/** * Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making MSEC available. * * Copyright (C) 2016 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the GNU General Public License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may * obtain a copy of the License at * * https://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the * License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, * either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. */ /** * @filename heap.h * @info flexible insert and delete heap, if no random deletion, use std::make_heap * @time 2013-06-11 */ #ifndef __HEAP_ENTRY_FILE__ #define __HEAP_ENTRY_FILE__ #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <assert.h> #define heap_assert(statement) //#define heap_assert(statement) assert(statement) namespace NS_MICRO_THREAD { class HeapEntry; class HeapList; /** * @brief definition of heap elements for minimum heap */ class HeapEntry { private: int _index; public: friend class HeapList; HeapEntry():_index(0){}; virtual ~HeapEntry(){}; virtual unsigned long long HeapValue() = 0; virtual void HeapIterate() { return; }; inline int InsertIntoHeap(HeapList* list); inline int DeleteFromHeap(HeapList* list); inline int GetIndex() { return _index; }; private: inline int HeapValueCmp(HeapEntry* rhs) { if (this->HeapValue() == rhs->HeapValue()) { return 0; } else if (this->HeapValue() > rhs->HeapValue()) { return 1; } else { return -1; } }; inline void SetIndex(int index) { _index = index; }; }; /** * @brief minimum heap queue. */ class HeapList { private: HeapEntry** _list; int _max; int _count; public: explicit HeapList(int max = 100000) { _max = (max > 0) ? max : 100000; _list = (HeapEntry**)malloc (sizeof(HeapEntry*) * (_max+1)); heap_assert(_list); memset(_list, 0, sizeof(HeapEntry*) * (_max+1)); _count = 0; }; virtual ~HeapList() { if (_list) { free(_list); _list = NULL; } _max = 0; _count = 0; }; int HeapResize(int size) { if (_max >= size) { return 0; } HeapEntry** new_list = (HeapEntry**)malloc(sizeof(HeapEntry*) * (size+1)); if (NULL == new_list) { return -1; } memset(new_list, 0, sizeof(HeapEntry*) * (size+1)); memcpy(new_list, _list, sizeof(HeapEntry*) * (_max+1)); free(_list); _list = new_list; _max = size; return 0; }; int HeapPush(HeapEntry* entry); HeapEntry* HeapPop(); int HeapDelete(HeapEntry* entry); void HeapForeach(); int HeapSize() { return _count; }; HeapEntry* HeapTop() { return (_count > 0) ? _list[1] : NULL; }; private: bool HeapFull() { return (_count >= _max); }; bool HeapEmpty() { return (_count == 0); }; void HeapUp(); void HeapDown(int index); }; inline void HeapList::HeapUp() { for (int pos = _count; pos > 0; pos = pos/2) { if (pos/2 < 1) // pos == 1 peaked, 0 reserved. { break; } if (_list[pos]->HeapValueCmp(_list[pos/2]) < 0) { HeapEntry* tmp = _list[pos/2]; _list[pos/2] = _list[pos]; _list[pos] = tmp; _list[pos]->SetIndex(pos); _list[pos/2]->SetIndex(pos/2); } else { break; } } } inline void HeapList::HeapDown(int index) { int min_son; for (int pos = index; pos <= _count; pos = min_son) { if (pos*2 > _count) // pos is a leaf node. { break; } else if (pos*2 == _count) { min_son = pos*2; } else { if (_list[pos*2+1]->HeapValueCmp(_list[pos*2]) < 0) { min_son = pos*2+1; } else { min_son = pos*2; } } if (_list[pos]->HeapValueCmp(_list[min_son]) > 0) { HeapEntry* tmp = _list[min_son]; _list[min_son] = _list[pos]; _list[pos] = tmp; _list[pos]->SetIndex(pos); _list[min_son]->SetIndex(min_son); } else { break; } } } inline int HeapList::HeapPush(HeapEntry* item) { if (HeapFull()) { heap_assert(0); // it's possible in theory but not in fact. return -1; } if (item->GetIndex() != 0) { heap_assert(0); // duplicated insertion. return -2; } _count++; _list[_count] = item; item->SetIndex(_count); HeapUp(); return 0; } inline HeapEntry* HeapList::HeapPop() { if (HeapEmpty()) { return NULL; } HeapEntry* top = _list[1]; // 0 reserved. _list[1] = _list[_count]; _list[1]->SetIndex(1); _list[_count] = 0; _count--; HeapDown(1); heap_assert(top->GetIndex() == 1); top->SetIndex(0); return top; } inline int HeapList::HeapDelete(HeapEntry* item) { if (HeapEmpty()) { return -1; } int pos = item->GetIndex() ; if ((pos > _count) ||(pos <= 0)) { heap_assert(0); // duplicated deletion or illegal data. return -2; } HeapEntry* del = _list[pos]; _list[pos] = _list[_count]; _list[pos]->SetIndex(pos); _list[_count] = 0; _count--; HeapDown(pos); heap_assert(pos == del->GetIndex()); del->SetIndex(0); return 0; } inline void HeapList::HeapForeach() { int per = 1; for (int i = 1; i <= _count; i++) { if (i >= per*2) { printf("\n"); per *=2; } printf("%llu ", _list[i]->HeapValue()); _list[i]->HeapIterate(); } } inline int HeapEntry::InsertIntoHeap(HeapList* list) { return list->HeapPush(this); }; inline int HeapEntry::DeleteFromHeap(HeapList* list) { return list->HeapDelete(this); }; } // namespace end #endif