/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause * Copyright(c) 2021 HiSilicon Limited * Copyright(c) 2021 Intel Corporation */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "test.h" #include "test_dmadev_api.h" #define ERR_RETURN(...) do { print_err(__func__, __LINE__, __VA_ARGS__); return -1; } while (0) #define COPY_LEN 1024 static struct rte_mempool *pool; static uint16_t id_count; static void __rte_format_printf(3, 4) print_err(const char *func, int lineno, const char *format, ...) { va_list ap; fprintf(stderr, "In %s:%d - ", func, lineno); va_start(ap, format); vfprintf(stderr, format, ap); va_end(ap); } static int runtest(const char *printable, int (*test_fn)(int16_t dev_id, uint16_t vchan), int iterations, int16_t dev_id, uint16_t vchan, bool check_err_stats) { struct rte_dma_stats stats; int i; rte_dma_stats_reset(dev_id, vchan); printf("DMA Dev %d: Running %s Tests %s\n", dev_id, printable, check_err_stats ? " " : "(errors expected)"); for (i = 0; i < iterations; i++) { if (test_fn(dev_id, vchan) < 0) return -1; rte_dma_stats_get(dev_id, 0, &stats); printf("Ops submitted: %"PRIu64"\t", stats.submitted); printf("Ops completed: %"PRIu64"\t", stats.completed); printf("Errors: %"PRIu64"\r", stats.errors); if (stats.completed != stats.submitted) ERR_RETURN("\nError, not all submitted jobs are reported as completed\n"); if (check_err_stats && stats.errors != 0) ERR_RETURN("\nErrors reported during op processing, aborting tests\n"); } printf("\n"); return 0; } static void await_hw(int16_t dev_id, uint16_t vchan) { enum rte_dma_vchan_status st; if (rte_dma_vchan_status(dev_id, vchan, &st) < 0) { /* for drivers that don't support this op, just sleep for 1 millisecond */ rte_delay_us_sleep(1000); return; } /* for those that do, *max* end time is one second from now, but all should be faster */ const uint64_t end_cycles = rte_get_timer_cycles() + rte_get_timer_hz(); while (st == RTE_DMA_VCHAN_ACTIVE && rte_get_timer_cycles() < end_cycles) { rte_pause(); rte_dma_vchan_status(dev_id, vchan, &st); } } /* run a series of copy tests just using some different options for enqueues and completions */ static int do_multi_copies(int16_t dev_id, uint16_t vchan, int split_batches, /* submit 2 x 16 or 1 x 32 burst */ int split_completions, /* gather 2 x 16 or 1 x 32 completions */ int use_completed_status) /* use completed or completed_status function */ { struct rte_mbuf *srcs[32], *dsts[32]; enum rte_dma_status_code sc[32]; unsigned int i, j; bool dma_err = false; /* Enqueue burst of copies and hit doorbell */ for (i = 0; i < RTE_DIM(srcs); i++) { uint64_t *src_data; if (split_batches && i == RTE_DIM(srcs) / 2) rte_dma_submit(dev_id, vchan); srcs[i] = rte_pktmbuf_alloc(pool); dsts[i] = rte_pktmbuf_alloc(pool); if (srcs[i] == NULL || dsts[i] == NULL) ERR_RETURN("Error allocating buffers\n"); src_data = rte_pktmbuf_mtod(srcs[i], uint64_t *); for (j = 0; j < COPY_LEN/sizeof(uint64_t); j++) src_data[j] = rte_rand(); if (rte_dma_copy(dev_id, vchan, srcs[i]->buf_iova + srcs[i]->data_off, dsts[i]->buf_iova + dsts[i]->data_off, COPY_LEN, 0) != id_count++) ERR_RETURN("Error with rte_dma_copy for buffer %u\n", i); } rte_dma_submit(dev_id, vchan); await_hw(dev_id, vchan); if (split_completions) { /* gather completions in two halves */ uint16_t half_len = RTE_DIM(srcs) / 2; int ret = rte_dma_completed(dev_id, vchan, half_len, NULL, &dma_err); if (ret != half_len || dma_err) ERR_RETURN("Error with rte_dma_completed - first half. ret = %d, expected ret = %u, dma_err = %d\n", ret, half_len, dma_err); ret = rte_dma_completed(dev_id, vchan, half_len, NULL, &dma_err); if (ret != half_len || dma_err) ERR_RETURN("Error with rte_dma_completed - second half. ret = %d, expected ret = %u, dma_err = %d\n", ret, half_len, dma_err); } else { /* gather all completions in one go, using either * completed or completed_status fns */ if (!use_completed_status) { int n = rte_dma_completed(dev_id, vchan, RTE_DIM(srcs), NULL, &dma_err); if (n != RTE_DIM(srcs) || dma_err) ERR_RETURN("Error with rte_dma_completed, %u [expected: %zu], dma_err = %d\n", n, RTE_DIM(srcs), dma_err); } else { int n = rte_dma_completed_status(dev_id, vchan, RTE_DIM(srcs), NULL, sc); if (n != RTE_DIM(srcs)) ERR_RETURN("Error with rte_dma_completed_status, %u [expected: %zu]\n", n, RTE_DIM(srcs)); for (j = 0; j < (uint16_t)n; j++) if (sc[j] != RTE_DMA_STATUS_SUCCESSFUL) ERR_RETURN("Error with rte_dma_completed_status, job %u reports failure [code %u]\n", j, sc[j]); } } /* check for empty */ int ret = use_completed_status ? rte_dma_completed_status(dev_id, vchan, RTE_DIM(srcs), NULL, sc) : rte_dma_completed(dev_id, vchan, RTE_DIM(srcs), NULL, &dma_err); if (ret != 0) ERR_RETURN("Error with completion check - ops unexpectedly returned\n"); for (i = 0; i < RTE_DIM(srcs); i++) { char *src_data, *dst_data; src_data = rte_pktmbuf_mtod(srcs[i], char *); dst_data = rte_pktmbuf_mtod(dsts[i], char *); for (j = 0; j < COPY_LEN; j++) if (src_data[j] != dst_data[j]) ERR_RETURN("Error with copy of packet %u, byte %u\n", i, j); rte_pktmbuf_free(srcs[i]); rte_pktmbuf_free(dsts[i]); } return 0; } static int test_enqueue_copies(int16_t dev_id, uint16_t vchan) { unsigned int i; uint16_t id; /* test doing a single copy */ do { struct rte_mbuf *src, *dst; char *src_data, *dst_data; src = rte_pktmbuf_alloc(pool); dst = rte_pktmbuf_alloc(pool); src_data = rte_pktmbuf_mtod(src, char *); dst_data = rte_pktmbuf_mtod(dst, char *); for (i = 0; i < COPY_LEN; i++) src_data[i] = rte_rand() & 0xFF; id = rte_dma_copy(dev_id, vchan, rte_pktmbuf_iova(src), rte_pktmbuf_iova(dst), COPY_LEN, RTE_DMA_OP_FLAG_SUBMIT); if (id != id_count) ERR_RETURN("Error with rte_dma_copy, got %u, expected %u\n", id, id_count); /* give time for copy to finish, then check it was done */ await_hw(dev_id, vchan); for (i = 0; i < COPY_LEN; i++) if (dst_data[i] != src_data[i]) ERR_RETURN("Data mismatch at char %u [Got %02x not %02x]\n", i, dst_data[i], src_data[i]); /* now check completion works */ if (rte_dma_completed(dev_id, vchan, 1, &id, NULL) != 1) ERR_RETURN("Error with rte_dma_completed\n"); if (id != id_count) ERR_RETURN("Error:incorrect job id received, %u [expected %u]\n", id, id_count); rte_pktmbuf_free(src); rte_pktmbuf_free(dst); /* now check completion returns nothing more */ if (rte_dma_completed(dev_id, 0, 1, NULL, NULL) != 0) ERR_RETURN("Error with rte_dma_completed in empty check\n"); id_count++; } while (0); /* test doing a multiple single copies */ do { const uint16_t max_ops = 4; struct rte_mbuf *src, *dst; char *src_data, *dst_data; uint16_t count; src = rte_pktmbuf_alloc(pool); dst = rte_pktmbuf_alloc(pool); src_data = rte_pktmbuf_mtod(src, char *); dst_data = rte_pktmbuf_mtod(dst, char *); for (i = 0; i < COPY_LEN; i++) src_data[i] = rte_rand() & 0xFF; /* perform the same copy times */ for (i = 0; i < max_ops; i++) if (rte_dma_copy(dev_id, vchan, rte_pktmbuf_iova(src), rte_pktmbuf_iova(dst), COPY_LEN, RTE_DMA_OP_FLAG_SUBMIT) != id_count++) ERR_RETURN("Error with rte_dma_copy\n"); await_hw(dev_id, vchan); count = rte_dma_completed(dev_id, vchan, max_ops * 2, &id, NULL); if (count != max_ops) ERR_RETURN("Error with rte_dma_completed, got %u not %u\n", count, max_ops); if (id != id_count - 1) ERR_RETURN("Error, incorrect job id returned: got %u not %u\n", id, id_count - 1); for (i = 0; i < COPY_LEN; i++) if (dst_data[i] != src_data[i]) ERR_RETURN("Data mismatch at char %u\n", i); rte_pktmbuf_free(src); rte_pktmbuf_free(dst); } while (0); /* test doing multiple copies */ return do_multi_copies(dev_id, vchan, 0, 0, 0) /* enqueue and complete 1 batch at a time */ /* enqueue 2 batches and then complete both */ || do_multi_copies(dev_id, vchan, 1, 0, 0) /* enqueue 1 batch, then complete in two halves */ || do_multi_copies(dev_id, vchan, 0, 1, 0) /* test using completed_status in place of regular completed API */ || do_multi_copies(dev_id, vchan, 0, 0, 1); } /* Failure handling test cases - global macros and variables for those tests*/ #define COMP_BURST_SZ 16 #define OPT_FENCE(idx) ((fence && idx == 8) ? RTE_DMA_OP_FLAG_FENCE : 0) static int test_failure_in_full_burst(int16_t dev_id, uint16_t vchan, bool fence, struct rte_mbuf **srcs, struct rte_mbuf **dsts, unsigned int fail_idx) { /* Test single full batch statuses with failures */ enum rte_dma_status_code status[COMP_BURST_SZ]; struct rte_dma_stats baseline, stats; uint16_t invalid_addr_id = 0; uint16_t idx; uint16_t count, status_count; unsigned int i; bool error = false; int err_count = 0; rte_dma_stats_get(dev_id, vchan, &baseline); /* get a baseline set of stats */ for (i = 0; i < COMP_BURST_SZ; i++) { int id = rte_dma_copy(dev_id, vchan, (i == fail_idx ? 0 : (srcs[i]->buf_iova + srcs[i]->data_off)), dsts[i]->buf_iova + dsts[i]->data_off, COPY_LEN, OPT_FENCE(i)); if (id < 0) ERR_RETURN("Error with rte_dma_copy for buffer %u\n", i); if (i == fail_idx) invalid_addr_id = id; } rte_dma_submit(dev_id, vchan); rte_dma_stats_get(dev_id, vchan, &stats); if (stats.submitted != baseline.submitted + COMP_BURST_SZ) ERR_RETURN("Submitted stats value not as expected, %"PRIu64" not %"PRIu64"\n", stats.submitted, baseline.submitted + COMP_BURST_SZ); await_hw(dev_id, vchan); count = rte_dma_completed(dev_id, vchan, COMP_BURST_SZ, &idx, &error); if (count != fail_idx) ERR_RETURN("Error with rte_dma_completed for failure test. Got returned %u not %u.\n", count, fail_idx); if (!error) ERR_RETURN("Error, missing expected failed copy, %u. has_error is not set\n", fail_idx); if (idx != invalid_addr_id - 1) ERR_RETURN("Error, missing expected failed copy, %u. Got last idx %u, not %u\n", fail_idx, idx, invalid_addr_id - 1); /* all checks ok, now verify calling completed() again always returns 0 */ for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) if (rte_dma_completed(dev_id, vchan, COMP_BURST_SZ, &idx, &error) != 0 || error == false || idx != (invalid_addr_id - 1)) ERR_RETURN("Error with follow-up completed calls for fail idx %u\n", fail_idx); status_count = rte_dma_completed_status(dev_id, vchan, COMP_BURST_SZ, &idx, status); /* some HW may stop on error and