 1 : -1; } if (this->_conn_type != data->_conn_type) { return (this->_conn_type > data->_conn_type) ? 1 : -1; } return 0; }; void SetDefaultCallback(CHECK_SESSION_CALLBACK function) { _dflt_callback = function; }; CHECK_SESSION_CALLBACK GetDefaultCallback() { return _dflt_callback; }; TAILQ_ENTRY(CDestLinks) _link_entry; uint64_t _release_time; private: uint32_t _timeout; uint32_t _addr_ipv4; uint16_t _net_port; MT_PROTO_TYPE _proto_type; MT_CONN_TYPE _conn_type; uint32_t _max_links; uint32_t _curr_link; TLinkList _sock_list; CHECK_SESSION_CALLBACK _dflt_callback; }; typedef TAILQ_HEAD(__DestlinkList, CDestLinks) TDestList; typedef CRecyclePool<TDestList, CDestLinks> TDestPool; class CNetMgr { public: static CNetMgr* Instance (void); static void Destroy(void); CNetHandler* FindNetItem(CNetHandler* key); void InsertNetItem(CNetHandler* item); void RemoveNetItem(CNetHandler* item); CDestLinks* FindCreateDest(CDestLinks* key); void DeleteDestLink(CDestLinks* dst); CDestLinks* FindDestLink(CDestLinks* key); void InsertDestLink(CDestLinks* item); void RemoveDestLink(CDestLinks* item); ~CNetMgr(); void RecycleObjs(uint64_t now); CNetHandler* AllocNetItem() { return _net_item_pool.AllocItem(); }; void FreeNetItem(CNetHandler* item) { return _net_item_pool.FreeItem(item); }; CSockLink* AllocSockLink() { return _sock_link_pool.AllocItem(); }; void FreeSockLink(CSockLink* item) { return _sock_link_pool.FreeItem(item); }; CDestLinks* AllocDestLink() { return _dest_ip_pool.AllocItem(); }; void FreeDestLink(CDestLinks* item) { return _dest_ip_pool.FreeItem(item); }; TSkBuffMng* GetSkBuffMng(MT_PROTO_TYPE type) { if (type == NET_PROTO_TCP) { return &_tcp_pool; } else { return &_udp_pool; } }; private: CNetMgr(); static CNetMgr * _instance; HashList* _ip_hash; HashList* _session_hash; TSkBuffMng _udp_pool; TSkBuffMng _tcp_pool; TDestPool _dest_ip_pool; TLinkPool _sock_link_pool; TNetItemPool _net_item_pool; }; } #endif