be restarted after getting error status for single value * To handle this case, if we get just one error back, wait for more completions and get * status for rest of the burst */ if (status_count == 1) { await_hw(dev_id, vchan); status_count += rte_dma_completed_status(dev_id, vchan, COMP_BURST_SZ - 1, &idx, &status[1]); } /* check that at this point we have all status values */ if (status_count != COMP_BURST_SZ - count) ERR_RETURN("Error with completed_status calls for fail idx %u. Got %u not %u\n", fail_idx, status_count, COMP_BURST_SZ - count); /* now verify just one failure followed by multiple successful or skipped entries */ if (status[0] == RTE_DMA_STATUS_SUCCESSFUL) ERR_RETURN("Error with status returned for fail idx %u. First status was not failure\n", fail_idx); for (i = 1; i < status_count; i++) /* after a failure in a burst, depending on ordering/fencing, * operations may be successful or skipped because of previous error. */ if (status[i] != RTE_DMA_STATUS_SUCCESSFUL && status[i] != RTE_DMA_STATUS_NOT_ATTEMPTED) ERR_RETURN("Error with status calls for fail idx %u. Status for job %u (of %u) is not successful\n", fail_idx, count + i, COMP_BURST_SZ); /* check the completed + errors stats are as expected */ rte_dma_stats_get(dev_id, vchan, &stats); if (stats.completed != baseline.completed + COMP_BURST_SZ) ERR_RETURN("Completed stats value not as expected, %"PRIu64" not %"PRIu64"\n", stats.completed, baseline.completed + COMP_BURST_SZ); for (i = 0; i < status_count; i++) err_count += (status[i] != RTE_DMA_STATUS_SUCCESSFUL); if (stats.errors != baseline.errors + err_count) ERR_RETURN("'Errors' stats value not as expected, %"PRIu64" not %"PRIu64"\n", stats.errors, baseline.errors + err_count); return 0; } static int test_individual_status_query_with_failure(int16_t dev_id, uint16_t vchan, bool fence, struct rte_mbuf **srcs, struct rte_mbuf **dsts, unsigned int fail_idx) { /* Test gathering batch statuses one at a time */ enum rte_dma_status_code status[COMP_BURST_SZ]; uint16_t invalid_addr_id = 0; uint16_t idx; uint16_t count = 0, status_count = 0; unsigned int j; bool error = false; for (j = 0; j < COMP_BURST_SZ; j++) { int id = rte_dma_copy(dev_id, vchan, (j == fail_idx ? 0 : (srcs[j]->buf_iova + srcs[j]->data_off)), dsts[j]->buf_iova + dsts[j]->data_off, COPY_LEN, OPT_FENCE(j)); if (id < 0) ERR_RETURN("Error with rte_dma_copy for buffer %u\n", j); if (j == fail_idx) invalid_addr_id = id; } rte_dma_submit(dev_id, vchan); await_hw(dev_id, vchan); /* use regular "completed" until we hit error */ while (!error) { uint16_t n = rte_dma_completed(dev_id, vchan, 1, &idx, &error); count += n; if (n > 1 || count >= COMP_BURST_SZ) ERR_RETURN("Error - too many completions got\n"); if (n == 0 && !error) ERR_RETURN("Error, unexpectedly got zero completions after %u completed\n", count); } if (idx != invalid_addr_id - 1) ERR_RETURN("Error, last successful index not as expected, got %u, expected %u\n", idx, invalid_addr_id - 1); /* use completed_status until we hit end of burst */ while (count + status_count < COMP_BURST_SZ) { uint16_t n = rte_dma_completed_status(dev_id, vchan, 1, &idx, &status[status_count]); await_hw(dev_id, vchan); /* allow delay to ensure jobs are completed */ status_count += n; if (n != 1) ERR_RETURN("Error: unexpected number of completions received, %u, not 1\n", n); } /* check for single failure */ if (status[0] == RTE_DMA_STATUS_SUCCESSFUL) ERR_RETURN("Error, unexpected successful DMA transaction\n"); for (j = 1; j < status_count; j++) if (status[j] != RTE_DMA_STATUS_SUCCESSFUL && status[j] != RTE_DMA_STATUS_NOT_ATTEMPTED) ERR_RETURN("Error, unexpected DMA error reported\n"); return 0; } static int test_single_item_status_query_with_failure(int16_t dev_id, uint16_t vchan, struct rte_mbuf **srcs, struct rte_mbuf **dsts, unsigned int fail_idx) { /* When error occurs just collect a single error using "completed_status()" * before going to back to completed() calls */ enum rte_dma_status_code status; uint16_t invalid_addr_id = 0; uint16_t idx; uint16_t count, status_count, count2; unsigned int j; bool error = false; for (j = 0; j < COMP_BURST_SZ; j++) { int id = rte_dma_copy(dev_id, vchan, (j == fail_idx ? 0 : (srcs[j]->buf_iova + srcs[j]->data_off)), dsts[j]->buf_iova + dsts[j]->data_off, COPY_LEN, 0); if (id < 0) ERR_RETURN("Error with rte_dma_copy for buffer %u\n", j); if (j == fail_idx) invalid_addr_id = id; } rte_dma_submit(dev_id, vchan); await_hw(dev_id, vchan); /* get up to the error point */ count = rte_dma_completed(dev_id, vchan, COMP_BURST_SZ, &idx, &error); if (count != fail_idx) ERR_RETURN("Error with rte_dma_completed for failure test. Got returned %u not %u.\n", count, fail_idx); if (!error) ERR_RETURN("Error, missing expected failed copy, %u. has_error is not set\n", fail_idx); if (idx != invalid_addr_id - 1) ERR_RETURN("Error, missing expected failed copy, %u. Got last idx %u, not %u\n", fail_idx, idx, invalid_addr_id - 1); /* get the error code */ status_count = rte_dma_completed_status(dev_id, vchan, 1, &idx, &status); if (status_count != 1) ERR_RETURN("Error with completed_status calls for fail idx %u. Got %u not %u\n", fail_idx, status_count, COMP_BURST_SZ - count); if (status == RTE_DMA_STATUS_SUCCESSFUL) ERR_RETURN("Error with status returned for fail idx %u. First status was not failure\n", fail_idx); /* delay in case time needed after err handled to complete other jobs */ await_hw(dev_id, vchan); /* get the rest of the completions without status */ count2 = rte_dma_completed(dev_id, vchan, COMP_BURST_SZ, &idx, &error); if (error == true) ERR_RETURN("Error, got further errors post completed_status() call, for failure case %u.\n", fail_idx); if (count + status_count + count2 != COMP_BURST_SZ) ERR_RETURN("Error, incorrect number of completions received, got %u not %u\n", count + status_count + count2, COMP_BURST_SZ); return 0; } static int test_multi_failure(int16_t dev_id, uint16_t vchan, struct rte_mbuf **srcs, struct rte_mbuf **dsts, const unsigned int *fail, size_t num_fail) { /* test having multiple errors in one go */ enum rte_dma_status_code status[COMP_BURST_SZ]; unsigned int i, j; uint16_t count, err_count = 0; bool error = false; /* enqueue and gather completions in one go */ for (j = 0; j < COMP_BURST_SZ; j++) { uintptr_t src = srcs[j]->buf_iova + srcs[j]->data_off; /* set up for failure if the current index is anywhere is the fails array */ for (i = 0; i < num_fail; i++) if (j == fail[i]) src = 0; int id = rte_dma_copy(dev_id, vchan, src, dsts[j]->buf_iova + dsts[j]->data_off, COPY_LEN, 0); if (id < 0) ERR_RETURN("Error with rte_dma_copy for buffer %u\n", j); } rte_dma_submit(dev_id, vchan); await_hw(dev_id, vchan); count = rte_dma_completed_status(dev_id, vchan, COMP_BURST_SZ, NULL, status); while (count < COMP_BURST_SZ) { await_hw(dev_id, vchan); uint16_t ret = rte_dma_completed_status(dev_id, vchan, COMP_BURST_SZ - count, NULL, &status[count]); if (ret == 0) ERR_RETURN("Error getting all completions for jobs. Got %u of %u\n", count, COMP_BURST_SZ); count += ret; } for (i = 0; i < count; i++) if (status[i] != RTE_DMA_STATUS_SUCCESSFUL) err_count++; if (err_count != num_fail) ERR_RETURN("Error: Invalid number of failed completions returned, %u; expected %zu\n", err_count, num_fail); /* enqueue and gather completions in bursts, but getting errors one at a time */ for (j = 0; j < COMP_BURST_SZ; j++) { uintptr_t src = srcs[j]->buf_iova + srcs[j]->data_off; /* set up for failure if the current index is anywhere is the fails array */ for (i = 0; i < num_fail; i++) if (j == fail[i]) src = 0; int id = rte_dma_copy(dev_id, vchan, src, dsts[j]->buf_iova + dsts[j]->data_off, COPY_LEN, 0); if (id < 0) ERR_RETURN("Error with rte_dma_copy for buffer %u\n", j); } rte_dma_submit(dev_id, vchan); await_hw(dev_id, vchan); count = 0; err_count = 0; while (count + err_count < COMP_BURST_SZ) { count += rte_dma_completed(dev_id, vchan, COMP_BURST_SZ, NULL, &error); if (error) { uint16_t ret = rte_dma_completed_status(dev_id, vchan, 1, NULL, status); if (ret != 1) ERR_RETURN("Error getting error-status for completions\n"); err_count += ret; await_hw(dev_id, vchan); } } if (err_count != num_fail) ERR_RETURN("Error: Incorrect number of failed completions received, got %u not %zu\n", err_count, num_fail); return 0; } static int test_completion_status(int16_t dev_id, uint16_t vchan, bool fence) { const unsigned int fail[] = {0, 7, 14, 15}; struct rte_mbuf *srcs[COMP_BURST_SZ], *dsts[COMP_BURST_SZ]; unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < COMP_BURST_SZ; i++) { srcs[i] = rte_pktmbuf_alloc(pool); dsts[i] = rte_pktmbuf_alloc(pool); } for (i = 0; i < RTE_DIM(fail); i++) { if (test_failure_in_full_burst(dev_id, vchan, fence, srcs, dsts, fail[i]) < 0) return -1; if (test_individual_status_query_with_failure(dev_id, vchan, fence, srcs, dsts, fail[i]) < 0) return -1; /* test is run the same fenced, or unfenced, but no harm in running it twice */ if (test_single_item_status_query_with_failure(dev_id, vchan, srcs, dsts, fail[i]) < 0) return -1; } if (test_multi_failure(dev_id, vchan, srcs, dsts, fail, RTE_DIM(fail)) < 0) return -1; for (i = 0; i < COMP_BURST_SZ; i++) { rte_pktmbuf_free(srcs[i]); rte_pktmbuf_free(dsts[i]); } return 0; } static int test_completion_handling(int16_t dev_id, uint16_t vchan) { return test_completion_status(dev_id, vchan, false) /* without fences */ || test_completion_status(dev_id, vchan, true); /* with fences */ } static int test_enqueue_fill(int16_t dev_id, uint16_t vchan) { const unsigned int lengths[] = {8, 64, 1024, 50, 100, 89}; struct rte_mbuf *dst; char *dst_data; uint64_t pattern = 0xfedcba9876543210; unsigned int i, j; dst = rte_pktmbuf_alloc(pool); if (dst == NULL) ERR_RETURN("Failed to allocate mbuf\n"); dst_data = rte_pktmbuf_mtod(dst, char *); for (i = 0; i < RTE_DIM(lengths); i++) { /* reset dst_data */ memset(dst_data, 0, rte_pktmbuf_data_len(dst)); /* perform the fill operation */ int id = rte_dma_fill(dev_id, vchan, pattern, rte_pktmbuf_iova(dst), lengths[i], RTE_DMA_OP_FLAG_SUBMIT); if (id < 0) ERR_RETURN("Error with rte_dma_fill\n"); await_hw(dev_id, vchan); if (rte_dma_completed(dev_id, vchan, 1, NULL, NULL) != 1) ERR_RETURN("Error: fill operation failed (length: %u)\n", lengths[i]); /* check the data from the fill operation is correct */ for (j = 0; j < lengths[i]; j++) { char pat_byte = ((char *)&pattern)[j % 8]; if (dst_data[j] != pat_byte) ERR_RETURN("Error with fill operation (lengths = %u): got (%x), not (%x)\n", lengths[i], dst_data[j], pat_byte); } /* check that the data after the fill operation was not written to */ for (; j < rte_pktmbuf_data_len(dst); j++) if (dst_data[j] != 0) ERR_RETURN("Error, fill operation wrote too far (lengths = %u): got (%x), not (%x)\n", lengths[i], dst_data[j], 0); } rte_pktmbuf_free(dst); return 0; } static int test_burst_capacity(int16_t dev_id, uint16_t vchan) { #define CAP_TEST_BURST_SIZE 64 const int ring_space = rte_dma_burst_capacity(dev_id, vchan); struct rte_mbuf *src, *dst; int i, j, iter; int cap, ret; bool dma_err; src = rte_pktmbuf_alloc(pool); dst = rte_pktmbuf_alloc(pool); /* to test capacity, we enqueue elements and check capacity is reduced * by one each time - rebaselining the expected value after each burst * as the capacity is only for a burst. We enqueue multiple bursts to * fill up half the ring, before emptying it again. We do this twice to * ensure that we get to test scenarios where we get ring wrap-around */ for (iter = 0; iter < 2; iter++) { for (i = 0; i < (ring_space / (2 * CAP_TEST_BURST_SIZE)) + 1; i++) { cap = rte_dma_burst_capacity(dev_id, vchan); for (j = 0; j < CAP_TEST_BURST_SIZE; j++) { ret = rte_dma_copy(dev_id, vchan, rte_pktmbuf_iova(src), rte_pktmbuf_iova(dst), COPY_LEN, 0); if (ret < 0) ERR_RETURN("Error with rte_dmadev_copy\n"); if (rte_dma_burst_capacity(dev_id, vchan) != cap - (j + 1)) ERR_RETURN("Error, ring capacity did not change as expected\n"); } if (rte_dma_submit(dev_id, vchan) < 0) ERR_RETURN("Error, failed to submit burst\n"); if (cap < rte_dma_burst_capacity(dev_id, vchan)) ERR_RETURN("Error, avail ring capacity has gone up, not down\n"); } await_hw(dev_id, vchan); for (i = 0; i < (ring_space / (2 * CAP_TEST_BURST_SIZE)) + 1; i++) { ret = rte_dma_completed(dev_id, vchan, CAP_TEST_BURST_SIZE, NULL, &dma_err); if (ret != CAP_TEST_BURST_SIZE || dma_err) { enum rte_dma_status_code status; rte_dma_completed_status(dev_id, vchan, 1, NULL, &status); ERR_RETURN("Error with rte_dmadev_completed, %u [expected: %u], dma_err = %d, i = %u, iter = %u, status = %u\n", ret, CAP_TEST_BURST_SIZE, dma_err, i, iter, status); } } cap = rte_dma_burst_capacity(dev_id, vchan); if (cap != ring_space) ERR_RETURN("Error, ring capacity has not reset to original value, got %u, expected %u\n", cap, ring_space); } rte_pktmbuf_free(src); rte_pktmbuf_free(dst); return 0; } static int test_dmadev_instance(int16_t dev_id) { #define TEST_RINGSIZE 512 #define CHECK_ERRS true struct rte_dma_stats stats; struct rte_dma_info info; const struct rte_dma_conf conf = { .nb_vchans = 1}; const struct rte_dma_vchan_conf qconf = { .direction = RTE_DMA_DIR_MEM_TO_MEM, .nb_desc = TEST_RINGSIZE, }; const int vchan = 0; int ret; ret = rte_dma_info_get(dev_id, &info); if (ret != 0) ERR_RETURN("Error with rte_dma_info_get()\n"); printf("\n### Test dmadev instance %u [%s]\n", dev_id, info.dev_name); if (info.max_vchans < 1) ERR_RETURN("Error, no channels available on device id %u\n", dev_id); if (rte_dma_configure(dev_id, &conf) != 0) ERR_RETURN("Error with rte_dma_configure()\n"); if (rte_dma_vchan_setup(dev_id, vchan, &qconf) < 0) ERR_RETURN("Error with queue configuration\n"); ret = rte_dma_info_get(dev_id, &info); if (ret != 0 || info.nb_vchans != 1) ERR_RETURN("Error, no configured queues reported on device id %u\n", dev_id); if (rte_dma_start(dev_id) != 0) ERR_RETURN("Error with rte_dma_start()\n"); if (rte_dma_stats_get(dev_id, vchan, &stats) != 0) ERR_RETURN("Error with rte_dma_stats_get()\n"); if (rte_dma_burst_capacity(dev_id, vchan) < 32) ERR_RETURN("Error: Device does not have sufficient burst capacity to run tests"); if (stats.completed != 0 || stats.submitted != 0 || stats.errors != 0) ERR_RETURN("Error device stats are not all zero: completed = %"PRIu64", " "submitted = %"PRIu64", errors = %"PRIu64"\n", stats.completed, stats.submitted, stats.errors); id_count = 0; /* create a mempool for running tests */ pool = rte_pktmbuf_pool_create("TEST_DMADEV_POOL", TEST_RINGSIZE * 2, /* n == num elements */ 32, /* cache size */ 0, /* priv size */ 2048, /* data room size */ info.numa_node); if (pool == NULL) ERR_RETURN("Error with mempool creation\n"); /* run the test cases, use many iterations to ensure UINT16_MAX id wraparound */ if (runtest("copy", test_enqueue_copies, 640, dev_id, vchan, CHECK_ERRS) < 0) goto err; /* run some burst capacity tests */ if (rte_dma_burst_capacity(dev_id, vchan) < 64) printf("DMA Dev %u: insufficient burst capacity (64 required), skipping tests\n", dev_id); else if (runtest("burst capacity", test_burst_capacity, 1, dev_id, vchan, CHECK_ERRS) < 0) goto err; /* to test error handling we can provide null pointers for source or dest in copies. This * requires VA mode in DPDK, since NULL(0) is a valid physical address. * We also need hardware that can report errors back. */ if (rte_eal_iova_mode() != RTE_IOVA_VA) printf("DMA Dev %u: DPDK not in VA mode, skipping error handling tests\n", dev_id); else if ((info.dev_capa & RTE_DMA_CAPA_HANDLES_ERRORS) == 0) printf("DMA Dev %u: device does not report errors, skipping error handling tests\n", dev_id); else if (runtest("error handling", test_completion_handling, 1, dev_id, vchan, !CHECK_ERRS) < 0) goto err; if ((info.dev_capa & RTE_DMA_CAPA_OPS_FILL) == 0) printf("DMA Dev %u: No device fill support, skipping fill tests\n", dev_id); else if (runtest("fill", test_enqueue_fill, 1, dev_id, vchan, CHECK_ERRS) < 0) goto err; rte_mempool_free(pool); rte_dma_stop(dev_id); rte_dma_stats_reset(dev_id, vchan); return 0; err: rte_mempool_free(pool); rte_dma_stop(dev_id); return -1; } static int test_apis(void) { const char *pmd = "dma_skeleton"; int id; int ret; /* attempt to create skeleton instance - ignore errors due to one being already present */ rte_vdev_init(pmd, NULL); id = rte_dma_get_dev_id_by_name(pmd); if (id < 0) return TEST_SKIPPED; printf("\n### Test dmadev infrastructure using skeleton driver\n"); ret = test_dma_api(id); return ret; } static int test_dma(void) { int i; /* basic sanity on dmadev infrastructure */ if (test_apis() < 0) ERR_RETURN("Error performing API tests\n"); if (rte_dma_count_avail() == 0) return TEST_SKIPPED; RTE_DMA_FOREACH_DEV(i) if (test_dmadev_instance(i) < 0) ERR_RETURN("Error, test failure for device %d\n", i); return 0; } REGISTER_TEST_COMMAND(dmadev_autotest, test_dma);